m I V If, t tit I' I 5- M'r' u if-- ) v jj f ' T - i EVENING PUBLIC -LE- DafiR-PHniADELPHIA; MONDAY;- - DEOEMBSrvSS, "I9i8h Nv 'J . Listed Missing, ' Was fre Hospital s. i I" i';" Cenltnaed from Fan Two ,' ' ienff thti Mitrne nntl lastly In the At 8nncr Forest. The younx officer Is a ' v , fpraflunto of the Hnvtrfofd School and of , " -- Princeton Unlvchslty and Is prominent ' TOClaliy. He earned Ills commission at 'i thi, Fort Niagara officers' training camp r and has been serving; In the Fourth Regiment. CR?' All Ills Comrades Killed Corporal Orube, who Is a member of the Twenty-thir- d Company of the Sixth Ileglment of Marines, was- in charge of a machine sun crew of eight men. A high explosive shell burst on their posi- tion, killing every one of his comrades M tnd shocking the young corporal so badly thSl he lost his power of ppeech as well as His memory. Ho Is only nineteen years old, and enlisted In the Devil Dogs! tn March, 1017. After brief training at Paris Island, S. C, nnd at a machlno 'sun factbry In Utlca, X. Y., he was transferred to Quantlco, V us an Instructor In' the use of the Lewis gun. Ha went to France last spring. SKETCHES OF THE HEROES Private Otto F, I.evnml, of 4010 West Main street, Wlssahlckon, reported as Mounded In today's casualty list, has not wounded L-- i car-Ol- Hero, , 'actlon but r? ounded in Action, cited for bravery Cited for Bravery ! daring cour- age on the field of battle. He Is only seventeen. His parents hae receled' n. letter of com- mendation from Captain Howard C. White, Company P, Seenth Infantry, of sxhlct Lovand Is n member. He vv.ts" wounded October 10, but no details about this or the citation for bravcrj have as jet been recelcd by his pa- - Honor Roll for the City and Its Vicinity Today KILLED IX ACTION Corporal RAYMOXD V. KVllh. 4SI.1 Nurth 9,'v-ent- n t (rrcMounly mlsnlnK later reported rlll of woun.l" ) Prlrnten BRRXARIt .1. DKYI.1X, MT, Venaneo t. (Marino corp.) J. K. CIIKIIKV. rt North Mfrtlewoorl st, (Privlou'.y rrportril m!lnB: later rtporteO died of minds ) DIF,D OF I)ISKSn EXSIOX HASH, L. STEKL. C. S. X., ai: x tint st I'rliatev 7.n.s.,CT.rEnniTKK- - nix B Ontario t WILLIAM JOSCl'II LAXdAX. 4150 FiihnrmcK o. kxott 331s xorth a t AR.1IVLI. SOHDKX. Moorrstnnn. X. J I1AS.KITI5TA J.ll'hKA. 11J.1 K. l'au. yimk n. IIARItY V. AXIIERSOX. 113 W Oxford ,AI.PIIOSO COCCLV. 73S Harp 8t. SEVERELY WOUNDED Lieutenant GEORGE A. GERMAN. 143 S C3d at. rilAKLKN IV. XEVIX.' 20J1 Ieust at. JAMES II. KOONTZ. 2728 IV. Somerset 8t Seraeantw TSWiy? 'KELLY. l V. rllrrortl .t. JAME8 II. ALCORX. 234 W mtlenhouse St., Germantown. Coriinraln ,on'l'K Ml North Fourth t. reported mlsslnu. act-u- il Is In a hospital recoerlne from hell shock ) JOHX MALI.V. (1122 Cedar ave. HOWARD II. il,U8. 1240 w Hsizard HOWARD F. McLAUOIIMX. 1431 Wolf st. Priiate IIEItUERT M. 10LDME1ER. SS48 Spruce t tOHiclallv- reixirtel m "Incl ANTOXIO AX0I0L1LI.O. West liana, yunk. (No hous address clven. T r.'po.CU:1.kned In netlon.) FllAXK J. MEI.VIX. 8830 Xorth Philip at. (Previously reported died of disease.) WILLIAM C. DAIIL. 1S4 Pleree, st HARRY E. DAXKLKMAX. 0020 N. Pal- - metto ave, CIIARLEH J. KEMPER. 71)30 Flldae ave GEORGE O. IJCALAM). 37M WALTER ILNDRICK.' 4721 lllddpeton HARRY KEENAX. 1711 W Monmouth st JTACOn DE fllACOMO. H12 Wharton JOSEI-- n J MULIIERX. 2.117 Olive st VUIXIAM II. DAI.IXSKY. 1820 Ontario ROMERT T.. DROWN, 21 UN V. Xorrls st PAULA. DOWDEI.L. 11 OS Jefferson st STEPHEN 11 . cirpenter HIISII.N E. (SODKTT. 1733 X fit h it FDANCIS PATRICK STASEN.443 QuVen nt.. Oermantown ED"UP st. J. CONAHAN. 2304 E. Cum- - 40HN ZEPIXSKY. 233 at JASPER WHITK 2I1 Mst"r st EDWARD L. FOX. 040 E. Russell st HEXRV WILLIAM. 017 at. WOUXDUD (DECREE UXDETER. MIXED) Lieutenants FRAXK R. KROUSE. 1P4.1 X 8th at CHARLES JOHN MCCARTHY. Jr.. 3954 Aspan st. .I0HN HOPKINS, riala. ROBERT F. HEARD. Media. (Previously reported,) Seraeants HARRY F. nitADY. lRlr. Frankford ae RAYMOND C. IIOHL. K145 X GUSTAVE B. .MURPHY. 3413 Thompson at. t Corparala HEXRY SHAW. flOl X 11th st .IOIIX P. TKNER. 2113 llnindswlnx st WILLIAM SCIIATT. ansr. at THOMAS VICTOR KEENY. lnlO E. York ROIIERT E. CROWEI.L. 1333 X. Allison JAMES F. LYNCH. Jr.. 4300 Fatrmount ave. Privates HENRY 11. IIERRY. (1100 Wheeler s (Previously reported killed in action ) WILLIAM (1. DIKGLE. 1313 X War-noc- k st. (Servlnir aa n. mechanic.) GRIFFITH FKIT'lfAKI). 28IS Oxford st. BATIIAN KORMAN. 201H R. Clearfield st. aiARlES F. MeL.UGHLIN. B204 West- - mmsfer ae. JUMBl-l- l llI.,.vi)KH. 2434 S. Loyrbut at. FERDINAXD DILOTTA. 1418 Ellsworth at. MCIIOLAS JLSCIORET.IA. 1101) B. 8th st, JOSEPH nYAN. IBM riuttonwnod st WILLIAM M. SHOEMAKER. 804 Pine at THOMAS ANGKLON. 0I8 Walton ave STANLEY SCIIRZOWSK1. 2521 Emery JAMES T. IIASSOX. SU2 ff ont st. WALTER Kl'JVWA. 411)0 Pterca UILLIAM nWSOX. 813 S. 17th st. AP.K WEINnEIHI. 17U Dickinson st. (Servlntr ns a foucler.) ALEXANDER P. WATSON. 824 S. Front at I OTTO E. LEVAXD. 4040 Main St.. Wis- - sahlckon. JOSEPH DIORAZIO. 1B27 S 11th at WILLIAM II. JACIISOX. 2313 Rose- - wood st. WILLIAM FOLI.IARD. 8I)ft IJucknell st HUGH IILAIR. 202J E Silver at DON F. O'lloiiNEI.I.. liiai aaiiT .. CIIAItI.ES W. GRAFFMILLElft. as: Ilrown at, ROI1EP.T H, McqUISTON, 0239 Glhann ANTHONY PEI.LKY. 12nn Tasker at JOHN DKITRICII. 2338 X Blst it JOSEPH A. HtVMV. 114 X Jlola st DAVID MrCLENGliAN. 2203 Hunt- - insTuon t. THOMAS P. McCOR.MACK. 723 N. 28th JOSEPH II. MACK. 2013 CALVIN . KENDALL. 3800 JlJinolla JOHN L. HFNDF.RSON, SIT Armot at NEIL J. IIOXNEU. 2048 X. 2d Vt ' 8MGHTLY WOUNDED Major CH MILES B. HEYNOLDS, 2003 Dla. Llotitrnanta P.0. .COOK. 8703 Germantown ave. (Pravlously reported.) JAMKS II. TUTTLE. ilrm Mawr. (Pre- - vlously reported.) Serreants J, B. WAI.TON. K2T H. SSd at. O. CHANT. 2848 N. 22d st. HOMAS M. JONES, Slf Wei lens ave. Corporal GEORGE C. HOOAN. Jr.. 2003 E. On- - Wa"tKr'V. HOXOT.KR, 630 N. STth at W. JIKSS. B22 Wolf Jt. JH.V J. COWLEY. 74T X. Ducknell at. Privates HXMVKb SCOTT. 2210 tvruce st. "(Servln a a niechnnlc.) IW.nOOD 1UKKK, 302O Mount Vtrnon ' at. Hjl.I.IAM KTINGEK. 18.1 Ellsworth st. THOMAS .McDEKMOTT. 3720 t MU ,T4)N WILrl. S78II N IBlh at. VSV.AH! N HIIHGNHTKIN. 020 Cross 'St. '. iwis si, ma at, .m&r UKPHY. 310 H. 34 at. Miasixa ' 4 Print. AP Y Av KBTSOR.V100 XL Oartsli ." 3f INSCRIBED A. - '' m' -- T A MX "W '- st- '"aw J I - m 1 my 1 ' & V & I w, ' MM) II .: II HH Bi JV N H5 Killed LEO DOWD SAM. I2ETTE-- AlfCX3nO rents He enlisted in July of last year. " Prltntr llrrnnrd .1. Dei lln, killed In action, was a member of the Slxty-seent- h Company, Fifth Regiment, ma- rine corps. Tills gallant soldier had preIously founht In fle of the great battles of the final campaign, beginning at Chateau Thlerrj, in which the ma- rines took such a brilliant part, without having received ex en a scratr-h- . On No ember 4 he went "over the top" for the sixth and, ns it proved, tfie last time. This news came a few days ago td his sister, Mrs. Jocphlno Helm-becke- r, 613 West Tioga street, with whom he made his home beforo joining the marine corps in May, 1917. The last letter the dead soldier wrote to his sister was on October 14 nnd did not arrive until after he had been killed Private Devlin was twenty-si- x years old. His parents are dead. Prltate An'liony Pelley, nineteen years old. of 1209 Tnsker street. Is a member of Company V, until Infantry, nnd has been In France since Mav last. Ills mother. Mrs. Margaret Pelley. re- ceived ofllcial word that he had been wounded In action on October 7. No letters have been rcecled from him qtlmf. thilf rlfitA TTn onllorn, A,,r..,u on ,.. .. ,. . " ,nif .t r....... tt m ten?lc training. last August. Ho 13 twenty-on- o and Corpornt John MHllay, wounded. Is 8l"KIe tw nty-Bl- x yenrs old nnd formerly re- - Private Thomas Kelly, Company D, ' sided with his mother, Mrs. Catherine 3l6th Infantry, was wounded In 6122 Cedar avenue. He Is a ,c,en Places by shrapnel on November member of Company L,, mth Infnnttr. ' u He ,s recovering In n hospital In trained at Camp Hancock nod embarked ,Ne,v Jersey. Before being drafted he In May last. According to a telegram "ved wlth Ills uncle. M. J received about a week ago, the young at 243 South street. soldier was wounded seerelv on Octo- - Prlinte Alevunder T. Criihani, Com- - her 2. Tho Inst letter received from l'an' '' 313,h Infantry, was wounded Mallay, dated December 1, states that he n November 4. He Is twenty-fou- r years was much better nnd anticipated return- - "W nnd was. drafted on April 29. 1918. i .s. n ... Tttifnon Via i1inf f Arl 11 & it'fla nn Irfttl ' nig nomo in a nnon rime, rnor to enlist- - ment he wns a pipefitter Prltate Jnaepli Dlrrrnilo, nineteen! years oici. or 1U27 south Eleventh street, nnl n ,cmUT f rn.nnn.. ta ,,i,k Machlne-Qu- n Battalion, officially ro- - ported garsed during tho fighting about October IE. writes that he Is improving rapidly. He enlisted In July of last year and for a wnile was In training at sea Olrt. later being transferred to Camp McClellan and calling for overseas last April. Private John L. Henderson, Company L. Fourth Infantry, wounded, is the son nt Mn Tiinrtor, ii- - - street, and has three brothers In the service besides himself. The brothers are- - wtinam, inirty years old with the nwuicai corps, in trance: Allen. twentv. tun vpnM nlit nt rnm,i npofnln s and Harold, who has 'terved twelve years in tne navy. The latter Is now on a ship at a Pacific coast station. Mrs. Henderson received nn otllclal tele, gram December 14 saying that John was wounded In action, Octoher 6 A (Otter received prior to this from him nad told of being wounded and said that though he was still on crushes h expected to be fully recovered soon. He was drafted In November, 1917. trained at Camp Meade and sailed In March. Ha was born here, attended the Qerman-tow- n public schools, and at the time he was drafted drove an Ice wagon. He is single, twenty-eig- years old and. us did Ills urotners, made nis Home wltn nls mother at tho Arm.it street address. Prltate Cnlvln Kendall, Company F, 372d Infantry, was wounded In action October 4, according to the official cas ualty list. Mrs. Grace Fendel . 6800 Alagnolla street, his mother, snyB that she has received letters from him. writ- ten since that date, but in none of them has he said anytmng about being in jured. "Ho must be well by now,'" she says, "or he would have mentioned Iris condition." Prlvnto Fendell Is twenty- - three yearn old. Ho was drafted In December, 1BI7, and trained at Camp Meade, sailing overseas In Anrll last. He was born In CharleB County, Md., and came to tnis city nine years ago. He is single, and previous to going to camp was employed as a chauffeur. Private Alexander P. Watson, Com- pany C. 316th Infantry, wounded. Is an -- ..i:., ....i K.e-- A r.. ..... t (t Anrll llvaj with nn nllnr. Mra. MnrS Budka, at 821 South Front street. Site has received a telegram from tho War Departmont stating that he was slightly wounded on September 7. A letter dated since ha 1b reported to havo been wound- ed says nothing at all about having been Injured. He Is twenty-fou- r years old, single and a printer by trade. Private Charles Dolman Law, reported In a recent official casualty list as having died of pneumonia In France on No- - Lined a, Uavlns jeniDer J, is actual lv on 1 v sllffhtiv "Died of Disease" wounded and fit, In ? ""l"" " nf PrlvntK I ,anr l in typical of the War very erratic nanunng or tne casualty lists. On December 11, his mother, Mrs. Nellie C, Law, 3725 North Fifteenth street, received an official telegram from stating that her son had died of disease on November 3, On Sat- urday, December 14, Mrs. Law got an- other telegram from tho War Depart- ment. This message stated that Private Law had not died of pneumonia on No- vember 3, but Instead had been wounded In action on that date. On Monday. December 16, Mrs. Law received a letter from her son, In his own under date of Novem- ber 7. stating that he had been slightly wounded, hut waa In a ward and able to move about. He wrote bo cheerfully that hlB mother Is full of hope that he wag not seriously Injured. Sergeant Theodore Chant, wounded, nineteen yearn old, member of Company I, Seventh Infantry Regular Army, was sent to Gettysburg In July, 1917, and following an Intensive training em- barked for overseas In April of that year. According to a postal card from the War the young soldier wan wounded slightly on October 20, although a recont letter from him states that he Is feeling fine and makes no men tion or any injury, I at 2S43 North Twenty-secon- d street Private Krne.t ile Joseph, 1127 South Clifton street, reported wounded, la a member of the 318th Medical Corps, which Is'nttached to the American Bed Cross. According to an ofllcial notice he waa Injured while rescuing wounded on October 6. In letters to his parents written since that date he Ignores being wounded and It li thought that, hla hurts were slight nnd that ho haa recovered. Pri- vate Joseph enlisted laBt April and sailed i 27BnC9 lpre,e d"y er he had I 5, H" t "" "vy-iw- a years Old, lulns-le- ; a printer byy trade, wul Lefore ON FIfty-olght- h RYL& L AMOS KOMQA VIC TOR. Joining the colors lled with his parents at the Clifton street address A brother, twenty-fiv- e yearn old. Is with an en- gineering division In France. Prhate llenjnmln ltiibensteln, slightly, wounded. Is a member of Company C. Flfty-thlr- d Infantry, and lived at 626 Cross street, with his mother, Mrs. Re- - h.nrwi n,Kan.li,ln lirtfnrn halnv rmttrn "".,', V" V.l. niolder and lived with his mother, Mrs. i.llil fllliuill, Ul uiul icuaku oiicci. Mannyunk Private lValtor Fox. Company G. ?1Bth Infantry, was wounded In the left '' n ls twenty-fou- r yen old and being , drafted was D" electrician He lived with his parents, Mr ond Mr,a- - Sunnyslde avenue, Falls of Schuylkill. Prl ate Jo(in Erb, Jr., was a member of tho Eighth District police force. Te,nth Buttonwood Btrects. before b,e ng drafted into the army In April of this year. He was sent to Camp Lee. and after only threo weeks' training was assigned to company I. 31 (th Infantry, and embarked for In Mny. Prl- - ! i v:Uc I,:rb wroto M wlfe- - Anna Ma' Erb. 2008 North Third street, on Xovem- -' ber 8 tnat he was "feeing fine." The first Intimation Mrs Krb had that her husband had been wounded camo In a telegram dated December had """ '" . ...... . csfrrKt-amii- L jsuiiiiuiiu - jiuiii. tncuu' seven years old, wounded. Is nn electrl- - cal engineer, and was formerly employed Dy tno UTilteu unri improvement com- - pany. Ho graduated from Lehigh Unl- - versity. class of 1913. In June. 1917. ho enlisted In Company E, 103d Engineers, nnd after training at Camp Hancock Bnlled for France In April of this year. He was wounded in action on October 0, according to a telegram from the War to his brother, A. K. lion!. ono ivortn i.amac street, vvnero aer goant Hon! lives vyhen In HU 113 ICUUiCICIl 1IUII1 I11B vuunua uuu is expected homo In the near future. Private Herbert Morton Ooldmrler, of the United States mnrlno corps, haa been missing since November 9, according to a telegram from the Sayi War Department to His parents. Mr. War i and Mrs. M. L. Qoldmeler. . 