in W tA rm E FOILS THIEVES IN VAULT BANK M?llebbers Flee When Torch Used bi?'?' Cutting Steel Doer jfe 'gnites Records I I,0"' Mnrch 7. K".' tt'cvp, niter forcing wnv into ;,;1W vn,1't of the Flrt Xntlennl Nnnk the steel -- life inelilc, 'A tLV .f il i J"1 cl contained mv, hunk's cnMi fluids ise t.'.'.i si w with-- 1 : i . fr. ii &tf m. . m: M.'R'V b ' ISSrv V 7, fe WT. HOLLY SPRINGS SCENE ffi SJ0,ul,t SnrhiRs. I'.i.. tiu-l- r UrY&ft' h'J,.,nn1 rcnrlilnu 5e,nPPnrwtly frightened uwny or the bnnk records In the vuult while I tncy were nt work en the -- nfe with nn acetylene torch. In lenvlng the vault the burglar pushed shnt the vault doer. Inning a crock through which the Miwke from , the burning records This smoke caught the eje of N. (.'. Help, f a motermnn, en the OrtrliMe and Mount Helly Railway, as he wi leaving hli home nt t":30 o'clock this tneinlng. lie notified the fire department and In this way the attempted robbery was dis-- 1 ( covered. Many Ilccerds Humeri Many of the records of the hank for x !-- j j 1. r&ti isT" 1AS& fW, klk tne last tutecn jenrs were burned. I the ledgers and ether books new in use were net put In the vault Inst night and for this icis-e- escaped damage. The only lets reported was the dis- appearance of u quantity of stamps and money order blanks which had been de- posited In the vault overnight by the Postmaster, the Mount Helly Sprints Indicate Kiiinanln P08tomce being tne same uiiilillng the however, that, the stamps and blanks were burned, us Theatrical Managers and Wei .UUJ JMilv.l-1- lit iv rjiui t L thp fire burned hottest. The burglars entered the bank through a li.uk window, and must have spent f ens.dernble time getting threugli tl.i steel doer of the concrete vault. They could net have tnrted work until long nfter midnight. n there was n crowd in the street until a late 91 & of of in us It Is bellncd, UUU i.vi-i- i uvi In State Laber Beard FAIL they may have left the bank enl a Ol'l and midgets may displace time meke from the vault ' children en Che stage if members of attracted the attention of protective organizations nre ' successful in their light te the Ne Clue te Robbers of the land from the' Ne one saw the or' ' .i , the bank was entered, and there is no clue se far that could be n-- ed hv' .nmrt b ' nelice in ,.ii, ,n .i consumers League today, u the lm - , mi iriir i niintn i.nnnnu ii.i, iii.ii Tark Gardner is president of the bank and T. O. Hull is cashier. The bank bulldins H brick and brown-pten- e structure In the center of Mount Helly Springs. It was said today thet this was the tenth time in five years that an at- tempt had been made te rob the bank. The last time that thieves tried te loot the place was last October. On each building. Insurgents Seize ns Legislature, constitutionality. 'iu, Reported Engaged tlme rumors Hint d.iutthtrr of Italy, will marrj' Prince DEBATE STATUS STAGE CHILDREN bank. fare Workers TO REACH AGREEMENT women short before Moterimm numerous Gelp. keep eitreme yeutii thieves before 'm'Jm after ??u""lt during man ntrer.s and representing cs of we- lfare before the committee of tin of Laber and of Pennsyl- vania, sitting In Hetel. After as te acting was nrt or labor and attempts of te prove that education of mere worldly value than that obtained in the visit the burglars have entered through schools there was no agreement reached. Jthe window in the renr of Arthur Arneld, counsel for tlm mm,. sought te that Law as enacted Commonwealth Pennsylvania legitimate application te child TtJ,. f T i.i.:l "c declared that stage children ITJLUI C Ul tCIV transients; that as such, thej could a ... "" piienc sciioel already hnve hew far the cate that gees with nrn tn tm linf flu. U 1 Iirillf" such iprt i I , ...HI W, ..nfc "". in ! . t n . . - it ' - te U1 are a net Cnmhria, nor all ' racy Inte n fratricidal cenliict n public receive caucatt sliewn tnnHnnnpa nrnnnrnil and ait. ' .. i s j I I'll ! a I .. i ne ni l .... ,1 ...nn " Cable Dispatch. Copurleht. ' ' .' I Cieergia had of an forty vl,alH aIlll declared Irish was e,ndren a better by chair- - t1L, in manship 1 lggis. The itace also cot n counties icceiv they SAY part prominently City. Injured I'KINCK.SS YOLANIU Ktnmnnucl, Argue ,TZ child argument whether sides ngers, dispene actors'. MJllllVI udmittanee Dublin, drafting completed education committee contested, eliminate Hireling. president Cnderwriterh' Labornter binning. "Confes- - ,...,.' rT.y..; C0RN Conn:' 7TlRV ilCT OF (njures Nicholas, OF Before Industry Mlir,,h gnih iiullieritles ngaiust Community ljfaUway UNION HEADS MAKE SURVEY Beard Mine Meets Discuss Pres- ent FAVORS WALKOUT Avseclalcd Indianapolis. ".racing many problems arising particularly threatened strike April Lxecutive t'nited Workers America here today membets expecting confer conditions prcvaillnj various fields throughout States decisions affecting strike pos- sibilities were expected beard, whose members said matters policy cemmit'ee, formed. meeting probably before April vote, whkh com- pleted Tiiday. Indicate favoring walkout wage agreement figures available, members referred termed general workers. Pittsburgh, operators mltinru "iitln, ," divcuss working . Fields, piesident Pitts- - burghCeal Company, today. hove objection meeting preparing scale," Mr. Fields, "but want operators miners central competitive States Indlann lnterestn mutual, would unfair operators miners district force situation warranted principles. fightng union. simplv trjlng buslnew concerned." The National through Lewell, organiza- tion, than million farmers, launched yesterday natio- n-wide movement arouse public sentiment against throughout country week Lewell warns carrying with pe,l-billt- y railroad strike, would work tremendous upon industries country. "Hilly have shark Iliirrishurg. March ..Miners emplejes Wills. sjlvnnia "That nine unitCII Workers America, nltheugh thirty-fiv- e counties, concentrated anthracite than bituminous resiens. mnde public piitnS iau,ni counties Lneknwnnnn. Schuylkill hard-co- al lu.iw.r. region have lnrsc 140.117 nn.t.Mnl workers their finally jy'0"- - ,ln,the Western finite, they cnnsjlvunia bituminous districts, hew- - people submit Much Arneld ended -. s1?1;10 workers terrorism. Ropensibllitv clear- - soiling with fervent plen that acting, evenly divided, county, Fayette, Knmen after labor, having than 00,000 empleyes, lows under protection Miss Lauder contended that "Jnle name influence nt,'ther there; reality, nshlngten Westmoreland have honest judgment demec- - nctlng work, above 10.000. ethers mhuup rumuiiung which precaueus condition counties. Special Miss Keen V. March constitution receive night under htaK(. school. Darrell decu- - "kids" boost again scale, better master fearc,i after Vare "was certifi- - heuml- - $5000 Check Put ment submitted te from Harry .Ionian, Keith's, ' vislennl Government possible flaied "they bright clean, ren"nu't Ore before the.nml geed education 'erir.inlznMnii unnl.l cnii.u.- - people June, Ireland training. Heciiusp It diffetent becomes candidate jointly constitution Fiee school does prove is bad." words, "Tem" Cunningham State. Jehn Hvans. Hern il "Hilly" CnmpMl. former Penrose There Intention Managers Pennsylvania Society leaders, would willing te constitution Urltish Parliament- - the Protection Children .admitted Mackey. (heugh peisenally they before Irish people possibility individual instances strong him. opinion that only question fitting while n.,u Heuse Commens have 'en stage. . . deeldn is whether constitution! "Hut." l.vniis. "thnt uimseii interview, conflicts with treaty, ultcr that idilld ,intpr best minds Ireland labm- - is whole. can't ,,. gubernatorial situa IE uruuvrii - - .. '"'v " -- . r t i-- tte British nttempt te discretion ei imiiviuuni. Senatei- - Vnvn .. . i... i... i. i .TnfiiniK,. !., eonsiuuiien uuepieu ..-- . ............ .... ' , . month tedav Politics rffiVj. vlded does conflict with industrial Heard, seeking 'g vi't hlblt chid actors feuiteen from "l ', eiscusscu fiem , . en State II "J : b,ue kun Mnln cvury prS; V s: ; z:u h of the Xertli would almost same measure inde- pendence possess. Any aft passed the Ulster if would come before Su- preme Court of all Ireland the ques-tie- n of Its SUICIDE '..&- - x kiiiiinirirv de- - take read nnme bat man 7UIU the hnd mid the the both was the the by of nnv weir net the ""'"",r Ontrnl but than ...t.l. th(. than weather .Measures danger showing mevin;; pictures ether In thenties weie Pierce, vice , ex- plained there slew burning fast He thai presented greater is ' ln j ' V m a ingeles Police Probe N0 0F ;, Mrd.r F,or; Russian Peasants Surround Ameri- - " : : nunnrv " iL lui'ir luvfueunwu im- - -- cmimiii tt mnn i.m.i'i i i i ii . i i it' !RI .41:1; rru. i...n SJ'SaJthe found nt I women, n ttie iiiihlie. te it lll.l 4. about police-prcvloubl- j llelievue-Stratfe- I te nt that ,,w eui Executive of VOTING lly the en 1, met with te in coal the and te bv the all te referred te the Is A tills com- mittee will 1, is te by the next is said te vote new Is reached. Ne te inej the I (Hv A. i ( Dal of the I'iti,hi,vr.l, itu. trict llieiit tlmlr nr! te I K. the sold no te our men and werklnc te meet and of the and Our are and be te the and this te try te is net by economic We nie net the Wc arc te put our en will be all Washington, Grange, Pre-ueni- N. composed mere te coal uu te nt meet- ings this Mr. farmers thnt of the ns as of the te te uui and tunt and fees may affected if .nine tn, nii nnv. scattered threugli mere In One by t,n snfi. utu.t. tiuvjii .ilium Mtun that Lu and in nf i.i fiinv .rt of ti... (In. Mil') riiiuiei. cei !.. v.i. ..t..,ui and the that nnd UU...