?"V ,- -- SITPT" ' jw1 ,ii's Popular Sea Captains ! )H I OHE YOTE FOR I jR Evening Bulletin Capt.. . lB THE MOST POPULAR CAP Register Your Votes for Your Favorite ! TAIN Or FLEET. THE ISLAND J JH Vol. VIJI. No. U02 HONOLULU, H. I., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1900. Pbiob 5 Cents. $200.00INPRIZES INSPECTION OF BLOCK 19 ANOTHER FAVORABLE DAY PLAGUE AND VARIOLOID NAYAL COURT TO BE HELD NO WORK, NO KAUKAU m & i The BULLETIN offers to the per- sons who, between February 1st and July 31st, shall send in the largest number ot new subscribers, the fol- lowing prizes : 1st Prize Cleveland Bicycle, 70. The winner of the 1st prize Is at liberty to choose between mode's oo, 02 and 94 ot the 1900 Cleveland Bicycle. MoJel 94 s a road racer, weight 20 pounds. fAodel 92 Is a light road wheel, weighing 22 lbs , and Model 90 a heavier road wheel, wt 24 lbs. The bicycle to be selected from the stock of the Honolulu Bicycle Co.. agents for Cleveland Bicycles. (The choice may be made Between the corresponding ladles' Models, should the winner of 1st prize be a lady). 2nd Prize, 8lnger Sewing Ma- chine, $00.00. The winner of this prize may choose between these three stvles of machines: that with oscillating shuttle anJ top coyer, that with vibrating shuttle anJ cabinet top, both five drawer machines, or the "Automa Ic," with three drawers. This machine will be furnUhed bv Ber-gerac- n. sole agent for the Hawaiian Islands. 3rd Prize, Premo Senior Camera, 4x5, with Outfit, $40.00. The Premo, St., has Double Swing Back, Double Sliding Front.and Rack and Pinion for focusing. This camera may be used with either Plates or Films. The outfit Includes : Plate Holder, Tripod, 3 Tmvs. Uevelooer. Fixer. Negative Rack, Graduate. Stirring Rod and Lantern. Camera and outfit are from the LeMun-yo- n Photo-Supp- ly Co., sole agents, 4th Prize, a Zonophonc, the Lat est Improvement on the Gro mo- - phone, with 0 Records, $30.00 This Is the loudest and most natural talking machine yet Invented. It is to be selectfd from the stock of the Bcrgstrom Music Co., sole agents for the Hawaiian Islands. . The following conditions of the contest must be observed : 1. Allsubscilptlonsmustbe prepaid at least three months In advance. 2. No renewals or transfers of subscrip- tions will be cnunted In this contest as new subscriptions. Each name must be a bona fide addition to the subscription lists. 3. Subscriptions slmuld be s-- nt in as soon as secured, together with the name and address of the person to wliom the subscription Is to br credited, as well as of the subscriber. Great care should be taken to give ACCURATELY the full name and address of each new subscriber. 4. Any person In the Ha- waiian Islands is eligible to try for these prizes. During the continuation of the contest for the Must Popular Captain, coupons entitling the holder to cast so many votes for the GiPtaln of his choice accoidingto the term of his subscription, will be given to each new subscriber aitachrd to the receipt for the subscription, as previously announced. Subscription Rates: 58.oo per year, $2.00 for three months; stilctly In advance. THE MOST POPULAR CAPTAIN The captain who shall have the largest number of votes on Saturday, March 31, will be Riven an elegant nalr of Binoculars from the store of H. F. Wichman. I he are the nest that can be obtained and may be seen on dlspl iv at WIchman's siore. In addition to the votes hlch appear each day In the upper right h ind orn-- r of the first page, which are to be tilled out and deposited at this office, new subscribers are entitled to cast votes as follows. A coupon for the number is attached to the receipt. I MONTH 40 VOTES 3 MONTHS 150 V rib'. 6 MONMS 350 VOTES l YEAR 75J VOIES The standing of the contest Friday. Feb. 8, was as follows. I his list will be chang ed every aaiuruay. CPT. SIMERSON 1482 CAPT. CAMERON 1201 CAPT. CLARKE 1143 CAPT. PEUhKSEN 444 CAPT. FREEMAN 260 CAPT. TULLETT 107 CAPT. URUHN 170 CAPT. NICriOLSEN g CAPT. WEISBAR I H g CAPT. SAMUN 8 CAPT. THOMPSON 7 Those Kullhl Guards. In tho Bulletin of tho 19th Inst wo notice where Superintendent McVeigh accuses Corporal Storey ot asking tho guards to quit when he left. That Is unjust and untrue as wo left on our own account, not becauso of Corporal Btorey'B trouble Also, Private Mc- Carthy was not tho only ono who had a lire that night. As Private G. V. Schunk and others will testify. Wp aro, some who left: COnP. M. HOUOHTAILINO, PRIV. 8. n. JACKSON, CEO. W. BOHUNK. Board of Health Visited the Place This Forenoon. Mid; Motions Passed Yarlous Places to Open Up Club Stables Must Put Id Impervious Floors. Tho Board of Healtli Bpont nearly thrco hours In JJlock 1! 1ms morning, dlscusBlnc various measures In conncc tlon with tho buildings and making Important decisions. Following Is a list of the conclusions arrived at: All tho lean tos of tho New England bakery must bo torn down and now floors, probauly concrete put in tno bakery proper. Tho one-stor- y lodging houso on tho bakery grounds must bo torn down and removed. Tho two-stor- y building on tho irnmo grounds must bo renovated and clean- ed. Tho "Uncle Sam" 'rcstnurant on Fort street must bo pulled down and de- stroyed. in All tho washing places, privies and lean-to- s back of tho undertaking par- lors of E. A. Williams must bo re- moved. New floors of Impervious material, such as concrete, must bo put In tho Club stables and tbc lean tos back of tho Lum Sing grocery store, adjoining, torn down. Tho Love building places of business will bo allowed to open as Boon as tho cellars and first floor nre thoroughly disinfected. Tho stalls back of tho Love building must bo disinfected and whitewashed and the floors of tho mils dug up and Impervious materials substituted. Tho lean tos hack or wing Lee s fruit store on Hole! street must be torn out and tho flours reconstructed to comply with tho sanitary regulations of tho Board of Health. Tho steam laundry on Hotel street must be cleaned up Inside before being allowed to open. After a suitable fence Is put up be- hind Mrs. Gray's building on Hotel street, that placo will bo allowed to open. Tho Perry buildlug will bo allowed to open when It Is placed In a sanitary condition. Tho oack floors must bo mado of cement. Tho Kello quarters, on tho second story of the Perry block, must bo cleaned up nnd tho bnek doors nailed up. Tho Robinson block pcoplo novo compiled with tho regulations so that tho Hoard did not need to tako any nctlon on that place. FIRED OFF A REVOLVER. Buchanan, an patrol- man, was arrested shortly after mid night last nl&ht on tho chargo ot car rying a deadly weapon. Lieut. Leslie of tho Mounted Patrol, tells tho follow- ing story: 'At 12 o'clock last night Lieut. Gard ner ana Officers Willis and Kalo went oft duty and wcro returning to their homes In Kallhl when, upon arrival near the O. H. & L. depot, tney saw a blcycie zigzagging all over tho street In front of them. I was just behind. They cried to tho rider to allow them room to pass as tho part of tho strcot at that placo that can bo used Is very narrow on account of repairs now bo-In- g made. Tho fellow went to ono sldo and tho hack passed by. It was just at this moment that a revolver shot was fired and I saw tho light on the bicycle suddenly extinguished. "Tho oflicera Jumped out or tho hack and mado for tho bicyclist who dodged under Achl's framo building now In process of construction. Emerging from tlicro he ran on but his progress wns stopped by a high board fence. Wo cornered tho man thcro and I found a revolver In his hip pocket. It had just been discharged but tho empty shell had been extracted." In tho Police Court this forenoon defendant was found guilty and sen tenced to pay n fine of $20 and costs. Defendant claimed that his revolver fell on the ground nnd was accidentally discharged. Tho pollco officers think otherwise. Dangerous Bridge. Watkahalulu bridge on School street Is reported on good authority to bo In a dangerous condition. It has been placed under n severe strain of lato from heavy drayloads having to tako that route on account of tho closing of other streets. Somo superficial patch- ing has been dono on tho bridge, but the structure Is radically weak In Its supports. The Bulletin's Informant saw timbers working several Inches out ot position under stress of a loaded vehicle crossing tho bridge. Ho says that, unless the foundations nnd sup- ports of tho structure bo made strong, a terrible accident Is llablo to happen any time. DON'T PAPS our OPERA GLASSES fnr the World. They'-- e made by I. Malre. "Nuff said." rf. f. WICHMAN f One Sadden Death Bnt Apparently Not Suspicions. School Question In Hands of Board of Educati- on-Floating Material From Garbage Scows -- General Notes. 2 p. m. No new cases today. A native, Kahlohlo. aged 40, who died suddenly til his homo In Pauoa this forenoon, hns been taken to the morgue. A post mortem will ho held this afternoon. The post mortem on tho Ja- panese, Okatn, from Pearl City, has just been finished. It Is a case of typhoid fever with per- foration of tho bowels. School Question Agnln. At n meeting of tho Board of Health yesterday afternoon, Mr. Lowrey onc3 more brought up tho matter of open- ing tho schools. Children wero better the schools than on tho streets. The hours of Inspection had been changed tnd, as this was tho only reason ad- vanced by tho Citizens' Sanitary Com- mittee In Its recommendation thut the ichools be kept closed, the school? ould very well bo opened now. Tho restriction should bo removed by M10 Board of Health and then tho Commis- sioners ot Education could do as tboy thought best In tho matter. Mr. Wood, of tho Normal School, ex plained that tho continued closing ot his Institution was working a hard ship on the tenchers from tho other Isl- ands who wero hero at their own ex pense. Further discussion wns Indulged In, but nothing was done. Gathering Eggs by Seashore. A Custom Houso officer whoso word ennnot be doubted, tells of tbo float- ing ashore of a largo number of Chi- nese salted eggs on tho bench at Wal-kl- kl and tho gathering ot theso by both natives and Chinese. Tho In- spector Is of tho impression that this article of Chinese food, condemned by tho Doard of Health, Is not dumped overboard from tho scows far enough out at sea. Besides tho eggs, a lot of fruit and dried vegetables have floated ashore. Dentil nt Penrl City. Tho death of Oknta, u Japanese In tho employ of tho 0. R. & L. Co. at Pearl City, was reported to Dr. Cooper early this morning. This physlilan took a Bpcclal train down tho road Im- mediately nnd brought tho body to town with him, arriving at about 12 noon. A post mortem will bo held on tho body this nft;rnoon. Dr. Cooper states It as his belief that tno mar. died of dysentery. Thvjre were no plague symptoms. Iwalnnl Into Quarantine. Tho Iwalnnl went Into quarantine again last evening and will snll for ports n week from that time. Wm. SImerson, who was on duty nt tho Inter-Islan- d wharf office, went Into quarantine aboard tho Iwalnnl. Ho will bo transferred to some other ves- sel when ho hns completed hla quaran- tine of seven days. OVERCROWDING OF HOUSES. Inspector J. Lightfoot had another long search for a missing ward yes- terday. It wns a Japanese woman, who wns discovered about 11 o'clock p. m. In tho houso nt Knmollllli from which n Japanese victim of beriberi had been taken tho previous day. Tho woman hnd a high temperature and Dr. Peter- son wns called to seo her. Mr. Light-foot- 's Inspection book shows twenty persons living In tho houso in ques- tion, n small tenement of four rooms. A resident of Nuunnu valley tolls ot fourteen natives being huddled to- gether in n 14x12 room. Somo nntlves having nouses In that locality rent all their upper rooms to Chinese, wtillo themselves nnd their families sleep on tho ground floors. A Poor House. Tho Inst of tho people from tho kero-sen- o wnrchouso detention camp tho Wco Shlng family numbering twenty In nil will bo released tomorrow. Dr. Wood stated today that tho placo would very probably bo turned Into a poor house. Children's Meeting. At Central Union church nt 3 o'clock Friday afternoon Miss Yarrow will conduct a meeting, In which tho chil- dren themselves will hnvo a part and Instruction will bo given In the mean- ing of the Christian life. Children of ten years and older nro Invited. Small Blnze. There was n small blaze In tho Ad-l- er homo nt tho corner of Vineyard and Punchbowl streets at r.oon today. Por- tions of tho roof .Mioiit tho kitchen chimney were burned but tho flames were extinguished before tho arrival of tho fire department. Letters Received From Dr. and Dr. HcGettlgan. Garvin New Case at Detention Camp Id K- a- hulul Hana's Physician Reports Another Disease. Dr. Garvin states that the caso was of tho pneumonic type nnd that he first noticed the Illness of the man on the 15th Inst. New camp plans had been drawn up by him and submitted to Messrs. Baldwin nnd Lowrle. Thb cost would bo about $5,000. Wells had been sunk on tho present camp grounds and sufllclcnt wntor for washing purposes secured. Three post mortems had been held. One from Sprcckclsvllto wns suspicious but tho existence of bacilli could not bo demonstrated. Hny Wodehouso Is assisting A. L. C. Atkinson nt tho camp. The bodies of three Chinese and two Japanese, who died of the plague had been exhumed and President Wood of tho Board of Health received by tho Ciaudluo this morning several letters dealltii; with tho health situation on Maui. Ono of theso was from lr Garvin who Is In chargo ror the Board of Health in Knhulul In thlj hitter Dr. Gnrvln tells of nnother cxm ot plague which broko out In tho dotation camp at tho Kahulul race trtk on tho ISth Inst. The victim, a Chl'inmnn from tho locality whero tho other cases wcro taken, died on tho same day, n post mortem wns held, bubonic plague was clearly demonstrate I and tho body cremated. Dr. Garvin states that t!in lira 111 out- look in Kahulul Is very promising. Tho center of infection was, of course, in Chinatown, now destroyed. Noth- ing suspicious hns occuivo.I beyond the limits of this district. Varioloid at liana. Another lAttv was from Dr. McCot-tlga- n, tho government phydclan at Hana who reports 11 cai:n ot varioloid at that place. When Dr. Wood was nt Kahulul on his return from Hllo to Honolulu, lie received a telephone, communication from Dr. McGellig.vr telling of the. of tho casi. It was requested that tho physician send n vrlttHii re- port to tho Board o.' Health nnd this Is what arrived In the Claiitllne toduy. Tho points brought out by Dr. McGet-tign- n nro as follown: A Japanese In n camp of 41 of tho samo nationality, In chargo of a Japancso lunn nn'i doing work on the plantation wns v!;!n ill with what np bo court, and wJ?inn Mcacl.,mpn,1,imp In tho 1)Clk'f Umt U ,B n ia"e varioloid. Included In this camp .TnpanCKO who been m tho Islands for f.oine length of time and others who have ar- rived but recently. Dr. Wood bolIuw:s from tho recorded by Dr. McUeltlgan In his report that tho case 1) no: vurlololl, but chicken pox. ila stated to tlio members of the Poind ot Health while Inspecting Block 13 thu morning that there wns no reason to behove that the recent nrrlvala of Japnnoo had lal.en Infection them to tho other us tho dlsluf.'cthis npparntus nt tho quarantlno station was certainly of such n nature as to all Mich possibilities. It was u well known fact that, In tho case of Japamw), chicken pox Is more serious in effect with other nationalities Louvre License. Harry Juen Is still for n lo- cation acceptable to the authorities for tho Louvre saloon. Tho old placn was burned In ono of tho Chinatown flics nnd tho stock put into quaruii' tine. One slto in view Is nt Queen nnd South streets. Humors 0 Ratting. Captain J. W. at Nolto's table, stated that after ho had set tho sani- tary commlttco's poison tho rats bo-g- to bnt his harness. It was John Kllluger who forthwith rcmurked t the captain had no right to grease his harness with tho doctored laid. It-i- d Men Will Celebrate. Tl.o Red Men will celebrate tho an- niversary of birth of George Wash- ington by n social In Hall to- night. A largo number of friends have been Invited and n Jolly good Is anticipated. Washington Social. Washington birthday social nt Ccn trni union parlors by the Y. P. S. C. K. this evening. All who desire to pas? a pleasant evening nre to come and bring their Tho George and lady will be there to re- ceive WEDDINO STATIONERY. Engraved Embossing. H. F. WICHMAN. For Trial or Seamen Refusing Doty on British Ship Inverness-shir- e. m Men Before Supreme Court Under Habeas Corpus Awaiting Proceedings ot the British Tribunal -M- embeis ot lh Court. A writ of habeas corpus, signed by First Associato Justice Frcar of the Supremo Court, was Issued to com- mand Marshal Brown to produce In court tbo bodies of Michael Swanton and eleven others, seamen of the ship Inverness-shir- e though not so describ- ed In their petition. Although tho writ wns only out about 7 o'clock Inst night, It wns by mutual consent made return- able nt 11 o'clock this morning. The petitioners complain that they wero arrested In Honolulu on 20th Inst, nnd unlawfully held by the Mar- shal In the police station. They nllcgo that they arc unable to state tho cause or pretenco of their Imprisonment nnd restraint, that they aro destitute and unable to deposit money for costs and, rurthcr, that they nro not Imprisoned by virtue of any warrant or other pro- cess issued out of nny court of compe- tent jurisdiction. Marshal Brown mnkes return, say- ing the petitioners wero on the 20th of February seamen legally attached to and on board of tho British Inver-ncss-shl- ro then within tho jurisdiction ot this Republic, and were nrrestcd on board that vessel nnd Imprisoned un- der authority of n written nppilcatlon nnd undertaking, made to tho Marshal of tho Republic of Hawaii by the Hon-oiab- lo W. It. Honro, Her Britannic Majesty's Consul nt Honolulu, nlso that the petitioners wero being detained nt tho pollco station called for by said Consul. Tho requisition of Consul Hoaro'cnmn called at tho Jananeso anartcra asks for tho urrcst, as mutinous per- - and found tho rlnglondcr ot tho men. of Michael Swnnton, James Hud- - fellow stated that they had been son, Chris. Knspcrsen, A. Peterson, P. 'nil ready to work but had boon told Alsua, Henry Gouldlng, J. Bowles, H. not to do n stroke. The mutter ot not Johntisen, Henry Mainland, Hans Ja-- giving them nny food was nil right, onsen, Jno. Mnrquson nnd Wm. Thomp-- 1 If tho Consul did not do something by son, being seamen on board nnd on Thursday morning, they would so to duty on the ship already named, and work In spite of him. concludes: "I have tho honor to stato In tho afternoon, food waa prepared that I will and do now engage to In-'f- or tho Japanese women nnd children demnify you nil damages which and they were sent for to come up near result from your proceedings tho administration building but tho dcr nnd from tho detention of said per- - men would not nllow them to this sons, and that I will pay all and every and so they nit went hungry, cost and chargo Incident thereto." It Is understood that Consul Balto At the production of tho persons bo--' hns submitted tho mnttcr to tho For-fo- ro Justice Frcar this morning, Geo. elgn Office. A. Davis appeared for tho petitioners, Contrary to what tho ringleader of nnd A. S. Humphreys for respond- - tho Japanese said, none of this nation-cn- t, Marshal Brown, who wa3 also allty went to work this morning and cecdlngs pending tho 1. 11 . Buiyeu pro- - v?L htll'0, : .","'' ,'1? ,l'n.' ngs before a naval hat petitioners bo remanded Incline Dr. Mr. itnmnhnn-- . mn..ni I f nro have fymp-tom- s with prcclue Its than The looking I Pratt, tho Progress tlmo asked friends. angel Cards, the ship until sons, This I against hcrcun-- . i do tho present. Mr. Davis nsked that tho pro- - ," tho Court ordered Urn case contm- - nod until 10 n. ra. Tuesday next. The naval court will assemble at tho British Consulate at 10 a. m. tomor- - relations nre charged with America, tho 'continuous refusal of duty." The Naval Court. The Naval Court, which Is to asscm- - ' ble nt the Consulnto as stated, will bo constituted ns follows: Hon. Wm. Robert Honro, H. II. M's Consul, President; Thos. Blslcy Jones, master tho ship Champion, ot Liverpool; Francis W, Chapman, master of tho ship Lnnclng, of London; Captain Evans, maflcr of tho bark Conway Castle, of Loudon. 'iho men will ho irprcscntcd by Geo. A. Davis as their counsel, nnd whole matter between master and men will ho gono Into. M: Hoaro hnd a largo room In tho Consulate fitted up for the holding of the court. Being n pulillc tribunal tho court will bo open 10 memuers 01 1110 pros. The Orphcum. Tho sparkling ono farco "Hec- tor." also Allan Dunn's dramatic epl-sod- o "Tho End of All" will ho retained on tho boards till end this week. Tho execution of both pieces shows considerable Improvement on their first representation, A complcto chnngel n tho vaudcvlllo and musical program will tako place. Miss Laura Oakley, who has becomo quite n favor- ite, will Introduco somo songs. Jean Rogers, the popular premier bnsso, will nlso glvo somo new selec- tions. New llnwailnn Music. Tho band will give n concert on grounds of tho Executive building nt usual tlmo this evening. Among tno selections will be four Hawaiian songs with new music Just composed Captain Bergcr. This will bo the first presentation of the new music. Horse Given Htm. i.r. ..emenwny, superintendent of tho guards at tho Kallhl detcntloi camp, hns Just been mnde a present of n fine jay mare by tho guards wlu served with him during his stay at Makapuu pass. Difficulties Aiise at Kdllhl Deten- - tlon Camp. Japaneso Consul Takes a Hand-Ru- ling That Causes Friction -R- eferred to Minister of Fortlga Affairs, Jnpancso Consul Mlkl Salto and an- other member of tho Japanese Con- sulate, called at Kallhl detention camp Tuesday nnd held a conference with Superintendent McVeigh and Medical Superintendent Howard on tho matter of proposition of thrco hours' work on tho part of tbo men who return to the camp to bo taken care of after having hecn freed from quarantine. The story learned nt the camp Is as follows: Tho confcrcnco wni progressing fa- vorably and Mr. Snlto was about to agrco to the proposition when his com- panion broko In, saying: 'l'hcro is no itso of talking further on this matter. Tills Is a government responsibility nnd tho Japanese will remain hero as long ns they desire, nor will they bo made to do any work for tho govern- ment." It wns explained the Japanese rep- resentatives that the men should do a llttlo work to pay fur their food. Tho government wns charging nothing for tho houses nor was thcro nny profit accruing to tho government on nccount of tho work It was proposed have dono on tho camp grounds. Tho rep- resentatives refused to allow their countrymen to work nnd they wcro told that, In case tr.nt there was no work, tho Japanese would not bo fed. Tho next day, tho natives and Chi- nese turned to nnd went to work but tho Japancso remained In their quar ters. Ono of thoso in chargo at the food is still being withheld. Tho only way they can get anything to cat Is by procuring It from town their own expense. Treaty Marks on Urn. Pnrls, Feb. 7. Tho Temps thlB af- ternoon says: "Tho abrogation ot the Clnytr.n-Bulwe- r treaty marks a dato tho abrogation will constltuto the opening n new ern. Nothing could contribute more to cement tho now born nccord between the two nations, Tho check given tho Canadian nego- tiations by the uncompromising ntti-tu- do of Premier Laurler had shaken tho fragile structure which seemed to rest only on sentimental basis. Lord Salisbury has just given It a powerful prop." Kauai Steamers. Although tho Mlknbnln was confi- dently expected tills morning hy peo- ple nlong tho wharves It was stated nt tho main nfllco today that sho could not nrrlvo hero bsforo tomorrow morn- ing, faho sailed Friday afternoon nnd. In addition to dlschnrglng a full cargo, would have to tako on sugar and go to Nllhau for sheep. Tho James Makeo from Hnnnmaulu Is expected tomorrow mornlni - 5S Just received the very thing to gladden the hearts of the ladies. The most acceptable Xmas g ft vmir wives, sls'ers or daughters a pa of our BEADhD STRAP bl IPl'H I ik it :r'"ded In the 7000 r!rs o hoes iuxf npn-- U ex S. S. Australia aid mid premier place for beauty. The MmiuYftcturera Shoe Co row. in tho summons Issued by Con- - tho history of tho of Eng-s- ul Hoaro tho men . land nnd nnd ratification of the has act tho of new Mr. tho the by the tho to to nt of of to : . vt-&- . a it t ' ,i .1 n