6848 "In Says Spruce street. But Wounded Soldier several letters from soldier the young have Informed his anxious family that he has been In a hospital since about the date named In the nitlclal dispatch, suffering from wounds. He gavo no details as to the extent oi his Injuries; but his father believes, from thO tenqr of his sons letter, that they are fairly serious. Pri- vate Ooldmeier, who Is twenty-thre- e yenrs old, enlisted In April of ylast year and was trained for a while at tho Navy Yard beforo going to Galveston, Tex., nnd later to Quan- tlco. Va for final polishing. He went overseas nearly a year ago with the Forty-thir- d Company of the Second Battalion of tho Fifth Ileglment of Marines. He was a traveling salesman before Joining the colors. Private Nell .1. Bonner, Supply Com pany. 326th Infantry, was wounded In action October IB. This Information 0 S."."ll "' w'ni nuw ouDimiKluil Private Bonner hn written his family four letters slnco Octoher 15, stating In each one that he Is well. In two letters ne said tnat he naa been in the hospital receiving treatment for Indigestion. Ac. cording to the telegram. Pri- vate Bonner's Indigestion was camou- flage to prevent hla mother worrying about him. In a letter to his father, written on "Dad's Dav," prlvnto Bonner told how ho had killed a German "sniper" and cut the brass buttons from the boche's coat to bring home with him as sou- venirs. Private Bonner hns two brothers In the nervlce, both now in France, Private Michael P. Bonner, Company K, 109th inramry, ana corporal vviinam J. lion, ner. of the artillery. Private Michel P. Bonner was gassed last summer, but has completely recovered, War to Retain Dec. 33. A program by which about 60 per the country which had undertaken to trnln units of the students' army training corps will begin training unltH of tho reserve ofneera' training corps Is an pounced by the War Department. This program. It Is said, will enable the colleges to use equipment intended for the student army In such a way as to relieve (hem very materially of finan cial losses which otherwise might have resulted from the cessation of hostilities and the of the student corp. OF HONOR wmm M& flWK& JUT ,v m" iHataW. MtmiMzir f'L3myy Mto 4y iJJMBP mmll VHr TMBIIV WALTEC LESHOCK MeAdoo WooncJecl WaundexJ Cunningham, thirty-fou- r, ZZZPJ. cverf Department's Wednesday, Washington danger- ously handwriting, convalescent Department FREEDOM'S ROLL JSt Died vaXDS.DBMPQKV MILUtR CieorFleld Gassed BOWMAN GEOSGe JcresvfllC arcVBxuqiaQ, VVOOnrJcsd No,v,embrt4i Dav'11.Fo?,',3,B43 Washington uGredtaotAnoA10hter"eE 1U"l!?'i Department Philadelphia. "Mh$ing," Department Hospital," Philadelphia Washington R.O.T. CAT COLLEGES Department Many iMiucntionnl Institutions Washington, demobilization, UAMES VOUHG ClearFieia New eicomWeicj Wounded VOoncJd A.DANIEL CALVIN CABBAUGH Coln.rnDi4. wouncieci Knilcd L'lTALIA FERMA NEI SUOI DIRIHI I In Ncssun Caso Modificlicra' I le Sue Giustc Aspira- - zioni Published nnd Distributed Under PERMIT NO 341 Authorized by the act of October 8, 101 1. on nie nt tho Postofflce of Phila- delphia. Pa. By order of the President. A S. BURLESON. Postmaster General. Parish 22 dlcembre II Presldento del Conslgllo del Mlnlstrl Itnllanl, On. Orlando, ed II Mlnlstro per gll Affarl Esterl, Barono Sonnlno, hanno larelato Parlgi la scorsa notte e si credo rngglungeranno nl confine II treno che trnsporta 11 Red d'ltalla In via dl rltorno a Roma. Gll Omorevoll Orlando o Sonnlno dl rltono in I'arlgl buI prlml dl gennalo prosslmo cd nvranno campo dl incominciaro preiiminarl conferenze dl ,l.i ,ii,i anlorle.nn1' Inglesl o Essl nvuto, durante I 're glornl dl permanenza In Parlgi, pa- - recchi collociu! col Presldento Wilson e 'con il Presldentn 11 Pnnolirtin ,l( mi. 3trl francesl, On. Clemenceau Circa la d"rerenz6 Tlch'lesto del ntalla. nn .. l'On. ..it Sonnlno V determinate . ... . . ..".," ommp,ne dell Adrlatlco fhe sls- - i "n "" unsi Kuerra ira l liana ea 1 Jugoslavl. La psicologla della vlttorla Itallana e' stata Bplegata da un ufflclalo Itallano, Coke FOR HEATING is Cheaper Than Anthracite Coal Easier to Handle Gives Heat Quickly When Wanted Furnace Requires ,Less Attention CAMDEN COKE CO., 418 Federal St., Camden, N. J. Telephone, Camden 2340 Bell 370Keyton DISTRIBUTORS E. J. CUMMINGS, Kl 413 North 13th St OWEN LETTER'S SONS, Trenton Avenue WM. J. ARMSTRONG; 2425 Patsyunk Ave. GEO. L0UGHERY & SON, 4158 Cretton St. MaHayiuik Philadelphia ivirinjai addetto nl lavotl Inlrcntt alia pacc.-ne- l segucnto modo! ( abblnmo gUadagnato una grand ttorla eil Inslstamo aopra tuttl 1 fruttl da essa derlvantl. Abblamo sclilnc- - cinto l'Austrla In modo completo, plu' dl qucllo che speravnmo, o pcrclo' not vogllamo plu' dl audio cho nbblamo chlesto quando slaino entratll In guerra. li' natura del sentltneuto timano.dl n't- - lendere im magglore prcmlo quanuo pratlcamento si ecccdo l'aspettntlva. nr .. . -, -- i. blnmo Inslstllo copra tutte la promesse fattccl in bnsa nl trattato dl I.ondra dol 1916, ma not ora abblamo domnn-dnt- o dl plu'. In una paroln. tutto l'Ad-rlatlc- dn occldente ad orlento deve Itallano, salvo per 1 portl' chc nol slamo dlsnostl a cedere .at Jugo-Slav- l, Not vogllnino do' cd anche una mlgllore poslzlono rlguaruo lAblstlnla. "1'nrccchl dl questl Jugo-sla- che ora verrebbcro predcre per so stezzl quello che l'ltnlla glustamento guadagno' per la sua pnrto nclla guerra, Bono reftl-- 1 inonto degll nustrlacl. 1 nostrl nntlchl nemlcl ora provano dl camuffarsl come popoll dl una bppressa pazlono per guadagnare la slmpatia del nostrl nl-- ! lcatl o per fare qucstlonl territorial! contro dl nol. "IVItnlla nnche e' stata per parecchl annl una nazlono oppressa, ma ora ha schlacclato I buoI oppressorl ed In ncs-su- n modo ccdera' do" cho eBsa he guadngnato," Roma, 22 dlcembre. I gtornall pubbllcano che, da notlzle da fonte autorevole, sembra sla stato stabillto cho la lslta del Presldento Wilson a Itomn nvverra' II alorno tre prnsslmo gennalo. Intanto contlnuano 1 preparatlW per lo accogllenza da trl- - butarsl al Capo degll Statl Unltl. ! atato annunzlato che I dannl dl guerra subttl dall'Italla ammontano .canto blgllonl.dl lire (circa $20,000,-000,000- ). I.'ltalla ha dlstrlbulto net buoI portl un navlgllo austrlnco del complcsslvo ammontnrodl COO, 000 tonnollate, Dctto navlgllo c' stato csculslvamentc usato per la distlbuzlone delle vettovnglle e per trnsportl. Nessun plroscalo austrl- nco c' stato usato per II trafflco com- - merclnle. Immedlatamenta dopo l'armlstlzlo gll avlatorl itallanl si sono postl a studlare II mlgllor mezzo per adnttnro le loro macchlne per uso commcrclale. Baflts ALLEN, At Atlantic City, tf. J.. Dec. 22. HELEN M. wlfo of Danlei V. Allen and daughter of Ellen H. and Into Peter Carrl-- I gan. Relatives and friends Invited to fu- - nernl. ItI.. n. m.. .1114 Ventnor nyc. (cor. or SurfolIO. Solomn requiem mass Church of Our Lndv star of the Sea 8:30 a. m. To proceed via 10 n. m train. Penna. It. It. Autos vjiu meet trnln arriving at North I !!" ll'tn n. m. Int Holv Sepulchre Cem. AUSTIN. Dec. 22. THOMAS R. AUSTIN, aged 40. Relatives and friends, Harmony Lodge. No. 82. V. and A. M : employes Mclalian Sugar ReOnlng Co.. Invited to services. Thurs., 2 p. m . 1140 Jackson st. nt. Westminster Coin. BALDUS. Suddenly, ot Atlantic City. N J., Dec. 20. CASPER BALDUS and MARIE BALDUS (nee Williams).7 Relatives nnd friends Invited to funeral aorvlcea, sis. tera residence. 2107 E. Monmouth St., Phlla.. Tues.. 2 p. m. Int. prlvnto, Orecnmount Cem. I1KATTY. Dec. 21. CHARLES II.. hus- band of Anna Peacock Realty and aon of Laf" James and Anna Weatty. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral services. Tues. 0:30 a m.. residence. Marlon ave.. Wsno-- I nnh NT j. Int. private BENEDICT. Dec. 22. VICTORIA C. BENEDICT, aged HI, at s of her nephews. LOGOS. Dec. 17. CHARLES BOGOS, nged 41 Relatives nnd friends, police of-- I fleers of 23th and 87th District. Invited to funeral. Tues.. 1 p. m.. 111K Snsder ave. Int. private. Remains may be viewed Mon. eve. nOTCD. Dec. 21. MARY, daughter of late John nnd Elljnbeth lloyco. Relatives and friends Invlletl tn funeral Timn 1 n pi .funeral parlors of William II. Chew! .. Hvxa uuu Jt'tut.u nia, AI4hs i4,t PARCEL POST What do you know about Diamonds? May we have your confidences 91.00 np. Bracelets. Wonderful patterns and large selections. .T1'" ..J"' ..nrn". hC "olid gold and some with diamonds. tl.no un, Ladles' and fcQn7 Cents' designs. Lockets. Home un- usual JS.Op up. Diamond rings Iddlea nnd dents'. tl.00 up. Wutchra all American movrnientg. cHgH 110,000 worth of Jew-fi- r) on Bale that makes handsome Chrlstmus prrs- - riiiif. Wntl' P..L nailer S raWnSIlOP 904 Vine St. lionaea lo the Clty WINTER nEHORTS ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. Li11- - AHANTICaTTf L WRmOvfAlISTlWTa SUCCESS Wcsbninster nr'Ucn' ' Prlv. baths, running WRtep. 12.r.O upwkly ; Ig.Sn up dally. Ohas.Huhre. HOTEL B0SC0BEL Kn$ AA-- ' epen. Thoroughly heated. nkltfA fa. M.7lo" WEIWEBSVILLE. PA. WATERS PARKftm TV Worncrsvillo, Pa.io6 Just th Place " for rest, recreation and health, fin all. 1 d climate, bote n did mountain rotdfl, free Oarage. Electric tad move ment treatment when desired. Rett dent phrilclan end nurses. Two hours from Philadelphia. Express itrvlc. Always open. Ownership management. Est. 4Syturt. SUNSET HALL '"r- - , ul noma comforts: V,pl. aty ftlr!. beautiful mountain walks. Slelahlnsr. coaatlna. eto. Not a sanatorium! " Werners: VILI.E. I'A.. or Lcdtor Central. APOUWTA. OA. Hotel Bon Air ' AUGUSTA. GAt A convenient and delightful place to acend your holidays. Good drlvlnc and motorlna, excellent saddle horses. S coif coursea and all outdoor sports. JAJdrei C. C. TRUSSELL. Mr. 8T. AnnPSTINK. FLA. The Monson On waterfront. New, modern, fireproof cons, lno rooms, flo baths. TT-- r .i Prl. bath. (Steam hut. a sic aJOUlCU ovtrlooklnsr bay and rutmn Near Old Ft. Marlon. Rkit. It. M. Ilenn.tt.' OT.n POINT COMFORT. VA. Find out diotrmc In fares to tha far Sonta resorts and Old Point Comfort OLD POINT COMFORT, VA. iininijeriin I'ool, Uolf, Xaioici Uath Writ Every nnd Monroe. Vn Or alnnklltt anrl Infnrrrntlnn nf O. Ilroad! Ravmnnd A Whltrnmh. IffOS tfh ... nuti "Ask Mr. Foster." In Acker's,. 13th and Chestnut. American Express Co.. US? Chsstnut Bt. ROt'KI.riKIE. KfJl. IIUTEIX Indian River and Rockledge ItOCKLKDOE. FI.ORIDA Oolf. Tennis, Iloatlng. Flshlnr. Iluntlnr, panclng. etp. jVTItn tor circular. W. Vf. nd 40th Ht N. Y. City. lJummer season Oranllden Hotel. Lake Hunspee. N. II. KnnrATioNAi. Bath Rexra TEMPLE UNIVERSITY Broad Street below Berks New cour will m.l """A" ,0. those vtlsl hln to, prepare for the study of Medicine and far entrnnce to the most appro veu scnoois for Nurses Training, Write or Bend for Circular HIKIUTHAND AND IIOOKKKRI'INO Our graduates are in constant demand. Oood paying. osltlona await you. Uregar Short. (be iay, speedy system. .Complete ntgat clttses. Intensive training) j.nroii any n, van or. write t. JO'L1 ''f.y!f.,i'.n' f 'talojr. 1'llILA. I UHlNlMr) ejui.lJHJCt ...ait.ColFege.f roBtsnr . 1017 rhe.nMt Ht.. I'Mladr ipma STRAYER'3 tj t Buain... mi, " T Av" ' aiaiaiaaMjiaTTi. DEATHS 1 5'oflA'Cem. Itemalns roar be'vleweJ Men., s 10 iv p. tn. DnADY. Dec. 21, VIOt,A SI., wife of and -- Jnnle Mawhlnney, as;d 28. Itelatlvts HZi. ttif.!4 invited o funeral serTJeeji. p. m:, residence Hush llradr. 20H1 Pi. IJellmorii nvd ureenmount Int. pmalo. Cem. w t,ra Hllliitown, ra., Dee. 21, m uuiiiii.. ncccrod. Itelathes and friends Invited to funeral, without further '." " ".. residence, Wlllls- - town, int. nrtvfltB , JllefcSi,Tirt" Kil.7.1' n'nJiCn'en0)! ItelAtlven ami f.i.nj. u. n.....i. 11 rr' !i. Dnuahtcrs of Columhus. 8 Parents' ..m.. rjL,leK,,,!,a3 Ofth st. Solemn requiem i'I,..?t Qreaory'a Church 0:30 a. tn. Int. Holy Cross Cem. Wllllamstown (Pa.) papers copy. nUMM Dec.. 21. JACOB) Sr.,- - husband of vl' ",!', R8' Relatives and friends. Independent Council, No. 1, U. S. A.; survivors of 2th Rest.. P. V Invited to funeral. Tues., 2:30 p. m.. 1110 Palmer ,t'.IJiuK,kIm"r Cem- - .CARSOX, Deo. 20, REDECCA A., widow of William Carson. Ttelatlves and friends ln1ted to funeral. Glen Riddle. Delaware Co., Py., Tues.. 1 p. m. Senlces at Cal- vary Church 2 p, m. CASNET Dec. 10. SrAimiQE. husband t W 'i11. Casnet (nee Tlynn). Relatives Shu f'lendj Invited to funeral. Tues.. 8:30 m.. .2018 8. 