-w- . J..4'...v. j,0 are iji... will never get Mr. his mere acts one ly rests en de if he al- - all. but mere men the his that encli of nnd te turn nn te hete in nnd of was the mere The are scat- - .11 nmifl mi iuc In ouiiinnieus-prouucin- g i0!2 said she teen The of List thnt the 'H,.. Will who clwn-,.- eiiini, wns Pre- - de- - teda for that are and 'rim Paw changes. It thev cet anil in will vote is fremlMackev In en the and the net that it that L. of die is no te the of for te for arc the vote en The net for here is the led life nn the of will ',' I11' te tin does an the and some of net the fuct arc the In thnt bad en We aril's mil, nui inui .iui will the the v,J, .i... nitHi iiiiii'.i rn me ieen trem 5'.i uie irisii ire- - . it the h;- - te pre- - ""t inner "' The an' the stuce In uml - "- - the of new by the en imr.vr.iin the the hud lck was was te lire the at were uinl the lie iipjc that Kt? rnr. fcv uu .um Fwnr' ,rtvnieAKv run innnrr ifii'iiLtn et of biiid of ll'll Air of In of nf that of all ma Al rans renew tlme folk nil nt de of te coal the of the of n the be be s new of be The be n a were the the 7 r. a of a. said we the the of a that S. J. of of the nf a a n In open be the the a coal the a well of the the a!d kiwrii the nr,, nnrt .. ... ..,! of of the .. n of the of who will lie a li i.ni.in.i he a of n,i the be the of It. the of the the ,, r the i' in un- m uiu '! T ...i-...- ., mi ............. .... " l' ,"" : "" ', be than said d rt nr n of a "If the chairman r.f the Compensation Mr. .Mecker. his hat into the lie will de se requets from the in of the rhiladil- - Mackey invented lulls prlmniies Brooklawn, any and Sunday nsd haH .1,.. motlen-iilctiir- o ...n Uoblnen, is ...:. pi this ,,osi,tieii because of nndljenr. Inte nearly ceiwldcicd hire;0f Is bnseball. same The letter, wild te in IHMIII leill Affair" director, Sunday plnylns her wlieicupeii Brooklawn lines ..,'.' ...l .111. uiu inn icm' inj- - tne and the subject Prosecutor Wolverton, lhUp u Blast Kills Marc'i uie the ." plant, UIiir Heard stage Child Laber meetin Association emnressed mgnauucx Company's to.tuW.ef iwcnir today kinds menace, take The Press Ind., March llenrd Mine I'nlted auada, made sucli union which being strike miners unless what cutlnicnt March "We den't1 Held, Ohie, which sound bail's March here strike. letter strike, It harm ether about strike day," cannot Irish weik. Vnlera ethers appeal that twenty slURU if ether submit stand wiieie child which ",, known asked: bellow amend ngle. warm, urged H.UHi tilins. & tienh. latter Workmen's Hnnid. shies ring, yeciiuse people nuts ether than High Pralsu lielltlr light n''r Odds ether wrong w,-en- Illegal Broeklnwii. wife officer story femmunltj light- - having when luiiiiTOiuu later wmilil iiiihuiciiuu tanned iireriKiiw ..'..".. stand SilltlrillV iiriKiuen uxnieueu tearing beard among cnndldacv ltepubliciui kind condition. My the Is thnt women virtually opposed and could rose, 21 ;: fff ifriiVtAij, it'rri.rrrn CLAUDIA AL'RANI) This young Heaver Springs, I'a., woman recently appointed of her town. She Is said te net the youngest woman United te held such office, but te be of the ounces posteffico heads of During "MIs Aurand very ably conducted her father's newspaper during absence man who respon- sibility the matter te put his feet forward and turn In man who 'can poll biggest etc. is question location east west; It is question having as the Republican candidate Novem- ber the who will make the bct Governer regardless comes from." Senater Verc questioned ns te McSparran, the Democratic can- didate of the Committee Seventy-tw- o, said knew about him. said that while and Philadelphia colleagues in the or- ganization were nt Lucie much which, if told, would make split." With laughter, he told of Billy Campbell" trolling bluelish and catching en the phiycd ITi. tixn.1 the I the .. .... ueacu uiny uis uie by jumping overboard and shark the beach j urged the meumcu ami I'lmnucipuiu. shark mines Penn- - of Ilegister of be a shark" a x ey T snu- - of three three placed when State Theie When tiling funnier than Hilly towing that shnrk the beach. Hut geed pulling things In." Senater, "the Employment figures ' sjild t Ati. ...v. in !i A I.. t ; .' was was " was .1 t Ii 1. h. - I a .. s,ud.Mr. u ... 1. ., w ,,... uy wns of of of en tiurty-en- e pounds pouipane. pompnne ''dernier rri," the Inst word fish, explained the Senater. On another oc- casion pounds of trout were Willie in Seuth Senater re- ceived no mail, that expects te spend next dns going tiie mnll which piled up Philadelphia office. four leereatiens fishing, ('robbing (net political) beating and swimming. Senater Vare reluctant of what some regarded as narrow escape himself and relatives when hole punched In the Hltterswcct, Vnre's motorboat. three Beidleman dcTi ?""? CONNECTICUT iiul iiuxiiiw vuuiie, (i-t- Senater. "The beat gees twenty-fou- r miles an hour. simply ordered thnt we msh beach, where we tne oeat. In beat time were Sen- aeor Vnre, Congressman Mrs. and jeung Geerge Vnre. The Van- - party Lucie at Monday morning. Itichnrd Wcglein, piesident Ceuncil: Cunningham and Jim McOlrr. "His Tem's" friend, due back this city Thursday City Treasurer WntBen, Ceuncilraen Hall and Hoteil nnd Hilly Campbell will remnin Seuth until mid- dle of month. EXCESS CREW REPEALER TO GOVERNOR EDWARDS Railroads Declare Act Has Cost Public $5,500,000 n , iietwith-tiin- d- theie has t, in New Jciey ueclaie , l n for .........A Mackev has I s. railroads point overv kr.ctlen of this Stnii. the managing llinf l.lu nnr..ll.l..n,. fr. 1 1 US just a ,., (i. .,,r. n. lif)ie v ei ,i. ..l,il.,,l ..i 't. ei ht Defensive" would party State MISS active a where a a !,,.. 111 a u clnred neacucd Vare ..n.. salesman additional numerous unsuccessful. January, Carrier himself appealed. persuusiw PAYS SHARE Payment Authorized authorized condemned Deluwnru and price $12,000. one-ha- lf buildings demolished Phlladelpua Best Served Country's In- terests, He Says Retains Party LLOYD KEEPS POST IJy the Associated Press Millien, March Arthur himself tedav a believer benefits emphatically thet country's were served the coalition,-- he snld addressing Carlten Club at in would a member of Conservative Unionist Party, added. Arthurs public appeal since liinv Order Garter. Lam- ing Worthlngten-Evnns- ,, Secretary War, piesided. Coincident it tedav that Prime Minister Llejd Geerge had deferred resignation colleagues pledge future action. declaration enme from the reliable of leaching As- sociated Press today. It commonly .accepted that retain leadership of Government until Irish legislation been and nfter Genea Is credited an desire te te te preparations trip during convalescence nt country home Wales. Nowhere has It reliably that Illness purposes nnd It is generally agreed friends rest en account of nervous ex- haustion. Lloyd Geerge has laden ministerial offices sixteen consecutive years, including the period of ministership. steed during trying years of period of peace settlement admirers declare thnt of less hardy physique would have collapsed long They hope thnt n time, nt least, he he permitted enjoy quiet. Gazette political cor- respondent draws a picture of pres- sure exerted night dinner te prevent retirement him within coalition further thnt colleagues united te worked close te hi'" "safely prison house ... I.!, llllnn in is ..., ..,.., is il I left UP iii is "When prison gate closed." writer continues, Min- ister home te exhausted and. if truth known, thor- oughly man, lacked moment courage te stake all upon freedom. returned te jailers' striving com- plexion it heart 6,487,856,000 GOLD MARKS PAID BY GERMANY TO ALLIES Commission Reports Payments te December 1921 Paris, ". (Hy Ger- man payments te Allies, In In cessions of State propel between December 1021, amounted te (1.48T.8."0.000 geld marks, report issued today by Reparations Com- mission. Tills Is mnde as fel- lows : First. Geld securities Direct payments, paid Denmark en Germany's ac- count of part of (13,000,000; broken material, 40,000,000; sundry items, (157,000; proceeds from Reparations Recovery Act, 1.181,172.000. Deliveries kind, in which values geld marks are te allied nsserf-ate- d sales Luxembourg, te alliance, etc HII,()!)2,(JIMI. Total, 'i,tW,HVl,-000- , total of liquid re ceipts te ;i.0W..il4,0UU mniKs. bird. Lstimnted value of cessions properties in territories ceded Germany, 2,ri04,:i total, (1.487,850,000 geld marks. a ELIZABETH Fermer Teacher at Penn Charter Schoel Dies Elizabeth M. l.ecte, formerly n tench- - Trenten. March 7. The Allen er nt Chin Schoel fifteen pc.iier Excess Crew which near-- , died at home Ueuxbiiry, tdlin. WllOie lie i.s Well known I"IIKOIll tl.n Un.int'n hv inli (.. of his efficiency it prcent eiliec. te ('in. m ihisiitj. a personal distributed than M10.000.