Evening ,ii's Sea Captains I Bulletin · Tho Kello quarters, on tho second story of the Perry block, must bo ... the schools than on tho streets. The hours of Inspection had been

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?"V ,- --SITPT" ' jw1

,ii's Popular Sea Captains ! )HIOHE YOTE FOR I jREvening Bulletin Capt..


Register Your Votes for Your Favorite !TAIN Or


J JHVol. VIJI. No. U02 HONOLULU, H. I., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1900. Pbiob 5 Cents.




The BULLETIN offers to the per-

sons who, between February 1st andJuly 31st, shall send in the largestnumber ot new subscribers, the fol-

lowing prizes :

1st Prize Cleveland Bicycle, 70.

The winner of the 1st prize Is at libertyto choose between mode's oo, 02 and 94 ot

the 1900 Cleveland Bicycle. MoJel 94 sa road racer, weight 20 pounds. fAodel 92Is a light road wheel, weighing 22 lbs , andModel 90 a heavier road wheel, wt 24 lbs.The bicycle to be selected from the stockof the Honolulu Bicycle Co.. agentsfor Cleveland Bicycles. (The choice maybe made Between the corresponding ladles'Models, should the winner of 1st prize bea lady).

2nd Prize, 8lnger Sewing Ma-

chine, $00.00.The winner of this prize may choose

between these three stvles of machines:that with oscillating shuttle anJ top coyer,that with vibrating shuttle anJ cabinettop, both five drawer machines, or the"Automa Ic," with three drawers. Thismachine will be furnUhed bv Ber-gerac- n.

sole agent for the HawaiianIslands.

3rd Prize, Premo Senior Camera,4x5, with Outfit, $40.00.

The Premo, St., has Double SwingBack, Double Sliding Front.and Rack andPinion for focusing. This camera may beused with either Plates or Films. Theoutfit Includes : Plate Holder, Tripod, 3

Tmvs. Uevelooer. Fixer. Negative Rack,Graduate. Stirring Rod and Lantern.Camera and outfit are from the LeMun-yo- n

Photo-Supp- ly Co., sole agents,

4th Prize, a Zonophonc, the Latest Improvement on the Gro mo- -phone, with 0 Records, $30.00This Is the loudest and most natural

talking machine yet Invented. It is to beselectfd from the stock of the BcrgstromMusic Co., sole agents for the HawaiianIslands. .

The following conditions of the contestmust be observed :

1. Allsubscilptlonsmustbe prepaid atleast three months In advance.

2. No renewals or transfers of subscrip-tions will be cnunted In this contest asnew subscriptions. Each name must be abona fide addition to the subscription lists.

3. Subscriptions slmuld be s-- nt in assoon as secured, together with the nameand address of the person to wliom thesubscription Is to br credited, as well as ofthe subscriber. Great care should be takento give ACCURATELY the full name andaddress of each new subscriber.

4. Any person In the Ha-

waiian Islands is eligibleto try for these prizes.

During the continuation of the contestfor the Must Popular Captain, couponsentitling the holder to cast so many votesfor the GiPtaln of his choice accoidingtothe term of his subscription, will be givento each new subscriber aitachrd to thereceipt for the subscription, as previouslyannounced.

Subscription Rates: 58.oo per year,$2.00 for three months; stilctly In advance.


The captain who shall have the largestnumber of votes on Saturday, March 31,will be Riven an elegant nalr of Binocularsfrom the store of H. F. Wichman. I heare the nest that can be obtained and maybe seen on dlspl iv at WIchman's siore.

In addition to the votes hlch appeareach day In the upper right h ind orn-- r ofthe first page, which are to be tilled outand deposited at this office, new subscribersare entitled to cast votes as follows. A

coupon for the number is attached to thereceipt.


The standing of the contest Friday. Feb.8, was as follows. I his list will be changed every aaiuruay.


Those Kullhl Guards.In tho Bulletin of tho 19th Inst wo

notice where Superintendent McVeighaccuses Corporal Storey ot asking thoguards to quit when he left. That Isunjust and untrue as wo left on ourown account, not becauso of CorporalBtorey'B trouble Also, Private Mc-

Carthy was not tho only ono who hada lire that night. As Private G. V.Schunk and others will testify.

Wp aro, some who left:COnP. M. HOUOHTAILINO,PRIV. 8. n. JACKSON,CEO. W. BOHUNK.

Board of Health Visited the Place

This Forenoon.

Mid; Motions Passed Yarlous Places to

Open Up Club Stables Must Put

Id Impervious Floors.

Tho Board of Healtli Bpont nearlythrco hours In JJlock 1! 1ms morning,dlscusBlnc various measures In conncctlon with tho buildings and makingImportant decisions. Following Is alist of the conclusions arrived at:

All tho lean tos of tho New Englandbakery must bo torn down and nowfloors, probauly concrete put in tnobakery proper.

Tho one-stor- y lodging houso on thobakery grounds must bo torn downand removed.

Tho two-stor- y building on tho irnmogrounds must bo renovated and clean-ed.

Tho "Uncle Sam" 'rcstnurant on Fortstreet must bo pulled down and de-

stroyed. inAll tho washing places, privies and

lean-to- s back of tho undertaking par-lors of E. A. Williams must bo re-

moved.New floors of Impervious material,

such as concrete, must bo put In thoClub stables and tbc lean tos back oftho Lum Sing grocery store, adjoining,torn down.

Tho Love building places of businesswill bo allowed to open as Boon as thocellars and first floor nre thoroughlydisinfected.

Tho stalls back of tho Love buildingmust bo disinfected and whitewashedand the floors of tho mils dug up andImpervious materials substituted.

Tho lean tos hack or wing Lee sfruit store on Hole! street must be tornout and tho flours reconstructed tocomply with tho sanitary regulationsof tho Board of Health.

Tho steam laundry on Hotel streetmust be cleaned up Inside before beingallowed to open.

After a suitable fence Is put up be-

hind Mrs. Gray's building on Hotelstreet, that placo will bo allowed toopen.

Tho Perry buildlug will bo allowedto open when It Is placed In a sanitarycondition. Tho oack floors must bomado of cement.

Tho Kello quarters, on tho secondstory of the Perry block, must bocleaned up nnd tho bnek doors nailedup.

Tho Robinson block pcoplo novocompiled with tho regulations so

that tho Hoard did not need to tako anynctlon on that place.


Buchanan, an patrol-man, was arrested shortly after midnight last nl&ht on tho chargo ot carrying a deadly weapon. Lieut. Leslieof tho Mounted Patrol, tells tho follow-ing story:

'At 12 o'clock last night Lieut. Gardner ana Officers Willis and Kalo wentoft duty and wcro returning to theirhomes In Kallhl when, upon arrivalnear the O. H. & L. depot, tney saw ablcycie zigzagging all over tho streetIn front of them. I was just behind.They cried to tho rider to allow themroom to pass as tho part of tho strcotat that placo that can bo used Is verynarrow on account of repairs now bo-In- g

made. Tho fellow went to onosldo and tho hack passed by. It wasjust at this moment that a revolvershot was fired and I saw tho light onthe bicycle suddenly extinguished.

"Tho oflicera Jumped out or tho hackand mado for tho bicyclist who dodgedunder Achl's framo building now Inprocess of construction. Emergingfrom tlicro he ran on but his progresswns stopped by a high board fence.Wo cornered tho man thcro and Ifound a revolver In his hip pocket.It had just been discharged but thoempty shell had been extracted."

In tho Police Court this forenoondefendant was found guilty and sentenced to pay n fine of $20 and costs.Defendant claimed that his revolverfell on the ground nnd was accidentallydischarged. Tho pollco officers thinkotherwise.

Dangerous Bridge.Watkahalulu bridge on School street

Is reported on good authority to bo Ina dangerous condition. It has beenplaced under n severe strain of latofrom heavy drayloads having to takothat route on account of tho closing ofother streets. Somo superficial patch-ing has been dono on tho bridge, butthe structure Is radically weak In Itssupports. The Bulletin's Informantsaw timbers working several Inchesout ot position under stress of a loadedvehicle crossing tho bridge. Ho saysthat, unless the foundations nnd sup-ports of tho structure bo made strong,a terrible accident Is llablo to happenany time.

DON'T PAPS our OPERA GLASSESfnr the World. They'-- e made by I.Malre. "Nuff said." rf. f. WICHMAN f

One Sadden Death Bnt Apparently

Not Suspicions.

School Question In Hands of Board of Educati-

on-Floating Material From Garbage

Scows -- General Notes.

2 p. m. No new cases today.A native, Kahlohlo. aged 40,who died suddenly til his homoIn Pauoa this forenoon, hnsbeen taken to the morgue. Apost mortem will ho held thisafternoon.

The post mortem on tho Ja-panese, Okatn, from Pearl City,has just been finished. It Is acase of typhoid fever with per-foration of tho bowels.

School Question Agnln.At n meeting of tho Board of Health

yesterday afternoon, Mr. Lowrey onc3more brought up tho matter of open-ing tho schools. Children wero better

the schools than on tho streets. Thehours of Inspection had been changedtnd, as this was tho only reason ad-

vanced by tho Citizens' Sanitary Com-mittee In Its recommendation thut theichools be kept closed, the school?ould very well bo opened now. Tho

restriction should bo removed by M10

Board of Health and then tho Commis-sioners ot Education could do as tboythought best In tho matter.

Mr. Wood, of tho Normal School, explained that tho continued closing othis Institution was working a hardship on the tenchers from tho other Isl-

ands who wero hero at their own expense.

Further discussion wns Indulged In,but nothing was done.

Gathering Eggs by Seashore.A Custom Houso officer whoso word

ennnot be doubted, tells of tbo float-ing ashore of a largo number of Chi-

nese salted eggs on tho bench at Wal-kl- kl

and tho gathering ot theso byboth natives and Chinese. Tho In-

spector Is of tho impression that thisarticle of Chinese food, condemned bytho Doard of Health, Is not dumpedoverboard from tho scows far enoughout at sea. Besides tho eggs, a lot offruit and dried vegetables have floatedashore.

Dentil nt Penrl City.Tho death of Oknta, u Japanese In

tho employ of tho 0. R. & L. Co. atPearl City, was reported to Dr. Cooperearly this morning. This physlilantook a Bpcclal train down tho road Im-

mediately nnd brought tho body totown with him, arriving at about 12

noon. A post mortem will bo held ontho body this nft;rnoon. Dr. Cooperstates It as his belief that tno mar. diedof dysentery. Thvjre were no plaguesymptoms.

Iwalnnl Into Quarantine.Tho Iwalnnl went Into quarantine

again last evening and will snll forports n week from that time.

Wm. SImerson, who was on duty nt thoInter-Islan- d wharf office, went Intoquarantine aboard tho Iwalnnl. Howill bo transferred to some other ves-

sel when ho hns completed hla quaran-tine of seven days.


Inspector J. Lightfoot had anotherlong search for a missing ward yes-

terday. It wns a Japanese woman, whowns discovered about 11 o'clock p. m.In tho houso nt Knmollllli from whichn Japanese victim of beriberi had beentaken tho previous day. Tho womanhnd a high temperature and Dr. Peter-son wns called to seo her. Mr. Light-foot- 's

Inspection book shows twentypersons living In tho houso in ques-tion, n small tenement of four rooms.

A resident of Nuunnu valley tolls otfourteen natives being huddled to-

gether in n 14x12 room. Somo nntlveshaving nouses In that locality rent alltheir upper rooms to Chinese, wtillothemselves nnd their families sleep ontho ground floors.

A Poor House.Tho Inst of tho people from tho kero-sen- o

wnrchouso detention camp thoWco Shlng family numbering twentyIn nil will bo released tomorrow. Dr.Wood stated today that tho placo wouldvery probably bo turned Into a poorhouse.

Children's Meeting.At Central Union church nt 3 o'clock

Friday afternoon Miss Yarrow willconduct a meeting, In which tho chil-

dren themselves will hnvo a part andInstruction will bo given In the mean-ing of the Christian life. Children often years and older nro Invited.

Small Blnze.There was n small blaze In tho Ad-l- er

homo nt tho corner of Vineyard andPunchbowl streets at r.oon today. Por-

tions of tho roof .Mioiit tho kitchenchimney were burned but tho flameswere extinguished before tho arrival oftho fire department.

Letters Received From Dr.

and Dr. HcGettlgan.


New Case at Detention Camp Id K-a-

hulul Hana's Physician Reports

Another Disease.

Dr. Garvin states that the caso wasof tho pneumonic type nnd that he firstnoticed the Illness of the man on the15th Inst. New camp plans had beendrawn up by him and submitted toMessrs. Baldwin nnd Lowrle. Thb costwould bo about $5,000. Wells had beensunk on tho present camp grounds andsufllclcnt wntor for washing purposessecured.

Three post mortems had been held.One from Sprcckclsvllto wns suspiciousbut tho existence of bacilli could notbo demonstrated.

Hny Wodehouso Is assisting A. L.C. Atkinson nt tho camp.

The bodies of three Chinese and twoJapanese, who died of the plague hadbeen exhumed and

President Wood of tho Board ofHealth received by tho Ciaudluo thismorning several letters dealltii; withtho health situation on Maui.

Ono of theso was from lr Garvinwho Is In chargo ror the Board ofHealth in Knhulul In thlj hitter Dr.Gnrvln tells of nnother cxm ot plaguewhich broko out In tho dotation campat tho Kahulul race trtk on tho ISthInst. The victim, a Chl'inmnn fromtho locality whero tho other cases wcrotaken, died on tho same day, npost mortem wns held, bubonic plaguewas clearly demonstrate I and tho bodycremated.

Dr. Garvin states that t!in lira 111 out-look in Kahulul Is very promising.Tho center of infection was, of course,in Chinatown, now destroyed. Noth-ing suspicious hns occuivo.I beyond thelimits of this district.

Varioloid at liana.Another lAttv was from Dr. McCot-tlga- n,

tho government phydclan atHana who reports 11 cai:n ot varioloidat that place.

When Dr. Wood was nt Kahulul onhis return from Hllo to Honolulu, liereceived a telephone, communicationfrom Dr. McGellig.vr telling of the.

of tho casi. It was requestedthat tho physician send n vrlttHii re-port to tho Board o.' Health nnd thisIs what arrived In the Claiitllne toduy.Tho points brought out by Dr. McGet-tign- n

nro as follown:A Japanese In n camp of 41 of tho

samo nationality, In chargo of aJapancso lunn nn'i doing work on theplantation wns v!;!n ill with what np bo

court, andwJ?inn Mcacl.,mpn,1,imp In tho

1)Clk'f Umt U ,B n ia"evarioloid.

Included In this camp .TnpanCKOwho been m tho Islands for f.oinelength of time and others who have ar-rived but recently.

Dr. Wood bolIuw:s from thorecorded by Dr. McUeltlgan In his

report that tho case 1) no: vurlololl,but chicken pox. ila stated to tliomembers of the Poind ot Health whileInspecting Block 13 thu morning thatthere wns no reason to behove that therecent nrrlvala of Japnnoo had lal.enInfection them to tho other

us tho dlsluf.'cthis npparntus nttho quarantlno station was certainlyof such n nature as to all Michpossibilities. It was u well known factthat, In tho case of Japamw), chickenpox Is more serious in effectwith other nationalities

Louvre License.Harry Juen Is still for n lo-

cation acceptable to the authoritiesfor tho Louvre saloon. Tho old placnwas burned In ono of tho Chinatownflics nnd tho stock put into quaruii'tine. One slto in view Is nt Queen nndSouth streets.