12lh st. Solemn hlah mass ff requiem Church of the Epiphany 10 a. m, ,nJ:.,.'S.1X..P0" Oem. Auto sen ice. CliAnUE. Dec. 22. CHARLES D.. d .of Itebocca Cox Clarke, Relatives and friends Invited to services, Thfffs., 2 P. ra.. 3318 N. 15th at. Int. private. Richmond. Va., papers copy. nt;0Ari'.X,0,f-;A.tnurl"'on- . N. J.. Dee. JAMB8 COMPTOX. aired B6. Relatlvea and friends Invited to funeral service, fu- neral parlors of. r. J. Perlnchlef, corner Rroad and Wood sts . llurllnston. N, J.. CODMAtOdNel,ira,;S.emC0nn.. Dec. 21, MAnoUERITE 8PROULL. wife of Thomas Dukes Coulbourn. Relatives and frlonds Invited to services, Tues., 2:30 p. Oliver II. nalr Uldg., 1820 Chestnut at., Phlla. Int. private. t'ROXIN. Dee. 20. JOHN A., of the !f'?. ESUeti ,nd Waraaret Cr'onln. Reia Uy'M"''. frl?nds. employes of Penn Gas am Oiobo Co., to funeral, Tues., 8.30 a. m., residence, or nis brother-in-la- John A. Il)nes. 143S Pt. Breeze ave. Solemn requiem mass at St. Edmond's Church. Int. Holv Cross cem. Auto service. CROSSED. Suddenly Dec. 1. JAMH8 CIlOaSIN. husband of Susan Crossln (nee Kelly), of County Donegal. Ireland. Rela- tlvea and friends. Donegal Society. Dlv. Nn 80, A; O II.. tntlted to funeral, Tues , 7:30 a. m., E003 Oreenway ave Solemn high mass of requiem Ht Francis da Sales' Church 9 a. m. Int. Holy Cross Cem. Auto fu- neral. CHUPP-CON- Dee. 20. OEXF.VIEVE CRUPP (neo Conn), daughter of Mary E. and late Thomas Conn. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral. Tues., 8:30 n. m.. residence of mother. 3003 Janney st. High mass Church of the Natlvltyj B. V. M.. 10 a. m 'Int. private. Holy Sepulchre Cem. DODWELL. Doe, 20. JAMEE). husband of Mary.Dodwell. Relatives and friends In- vited to funeral, Tues.. 8'30 a. m.. S481 Wy using ave.. West Philadelphia. requiem masa Church of Our Lady of Victory 10 a, m. Int. Holy Cross Cem. Auto funeral. DONALDSON. Dec. 21, MAROARET DONALDSON (nee Culberlson). wife of John H. Donaldson, aged B7. Relatives and friends InMted tn funeral services, fc'at.. 1 P. m 24U2 H. 0th st. Int. private. Arling- ton Cem, friends may call rl.. 8 to 10 p. m. Auto cortege, DYER. Dec. 20. FANNIE, wits of Ed- ward M. Der. Relatives and friends. Tolo Council. Nd. 123. D. of P. invited to fu- neral services, Tuea.. 2 p, m 1048 Weleh road. Ilustleton. Train leaves Droad Ht. Sta, 12:03 p. m. Int. ffm, Penn Cem. Re- mains may be viewed Mon.. 7 to 0 p. m. Chester and Norrlstown papers cony. EAKINS.Dee. 22. ANNA MAY. wife of Walter Scott Ealtlns, mother of Horace UarOeld Eaklns. aged 68. Due notice of funeral. EDEI.SON Dee. 22. at Medford. N J.. LIPMAN. husbund of llertha Edelscn. Rela- tives and friends Invited to funeral serv- ices. Tues., 2 p. m.. parlors of Emanuel Asher Son. 1002 Diamond st. Int. pri- vate. EICII. At Atlantic City, N. J., Deo. 21. OEOROE A . husband of Katharine Elch (nee Rvan). Relatlvea and friends invited to funeral. Tues.. 7:30 a. m.. parents' resi- dence 1022 H. 21st st. Solemn mass St. Edmond's 0 a. m. Int. Holy Cross Cem. EISELE. Dee. 21, OEOROE F husband of Wllhelmlna Elseln (nee Drill), aged 74. Rolatlves nnd friends, den. Koltes Camp. No. 228; Koltes Aid and a en. Koltes Post. No. 228. O. A. R.. Invited to funeral serv- ices. Wed . 2 p. m., 8021 Westfleld ave., Camden. N J. Int. Itarlelgh Cem. Remains mav be viewed Tues. eve. Omit flowers. ERVIN. Nov. 2. nt Madrid. Spain, V1R. OINIA HODMAN ERVIN and Infantsdaugh-tcr- . Due notice of funeral will he given. EWELL. Deo. 22. MATRELLI3 MAR- THA, daughter nt Maybelle M, and Hamil- ton Dlston Dwell, aged 2 yearn 4 months. Relatives and friends invited to funeral aerv-Ice- a. Thurs., 2 p. m. residence of parents, 2120 N. lflth at. Int. private. FERRY. Dec. 21 HANNAH, wlfo of Thomas M. Ferrv (nee Johnson). Rela- tlvea and frlenda Invited to funeral. Tues.. 830 a. m., 0380 Webster st. Solemn mass of requiem Church of tho TransOgurntlon 10 a. m. Int. Holy Cross Oem. Auto funeral. FEY. Dec. 21. WALTER D. FEY. son of Adolph and Henrietta Fey. aged 20. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral services. Tues.. 2 p. m.. 111ft Rising Hun lane. Int. Northwood Cem. Auto service. Remains may be, viewed Mon., 8 tn 10 p. m. FITCH. At St. l.ouls. Dec. 20. CHARLES P. riTCH. Relatives nnd friends Invited to funeral services. Tues.. 2 p. m.. residence of brother. John M. Fitch, S. Cooper St.. neverlv. N J. Int. private. FOOARTY Dee. 21. ELIZABETH M.. w!fi nf .Tnnrnh .T. Pncrnrtv nn.l itittKrhtei. nt David and Mary Wood. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral. Tues.. 8:3(l-a- . m . 1312 N. Oamne st. Solemn requiem mass Church of tha Holy Child 10 a, m. Int. . Ilnlv Cross Cem FOX. Dec. SI. ALBERT V . husband of I Gertrude Fox. need 40. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral, Tues 11 a m . 1'ark ond Colea ave.. Maple Shade. N. J. ' int. AurmwDou (.cm,, .rniinaeinniUt may bo viewed Mnn, eve. EOX. Dec. SI. MAOOIE J., wife ot Thomas II. Fox. Relatives and friends In- vited to funeral services. Tues.. 11 a. m.. 40 N. 40th st. Int. private. FBANKLIN. Doc. 21, WILLIAM E., husband of Ida M. Franklin. Relatives and friends, Harney Merry Lodre,. No. 20, F. and A. M.. of 1'awtuckot. It. I.; Jlyplck Cross Commander'. No. 4S0. K. of M., In. lted to funeral aervlces, Tues., 2:31) p, m 277 H. fSBth st. Int. I'rovldenco, It. I. OAL.UU1HER. Dec. 21. CATHARINE, wlfo of Daniel Oallacher (nee Egan). Rela- tives and friends Invited to funeral. Tes., 9 a.. m. parlora of Wm. McCouaghy, Lan- caster nnd Wyomlnc aves , Ardmore. Pa. Rolemn requiem masa St. Thomas's Church, Vlllanova, 10 a. m. Int. Ht. Denis's Cem. Auto funeral. OALUAQHER. Dee. 21. JAMES OAI.LA-OIIE- son of late Charles and Margaret Gallagher (nee Meehan), from Drumapumper Aver, County Donegal, Ireland. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral, Tues., 8 a. ni., undertaker's office, 0771 MusgTave at.. Mt. Airy. Illch mass Holy Cross Church U a, in. Int. Holy Bepulchro Cem. OAMI11.E. Dec. 21. ROIIERT E. OAM-RL- Relatlvea and friends. Apollo Lodge. No. mi). F. and A. M. ; Harmony Chapters Corinthian Chasseur Commandery: I'hlla. Consistory! Lu Lu Temple. A. A. O. M. M. H.,i Thlla. Rear Estate vUoard. Automobile Club of I'hlla.. Invited to funeral services, Thurs.. 2:30 p. m.,' 1604 Drown st, Int. "oiLLVaN. Dec. 20. JAMES V.. son ot Thomas J. and Ella M. Olllan (nee McClrntli). Relatives ana irienus. u. v. ai. aoaaiuy and Temperance Society of Church ot Our Mother of trorrowi, iioiy name Society, Columbus Council, No. 902 Knit! of Columbus- - Dlv. No. 7. A. O. II.; Hhapahan Cathollo Club, employes of I'hlla. Lawn Mower Co., Invited to funeral Tues.. 8:30 a. m.. residence of parents, 0920 Pine st. Bolemn requiem mass Church ot at. Carthage, (!2d, at. and Cedar avo., 10 a. in. Int. Holy Croaa Cem. Auto funeral. dOODALL. Deo. 22. at Harrison Home. HANNAH, daughter of late Thomas and Jane OoodalL Relatlvea and frlenda In- vited to funeral aervlta, Tues.. 2 p. m.. chapel ot Bplsoopal Hospital Front st. and Lehigh ave. Int. private, Mt. Vernon Cem. UHAFF. Deo. 22. HARAH J,, daughter ot Sophia A. and lata John C. draft (nee Kchaf-rler- ). aged 7 months. Relatives and frlenda invited to funeral. Tues.. 11 a. m.. parenta' residence. Delawaro ave. and Wheatsheaf lane. Tt. Jlelvue Cem. OniFFlTH. Dec. 22. at Old Ladles' Home. WiasinomlnoY Mist SARAH URIF-KIT- aged 77. Relatives and frlenda In- Mted to funeral aervlces. Tues.. 2 p. m at the home. Int. North Cedar Hill Cem. OSELL At Halneaport. N. .!., Deo. 22. ANTHONV LOPIS. husband pt Katharine (lsell and aon of Josephine and late John (lien, axed 23. Relatives and friends in- vited to funeral. Thurs,, 9 a. m.. residence of mother. Halneaport, High mass ot re- quiem Bacrta Heart Church. Mt. Hotly. N. J 10'Sfi a. ,n'- - Bt- - Mary1. Cem. HAFENDORFER. Dec. 20, ANNA C, daughter ot late Jacun and Catharine E. Haramlorfer. Relatlvea and friends Invited: to funeral servloea. Tues., It a, ni., sister's residence, lira. John E. DroeacJier, tst) Trinity st. (00th and Chester avo.). Int. Northwood Cem. Remains may be viewed Mon., 7 to O p. m. HAOaERTY. Dec. 20. JAMES A,, hue-ban- d of Annie llaggerty (nee Sheedy) and son of late William and Sarah llaggerty. Relatives and friends. Bt. Agatha'g T, A. II. Socletyi Dlv. No, B8. A. O. II,i Court Mantua, No. 100. P. of A.i Lodge No. 54. I,. O. O, it. I employes James II. Cretwell Co , Invirbd to funeral, Tues., 8:80 a. m., 1035 B. Ithan at.. West Phlla. Solemn mass of reoulem Church of the Most Illessed 10 a. m. Int. Holy Cross Cent. Auto service. HAMILTON. Dec. 20. MARIA HAMIL- TON (nee Smith), wife of Andrew T. Hamil ton, jteiativea sua inenas. xoio uouncii. No, 123. D, of IM all other societies of which aha waa a member. Invited to funeral services, Tuoa r 1:30 n. m.. 032 E. Thomp- son st. Int. Cedar Hill Cera. Frlenda may k.ii .ii.r v. ill. , lIRHHliLl'OTlf. Dec. 21. RATtATF ItRS. cork at. Int. Hillside Cem,, via funeral oar. Ibsnou paper, copy, HOItAN, Dec. 2, ANNIE (nee Doyle); widow of John Horan.'aged 82. Relatlvea and frlenda Invited to funeral.. Thurs,, 8 a, m.. 21 Sycamore at.. Clifton Heights. Dela- ware County. Pa, High Mats St, Charles's l.t.nrt. Ulluu(ll Ifl b -- .. Tn a. Charles's Cem., Kellyvllle. No conveyances' IIOIILArif un ' Deo. 81. MAflY K. IIOltLACHBR. daughter, of late Hetry and Mary Jane Hmltli, Relatlvea apd frlenda Invited to funeral asrvloes. Tiles.. 1 p. m,( residence ot brother. .Frank P. Braftb. 2714 N. Onsl st, Int. Pr vate. v hunter, ia i. iJtiv wriruai.: ijmjufi eg atswiisiu saw mivmnm nuu'iiiii ino Stover), widow of itenry I'riHesselpoth. Relatlvea and friends invited I to funeral, Tues.. 1 v. m.. 1137 N. Han Iisnd. InMtod EVilemn Church DltATnS funeral, Thurs., 8:80 am., brother's resi- dence, Charles A, Hunter, B80 N. Wana-mak- st. Solemn requiem mas Our iJidy of the Rosary Church 10 a, m. Int. Holy Cross Cem. JESTER. Dec. 22. ELLlrf M.. wife of Walter Jester and daughter of late Clowen p., and Marv A. Ilrown. IleVitlvea and friends Invited to, funeral services, Thurs., ?nP.' ,m-- ' 2028 N. 22d st. Int. West Laurel mil Com, Auto funeral. lvALTENnACIt. Dee. 21. BARBARA, widow of lato Christian Kaltenbach. Rela- tives nnd friends invited to funeral aerv-Ice- s, Tues., 2:30 p. nt.. residence Mrs. II. Suter .2800 Falrhlll at. Int. private. KKI8EII. Smldenlv. Dee. 20. WILLIAM I!., husband of Jennie Kelser and ion of Edward and Margaret Kelser, 248 Zerelda st. Relatives and friends, O, 11. C.t Oi.B. T.: members Phlla. A Reading Rv. Relief Aas'n. Invlt.it tn fim.rnl. Tues.. 7 a. m, parents' residence, 4C2S Pulaski ave Bol- -, emn high mass of renulem St. Franele nf Assist'. Church 7:45 a. m. Int. St. Nicholas' Cem.. Weatherlv, Pa. KELLEY. Dec. in, OEOROE. aon of Caroline and late Edward Keller, aged 6. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral services, Tues., 2 p. m., residence of mother, 4020 Drown st, Int. Fernwoqd Cent. Remains may be slewed Mon.. 8 to 10 tv m. KBLLOaa At 003 N. lath at.. Dec. 22. RESSIE M., wife erf Herbert Kellogg, aged 38. Friends may view rcrmlns MPn".7 ,0 O p. m.. Ollvs-- r H. Ralr llldg.. 1820 Chest- nut at. Int. Iluck Run, Pa.. Thurs. after- noon. Coatesvlllo and West Chester, ra., papers copy, KELLY. Dec. 20, vJIICIIAELx T.. hllt-ban-d of Allco Kelly (nee Harman), formerly of Olrardvllle, Ps Relatives and friends, employes of Electrlo Storage Co., invited to funeral. Tues.. 8.30 a. m. 2018 S, lltli at. Solemn requiem mass Our Lady, of Mercy Church 10 a. m. Int. Holy Sepulchre Cem, Autnmoblleservlej. ...... KINO. Dec. 21, JOHN, Ellen H. King (nee Herd). Relatlvea nnd friends, Naval Post, No. 400, O. A, R.i Far-rag- Atso.l Dlv. No. 6, A. O. H.; Pope Plus IX Soclnly, Invited to funeral, Tues., 7:30 a. m., 2121 E. Clearfield st. Solemn requiem mass Church of Nativity 9 a, m. Int.. New Cathedral Cem. KUNKEL. Sudddenly. Dec. 20. of pneu- monia, MAROARET D.. wife ot William A. Kunkel and daughter of John N, and Mar- garet Mayer, aged 27. Relatives and friends, members of the Archcontraternlty of the Holy Family Church of Incarnation, invited to funeral, Tues., 8:30 a. m., par- ents' residence, 184 W. Tabor road, Olney. Solemn high requiem mast at Church of In- carnation. 10 a. m. Int. St. Peter'a Cem. Auto service. LEEDS. Twelfth Month 20 nARCLAY R . In hit 85th lear. Relatives and friends are Invited to the funeral, at B321 Raynton at., Germantown. en Second-da- the 23d Inst., at l:3i p. m. Train leaves Rending Terminal 12:50 for Wlmrohnrkln Station. LINOO. Dec. 21, FREDERICK C. hut-ban- d of late Lucy C. Ling (nee Archer). Funeral Tues. morning, 8321 N. 20th st. Requiem mass Church of Our Lady of Holy Souls 10 a, m. Int, private. Auto funeral. LOEFFLEIt. Dec 21, CHARLES A., husband of Pauline Loeffler (nee ilalz), aged 52. Relatives and friends. Bheklnah Lodge, No. 240. F. and A. M.I University Chapter, No. 250. It. A. M.I Mllle Lodge, No. 1000, I. O. O. F. Lennl Lenape Tribe. No. 3. Imp. O R. M.: Metropolitan Lodge. No. 227, K. of P.. invited to funeral service. Thurs., 2 n, m , 5000 N. 12th St.. Logan. Int. pri- vate. Friends may call Wed., 8 to Op. m. LORENZ. Dec. 21. JENNIE C, LOUENZ. wife of Howard A. Lorenz and daughter of late Patrick and Catharine Morrlssey. Rela. tlves and friends Invited to funeral, Frl.. 8 a. m., 623 S. Taney st. Solemn hlah mass of requiem St. Anthony's Church 0:30 a. m. Int. Holy Cross Cem. LUTZ. Dec. 21. LUTHER R., aon of Dr, II. L. and Anna II. Lutz. aged 14. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral services. Thurs.. 2 p. m.. parents' residence, 5B23 Woodland ave.. West Phlla. Int. West Laurel Hill Cem. Friends may call Wed., after 7 P. m. IYND. Dec 21. J., hpaband of Mary A. Lynd (nee Stroud) and son of Joseph A. and lato Isabella Lynd. Relatlvea and friends. Phlla. Lodge. No. a. B. P. O. II.. and Retail Liquor Dealera' Asso.. In- vited to funeral.. Tuet., 8:30 n. m.. 3360 D at. 8oiemn requiem mats Churoh of the Ascension 10 a. m. Int. Holy Sepulchre Cem. A MacFKELY.-D- ee. 21. ELIZABETH, wife of Patrick MacFeely. RelatWes and friends League of Sacred Heart. Altar Society of St. Gregory's Church. Invited to funeral. Tuca.. 8 a. m.. 5541 W. Thompson at. Sol. emn algh requiem masa St. Gregory'. Church 0:30 n. m. Int. St. Lenls's Cem. Auto funeral. MACK1E. Dec. 20. WILLIAM D. MACKIE. Relalsvcs and friends, all of whlclr-h- e was a member, in- vited to funeral servlcee. Tuea. 2 p. m.. Steelman's Chapel. 