- - hwirds. pnf.ed Philadelphia. he organized Workmen's n0, 1)v n f 17. eVntly conducted f ninpen-ntln- n Beard and. jjInr(. ,h), went Inte force Massachusetts town. thnt been n milreada opinion November used In .showing pictures be MAY HAVE BEEN SANDS tlenni lentest, never tirenntmt j,een cnmpelld te heenil never fully ,I1(10M" llr(Prenl "lf""s- - ,i,.th of adverse si.spie his en against .V.oe.OOO mpleymeut of tinmees. tnke able management heard. men in trnln operations, which ex- - home in rDftiM .n in tin. J .... ,n ullL.n.i.tu e.t.l juni- - n. rtiiiji-- . "Mr. aieat ability nnd The Mier.. thnt nrener of both 1,1.. !.,. III 1'rf ,IIe upon until will been him bind and nnd last but 31, nnd and (d) ami (b) J of LEETE Act f Z()PU had mere the 000 had jnw iiu n ru m nc- - te in kiiii nil ill Ue- - and She t1L,y will sary rcceveied. Funeral dace tomorrow UUilfeid, Conn. received services family MARTIN nui mill ,u - u.u..,., mi,m(, -- ,"- i.. ..i M 1..I-- - u-- J IK. eeine fiem the ether pails et f Jie mute icii mt iiiuiui uueici inunuci, no nau a SK3-V- , t'F'f '",,,. "" " . ... tau. f t c,(1,ies nt a II, am then raureau manugers u tne novi-rne- r l a Sea Remance. Dies in eamaen m V? Warehouse Point, . wIiem; P. at ,i,.uds. like birds b i,.,,,, II!u.atlen In Philadel- - tin lenealer. They would be permitted fLJf rjwau leunil renrunry in with a uuiiet jiUMiig ti iMi.ee grain-- , iiH(.,pi De- - lln i,v liuiiilred li exiui'-c- . which thev m last .unriin, inasier urn- - W" 'i10 hln(?; ihc'lUnd-- e -- .ektl.it ns unleaded Ji'eusnnd iiurty will h, te year alone amounted te ever ?0L'!'i.(i()e rfnnr "klppep of many steam nnd . State nelice believe n from the iu- -t ti nn hinging ,.'i. . i m i,ui, k..rt umil.l nnnhln ti , Is dead In hl.8 home, WA atthat Kdw; rd hands, mining k-e- - c. rn t., this Mm km ce.inti 'lliese , ' , pellti- - mt down operating mstH, it prime Iyvlghn nvenue, f amden. 'J he widow. iSV Mtary of 1Uiam ""'In r.dw unf.imllmr but mutt(,,.h a m public affair- - factor reducing transportation ')IrK- - "in,, nml two WWA wdceme maiinn te starmg peiuant-- . .i,.lln last tweUe in Indc- - eharges. rlien. Jeseplilne, tlilitecn old, and fc'lT '1j In it8 account State nr. te r.e, wlient and ,1,.1i,71t West Philadelnhiu -- - irginln, lifteen jcurs old. survive, UMyj 1!'elvlties. Hartferd Criiiraut. ih.irin. s mi.imi! i.mmlv .':.....' r,... in, .. in mnmr-- n iiim nr-nn- n m,, Tiie life Cantaln Mnitln rends like . ..! .1. ..,,. , . t w. fla iii.crvii.f.M ... description Sands utid of body Ware. fiem . ti,P . . . . . . . he hv ns Dlesagll factional in Muv vote'.s, late Jnck Hiintilng nml w'eikmen i,r,,(.,n I'jsher. Olive'r-liriind- y can- - Sold Stock Widow When Regular submnrlnes during M'erld BSiRi!10.UBB """. "1,: ""',' " ' en in ne p liiiieiiuiug iiibirnii , mt., and Mucitey or Aaents Fa ."" ':'',? ""'i;:,'0 'i '" " thnt nbeut of fertj itidercd. A thou- - ,ate acieed en Penrose or- - , , 1,eer "Ptnln Martin Kfcr?1y,eer8 eM R fe,',t V,rhm ,,,,', ',,R''t! tiamn will stnrte.l their Vare, ' -- .I1"' ,n ''S' "r ."''".Ti1", neit every ship safely pert. WEty ffinbeut 170 peuudij, light and heie. everv avniable leseurcc must Baker Sennter Leslie, i i- -i ti V '..ut0 rdilpwiecked numerous times, JfiJieavy brown )r ,.,i,centnited en of dls ,i MuMir Magec and ethers. Ileldle- - "lff ,i i S,i;'u Car- - but nlwas Although he fS Vi te get a two months supply be ditched en side.s, - ,,, ,,, n is ?'k? 1 If?, March . ;ihtnl.vll, values before tiie these bio supposed te ilnswtfencI t?n'- - w,dew who, wlth hoetn en," Captain Mar- - I'ellw.jletectiveH and agents the , , 7 1,, mw IIlllk'0S , P.... came in ,,n tin died nt home nfter nn lllncba of $& W"tt Atteriiey planned further r01,is impassable. "What think Iteldleninn ' te "? "lnt"e-v- - month" contracted tropical tM iLlyestiSiitieti today the letter received - Candidacy,r Vere wn asked. ,hhe that n salesman fever Brazil while en hwt voyage fMHlSte.A!'nn O..MHAV DAI I niuince muiM' "I have sat In Senate Pen,.- - f' . I'e, "' ,..A .J& C3,"2? ?. lh.9 ,,0,'nt--v- . ns captain of ' ' T jflUUICh ' ' i . , . . , - i i , , ' muii liiu iiuiiici itmwij ou uni uiill umuug 1 u in Kvlvanla rcnllcd Vnre. " ,', ', ' ,".,,' " """'i "t. tne D. Tin .. . . ",.'.. which na d 8120. vw in rnAn 1? Seuth Americans n'wnys care our 01 the wlili'h nelfpii inmle the lglled wii' te connected killed aiuuderaiimg This hours ilhec Work- ers called heaj net agricultural zerne were"ne fifty War nml N. J.( Paster h(. i, as honest as mnn With Community Association sat in that bed. nothing with Lieutenant flev- - Agitation for against . ,10thlB nethliig nisebnll divided J.. .. ' 1... .,r.u,i -- .nrui f thu induxtrv hcre'intu (iiinruliii: factions One. led ., rum 1.. i..i .whose was believed te lie native of ,.t. h,.v. William H. is tak-- 1 i.,i.tM f()r t,e but iie In ... .. .l.i.nH.nn '' I.... i. ..,. It. , IIU lililil ., lies e. for e " I t the Les K event games llnfl)rtuml. news- - fjie The hPlt the the Association, ,',vrrv lleme In the State without their investigation. ...... , ing for the ndvantnge making contest ted Beb-- , ,. nl1. r(.iv each heusn nn.l I ,.'s ..n.. I,.,., linul. , ...I .... .. .l.rt, 1...I.... )wn nn n ii.i Ul'U nr nil; with the who mnde te start hall In ..' n cast she teiil nleng followed hiKt V.-i.- 'ii ...... .'L 1.....1 1 t .. . . .1 1 ... 1 . Jlt'lUll - nrr iiubuiiiiu lie in . executed slujlng. befem , . eiiii(3 . uie I . u.i.... fl 9 Haass M.. 7.- sJSSffl nine T L'llllK-- ",vi,n.. asserts ii MV.M ,. ale tank Kansas list) en aineu. ei barn at Ninth results , he ana iivenue L" " -- - ... j i i!. m Uiiiiilntf icet ,Uw. the the the a mSfaT37 "W--lf COAL FIELD Conditions from the ' weie hut Illinois it 7. read some Irish wciinrc fr,,in ' " . l!H:i must a He would party en tiie stmt, this about that at Information from ever State the unanimously te him, if that is correct lie be whipped before he decent start. "Since the death Senater Pen the organisatien, the Postmistress at f fiv"J was post- mistress ffeme be only the Stales also sex. the party feels nnv In best for best the cither of In man he was he he did much Senater Vare he his St. there was "jour sides shark line. Hilly thnt shark Hue mas .... a til out i men toen rowing onto sent might go of nmm the i. . the i. net inuidei aside, thn net get his the net net for Hill the iew tne me in eighty-eig- ht snared." the the he the two lias Ills The weie swimming, te tell for was vast 0wt!ln"roff8herc; ivui the for the the nt Vare, St. Tem are morning." the the the l'cnn previously tea the fact fae- - . I iur.nvtt . out ..1.1. nml HSOIl t till.! f.r- - j.iiiiiiiu U' chll- - police N. by .uiulnii ad all nre II. one was Soeu afterward glib peuied nnd te sell stock. He followed by uthers, but Then, He was the widow forty-si- x mere bhuies and paid ?2..n0 them. CITY $21,000 First for Cen- - demned Bridge Buildings The first payment to- day for buildings te make way the Delaware ltlver llrldge n-- ouch en tills side. It for the structures et 1114-21- 0 North nvenun 213 North nWter street, owned by Adelph WiicIih. The hy appraisers and approved by the Bridge Commission wns Under the law this city pays the cost the side, tne State paying nimnnv iimaja kJ. ..,,- - .......:. . 8ALF0UR EXTOLS BRITISH COALITION Has Affiliation GEORGE 7. Sir Hal-fo- declared In the the coalition. "I the the interests best by In the its lunrhcen his honor. the and he Tills Sir first ance the bestowal the the Sir with the speech Sir Arthur was stated his without giving his any as The most sources Information the he will the lias com- pleted pesslblv the conference. He with earnest Genea nnd devote nil his tlme for the his sug- gested his is assumed for diplcTiatic by that he needs complete Mr. held cure his prime up tlic most the nnd nnd his any age. new for will te undisturbed Westminster the en Sunday s his nnd the loin, inis newspaper says six Union- ist efforts his beat in con .... ... in :."."i of in in of te in of the wns the "the Prime went beil the be beaten for he at the his He his keeping, te put the best te all, nt he sick and sere. Reparations March A. P.) reparations the cash payments kind nnd ty. the nrmisticc SI, says the sum up foreign (a) 1,041,410,000; (b) by for the cession (c) sale up (e) the ,'10.i:i(1.000. Total, Second. In the estimated la) Supplies the Powers, 2,700,250,000; te the textile bringing the geld State the by 12.000. Grand Deaths Day M. re- - the ter for for the her In 111 ,..,L.n.l n Mnu ids ew She lie has It (iiinlntnnccship in since the vefe us hhe the hln the nitre I wns mve the tun bnmi'k room In operated en in of at the CAPTAIN THOMAS ,..... - ..m," I l .1 -- - - me ' .'" the ke ( enn hed ) hungry en . ,,,',, M.v..rnl natc in U u1"lI;'1M0"(1 .Kv he the mnj be Ameiieaii sr, ,,.!,.,. n.nr this ships, I4i-- , lu,,,(,n,eneP in "1-- ' fimiied-kernele- d weie ,,,,) w,.i as in director. the venrs ears of the llfe'i ng " tlirl te. 'I'h .. i.,.. i .. a of t.Bl. of the the tale the brain of the Ionden. gnntlct Gcr liuiidrisl weie the te mnn the tne jen me sonic ether enn- - ed of n man twentj-fpve- n the that weie bv the old lnR thu nr -- and be en waj which "is new led hy brought into complexion ns of Plttsbuigli, r,7 He wns WMf hnlr. the problem :, wtis rescued. nil ev-- Angeles. A. bv we be ves die his of In- - de jeu of the clT"l:t seven He Senater lnjt In his the of " u), .lean, un no for she or. ..,-'- .. nmn nnn i,, .1111I two at ever was ,... 1th bv 11,.,., s state, the ........... ether, led the ,lt his of was The wtni Mr. I..........1 nlli.iil.i iiupuiiiiii null ni"ii in !.- -. .1 .1 llllll. nun mvui lias 1".""",''" 4, fil' were who ihu Till en he and is n u of in in an t war It a of 'or UnH ... it. the was J? me ut ei se eer u the 'A LC ue in in yy te iu a nn tried was nil were in se bought for was for i was set of of en win wr.t mr. mw.w.nwm mm mr AmtmmMj mu m nn i .aawiw tm ms .a rmA miinna nuvnp ninnrH . of am of was of for of- - go In his n for He war man s nt keep a was en n of war in , of In Massachusetts Ide a " l. .. win igns of nn.l n n from the of ,'B of utiu went te bed nnd never arose. He wns regarded as one of the most efficient (aptalns in the employ et the Ameri- can Star line. Colonel Jeitn Lambert Chicago, March 7. Colonel Jehn Lam- bert, first president of the American Steel anil Wire Company and promi- nent in Illinois circles, died yesterday at his winter home In Pasadena, Calif., nccnrdlng te private jidvlces received by relatives heie. Mr. Lambert's home w'as In .Toilet, HI, Wilbur Merrill Wenner The funeral of Wilbur Merrill Wen-ne- r, a Bey Scout, who died yesterday will be held tomorrow nftcrnoen nt 2:,1() o'clock from IiIb home. MOO Mldvnlc eventie. Members of Troop Ne. !