Humors 0 Ratting.Captain J. W. at Nolto's table,

stated that after ho had set tho sani-tary commlttco's poison tho rats bo-g-

to bnt his harness. It was JohnKllluger who forthwith rcmurked t

the captain had no right to grease hisharness with tho doctored laid.

It-i- d Men Will Celebrate.Tl.o Red Men will celebrate tho an-

niversary of birth of George Wash-ington by n social In Hall to-

night. A largo number of friends havebeen Invited and n Jolly good Isanticipated.

Washington Social.Washington birthday social nt Ccn

trni union parlors by the Y. P. S. C. K.this evening. All who desire to pas? apleasant evening nre to comeand bring their ThoGeorge and lady will be there to re-


WEDDINO STATIONERY. EngravedEmbossing.


For Trial or Seamen Refusing Doty on

British Ship Inverness-shir- e.


Men Before Supreme Court Under Habeas Corpus

Awaiting Proceedings ot the British

Tribunal -M- embeis ot lh Court.

A writ of habeas corpus, signed byFirst Associato Justice Frcar of theSupremo Court, was Issued to com-mand Marshal Brown to produce Incourt tbo bodies of Michael Swantonand eleven others, seamen of the shipInverness-shir- e though not so describ-ed In their petition. Although tho writwns only out about 7 o'clock Inst night,It wns by mutual consent made return-able nt 11 o'clock this morning.

The petitioners complain that theywero arrested In Honolulu on 20thInst, nnd unlawfully held by the Mar-shal In the police station. They nllcgothat they arc unable to state tho causeor pretenco of their Imprisonment nndrestraint, that they aro destitute andunable to deposit money for costs and,rurthcr, that they nro not Imprisonedby virtue of any warrant or other pro-cess issued out of nny court of compe-tent jurisdiction.

Marshal Brown mnkes return, say-ing the petitioners wero on the 20th ofFebruary seamen legally attached toand on board of tho British Inver-ncss-shl- ro

then within tho jurisdictionot this Republic, and were nrrestcd onboard that vessel nnd Imprisoned un-der authority of n written nppilcatlonnnd undertaking, made to tho Marshalof tho Republic of Hawaii by the Hon-oiab- lo

W. It. Honro, Her BritannicMajesty's Consul nt Honolulu, nlso thatthe petitioners wero being detained nttho pollco station called for bysaid Consul.

Tho requisition of Consul Hoaro'cnmn called at tho Jananeso anartcraasks for tho urrcst, as mutinous per- - and found tho rlnglondcr ot tho men.

of Michael Swnnton, James Hud- - fellow stated that they had beenson, Chris. Knspcrsen, A. Peterson, P. 'nil ready to work but had boon toldAlsua, Henry Gouldlng, J. Bowles, H. not to do n stroke. The mutter ot notJohntisen, Henry Mainland, Hans Ja-- giving them nny food was nil right,onsen, Jno. Mnrquson nnd Wm. Thomp-- 1 If tho Consul did not do something byson, being seamen on board nnd on Thursday morning, they would so toduty on the ship already named, and work In spite of him.concludes: "I have tho honor to stato In tho afternoon, food waa preparedthat I will and do now engage to In-'f- or tho Japanese women nnd childrendemnify you nil damages which and they were sent for to come up nearresult from your proceedings tho administration building but thodcr nnd from tho detention of said per-- men would not nllow them to thissons, and that I will pay all and every and so they nit went hungry,cost and chargo Incident thereto." It Is understood that Consul Balto

At the production of tho persons bo--' hns submitted tho mnttcr to tho For-fo- ro

Justice Frcar this morning, Geo. elgn Office.A. Davis appeared for tho petitioners, Contrary to what tho ringleader ofnnd A. S. Humphreys for respond- - tho Japanese said, none of this nation-cn- t,

Marshal Brown, who wa3 also allty went to work this morning and

cecdlngs pending tho1. 11 . Buiyeu pro- -

v?L htll'0, : .","'' ,'1? ,l'n.' ngs before a naval hatpetitioners bo remandedIncline Dr. Mr. itnmnhnn-- . mn..ni I



fymp-tom- s



Its than






askedfriends. angel





sons, This


againsthcrcun-- .

i do


present. Mr. Davis nsked that tho pro- -

," tho Court ordered Urn case contm- -nod until 10 n. ra. Tuesday next.

The naval court will assemble at thoBritish Consulate at 10 a. m. tomor--

relationsnre charged with America, tho

'continuous refusal of duty."The Naval Court.

The Naval Court, which Is to asscm- - '

ble nt the Consulnto as stated, will boconstituted ns follows:

Hon. Wm. Robert Honro, H. II. M'sConsul, President;

Thos. Blslcy Jones, master thoship Champion, ot Liverpool;

Francis W, Chapman, master of thoship Lnnclng, of London;

Captain Evans, maflcr of tho barkConway Castle, of Loudon.

'iho men will ho irprcscntcd byGeo. A. Davis as their counsel, nndwhole matter between master and menwill ho gono Into. M: Hoaro hnda largo room In tho Consulate fitted upfor the holding of the court. Being npulillc tribunal tho court will bo open10 memuers 01 1110 pros.

The Orphcum.Tho sparkling ono farco "Hec-

tor." also Allan Dunn's dramatic epl-sod- o

"Tho End of All" will ho retainedon tho boards till end this week.Tho execution of both pieces showsconsiderable Improvement on theirfirst representation, A complctochnngel n tho vaudcvlllo and musicalprogram will tako place. Miss LauraOakley, who has becomo quite n favor-ite, will Introduco somo songs.

Jean Rogers, the popular premierbnsso, will nlso glvo somo new selec-tions.

New llnwailnn Music.Tho band will give n concert on

grounds of tho Executive building ntusual tlmo this evening. Among

tno selections will be four Hawaiiansongs with new music Just composed

Captain Bergcr. This will bo thefirst presentation of the new music.

Horse Given Htm.i.r. ..emenwny, superintendent of

tho guards at tho Kallhl detcntloicamp, hns Just been mnde a present ofn fine jay mare by tho guards wluserved with him during his stay atMakapuu pass.

Difficulties Aiise at Kdllhl Deten- -

tlon Camp.

Japaneso Consul Takes a Hand-Ru- ling That

Causes Friction -R- eferred to Minister

of Fortlga Affairs,

Jnpancso Consul Mlkl Salto and an-

other member of tho Japanese Con-sulate, called at Kallhl detentioncamp Tuesday nnd held a conferencewith Superintendent McVeigh andMedical Superintendent Howard on thomatter of proposition of thrcohours' work on tho part of tbo menwho return to the camp to bo takencare of after having hecn freed fromquarantine. The story learned nt thecamp Is as follows:

Tho confcrcnco wni progressing fa-vorably and Mr. Snlto was about toagrco to the proposition when his com-panion broko In, saying: 'l'hcro is noitso of talking further on this matter.Tills Is a government responsibilitynnd tho Japanese will remain hero aslong ns they desire, nor will they bomade to do any work for tho govern-ment."

It wns explained the Japanese rep-

resentatives that the men should doa llttlo work to pay fur their food. Thogovernment wns charging nothing fortho houses nor was thcro nny profitaccruing to tho government on nccountof tho work It was proposed havedono on tho camp grounds. Tho rep-resentatives refused to allow theircountrymen to work nnd they wcrotold that, In case tr.nt there was nowork, tho Japanese would not bo fed.

Tho next day, tho natives and Chi-nese turned to nnd went to work buttho Japancso remained In their quarters. Ono of thoso in chargo at the

food is still being withheld. Tho onlyway they can get anything to cat Is byprocuring It from town their ownexpense.

Treaty Marks on Urn.Pnrls, Feb. 7. Tho Temps thlB af-

ternoon says: "Tho abrogation ot theClnytr.n-Bulwe- r treaty marks a dato

tho abrogation will constltuto theopening n new ern. Nothing couldcontribute more to cement tho nowborn nccord between the two nations,Tho check given tho Canadian nego-tiations by the uncompromising ntti-tu- do

of Premier Laurler had shakentho fragile structure which seemed torest only on sentimental basis. LordSalisbury has just given It a powerfulprop."

Kauai Steamers.Although tho Mlknbnln was confi-

dently expected tills morning hy peo-ple nlong tho wharves It was stated nttho main nfllco today that sho couldnot nrrlvo hero bsforo tomorrow morn-ing, faho sailed Friday afternoon nnd.In addition to dlschnrglng a full cargo,would have to tako on sugar and goto Nllhau for sheep.

Tho James Makeo from HnnnmauluIs expected tomorrow mornlni

- 5SJust receivedthe very thingto gladden thehearts of theladies.

The most acceptable Xmas g ftvmir wives, sls'ers or daughters a paof our BEADhD STRAP bl IPl'H

I ik it :r'"ded In the 7000 r!rs ohoes iuxf npn-- U ex S. S. Australia aidmid premier place for beauty.

The MmiuYftctureraShoe Co

row. in tho summons Issued by Con-- tho history of tho of Eng-s- ul

Hoaro tho men. land nnd nnd ratification





tho of













. vt-&-.



t '





F 2

"VV. ""T" ,TjjpTri,vf"Jp'TTW'

n-j- t f'K"f't:"i4RF'Wir



Anetneera and Builders of Hlfih Duty Pumping EnginesTor Water Works und Irrigation.

THr SPECIAL ATTENTION OF PLANTATION MANAGERSAGENTS Is called to the fact that we carry In stock at our Queen street warehouse

larfe assortment of pumps for all kinds of sugar house service, IncludingnBp9 air pumps, condensers, feed pumps, lulce pump, mutasses pumps, etc., to-tt-

with complete stock of spare p"" alvM fur sizes. Careful attentionItw all orders, and prompt shlpmer' i..-.iee- a.

Estimates furnished for complett itrlgatlon pumping plants of any capacity

Olllce: Cor. Fort & Queen Sts., Honolulu, II. 1.Warehouse: Cor. Queen & Cook Sts. Telephone so6.

R1SD0N lBOtf WORKS,San Franoisoo,




Hi&h Duty Pumping Machinery,Heine Boilers, Plain Tubu Boilers, Corliss Engines, Cars,

Vacuum Pans, and all machinery for the complete equipment of Sugar Mills.

Office: Progress Block,PORT AND STREETS, HONOLULU. II. II.

Fraternal Directory.

HAKMoNY LODGE No. 3,I. O. O. P.,

fteta every Monday evening at 7:30,ta Harmony Hall, King street.

j. d. McVeigh, n. g.E. R. HENDRY, Secrotary.

All vletlng brothers very cordiallywlfd.

MYBTIO LODGE No. 2, K. ot P.,MmU every Wednesday evening at

f:H o'clock, Castlo Hall, Fort streetfPUtUng brothers cordla ly Invited toattend. S. J. SALTEit, C. C.

tilt A. E. MURPHY, K. R .S.


Meets every third Thursday eveningIB Masonic Temple. All visiting comanions cordially Invited

A. F. GILF1LLAN, H. P.J. D. TUCKER, Secretary.


MmU In Masonic Tcmplo on tho sec--

Thursday evening of each monthfctf Ttiitlng Sir Knights courteously InMa.


OAHU LODGE No. 1, K. of P.Moets every Friday evening at their

Castlo Hall, 42016 Fort street, nt 7:30.Members ot Mystic Lodgo No. 2, andVisiting brothers, cordially invited.


0H9 K. of R. and S.


No. 1 ,A. & A. S. R.Mull tho first Thursday In each

Matt, at Masonic Templo. Sojourn- -

and visiting brothers cordially In- -

I to attend all meetingsW. M.. FRANK B. AUERBACH.


L'OCEANIE.No. 124, A. & A .8. Rite.

Mated meetings on tho last Mon--

of each month, In Its hall, MasonicInula.

C. M. WHITE, W. M.K. D. FRIEL, Secrotary.

OIO. W. DoLONO POST No.45, G. A. R.,

Department ot California and Nova-te, meets at Harmony Hall, Kingtntt, first Thursday evening of ever

awmta. Sojournlcc comrades are cor-tall- y

Invited to attccd.W. L. EATON, P. C.

IAg. T. nOPELAND. Adjt,


Mated meetings, first Monday eachumth. Special mottlngs, when calledwill noted in this space).Members Lodgo Lo Progres, Pacific

, and all sojourning brethrenInvited.ED. SPALDING. W M.



Regular Army and Nnvy Union ofDae United Stntcn ot America, meets atHarmony Hall, Klnif street, every sec-en- d

and fourth Friday In each monthat 7:30 p. ra. Visiting comrades arocordially Invited.

All honors'-- . "Jrgcd soldiers oraltars, el the; -- ur or volunteers,

are eligible W ,aier..,j"shlp.E. J. WILSON,

Commandor.J. E. BHEAHAN, Adjutant.

THE WAVEnLY CLUB.Waverly Block, Bethel street. Stan-Mar- 4

magazines and periodicals:billiard, pool and card tables

ar free use of members. Arrangeuata for transient visitors. Entrance

lie 11.25, monthly dues f Open fromvl m. to 11 p. m.

A. V. GEAR, President.nUHCB T. COPELAND. Recording Sec.BJbLEN D SCRIMGEOUR. Fin Sec'y




nv Mtrwmmg Bulletin, 75 cenu rr

win "W"W'S r-- , ., .-- , -- r iqpp H- TWagMIB'MIW"P' Mm iMilrj,wji..; . I.,,, -i'k W" "t fi py "tfi" ' t"- jJ ' UI'IU J,' !'. lHWlMtVWfiy'WITK-- PTMfc Mm - Mm,f?! '"r-r.- "-i;


'J HE EVENING H. 22, 1900.



a r all


ar Cane









EverywhereYou aro worn out, tired, can't put

the energy you ilenlro Into yourduties. Woll, then, you must trysomething that will overcome thisfeeling and rontoro you to porfocthealth.

PleasantFrom childhood wo are taught to

respect tho curative features of herbs.Our grandmothers usotl thorn, andwero, as n rule, versed in tho art ofpreparing remedies from variousplants

asWe have a preparation that Is of

the type purely vege-

table, made of herbs with wino. Fora general tonlo to produce vigor andstrength, you cannot find a betterone.

Wine.For malarial disorders, loss of ap-

petite, that tired feeling, loss of en-

ergy, it is a true panacea.

Royal Bitten it the name,They gave me at my birth,

From Jloynl no one need rffrain,lit ute xeill turcly bring mirth.

Put up in pint liottloN at 50 cents.Only of

Hollister Drug Co.

LIGHT WISDOM - - -Let us tell you something about Elec-

tric Incandescent Lamps. Perhaps youhave noticed that your bill for electriclighting has varied peculiarly from monthto month. When It Is large you say badwords about your meter and you thinkthat the Light Company Is cheating you.'I he Company Is not cheating you YOUAR6 CHEATING YOURSELF. A lampwhich has lived Its normal number ofampere hours, though It may not be dead,consumes nearly twice as much currentas when it Is first used. If when yourlamps show signs of having burned toolong you would take them out and pur-chase new lamps you would find that thesaving In your monthly bill would morethan compensate for the price of the newlamps.

Oceanic Gas andElectric Co., Ltd.

irvW- -


Orphcum tonight.Couples require cottage. Sec Want

column.For rough sailor hats, ribbons, etc.,

iry Mrs. Iiuuua, Fort stroet.Ring up 11)1 when you want a rollablo

driver, u good buck and no over charg-ing.

Oahu Lodge, N. 1, K. of P. will meettomorrow, Friday evening, nt 7:30o'clock.

Fifth assessment McUrydo Sugar Co.Is duo on March 15th nnd delinquentApril 1st. See Now Today.

The Seamen's Club is gaily decoratedIn honor of Washington's birthday andanniversary of the Institution.

A nntivo woman flower seller openedbusiness this morning on the Fortstreet sidewalk nt Mclntyre's corner.

There will he no rehearsal of tho Y.M. C. A. Orchestra tonight ns many oftho members will bo eclebratlngWashington's birthday.

There will be a social In the CentralUnion Church Sunday School rooms bytho Christian Endeavor Society thisevening in honor of the nnnlvurMiry oftho birth of Georgo Washington.

"Tho Hawaiian Scenic Calendar" for1900, published only by the GoldenRule Bazaar, 31G Fort street, Ib a beau-.it-

work ot art. It eclipses all pre-vious efforts la this line. m nothingwould bo more appropriate --t tMs timethan to mall onu ot these ti the 'oiksat home." Prlco 60 cents.

At n meeting of the Board of Healthyestcrdny Dr. Emerson brought up thequestion of goods in tho Aala ware-house. President Wood stated thatthese wero still In tho warehouse Hehad received many application's fromowners ot personal effects In tho wore-hous- o

to bo allowed to go Into theplaco nnd pick out their goods hut hehad put off the people.

Cyclomcro Park has been subdividedinto lots which aro now offered forsale. Tlicso lotB nro particularly sult-ahl- o

for manufacturing sites, storagewarehouses nnd rcsldcnco purposes,parties seeking locations convenientlynear to tho business portion ot tho citywill find this a most desirable proper-ty. For terms nnd particulars, applyat tho ofllco of Bruce, Waring & Co.,Progress block.

Installation of Officers.Tho following ofllccrs were duly in-

stalled last evening at S o'clock at Har-mony Hnll:

W. C. Parke. P. G., D. D. O. S. assist-ed by bister S WllllamB, P. G. asGrand Marshal, Sister Clara Pctrlo P.G. ns Grand Wnrdcn, Sister Allco Her-rlc- k

P. G. as Grand Secretary, SisterCarrie Riley as Grand Treasurer andBrother Lorlng P. G. ns Insldo Guardinstalled the following officers In OllvoBranch Rcbekah Lodge, No. 2, I. O. O.F.:

Nohlo Grand, Slater Llzlo Gurney;Vice Grand, Sister Mao Weir; Secre-tary, Bro. Jas. Blckncll; Treasurer, Sis-ter Anna L. King; Warden, SisterClara Gurney; Conductor, Sister Car-ri- o

Riley; Insldo Guard, Bro. G. W. R.K'f S. N. 0 Bro. C. 8. Crane;L. S. N. O., Sister Jean McDonald; R.S. V. G Sister Margaret McCorrlston;Chaplain, Sister Ella G. Munson.

If you are fond of pictures,drop in and look over the freshlot of Copley Prints, Carbons,and London Prints, coveringover fifty subjects of the verylatest publications.

KING BROS.,110 Hotel street.

It Is currently repotted In Dutchcenters of civilization and credulityat tho Cape that Mr. Rhodes has es-caped fiom Klmbcrley by wrappinghimself up In tho skin of n donkey'sfoal, nnd getting n kadlr woman tolucad him In this guise through theBoer lines.

M J.J Vswywinmvywrt

CHAS. D. WALKER,Designer and Builder of.Hlgli-GraJ- e

Yachts, Boats and Launches!Wmkf, 6gj KING ST.

P. O. tlo 6j). Telcrhone 160.

rugs ever imported, are

1.J09 firtllfipisr

Werwicke Book Cases


Insect and Dust Proof-F-OR-

Home,Libraries,Lawyers,Doctors andBusiness Men's0 1 1 i ces .es- -

A S'' on hand and-you- r Inspectlon l Invited.

Henrv fmouse k Co


Sanitary Flooring,

Harbors no genus. It Is the only floorsuitable for residences, and its cleanlinessand moderate cost recommend It to allhouseholders

Plans and estimates cheerfully furnishedupon application to

Lewers & Cooke,Sole Agents for

Johnson's Celebrated Parquetry,Johnson's Floor Wax,Johnson's Floor Brushes,Johnson's Restorer,Johnson's Solvent.