8033 Kensington ave. Int private. North Cedar Hill Cem. MALLISON. At home of his parents in OV. Dec. 18. PIERRE MALLISON. nged 14. son of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey P. Malllson. formerly of Lansdowne and Ilurlal 21st Inst.. Cleveland. MARSHALL. At sister's residence. Mrs. Frank C. Lane. 127 S. I8th at.. Dec. 21, CARRIE LOUISE, daughter of lato Thomas nnd Barah Catherine Marshall. Relatives and friends Invited to services Tues.. 11 am.. Oliver H. Hair Rldg.. 1820 Chestnut at. Int. Woodlands Cem. MARSHALL- - HOYER.. Dec. 20, Mra. CLARA . H. MARSHALL, daughter of late Hiram L. and Sarah II. Iloyer. Relatlvea nnd friends Invited to funeral aervlces, Tues 2 p. m. 827 Andrews ave.. Cnlttng-dale- ,' Pa. Int. private. McRRlDE. On Dec. 20. HUGH P.. hus- band of Marguerite McBrlde (nee Reynolds), of 021 N. 10th St., aged 28. Relatives and friends. Cork Mens P. 8. and Ileneficlal Or. ganlzatlon. Invited to funeral. Thurs., 8:30 am Oliver 11. nalr llldg,. 1820 Chesthut at. Requiem high mass St. Malachy's Church 10 a. m. Int. Holy Cross Cem. McCAHE. Dec 22. EMILY E. (neo Grif- fith), wlfo of John C. McCabe, 81133 Old York road. Due notlco of funeral will bo given. MvCAIiE. In France. Oct. ail. 11)18. DUNNE McCAllE. husband of Grace and beloved nephew of Anna McCabe, aged years, of 821st F. A.. Battery C. Rela- tives and friends, soldiers, marines and Bailors are Invited to attend solemn re- nulem mass at Oesu Church. 18th and Stiles sts Tues . Dec. 24. nt 0 a. m. Interred In France, at e MrCOnKLE. Dec. 22. DAVID C JV. aged 74. Services at R. R. Rrlng. hurst fc Co.'s. lli'-- 'I Arch st.. Tues.. 11 a. m. Int. nrlvnte Wilmington, Del. At Atlantlo City, N. J.. Dec 21 GERALD T. Do RALES, son Of Jamea J. and Catharine McCullough (neo Ilrett). Relatives nnd friends Invited to funeral, arrival West Phlla. station, Tues., 11'.21 a, m. Int. Holv Cross Cem. McLAUOHLIN. Dec. :0. BRIDGET, (laughter of late Patrick and Annie McLaugh- lin, of Tamaugh. County Derry. Ireland, rtnlntlvea and friends. St. Patrick's I). V. M Sodality, Invited to funeral. Tues., 8:30 a. m. sun X ine nt. outturn man mass OI re qulem St. Patrick's unurcli iu a. m Int. Jioiv i;rnss v.cm. viuiu lun.rsi, METZEI.. Dec. 22, JULIA, daughter ot late Morltz and Rosa Metzel. Relatlvea and friends Invited to funeral services. Tues., 10 a.m., parlors Morris Rosenberg's Hon. 200D N. Broad tt. Int. irlvito, Adath Jeshurun Cem. MOORES. At Raltlmore, Md.. Dec. 21, MARTHA C wife of Otho CI. Moo res ini daughter of James J. and Agnes McCann, nf 2348 E. Allegheny ave Phlla. Funeral Tires, afternoon, arrival 2:15 p. m. train West Phlla. station, Penna. It. It. Int. Holy Cross Cem. Auto funeral. NEELY. Dec. 21. MAROARET (nee red-low- ), wife of Jamea Neolv. Relatlvea and friends Invited to funeral services. Tues., 2 p m.. narlora ot 8ehor tt Heaslnger, auO'j K. Busauehanna ave. Int, private. Nmth Cedar Hill Cem, Frlenda may call Mon.. 8 to in u. m. Aut. service. NEWBERRY. At Itarlram Apartments. gee, ,21. ANNA M. NEWBERRY, aged 60 and friends Invited to funeral services. Tues., 11 a. m.. Oliver II. Hair Hldg., 1820 Chestnut st. Int. private. NORRIH. At Fiankford. Phi a.. Dec 21 EMILY LISTER, wife of George G.Norrlt Service, and Int. private OLT. Dec. 21, HENRY Q.. husband of Hermlne F. pit. aged 02. ReUttlvet and frlenda, Ouardlan Lodge. No. 402. I. O O F.! Bt. John's Castle, No. 111. K. O. E . Ini vlted to funeral. in.. Lincoln nva.. North Willow GroveE: Int. mount Cem. ' O'REILLY. Dec. 20. MAUD, beloved wife of Jamea T. O'Reilly. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral Tues. 8:30 a. m., from 410 N. 18th at Solemn mast of requiem at Ca- thedral 10 a. m. Int. Holy Crott. Auto funeral. 1 PEARSON. Deo. 21. SARAH ELLEN, daughter of Edward .II. and Elma M. Pear-ao- Relatives and friends Invited to fu- neral, Tuet.. 2 p. m.. residence of parents, Huntingdon Valley. Pa, Int, private. Ilati boro Corn. Autos wilt meet train leaving Reading Terminal 1:02 p. ro. at Uetkayres Station. .PEYTON. Suddenly. Dae. 20, SARAH, wife of Charles E, Peyton and daughter of late Jacob and Eather Opbhurdt. Relatlvea and frlenda invited to funeral aervlces, Tuea., 11 a. m.. 4003 Morrla at,, am. Int, private, Rtmalna may be viewed Mon. P1I1EL Deo. 20, LUDWIO PH1EL. his. band ot Anna Phlel. Relatlvea and friends Invited to funeral. Tues.. 2 p. .m., 854 N. llambrey tt. Remalnt may be viewed Mon.. 7 to II p. m. Int. Northwood Cem. FRICKITT. At Atlantlo City. N, J,, Dec. 20. ELMA V.. daughter of Mahlori and Rosanna Prlckltt, Relatlvea and friends Invited to funeral. Tuet., 12 ni parents' residence. Indian Mills, N. J Int. Odd Fellowa' Cem.. Medford. N., j, QUINN. Dec. 81, MtCHAUL QUINN. Tuet,. HJ0 a. m., sister-in-law- 's reel, derpe, Mrs. Nora Qutnn, 4515 Ogden st. So- lemn' requiem matt pur Mother of Sorrows Church 10 a. m. Int, fit. Denlt Cem. Rel. atlvtt and frlendt, memoirs of Division 02, A. O. II. : Commandery No. 12, K. R. u and Our Mother of Sororws T. A. II. Society In- vited to attend. Auto service, ItAPPENECKER. Relatives and friend. In. vlted to funeral services, Mon., 4 m.. parlor, ot William II, Chew. S. vV, cor? BOth and Spruce sts. Int. convenience of family. Remains may be viewed Sun.. 8 to lu p,m. aAur r r.miAivi. ui pneumonia. 'Dec. 81. IARY FRANCES wife of Joseph S ,tn,it,minii auu unusuier u( A noma, gnu Annie Dowd. Relatlvea and frlenda In. vlted to funeral. Tun., 8:30 a, m.. 148 Franklin ave., Morton, Pa. Mats of re- nulem Church of Our Lady ot Perpetual Help, Morton. Pa.. 10 a. m. Holy Cross Oil. Auto service. iiiiuukb uec. ai, HAM, Christiana Rhodes, aged. 71. Relatives and friends. Uermsntown wmeii-Ainerica- n In. enclai Asso.. Invited to funeral services. . ..." tt ZS. ,,f ues.. v. in., nut. jiuyer si., uermnntown. Int. private. Remains may be viewed Mon, VliOSSITER.-D- ec. 20 SARAH, wife of the late Frederick ltotslter. Relatives and frlenda Invited to funeral aervlces, Tues., 2 I'knB-i- . Sn t J!f.ldfnc,i pl've.tand Itosslter, 2020 N. Falrhlll tt. Int. prlvatt. Oaklaml Cem. RIITTER. Suddenly, Dee. 31. THOMAS n. RUTTER. of 'Lantdownevl.l'a.. ton f latp Samuel I- and Jan. K. jltutfer. Rflat tlvet and, frlendt Invited to services. Tuet,, 1 ., aon'. resldcace. MIS Oaaoa av... DEATHS RYAN. De. 31, BRIDGET It. daughter of late John and Bridget yan. Funeral, to which relatlvea and friend. Invited, Tues.. 8 a. m., brother-in-law- ', residence, Jamea Mulgueeney, 140 Slgel at. Masa of requiem Church of Bacred Heart 9:30 a, m. Int. Holy Cross Cem. SCHEUIAL. Dec. 22. CHARLES. hutV band of Germalna and aon of late Otto Schethal. at San 'Francisco. BCIIELL At Olenolden. Pa,. Deo. 22. JOSEPH IttBTnURN HcllELL. Serrlcet) SO.", E. Olenolden ave.. Thurs,. 11:80 a, m. Train leaves Ilroad St. station 10:85 a. rn. Int. private, r SHAW. Dec. 21. MARIE A., wife of Jamei L. Shaw and daughter of lata Edward, J, and Mary A. Fadin. Relatives and friends. League of Sacred Heart ot Trans figuration Church. Invited to funeral. Thurt.. 7:30 a. m.. Bil7 Christian St., West Phlla. Mass Church of Transfiguration 0 a, m. Int. Holy Cross Cem. . SHEA. Deo. 92. MARY O.. daughter ot late Alice and Jamea Bhea. Relatlvea and friends. Invited to funeral, Tuet.. 0 a. m. 09 Slocum at., Mt. Airy. High masa Heir Cross Church 10 a. tn. Int. St. Anthonys) Cem,. Ambler. ' sSIMS. Suddenly. Dee. 21 THOMAS JI.. husband nf Willie currle Rims. Funeral services 420 Midland ave., Bt. Davids, Pa.. Tues., 11 a. m. Int. private, SMITH, Suddenly. Dec. 22. MARSHALL It., husband of Camilla II. Smith. Rel- atives and frlenda Invited to the aervlcet. Thurs., 1 p. m., 127 DIoomlngdate ave,, Wsvne. V. Int. private. RTOCKBRIDOE. Suddenly. Dec: 22. AL- FRED A., husband nf Harriet Stratton Stockbrldge, aged 08, Relatives and friend. Invited tn fun.ral services. Tuea.. 2 p. m., from chapel of Andrew J. Ilalr A Son. Arch and IBth st. Int. private. STRETZ Dec. 10- .- MAROARET O., wife of Joseph Streta (nee Geler), aged 87. Rela. tlvet nnd friends invited to funeral serv. Ices. Tues., 2 p. m., 8055 Hartvllle at. Int. uakiana cem. uemains may te viewea aion, eve. Auto funeral. daua-hte- of Charles H. and Bessie O. Strron. aged M. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral services. Thurs., 2 p. m.. 710 Col-lin- ave.. West Colllngswood. N. J. Int. private. Frlendt may call Wed., 7 to 9 P'TEAZ. Dee. 22. MARY F.. wlfo of Wil- liam P. Teaz and daughter of George and Fannie Sauerweln. nged 27. Relatives and friends, members of Holy Trinity Presby- terian Church, Invited to funeral, Thurt., 2 p. m., C115 North Warpock St., Logan. Services In above-name- d church, Marvin and Rockland ats.. 2:30 p. in. Int. Ivy Hill C'Tlt0MrP0N. Dee. 22. CHARLES THOMPSON, aged SB. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral, without further notice, residence. N. State at.. Newtown. Pa.. Thurs.. 2:80 o. m. Int. Newtown Cem. Train for Newtown leaves Reading Terminal l! THORN. Dec' 20. OEORQE F, THORN, aged 71. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral services. Tues.. 12 nnon, residence of son Clarence R. Thorn. 122 Wyoming ave.. Audubon. N, J. Int. Harlelzh Cem. Friends mav call Mnn., after 7 TILGE. Dec. 22. ELIZABETH EARP, wife of Louis T, Tllge. Notice of funeral '"trUSCOTT. Dec. '22, MARY, widow of James Truscott. aged 90. Relatives and friends Invited to funtral aervlces, Thurs., 2 o. m., residence, Richard Thomas, 238U N, 20th tt. Int. private. Hill- side Cem. TUNNEY. Dec. 21. of pneumonia. MARY E. wife of John Tunney and daughter ot Into Linnaeus C. and Margaret M. Ltbhart. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral. Tues.. 8 a. m.. residence of husband. Clem-ento- N. J, Solemn requiem mats St. Lawrence's Church. Laurel Springe. N. J.. 10 a. m. Int. private. Holy Cross Cem. rinVAa-- D. 20. lucy b.. wife ot Dr. Charles U. Twins' Funeral aervlces. Tues., 2 b. m... 45 W Tulpehocken tt., Uer- mnntown Int. private. WELSH. Dec. 21. ARTHUR ALOYSIUS. son of late Richard nnd Mary Catharlna Welsh. Relatives and friends Invited to funeral. Tues.. 8:30 n. m., 113.1 Spruce nt. Solemn mass of reoulem st John's Church 10 a. m. Int. Now Cathedral Cem. Auto "w'lIERTLEY. Suddenlv.Dec. 22, GEORGE Vf.. husband of Hannah Whertley. Relative, and friends. Brotherhood of R. R. Trainmen. No. 702; employes Phlla. Dlv., P. and R. R., Invited to funeral services Frl., 2 p. ni., 3820 W. Firth st. (34th and Huntingdon). Int. private. Frlenda may call Thurs., 8 to 10 P. m. WUR8TER. Dec. 22. JACOB FRIED-RIC- husband of Mario F. Wurster (nee Kllngersteln). nged 58. Residence. 2720 W. Jefferson nt. Due notice of funeral. ZWICKEH. Dec. 22, WILLIAM O.. hus- band of " Susan Zwlcker. Relatives and friends, employes of North Rros. Mfy Co.: Diligent Council. No. 4. F. P. A.: all other societies of which he was a member. Invited to funeral services. Thurs., 2 p. m.. 123 W. Wyoming ave. Int. private. LOST AND. FOUND HANDBAG Lost, lady'n black handbag, con- taining money, shopping Hat and handker- chiefs, on car No. 53: reward for return. 228 W Rlttenhouse St.. Qtn I'h, Cltn. 1821. WALLET Lost, black two-fol- wallet, cont. registration card, atx S5 bills, six il bills. Return to 60 N. 5th tt. or call Cynwid 7I3 M: reward. . HELP WANTED FEMALE A SUGGESTION TO PARENTS DO YOU WANT YOUR DAUGHTER TO WORK IN PROTECTED SURROUNDINOS UNDER THE BUPERVISION OF INTELLI- GENT WOMEN, EXPERIENCED IN THE CARE AND TRAINING OF YOUNO GIRLST DO YOU WANT HER TO BE WTH A jOROWINO INDUSTRY WHERE Sim WILL P JOY THE ADVANTAGES. SHORT HOURS GOOD SALARY PERIODIC INCREABES ASSURED PERMANENCY LIGHT, AIRY OFFICES COMFORTABLE REST ROOMS INEXPENSIVE HOT LUNCHES CA11EFULLY CHOSEN ASSOCIATES EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY FOR PROMOTION NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY. ANT TOUNO WOMAN BETWEEN 18 AND 25 YEARS MAY APPLY. IF YOU AnB INTERESTED IN HAVINO YOUR DAUGHTER WORK UNDER WE SHALL BE GLAD TO HAVE YOU SEND HER OR IIRINO HER YOURSELF TO OUR NEAREST EMPLOY-MEN- T OFFICE: 1031 Arch at. Miss Ryan 400 Market st. Miss Smith S. E. cor 07th and Chestnut Miss McCabe 26 W. Chelten ave. Miss llurkhsrdt 20 E. 0th at,, Chester, Pa. Mist Troy p THE BELL TELEPHONE CO. OF PENNA. THE ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT . OF THE PUBLIC LEDOER COMPANY DESIRES THE SERVICES OF A YOUNO GIRL OVER 10 WHO IS WILLINO TO START AT THE BOTTOM AND WORK UP. EXCELLENT CHANCE FOR AD. VANCBM1SHT, APPLY SIXTH AND CHESTNUT STS. ADVERTISING ACCOUNTING DEPT. ASK FOR MR. WBIST AXMINSTER BETTERS: exper.t. steady work; good pay. Apply Bush ft Diamond, Jasper and Ontario. BOOKKEEPER: Institutional position! Prot- estant: experienced; capable of taking charge of office: state full experience, age and give references In application; board, room and laundry Included In salary. P 28(1. Ledger Office, , BOOKKEEPER, experienced on Burrough bookkeeping machine for account! receiv- able ledger: to receive attention, replies should state age, experience and salary I' 302, Ledger Office, BOOKKEEPER and stenographer; good po- sition. Call In person, 1114 Chestnut, Room 20. CASHIER. Apply Family Theatre. 1311 Market at. CHAMBERMAIDS, 140 sleep out. or 120. room and board. Apply Adelpbla Hotel. 13th and Clover. CLKRKtf (four), experience. Ulllle'a start. 2200 N. Ilroad. Ask for Miss Hume. COOK, female, colored, wanted In family of 8l must sleep in. Phone Belmont '4130. DICTAPHOfiB OPERATOR, female The Atlantlo Refining Company haa an open. Ins for an experienced female dictaphone or" erator at It. main office, 8144 Passyunk: ave., Phlla.: splendid opportunity for ad. vancement la offered: auto buses run In mor.nlng and evening from plant to 84th and Woodland ave. Apply In person to tale. department. Room a, 8144 Passyunk ave. FINISHERS ON APPLY vAa?fe'SLOTMKNT GIRLS, over 10, tot label and wrap bottle and small package! light, dean, pleasant worki beginners, can learn In a ahort timet guaranteed minimum pay;, good piecework ratee and permanent work. Apply Employ. ment Dept H. K. Mulford Co.. 420 B. 18th. GIRLS over HI yeara ot agei ateady worki good pay. Apply Hush ft Diamond, Jasper gnu mifii'i ilHWK Girl In small fam.i rood wejtsi Washington la.. Jenklntown. I'h. Ogonta LAUNDRY FEEDERS AND FOI.DERB IN FLAT WORK DEPARTMENT APPLY 1808 FILBERT BTREKT. NURSE with experience wanted to take. care of 2 children, ages 10 months and 2 Mi years i no sewing and no waahlmri wage." inn & tnnnthl referenr.a r.nttlr... !..& Mrs J. Itulpn Millar, Jr., Roland Park,, fialtlmnre, Maryland rV o taji A '! r- - t'l fat esa) gfsstt 'V.-'- J' M i Nil a I M ? '' i -- , ' r