()., Bey Scouts, of which the lad, wlm was fifteen yearH old, was n member, will nltunil. Thp IteV. B.. Ii. NeWKlrk. Itcnnt. master of .the troepjuwlll conduct the w.atJWSSjJIILflf'fh Inter- - WIHr 113 iB 11.1 f. v ,? rt ,. - "t. if f ii i pt l'(V OM Pem ISHULL WALLOPS BEIDLEMAN DOOM Judge, Out for Democratic Nomination, Not Afraid of McSparran, Either BO'NNIWELL IS PRAISED Judge Samuel D. Sliull. of Strouds-bur- a candidate for the Democratic nomination for Governer, gave a back-hande- d wallop today te Llcutcnnnt Governer llcidlemnn nnd State Treas- urer Snyder, both of whom hope te land the Republican nomination. "I am glad I nm net hampered bv any State finnnclnl troubles," he snld. "I nm going te mnkc my fight along clean, straight, constructive lines." The Judge did net refer te Hcldlcmnn or Snyder by name. Judge Shull come te this city today te confer with several Democratic lend- ers. He said he Is net perturbed ever the Indersement by the Committee of Seventy-tw- o at Hnrrlsburg of Jehn A, McSparran, of Lancnster County, for the Democratic nomination for Gov- ereor. "That meeting was cnlled' primarily te boom Willlum II. Berry for Gover- eor, but the proceedings get awnv from these In chnrgc," he snld. "It was what might he called n partisan gather- ing. The Indersement deesn.'t mean nn thing seriously." The Judge continued thnt he is neither a Palmer man nor n Benniwcll man, meaning that he Is neither n lieutenant of A. Mitclull Palmer, formerly United States Attorney General, nor of Judge Benniwcll, of the Municipal Court. "I am a Democrat and always went nleng straight lines." he explnincd. "1 am n friend of Hennlwell nnd admire him very much. I think Judge Benni- wcll hnB done mere te keep the party nlive than any ether man in the State. Ills record in the campaign for Supreme Court Justice shows he has n big fol- lowing." "As for Pennsylvania Republican- ism," the Judge went en, "thnt party has nn old-tim- e Democratic situation en its hands." "All sorts of new leaders have crop ped up, but none of them Is able te muster enough strength te dominate," he said. "I hear the candidates have been told te go out nnd scratch for themselves. But they must leek out or their 'scratching' may cause sere sports thnt won't heal In time for the big event." Judge Shull will nddress the League of Women Voters In this city Frldayi Governer Sproul, who had been ab- sent several weeks en n tour of the West Indies nnd Seuth America, re- turned te his home in Chester yester- day. ' Several men hnve been nwalting the return of the Governer te talk ever their candidacies before fermnlly an- nouncing them. State Bunking Com- missioner Fisher has told his friends he will talk ever the situation with the Governer before he makes any definite announcement of his cubcrnaterlal can didacy. Heperts from Washington indicate Fisher will held his conference with the Governer in Hnrrlsburg 'tomorrow, nnd will offer his resignation ns n member of the Sproul Cabinet. A new nnme has been flashed nmeng politicians. It wns rumored that Su- preeo Court Justice Jehn W. Kephnrt. of Cambria County, may be suggested as a compromise gubernatorial MRS. OBENCHAIN'S WED&fWG DEPICTED IN MURDER TRIAL Weman Who Saw Ceremony Re- sumes Testimony Is Angeles, March 7. (By A. P.) Mrij. Bessie Wledeft, one of the first witnesses cnlled by the defense Is expected te take the witness stand ngaln today with the resiimntien of the trial of Mrs. Madalynne Obenchnln for the murder of J. Bclten Kennedy. . Mrs. Wledeft. who was testlfvlnc? yesterday, when court was adjourned until this morning, said she had lived in n flat in the building with Mrs. Obenchnln, then Miss Madalynne Con- eor, here In 1011) nnd thnt Kennedy cnlled frequently en Miss Conner. Mrs. Wledeft nlse told of having attended the wedding of the defendant te Ralph It. Obenchaln, Chicago attorney, In 1010, nnd of incidents after Mrs. Obcn-chain- 's return here In 1021, following her divorce from Obenchaln. j. The defense lh the trial of Mrs. Obenehnin get under way jesterday aftVr Arthur C. Burch. had rc- - tuserl te testily ter tne prosecution un- less the indictment against him was dismissed. Mitchell Fletcher Co. Park Farm Cucumber Relish A Tempting Relish for Celd Meati, Oyttert, etc. 10Vi or. Jnr 30c $3.50 PF Cucumber Rings P F Chew Chew. .. P.VL- I- M.t J- L- . ..i.iiIii ,5c Phene Spruce 84-4- 0 18th & Chestnut Sts. 12th & Market Sts. 5600 Germantown Ave. Atlantic City, N. J. DimiiR I'fr Det. Jam 55c 55c Reading Terminal Stere Open Evcninii L'AnnOI.U March U, HAnAII M.. xvlfe of Harry J. Carrell and dauehtcr et Mltchd and Ann Keelv, late of Knnina V'ty Me, ItfilatlvcH nnd friends, are Invited attenrl funeral, Thursday. 8 30 A. M latS reslilenre, uai H. ith t. Holemn re mieni mass Church of the Transflcuratlen 10 A. m Jtitermctrt Hely Cre Cemetery. COtJOHl.I.N. March R. 1H22, juvvip COUaHUN. ana , Bf0 In. vlted te attend funeral, Thursday. 8 30 A. M . residence of Char os JI. Cl'ilen tiii H. -- '4th st. solemn renu'em mas, m An. theny'B Church 10 A. M. Interment New Sfwr t'p. Wn'' V,W WedneM. GRAHAM, March Ii, 1022. CATItAmvi-- holevc.l wife of j, daughter of the late llus-- nnd I illzUeVh Deu?herty (nee Heren), and dauehter.m.laiv MsJene). lUlstlves nnd friends are Invited mk? i&Ma jsirtei ROLLS-ROYC- E ANNOUNCES NEW PRICES GVARANTEED An Open Phaeton - $10,900 i M ' PENNSYLVANIA MOTORS, Inc. CHESTNUT AT 21st STREET WORK FUTILE, POLICE MAD rreit Man Who Told Them of "Burled Bedy" After digging up the fleer of the cel- lar nt 1755 Norwood street last night in search of a body that they had been told was burled there, the police ar- rested their Informant, Edward Dell-berr- y, a Negro nnd charged him with breach of the peace in giving them false information. Dellberry was gassed or shell -- shocked overseas. The Norwood street house Is occu- pied by Mrs. Ellen Hellcnhead, colored, whose husband has been missing for about three years. 'a BANK MESSENGER BLINDED Bandit Captured After Firing Tey Pistol Leaded With Ammonia Pittsburgh. Pa., March 7. (By A. P.) Dressed as a woman and armed with a water toy pistol leaded with ammonia, a bandit today fired nt Charles Lazare, a bank messenger carry- ing 915,000, ns he alighted from a street car at Liberty and Sixth avenues, a busy business district. Lazare, although blinded, held te his satchel and grappled with the bandit. Policeman Clarence Tlmmens saw the struggle and rescuing Lazare, arrested the bandit, who gave his name as Jeseph Lindsay. , WONER ACT HELD VALID Constitutionality Sustained by L, lerne county ueurt Decision v.f.v'e-m.- . ..,, tlUV I. IIV II . of 4 te 1, the Judges of Luzerne r,,.l upheld the constltutlenolltv of tin Wencr net, which regulates licenses the sale of 2 brewed liquor and will grant IIcVmS for the coming year In the county The constitutionality of the act attacked In the Luzerne courts S W. 0 T. U., nnd the argument $1 made by Attorney W. A. Sklnn r5 Judse H. A. Fuller wrntn tu. L. jerlty opinion for the bench nnd Iv&M John M. Garmnn dissented and will render nn opinion later; I "We .are net convinced." wrote JndtJ Fuller, "thnt the court lncks power tM grant licenses en the preposition thitl iiic unci ii.i. ui iif- -i in uncenntttll. uenai iwiii uie iiroeKB net ei 1887 .Annnliiil " . 1 - Retired Grocer Dies Bernnrd Lambert, retired grocer uj rem esiuic uwner in uiauccsier, a, J,J died last night nt his home. 827 Mi, 3 ket street, Gloucester. He was clxtyl live years uiu, uiiu nuu iivuu in uieucbm ter for about fifty years. He was fid fifteen years janitor of St, Minla (jnurcn anu ccnoei nt Gloucester, m Is survived by two Children. Antique English Silver What mere complimentary gift than a carefully selected piece of '.Antique English Silver for the bride I The collection of this house contains many pieces which offer the satisfaction of daily use with the charm of fine craftsmanship and historic association.' J.EOAIJ)mL'&Ca )Jhwixhy - Silver - STATiOHBnr Chestnut and Juniper Streets w Knickers Gelf Jackets with Knickers. Gelf Jackets that permit freedom of swing Knickers as only we knew hew to make them. Spring Business Suits, made-te-orde- r, $115 up Spring Topcoats, ready-to-put-e- n Rebert Stewart, 1501 Walnut St. Sporting and Mufti Tailor I Bromehte Mahmrm !SW XOr ior'e ,w wuwat We're Hunting a Salesman ! r The Sales Manager of a leading office appliance company (a na- tional advertiser) will be in Phila- delphia next week te interview prospective salesmen. A real opportunity for genuine producers. Write for appointment, giving your qualifications. Address C 115, Public Ledger Gentlemen Who Prefer Tweeds Frem Across the Seas will be delighted to learn that we have just received a quantity of Scotch-wove- n tweeds from Sir Charles Sykes & Sens, Lt.d., of Galashiels, Scotland. These importations will be made a part of our regular offer of finest English worsteds and woolens of $100 te $.125 qualities. ' Built to Measurement ' 55- - While the variety of the tweeds is geed, they are net unlimited and it weuld'be well if you wish either a knickerbecker or a plain sack suit te register your order seen. WILLIAM H. WANAMAKERii . . -- I i "' I ..,4 jmwmmmmmmmmmmmmiumWi ,, iisaiJMaiirl n iiM irittlliiii jr " JM