Bouquets !


Supply every variety of Cut hiuweis and

Growing Plants. Sprays, Bouquets and

Funeral and Wedding Floral Designs sup-

plied on short notice.

Office, corner Fort street and Chaplain

Mae, oppo' he Catholic Mission.1317

themselves of assortment."


.isT jfeTm j?siwiT.5w2BASEBALLI KACT --H- --W- --H- --H- --H-

Bounded by Keeaumoku, Kinau,Plikoi and Lunalllo streets; onlyone block from the Beretaniastreet car line"i5"R5r viw "fc "M

This tract Is situated in one of the finest resi-

dence portions of Honolulu, and in a direct line withthe cooling breezes of Makiki.

Lots Sox 90 feet will be sold for the reasonableprice of $1,250. Terms, $2c,0 cash, balance on in-

stallments, payments to suitThis land has a very gentle slope, and purchasers

can immediately commence building operations.Earljtfpurchasers can secure choice locations.

For further particulars apply to

GEAR, LANSING & CO.,Judd Building.

I lrc .ugglil i?ggl tfrF-- iayHONOLULU COFFEE MILLS



Large stock of Coffees from the Kona, Hamakua, Olaa Dis-

tricts always on hand. Old Coffees a speciality.

H. HACKFELD & CO., LTD.nw Pioyrlttau.

The Most Popular Sea CaptainIs CAPTAIN LAWLESS at Present.

He has bi ought down the Australia with a full line of Fresh Groceries for SALTER'SGROCERY, Including Cauliflowers, Celery, Fresh Oysters, Rutabaga Tumlps,Burbank Potatoes, Fresh Eagle Butter, Eggs and Cheese, Frontage de Brie, Llmburger,Anchovies, Holland Herrings, Anderson's Soups, VanCamp's Pork and Beans, BrownBread, Jams, Jellies, Cereals of all kinds. Everything fresh and good at

Salter's GroceryTelephone 680. Fort street Orpheum Block.


Wholesaleand RetailGrocers. . . .

--Big:The Waterhouse Store,!

Bethel street. Telephone 24.

Just Received :


Cor. King and Fort streets. 31.

Cape Cod .

Atmore's Mince Meat,Condensed Mince Meat,

Apples, Turnips, Hams,New Crop Nuts and Raisins,

Cream Chocolate Tablets, Jams,Jellies, Shrimps, Table Fruits, Olives,

Oregon Burbank Potatoes, Crackeis and Cakes, &c.,' la.

Tolophouo 110.

The swellest line golf capesnow being displayed by

StoxesThe Mclntyre Store,




Chas. Hustace,212 King street, next to the Arlington,

and traveiing


Ladies contemplating taking a trip to the coast should availthe choice


, t$


ib- -







jwvsf- - r.jr.Vi'



Baldwin Celery SodaFor

Headache, Nervousness andSeasickness .

Pleasant and Refreshing

sole .a.FORT AND

19113)1.1.91 MMUBHIOTHonolulu Drug Co.,



Honolulu Drug Co.,Von Holt Block, King st,


If so, make them AT HOME with pure water from your own

filter, by means of ....

SparkletsThe latest scientific method, simple to operate, perfect in result,

absolute purity guaranteed.Every home should have them


a-l-b asr a "sSTS.




40 Selected for $3.00-F-OR SALE AT TH-E-

HAWAIIAN BAZAAR, MASONIC TEMPLE.Comer Hotel and Alakea Streets.


A Splendid Oonsigmiiont


Surroys, Plirotons,


Buggies, Road Carts, aud Harness.Specially Selected for Local Requirements.

Honolulu Carriage flanufactory"W. "W. WRIGHT, Prop'r.


Horses, Cattle, Sheep and DogsALL HA.VE THEIR IT.TS.

REMEDIES MADEnSYIolirrPOTTIE & SONS,Veterinary Surgeons of World-wid- e Fame, will

CURB : THOSE :ILLS.Money Is Saved by Investing in Pottle's Remedies.

Black Oils for Sprains. Gall Silve tor Sore Necks, White Oils for Swollen Glands.Green Lotion, great healing igent. Soothing Oils for Skin Eruptions,

Black Ointment for Hnises' Feet, Electrlc.Oils.a mild blister,Pottle Eve Salve for Sore Eyes,

Vermin Soap for Dog, Shrep, Cattle, Horses, Shrubs and 1aWThls Is only a partial list; if you don't see what vou want ask

C. W. MACFARLA?,Aenn for thp H.iwal.n Ulands.


Repairing, Piling, Tnmniig and Manufacturing

Fin HorsoHlmelnj; a Specialty.Agency Rubber Tire Wheel Company.HAWAIIAN CARRIAGB MANUFACTURING CO.

Queen Street near Fort. M28

(.onsult WANTS in To-dav- 's BulicungsS:


Hotels and Restaurants.



It has to. Our waiters are

trained to be civil, quick and at- -

tentive to our guests. Our chef

is unrivaled in preparation of Jainty

and appetizing dishes. Everything

is scrupulously clean, everything

as comfortable as we can make it.And the prices are always in reason.

Home Bakery Cafe.

The Best Meal Cafe.WE OFFER YOU THE

Best --5c. Cigarlii ao hnd for tho money.


Beaver Lunch RoomsH. J. NOLTE.

Markets and racers.

mrjonuTAH heat go,

J 08 KJNG STREET.G. J. iValleh, : : Manaokb

Wholesale aud Iletnil


Navy Contractors.Oregeon and TamalesBurbank PotatoesFresh Ranch EggsNaval Oranges"-- '

Per Australia

J. R. MILLSUnrolii nionk. K'n 'rpct.

"BREAKFASTIs the foretaste of the whole day. Spol.

that and we probably spoil all."Be sire the coffee Is good, and thatj'lt

Is from


Telephone 240. 1 1 1 Fort St

Beer and Wine Dealers.


ffi ui Lipr Dealers.Agent! (or thi Bottle! Rainier Beer ol Seattle.

NO. 10 NtlUANUHlHKBTFoeter Block, Honolulu. Hawaiian Island..

P. O. Dpi i it. Mutual Telephone 308.



23RQllAn jrn, H"nolii... "f 1,

'jjjsoiiflaieii solid Wdirjr uu., luI5(splanacle,

Jtrner Allen & Fort Stt., Honoluli.

HOLLISTER & CO.,tlMlt- -

Thirty HeadOf FineBuggy andDraft Horses

Just ex Mauna

Ala. Tw S 'een at the Sale Yards)


Gus. Schuman.H. F. BBRTBLMAN'S

Carpenter ShopIS REMOVED


To rear of old stand. Entran.e on King

street. OrJe.-- t left at either shop, or office,

at Jas. Nott's tore, Kline street, will re- -

celve promp" attention. MSi-t- f

Dr. Maxwell Made

Favorable Impression

The Sugnr Join tint mid Tropical Culti-vator, Queensland, says editorially:

Too much linportnnto cannot boto the visit to thla colony of

Dr. Maxwell, which Is now drawing toa close, ills report will, wo believe,be hnnded to the Government beforeho sails for Honolulu, so that Its con-tents will bo before the sugar grow lugpublic within tho next month or two.'1 hat his stay has been short may boadmitted, but It does not follow thnt along stay was necessary to enable hlrato accomplish the objects of the visit,however well pleased sitgnr manufac-turers and growers would have been toprolong tho very Interesting conversa-tions which a few of them have had thogood fortune to hold with him. Somemen live In tho country all their lives,and know nothing of It; othcrH, nndDr. Maxwell Is one of them, are per-fectly capable In 11 few weeks of grasp-ing n full conception of tho local condi-tions and with that knowledge apply-ing the general principles which nroapplicable, nil ocr the world, nndwhich Queensland has yet to thorough-ly learn rather than to Impart to anyvisitor. The objections thereforeraised In some quarters to tho short-ness of Dr. Maxwell b visit, leaving al-

together nut of the question tho factthat his convenience had of necessityto he consulted In tho matter, may bosaid 10 fall to the ground. Ho will havobeen In the colony long enough tothoroughly grasp with tho readinessof it trained mind tho essential condl- -tlon3 or the country, and It Is for thevery icasoii that ho can do this thatsuch earnest cffoits were made to

him to como here. To 0110 point,beforo turning to tho work tho Doctorhas undertaken, wo mny allude, name-ly to tho ciltlclsm In Parliament nsto tho actual places to bo inlted byhim. Now not only were theso criti-cisms In the wotst possible taste, butthey show the hopeless Ignorance oftho speakers on the mnln subject. IfDr. Maxwell Is so well Infoimed on thogeneral subject of sugar cultivation nsto make It worth the while of thoQueensland Co eminent to securo Illsopinion upon the Industry In tho col-ony, then suicly Dr. Maxwell Is farbetter nblc than nny other man InQueensland to docldo for himself, afterInspecting the geological, climatic, andIndustrial data of tho various sugardistricts, which aic tho places most ne-cessary for him to visit. Thnt n scien-tist should be asked to report upon nnysubject, nnd thnt then tho benightedindividuals who aro seeking for Infor-mation should proceed to lecture thoscientist ns to how, when and whernho is to carrry out tho investigationsnecessary to enable him to make hisreport, shows cras3 stupidity thnt re-flects little credit upon the legislatorsof tho colony. If on tho other hand thocriticisms to which wo hao referredwere made bolely for tho purposo ofmaking political capital nt tho expenseof one of our industries, then they werea gross Injustice to tho country nnd adhect Insult to tho scientific gentleman who at great Inconvenience nndat no direct profit to himself acceptedthe task of enlightening us on n sub-ject which was causing the people ofthe colony much nnxlety. Wo mny ex-press a hopo that good tasto and com-mon Bcnso will reign more flrmlv Infuture in tho legislature. As for thework done so far by Dr. Maxwell itmay bo divided into two parts. Ho hasma do his own observations ns to thoconditions under which our Industryhas been and is being carried on, nndho has also made tho acquaintance oftho men who nio engaged In tho work.But ho has dono more. Ho has met nconsiderable number of our far memand manufacturci s and told themplainly his views upon many subjects,out more, especially has ho laid downfor them the broad general laws uponwhich not only this Industry, but everyIndustry must bo carried out. Ho dinnot merely toll tho cano farmers ofQueensland that they nro a fino lotof fellows, who or,, tho victims of con-

tinued 111 fortune, but lather that theyaro Ji st like tho sugar growers InLouisiana, Java, Hawaii, and theFrench colonics, and they nro nowsuffering tho samo evil lcsults of pantmismanagement, going thiough 'hesame crisis, nnd nenrlng tho day of

lu tho samo way us tho su-gar piodincrs havo dono nnd nro no'vdoing in those other count ilea. Thaino fnrmcr who heard Dr. Maxwell forhalf nn hour would continue, to be-

lieve thnt thoio Is n royal road out oftho present dlfllcultlcs of the Industiymay bo tnken for granted, our onlyregret is that, seeing ho was preparedto talk to ino farmers, nnd ho can talkpleasantly nnd fluently nnd proiltnbly,tho necessary arrangements wci'i notmndo to enable tho faimers to meethim in larger numbcis. Wo nro notprepared to say thnt ho would havoconsented to such an arrangement him-self, hut wo do think ho might havedono so. It Is certain that some of thoinniiltlons In Ouccnslnnd. csneclnllv

'as icenrds tho small fnrmlng system.nnd tho comparative intiopennenco 01

tho fanner ns to how ho grows hiscrop nnd what treatment ho gives hisland, wcro now to Dr. Maxwell, anil upsoon found It necessary to get to knowthe men ns well as tho land. Thnt hoImpressed those who met him goeswithout saying. Ho has helped to or-

ganize and regenerato tho Industry ofHawaii, whero In llvo years tho outputof tho fields has been nearly doubled.This testimony ns to his ability todeal with tho sugar question camo toQueensland beforo ho did, nnd almostnil wcio menaied to accept his verdictwhen It should bo given. What thatveruCt rsay bo wo do not prcsumo tosny, though our own knowledge of tho

tlnn . thc BllKnr districts does notencourngo us to belleo that It will ho j

"-- " WiMili.VT MiaWi If ,n- l.fc.

." a- -y wimt! mi jpewuiMiiriwiMiiii i m i ,-

- n "T""

entirely complimentary. In fact wodo not want compliments, ns Dr. Max-well himself pointed out on ono oc-

casion, wo want facts. And wo shallget them, while tho Impressions madeupon the leading men of tho varioussugar districts has been such that whenwe get those facts there should bo lit-

tle difficulty in securing unanimous ac-tion to give effect to tho recommenda-tions based upon them.

Real Mate and Insurance,

1U4 Ij Vjmi aajIivjui jiLmn.


AGENTS FOR..New England Mutual Life In-

surance CO. OF BOJsfON.

Etna Fire Insurance Companyof Hartford.HENRY ST. GOAR.EDWARD POLLITZ.

Members Stock and Bond Exchange


Particular attention given to purchae and e ale o'Hawaiian Sugar Stock.

Loan Negotiated. Eastern and Foreign Slock,and Sonde.

403 California St.,Hun Francisco, Cat. U7J

W. C. ACHI & CO.,

Brokers & DealersIN- -

REALJSTATESy We will Bay ot Beat EsUtolt

ill parts of the group.tW We will Bell Proportie. on Ueuoo

able Commissions 1

)FFICE. 10 West King Streei


Real Estate Broker.223 MERCHANT ST.

von balk.Twelve Chinese Granite Uitchllis

Post, $6 each.Property In town.



Real Estate Agen.Abstractor andSearcher of Titles . . .

Loans negotiatedRents collected.

Campbell Buildintj,Merchant street.


Stock and Bond a

116 Merchant Srvtut.OHAS. ,T. FALK,


Member Honolulu .Stock ExchangeRoom 301, Jndd Ruddlng.



No. (S Uaceo Street.

Expert AppraiBoraent of lien)fiptnto nnd Furniture


Stock and Bond BrokerMember ol Hawaiian Stock Eichange.

Mplnnriiv IU,m., Fort Slr(it.P. E. 11. STltAUUU,

Real Estate BrokerUlnanolHa Agii.t "nd Colloctor.

Llncoln'.Bio"U, CH9 King street.leal Telephone 041.

A. J. CAMPBELL,Stook anil Bond Broker

Member ol the Honolulu Stock Eichange,Offlce Quoon Htroot, opposite Union

Food Couiinny.Telephone 500. P O Boi 17 .

JA"S. r. JlUlluA.,

bl Eslalc anil Slock MwMembei ol Honolulu Stock Eichange,

Oueea itteet.Telephone . P O. D01 in.

Agents, firoits and Jobbers.

W. 6. Irwin & Go.Limitod

ACJENTS FORWestern Sugar Refinery Co., el M.

Francisco.Baldwin Locomotive Works

Philadelphia, Penu.. 0. 8 A.Nowell Universal Mill Co. (NattaM

Cano ShreddeD.New Vork, 0. a 4N. Ohlandt & Co's ChomlrAl FcrMMp

era.Alex. Cross & Sons, high imu ,

tlllzers for Cano and Cnffea.Heed's Steam Plpo Omrnrina.

ALSO OFFER FOR BALHParafflne Paint Co's P. A B. titfnnd Papers; Lucol and Uijbq

Oils, raw and boiled.Indurlno (a cold water palan.

whlto nnd colors.Filter Press Cloths, Cement, Kmnnd Pricks .


HONOLULU.Commission Merchants


I"EaPlaMatl'iCo.Si Sr',,,u rf.l" "I Co . Lit.

Sugar CrThe Walamta Sugat Mill Co.pie Koloa Agricultural Co.Hie Fulton Iron Workj. St. Lou.'e Ma.The Standard OH Co. 'The Geo. P. Blake Steam pumM.Weeton a Cenrrllugale

Vll ',w E"lJi Llje Insurance Co. orli f,u Flrf ,M Co- - ' H'"ord. Com.Atturance Co. ol London.




MERCHANTS.Agents for the California and Orient

Steamship Company.



m. G. Irwin & Co.(mmitbd).

Wm. G. Irwin. I'renlrfpnr andClaus Sprcckols YlcePreali

y. 11. uinarti.. seconrt Vice iTsaii11. M. Whltncv. Jr Tr. ...Ceo. J. Ross AuSm

Sugar Pact oraABfD

Jommission AgenivAdaTNTR OP THI


BREWER 5 C0M LTD.,Vjueen etreet. Ifonolulu. H. 1 1

ApontH rHawaiian Agricultural Company. SumCompanv.OokalaSugarPl.nl Onom"Co.Co. Honomu Sugar V Willuku Suga! Co . MaCt

LIST OK OKKIUKRHO. M. Uouko, Pioldeiit; Goorga H.RolwrtHou, Mnmr; K. F. RlKhopi

rroaHiiriir and S.'crtHryj CVl. W. F,Allon, Audit r; P. o Jouea. U. Waur.hoiiHo, Quo. It. Cttrtor, Director..M. PHILLIPS & GOT"Wholesale) Importer! and Jobber t,

laropean and American Dry ooot?

Fo tandQneen Btreetii.


Jor Vnrl snrt Unwn Str tj ,!- -Honolulu Ii'ou Works Go

"i"1 mo,l0rn SUAR A.ClIINbRY if every cupactty and Jtt.ii.iijU niia.( 10 oriler Boiler worlland BIVCTUD PIPES topurpoHt's u spfclalty. PartrUUr .ti..tion paid to JOU V "RK .a- -d kmimexecuted at shortest notice



Plantation Work tt Specialty.12.U

BKUUbi OAKTWKltrHl,bjDeral Manager of

Tb Hqu'tabl Lift Asauranca Society0 that DniUd State for the Hawaiian

lalanda.Orf. Morrhanl nrroeit. Hon


KAPA, pa I. Aduh., i.KIS N.TIVK MA'S, III LAHKIRIN. Mm ttMaTS, Kvnn SHE U HSKDn, h,HtiM KM VDK POI, im.tanU .. .. . aTelepho.10 76I)' lanki. '





I ii,

,jk m.



"V n'vr


Evening Bulletin,rmblUhod Every Day, except Sunday,

t 10 King street, Honolulv, U. I.,by tUe


iff. R. FAnniNQTON EditorDANIEL U)QAN City Kdltor


Per month, anywhoro In II. 1...$ .73

m year, Jn II. 1 8.00

rr year, postpaid, U. S., Canadar Moxlco 10.00

f"r year, postpaid, otuor foreigncountrloa 13.00

Pavnhtp Invnrlnlily In advance.rTiiunsDAY... rr.nmJAUY 2?. 1000.

With varioloid reported on Maul andKauai, tho people- of Hawaii may wellbegin to wonder what they have done

that fate should deal bo harshly with


The criticism passed upon thoof tho government by various

member of the Legislature Is nn In-

teresting demonstration of the una

nimous Mjpport It lecelves fromof the people.

If tho schools nro upeno I V theIJoard of Education It should bo donewith tho understanding that tho tru-

ancy laws are suspended. These aredays when tho parents bhoutd bo ficcto decide whether tlu-- send their nililrcn to school or not.

This overcrowding of homes fol-

lowing tho relcas' of bundled ofAsiatics from tho detention ramps Is

tending toward tho citation of numer-ous "old Chinatowns." If now plnguocontent aro not establibhed Honolulumay consider Itself thii beneficiary of r.

special dispensation oi Provldemv.

Labor problems arising at the denti-tion camps suggest that mollasses willoatch moro flies than vinegar. Thesepcoplo having been mado homelessthrough no fault of their own, the gov-

ernment is in duty bound to make pro-

vision for them. This is likely tobe the final icsult If the authoritieshold to a stiff necked policy that willresult In nn appeal to 'Washington byforeign leprcsontatlves. An nttemptto force laborers to work on tho roadswill unquestionably result disastrously.