EVENING PUBLIC Listed Missing, INSCRIBED ON ...chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045211/1918-12-23/ed...GEORGE O. IJCALAM). 37M WALTER ILNDRICK.' 4721 lllddpeton HARRY KEENAX. 1711

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v jjf 'T -


. Listed Missing,' Was fre Hospital

s. i I"

i';" Cenltnaed from Fan Two

,' ' ienff thti Mitrne nntl lastly In the At

8nncr Forest. The younx officer Is a' v , fpraflunto of the Hnvtrfofd School and of,

"-- Princeton Unlvchslty and Is prominent

' TOClaliy. He earned Ills commission at'i thi, Fort Niagara officers' training campr and has been serving; In the Fourth


CR?' All Ills Comrades Killed

Corporal Orube, who Is a member ofthe Twenty-thir- d Company of the SixthIleglment of Marines, was- in charge ofa machine sun crew of eight men. Ahigh explosive shell burst on their posi-tion, killing every one of his comrades

M tnd shocking the young corporal so badlythSl he lost his power of ppeech as wellas His memory. Ho Is only nineteenyears old, and enlisted In the Devil Dogs!tn March, 1017. After brief training atParis Island, S. C, nnd at a machlno

'sun factbry In Utlca, X. Y., he wastransferred to Quantlco, V us anInstructor In' the use of the Lewis gun.Ha went to France last spring.SKETCHES OF THE HEROESPrivate Otto F, I.evnml, of 4010 West

Main street, Wlssahlckon, reported asMounded In today's casualty list, has not

woundedL-- i car-Ol- Hero, , 'actlon butr? ounded in Action, cited for braveryCited for Bravery ! daring cour-

age on the fieldof battle. He Is only seventeen. Hisparents hae receled' n. letter of com-

mendation from Captain Howard C.White, Company P, Seenth Infantry, ofsxhlct Lovand Is n member. He vv.ts"wounded October 10, but no detailsabout this or the citation for bravcrjhave as jet been recelcd by his pa- -

Honor Roll for the Cityand Its Vicinity Today


RAYMOXD V. KVllh. 4SI.1 Nurth 9,'v-ent- n

t (rrcMounly mlsnlnKlater reported rlll of woun.l" )

PrlrntenBRRXARIt .1. DKYI.1X, MT, Venaneo t.

(Marino corp.)J. K. CIIKIIKV. rt North Mfrtlewoorlst, (Privlou'.y rrportril m!lnB: laterrtporteO died of minds )

DIF,D OF I)ISKSnEXSIOX HASH, L. STEKL. C. S. X.,ai: x tint st

I'rliatev7.n.s.,CT.rEnniTKK- - nix B Ontario tWILLIAM JOSCl'II LAXdAX. 4150

FiihnrmcK o. kxott 331s xorth at

AR.1IVLI. SOHDKX. Moorrstnnn. X. JI1AS.KITI5TA J.ll'hKA. 11J.1 K. l'au.yimk n.IIARItY V. AXIIERSOX. 113 W Oxford


LieutenantGEORGE A. GERMAN. 143 S C3d at.rilAKLKN IV. XEVIX.' 20J1 Ieust at.JAMES II. KOONTZ. 2728 IV. Somerset


TSWiy? 'KELLY. l V. rllrrortl .t.JAME8 II. ALCORX. 234 W mtlenhouseSt., Germantown.

Coriinraln,on'l'K Ml North Fourtht. reported mlsslnu. act-u- il

Is In a hospital recoerlne fromhell shock )JOHX MALI.V. (1122 Cedar ave.HOWARD II. il,U8. 1240 w HsizardHOWARD F. McLAUOIIMX. 1431 Wolfst.

PriiateIIEItUERT M. 10LDME1ER. SS48 Spruce

t tOHiclallv- reixirtel m "InclANTOXIO AX0I0L1LI.O. West liana,yunk. (No hous address clven. T

r.'po.CU:1.kned In netlon.)FllAXK J. MEI.VIX. 8830 Xorth Philip

at. (Previously reported died ofdisease.)WILLIAM C. DAIIL. 1S4 Pleree, stHARRY E. DAXKLKMAX. 0020 N. Pal- -

metto ave,CIIARLEH J. KEMPER. 71)30 Flldae aveGEORGE O. IJCALAM). 37MWALTER ILNDRICK.' 4721 lllddpeton

HARRY KEENAX. 1711 W Monmouth stJTACOn DE fllACOMO. H12 WhartonJOSEI-- n J MULIIERX. 2.117 Olive stVUIXIAM II. DAI.IXSKY. 1820 OntarioROMERT T.. DROWN, 21 UN V. Xorrls stPAULA. DOWDEI.L. 11 OS Jefferson stSTEPHEN 11 . cirpenterHIISII.N E. (SODKTT. 1733 X fit h itFDANCIS PATRICK STASEN.443 QuVen

nt.. OermantownED"UP st.

J. CONAHAN. 2304 E. Cum- -



FRAXK R. KROUSE. 1P4.1 X 8th atCHARLES JOHN MCCARTHY. Jr.. 3954Aspan st..I0HN HOPKINS, riala.ROBERT F. HEARD. Media. (Previouslyreported,)

SeraeantsHARRY F. nitADY. lRlr. Frankford aeRAYMOND C. IIOHL. K145 XGUSTAVE B. .MURPHY. 3413 Thompson

at. tCorparala

HEXRY SHAW. flOl X 11th st.IOIIX P. TKNER. 2113 llnindswlnx stWILLIAM SCIIATT. ansr. atTHOMAS VICTOR KEENY. lnlO E. York

ROIIERT E. CROWEI.L. 1333 X. AllisonJAMES F. LYNCH. Jr.. 4300 Fatrmountave.

PrivatesHENRY 11. IIERRY. (1100 Wheeler s(Previously reported killed in action )WILLIAM (1. DIKGLE. 1313 X War-noc- kst. (Servlnir aa n. mechanic.)GRIFFITH FKIT'lfAKI). 28IS Oxford st.BATIIAN KORMAN. 201H R. Clearfieldst.aiARlES F. MeL.UGHLIN. B204 West- -

mmsfer ae.JUMBl-l- l llI.,.vi)KH. 2434 S. Loyrbut at.FERDINAXD DILOTTA. 1418 Ellsworthat.MCIIOLAS JLSCIORET.IA. 1101) B.

8th st,JOSEPH nYAN. IBM riuttonwnod stWILLIAM M. SHOEMAKER. 804 Pine atTHOMAS ANGKLON. 0I8 Walton aveSTANLEY SCIIRZOWSK1. 2521 EmeryJAMES T. IIASSOX. SU2 ff ont st.WALTER Kl'JVWA. 411)0 PtercaUILLIAM nWSOX. 813 S. 17th st.AP.K WEINnEIHI. 17U Dickinson st.(Servlntr ns a foucler.)ALEXANDER P. WATSON. 824 S.Front at I

OTTO E. LEVAXD. 4040 Main St.. Wis- -sahlckon.

JOSEPH DIORAZIO. 1B27 S 11th atWILLIAM II. JACIISOX. 2313 Rose- -wood st.

WILLIAM FOLI.IARD. 8I)ft IJucknell stHUGH IILAIR. 202J E Silver atDON F. O'lloiiNEI.I.. liiai aaiiT ..CIIAItI.ES W. GRAFFMILLElft. as:Ilrown at,ROI1EP.T H, McqUISTON, 0239 Glhann

ANTHONY PEI.LKY. 12nn Tasker atJOHN DKITRICII. 2338 X Blst itJOSEPH A. HtVMV. 114 X Jlola stDAVID MrCLENGliAN. 2203 Hunt- -insTuon t.

THOMAS P. McCOR.MACK. 723 N. 28thJOSEPH II. MACK. 2013CALVIN . KENDALL. 3800 JlJinollaJOHN L. HFNDF.RSON, SIT Armot atNEIL J. IIOXNEU. 2048 X. 2d Vt '



LlotitrnantaP.0. .COOK. 8703 Germantown ave.(Pravlously reported.)JAMKS II. TUTTLE. ilrm Mawr. (Pre--vlously reported.)

SerreantsJ, B. WAI.TON. K2T H. SSd at.

O. CHANT. 2848 N. 22d st.HOMAS M. JONES, Slf Wei lens ave.

CorporalGEORGE C. HOOAN. Jr.. 2003 E. On--Wa"tKr'V. HOXOT.KR, 630 N. STth atW. JIKSS. B22 Wolf Jt.JH.V J. COWLEY. 74T X. Ducknell at.

PrivatesHXMVKb SCOTT. 2210 tvruce st."(Servln a a niechnnlc.)IW.nOOD 1UKKK, 302O Mount Vtrnon' at.Hjl.I.IAM KTINGEK. 18.1 Ellsworth st.THOMAS .McDEKMOTT. 3720

t MU ,T4)N WILrl. S78II N IBlh at.VSV.AH! N HIIHGNHTKIN. 020 Cross 'St.

'. iwis si, ma at,.m&r UKPHY. 310 H. 34 at.Miasixa '


AP Y Av KBTSOR.V100 XL Oartsli



INSCRIBEDA. - '' m' --T AMX "W '- st- '"aw J

I - m 1 my 1' & V & I w,






rents He enlisted in July of last year." Prltntr llrrnnrd .1. Dei lln, killed Inaction, was a member of the Slxty-seent- h

Company, Fifth Regiment, ma-rine corps. Tills gallant soldier hadpreIously founht In fle of the greatbattles of the final campaign, beginningat Chateau Thlerrj, in which the ma-rines took such a brilliant part, withouthaving received ex en a scratr-h- . OnNo ember 4 he went "over the top" forthe sixth and, ns it proved, tfie lasttime. This news came a few days agotd his sister, Mrs. Jocphlno Helm-becke- r,

613 West Tioga street, withwhom he made his home beforo joiningthe marine corps in May, 1917. Thelast letter the dead soldier wrote to hissister was on October 14 nnd did notarrive until after he had been killedPrivate Devlin was twenty-si- x yearsold. His parents are dead.

Prltate An'liony Pelley, nineteenyears old. of 1209 Tnsker street. Is amember of Company V, until Infantry,nnd has been In France since Mav last.Ills mother. Mrs. Margaret Pelley. re-ceived ofllcial word that he had beenwounded In action on October 7. Noletters have been rcecled from himqtlmf. thilf rlfitA TTn onllorn, A,,r..,u on

,.. .. ,. . ",nif .t r....... tt m

ten?lc training. last August. Ho 13 twenty-on- o andCorpornt John MHllay, wounded. Is 8l"KIe

tw nty-Bl- x yenrs old nnd formerly re- - Private Thomas Kelly, Company D, '

sided with his mother, Mrs. Catherine 3l6th Infantry, was wounded In6122 Cedar avenue. He Is a ,c,en Places by shrapnel on November

member of Company L,, mth Infnnttr. ' u He ,s recovering In n hospital Intrained at Camp Hancock nod embarked ,Ne,v Jersey. Before being drafted heIn May last. According to a telegram "ved wlth Ills uncle. M. Jreceived about a week ago, the young at 243 South street.soldier was wounded seerelv on Octo- - Prlinte Alevunder T. Criihani, Com- -her 2. Tho Inst letter received from l'an' '' 313,h Infantry, was woundedMallay, dated December 1, states that he n November 4. He Is twenty-fou- r yearswas much better nnd anticipated return- - "W nnd was. drafted on April 29. 1918.

i .s. n ... Tttifnon Via i1inf f Arl 11 & it'fla nn Irfttl '

nig nomo in a nnon rime, rnor to enlist- -ment he wns a pipefitter

Prltate Jnaepli Dlrrrnilo, nineteen!years oici. or 1U27 south Eleventh street,nnl n ,cmUT f rn.nnn.. ta ,,i,kMachlne-Qu- n Battalion, officially ro- -ported garsed during tho fighting aboutOctober IE. writes that he Is improvingrapidly. He enlisted In July of last yearand for a wnile was In training at seaOlrt. later being transferred to CampMcClellan and calling for overseas lastApril.

Private John L. Henderson, CompanyL. Fourth Infantry, wounded, is the sonnt Mn Tiinrtor, ii- - -street, and has three brothers In theservice besides himself. The brothersare- - wtinam, inirty years old with thenwuicai corps, in trance: Allen. twentv.tun vpnM nlit nt rnm,i npofnln sand Harold, who has 'tervedtwelve years in tne navy. The latter Isnow on a ship at a Pacific coast station.Mrs. Henderson received nn otllclal tele,gram December 14 saying that Johnwas wounded In action, Octoher 6 A(Otter received prior to this from himnad told of being wounded and saidthat though he was still on crushes hexpected to be fully recovered soon. Hewas drafted In November, 1917. trainedat Camp Meade and sailed In March. Hawas born here, attended the Qerman-tow- n

public schools, and at the time hewas drafted drove an Ice wagon. Heis single, twenty-eig- years old and. usdid Ills urotners, made nis Home wltnnls mother at tho Arm.it street address.

Prltate Cnlvln Kendall, Company F,372d Infantry, was wounded In actionOctober 4, according to the official casualty list. Mrs. Grace Fendel . 6800Alagnolla street, his mother, snyB thatshe has received letters from him. writ-ten since that date, but in none of themhas he said anytmng about being injured. "Ho must be well by now,'" shesays, "or he would have mentioned Iriscondition." Prlvnto Fendell Is twenty- -three yearn old. Ho was drafted InDecember, 1BI7, and trained at CampMeade, sailing overseas In Anrll last.He was born In CharleB County, Md.,and came to tnis city nine years ago.He is single, and previous to going tocamp was employed as a chauffeur.

Private Alexander P. Watson, Com-pany C. 316th Infantry, wounded. Is an

-- ..i:., ....i K.e-- A r.. ..... t

(t Anrll llvaj with nn nllnr. Mra. MnrSBudka, at 821 South Front street. Sitehas received a telegram from tho WarDepartmont stating that he was slightlywounded on September 7. A letter datedsince ha 1b reported to havo been wound-ed says nothing at all about having beenInjured. He Is twenty-fou- r years old,single and a printer by trade.

Private Charles Dolman Law, reportedIn a recent official casualty list as havingdied of pneumonia In France on No- -Lined a, Uavlns jeniDer J, is actual

lv o n 1 v sllffhtiv"Died of Disease" wounded and fit, In

?""l"" " nf PrlvntK I ,anr lin

typical of the War veryerratic nanunng or tne casualty lists.On December 11, his mother,Mrs. Nellie C, Law, 3725 North Fifteenthstreet, received an official telegram from

stating that her son haddied of disease on November 3, On Sat-urday, December 14, Mrs. Law got an-other telegram from tho War Depart-ment. This message stated that PrivateLaw had not died of pneumonia on No-vember 3, but Instead had been

wounded In action on that date.On Monday. December 16, Mrs. Law

received a letter from her son, In hisown under date of Novem-ber 7. stating that he had been slightlywounded, hut waa In award and able to move about. He wrotebo cheerfully that hlB mother Is full ofhope that he wag not seriously Injured.

Sergeant Theodore Chant, wounded,nineteen yearn old, member of CompanyI, Seventh Infantry Regular Army, wassent to Gettysburg In July, 1917, andfollowing an Intensive training em-barked for overseas In April of thatyear. According to a postal card fromthe War the young soldierwan wounded slightly on October 20,although a recont letter from him statesthat he Is feeling fine and makes no mention or any injury,Iat 2S43 North Twenty-secon- d street

Private Krne.t ile Joseph, 1127 SouthClifton street, reported wounded, la amember of the 318th Medical Corps,which Is'nttached to the American BedCross. According to an ofllcial notice hewaa Injured while rescuing wounded onOctober 6. In letters to his parents writtensince that date he Ignores being woundedand It li thought that, hla hurts wereslight nnd that ho haa recovered. Pri-vate Joseph enlisted laBt April and sailed

i 27BnC9 lpre,e d"y er he had I5, H" t "" "vy-iw- a years Old,

lulns-le-; a printer byy trade, wul Lefore


FIfty-olght- h




Joining the colors lled with his parentsat the Clifton street address A brother,twenty-fiv- e yearn old. Is with an en-gineering division In France.