Evening Public Ledger. (Philadelphia, PA) 1922-03-07 [p 2].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045211/1922-03-07/ed-1/seq-2.pdf · IN VAULT BANK M?llebbers Flee When Torch Used

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M?llebbers Flee When Torch Used

bi?'?' Cutting Steel Doer

jfe 'gnites Records

I I,0"' Mnrch 7.

K".' tt'cvp, niter forcing wnv into;,;1W vn,1't of the Flrt Xntlennl Nnnk

the steel -- life inelilc,'AtLV.f il

i J"1 cl contained mv, hunk's cnMi fluids




with-- 1


i .



m. .


b '


V 7,



SJ0,ul,t SnrhiRs. I'.i..tiu-l- r

UrY&ft' h'J,.,nn1 rcnrlilnu

5e,nPPnrwtly frightened uwny

or the bnnk records In the vuult while I

tncy were nt work en the -- nfe with nnacetylene torch.

In lenvlng the vault the burglarpushed shnt the vault doer. Inning acrock through which the Miwke from

, the burning records Thissmoke caught the eje of N. (.'. Help,

f a motermnn, en the OrtrliMe and MountHelly Railway, as he wi leaving hlihome nt t":30 o'clock this tneinlng. lienotified the fire department and In thisway the attempted robbery was dis-- 1

( covered.Many Ilccerds Humeri

Many of the records of the hank for








tne last tutecn jenrs were burned. Ithe ledgers and ether books

new in use were net put In the vaultInst night and for this icis-e- escapeddamage.

The only lets reported was the dis-appearance of u quantity of stamps andmoney order blanks which had been de-

posited In the vault overnight by thePostmaster, the Mount Helly Sprints



P08tomce being tne same uiiilillngthe however, that,the stamps and blanks were burned, us Theatrical Managers and Wei.UUJ JMilv.l-1- lit iv rjiui t L

thp fire burned hottest.The burglars entered the bank

through a li.uk window, and must havespent f ens.dernble time gettingthreugli tl.i steel doer of the concretevault. They could net have tnrtedwork until long nfter midnight. n therewas n crowd in the street until a late

91 &


in usIt Is bellncd,

UUU i.vi-i- i uvi

InState Laber Beard


they may have left the bank enl a Ol'l and midgets may displacetime meke from the vault ' children en Che stage if members of

attracted the attention of protective organizations nre' successful in their light te the

Ne Clue te Robbers of the land from the'Ne one saw the or' ' .i ,

the bank was entered, and thereis no clue se far that could be n-- ed hv' .nmrt b '

nelice in ,.ii, ,n .i consumers League today, uthe lm - , mi iriir i niintn i.nnnnu ii.i, iii.iiTark Gardner is president of thebank and T. O. Hull is cashier. Thebank bulldins H brick and brown-pten- e

structure In the center of MountHelly Springs.

It was said today thet this was thetenth time in five years that an at-tempt had been made te rob the bank.The last time that thieves tried te lootthe place was last October. On each


Insurgents Seize




Reported Engaged

tlme rumors Hintd.iutthtrr ofItaly, will marrj' Prince




fare Workers


womenshort before

Moterimm numerousGelp. keep

eitreme yeutiithieves before 'm'Jm

after ??u""ltduring

manntrer.s and representing cs of we-lfare before the committee of tinof Laber and of Pennsyl-vania, sitting InHetel.

After as teacting was nrt or labor and

attempts of te prove thateducation of mere worldly

value than that obtained in thevisit the burglars have entered through schools there was no agreement reached.

Jthe window in the renr of Arthur Arneld, counsel for tlm mm,.sought te that

Law as enactedCommonwealth Pennsylvanialegitimate application te child

TtJ,. f T i.i.:l "c declared that stage childrenITJLUI C Ul tCIV transients; that as such, thej could

a..."" piienc sciioelalready hnve hew far the cate that gees with

nrn tn tm linf flu. U 1 Iirillf" such iprt





W, ..nfc "".


! . t n . .-it '


te U1 area


norall '

racy Inte n fratricidal cenliict





tnnHnnnpa nrnnnrniland


' .. i s j I I'll ! a I ..i ne ni

l .... ,1 ...nn" Cable Dispatch. Copurleht. ' ' .'

I Cieergia hadof an forty vl,alH aIlll declaredIrish was e,ndren a better

by chair- - t1L, inmanship 1 lggis. The itace also cot n

counties icceiv













ngers, dispene



Dublin, draftingcompleted education





Cnderwriterh' Labornter


"Confes- - ,...,.'rT.y..; C0RN

Conn:' 7TlRV










iiullieritles ngaiust





Beard Mine

Meets Discuss Pres-



AvseclalcdIndianapolis. ".racingmany problems arising particularly

threatened strike AprilLxecutive t'nited

Workers America here todaymembets expecting confer

conditions prcvaillnj variousfields throughout States

decisions affecting strike pos-sibilities were expected

beard, whose members saidmatters

policy cemmit'ee,formed. meeting

probably beforeAprilvote, whkh com-

pleted Tiiday.Indicate favoring

walkout wage agreementfigures available,

members referredtermed general



mltinru "iitln,," divcuss working

. Fields, piesident Pitts- -burghCeal Company, today.

hove objection meetingpreparing

scale," Mr. Fields, "butwant operators miners

central competitiveStates Indlann

lnterestn mutual,would unfair operatorsminers district force

situation warrantedprinciples.

fightng union. simplvtrjlng buslnew


The Nationalthrough Lewell,

organiza-tion, than millionfarmers, launched yesterday natio-

n-wide movement arouse publicsentiment against

throughout country weekLewell warns

carrying with pe,l-billt- y

railroad strike, would worktremendous upon

industriescountry. "Hilly have shark

Iliirrishurg. March ..Minersemplejes Wills.sjlvnnia "That nineunitCII

Workers America, nltheughthirty-fiv- e counties,

concentrated anthracite thanbituminous resiens.

mnde public piitnS iau,nicounties Lneknwnnnn.Schuylkill hard-co- al

lu.iw.r. region have lnrsc 140.117nn.t.Mnl workers their

finally jy'0"- - ,ln,the Westernfinite, they cnnsjlvunia bituminous districts, hew- -

people submit Much Arneld ended -. s1?1;10 workersterrorism. Ropensibllitv clear- - soiling with fervent plen that acting, evenly divided, county, Fayette,

Knmen after labor, having than 00,000 empleyes,lows under protection Miss Lauder contended that "Jnlename influence nt,'ther there; reality, nshlngten Westmoreland havehonest judgment demec- - nctlng work, above 10.000. ethers

mhuup rumuiiungwhich precaueus condition counties.

Special Miss KeenV. March

constitution receivenight under htaK(. school.

Darrell decu- - "kids" boost





fearc,i after

Vare "was

certifi- - heuml- -

$5000 Check Put

ment submitted te from Harry .Ionian, Keith's, '

vislennl Government possible flaied "they bright clean, ren"nu't Orebefore the.nml geed education 'erir.inlznMnii unnl.l cnii.u.- -

people June, Ireland training. Heciiusp It diffetent becomes candidatejointly constitution Fiee school does prove is bad." words, "Tem" CunninghamState. Jehn Hvans. Hern il "Hilly" CnmpMl. former Penrose

There Intention Managers Pennsylvania Society leaders, would willing teconstitution Urltish Parliament- - the Protection Children .admitted Mackey. (heugh peisenally theybefore Irish people possibility individual instances strong him.opinion that only question fitting while n.,u

Heuse Commens have 'en stage. . .deeldn is whether constitution! "Hut." l.vniis. "thnt uimseii interview,

conflicts with treaty, ultcr that idilld ,intprbest minds Ireland labm- - is whole. can't ,,. gubernatorial situa

IE uruuvrii - - .. '"'v " -- . r ti--tte British nttempt te discretion ei imiiviuuni. Senatei- - Vnvn ... i... i... i. i .TnfiiniK,. !.,eonsiuuiien uuepieu ..-- . ............ ....