New Honolulu should demand thatlumber yards as well as stables (hullnot bo located In the center of thobusiness district, with proper sewage, the stables can be kopt In goodbanltary condition, but the lumberyards nro n constant source of dangerfrom (lie. A slight change of windduring tho Chinatown flro was onlynecessary to carry destruction into thomidst of tho best business property oftho city. Should tho lumber jnidnonce get started, tho chances favor thecity being swept by flrp from Kingstreet to tho sea.

Senator Watei house raises an Inter-

esting point In connection with thelegislative- situation. If tho Leglula-tui- o

Is no more, the Council of Statewhich Is a child of the Legislature, hasno source of authority s.w pt suchas may be received direct from thePresident of tho United States. Sincethe President has tho authority to tuintho whole system of government up-

side down, Inside out and then set It upagain, It docs seem that tho ExecutiveCouncil has been very much asleepduring tho vacation peilod, whon, asAir. Dolo put it. "tho Board of Healthis running tho government."

As Is tlio case with nil patron saints,citations from the life of Gcorgo Wash-ington nro used to piovo the value ofevery political dogma to which thoevents of later years have given rise.Tho groat lesson of Washington's llfowas his bteadfast loyulty to prlnclplothroughout n peilod that tiled men'ssouls. Washington's waa a characterof positive Americanism which left nnImlellblo stamp upon national politics.It is to bo hoped that this posltlvo,patriotic strength miy not only bo aguiding prlnclplo of the pcoplo of thisnewly Americanized domain, but nlsothat It may bo Infused Into tho olllclnlllfo of tho territory.


Tho Bulletin falls to appreciatewherein any member of tho Legisla-ture can throw tho responsibility forfnlluro of tho legislative session upontho Executivo Council. That Mr. Dolohas been slow in learning tho pleasureof tho President In this connection is, tobo suro, an ovldenco of a lack of fore-Jdg- ht

and tho usual policy of tho Exe-cutivo to nover do today what can boput off till tho morrow. This, how-ove- r,

has no particular bearing upontho Individual action of members of thoLegislature, who are as much members

flmiFmt -- ; jsggjps.eSS2J

'v mm


of the Government as Mr. Dolo or anymember of his Cabinet.

There Is nothing In the local consti-

tution to suggcAt that legislative ses-

sions are subject to the call of Presi-

dent Dolo or nny other executive officer.As representatives of tho people mem-

bers of the Senate and Houso are Induty bound to meet on the third Wed-

nesday of every alternate February.This Is what they aio elected for. Thoceremonies attending the opening ses-

sions aro merely nddltlonnl frills In-

terspersed which may add official im-

portance to the legislative session, buthnvo no bearing on tho relation oflegislators to their constituents or thebusiness of the country.

Under present circumstances, theelective officers of Hawaii aro In exact-

ly tho same position ns regards author-ity to act ob the executive officers ofthe country. They hold their unicesand all their acts nro subject to the ap-

proval of the President. Having failedto receive instructions from the Presi-

dent, cacli member of the Legislaturehas to decide his course of duty forhimself. Ho Is answerable to his constituents and the President of theUnited States. The opinion of the'President of the Republic of Hnwallhas no bearing on the question of legis-

lative responsibility.The oppottuntty offered for Mr. Dole

to Ieni n the-- pleasure of tho President.The Chief Executivo having failed toImprove the opportunity, members ofthe Legislature arc In duty bound totake some nctlon. That Mr. Dolo hasfollowed his usual courso of making amistake docs not relieve tho electiveofllcpis from their responsibility.


Provision for Uhlneso and Japanesemerchants is fast becoming a seriousproblem which calls for posltlvo actionfrom tho authorities. The work thusfar has been carried on with the endIn view that tho plague Is to bepromptly "stamped out." Two monthshnvo passed and we nro well Into thothird and tho plague Is still here. Noone can say when tho port will bo de-

clared freo from infection. BusinessIs at a standstill. Tho Asiatic merchants from whom n good portion ofHawaii's population draw supplies arenot only forced out of business, but bya resolution of the Hoard of Health allImportations from Asiatic ports arepractically Bhut oft for nn lndeflnltoperiod.

On the face of It this situation can-not continue. Some provision must bomade for opening up tho avenues oftrade, or Hawaii will forco upon thoUnited States an interesting diplomaticwrangle to say nothing of tho claimfor damages that will mako a draft onthe resources of tho local government.Tho campaign conducted on tho basisthat a few weeks would seo tho end ofthe difficulties must sooner or later bochanged If tho situation does not Intho courso of tho next fow weeks showmarked Impiovcmcnt.

J.ocal merchants cannot be tied upndeflnltely, nor can the local govern

ment refuse to rccclvo Importationsfrom Asiatic ports that hnvo beenopened to trndo. Hawaii will not onlybo hold financially responsible for thegreat quantities of freight now tiedup mid spoiling in quarantined warehouses. It will also be held to answerfor blockading tho business operationsof Asiatic merchants. From tho pro-fessional standpoint thn present cam-paign can hardly bo Improved upon.Business steps In and makes demandswhich must bo recognized. Tho communlty nnd government hnvo to makeup their minds to pay for losses suffer-ed, dollar for dollar, and mnlntnindestltuto pcoplo nt public expense. Ifpalgn continues. Aro tho pcoplo pre-pared to pay tho price Decision upontho exact lino of action for tho futurocannot bo mado In a day, but tho situ-ation Is such ns to cnll for the seriousdeliberation of tho authorities.

lirltitih Traitors Shot.A correspondent of tho Globe, wilting

from Enslln, on November 21, says:"Did you hear about that stnt Ion mas-ter at tlio Orango river? Ho has beenshot, nnd serves him right. Ho hadbeen telegraphing to tho Boers nil ourmovements and nrrlvnls In camp, nndho was found out qulto by accident.An offlccr ono night whllo on outpostduty caught two Boer spies, who toldhim thnt they knew everything aboutus, how many troops arrived In camp,and In fact everything thero was toknow thnt would kill us. Tho officer atfirst poohpoohed this, but when theywero taken boforo tho General theytold tho samo talo, and added it enmofrom the station. Wo wero nil stag-gered nt this as you can guess, nnd thestntlonmastcr was wheeled out andquestioned, and tho fellow confessedanu sain the tolegraph clerk trans-mitted tho messages. Tho dirty de-linquents, they wero both Englishmen,can you bellovo It? I cannot Theywero speedily tried, and before tho daywas out tho statlonmastcr was shot,howling for mercy. Tlio telegraph clerkwas sent down to Capo Town, whero howill get thrown Into prison."

ART QQ0DSJust opened, direct shipments from the manufacturers.An invoice of

VsfFrench White China for Decorating.The finest assortment ever exhibited in Honolulu, direct

from France.Direct from the Fry Art Co.,

Fry's VitrHiable Colors In Powder.Lustre Paint.

Thirty thousand feet of

Picture Mouldings in the Latest Patterns.Our selection of Pictures are the Latest from

Art Centres.Howard Hitchcock's Oils, Water Colors, of

Island Scenery and Fruits.Chlnq Firing a specialty, at reduced rates.

Tne Latest in Lamp Goods.

The Pacific Hardware Co,



An attempt was mado yesterday af-

ternoon nt tho Instnnco of AttorneyGeneral Cooper, to bring about a meet-ing of tho Senate. Geo. Manson, clerkof the Senate, tried to notify tho Sena-tors in town, succeeding so far as toreach J. A. McCandless nnd J. N.Wright, whom ho Induced to meet withHenry Wnterhouso nt tho olllco of thoInst-name- President Wilder, adher-ing to tho opinion ho had given to thoBulletin, declined to nttend the meet-ing.

Organization wns not attempted bythe tlireo Senators. They agreed thattho responsibility did not rest with theLegislature for delinquency of thoregular session prescribed by the lawsof tho Republic of Hawaii. It was re-garded aB very peculiar, to say tholeast, for President Dole's law adviserto come In nt the twelfth hour with arecognition of tlio prlnclplo that theLegislature still held offlco underPresident McKlnley's order.

Senator Wnterhouso said this morn-ing that tho least President Dole or theExecutivo Council should havo donewas to consult tho President of theSenate. Tho presiding officers of bothbranches of the Legislature had, on thocontrary, been completely ignored. Iftho Government construed PresidentMcKlnley's order nil along ns they ap-peared to do now, they should havegiven tho Legislature timely notice forassembling on the day appointed, evenIf but to adjourn from day to day untilspecific Instructions were received fromPresident McKlnley.

Tho Senator In con voi nation with aBulletin repoiter, Inning tho Constitu-tion In lefeience, seriously doubted thestuudlng of tho Council of State. Atall ecnlK, Its tenuio of olllco wasstrictly dependent upon that of thoLcglslatuic, so that unlcfs tho Legis-lature is still lu office tho Council ofStnto Is a dead Institution. Sections 2and 3 of Article SI of the Constitutiontend thus:

"Section 2. The Council of Stateshall be elected and appointed duringthe Hist session of the Legislature; nndat each regular session held thereafter.

"Section 3. Tho term of olllco of thomembers thereof bhall cxplro at thoend of each regular session of theLegislature held after their election."

Section 1 makes five members of theCouncil of Stnto nppolntlvo by thoPresident, and llvo by each branch oftho Legislature, making fifteen in all.

-F- oR-

Verando,Lawn andLanai.

Pacific Cycle & HTg Go.

R. A. DEXTER, Manager.


Fort Street.Books! Books!


Golden Rule Bazaar

316 FORT ST.

The Largest Stock of Miscel-

laneous Books in

the City l


PDMishBr's Prices or Less !









Timely table of topics Intensely Interest-ing to intending Investors In

Clothing,Hats and

Furnishing Goods g

The articles advertised are what vouneed now or shall In a verv short time.The prices we append are the result of advantageous purchases In the open marketWe cannot guarantee to duplicate anyouenngs aiier inese iois are gone. How-ever, we will guarantee to sell for lessmoney man the average dealer can buy atwholesale In large Quantities. Our stocksare plgantlc. 1 he assortment Is Immense.No such establishment for profitable satis-factory trading exists elsewhere on theseIslands. We have sa'd It. We wait thepleasuie ol proving It to you personally.

tliiHt received n full line ofDUCK ANDCRASH CLOTHING

Men's Suits from f io and up.Hoys' Suits from ffiand up.Children's Suits from H and up.

. . . HATS at All Prices . . .

Nothing Resisted, Nothing GainedRisk Your Ji.oo and get an English Square

8ST Remember we have the KnoxAgencv for Men's Hats and are Sole Agentfor Dr. Delmel's Linen Mesh Underwear.

Mechanic' Home, enruor Hotel andNuuanu street, lodging oy at, weakor month. Terms: 25 and CO centper night 91 and f1.25 per week.

Good Air. Good View. Gooo Health.

A special invitation is extended to everybody to visit Ho-

nolulu's most delightful residence site


Via MaximaKaiulani Drive aptly termed, the Via Maxima or Grand

Boulevard, and in itself an artistic piece of engineering affordseasy access to all points, as also scenic and marine views ofexquisite grandeur at every turn.

Electric Railway.Contracts have been let for material, and3 the work of

construction, equipping and installation placed! in the hands ofcompetent electrical engineer to be fully completed by June

1st. Having an independent power plant we are prepared tofurnish electric power for lighting, heating and other purposes,to our home builders at most reasonable rates.

As Promised.Our reservoirs are now completed and waterfmains laid so

as to supply each lot. Permits for making wateri-connection- s

will be granted on application.An inspection of the attractive homes now building, or

the names of purchasers of lots, will convince anyone thatPACIFIC HEIGHTS is the choicest and most select:of alljtheresidence sites of Honolulu.

For further information,the office of

BRUCE WARINGProgress Block.

Special B


Tikiis "Teelr.

Established 1860,


: :nf


Merchant Street SideJudd Building

kj. o.

Notice Waln-lu- uCorn-pun- y.

Notice Ishereb- - 'Iven that an assess-ment of Go per cent nas been levied uponthe 10,000 shares, Issue, of the

Agricultural Cj Ltd., and that thesame will be due and at the officecf Castle & Cooke, Ltd., Jan. 15, 1900.

Secretary Walalua Agr'l Co., Ltd.1411

Notice olNotice Is hereby given that the eighth

lpessment of ten (10) per cent on the

(. v.1 stock ol the HONOLULU RAPIDAND LAND CO. will be due

and payable to J. H. 411Fort (upstairs), Honolulu, on the 1st dayFebruary. The shares upon which asessment may remain unpaid after thirty

days from said date, will be declared de-

linquent. J. A. GILMAN,H. R. T. & L. Co.

Honolulu, Feb. 1, 1000. 1419

MMMMMt . .


. . .


prices, terms, etc., apply at




in Our


of aslilozi.










Gold Bond Policy is thanuovorninont uontls.



new Wal-tlu- a



TRANSITFisher, treasurer,





'A a j

LifeEndowment Better



EMftETTMAY. Manager.



China(Nine Different Views.)


Children's Books andloys at ReducedRates.

Hawaiian News Co,,Limited.

Merchant Strert

rTT )"" "JB 7'fV' -- sar


f'i .,t j





W i



A Large Assortment of


VIZtPerfect Barker & Rice Plows,

assorted sizes; Perfect Double Mould

Board Plows, assorted sizes; Sub-

soil and Sidehill Plows, assortedsizes; Blacksmith Anvils, assorted-- 'zes; Blacksmith, Carpenter andPipe Vises, assorted sizes; Black-

smith Drilling Machines and Port-

able Forges, Baldwin's and Dr.Bailey's Ensilage Cutters, by handor power just the thing for stock;Galvanized Wire Netting, from 2 to6 feet wide; Green and Brass WireCloth, 2 to 3 feet wide; Anti-Calori- c

Sectional Pipe Coverings, and Plas-

ter; Long end Short-handl- e Shovels,Long and snort handl Spates,Axes from 3 to in., Bush Hooks,Ax Handles, Black and GalvanizedCut Nails, assorted sizes, 3 to Cod.;Black and Galvanized Wire Nails,assorted sizes, 3 to ood.; Black andGalvanized Fence Wire, Nos. 4 to6; Black and Galvanized Fence

'Staples, ij4o 2Vi; Pioneer WhiteLead, Boiled and Raw Linseed Oil,both in Barrels and Drums; DryRed Lead and Zinc,Mixed Paints, assorted colors, in Oiland Japan; Paint Brushes, White-

wash Brushes, Carriage and Furni-

ture Varnish, Kerosene, Gasoleneand Crude Petroleum, Blacksmith,Machinist, Plumbing and Carpen-tering Tools, of various kinds andsizes; Packing for Machinery, viz:Asbestos, Pure Gum, Sheet Rubber,Usudurian, Rainbow, Square Plush,Italian Flax, Peerless and AmazonSpiral, Round and Square Tuck'sPacking; Suction and Steam RubberHose, assorted sizes.

Tbe Hawaiian Hardw&ie Go.

Fort street. opposite Spreckels' Bank




Repairing a Specialty.Bicycle Sundries.Renting.

WHITMAN & CO.,Sole Agents for the Hawaiian Islands.

Now isYour Chance.AT HALF PRICE,We close out ourCYCLONE CAMERAS . .

Impim! Magazine mmThe most

complete andreliable Maga-zineitw-fi- Sob's i Cameraever produced.We call yourparticular at-tention to thefollowing newand exclusive

feature: Detachable Bulb Release, Auto-matic Register, Aluminum Holders, Dia-phragm, Automatic Shutter, UnloadingAttachment, etc.




fc. V9N ..'



Maurer MandolinsMartin Guitars

THE BERGSTRO? MUSIC CO.,Progress Block Fort street.

LADIESI have a stock of

SWELL IMPORTED WAISTSUnequalled for elegance of sic which I am closing out at

&r$'3 Ba rgam Prices fe&fci


Spring CostumesEvening and Dinner Gowns.Tailor Made Suit6,Opera Capes, Etc.

Executed at the shortest notice possible.

MISS M. E. KILLEANHaU'dressing and Manicuring Parlors.

Arlington Block, 205-20- 7 Hotel St.


The Itotl Men's dance takes place-- to-

night nt Pi ogress llnll.Tho Qlcnesslln has hauled alongside

the Oceanic wharf to discharge.The steamer Claudlno will sail for

Maul ports at 5 p. m. on Saturday.Kuakamauna, a native, nged 77, died

of old nge nt LuimIIIo Homo thismorning.

Tiamcar 17 went off tho track Infront of tho Inter-Islan-d wharf onQueen street this morning.

A Japanese, Tnnlguchl by name, diedof beri-oe- rl nt the Kalllil detentioncamp yesterday afternoon.

The East African enrao In from heranchorage off port ycbtcrday. She has2,77(5 tons of coal from Newcastle.

The natives at woik thoCyrus Wakefield at Hi ewer's wharfstruck this morning and left In a body.

The American ships In port nro decorated today In honor of the anniver-sary of the bit th of Ooorgo Washington.

Olive Brunch Lodge of llcbekah, I.O. O. F,, had refreshment)! and n dnncoafter the Installation last night. Theladles as usunl made a pleasant time ofIt for all present.

The U. S. T. 8. Warren 1m taking oncoal as quickly as possible nt tho Pa-

cific Mail wharf. Sho hauled along-side that place yesterday afternoon Im-mediately after the derarturo of theAornngl.

There wns no eueslon of tho Execu-tive Council this morning, It beingWashington's birthday and an off dayfor Cabinet meetings besides. Minis-ter Young was doing nothing butworking hurd on estimates, and At-torney General Cooper was out onblock 19 all morning with tho Board ofHealth.


New Yoik, Feb. 8. In a conferencowhich has been planned to take placoon Jekyl Island among tho Republicanleaders In tho near future. It Is expect-ed that President McKlnley's runningmate on tho Republican national tick-et, which will In; nominated next JunoIn Philadelphia, will bo selected. Cor-nelius N. Bliss is already on thoground, and prediction Is made that howill soon be Joined by other prominentRepublicans. It Is recalled that notquite a year ago there was a gatheringon the Island which Included PresidentMcKInley, Vice President Hobart, Sen-ator Hnnna, Thomas II. Reed and Mr.Bliss.

It had then Just betn announced thatPresident MoKlnley would bo renomi-nated and it was said the meeting onJekyl Island was arranged for the pur-pose of dtscuxslng the Vice Presiden-tial candidate. Though what was ac-tually done during tho meeting waskept secret there was a strong rumorthat an attempt was made to conciliateMr. Reed with a view of inducing himto accept tho second place on the tick-et. Mr. Reed, however, was not con-ciliated.

Mr. Ullss' preenco at Jekyl Islandcaused a revival last night of tho re-port thnt ho will recelvo the nomina-tion to succeed Mr. Hobart. Hisfriends havo been urging him as thostrongest available candidate for thoplaco and ho has not followed tho ex-ample of nilhu Root iu withdrawinghis namo from consideration.

As an example of tho rigid press cen-sorship now being exercised in SouthAfrica, the war correspondent of theMorning Leader (London) pays that heHanded in the following mefesago'"Modder River casualties to our ofll-ce- ra

canted piofound teusatlon hero.Early rumors of serious losses unhap-pily confirmed. Colonel Stopford'sdeath iccelved great Forrow. Whilsthere as Iluller's right hand man madehimself popular everybody, etc." Howas informed at tho cablo ofllco tintevery word of the message had been re-fused.




SHOES : : : : i

Per the last Australia, we received a grand lime of new styles inMen's, Women's and Children's.

Just in season for the Holiday trade.The Children's White Canvas Slippers, Men's House Slippers, and

Ladies' bveninn slippers, are especially nice, and are selling readily.uur siock is complete.We ar i i position to fit you.



The Celebrated



"MARTINE,New York Maker.