Prhate llenjnmln ltiibensteln, slightly,wounded. Is a member of Company C.Flfty-thlr- d Infantry, and lived at 626Cross street, with his mother, Mrs. Re- -h.nrwi n,Kan.li,ln lirtfnrn halnv rmttrn

"".,', V" V.l.niolder and lived with his mother, Mrs.i.llil fllliuill, Ul uiul icuaku oiicci.Mannyunk

Private lValtor Fox. Company G.?1Bth Infantry, was wounded In the left'' n ls twenty-fou- ryen old and being, drafted wasD" electrician He lived with his parents,Mr ond Mr,a- - Sunnysldeavenue, Falls of Schuylkill.

Prl ate Jo(in Erb, Jr., was a memberof tho Eighth District police force.Te,nth Buttonwood Btrects. beforeb,e ng drafted into the army In April ofthis year. He was sent to Camp Lee.and after only threo weeks' training wasassigned to company I. 31 (th Infantry,and embarked for In Mny. Prl- -

! iv:Uc I,:rb wroto M wlfe- - Anna Ma'Erb. 2008 North Third street, on Xovem- -'

ber 8 tnat he was "feeing fine." Thefirst Intimation Mrs Krb had that herhusband had been wounded camo In a

telegram dated Decemberhad """ '"

. ...... .csfrrKt-amii- L jsuiiiiuiiu - jiuiii. tncuu'seven years old, wounded. Is nn electrl- -

cal engineer, and was formerly employedDy tno UTilteu unri improvement com- -pany. Ho graduated from Lehigh Unl- -versity. class of 1913. In June. 1917. hoenlisted In Company E, 103d Engineers,nnd after training at Camp HancockBnlled for France In April of this year.He was wounded in action on October0, according to a telegram from the War

to his brother, A. K. lion!.ono ivortn i.amac street, vvnero aergoant Hon! lives vyhen InHU 113 ICUUiCICIl 1IUII1 I11B vuunua uuuis expected homo In the near future.

Private Herbert Morton Ooldmrler, ofthe United States mnrlno corps, haa beenmissing since November 9, according to

a telegram from theSayi War Department to

His parents. Mr.War i and Mrs. M. L.

Qoldmeler. . 6848"In Says Spruce street. ButWounded Soldier several letters from

soldierthe younghave Informed his

anxious family that he has been In ahospital since about the date named Inthe nitlclal dispatch, suffering fromwounds. He gavo no details as to theextent oi his Injuries; but his fatherbelieves, from thO tenqr of his sonsletter, that they are fairly serious. Pri-vate Ooldmeier, who Is twenty-thre- e

yenrs old, enlisted In April of ylast yearand was trained for a while at tho

Navy Yard beforo goingto Galveston, Tex., nnd later to Quan-tlco. Va for final polishing. He wentoverseas nearly a year ago with theForty-thir- d Company of the SecondBattalion of tho Fifth Ileglment ofMarines. He was a traveling salesmanbefore Joining the colors.

Private Nell .1. Bonner, Supply Company. 326th Infantry, was wounded Inaction October IB. This Information


S."."ll "' w'ni nuw ouDimiKluilPrivate Bonner hn written his familyfour letters slnco Octoher 15, stating Ineach one that he Is well. In two lettersne said tnat he naa been in the hospitalreceiving treatment for Indigestion. Ac.cording to the telegram. Pri-vate Bonner's Indigestion was camou-flage to prevent hla mother worryingabout him.

In a letter to his father, written on"Dad's Dav," prlvnto Bonner told howho had killed a German "sniper" andcut the brass buttons from the boche'scoat to bring home with him as sou-venirs.

Private Bonner hns two brothers Inthe nervlce, both now in France, PrivateMichael P. Bonner, Company K, 109thinramry, ana corporal vviinam J. lion,ner. of the artillery. Private Michel P.Bonner was gassed last summer, but hascompletely recovered,

War to Retain

Dec. 33.A program by which about 60 per

the country which had undertaken totrnln units of the students' army trainingcorps will begin training unltH of thoreserve ofneera' training corps Is anpounced by the War Department.

This program. It Is said, will enablethe colleges to use equipment intendedfor the student army In such a way asto relieve (hem very materially of financial losses which otherwise might haveresulted from the cessation of hostilitiesand the of the studentcorp.


wmm M& flWK&

JUT ,v m"iHataW. MtmiMzir


WooncJecl WaundexJ


thirty-fou- r,

ZZZPJ. cverfDepartment's














GEOSGeJcresvfllC arcVBxuqiaQ,












Department ManyiMiucntionnl Institutions




New eicomWeicjWounded VOoncJd


wouncieci Knilcd



In Ncssun Caso Modificlicra'I

le Sue Giustc Aspira- -


Published nnd Distributed UnderPERMIT NO 341

Authorized by the act of October 8,101 1. on nie nt tho Postofflce of Phila-delphia. Pa.By order of the President.

A S. BURLESON.Postmaster General.

Parish 22 dlcembreII Presldento del Conslgllo del Mlnlstrl

Itnllanl, On. Orlando, ed II Mlnlstro pergll Affarl Esterl, Barono Sonnlno, hannolarelato Parlgi la scorsa notte e sicredo rngglungeranno nl confine II trenoche trnsporta 11 Red d'ltalla In via dlrltorno a Roma.

Gll Omorevoll Orlando o Sonnlnodl rltono in I'arlgl buI prlml dl

gennalo prosslmo cd nvranno campo dlincominciaro preiiminarl conferenze dl

,l.i ,ii,i anlorle.nn1' Inglesl oEssl nvuto, durante I

're glornl dl permanenza In Parlgi, pa- -recchi collociu! col Presldento Wilson e

'con il Presldentn 11 Pnnolirtin ,l( mi.3trl francesl, On. Clemenceau Circa lad"rerenz6 Tlch'lesto delntalla.

nn ..l'On...it

Sonnlno V determinate. ... . .

..".," ommp,nedell Adrlatlcofhe sls- - i

"n "" unsi Kuerra ira l liana ea1 Jugoslavl.

La psicologla della vlttorla Itallanae' stata Bplegata da un ufflclalo Itallano,



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Anthracite Coal

Easier to HandleGives Heat Quickly

When Wanted

Furnace Requires,Less Attention

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Trenton Avenue


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4158 Cretton St.MaHayiuik Philadelphia


addetto nl lavotl Inlrcntt alia pacc.-ne- lsegucnto modo! (

abblnmo gUadagnato una grandttorla eil Inslstamo aopra tuttl 1

fruttl da essa derlvantl. Abblamo sclilnc- -

cinto l'Austrla In modo completo, plu'dl qucllo che speravnmo, o pcrclo' notvogllamo plu' dl audio cho nbblamochlesto quando slaino entratll In guerra.li' natura del sentltneuto timano.dl n't--lendere im magglore prcmlo quanuopratlcamento si ecccdo l'aspettntlva.

nr .. . -, -- i.

blnmo Inslstllo copra tutte la promessefattccl in bnsa nl trattato dl I.ondradol 1916, ma not ora abblamo domnn-dnt- o

dl plu'. In una paroln. tutto l'Ad-rlatlc-

dn occldente ad orlento deveItallano, salvo per 1 portl' chc nol

slamo dlsnostl a cedere .at Jugo-Slav- l,

Not vogllnino do' cd anche una mlglloreposlzlono rlguaruo lAblstlnla.

"1'nrccchl dl questl Jugo-sla- che oraverrebbcro predcre per so stezzl quelloche l'ltnlla glustamento guadagno' perla sua pnrto nclla guerra, Bono reftl-- 1

inonto degll nustrlacl. 1 nostrl nntlchlnemlcl ora provano dl camuffarsl comepopoll dl una bppressa pazlono perguadagnare la slmpatia del nostrl nl-- !lcatl o per fare qucstlonl territorial!contro dl nol.

"IVItnlla nnche e' stata per parecchlannl una nazlono oppressa, ma ora haschlacclato I buoI oppressorl ed In ncs-su- n

modo ccdera' do" cho eBsa heguadngnato,"

Roma, 22 dlcembre.I gtornall pubbllcano che, da notlzle

da fonte autorevole, sembra sla statostabillto cho la lslta del PresldentoWilson a Itomn nvverra' II alorno treprnsslmo gennalo. Intanto contlnuano 1

preparatlW per lo accogllenza da trl- -butarsl al Capo degll Statl Unltl.

! atato annunzlato che I dannl dlguerra subttl dall'Italla ammontano

.canto blgllonl.dl lire (circa $20,000,-000,000- ).

I.'ltalla ha dlstrlbulto net buoI portlun navlgllo austrlnco del complcsslvoammontnrodl COO, 000 tonnollate, Dcttonavlgllo c' stato csculslvamentc usatoper la distlbuzlone delle vettovnglle eper trnsportl. Nessun plroscalo austrl-nco c' stato usato per II trafflco com- -merclnle.

Immedlatamenta dopo l'armlstlzlo gllavlatorl itallanl si sono postl a studlareII mlgllor mezzo per adnttnro le loromacchlne per uso commcrclale.

BafltsALLEN, At Atlantic City, tf. J.. Dec.

22. HELEN M. wlfo of Danlei V. Allen anddaughter of Ellen H. and Into Peter Carrl-- Igan. Relatives and friends Invited to fu- -nernl. ItI.. n. m.. .1114 Ventnor nyc. (cor.or SurfolIO. Solomn requiem mass Churchof Our Lndv star of the Sea 8:30 a. m.To proceed via 10 n. m train. Penna. It. It.Autos vjiu meet trnln arriving at NorthI !!" ll'tn n. m. Int Holv Sepulchre Cem.

AUSTIN. Dec. 22. THOMAS R. AUSTIN,aged 40. Relatives and friends, HarmonyLodge. No. 82. V. and A. M : employesMclalian Sugar ReOnlng Co.. Invited toservices. Thurs., 2 p. m . 1140 Jackson st.nt. Westminster Coin.

BALDUS. Suddenly, ot Atlantic City.N J., Dec. 20. CASPER BALDUS andMARIE BALDUS (nee Williams).7 Relativesnnd friends Invited to funeral aorvlcea, sis.tera residence. 2107 E. Monmouth St., Phlla..Tues.. 2 p. m. Int. prlvnto, OrecnmountCem.

I1KATTY. Dec. 21. CHARLES II.. hus-band of Anna Peacock Realty and aon ofLaf" James and Anna Weatty. Relatives andfriends Invited to funeral services. Tues.0:30 a m.. residence. Marlon ave.. Wsno-- Innh NT j. Int. private

BENEDICT. Dec. 22. VICTORIA C.BENEDICT, aged HI, at s of hernephews.LOGOS. Dec. 17. CHARLES BOGOS,nged 41 Relatives nnd friends, police of-- I

fleers of 23th and 87th District. Invited tofuneral. Tues.. 1 p. m.. 111K Snsder ave. Int.private. Remains may be viewed Mon. eve.

nOTCD. Dec. 21. MARY, daughter oflate John nnd Elljnbeth lloyco. Relativesand friends Invlletl tn funeral Timn 1 npi .funeral parlors of William II. Chew!

.. Hvxa uuu Jt'tut.u nia, AI4hs i4,t

PARCEL POSTWhat do you know aboutDiamonds? May we have yourconfidences

91.00 np. Bracelets. Wonderful patternsand large selections.

.T1'" ..J"' ..nrn".hC "olid gold and somewith diamonds.

tl.no un, Ladles' andfcQn7 Cents'designs.Lockets. Home un-

usualJS.Op up. Diamond ringsIddlea nnd dents'.tl.00 up. Wutchra allAmerican movrnientg.cHgH 110,000 worth of Jew-fi- r)

on Bale that makeshandsome Chrlstmus prrs- -riiiif.

Wntl' P..Lnailer S raWnSIlOP904 Vine St. lionaea lo the Clty



Wcsbninster nr'Ucn' 'Prlv. baths, running WRtep.12.r.O upwkly ; Ig.Sn up dally. Ohas.Huhre.

HOTEL B0SC0BEL Kn$ AA-- 'epen. Thoroughly heated. nkltfA fa. M.7lo"


WATERS PARKftmTV Worncrsvillo, Pa.io6Just th Place "

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rotdfl, free Oarage. Electric tad movement treatment when desired. Rett dentphrilclan end nurses. Two hours fromPhiladelphia. Express itrvlc. Always open.Ownership management. Est. 4Syturt.

SUNSET HALL '"r--, ul noma comforts:V,pl. aty ftlr!. beautiful mountain walks.Slelahlnsr. coaatlna. eto. Not a sanatorium!

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A convenient and delightful place to acendyour holidays. Good drlvlnc and motorlna,excellent saddle horses. S coif coursea andall outdoor sports.


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TT-- r .i Prl. bath. (Steam hut.a sic aJOUlCU ovtrlooklnsr bay and rutmnNear Old Ft. Marlon. Rkit. It. M. Ilenn.tt.'

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resorts and Old Point ComfortOLD POINT COMFORT, VA.

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Xaioici UathWrit


Monroe. VnOr alnnklltt anrl Infnrrrntlnn nfO. Ilroad! Ravmnnd A Whltrnmh. IffOS tfh ...nuti "Ask Mr. Foster." In Acker's,. 13th andChestnut. American Express Co.. US?Chsstnut Bt.


Indian River and RockledgeItOCKLKDOE. FI.ORIDA

Oolf. Tennis, Iloatlng. Flshlnr. Iluntlnr,panclng. etp. jVTItn tor circular. W. Vf.

nd 40th Ht N. Y. City. lJummer seasonOranllden Hotel. Lake Hunspee. N. II.

KnnrATioNAi.Bath Rexra

TEMPLE UNIVERSITYBroad Street below Berks

New cour will m.l """A" ,0.those vtlsl hln to, prepare for the studyof Medicine and far entrnnce to themost appro veu scnoois for NursesTraining,


Our graduates are in constant demand. Ooodpaying. osltlona await you. Uregar Short.

(be iay, speedy system. .Completentgat clttses. Intensive training)

j.nroii any n, van or. writet. JO'L1 ''f.y!f.,i'.n' f 'talojr.

1'llILA. I UHlNlMr) ejui.lJHJCt...ait.ColFege.f roBtsnr .1017 rhe.nMt Ht.. I'Mladr ipma

STRAYER'3 tj t Buain... mi," T Av" ' aiaiaiaaMjiaTTi.


5'oflA'Cem. Itemalns roar be'vleweJ Men.,s 10 iv p. tn.

DnADY. Dec. 21, VIOt,A SI., wife ofand --Jnnle Mawhlnney, as;d 28. ItelatlvtsHZi. ttif.!4 invited o funeral serTJeeji.

p. m:, residence Hush llradr. 20H1Pi. IJellmorii nvd ureenmountInt. pmalo.Cem.

wt,ra Hllliitown, ra., Dee. 21,m uuiiiii.. ncccrod. Itelathes and

friends Invited to funeral, without further'." " ".. residence, Wlllls- -

town, int. nrtvfltB, JllefcSi,Tirt" Kil.7.1' n'nJiCn'en0)!

ItelAtlven ami f.i.nj. u. n.....i. 11 rr'!i. Dnuahtcrs of Columhus.

8 Parents'..m..rjL,leK,,,!,a3 Ofth st. Solemn requiemi'I,..?t Qreaory'a Church 0:30 a. tn. Int.Holy Cross Cem. Wllllamstown (Pa.) paperscopy.

nUMM Dec.. 21. JACOB) Sr.,- - husband ofvl' ",!', R8' Relatives andfriends. Independent Council, No. 1, U. S.A.; survivors of 2th Rest.. P. V Invitedto funeral. Tues., 2:30 p. m.. 1110 Palmer,t'.IJiuK,kIm"r Cem- -

.CARSOX, Deo. 20, REDECCA A., widowof William Carson. Ttelatlves and friendsln1ted to funeral. Glen Riddle. DelawareCo., Py., Tues.. 1 p. m. Senlces at Cal-vary Church 2 p, m.

CASNET Dec. 10. SrAimiQE. husbandt W 'i11. Casnet (nee Tlynn). RelativesShu f'lendj Invited to funeral. Tues.. 8:30

m.. .2018 8. 12lh st. Solemn hlah massff requiem Church of the Epiphany 10 a. m,,nJ:.,.'S.1X..P0" Oem. Auto sen ice.

CliAnUE. Dec. 22. CHARLES D.. d

.of Itebocca Cox Clarke, Relativesand friends Invited to services, Thfffs.,2 P. ra.. 3318 N. 15th at. Int. private.Richmond. Va., papers copy.nt;0Ari'.X,0,f-;A.tnurl"'on- . N. J.. Dee.

JAMB8 COMPTOX. aired B6. Relatlveaand friends Invited to funeral service, fu-neral parlors of. r. J. Perlnchlef, cornerRroad and Wood sts . llurllnston. N, J..

CODMAtOdNel,ira,;S.emC0nn..Dec. 21, MAnoUERITE 8PROULL. wife ofThomas Dukes Coulbourn. Relatives andfrlonds Invited to services, Tues., 2:30 p.

Oliver II. nalr Uldg., 1820 Chestnut at.,Phlla. Int. private.

t'ROXIN. Dee. 20. JOHN A., of the!f'?. ESUeti ,nd Waraaret Cr'onln. ReiaUy'M"''. frl?nds. employes of Penn Gas amOiobo Co., to funeral, Tues., 8.30a. m., residence, or nis brother-in-la- JohnA. Il)nes. 143S Pt. Breeze ave. Solemnrequiem mass at St. Edmond's Church. Int.Holv Cross cem. Auto service.