', .

month tedav PoliticsrffiVj. vlded does conflict with industrial Heard, seeking 'gvi't hlblt chid actors feuiteen from "l ', eiscusscu fiem, . en StateII "J : b,ue kun Mnln cvuryprS; V s: ; z:u


of the Xertli wouldalmost same measure inde-pendence possess. Any aftpassed the Ulster if

would come before Su-

preme Court of all Ireland the ques-tie- n

of Its


'..&- - x

kiiiiinirirvde- -


nnmebat man








byof nnv


net the


but than





.Measures dangershowing mevin;; pictures ether

In thenties weie

Pierce, vice, ex-

plained thereslew burning fast

He thai presentedgreater

is' ln


V m aingeles Police Probe N0 0F;, Mrd.rF,or; Russian Peasants Surround Ameri- -

" : : nunnrv" iL lui'ir luvfueunwu im- - --

cmimiii tt mnn i.m.i'i i i i ii . i i it'

!RI.41:1; rru. i...nSJ'SaJthe

found nt

Iwomen, nttie iiiihlie.

te it

lll.l 4.

aboutpolice-prcvloubl- j


I te

nt that ,,w


Executive of


lly the

en 1,

metwith te

in coalthe and

te bvthe all

te referred te theIs

A tills com-mittee will

1,is te

by the next issaid te vote

newIs reached. Ne

teinej the


(Hv A.i ( Dal of the I'iti,hi,vr.l, itu.trict llieiit tlmlr nr!

teI K. the

soldno te

our men and werklnc

te meet andof the

andOur are and

be te the andthis te try te

is net byeconomic We nienet the Wc arcte put our en

will be allWashington,

Grange, Pre-ueni-

N.composed mere


uu te nt meet-ings thisMr. farmers thnt


ns as of thete

te uuiand tunt

and feesmay affected if.nine tn, nii nnv.

scatteredthreugli mere


byt,n snfi.utu.t. tiuvjii .ilium Mtun

that Luand in

nf i.i fiinv .rt ofti... (In. Mil') riiiuiei. cei !.. v.i. ..t..,ui

and thethat nnd

UU...-w- . J..4'...v.




will never get Mr. his mereacts onely rests en de if he al- - all. but mere

men the his that encli ofnnd te turn nn te hete in nnd

of was the mere The are scat- -.11 nmifl

mi iucIn ouiiinnieus-prouucin- g

i0!2 said she teenThe ofList thnt





wns Pre- - de- -teda for that are and 'rim Paw

changes. It thev cet anilin will vote is fremlMackev Inen the and the net that it that

L. of dieis no te the of for

te for arcthe vote en The net for

here is the led life nnthe of will ',' I11'

te tin does anthe and some of net the fuct arc

the In thnt bad en Wearil's mil, nui inui .iuiwill the the

v,J, .i... nitHi iiiiii'.i rn me ieen trem5'.i uie irisii ire- - .

it the h;-- te pre- -

""tinner"' Thean'the stuce In uml- "- -

the ofnew









te lirethe



thelie iipjc that

Kt? rnr.fcv uu .umFwnr' ,rtvnieAKv run innnrr ifii'iiLtn









that of

all ma




folk nil





coalthe of the




bes new


The be

n awere



7 r.



said wethe




S. J. ofof the

nf aa

nIn open be

thethe a

coal thea


of the thea!d





.. .....,!






the of who

will lie a li i.ni.in.ihe a

of n,ithe be

the ofIt. the of

thethe ,,


thei' in un-

m uiu '!T ...i-...- ., mi ............. ...."


: "" ',




rt nr




"If the chairman r.f theCompensation Mr. .Mecker.

his hat into the lie will de serequets from the in

of the rhiladil- -


invented lullsprlmniies

Brooklawn, any

and Sunday nsdhaH .1,..

motlen-iilctiir- o ...nUoblnen, is...:. pi this ,,osi,tieii because

of nndljenr. Inte nearlyceiwldcicd hire;0f Is

bnseball. sameThe letter, wild te in

IHMIII leillAffair" director, Sunday plnylns

her wlieicupeii Brooklawn lines ..,'.'...l .111.uiu inn icm' inj- - tneand the subject Prosecutor Wolverton, lhUp

uBlast Kills







Child Laber


Associationemnressed mgnauucx

Company's to.tuW.efiwcnir





PressInd., March

llenrd Mine



union whichbeing













strike, It




cannotIrish weik.


appeal that




submit stand

wiieie childwhich ",,

known asked:bellow


ngle. warm,








shies ring,yeciiuse peoplenuts ether than

High Pralsu



Odds ether

wrongw,-en- Illegal



officer storyfemmunltj light- -


luiiiiTOiuulater wmilil


iireriKiiw ..'.."..standSilltlrillV

iiriKiuen uxnieueutearing



kindcondition. My

the Is thnt womenvirtually opposedand




;:fff ifriiVtAij, it'rri.rrrn

CLAUDIA AL'RANI)This young Heaver Springs, I'a.,woman recently appointed

of her town. She Issaid te net the youngestwoman United te heldsuch office, but te be ofthe ounces posteffico heads

of During"MIs Aurand very ably conductedher father's newspaper during


man who respon-sibility the matter te put hisfeet forward and turn Inman who 'can poll biggest etc.

is question locationeast west; It is question havingas the Republican candidate Novem-ber the who will make the bctGoverner regardless comesfrom."

Senater Verc questionedns te McSparran, the Democratic can-didate of the Committee Seventy-tw- o,

said knewabout him.

said that while andPhiladelphia colleagues in the or-

ganization were nt Luciemuch which, if told, would make

split." With laughter, he toldof Billy Campbell" trolling bluelishand catching en the

phiycdITi. tixn.1

the I the.. ....ueacu uiny uis uieby jumping overboard and

shark the beachj urged the

meumcu ami I'lmnucipuiu.shark

mines Penn- - of Ilegister ofbe a shark" a

x ey T snu--








tiling funnier than Hilly towing thatshnrk the beach. Hut geed

pulling things In."Senater, "theEmployment figures ' sjild

t Ati....v. in

!iA I..





was.1 t Ii 1.


I a..

s,ud.Mr. u

... 1.

., w,,...uy






tiurty-en- e poundspouipane. pompnne''dernier rri," the Inst word fish,explained the Senater. On another oc-

casion pounds of troutwere

Willie in Seuth Senater re-

ceived no mail, that expects tespend next dns goingtiie mnll which piled upPhiladelphia office.

four leereatiens fishing,('robbing (net political)

beating and swimming.Senater Vare reluctant of

what some regarded as narrow escapehimself and relatives when holepunched In the Hltterswcct,

Vnre's motorboat. three


dcTi ?""?


iiul iiuxiiiw vuuiie, (i-t-Senater. "The beat gees

twenty-fou- r miles an hour. simplyordered thnt we msh beach,where we tne oeat.

In beat time were Sen-aeor Vnre, Congressman Mrs.

and jeung Geerge Vnre.The Van- - party Lucie at

Monday morning. Itichnrd Wcglein,piesident Ceuncil: Cunninghamand Jim McOlrr. "His Tem's" friend,

due back this city Thursday

City Treasurer WntBen, CeuncilraenHall and Hoteil nnd Hilly Campbellwill remnin Seuth until mid-

dle of month.


Railroads Declare Act Has CostPublic $5,500,000

n ,

iietwith-tiin- d-

theie has t, in New Jciey ueclaie,

l n

for .........A

Mackev has I s. railroads pointoverv kr.ctlen of this Stnii. the managing

llinf l.lu nnr..ll.l..n,. fr. 1 1 US



,.,(i. .,,r.n. lif)ie

vei ,i.


..i 't.





party State






!,,.. 111








January, Carrier himselfappealed. persuusiw


Payment Authorized




$12,000.one-ha- lf

buildings demolishedPhlladelpua

Best Served Country's In-

terests, He Says Retains



IJy the Associated PressMillien, March Arthur

himself tedav a believerbenefits

emphaticallythet country's wereserved the coalition,-- he snldaddressing Carlten Club at

in woulda member of Conservative

Unionist Party, added.Arthurs public

appeal since liinvOrder Garter. Lam-

ing Worthlngten-Evnns- ,, SecretaryWar, piesided.

Coincidentit tedav that Prime

Minister Llejd Geerge had deferredresignation colleagues

pledge future action.declaration enme from the reliable

of leaching As-

sociated Press today.It commonly .accepted that

retain leadership of Governmentuntil Irish legislation been

and nfterGenea Is creditedan desire te te

te preparationstrip during convalescence nt

country home Wales.Nowhere has It reliably

that Illnesspurposes nnd It is generally

agreed friendsrest en account of nervous ex-

haustion. Lloyd Geerge hasladen ministerial offices sixteen

consecutive years, including the periodof ministership.

steed during tryingyears of period of peacesettlement admirers declarethnt of less hardy physiquewould have collapsed long They

hope thnt n time, nt least, hehe permitted enjoy

quiet.Gazette political cor-

respondent draws a picture of pres-sure exerted nightdinner te prevent retirement

him within coalitionfurther thnt

colleagues united teworked close te hi'" "safely prison house

... I.!, llllnnin










"When prison gate closed."writer continues, Min-

ister home te exhaustedand. if truth known, thor-oughly man, lacked

moment courage te stake all uponfreedom. returned te jailers'

striving com-

plexion it heart

6,487,856,000 GOLD MARKS


Commission ReportsPayments te December 1921Paris, ". (Hy Ger-

man payments te Allies,In In cessionsof State propel between

December 1021, amounted te(1.48T.8."0.000 geld marks, reportissued today by Reparations Com-

mission. Tills Is mnde as fel-

lows :

First. Geld securitiesDirect payments,

paid Denmark en Germany's ac-

count of part of(13,000,000;

broken material, 40,000,000;sundry items, (157,000; proceeds

from Reparations Recovery Act,1.181,172.000.

Deliveries kind, in whichvalues geld marks are

te allied nsserf-ate- d

salesLuxembourg, te alliance,

etc HII,()!)2,(JIMI. Total, 'i,tW,HVl,-000- ,total of liquid re

ceipts te ;i.0W..il4,0UU mniKs.bird. Lstimnted value of cessions

properties in territoriesceded Germany, 2,ri04,:i

total, (1.487,850,000 geld marks.



Fermer Teacher at Penn CharterSchoel Dies

Elizabeth M. l.ecte, formerly n tench- -Trenten. March 7. The Allen er nt Chin Schoel fifteen

pc.iier Excess Crew which near-- , died at home Ueuxbiiry,tdlin. WllOie lie i.s Well known I"IIKOIll tl.n Un.int'n hv inli (..of his efficiency it prcent eiliec. te ('in. m ihisiitj. a personal

distributed than M10.000.- - hwirds. pnf.ed Philadelphia.he organized Workmen's n0, 1)v n f 17. eVntly conducted

f ninpen-ntln- n Beard and. jjInr(. ,h), went Inte force Massachusetts town.thnt been n milreada


Novemberused In .showing pictures beMAY HAVE BEEN SANDS tlenni lentest, never tirenntmt j,een cnmpelld te heenil never fully,I1(10M" llr(Prenl "lf""s- - ,i,.th of adverse si.spie hisen against .V.oe.OOO mpleymeut of tinmees. tnkeable management heard. men in trnln operations, which ex- - home inrDftiM



tin. J .... ,n ullL.n.i.tu e.t.ljuni- - n. rtiiiji-- .