Having engaged the services of MISS E. late of San Fianclsco,manufacturer of Artistic Lamp Shades of all kinds we are now prepared to take ordersIn this line and Invite our customers to call and inspect of her work.


We carry a large stock of LAMPS and LAMP FITTINGS.Have you tried our special brand ofYou are spending more time in your kitchen and now than usual and you find that

many are needed. We have a complete stock of Includingmany now Itles and labor-savin- g devices.

Does your stove suit you? Are you burning too much wood? Does It smoke?Does It bake well?

Perhaps we can help you. No charge Is made for advice.We are sole agents for for wood or coal;


Goods Department Is on the second floor. Take the safetyelevator.

Stores Is open from 10 a. m. to 3 p. in., until the quarantine Is raised. After thatwe will be looking for business from 7 a. m. to 5:30 p. m.

of Crockerv and Glassand House Furnishing Goods.


Liverpool, Feb. 7. Tho Whlto Starline steamer Oceanic, which sailed to-day for Now York, had among her pas-sengers Mrs. Adair, head of tho Ameri-can hospital ship Maine committee,who Is n daughter of General Wads-wort- h,

killed during the battlo of thoWilderness. Mrs. Adair Is tho ownerof one of the largest cattlo ranges Intho panhandle of Texas. Sho Is goingto America In connection with thoMaine. She says: "I hope every onowill havo understood thnt I am notgoing on n begging expedition. I be-lieve In my heart that there Is amongnil Americans of English descent astrong feeling of sympathy and attach-ment for the mother country. What Iam going to America for Is to bco howbest It can bo brought out. I nm notgoing to beg, for If this feeling Is notspontaneous, Instead of being gratify-ing to the Lngllsh nation It almostcasts n slur upon them. Ungland doesnot want our charity. She would notlot ono wounded soldier be neglected.Uut what she does want nt this moment, when almost every continentalpower Is scowling nt her, and she Ismenaced from every quarter, Is thatwc who sprang from her aide shouldunderstand her and stnnd by her, andwc mean to do so."

George Hnffner, Jowclcr, has movedto Vineyard street near tho Queen ho-tel.

Livery and boarding stables havobeen established by tho Club Stables atLong Ilranch, Wnlklki.


This Is War.Police Constable Sharp, of the Black-

burn forco, who Is a private in tho 1stShorpshlre, with Lord Methuen, writesto a friend: "While wo wero at DoAnr a man of tho Gordonwas taken out and shot for cowardlcoat Modder river; also nlno Doers, orrather seven Ilocrs who had fired on(ho doctors, and two Irishmen who hadbeen captured at Belmont. They weroplaced In n row, with their hands tiedto n stake, and u company of tho Corn-wal- ls

gnvo them their last "Deecham,'as our fellows call tho hullcL Theymade tho other Doers seo them shotand dig their holes." Irish Times.

Fish Inspector Berndt hascome, acioss some veryand beautiful fish lately whichare pau.ud by KINGBROS, artfe A very peculiarcrab is on view in KING

Hotel street.


Those who purchased Muslin Underwear fromus will remember the PRICES.az

WHITNEY & MARSH, Ltd.,Importers of Dry Goods. 519 Fort street.






Improvements utensils,



W.W. Dimond & Co., Ltd.Importers




BROS, window,

I AM OPENINGA splendid assortment of Un-bleached, Bleached and ColoredLinenTable Damask,7ith Napkinsand Doilies to match.

E. W. Jordan,ort Street.


"mmtmmmmmiim 11 ffijDinniiiii rfi .- - Jit ..mft

m,,- -







; 'W&wmmsf ' X "Fw v? n"v vwi.-iaa- j --? v t tv- - j,yrpgtrr- - w.vs7j;!Ktp-r- syr f. y-- w ., ,w imm iijm "Tr"1W?f,7

--msi v

i.MuiiuAni i'jjiiiVUJVUl 44, 1VUU,

ATKINSON & JUDD,A.L.O.AlkltiHon niid Albert F.Judd.Jr.)

Attorneys andCouijS; llorsat Law.

Otlice ovor 1hIiu .V Co.'s Hum, cor.Kpw iiiiihiui mul Merchant troitM.

X. MoOANTS STEWAltT,Attorney andCouncilor at Law.

tugro'wniwk.opposlto Catholic CburohFort Htreet, Honolulu, II. I.

452 Telephone 1122


308 Judd Building. Telephone 213,1411


Attorney at Law andNotary .Public.

Kaaiitimaun Rtreet.

,7. M. KANEAKUA,Attorney ami Counsellor at

Law.Oillce: In tho Occidental Hotel,

corner of King and Ahtkeu Streets,Honolulu. 42

). O. Aom. Enoch Johnson.AOHI &.JOHNSON,

Attorneys and Counselorsat Law.

Orfloe No. 0 West King street.Tolopnono 884.


Attorney at LawShekels BulldlnR, Fort Street,




HAS MOVED to the JuddBlock, Fort St.

Surgeons, Physicians M Dentists.

A, C. WALL, D. D. S.,O. E. WALL, D. D. S.,

UEJNTJSTS.Removed to Pv Tliiildltig, Ileretanla

Street.TELEPHONE 434.

Dr.W.J.Galbrailh.Practice limited to Surgery and


HOTEL. 1430


Hawaiian Hotol).

Oillco hours, 8 to 10 a. m.; 1 to 3 p.m.; 7 to 8 p. m. Sundays; 8 to 11 n. in.Telephone 510. P. O. Box D01.


OFFICE AND nESIDENCE. QEDGECOTTAOI3, corner Hotol nnd Richardsstreets. Oillco houis: 9 to 11; 2 to 4;

7to 8. Tolephouo 053 1215

1 R. A. M. SIHCLAIRSchool s'reet, between Emma and Fort.

Hours; o a. m., 2-- 4 p. m., 8 p. m.j

Sundays 0 a. m, 1416

DR. I. MORI,13G Berctnnln Street, between Emma

and Fort streets.Tolcrhone 277. P. O. Box S43.

Office Hours 9 to 12 a. m. nnd 7 to8 P. m.; Sundays, 9 to 12 a. m. 1229


mi i niMhiKBiflmUDAiiinriiiflSupported by Voluntary Cont"" tiona.

FREE TREATMENT to the sv.or ofall iintlonnlttleN.

For Information as to card; A-dmission and to the service, etc., eto. ,upply.at tho

Infirmary.Third Floor. I'mttreta Block.

Subscriptions may bo left with J. F.Eackreld, L. O. Abies or Dr. Bloggetr.


Mercantile Agencies.

Ttlspnocu 1086 Si .jS. P. O. Box tHAWAIIAN

Mercantile AgencyQ. H. BERREY. : Managtr.

Judd Building.0-D-

Mt Collections a Specialty.

Honolnm Mercantile Agency

K Room 10, Spreckefs Building,

m Fort sireet.

i rfIHVWlll M aVVIRUTI I tVillU ID' .


TrartSituated on tlio east sido of

Knlilii Viilluv. T 10 VIOW toPearl Harbor is tlio best, in

. .1..1.. mi.tlio eiry 01 jiononuu. musoil is very deep; no stonesor rocks on tlio placo.

Wator will bo hud beforopurchasers aro ready to build

A space Will be Sot apart,in memory 01 tno mucosa


Kaiulani, for a park.TllO lots Will bo 80ld at tllO

lo west prices in tno inaikot,With which other real OStatO ,

ngents will not afford to com-pote.

Applications for lots willbo received at our oflico, andwill bo given proforeneo ofchosing lots in tho order thoyare received.

For further particulars app-



W.C.ACHI&CO.Real EstateBrokers

10 WEST KING ST.October 4th, 1899. 134 J

Coney EstateLANDS.


ING LOTS on Nuuanu Avenue, at Nlo

lopa, Nuuanu Valley, for sale. Apply to

J. M. MONSARRAT,Cartwrlght Block, Merchant street.



Guitar, Mandolin, Zither,and Ukulele.

'"During my absence atOmraMr. Ames, of Wall, Nichols Co.,will hae charge of my pupils.


By a New, Quick Method!

Proficlency'Ruaranteed In six months.Terms, 1 5.00 monthly. Special attentionto aJult beginners.

Address PI NO, Bulletin office. 1419


16 Beretanla Street,

Will welve a limited number of pupils.Music turnlhed for concerts, afternoon orWenlng iM'ee


ANNIS MONTAGUE TURNERVocal Studio, "MIgnon," 720 Berotaulastreet. Tel. 1114. 1171

E. K. KAAI,Teacher of ' ..tar, Mandolin, Zithet

Ukulele and Taro Patch.

Orders to be left caro of Wall, NicholsCo., ind al torgHtrom Mnslo Co ' 126.".

DIAMONDAnd other Rings, Watches, Bracelets, pins, and an extensive varietyof J; velry.

iz. . BIABT.Manufacturing Jeweller,



Accurate history and interestingm mlttances. No fee charged unless collec sl011 J. ine campaign are told inm "Ion It made. 1442 On To Manila, '


l'veiy member wns present nt tlicmeeting of the Uonrd of Health yester-day nftcrnuun. Tho lending of thominutes of tho previous meeting hav-ing hien completed, tlio resolutionscondemning the Ah Chong premiseson tno Wniklkl road were Incorporatedtherein nnd then President Wood pio- -

cceded to give the following lecord ofcases of bubonic plague which have oc-

curred to date:RCCOV'

Died. crcd. Total.Chinese 2S 30Jananeso 7 I 11

"wn"nn 'J 1 1C

G""" "

Total G3 0 02Rate, nationality and locality of last

case: February 10th; Chinese; HotelStables.

Tho next matter brought up was thebill fencing the Infected district nnhanded In by Contractor Russell. The

2 feet ot ioncinB. t so cent, perfoot. As thero were some unsatlsfac- -tory features In the construction of the

'fence, tho matter wns referred to Ar- -

chltcct nlpicy t0 8C0 tlmt thcso arfcremedied. Dr. Wood stated that, ns thofences nhout tho burned districts areto bo more or less permanent thoyshould bo mndo In such a manner as tobe ablo to stnnd tho wear and tear.

Tho letter of Mr. Ripley In referencoto the fence nround tho Infected dis-

trict was read and,, to show tlio tenorof his report, tho following is quoted:

"Tho demand of tho specificationsthat this work bo done In a good, sub-stantial mnnncr has not been met. Thofence, ns a. whole, docs not conform totho requirements of tho specifications.There nro places where tho work Issubstantially ns called for, but as nwhole It Is done In a slipshod mnnncr,nnd oven at this time, but n few daysafter Its completion, It needs repair-ing in many places."

President Wood brought up the mat-ter of the Hotel Stables. Seven Chi-nese- had been taKen out of there Tues-day morning. Ah Hung had not sleptnt the placo for weeks. It was report-ed that he had n pmco In Kakaako butthis could not bo located. It was like-wise Impossible to find tho house InI'nuoa from which ho had been turnednway Sunday night. Tho police hadbeen mode acquainted with what fewfacts that were at hnnd and were try-ing to locate tho two places.

Tho Japnncso from tho stables whodied January 22, a victim of tho plague,was taken from n houso on Kukulstreet. At that time, tho Informationhaving been given that tho fellow hadbeen a laborer nt tho stables, tho placewas visited and tho harness room Inwhich he had slept emptied of Its con-

tents and closed up. It was not aplnco that could bo disinfected to anysatisfaction. Manager Duckley wasgiven certain general instructions asto the method of proccduro In puttingthe placo in a sanitary condition.

Just hero President Wood said: "Ilearned that tho nnme of this sick Ja-panese had been retained on the booksof the stables nfter he had left thoplace, two days previous to his death,and iiint mother Japnncso had beenemployed to take his placo for tlio pur-pos- o

of deceiving the inspector."Manager Duckley stated that he did

not know anything of this mnttcr. ThoJapaucsc had left seven or eight daysprevious to his illness nnd death andanother man had been put in his place.Tho Chinese and Japanese employes oftho Btablcs were In mo habit of put-ting substitutes In their places whenfinding it necessary to be absent for atime. Tho mnn had not been reportedsick on the premises.

Dr. Wood, continuing, said that Ah..ung did not have tho symptoms of('iibch In which infection had been trac-ed to tlio ground. Ills was u pneu-monic typo.

Tho Iloaid had been In tho habit ofcondemning p.nccs for two reasons,tho cxtEtcnco of infection on a placeand tho fact that peoplo with plaguehad lived theie. It was reported thatdead rats luid been found on tho stnblopremises. President Wood then gavetwo 1 canons why livery stables weroalways open to suspicion, ns follows:

1. On nccouut of tho nature of theplace, ints 1110 always going In.

2. Stables in Honolulu have noproper drainage. Urine from tho mil-mil- ls

soaks Into thu (,iund nnd staysthere. In tho ease of tho Pantheonstables 11 filthy condition of tlio earthunder the stables was tutiml 10 a depthof eighteen Inches ovci after the fire.Tho soil of the stables U eminentlytitted for the reception and detentionof plnguo bacilli should they chanco togot there, for it Is supersaturated withfilth.

Continuing, President Wood said:"It Is neither proper, safo nor wlso

to leave any stnbles in tho city undersuch circumstances. If wo can find anexcuso for eradicating such places, woshould do so. Everything possibleshould bo done to do nway with sta-bi- o

conditions ns they are In tho citynow. Livery men should not bo allow-ed to conduct their business In tho fu-tu- ro

as In tho pasi.In answer to a question by Mr.

Smith, President Wood stated thatdust in an infected houso had beenfound, through conclusive experiment,to bo n carrier of plaguo bacilli.

President Wood ihcn referred to thedanger of obscure cases. Where thostables men had become- - Infected couldnot bo learned. Tucro wns no evidenceof Infection from places outside thestables premises. It may novor bolearned whero these men were attackedby tho disease. Tho only steps takenhad been tho removnl of tho peopleworking In tho stables Into quarnn- -tlno

Dr. Wood oxpressed tho opinion thatIt was tho bounden duty of the Boardto treat tho stables as nn Infected placo

nnd to proceed nn In tho case of otherbuildings destroyed.

As 11 result of tho discussion of theBoard It was moved by Mr. Smith andunanimously carried that

Tho Hotel stables bo placed inquarantine, and that the stock,cnirlagcs, harness, etc., bo re-

moved only utter proper disinfec-tion.

Tlio llnnrn pnimtrnet their trenchesnlwnys leaving tho front trench com-- 1

manded by one In tho rear. They arothus always provided with a means ofretreat. Tho trenches nt Magorsfon-tcl- n

rather resembled undergrounddwellings than trenches. They werovery deep nnd wide, nnd wero ensemnt-c- d

nt intervals, ndmlting of tho con-

centration of tho defenders nt nnygiven point without danger to them-selves.


Pursuant to an order mado by Hon-orab- lo

A. Perry, First Judge of the Cir-cuit Court of tho First Judicial Circuit,filed tho 31st day of January, A. D.1900, I am directed to sell nt publicauction, subject to confirmation by thoCircuit Court,

ON SATURDAY, MARCH 3d, 1900.At 12 o'clock noon of that day, nil thoright, tltlo and interest of OcnovlcvoDowsctt, Marlon C. Dowsett, being anundivided one-twelf- Interest each ofsaid minors, and nlso tho th

Interest of Madcllno C. K. Dowsett nndAnnie H. K. Dowsctt, Minors, In theEstato of James I. Dowsctt, deceased,Inundtoall thoso certain pieces and pareels of land sltunto on tho Islands ofOahu, Maul. Hawaii and Molokal, nndmoro particularly described as follows:

1. Tho land situated In Nuuanu Val-ley, Island of Oahu, described In deedfrom John H. Wood to tho HonoluluDairy Company, dated April 30th, 1892,nnd recorded In the Registry of Convoy-nnc- cs

In Honolulu In Liber 136, atpages 174 to 177. Containing an areaof 271 acres moro or less.

2. The land situated at Kapalama,In Honolulu, Islnnd of Oahu, known astho Akcpo lot, being a part of RoyalPatent No. E572, and described In deedmado by Kaaea and J. W. Akepo toJames I. Dowsett, dated the 3d day ofFebruary, 18S2, nnd recorded In Liber73, on pages 210 to 212. Containing anarea of 1.13 acres.

3. Tho land situated nt Apua, In Ho-

nolulu, described In deed from A.Francis Judd to David Kahanu, dated'March 21st, 1870, recorded In Liber 29,on pages 424 and 425, and the land de-

scribed in tno deed from John O.Administrators of the

estate of Josia Kaaukal, to David Ka-

hanu, dated Juno 7th, 1SCC, and re-

corded in Liber 21 on pages 313 and 316,and in a deed from Kahananul andKcohokll, her husband, and Knluahlnoto David Kahanu, dated September14th, 1806, and recorded In Liber 22, onpnges 106 and 107.

4. Tho land situated at Kakaako, InHonolulu, described In tho deed fromMookoloho and Nalnoaelua to DavidKahanu, dated March 30th, 1880, nndrecorded In Liber 03 on pages 415 nnd416. Containing an area of 5 of anacre.

C. Tho land at Aala, on LUlha street,In Honolulu, described In tho deed fromNlka nnd Punlakala, his wlfo, nndKcaka to David Kahanu, dated OctoberUth, 1869, and recorded In Liber 29, onpages 40 and 41; nlso tho land de-scribed in tho deed from John ThomasWaterhouso and Eleanor, his wife, toDavid Kahanu, dated January 25th,1878, and recorded In Liber 5G, on pages03 nnd 64; nlso land described In thodeed from Kla Nahaolelua and Nahcloto David Kahanu, dated January 10th,1876, and recorded In Liber 49, onpages 385 nnd 386. Containing anarea of 3.03 acres.

6. Tho land situate on King street,In Honolulu, described In tho deedfrom F. M. Hatch to James I. Dowsett,dated October 18th, 1888, and recordedIn Llhcr 115, on pages 66 and CD. Con-

taining an urea of 17-1- acres.7. The land sltuato at Kapahaha, Ka

palama, In Honolulu, bolng n portion ofApntia 1, Royal Patent No. 225C, L. C.A. 21101).; described In tho deed fromThomas Carry nnd Mary, his wlfo, toJames I. Dowsett, dated Juno 14th,18S7, nnd recorded In LIbor 106, onpages 1U3 nnd 194. Containing nn areaof 1900 square feet.

8. Tho 0110 undivided half of tholands situated in Honolulu, known astho land of Knhaohao and Knhololoa,L. C. A. 153 to Win. Sumner, datedMarch 5th, 1819.

9. Tho land situated at Puhawal,Wulnnnn, Island of Oahu, described InRoyal Patciu 1073, U C. A. 71C5, andIn tho deed of Pino nnd Klnlakua toJames I. Dowsctt, dated April 30th,1888, and lccordcd In Liber 110, onpago 256. Containing nn area of 6.74acres.

10. Tho land situated on Pearl RiverBay near Honolulu, known as Puuloa,containing an area of 2224 acres, anddescribed by motes nnd bounds In thodeed from Kekanonohl to Isaac Mont-gomery, dated September 7th, 1849, andrecorded In Liber 4, on pago 4.

11. The land situated at Honoullull,at Ewa, on tho Island pf Oahu, com-prising 86 acres, moro or less, now un-

der lease- to Sing Chong & Co.12. Tho land situated at Kapalama,

Island of Oahu, described In RoyalPatent 2386 Issued to John Mcok, andcomprising 9 58-1- ncres; and alsotho land situated at tho same place partof the 111 of Kahuopa described In L. C.A. 8515, Apana 1, Part 1, and com-prising 1 728-10- acres, moro or less,which said two last mentioned parcelsof land aro now held under lease datedSeptember 15, 1896, by Y. Ah In.