CROSSED. Suddenly Dec. 1. JAMH8CIlOaSIN. husband of Susan Crossln (neeKelly), of County Donegal. Ireland. Rela-tlvea and friends. Donegal Society. Dlv. Nn80, A; O II.. tntlted to funeral, Tues , 7:30a. m., E003 Oreenway ave Solemn highmass of requiem Ht Francis da Sales' Church9 a. m. Int. Holy Cross Cem. Auto fu-neral.

CHUPP-CON- Dee. 20. OEXF.VIEVECRUPP (neo Conn), daughter of Mary E.and late Thomas Conn. Relatives andfriends Invited to funeral. Tues., 8:30 n. m..residence of mother. 3003 Janney st. Highmass Church of the Natlvltyj B. V. M.. 10a. m 'Int. private. Holy Sepulchre Cem.

DODWELL. Doe, 20. JAMEE). husbandof Mary.Dodwell. Relatives and friends In-

vited to funeral, Tues.. 8'30 a. m.. S481Wy using ave.. West Philadelphia.requiem masa Church of Our Lady ofVictory 10 a, m. Int. Holy Cross Cem.Auto funeral.

DONALDSON. Dec. 21, MAROARETDONALDSON (nee Culberlson). wife of JohnH. Donaldson, aged B7. Relatives andfriends InMted tn funeral services, fc'at.. 1P. m 24U2 H. 0th st. Int. private. Arling-ton Cem, friends may call rl.. 8 to 10p. m. Auto cortege,

DYER. Dec. 20. FANNIE, wits of Ed-ward M. Der. Relatives and friends. ToloCouncil. Nd. 123. D. of P. invited to fu-neral services, Tuea.. 2 p, m 1048 Welehroad. Ilustleton. Train leaves Droad Ht.Sta, 12:03 p. m. Int. ffm, Penn Cem. Re-mains may be viewed Mon.. 7 to 0 p. m.Chester and Norrlstown papers cony.

EAKINS.Dee. 22. ANNA MAY. wife ofWalter Scott Ealtlns, mother of HoraceUarOeld Eaklns. aged 68. Due notice offuneral.

EDEI.SON Dee. 22. at Medford. N J..LIPMAN. husbund of llertha Edelscn. Rela-tives and friends Invited to funeral serv-ices. Tues., 2 p. m.. parlors of EmanuelAsher Son. 1002 Diamond st. Int. pri-vate.

EICII. At Atlantic City, N. J., Deo. 21.OEOROE A . husband of Katharine Elch(nee Rvan). Relatlvea and friends invitedto funeral. Tues.. 7:30 a. m.. parents' resi-dence 1022 H. 21st st. Solemn mass

St. Edmond's 0 a. m. Int.Holy Cross Cem.

EISELE. Dee. 21, OEOROE F husbandof Wllhelmlna Elseln (nee Drill), aged 74.Rolatlves nnd friends, den. Koltes Camp.No. 228; Koltes Aid and a en. Koltes Post.No. 228. O. A. R.. Invited to funeral serv-ices. Wed . 2 p. m., 8021 Westfleld ave.,Camden. N J. Int. Itarlelgh Cem. Remainsmav be viewed Tues. eve. Omit flowers.

ERVIN. Nov. 2. nt Madrid. Spain, V1R.OINIA HODMAN ERVIN and Infantsdaugh-tcr- .

Due notice of funeral will he given.EWELL. Deo. 22. MATRELLI3 MAR-

THA, daughter nt Maybelle M, and Hamil-ton Dlston Dwell, aged 2 yearn 4 months.Relatives and friends invited to funeral aerv-Ice- a.

Thurs., 2 p. m. residence of parents,2120 N. lflth at. Int. private.

FERRY. Dec. 21 HANNAH, wlfo ofThomas M. Ferrv (nee Johnson). Rela-tlvea and frlenda Invited to funeral. Tues..830 a. m., 0380 Webster st. Solemn massof requiem Church of tho TransOgurntlon 10a. m. Int. Holy Cross Oem. Auto funeral.

FEY. Dec. 21. WALTER D. FEY. sonof Adolph and Henrietta Fey. aged 20.Relatives and friends Invited to funeralservices. Tues.. 2 p. m.. 111ft Rising Hunlane. Int. Northwood Cem. Auto service.Remains may be, viewed Mon., 8 tn 10 p. m.

FITCH. At St. l.ouls. Dec. 20. CHARLESP. riTCH. Relatives nnd friends Invited tofuneral services. Tues.. 2 p. m.. residenceof brother. John M. Fitch, S. Cooper St..neverlv. N J. Int. private.

FOOARTY Dee. 21. ELIZABETH M..w!fi nf .Tnnrnh .T. Pncrnrtv nn.l itittKrhtei. ntDavid and Mary Wood. Relatives andfriends Invited to funeral. Tues.. 8:3(l-a- . m .1312 N. Oamne st. Solemn requiem massChurch of tha Holy Child 10 a, m. Int.

. Ilnlv Cross CemFOX. Dec. SI. ALBERT V . husband of I

Gertrude Fox. need 40. Relatives andfriends Invited to funeral, Tues 11 a m .1'ark ond Colea ave.. Maple Shade. N. J. '

int. AurmwDou (.cm,, .rniinaeinniUtmay bo viewed Mnn, eve.EOX. Dec. SI. MAOOIE J., wife ot

Thomas II. Fox. Relatives and friends In-

vited to funeral services. Tues.. 11 a. m..40 N. 40th st. Int. private.

FBANKLIN. Doc. 21, WILLIAM E.,husband of Ida M. Franklin. Relatives andfriends, Harney Merry Lodre,. No. 20, F.and A. M.. of 1'awtuckot. It. I.; JlyplckCross Commander'. No. 4S0. K. of M., In.

lted to funeral aervlces, Tues., 2:31) p, m277 H. fSBth st. Int. I'rovldenco, It. I.

OAL.UU1HER. Dec. 21. CATHARINE,wlfo of Daniel Oallacher (nee Egan). Rela-tives and friends Invited to funeral. Tes.,9 a.. m. parlora of Wm. McCouaghy, Lan-caster nnd Wyomlnc aves , Ardmore. Pa.Rolemn requiem masa St. Thomas's Church,Vlllanova, 10 a. m. Int. Ht. Denis's Cem.Auto funeral.


son of late Charles and MargaretGallagher (nee Meehan), from DrumapumperAver, County Donegal, Ireland. Relativesand friends Invited to funeral, Tues., 8 a.ni., undertaker's office, 0771 MusgTave at..Mt. Airy. Illch mass Holy Cross Church U

a, in. Int. Holy Bepulchro Cem.OAMI11.E. Dec. 21. ROIIERT E. OAM-RL-

Relatlvea and friends. Apollo Lodge.No. mi). F. and A. M. ; Harmony ChaptersCorinthian Chasseur Commandery: I'hlla.Consistory! Lu Lu Temple. A. A. O. M. M.H.,i Thlla. Rear Estate vUoard. AutomobileClub of I'hlla.. Invited to funeral services,Thurs.. 2:30 p. m.,' 1604 Drown st, Int."oiLLVaN. Dec. 20. JAMES V.. son otThomas J. and Ella M. Olllan (nee McClrntli).Relatives ana irienus. u. v. ai. aoaaiuyand Temperance Society of Church ot OurMother of trorrowi, iioiy name Society,Columbus Council, No. 902 Knit! ofColumbus- - Dlv. No. 7. A. O. II.; HhapahanCathollo Club, employes of I'hlla. LawnMower Co., Invited to funeral Tues.. 8:30a. m.. residence of parents, 0920 Pine st.Bolemn requiem mass Church ot at.Carthage, (!2d, at. and Cedar avo., 10 a. in.Int. Holy Croaa Cem. Auto funeral.

dOODALL. Deo. 22. at Harrison Home.HANNAH, daughter of late Thomas andJane OoodalL Relatlvea and frlenda In-

vited to funeral aervlta, Tues.. 2 p. m..chapel ot Bplsoopal Hospital Front st. andLehigh ave. Int. private, Mt. Vernon Cem.

UHAFF. Deo. 22. HARAH J,, daughter otSophia A. and lata John C. draft (nee Kchaf-rler- ).

aged 7 months. Relatives and frlendainvited to funeral. Tues.. 11 a. m.. parenta'residence. Delawaro ave. and Wheatsheaflane. Tt. Jlelvue Cem.

OniFFlTH. Dec. 22. at Old Ladles'Home. WiasinomlnoY Mist SARAH URIF-KIT-

aged 77. Relatives and frlenda In-

Mted to funeral aervlces. Tues.. 2 p. mat the home. Int. North Cedar Hill Cem.

OSELL At Halneaport. N. .!., Deo. 22.ANTHONV LOPIS. husband pt Katharine(lsell and aon of Josephine and late John(lien, axed 23. Relatives and friends in-vited to funeral. Thurs,, 9 a. m.. residenceof mother. Halneaport, High mass ot re-quiem Bacrta Heart Church. Mt. Hotly. N.J 10'Sfi a. ,n'- - Bt- - Mary1. Cem.

HAFENDORFER. Dec. 20, ANNA C,daughter ot late Jacun and Catharine E.Haramlorfer. Relatlvea and friends Invited:to funeral servloea. Tues., It a, ni., sister'sresidence, lira. John E. DroeacJier, tst)Trinity st. (00th and Chester avo.). Int.Northwood Cem. Remains may be viewedMon., 7 to O p. m.

HAOaERTY. Dec. 20. JAMES A,, hue-ban- dof Annie llaggerty (nee Sheedy) and

son of late William and Sarah llaggerty.Relatives and friends. Bt. Agatha'g T, A.II. Socletyi Dlv. No, B8. A. O. II,i CourtMantua, No. 100. P. of A.i Lodge No. 54.I,. O. O, it. I employes James II. CretwellCo , Invirbd to funeral, Tues., 8:80 a. m.,1035 B. Ithan at.. West Phlla. Solemn massof reoulem Church of the Most Illessed

10 a. m. Int. Holy Cross Cent.Auto service.

HAMILTON. Dec. 20. MARIA HAMIL-TON (nee Smith), wife of Andrew T. Hamilton, jteiativea sua inenas. xoio uouncii.No, 123. D, of IM all other societies ofwhich aha waa a member. Invited to funeralservices, Tuoa r 1:30 n. m.. 032 E. Thomp-son st. Int. Cedar Hill Cera. Frlenda mayk.ii .ii.r v. ill. ,

lIRHHliLl'OTlf. Dec. 21. RATtATF ItRS.

cork at. Int. Hillside Cem,, via funeraloar. Ibsnou paper, copy,

HOItAN, Dec. 2, ANNIE (nee Doyle);widow of John Horan.'aged 82. Relatlveaand frlenda Invited to funeral.. Thurs,, 8 a,m.. 21 Sycamore at.. Clifton Heights. Dela-ware County. Pa, High Mats St, Charles'sl.t.nrt. Ulluu(ll Ifl b --.. Tn a.Charles's Cem., Kellyvllle. No conveyances'

IIOIILArif un ' Deo. 81. MAflY K.IIOltLACHBR. daughter, of late Hetry andMary Jane Hmltli, Relatlvea apd frlendaInvited to funeral asrvloes. Tiles.. 1 p. m,(residence ot brother. .Frank P. Braftb. 2714N. Onsl st, Int. Pr vate. v

hunter, ia i. iJtiv wriruai.:ijmjufi eg atswiisiu saw mivmnm

nuu'iiiii ino Stover), widow of itenryI'riHesselpoth. Relatlvea and friends invitedI to funeral, Tues.. 1 v. m.. 1137 N. Han





DltATnSfuneral, Thurs., 8:80 am., brother's resi-dence, Charles A, Hunter, B80 N. Wana-mak-

st. Solemn requiem mas Our iJidyof the Rosary Church 10 a, m. Int. HolyCross Cem.

JESTER. Dec. 22. ELLlrf M.. wife ofWalter Jester and daughter of late Clowenp., and Marv A. Ilrown. IleVitlvea andfriends Invited to, funeral services, Thurs.,?nP.' ,m-- ' 2028 N. 22d st. Int. West Laurelmil Com, Auto funeral.

lvALTENnACIt. Dee. 21. BARBARA,widow of lato Christian Kaltenbach. Rela-tives nnd friends invited to funeral aerv-Ice- s,

Tues., 2:30 p. nt.. residence Mrs. II.Suter .2800 Falrhlll at. Int. private.

KKI8EII. Smldenlv. Dee. 20. WILLIAMI!., husband of Jennie Kelser and ion ofEdward and Margaret Kelser, 248 Zereldast. Relatives and friends, O, 11. C.t Oi.B.T.: members Phlla. A Reading Rv. ReliefAas'n. Invlt.it tn fim.rnl. Tues.. 7 a. m,parents' residence, 4C2S Pulaski ave Bol- -,

emn high mass of renulem St. Franelenf Assist'. Church 7:45 a. m. Int. St.Nicholas' Cem.. Weatherlv, Pa.

KELLEY. Dec. in, OEOROE. aon ofCaroline and late Edward Keller, aged 6.Relatives and friends Invited to funeralservices, Tues., 2 p. m., residence ofmother, 4020 Drown st, Int. FernwoqdCent. Remains may be slewed Mon.. 8 to10 tv m.

KBLLOaa At 003 N. lath at.. Dec. 22.RESSIE M., wife erf Herbert Kellogg, aged38. Friends may view rcrmlns MPn".7 ,0O p. m.. Ollvs-- r H. Ralr llldg.. 1820 Chest-nut at. Int. Iluck Run, Pa.. Thurs. after-noon. Coatesvlllo and West Chester, ra.,papers copy,

KELLY. Dec. 20, vJIICIIAELx T.. hllt-ban-d

of Allco Kelly (nee Harman), formerlyof Olrardvllle, Ps Relatives and friends,employes of Electrlo Storage Co., invited tofuneral. Tues.. 8.30 a. m. 2018 S, lltli at.Solemn requiem mass Our Lady, of MercyChurch 10 a. m. Int. Holy Sepulchre Cem,Autnmoblleservlej. ......KINO. Dec. 21, JOHN,Ellen H. King (nee Herd). Relatlvea nndfriends, Naval Post, No. 400, O. A, R.i Far-rag-

Atso.l Dlv. No. 6, A. O. H.; PopePlus IX Soclnly, Invited to funeral, Tues.,7:30 a. m., 2121 E. Clearfield st. Solemnrequiem mass Church of Nativity 9 a, m.Int.. New Cathedral Cem.

KUNKEL. Sudddenly. Dec. 20. of pneu-monia, MAROARET D.. wife ot William A.Kunkel and daughter of John N, and Mar-garet Mayer, aged 27. Relatives andfriends, members of the Archcontraternltyof the Holy Family Church of Incarnation,invited to funeral, Tues., 8:30 a. m., par-ents' residence, 184 W. Tabor road, Olney.Solemn high requiem mast at Church of In-

carnation. 10 a. m. Int. St. Peter'a Cem.Auto service.

LEEDS. Twelfth Month 20 nARCLAYR . In hit 85th lear. Relatives and friendsare Invited to the funeral, at B321 Rayntonat., Germantown. en Second-da- the 23dInst., at l:3i p. m. Train leaves RendingTerminal 12:50 for Wlmrohnrkln Station.

LINOO. Dec. 21, FREDERICK C. hut-ban- d

of late Lucy C. Ling (nee Archer).Funeral Tues. morning, 8321 N. 20th st.Requiem mass Church of Our Lady of HolySouls 10 a, m. Int, private. Auto funeral.

LOEFFLEIt. Dec 21, CHARLES A.,husband of Pauline Loeffler (nee ilalz), aged52. Relatives and friends. Bheklnah Lodge,No. 240. F. and A. M.I University Chapter,No. 250. It. A. M.I Mllle Lodge, No. 1000,I. O. O. F. Lennl Lenape Tribe. No. 3.Imp. O R. M.: Metropolitan Lodge. No. 227,K. of P.. invited to funeral service. Thurs.,2 n, m , 5000 N. 12th St.. Logan. Int. pri-vate. Friends may call Wed., 8 to Op. m.

LORENZ. Dec. 21. JENNIE C, LOUENZ.wife of Howard A. Lorenz and daughter oflate Patrick and Catharine Morrlssey. Rela.tlves and friends Invited to funeral, Frl.. 8a. m., 623 S. Taney st. Solemn hlah massof requiem St. Anthony's Church 0:30 a. m.Int. Holy Cross Cem.

LUTZ. Dec. 21. LUTHER R., aon ofDr, II. L. and Anna II. Lutz. aged 14.Relatives and friends Invited to funeralservices. Thurs.. 2 p. m.. parents' residence,5B23 Woodland ave.. West Phlla. Int. WestLaurel Hill Cem. Friends may call Wed.,after 7 P. m.

IYND. Dec 21. J., hpabandof Mary A. Lynd (nee Stroud) and son ofJoseph A. and lato Isabella Lynd. Relatlveaand friends. Phlla. Lodge. No. a. B. P. O.II.. and Retail Liquor Dealera' Asso.. In-

vited to funeral.. Tuet., 8:30 n. m.. 3360 Dat. 8oiemn requiem mats Churoh of theAscension 10 a. m. Int. Holy Sepulchre Cem.A

MacFKELY.-D- ee. 21. ELIZABETH, wifeof Patrick MacFeely. RelatWes and friendsLeague of Sacred Heart. Altar Society ofSt. Gregory's Church. Invited to funeral.Tuca.. 8 a. m.. 5541 W. Thompson at. Sol.emn algh requiem masa St. Gregory'.Church 0:30 n. m. Int. St. Lenls's Cem.Auto funeral.