"Mr. aieat ability nnd TheMier.. thnt nrener of both

1,1.. !.,. III 1'rf




















f Z()PU hadmere the

000 hadjnw


ru mnc- -



nil ill

Ue- -



rcceveied. Funeraldace tomorrow

UUilfeid, Conn.




nui mill ,u -u.u..,.,mi,m(, -- ,"- i.. ..i M 1..I-- - u-- J IK.eeine fiem the ether pails et f Jie mute icii mt iiiuiui uueici inunuci, no nau aSK3-V- , t'F'f '",,,. "" " . ... tau. f t c,(1,ies nt a II, am then raureau manugers u tne novi-rne- r l a Sea Remance. Dies in eamaenm V? Warehouse Point, . wIiem; P. at ,i,.uds. like birds b i,.,,,, II!u.atlen In Philadel- - tin lenealer. They would be permittedfLJf rjwau leunil renrunry in with a uuiiet jiUMiig ti iMi.ee grain-- , iiH(.,pi De- - lln i,v liuiiilred li exiui'-c- . which thev m last .unriin, inasier urn- -

W" 'i10 hln(?; ihc'lUnd-- e -- .ektl.it ns unleaded Ji'eusnnd iiurty will h, te year alone amounted te ever ?0L'!'i.(i()e rfnnr "klppep of many steam nnd. State nelice believe n from the iu- -t ti nn hinging ,.'i. . i m i,ui, k..rt umil.l nnnhln ti , Is dead In hl.8 home,

WA atthat Kdw; rd hands, mining k-e-- c. rn t., this Mm km ce.inti 'lliese ,' , pellti- - mt down operating mstH, it prime Iyvlghn nvenue, f amden. 'J he widow.

iSV Mtary of 1Uiam ""'In r.dw unf.imllmr but mutt(,,.h a m public affair- - factor reducing transportation ')IrK- - "in,, nml twoWWA wdceme maiinn te starmg peiuant-- . .i,.lln last tweUe in Indc- - eharges. rlien. Jeseplilne, tlilitecn old, andfc'lT '1j In it8 account State nr. te r.e, wlient and ,1,.1i,71t West Philadelnhiu -- - irginln, lifteen jcurs old. survive,UMyj 1!'elvlties. Hartferd Criiiraut. ih.irin. s mi.imi! i.mmlv .':.....' r,... in, .. in mnmr-- n iiim nr-nn- n m,, Tiie life Cantaln Mnitln rends like

. ..! .1. ..,,. , . tw. fla iii.crvii.f.M ...

description Sands utidof body Ware.




. .



. .


he hv ns Dlesagllfactional in Muv


late JnckHiintilng

nml w'eikmen i,r,,(.,n I'jsher. Olive'r-liriind- y can- - Sold Stock Widow When Regular submnrlnes during M'erldBSiRi!10.UBB """. "1,: ""',' " ' en in ne p liiiieiiuiug iiibirnii , mt., and Mucitey or Aaents Fa ."" ':'',? ""'i;:,'0 'i '" "

thnt nbeut of fertj itidercd. A thou- - ,ate acieed en Penrose or- - , , 1,eer "Ptnln MartinKfcr?1y,eer8 eM R fe,',t V,rhm ,,,,', ',,R''t! tiamn will stnrte.l their Vare,

'-- .I1"' ,n ''S' "r ."''".Ti1", neit every ship safely pert.

WEty ffinbeut 170 peuudij, light and heie. everv avniable leseurcc must Baker Sennter Leslie, i i- -i ti V '..ut0 rdilpwiecked numerous times,JfiJieavy brown )r ,.,i,centnited en of dls ,i MuMir Magec and ethers. Ileldle- - "lff ,i i S,i;'u Car- - but nlwas Although he

fS Vi te get a two months supply be ditched en side.s,- ,,, ,,, n is?'k? 1 If?, March . ;ihtnl.vll, values before tiie these bio supposed te ilnswtfencI t?n'- - w,dew who, wlth hoetn en," Captain Mar- -I'ellw.jletectiveH and agents the , , 7 1,, mw IIlllk'0S , P.... came in ,,n tin died nt home nfter nn lllncba of

$& W"tt Atteriiey planned further r01,is impassable. "What think Iteldleninn' te "? "lnt"e-v- - month" contracted tropical

tM iLlyestiSiitieti today the letter received - Candidacy,r Vere wn asked. ,hhe that n salesman fever Brazil while en hwt voyagefMHlSte.A!'nn O..MHAV DAI I niuince muiM' "I have sat In Senate Pen,.- - f' .

I'e, "' ,..A .J& C3,"2? ?. lh.9 ,,0,'nt--v- . ns captain of

'' T













'muii liiu iiuiiici itmwij ou uni uiill umuug 1 u in Kvlvanla rcnllcd Vnre. " ,', ', ' ,".,,' " """'i "t. tne

D. Tin .. . . ",.'.. which na d 8120. vw in rnAn1? Seuth Americans n'wnys

care our 01 thewlili'h nelfpii inmle

the lglled wii' teconnected














fifty War

nmlN. J.( Paster h(. i, as honest as mnn

With Community Association sat in that bed.nothing with Lieutenant flev- -

Agitation for against . ,10thlB nethliignisebnll divided J.. .. ' 1... .,r.u,i --.nrui f

thu induxtrv hcre'intu (iiinruliii: factions One. led ., rum 1.. i..i.whose was believed te lie native of ,.t. h,.v. William H. is tak-- 1 i.,i.tM f()r t,e but iie In... .. .l.i.nH.nn '' I.... i. ..,.It. , IIU lililil .,







Les K event games llnfl)rtuml. news- -fjie The hPlt the

the Association, ,',vrrv lleme In the State withouttheir investigation. ...... ,

ing for the ndvantnge makingcontest ted Beb-- , ,. nl1. r(.iv each heusn nn.l

I ,.'s ..n.. I,.,., linul. , ...I .... .. .l.rt, 1...I....)wn nn n ii.i Ul'U nr nil;with the who mnde te start hall In ..' ncast she teiil nleng followed hiKt V.-i.-

'ii ...... .'L1.....1 1 t .. . . .1 1 ... 1 . Jlt'lUll -nrr iiubuiiiiu lie in .

executed slujlng. befem,

. eiiii(3 . uie I . u.i....fl 9

Haass M.. 7.-

sJSSffl nineT L'llllK--

",vi,n.. assertsii MV.M ,.

ale tank Kansas list) en aineu. eibarn at Ninth results

, he

ana iivenue L" " -- -... j i i!. m Uiiiiilntficet,Uw.





mSfaT37 "W--lf



















Hewouldparty en

tiie stmt, thisabout that at

Information fromever State the

unanimously te him,if that is correct lie be

whipped before he decentstart.

"Since the death Senater Penthe organisatien, the

Postmistress at

f fiv"J

was post-mistress ffeme

be onlythe Stales


sex. the

party feels nnvIn best

for bestthe





he he did much

Senater Vare hehis

St. there was"jour


shark line.Hilly thnt shark Hue mas

.... a til

outi men toen


sentmight go




i. .





aside, thn










iew tne mein

eighty-eig- ht

snared."the the

hethe two

lias Ills

The weieswimming,

te tell




for the

the ntVare,




the thethe



the fact fae- -

. Iiur.nvtt .out

..1.1. nml HSOIl t till.!

f.r- -


U' chll- -










Soeu afterward glibpeuied nnd te sell stock.He followed by uthers,but

Then,He was the

widow forty-si- x mere bhuies andpaid ?2..n0 them.

CITY $21,000

First for Cen- -

demned Bridge BuildingsThe first payment to-

day for buildings te makeway the Delaware ltlver llrldge n--

ouch en tills side. It for thestructures et 1114-21- 0 Northnvenun 213 North nWter street,owned by Adelph WiicIih. The

hy appraisers and approved by theBridge Commission wns

Under the law this city paysthe cost

the side, tne State payingnimnnv iimaja

kJ. ..,,- - .......:. .






7. Sir Hal-fo-

declaredIn the the coalition.

"I thethe interests best

by Inthe its

lunrhcen his honor.the and

heTills Sir first

ance the bestowalthe the Sir

with the speech SirArthur was stated

hiswithout giving his

any as Themost

sources Information the

he willthe

lias com-pleted pesslblv the

conference. He withearnest Genea nnddevote nil his tlme

for the his

sug-gested his is assumed fordiplcTiatic

by that he needscomplete

Mr. heldcure

his primeup tlic most

the nndnnd his


new forwill te undisturbed


en Sunday shis nnd

the loin, inisnewspaper says six Union-ist efforts

his beat in con.... ...









the wnsthe "the Prime

went beilthe be

beaten for he at the

his He hiskeeping, te put the best

te all, nt hesick and sere.


March A. P.)reparations the

cash payments kind nndty. the nrmisticcSI,


sum up

foreign(a) 1,041,410,000;(b) by

for the cession(c) sale


the,'10.i:i(1.000. Total,

Second. Inthe estimatedla) Supplies the

Powers, 2,700,250,000;te the textile

bringing thegeld

State theby 12.000.


Deaths Day


re- - the ter forfor the her In

111 ,..,L.n.l n Mnuids ew She

lie has It (iiinlntnnccship insince the vefe us hhe

thehln the nitre I




room In

operated en in

ofat the

CAPTAIN THOMAS,..... - ..m," I l .1 -- - -me

' .'" the ke( enn hed ) hungryen . ,,,',, M.v..rnl natc

in U u1"lI;'1M0"(1 .Kv hethe mnj be Ameiieaii sr, ,,.!,.,. n.nr this ships, I4i--

, lu,,,(,n,eneP in"1-- ' fimiied-kernele- d weie ,,,,) w,.i as in

director. the venrs earsof the llfe'i ng "

tlirl te. 'I'h .. i.,.. i .. a oft.Bl.

of the thetale the brain of the

Ionden. gnntlct Gcrliuiidrisl weie the te mnn the

tne jen me sonic ether enn- - edof n man twentj-fpve- n the that weie bv the old lnR thu nr-- and be en waj which "is new led hy brought into

complexion ns of Plttsbuigli, r,7 He wnsWMf hnlr. the problem :, wtis rescued.

nil ev--Angeles. A. bv we be ves die his

ofIn- -

de jeu of the clT"l:t seven HeSenater lnjt In his

the of" u), .lean, un no

for sheor. ..,-'- .. nmn nnn i,,



atever was

,...1th bv 11,.,., s

state, the...........ether, led the ,lt


was The wtni Mr.I..........1 nlli.iil.iiiupuiiiiii null ni"ii in

!.- -. .1 .1 llllll.nun mvui lias1".""",''"







and isn





It a of'or


... it.the


J? me








ue in in yy



a nntried

wasnil were




for iwas


of of en

win wr.t mr. mw.w.nwm mm mr AmtmmMj mu m nn i .aawiw tm ms .a rmA miinna nuvnp ninnrH


ofam of






his n















In Massachusetts




l. ..win





n fromthe of




went te bed nnd never arose. He wnsregarded as one of the most efficient(aptalns in the employ et the Ameri-can Star line.