13. The land situated on the Island ofMaul, known as Itoso Ranch, compris-ing all the lands described In certainRoyal Patents and deeds as follows:all the lay 1 described In tho deed fromParker N 4 inca uthers to JamesI. Dowse . ted March 3d, 1886, andrecorded J 1 ibcr 101, on pages 200 ct

sep.; also th leasehold estates In thofollowing lai ds: Lease- of the Hawa-iian Govcrnident of tho Ahupuaa ofKanaia to Cathcrino N. Makco, No. 292,dated February 9th, 1881: Lease fromJohn M. Knpena to James Makco datedDecember 22d, 1876, and recorded InLiber 47. on page 49S. Containing nnarea of 21.650 acres.

14. The land known ns Kaiiltt sltuato'at Ewa, Island of Oahu, being part of.Hoacac. Containing nn area of about1 acre.

15. The land with nn orango grovesituated nt Hana, Islnnd of Maul,known as Dowsett's land. Containingan area of V& acres.

1G. The taro land situated on tho Isl-

nnd of Molokal, described tu RoyalPatent 2330.

17. The land situated nt Walplo, ontho Island of Hawaii, known as Dowsett's land.

18. Tho land situated nt Kapulona,In Honokaa, Island of Hawaii, formerlyleased to J. M. Horner & Sons nnd nowoccupied under said lenso by the Pa-

cific Sugar Mill. Containing an areaof 17', acres.

Also tho leasehold estates in tho fol-

lowing lands: Tho land of Halawa, tholand of Kahnulkt, tho land of Leilehua,tho land of Mlkllua, tho land of Nana-ku- ll

and tho land of Alea, all situatedon tho Island of Oahu.

Alho all the live stock belonging totho Estato of James I. Dowsctt, de-

ceased, comprising: 6000 head of cat-

tle moro or less, CO head of oxen nndbulls, nnd 213 head of horses andmules.

Also nil and singular, tho lands, chat-tels, choscs In action, and property,real and personal, belonging to thoEstato of James I. Dowsett, deceased,or to which said Estato may bo en-

titled, whether herein enumerated nndspecified or not.

Terms of sale nro Cash In U. S. Gold.Deed nt the expenso of purchaser. Forfurther particulars, apply to Paul Neu-mann, Esq., or

GEORGE LUCAS,Commissioner.




Capital $100,000


P. C. Jones, nt

O. H. Cooke, Cashlor.F. C. Aturrton, Assistant Cashier.

Henry Watorhouse,Tom May,

F. W. Macfarlane,E. D. Tenney,

J. A. McCandlosa.Solicits the Accounts of Firms, Cor-

porations, Trusts, Individuals, and willcarefully and promptly attend to allbusiness connected with banking en-

trusted to It. Sell and purchase ForeignExchange, Issue Letters of Credit.

SAVINGS DEPARTMENT!Ordinary aud Term Deposits received,

and Interest allowed In accordance withrules and conditions printed In Pass-books, copies of wjilcb may be bad uponapplication.

The hi American Bank


Incorporated Under tho Laws of theRepublic of Hawaii.

Authorized Capital,--

$1,000,000Subscribed Capital, 750,000Paid Up Capital 500,00o

OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS.Cecil Brown PresidentM. P. RobinsonW. O. Cooper CashierE. M. Boyd Secretary

Directors Cecil Brown, Mark P.Robinson, Bruce Cartwrlght, W. O.Cooper and II. M. Von holt.

DRAW EXCHANGE ON:San Francisco The Anglo-Californ- ia

Bank, Limited.Chicago Tho Morchants Loan and

Trust Company.Now York J. & W. Sellgman & Com-

pany.London The Anglo-Californ- ia

Bank. Limited.Paris Soclotio Generalo.Hamburg M. M. Wnrburg & Oom-pun- y.

Hongkong and Yokohama TheChartered Bank of India, Australiaand China.

Australia The Union Bank of Aus-tralia, Limited.

Canada Bank of Montreal.Berlin Qcrbruder Meyer.

Exchange bought and sold LettersCredit Issued on all parts of thevnrM



A SPBVisitors are cordially invited to

call and inspect our gallery of life-siz- e

royal photos, from KamehamehaI, to date,

At the Old StandOn Fort Street ::


Glaus Sprkckki s. .. ti.lnwi

SW. !

San francttco AgentiTun NevadaNational Hank ok San KriANmnnn.

San Fiiancisco Tho Novada NationalJiank of Hall Francisco

London The Union Rank of London,Ltd.,

Nkw York American Exchange Na-tional Hank.

Chicago Merchants National Rank.Paris Credit Lyonnals.Berlin Drosdner Bank.Uonkono and Yokokama Honkong A

Shanghai Banking Corporation.Vew Zealand and Auhtralia Bankif New Zealand.Victoria and Vancouvkr Bank o

British North America.Transact a General Baiting and EichaiLse Bulsett

uepouts Kccelved. Loans msdo on Ap--Droved Recnrltv. flnfnmni-nl.- l mH T..i.Credits Issued. Bills of Exchange boughtPUU BUIU.




Savings Deposits will hareceived and Interest sllowed by .tlifgBank at four and one-ha- lf por cent,per annum.

Printed copies of the Rulos and Reg-ulations may bo obtained on application,

Office at bank building on Merchantstreet.


Established 1868


Transact a General Bankingind Exchange Business.

Couimeroial and Traveler'Letters of Credit issued, availible in all the principal citiesjf tho world. ,

Interest allowed after .Tnl1,1898, on fixed deposits 8 Umonths 3 per cent.. 6 monttia


3J per cent., 12 months A

per cent.

Pioneer Building andLoan Association.

ASSETS. DEC. 31, 1S99, 1112,(177.57.

Money loaned on approved security,ASavIngsBank for monthly deposits.Houses built on the monthly Install-ment pian.Twentieth Series of Rnu i ...

opened.OFFICERS-- T. F. Lansing. Prcsi-den- t;

S. B. Rose, Vlco President; C. BGray, Treasurer; A. V. Gear, Secretary.

DIRECTORS-- T. F. Lansing, B.Rose, A. V. Gear, A. W. Keech, HenrySmith, J. L. McLean, J. D. Holt. O. BGray, W. L. Howard.

A. V. DEAR,Secretary.

Chamber of Commerce rooms.unice Hours: 12:301:30 p. m

TJje iohama Specie BankLIMITIO,

Subscribed Capital 24.000.00 yeaPaid-u- p Capital 12.000.000 yes VReservo Fund 7,600.000 yen.

The Bank buys and receives for col-lection Bills of Exchange. Issues Draftsnnd Letters of Credit, ana transactsa general banking business.

INTEREST ALLOWEDOn Hid Deposit lor it monthi, 4 rr cut 'On Fli.4 Deposit lor 6 months. iK 'On Find Deposit lor 1 mot.


0 Deposit lor 11 months, per cent p. b.

Hew RepnDllc Bnlliing. llfiiiig si, Hoioim

The . . .

Hawaiian ElectricCompany,

Cor. Ahkea ft HsJeksnwlla BU,

Hbb a large aasortms, ol

Chandeliers an K.Jectrical Qoodft

Constantly on ha.Estimates given for hons .

Ins and Eleotrioal plant.Marine Wiring a specialty






' K?W?WiSt''&k'tl TpfsP

,"I"ffr "TM 7rtwt',' ''fc.1,3pwyVm&-C.-

HONOLULU, H. L, TBUit8DAY, 22, 11)00.

Lines of

Oceanic Steamship Company.

TIME TABLE.The Fine Passenger Btoamera of. This Line Will Arrive at ane

Leave ThiB Port as Hereunder.

Prom San Franoisco:UAMEDA FEBRUARY .8

' -"3- -; ' wjj"v' i?.qiT'7BV-- y rT'"8"'"'- - -'- "-r. . ' -, t a


In connection wltb tho Bailing of. tho above otonmera, the Agentsre prepared to iusno, to lntendiug passengere, coupon through

llokets by any vuilroad from San Jrnnoiaci. to hII poiutH in thoUnited States, and from Now York by an;-- hieamohip line to allEuropean porta.

For further particulars to

Wm. G. Irwin & Co., LimitedGeneral Agents Oceanic S. S. Co.

Pacific Mail Steamship Co.

Occidental and Oriental Steamship Co. & Toyo Kisen Kaisha

Siaamera o( the above eoeapemes will call t

For Japan and China:Rio t Janeiro... .Tebruary 4

Coptic Mrch6America Maru . . . ,,,. March 14

Peklne .... MarchGaallc .... March Jo

Hongkong Mara. April ;China ,,., April 14

Doric April 94

For general Information apply to

H. Hackfeld &


attMflart UVU AT HOXOaLUliU on or about th

ROM VANCOUVER AND VICTORIA. B. C.For Brisbane end Sydney t

Warrlraoo.... March 17

Aorangl. , April 14

- :::::::::::::::::::;::::........... i"".jlnu& tickets litued from Honolulu to Canada. United States and Europe. For Freight and

taaeage and all general Information, apply to

Theo. H. Davies & Co., Ltd., Gcn,l Agents.

Lines of Travel.

Wilder Steamsli Co, Ltd.




Change in Sailing ofStmr. "Kinau."

On and alter Tuesday, Nov. C, tlioteamer KINAU will sail from Hono-

lulu on Tuesdays at 12 noon, for Kau-nakak-

Lahalna, Maalaca Day, Kind,Uakena, Kawalhao, Mahukona,

and Hllo.Returning, will sail from Hllo on

Crldaya at 2 p. m. for abovo namedporta, arriving In Honolulu on Satur--

Fassengera and frolght will be takenfor Makena, Mahukona, Kawalhao, Hl-

lo, Honomu, Papalkou, and

"passengers and PACKAGES ONLY111 hA taken for Kaunakakat, Lahal

na, Maalaea Bay, Klhol and Laupahoe- -


S. S. Claudlne.CAMERON, Master.

MAUI.Will leave Honolulu every Tuesday

at S P. M., touching at Lahalna, Ka-fcul-

Nahlku, Hana, Hamoa andMaul. Returning, touches

at above named ports, arriving In lu

Sunday mornings.Will call at Nuu, Kaupo, onco each

taonth.S. S. Lehua,


Balls every Monday for Kaunakakal,Camalo, Maunalel, Kalaupapa. Laha-

lna, Olowalu. Returning ar-

rives at Honolulu Saturday mornings.

Thlfl company reserves tho right tomake changes In tho tlmo of departureand arrival : Its steamora WITHOJTNOTICE, end it will not be responsi-ble for any consequences ar-- "- there-from. , . ,,

Consignees must r .1 yt -- umuto receive their frel.lt. T- l- jajj- - j

sany win noi noiu iuu imiu..for freight after It has been landed.

Llva stock received only at ownor sHalf

Thla company will not bo responsi-

ble for money or valuables of passen-gers unless placed In the caro of tho

ra.' jsjengera are requested to pur-

chase tickets before embarking. Thosefalling to do so wll be subject to anadditional charge of twenty-flv- o pertaaTt

The company will not bo liable forloss of, nor Injury to, nor delay In,the delivery of baggage or personaltCeota o! the passenger beyond ttaMnount ot 100J9, unless the vair1 ";

e same be rw5ied, at or befoi, --aeia of, t i5S. cajid freight paid





For San tienisco.MARIPOSA MAKCH

Honolulu anl leave thli port on of about (tie

For San Francisco :

Alcoa (cargo)..Oaeilc .March 6

Hongkong Maru. March isChina Ma'ChDoric MarchNippon Maru. ... , April toRio do Janeiro... ,. April 17

Coptic .April 7

Co., Ltd., Agents.


dttt below ttited. vl I

FROM SYDNEY AND BRISBANE.Pa. Vlrlnrli and Vancouver (B. CI:

marcn 14Iwarrimoo April 11

Warrlmoo. Kay 9

Lines of Travel.

All employes of the company are for-bidden to receive freight without, de-

livering a shipment receipt therefor Inthe form prescribed by tho Company,and which may be seen by shippersupon application to the pursers of theCompany's steamers.

Shippers aro notified that If freightIs shipped without such rcceplt It willbe solely at tho risk of tho shipper.

C. L. WIGHT. President.S. B. ROSE, Sccrotary.CAPT. T. K. CLARKE. Port Supt.


From and After January 1, WO.TRAINS.

STATIONS. Dally Dally(Outward) (. Sun. Dally ta. Sun. Dally Dally

A.M. A.M. A.M. P.M.Honolulu .... :io 0:15 11:03 3:1s j:ioPearl City... 8.0 l'4 11:40 3U7EwaMIII 8:3 IO:o8 ts:oa 6:10Walinae IO.50 4U3Walalua 11:55 J'40Kahuku i:jjSTATIONS. Dally(Inward) sa aim. Dally Dally Daily

A.M. A.M. P.M. r.MCahuku.. a:o8Walalua fi'10 s.50Walanas '.... t:io 3:33EwaMIII i:o 7141 1:03 4:3aPeatlClty 6:15 80 1:30 4;sHonolulu 6. so 8: is sos vt

F. 0. Smith, Gon'l Pass, A TicketAgent.

G P. Dbnisow, Superintendent,


Offlco with tho Paclflo Hardware Co.,HHonolulu, H. 1.

Estimates gl von and contracts inadofor wells on any of tbo Islands. SIXNEW PLANTS for heavy work oporatodby the most sklUfulblghestclasa drillers.


FRED J. CROSS,Consulting and Suporlntondinc

Electrical HydraulicENGINEER.

Eloctro-Hytlraul- Power TransmissionllKPOKTH AND KSTI.MATKMFURNISHED. . . .

With Catton-No- il Co., Quoon street.OfUco noxt to Pok..xXrlce. 1223



Hydraulic Engineer.800 Judd Block. Telo. 033.


On and after February ist tho UNION,EXr1ESS CO. will have their office with

the Evening Bulletin.l44Hf TELEPHONE 16.

Chinese and Japanese Firms.


Merchant Tailor323 Nuuanu -- .

Kino Suitings In Engitaii, Hcotcli audAmorlcau Good" "de to onlor.

folophono 668.' -- Postofflce box U8H.


Watchmaker and Jeweller.GOLD AND SILVER PLATING.

213K King street. li!77

Y. MAN SINGHas Removed From Fort Street to in

Nuuanu Street, opp. Goo Kim's.


Dresses Made To Order.

HOP HONG,Merchant Tailor,

HAS MOVEDFrom 314 Nuunuti street to lnrgor prem-Ioc- s,

No. 310, on tlio opposite utile of thertroot. lam

L. CHONG,No. 6 Nuuanu St., below Merchaat, Honotuttt.

MERCHANT : TAILOR.eWSults guaranteed to fit and In latet etylee

Clothing made to order: Unltormi a specialtyClothes cleaned and repaired at reaaooabla rates.

Architects. Contractors and Bnilders.

G.A.Howard. Jr. Robt.F. trainHOWARD & TRAIN,

Architects.Suite 7. Model Block, HONOLULU, OAMU, II. I

P. O. Box 70. Telephone 0801546

H. L. KERR & CO.,

Architects and Builders(Rooms fis,

PROGRESS BLOCK,Telephone i,i.fien W. Pago Tel. ir)F. W. Beardslee P. O. Boa 778

BBARD8LEE & PAGEArchitects & Builders

Office: Rooms 2-- Arlington Annex,Honolulu, H. I.

Sketches and Correct Estimates furnish-a- tShort Notice. 144'

Building MaterialsOF ALL KINDS.

Dealors in Iminhor and Goal.

ALLEN .feROBINSON,Queen streot, Honolulu,

The World RegisterKeops tho Cash while you are busy.

Try one o

Rook PricesOn iMaible and Granite.


Fences and LawnFurnitnre.

Hhw'd Iron Fence and MouoniCDtal Co.

H41 Kins Strnnt

IflhBuYouWaqtaKiflRING UP THE

C-E- .- U-- B

Livery, Boarding andSales Stables, : : :


StaMo 'Phone, 47" (

Hack Stand 'Phonos, 31!) and 7'..O. H RKLMMA.

Ill roitrS-rnuKT- , Noxt to Lucas Mill.


Best on the Islands

Delivered i":ei dally to sny part ofCity. 1385

A GOOD THING4--- X7 S--- C

Ohift, Algeroua and Pine Firewoc

Oat and Split (ready for the Stove).Also,


WRITS AMD DLAOKBANDLowest Prices, delivered to any par

tho Oity,


HUSTACE & 00.,ai gneen Htreot.


Swindler Miller Has

Lost His Wealth

New York, Kcl. 8. William 1'. Mil-

ler, tho head of the notorious PrunklliiSyndicate In Brooklyn, which pi omittedto pay, iind did puy to many pcisuna,520 per cent on Investments, and wholied when lie leaincti of Ills indictmentby tho Kings County Grand Jury forKiand larceny und conspiracy, was to-

day liroiiglit back to this city. Ho hadchuled capture since Novcmucr last.

Miller was In the custody of Cup tainReynolds, foiineily of the llrooklynDctcctlvo Bui can, who lust his placothrough his fa I line to prevent Millerfrom leaving tho city. The prisonerwas niresteil in Canada on clews plckctlup a fow days ago. Captain Reynoldsand his prisoner arrived from Canadant 2:30 o'clock today and at onco wentto pollco headquarters, where Millerwas Inttodticcd to Chief of 1'ollco Dov-

er)'. Miller was In a good humor. Hedid not Rccm at all put out or disturb-ed by being in tho hands ot tlio pollcoor in tlio slightest tear as to tho future.

Chief Duvery was very anxious tofind out something of Miller's doingssince, ho left the city, but Miller posi-

tively declined to say a word In thatdirection. According to 11 statementmade by Chief of Pollco Dcvery Cap-

tain Reynolds found Miller In Mont-real. Captain Reynolds refiibcd to goInto tho details ot his search and dis-covery of Miller. Ho said that severaldays ago ho was furnished with clewsof Miller's whereabouts and was in-

structed by tho Chief of Police to gethtm If he could. In following up thoclews Captain Reynolds said ho ranacross a man who know Miller. Thomovements ot this man ho followeduntil tho latter antl Miller met. Cap-

tain Reynolds would not say wherethis meeting occurred. According toCaptain Reynolds Miller was not tak-en by surprise. Tho captain told himthat as they were In Canada ho wouldnot arrest him, but would follow himwherever ho went. Miller replied thatho was going back to Brooklyn. Cap-tain Reynolds said that ho did notplaco him under arrest until theyreached tho Grand Central Depot, whenho showed tho warrant ot tho KingsCounty Grand Jury. Miller took thematter very calmly. Ho looked veryseedy, his clothing is soiled and holacks tho air of a man who has madea fortune.


When Naturo designed man sheprovided araplo things for his preser-vation. Man was Intended to llvo andbo healthy on vegetation; that wastho natural way. Tho only way to bohealthy or to regain lost health Isby using nature's remedy and greatblood purifier Klckapoo Indian Sag-w- a.

This Is tho great Indian reme-dy, taken direct from nature's unerr-ing laboratory. It Is ruado of slmploherbs, roots and barks, and alwaysacts naturally. It searches out thodisease; finds tho causo of it; slaysIt, aud restores tho body to a normal-ly hcalthly condition. If your liver lasluggish, drowsy, or Inactive; If yourheart docsu't pump right, palpitate,thumps, sometimes vigorously; andsometimes faintly; If your bowels areinactivo, or overnctlvo; If your stom-

ach falls you; It your kidneys fall toact naturally; thcro Is still help foryou If you will tnko Klckapoo In-

dian Bagwa. You must act quickly.Disease is progressive; you must stopit at onco. Klckapoo Indian Sagwawill do It. Hobron Drug Co., agentsfor tho Klckapoo Indian Hnnicdlcx.

THE LAST OAK.Tno last cars of the King streot lln

going to Walklkl aud Palama pass theAnchor Saloon. Tho cleverest mixolo-gists in tho city aro there always toput you up anything you may desireDrop In nnd take a drop before youtake tho car. The celebrated Seattltlitier Is to bo had hore on draught. Afull line of liquors, Includiug the fa-

mous Jesse Mooro Whlskoy, etc., al-ways on ban.. Received per Warrl-moo, Rainlor Dock Deor on draught.Tho Anchor Saloon Is here to please ipatrons.