MACK1E. Dec. 20. WILLIAM D.MACKIE. Relalsvcs and friends, all

of whlclr-h- e was a member, in-

vited to funeral servlcee. Tuea. 2 p. m..Steelman's Chapel. 8033 Kensington ave.Int private. North Cedar Hill Cem.

MALLISON. At home of his parents inOV. Dec. 18. PIERRE MALLISON.

nged 14. son of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey P.Malllson. formerly of Lansdowne and

Ilurlal 21st Inst.. Cleveland.MARSHALL. At sister's residence. Mrs.

Frank C. Lane. 127 S. I8th at.. Dec. 21,CARRIE LOUISE, daughter of lato Thomasnnd Barah Catherine Marshall. Relativesand friends Invited to services Tues.. 11

am.. Oliver H. Hair Rldg.. 1820 Chestnutat. Int. Woodlands Cem.

MARSHALL- - HOYER.. Dec. 20, Mra.CLARA . H. MARSHALL, daughter of lateHiram L. and Sarah II. Iloyer. Relatlveannd friends Invited to funeral aervlces,Tues 2 p. m. 827 Andrews ave.. Cnlttng-dale- ,'

Pa. Int. private.McRRlDE. On Dec. 20. HUGH P.. hus-

band of Marguerite McBrlde (nee Reynolds),of 021 N. 10th St., aged 28. Relatives andfriends. Cork Mens P. 8. and Ileneficlal Or.ganlzatlon. Invited to funeral. Thurs., 8:30am Oliver 11. nalr llldg,. 1820 Chesthutat. Requiem high mass St. Malachy'sChurch 10 a. m. Int. Holy Cross Cem.

McCAHE. Dec 22. EMILY E. (neo Grif-fith), wlfo of John C. McCabe, 81133 Old Yorkroad. Due notlco of funeral will bo given.

MvCAIiE. In France. Oct. ail. 11)18.DUNNE McCAllE. husband of Grace

and beloved nephew of Anna McCabe, agedyears, of 821st F. A.. Battery C. Rela-

tives and friends, soldiers, marines andBailors are Invited to attend solemn re-

nulem mass at Oesu Church. 18th and Stilessts Tues . Dec. 24. nt 0 a. m. Interred InFrance, at e

MrCOnKLE. Dec. 22. DAVID C JV.aged 74. Services at R. R. Rrlng.

hurst fc Co.'s. lli'--'I Arch st.. Tues.. 11 a. m.Int. nrlvnte Wilmington, Del.

At Atlantlo City, N. J..Dec 21 GERALD T. Do RALES, son Of

Jamea J. and Catharine McCullough (neoIlrett). Relatives nnd friends Invited tofuneral, arrival West Phlla. station, Tues.,11'.21 a, m. Int. Holv Cross Cem.

McLAUOHLIN. Dec. :0. BRIDGET,(laughter of late Patrick and Annie McLaugh-lin, of Tamaugh. County Derry. Ireland,rtnlntlvea and friends. St. Patrick's I). V. MSodality, Invited to funeral. Tues., 8:30 a.m. sun X ine nt. outturn man mass OI requlem St. Patrick's unurcli iu a. m Int.Jioiv i;rnss v.cm. viuiu lun.rsi,

METZEI.. Dec. 22, JULIA, daughter otlate Morltz and Rosa Metzel. Relatlveaand friends Invited to funeral services.Tues., 10 a.m., parlors Morris Rosenberg'sHon. 200D N. Broad tt. Int. irlvito, AdathJeshurun Cem.

MOORES. At Raltlmore, Md.. Dec. 21,MARTHA C wife of Otho CI. Moo res inidaughter of James J. and Agnes McCann,nf 2348 E. Allegheny ave Phlla. FuneralTires, afternoon, arrival 2:15 p. m. trainWest Phlla. station, Penna. It. It. Int.Holy Cross Cem. Auto funeral.

NEELY. Dec. 21. MAROARET (nee red-low- ),

wife of Jamea Neolv. Relatlvea andfriends Invited to funeral services. Tues., 2p m.. narlora ot 8ehor tt Heaslnger, auO'jK. Busauehanna ave. Int, private. NmthCedar Hill Cem, Frlenda may call Mon..8 to in u. m. Aut. service.

NEWBERRY. At Itarlram Apartments.gee, ,21. ANNA M. NEWBERRY, aged 60

and friends Invited to funeralservices. Tues., 11 a. m.. Oliver II. HairHldg., 1820 Chestnut st. Int. private.NORRIH. At Fiankford. Phi a.. Dec 21

EMILY LISTER, wife of George G.NorrltService, and Int. privateOLT. Dec. 21, HENRY Q.. husband ofHermlne F. pit. aged 02. ReUttlvet andfrlenda, Ouardlan Lodge. No. 402. I. O O

F.! Bt. John's Castle, No. 111. K. O. E . Inivlted to funeral. in.. Lincolnnva.. North Willow GroveE: Int.mount Cem. '

O'REILLY. Dec. 20. MAUD, beloved wifeof Jamea T. O'Reilly. Relatives and friendsInvited to funeral Tues. 8:30 a. m., from 410N. 18th at Solemn mast of requiem at Ca-thedral 10 a. m. Int. Holy Crott. Autofuneral. 1

PEARSON. Deo. 21. SARAH ELLEN,daughter of Edward .II. and Elma M. Pear-ao-Relatives and friends Invited to fu-

neral, Tuet.. 2 p. m.. residence of parents,Huntingdon Valley. Pa, Int, private. Ilatiboro Corn. Autos wilt meet train leavingReading Terminal 1:02 p. ro. at UetkayresStation.

.PEYTON. Suddenly. Dae. 20, SARAH,wife of Charles E, Peyton and daughter oflate Jacob and Eather Opbhurdt. Relatlveaand frlenda invited to funeral aervlces,Tuea., 11 a. m.. 4003 Morrla at,, am. Int,private, Rtmalna may be viewed Mon.

P1I1EL Deo. 20, LUDWIO PH1EL. his.band ot Anna Phlel. Relatlvea and friendsInvited to funeral. Tues.. 2 p. .m., 854 N.llambrey tt. Remalnt may be viewed Mon..7 to II p. m. Int. Northwood Cem.

FRICKITT. At Atlantlo City. N, J,, Dec.20. ELMA V.. daughter of Mahlori andRosanna Prlckltt, Relatlvea and friendsInvited to funeral. Tuet., 12 ni parents'residence. Indian Mills, N. J Int. OddFellowa' Cem.. Medford. N., j,

QUINN. Dec. 81, MtCHAUL QUINN.Tuet,. HJ0 a. m., sister-in-law- 's reel,

derpe, Mrs. Nora Qutnn, 4515 Ogden st. So-lemn' requiem matt pur Mother of SorrowsChurch 10 a. m. Int, fit. Denlt Cem. Rel.atlvtt and frlendt, memoirs of Division 02,A. O. II. : Commandery No. 12, K. R. u andOur Mother of Sororws T. A. II. Society In-vited to attend. Auto service,ItAPPENECKER. Relatives and friend. In.vlted to funeral services, Mon., 4 m..parlor, ot William II, Chew. S. vV, cor? BOthand Spruce sts. Int. convenience of family.Remains may be viewed Sun.. 8 to lu p,m.

aAur r r.miAivi. ui pneumonia. 'Dec.81. IARY FRANCES wife of Joseph S,tn,it,minii auu unusuier u( A noma, gnuAnnie Dowd. Relatlvea and frlenda In.vlted to funeral. Tun., 8:30 a, m.. 148Franklin ave., Morton, Pa. Mats of re-nulem Church of Our Lady ot PerpetualHelp, Morton. Pa.. 10 a. m. HolyCross Oil. Auto service.

iiiiuukb uec. ai, HAM,Christiana Rhodes, aged. 71. Relatives andfriends. Uermsntown wmeii-Ainerica- n In.enclai Asso.. Invited to funeral services....." tt ZS. ,,fues.. v. in., nut. jiuyer si., uermnntown.Int. private. Remains may be viewed Mon,

VliOSSITER.-D- ec. 20 SARAH, wife of thelate Frederick ltotslter. Relatives andfrlenda Invited to funeral aervlces, Tues., 2I'knB-i- . Sn t J!f.ldfnc,i pl've.tand Itosslter,2020 N. Falrhlll tt. Int. prlvatt. OaklamlCem.

RIITTER. Suddenly, Dee. 31. THOMASn. RUTTER. of 'Lantdownevl.l'a.. ton flatp Samuel I- and Jan. K. jltutfer. Rflattlvet and, frlendt Invited to services. Tuet,,1 ., aon'. resldcace. MIS Oaaoa av...

DEATHSRYAN. De. 31, BRIDGET It. daughter

of late John and Bridget yan. Funeral, towhich relatlvea and friend. Invited, Tues..8 a. m., brother-in-law- ', residence, JameaMulgueeney, 140 Slgel at. Masa of requiemChurch of Bacred Heart 9:30 a, m. Int.Holy Cross Cem.

SCHEUIAL. Dec. 22. CHARLES. hutVband of Germalna and aon of late OttoSchethal. at San 'Francisco.

BCIIELL At Olenolden. Pa,. Deo. 22.JOSEPH IttBTnURN HcllELL. Serrlcet)SO.", E. Olenolden ave.. Thurs,. 11:80 a, m.Train leaves Ilroad St. station 10:85 a. rn.Int. private, r

SHAW. Dec. 21. MARIE A., wife ofJamei L. Shaw and daughter of lata Edward,J, and Mary A. Fadin. Relatives andfriends. League of Sacred Heart ot Transfiguration Church. Invited to funeral. Thurt..7:30 a. m.. Bil7 Christian St., West Phlla.Mass Church of Transfiguration 0 a, m.Int. Holy Cross Cem. .

SHEA. Deo. 92. MARY O.. daughter otlate Alice and Jamea Bhea. Relatlvea andfriends. Invited to funeral, Tuet.. 0 a. m .09 Slocum at., Mt. Airy. High masa HeirCross Church 10 a. tn. Int. St. Anthonys)Cem,. Ambler. 'sSIMS. Suddenly. Dee. 21 THOMAS JI..

husband nf Willie currle Rims. Funeralservices 420 Midland ave., Bt. Davids, Pa..Tues., 11 a. m. Int. private,

SMITH, Suddenly. Dec. 22. MARSHALLIt., husband of Camilla II. Smith. Rel-atives and frlenda Invited to the aervlcet.Thurs., 1 p. m., 127 DIoomlngdate ave,,Wsvne. V. Int. private.

RTOCKBRIDOE. Suddenly. Dec: 22. AL-FRED A., husband nf Harriet StrattonStockbrldge, aged 08, Relatives and friend.Invited tn fun.ral services. Tuea.. 2 p. m.,from chapel of Andrew J. Ilalr A Son. Archand IBth st. Int. private.

STRETZ Dec. 10-.- MAROARET O., wifeof Joseph Streta (nee Geler), aged 87. Rela.tlvet nnd friends invited to funeral serv.Ices. Tues., 2 p. m., 8055 Hartvllle at. Int.uakiana cem. uemains may te viewea aion,eve. Auto funeral.daua-hte- of Charles H. and Bessie O. Strron.aged M. Relatives and friends Invited tofuneral services. Thurs., 2 p. m.. 710 Col-lin-

ave.. West Colllngswood. N. J. Int.private. Frlendt may call Wed., 7 to 9

P'TEAZ. Dee. 22. MARY F.. wlfo of Wil-liam P. Teaz and daughter of George andFannie Sauerweln. nged 27. Relatives andfriends, members of Holy Trinity Presby-terian Church, Invited to funeral, Thurt.,2 p. m., C115 North Warpock St., Logan.Services In above-name- d church, Marvinand Rockland ats.. 2:30 p. in. Int. Ivy HillC'Tlt0MrP0N. Dee. 22. CHARLESTHOMPSON, aged SB. Relatives and friendsInvited to funeral, without further notice,residence. N. State at.. Newtown. Pa..Thurs.. 2:80 o. m. Int. Newtown Cem.Train for Newtown leaves Reading Terminall!

THORN. Dec' 20. OEORQE F, THORN,aged 71. Relatives and friends Invited tofuneral services. Tues.. 12 nnon, residence ofson Clarence R. Thorn. 122 Wyoming ave..Audubon. N, J. Int. Harlelzh Cem. Friendsmav call Mnn., after 7

TILGE. Dec. 22. ELIZABETH EARP,wife of Louis T, Tllge. Notice of funeral'"trUSCOTT. Dec. '22, MARY, widow ofJames Truscott. aged 90. Relatives andfriends Invited to funtral aervlces, Thurs.,2 o. m., residence, RichardThomas, 238U N, 20th tt. Int. private. Hill-side Cem.

TUNNEY. Dec. 21. of pneumonia. MARYE. wife of John Tunney and daughter otInto Linnaeus C. and Margaret M. Ltbhart.Relatives and friends Invited to funeral.Tues.. 8 a. m.. residence of husband. Clem-ento-

N. J, Solemn requiem mats St.Lawrence's Church. Laurel Springe. N. J..10 a. m. Int. private. Holy Cross Cem.

rinVAa--D. 20. lucy b.. wife otDr. Charles U. Twins' Funeral aervlces.Tues., 2 b. m... 45 W Tulpehocken tt., Uer-mnntown Int. private.

WELSH. Dec. 21. ARTHUR ALOYSIUS.son of late Richard nnd Mary CatharlnaWelsh. Relatives and friends Invited tofuneral. Tues.. 8:30 n. m., 113.1 Spruce nt.Solemn mass of reoulem st John's Church10 a. m. Int. Now Cathedral Cem. Auto"w'lIERTLEY. Suddenlv.Dec. 22, GEORGEVf.. husband of Hannah Whertley. Relative,and friends. Brotherhood of R. R. Trainmen.No. 702; employes Phlla. Dlv., P. and R. R.,Invited to funeral services Frl., 2 p. ni.,3820 W. Firth st. (34th and Huntingdon).Int. private. Frlenda may call Thurs., 8 to10 P. m.


husband of Mario F. Wurster (neeKllngersteln). nged 58. Residence. 2720 W.Jefferson nt. Due notice of funeral.

ZWICKEH. Dec. 22, WILLIAM O.. hus-band of " Susan Zwlcker. Relatives andfriends, employes of North Rros. Mfy Co.:Diligent Council. No. 4. F. P. A.: all othersocieties of which he was a member. Invitedto funeral services. Thurs., 2 p. m.. 123 W.Wyoming ave. Int. private.

LOST AND. FOUNDHANDBAG Lost, lady'n black handbag, con-

taining money, shopping Hat and handker-chiefs, on car No. 53: reward for return. 228W Rlttenhouse St.. Qtn I'h, Cltn. 1821.

WALLET Lost, black two-fol- wallet, cont.registration card, atx S5 bills, six il bills.

Return to 60 N. 5th tt. or call Cynwid 7I3M: reward. .












1031 Arch at. Miss Ryan400 Market st. Miss Smith

S. E. cor 07th and Chestnut Miss McCabe26 W. Chelten ave. Miss llurkhsrdt

20 E. 0th at,, Chester, Pa. Mist Troyp






AXMINSTER BETTERS: exper.t. steadywork; good pay. Apply Bush ft Diamond,

Jasper and Ontario.BOOKKEEPER: Institutional position! Prot-

estant: experienced; capable of takingcharge of office: state full experience, ageand give references In application; board,room and laundry Included In salary.P 28(1. Ledger Office, ,BOOKKEEPER, experienced on Burrough

bookkeeping machine for account! receiv-able ledger: to receive attention, repliesshould state age, experience and salary

I' 302, Ledger Office,

BOOKKEEPER and stenographer; good po-sition. Call In person, 1114 Chestnut,

Room 20.CASHIER. Apply Family Theatre. 1311

Market at.CHAMBERMAIDS, 140 sleep out. or 120.

room and board. Apply Adelpbla Hotel.13th and Clover.CLKRKtf (four), experience. Ulllle'a start.

2200 N. Ilroad. Ask for Miss Hume.COOK, female, colored, wanted In family

of 8l must sleep in. Phone Belmont '4130.DICTAPHOfiB OPERATOR, female The

Atlantlo Refining Company haa an open.Ins for an experienced female dictaphone or"erator at It. main office, 8144 Passyunk:ave., Phlla.: splendid opportunity for ad.vancement la offered: auto buses run Inmor.nlng and evening from plant to 84th andWoodland ave. Apply In person to tale.department. Room a, 8144 Passyunk ave.



GIRLS, over 10, tot label and wrap bottleand small package! light, dean, pleasant

worki beginners, can learn In a ahort timetguaranteed minimum pay;, good pieceworkratee and permanent work. Apply Employ.ment Dept H. K. Mulford Co.. 420 B. 18th.GIRLS over HI yeara ot agei ateady workigood pay. Apply Hush ft Diamond, Jaspergnu mifii'iilHWK Girl In small fam.i rood wejtsiWashington la.. Jenklntown. I'h. Ogonta



NURSE with experience wanted to take.care of 2 children, ages 10 months and2 Mi years i no sewing and no waahlmri wage."inn & tnnnthl referenr.a r.nttlr... !..&Mrs J. Itulpn Millar, Jr., Roland Park,,fialtlmnre, Maryland


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