Colonel Jeitn LambertChicago, March 7. Colonel Jehn Lam-

bert, first president of the AmericanSteel anil Wire Company and promi-nent in Illinois circles, died yesterday athis winter home In Pasadena, Calif.,nccnrdlng te private jidvlces receivedby relatives heie. Mr. Lambert's homew'as In .Toilet, HI,

Wilbur Merrill WennerThe funeral of Wilbur Merrill Wen-ne- r,

a Bey Scout, who died yesterdaywill be held tomorrow nftcrnoen nt 2:,1()o'clock from IiIb home. MOO Mldvnlceventie. Members of Troop Ne. !().,Bey Scouts, of which the lad, wlm wasfifteen yearH old, was n member, willnltunil. Thp IteV. B.. Ii. NeWKlrk. Itcnnt.master of .the troepjuwlll conduct thew.atJWSSjJIILflf'fh Inter- -

WIHr113 iB

11.1 f. v


rt ,. - "t.iff ii iptl'(V

OM Pem



Judge, Out for Democratic

Nomination, Not Afraid of

McSparran, Either


Judge Samuel D. Sliull. of Strouds-bur-

a candidate for the Democraticnomination for Governer, gave a back-hande- d

wallop today te LlcutcnnntGoverner llcidlemnn nnd State Treas-urer Snyder, both of whom hope te landthe Republican nomination.

"I am glad I nm net hampered bvany State finnnclnl troubles," he snld."I nm going te mnkc my fight alongclean, straight, constructive lines."

The Judge did net refer te Hcldlcmnnor Snyder by name.

Judge Shull come te this city todayte confer with several Democratic lend-

ers. He said he Is net perturbed everthe Indersement by the Committee ofSeventy-tw- o at Hnrrlsburg of Jehn A,McSparran, of Lancnster County, forthe Democratic nomination for Gov-

ereor."That meeting was cnlled' primarily

te boom Willlum II. Berry for Gover-eor, but the proceedings get awnv fromthese In chnrgc," he snld. "It waswhat might he called n partisan gather-ing. The Indersement deesn.'t meannn thing seriously."

The Judge continued thnt he is neithera Palmer man nor n Benniwcll man,meaning that he Is neither n lieutenantof A. Mitclull Palmer, formerly UnitedStates Attorney General, nor of JudgeBenniwcll, of the Municipal Court.

"I am a Democrat and always wentnleng straight lines." he explnincd. "1am n friend of Hennlwell nnd admirehim very much. I think Judge Benni-wcll hnB done mere te keep the partynlive than any ether man in the State.Ills record in the campaign for SupremeCourt Justice shows he has n big fol-lowing."

"As for Pennsylvania Republican-ism," the Judge went en, "thnt partyhas nn old-tim- e Democratic situationen its hands."

"All sorts of new leaders have cropped up, but none of them Is able temuster enough strength te dominate,"he said. "I hear the candidates havebeen told te go out nnd scratch forthemselves. But they must leek out ortheir 'scratching' may cause sere sportsthnt won't heal In time for the bigevent."

Judge Shull will nddress the Leagueof Women Voters In this city Frldayi

Governer Sproul, who had been ab-

sent several weeks en n tour of theWest Indies nnd Seuth America, re-turned te his home in Chester yester-day. '

Several men hnve been nwalting thereturn of the Governer te talk evertheir candidacies before fermnlly an-nouncing them. State Bunking Com-missioner Fisher has told his friends hewill talk ever the situation with theGoverner before he makes any definiteannouncement of his cubcrnaterlal candidacy.

Heperts from Washington indicateFisher will held his conference withthe Governer in Hnrrlsburg 'tomorrow,nnd will offer his resignation ns nmember of the Sproul Cabinet.

A new nnme has been flashed nmengpoliticians. It wns rumored that Su-preeo Court Justice Jehn W. Kephnrt.of Cambria County, may be suggestedas a compromise gubernatorial


Weman Who Saw Ceremony Re-

sumes TestimonyIs Angeles, March 7. (By A. P.)

Mrij. Bessie Wledeft, one of the firstwitnesses cnlled by the defense Isexpected te take the witness standngaln today with the resiimntien of thetrial of Mrs. Madalynne Obenchnln forthe murder of J. Bclten Kennedy. .

Mrs. Wledeft. who was testlfvlnc?yesterday, when court was adjourneduntil this morning, said she had lived inn flat in the building with Mrs.Obenchnln, then Miss Madalynne Con-eor, here In 1011) nnd thnt Kennedycnlled frequently en Miss Conner. Mrs.Wledeft nlse told of having attendedthe wedding of the defendant te RalphIt. Obenchaln, Chicago attorney, In1010, nnd of incidents after Mrs. Obcn-chain- 's

return here In 1021, followingher divorce from Obenchaln. j.

The defense lh the trial of Mrs.Obenehnin get under way jesterday aftVrArthur C. Burch. had rc- -tuserl te testily ter tne prosecution un-less the indictment against him wasdismissed.


Park FarmCucumberRelishA Tempting Relish forCeld Meati, Oyttert, etc.

10Vi or.Jnr

30c $3.50P F Cucumber RingsP F Chew Chew. . .P.VL- I- M.t J- L-. ..i.iiIii ,5c

Phene Spruce 84-4- 0

18th & Chestnut Sts.12th & Market Sts.5600 Germantown Ave.

Atlantic City, N. J.









L'AnnOI.U March U, HAnAII M.. xvlfeof Harry J. Carrell and dauehtcr etMltchd and Ann Keelv, late of Knnina V'tyMe, ItfilatlvcH nnd friends, are Invitedattenrl funeral, Thursday. 8 30 A. M latSreslilenre, uai H. ith t. Holemn re mienimass Church of the Transflcuratlen 10 A. mJtitermctrt Hely Cre Cemetery.

COtJOHl.I.N. March R. 1H22, juvvipCOUaHUN. ana , Bf0 In.vlted te attend funeral, Thursday. 8 30A. M . residence of Char os JI. Cl'ilen tiiiH. --'4th st. solemn renu'em mas, m An.theny'B Church 10 A. M. Interment NewSfwr t'p. Wn'' V,W WedneM.

GRAHAM, March Ii, 1022. CATItAmvi--holevc.l wife of j,daughter of the late llus-- nnd I illzUeVhDeu?herty (nee Heren), and dauehter.m.laivMsJene). lUlstlves nnd friends are Invitedmk? i&Ma jsirtei



GVARANTEEDAn Open Phaeton - $10,900




rreit Man Who Told Them of"Burled Bedy"

After digging up the fleer of the cel-

lar nt 1755 Norwood street last night insearch of a body that they had beentold was burled there, the police ar-rested their Informant, Edward Dell-berr- y,

a Negro nnd chargedhim with breach of the peace in givingthem false information.

Dellberry was gassed or shell -- shockedoverseas.

The Norwood street house Is occu-pied by Mrs. Ellen Hellcnhead, colored,whose husband has been missing forabout three years. 'a


Bandit Captured After Firing TeyPistol Leaded With Ammonia

Pittsburgh. Pa., March 7. (By A.P.) Dressed as a woman and armedwith a water toy pistol leaded withammonia, a bandit today fired ntCharles Lazare, a bank messenger carry-ing 915,000, ns he alighted from a streetcar at Liberty and Sixth avenues, abusy business district.

Lazare, although blinded, held te hissatchel and grappled with the bandit.Policeman Clarence Tlmmens saw thestruggle and rescuing Lazare, arrestedthe bandit, who gave his name as JesephLindsay. ,


Constitutionality Sustained by L,lerne county ueurt Decision

v.f.v'e-m.- . ..,, tlUV I. IIV II .of 4 te 1, the Judges of Luzerne r,,.lupheld the constltutlenolltv of tinWencr net, which regulates licensesthe sale of 2brewed liquor and will grant IIcVmSfor the coming year In the county

The constitutionality of the actattacked In the Luzerne courts SW. 0 T. U., nnd the argument $1made by Attorney W. A. Sklnn r5

Judse H. A. Fuller wrntn tu. L.jerlty opinion for the bench nnd Iv&MJohn M. Garmnn dissented and willrender nn opinion later; I

"We .are net convinced." wrote JndtJFuller, "thnt the court lncks power tMgrant licenses en the preposition thitliiic unci ii.i. ui iif- -i in uncenntttll.uenai iwiii uie iiroeKB net ei 1887.Annnliiil " .

1 -

Retired Grocer DiesBernnrd Lambert, retired grocer uj

rem esiuic uwner in uiauccsier, a, J,Jdied last night nt his home. 827 Mi, 3

ket street, Gloucester. He was clxtyllive years uiu, uiiu nuu iivuu in uieucbmter for about fifty years. He was fidfifteen years janitor of St, Minla(jnurcn anu ccnoei nt Gloucester, mIs survived by two Children.

Antique English SilverWhat mere complimentary gift than acarefully selected piece of '.AntiqueEnglish Silver for the bride I

The collection of this house containsmany pieces which offer the satisfactionof daily use with the charm of finecraftsmanship and historic association.'

J.EOAIJ)mL'&Ca)Jhwixhy - Silver - STATiOHBnr

Chestnut and Juniper Streets


Gelf Jackets with Knickers. Gelf Jacketsthat permit freedom of swing Knickers asonly we knew hew to make them.Spring Business Suits, made-te-orde- r, $115 up

Spring Topcoats, ready-to-put-e- n

Rebert Stewart, 1501 Walnut St.Sporting and Mufti Tailor I Bromehte Mahmrm

!SW XOr ior'e ,w wuwat

We're Hunting a Salesman !r

The Sales Manager of a leadingoffice appliance company (a na-

tional advertiser) will be in Phila-delphia next week te interviewprospective salesmen.

A real opportunity for genuineproducers.

Write for appointment, givingyour qualifications.

Address C 115, Public Ledger

Gentlemen Who Prefer TweedsFrem Across the Seas

will be delighted to learn that we have justreceived a quantity of Scotch-wove-n tweedsfrom Sir Charles Sykes & Sens, Lt.d., ofGalashiels, Scotland.

These importations will be made a partof our regular offer of finest Englishworsteds and woolens of $100 te $.125qualities. '

Built to Measurement'

55- -

While the variety of the tweeds is geed,they are net unlimited and it weuld'be wellif you wish either a knickerbecker or a plainsack suit te register your order seen.

WILLIAM H. WANAMAKERii. . --I i "' I ..,4

jmwmmmmmmmmmmmmiumWi ,, iisaiJMaiirl n iiM irittlliiii jr " JM