PER S. S. AUSTRALIA.Just landed a full lino ot grapes,

plums, peaches, apples, Uartlett pears,oranges, lemons, celery, cabbage, cUflower, cranborrics, burbank ctd .0,potatoes, dates, salmon flounders), hali-but, crabs, eastern and California oy-te- ra

(In tin and shell,) turkeys, chick-ens, ducks, quail, chestnuts. A fullline ot canned goods. CAMARINOS'REFRIGERATOR.

SEATTLB UEER.Tho over popular Ualnicr beer Is be-

coming a household word nnd "willj you have a glnns of Scattlo," Is more

ortcn neurit iiiau uuyiiiiug eisu. 1 ueCriterion Saloon has tho beer on tap orIn bottles.

TO CURK A COLD IN ONE DAYTake Laxattvo Uromo Quinlno Tablets.All druggists refund tho mono" If II

falls to ei 0. ". W. Grovo's slrIs on each box. 2.' cents.

Nicely furnished rooms ut tho Pop-ular IIouho. ICt Fort street, from $1.00per week up.

Walklkl Inn. Pleasant rooms, flnobathing, excellent tahlo and scrvlco.Henry N. Almy, manager.

Tho uso of tho Singer in mMllons ofhomes shows tlio uuprecoilon; 1 suc-

cess of these Ideal sowing m NneB.It Is convincing proof that tlu S'ngorexcels In all kinds of family vN'"Band art needle work. All our 1 "Sngmachines uro of tlm host construov'rjn,beautlfu'ly decorated, and uro mountedon sleectcd woods In finely finishedcabinets ot artistic designs. U. Bor-crso- n,

agent, WA Bethel BtrcoL

frw$M i!!l?fpTPTf

THEOJ,MVIES&CO.,LtdMerchants and Commission Agents.

Carrj f Complete Line of Hardware, Crockery, Saddlery, Sec. PalntiOils and White Lead,


Agents for Clsriphos & Dick's Balata Belting.This Belting Is acknowledged by several r Mie most expert engineers on tr

Islands to be the best, most durjble, and leastAlsoAeents for Kelthefer Bros.'GKAY AGATE WAUE. of which a full

Is carried.A cood selection of IRON BEDSTEADS, MATTING, LINOLEUM, LAV


Lime, Cement, Fire Clay and Fire Bricks.

,1 . I I

m nunu.uiu .uucujuu uu., Liiimtiu,





Pino Grades of Smoking Tobacco.

Cor. Fort

VESSELS IN PORT.Army nnd Navy.

U. S. Tug Iroquois, Pond, cruiso.Merchantmen.

Gcr. bk. H. F. Glade, Hacsloop, Bre-men, Dec. 23.

llr. sp. Poseidon, Chamberlain, Liv-erpool, Dec. 2G.

Haw. bk. R. P. Hlthet, McPhall, SanFrancisco, Dec. 29.

Am. schr. Mary E. Foster, Thomp-son, San Francisco Jan. 8.

Br. bk. Conway Castle, Evans, Liv-erpool Jan. 8.

Gcr. sp. Caeserca, Cordis, NawcastloJan. 10.

Dr. sp. Invcruess-shirc- , Pottle, New-castle Jan. 12. (Anchored off port.)

Am. bk. Pactolus, Watts, NanalmoJan. 12.

Br. sp. Hollywood, Macaulay, Ant-werp Jan. 13.

Am. bk. Alex. McNeill, Jorgcnscn,Newcastle Jan. 15.

Br, sp. Champion, James, NewcastleJan. 18.

Am. sp. Luetic, Anderson, TacomaJan. 19.

Haw. bk. Manna Ala, Smith, SanFrancisco Jan. 20.

Haw. bk. Santiago, Engnlls, SanFrancisco Jan. 31,

Am. bk. Ceylon, Wilier, Tacoma Jan.22.

Am. bktnc. Jano L. Stanford, John-son, Ncwcastlo Jan. 25.

Br. bk. Forthbank, Newcastle Jan.25.

Am. bkt. Archer, Calhoun, Saniranclsco Jan. 26.

Br. sp. Lancing, Chapman, SydneyJan. 28.

Am. schr. Okonagan, Reusch, PortLudlow Jan. 28.

Am. sclir. Aloha, Fry, San FranciscoJan. 29.

Br. sp. Drummulr, Armstrong, New-castle Jan. 30.

Am. schr. R. W. Bartlett, Nielsen,Gray's Harbor Feb. 1.

Am. sp. Cyrus Wakefield, Macloon,San Francisco Foj. 2.

Am. bkt. S. N. Castle, Lanfcldt, SanFrancisco Feb. 2.

Nor. bk. Solvelg, Tjtmtolsen, New-castle Feb. 2.

Am. bk. Clins. D. Kcnncy, Andersen,Chcmalnus Feb. 4.

Am. schr. Defiance, Blom, Aberdeen,Feb. 4.

Am. sp. Gcorgo Curtis, Calhoun, SanFrancisco Feb. 7.

Am. bkt. Skagit, Robinson, PortTownsentl Feb. 8.

Am. schr. Annlo M. Campbell, Frld-ber- g,

Tacoma F.j. 8.Am. sp. Chas. E. Moody, Anderson,

Tacoma Feb. 9.Am. schr. F. S. Rodficld, Jorgcnscn,

Tucomn Feb. 10.Am. schr. O. W. Watson, Patterson,

Port Townscnd FcU. 10.Am. schr. Emma Claudlna, Nellson,

Eureka t cl). 11.Br. sp. Glcncsslln, Prltchard, New-

castle Feb, 12.Am. bkt. Arago, Perry, Callao Feb.

12.Br. sp. Asplce, Brcmner, Newcastle

Fob. 14.Am. bk. Albert, GrlllUha, San Fran-

cisco Feb. 15.Am. bg. Harriet G., Wuylaud, San

Francisco Fob. 10,Am. schr. Louis, Genbcrg, Marquesas

Islands Feb. 17.Am. bk. Seminole, Taylor, Nowcastle

Feb. 17.Gcr. bk. Sebastian Bach, Wooloy,

Nagasaki Feb. 17.Am. bkt. Amelia, Wilier, Port Blnko-le- y

Feb. 17.llr. bk. Berwickshire, Blanco, New-

castle Feb. 17.Br. bk. East African, Decent, Ncw-

castlo Feb. 18.

MOVEMENTS OF STEAMERS.Steamers duo and sailing today and

for tho next eIx days aro as follows:ARRIVE

Steamers From DuoRio Janeiro S. F Fob. 2 JAlameda S. !' Feb. 28

DEPARTSteamers For DuoRio Jaualro Vokonama Feb. 21

Alameda Sydnoy Feb, 28

American Messenger Sorvico, Ma- -

sonic Temple. Tel. 444.

There Is only ono Jcsso Mooro Wills- -Lrmlnnj In... Hilli,i- IVni-ll- l... (Will t ll....l t Id- Pnlfl.. l tl ll

pure. Lovnjoy & Co. aro distributorsfor tho Hawaiian Wanda


rg&J I a a a

and Merchant Streets, Honolulu.


SilentBarber Shop.

Arlington Block, Hotel Street.

Joseph Fernandez, Prop'i


For cleansing tho Hcalp, stimulatingtho skin of tho bond, relieving headachecauHod by overwork and mental woitjorHtllcatlng tlniidruir, and gouorsuiymaking you feol llko a now man orwoman, tboro Is nothing equal to

PuoIioco'h Dandruff Killer)For Halo by nil druggists, and at .thai

Union Barber Shop,Telephone fI06.

Plumbers, Etc.


75 and 79 King StreetTELEPHONE NO. 81.'.

NOW Is tho tlmo to get leak mi)breakages soon to, and your

Roofs Put In Orderlly competent wornnv,

H. T. SHAW & CO.

Sanitary PlumHie at Tin- -

Old Fire Tower, Union Stroot.

We ilguro on nothing but tho'tfc..of work and material, tenting all work,thus Insuring you ngalnstall sewor gas.

EstlmsteR carefully given.Jobbing promptly attenilod to.

Fori the PlumbingOn that new houeo that yon areabout to build or tbo altoratioaayon are intending to make ionyour property. Call and boo meand got &n estimate.

JAS. NOTT, Jr.Practical Tinsmith nnd Plumber,

Shop: Berotanla street, 4, doors eastof Punchbowl. Phono 8

Hour 7 a. m. to 5 p. m.Jobbing promptly attended to.W. H. Daitth. h. W. Barth.

Honolulu Sbeet Metal Works,

Galvanlred Iron Skylights and Ventilators,Metal Roofing,

Conductor Pipe and Gutter Work.Richards Street, bet. Queen and Merchant, Honolulu

promptly atten-Jr- lo -

BEK HAAHJJJO,Klngstroet, no Railroad Depot,

Pluinbor jmd TinsmithSatisfaction gaarantootl.

All work prompt! anil careful!ttoir1d lWJ

Real Estate Trauaao uuiir.Subsoribers ftr imu.Huud with from Ul

o six lists per weok, giving an nocntstirecord of all deeds, mortgages, leases,

powers of attorney, eto,, cto., whiotirep'ood on roord.Subscription Price, $2.(Wper Month,


' Judd Bulldiug, HonoloitH





i -



.::s Aa

A -


" JiV

t 'lJ

'SlAadxi- - .'iVUiTJ


p i

SftfPF'' r9iissrw$I;--



Sssssii 1900 RamblersOut of lg it too, regular beauties. We received but so by this

"All trail i," a I the S. F. house couM spare on account of the Rre.it de-m-

J Iht re. C ill and see what a 19:0 Rimbler looks like and you willwant one, but come soon as itver.il are sold to arilve and as we had no

stok when these got here 20 will not last long.

Repair Work- -

This l our strong point as wean J are thus able to guarantee our work. We undertake any kind of bike

no nutter how badly a wheel Is smashed up we can make It asgood as new. We know we are not located well at present and our cus-

tomers and selves are put to a good derl of Inconvenience, but a good starthas been made on our new quarters and after a few months we will showyou bicycle and spotting goods quirters that will be a credit to any city In

the U. S. In the meanwhile we will have to hoomanawanul, If thenext Australia brings us what we have ordered In the wheel line we willhave something Interesting to tell you when she comes. When you wantto rent a whtel cc me to us.

E. 0. HALL

Oor. "Port and Kino: Ste.



Grocer fo- r-

am can "




Holders of water privileges, or thosepaying water rates, aro hereby notifiedthat the hours for Irrigation purposesre from 6 to 8 o'clock a. m. and from

4 to 6 o'clock p. m.ANDREW DROWN.

Superintendent Water Works.Ai Wed by A. YOUNO,

Minister of Interior.Hoc Juln, June 14, 189.

1244-- tt

Notice to Ship Agents andMasters of Vessels.

Office of theCollector-Gcner.- il of Customs.

Honolulu, H. I., Feb. 20, 1900,

On and after March 1st, 1900, each ardevery vessel attended by a pilot, will be

charged Six Dollars (S6.00) for each tripin and out, made by the Pilot, In additionto the regular pilotage.

E. R. STACKABLE,Collector-Gener- of Customs.

Approved :

S. M. DAMON,Minister of Finance. ia6i-3- t

Notice to Shippers.

In the matter of disinfection or fumiga-

tion of freight, shippers will make no

distinctions between that drstlned forrolnts on the Island of Oahu and thatdestined to points on other Islands.

Tlie origin ii cases must be opened andthe straw or loo1 paper wrapper or saw-

dust, or other packing m iterlal, removed

from each hot tin or tin; each bottle or tinIs then to be dipped in an approved dlsInfecting solution; the interior of theoriginal case Is then to be washed (litwith disinfectant; In repacking the alreadydisinfected bottle or tin, no wrapper maybe used unless same has firt been fumi-

gated or dIMntected. the tilled case Is tobe closed up and the entire exterior Is tobe disinfected.

In cases where the tinned or bottledgoods have no loose paper or straw wrap1ping, or where they are not packed In sawdust or anv similar substance, the entireoriginal package, after two or more largeopenings have been made In it, may bedipped In a dlsnlfectlng solution; but greatcare must be exercised to Insure the thor-

ough disinfection of each tin or bottle, andthe whole Interior of the original packageas well as the whole exterior surface ofsuch original package.

Shippers having the Interests of the

entire Island community at heart will ex-

ercise very carefully every precaution, andassist rather than Impede the efforts of theBoard of Health In preventing a furtherspread of Bubonic Plague In these Ha'

wailan Islands.Wilful Intringement or careless disre

gard of these or other regulations of theB )ard of Health on the part of shippers,

will be followed by th Immediate withdrawal of privilege of shipment of anygoods whatever by those engaging In suchIrfrlngement or carelessness.


Superintendent .f Dlslnf'ctlonand Fumigation.

Honolulu, Oahu, Feb. 15, inco,1456-t- f

Are Here .


have the best repair man In the Islands

& SON, Ltd,




WID11' if)gwaagai- -



Pound Master's Notice01 csiroys.

Notice Is hereby given, that the animalsdescribed below have been Impounded in

the Government Pound at Maklkl, Kona,Island of Oahu, and unless the pound fees

and damages are sooner satisfied, will be

sold at the date hereunder named, accord-n- g

to law :

Feb. 19, 1900. 1 red cow, brand WRon left hind leg, and undescrlbable on righthind leg, head white and white stroke un-

der the belly.Feb. 19, 1900. 1 black cow, brand D

on left hind leg, white sttoke under thebelly, tall white.

Feb. 19, 1900. 1 red cow, brand WRon left hind le?, belly white.

Feb. 19, 190c. t red cow, no horn,brand D on left hind leg.

Feb. 19, 1900. 1 red cow, undescrlbablebrand, white stroke on forehead, both eirscut, belly white, two hind leg alsothe tall.

Feb. 19, 1900. 1 red cow, no horn,brand D on left hind legs, white unar thebelly.

All owners of the above described 'animals are hereby notified that 1 will se 1

them at public auction on Saturday, March

to, 1900, at 12 m., If not called for before

that date. K. KEKUENE,1461 Poundmaster.

Private Sale.

On account of departure in the nearfuture, Mr. H. Renjrs will dispose of. atprivate sa'e, all the HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS, CHINA AND GLASS-

WARE, at his home, Nuuanu Valley.Articles for sale will be open to inspec-

tion from 9 to 11 o'clock each morning(or one week, beginning with Tuesday,Feb. 20, 1930.

Removal Notice,

Tho Hawaiian Soda Works have re-

moved their plant nnd oincca to Urn-m- a

street near Vineyard makal of Mrs.a. D. Frceth's residence. Orderspromptly delivered.

!45!fKlli;! Plantation Co., Ltd.

Notice Is hereby given to the Shareholders of the above company that theSixth Assessment of 10 per cent or S5.00per share, will be due and payable at theoffice of Alexander & Baldwin on the 1stday of March, 1900.

J. P. COOKE,Treasurer.

Honolulu. Feb. in, 1000. uw-8- t




Dentist.OPFICE: 210 Hotel street.OFFICE HOURS: 9 to 12 and t to a.

jj-i-i -JLB ! r

WANTS.iJSii 1 Ibttcolumn uillbt inttittJ illftlfl'vj" iinrprti inifruoff, 10 tenit ucona ini.r

fitn, wantm tittl JxJ $oetnli j monlb llnillbttbuptit tJvtrUtlnt t tt vytrcJ tbi feefilt of Honolulu.


UANTLi A CUT TAUU (or manltJvv c uple. wtl pav c J tent, (urtmhtJ or un

turnlvtirJ Arrlv M M. thl office i46i-i-

.ANTFt-rURNISI- ir.D or UNFURNISHEDv ROOMS with or ulthnut boarJ. tuliiMe (ortwo nung men. Alust w wl hln one andmile from rost Unice. AJJress M. Ci.( uox oix.

14 ?

WANTEO-FI- VE MESSENGER DOYS at once,Metsenger Service, Hotel anJ A

kea tree. 1449

WANTED-- N. F. UUKGESS doei all klnjs ofrepairing. Lawn Mowers ani Garden

nose, are specialties. Lawn mowers win re canei (or, by ringing up ao. Also a (ew (or rentTenMcnta street m-t- l

WANTED Men to know that they can ret shavedwhite barber (or t) tents at fl. JEFFS.

619)4 Fort street, opp. Club Stables isoo-t- f


ly: moderate rates. MR. MUM. care People'sEapress Co: or General Delivery. P O npi--

.COMPETENT GERMAN GIRL WANTED (or- general housework and care o( children. Reler-enc- es

required Apply O. M Bulletin office i)oo


I OST-- An HAWAIIAN POSTAL SAVINGSL-- DANK ROOK. Anyone finding and returningto J. W ATKIN. Laupahoehoe Mill, llllo, will beduly rewarded. i46o-i-

I OST On or about Oct joih either on the OceanicL. Dock or R R. Depot, a HOX containing rubberconnections. Mark on the box: P, C. D Co.

Case No. q. Hon.Finder leave word to Allen 8c Robinson and receivesuitable reward.1460.IW PACIFIC COAS - DREDGING CO.

LOST On Alacal street, between tleretanla and...... .en... .1-- I?.......... nurvnui.u .ticvi niu7 iiikui, rcifiu.i, u, n ubn,.nCHIt-FO- and Jet shoulder CAPE with black satinrlbbors. Tinder will kindly leave same at the Bulle-tin office i4ft--tt

FOK SALE.COR SALE-Ch- olce POTTED PUNTS (or saleI net door to Mr. J. II. Bovd's Walklkl Road.


FOR HORSE, T)earsSet o( Harness. Surrey with rubber tires

Call on Q. II IltHHBY. Rooms jo)-- 4. Juddiiui a'nr ijio.tmCOR SiALfc $4500 Lem ol a large tenementI house situated near the heart o( the town Present Net Monthly Income $iw Apply to

WILLIA"! SAVIUUC,1441 No. 310 Fort tteet.

COR SALE $1400. Lease o( Cottage centrally.I to ears to run. Ground rent 9is per month.Apply to WILLIAM SAVIDGF.

441 No io Fort street.

FOR SALE $ijco. New Modern Cottage and lotKewalo. Lot 30x100. A bargain as a home.

Apply to WILLIAM bAVIDGE.441 No. iio Fort street.

SALF A 5x8 Anthony Camera, reversibleback, with wide angle Morrison lens. Inquire at

tms office 1418-1- 1



COTTAGE TO LET mauka ol Emma Square.on the premlsn Uji--

THE ALOHA ROOMING HOUSE, Fort St. BestI rooms and attendance In city- -. rji


YlcBryde Suear Co., Ltd.


Notice Is hereby given that the FifthAssessment of five (5) per cent. ($1.00 pershare) levied on the assessable stock of


due on March 1 st, 1900, and will be delinquent on April 1st, 1900. Stockholderswill please make prompt payment at theoffice of rheo. H. Davles & Co., Ltd.

By order of the directors.THOS. RAIN WALKER,

Trea. A cBryde Sugar Co., Ltd.Honolulu, Feb. 8, 1900. i.;G2-6- t

McBryde Sugur Co., Ltd.


Notice Is hereby given that the SixthAssessment of five ($) per cent ($1.00 per

share levied on the jsesable stock ofthe McBRYDE SUGAR CO., LTD., Is

due on March 15th, 1000, and will be delinquent on April lit. 1000. Stockholderswill ple.je make prompt payment at theoffice of Theo. H. Davles & Co., Ltd.

By order of the dliectors.THOS. RAIN WALKER,

Treas. Mi Hryde Sugar Co., Ltd.

Honolulu, Feb. 20, iqoo. 1462 Gt

Meeting Notice.The adjourned Annual Meeting of the

MYRTLE BOAT CLUB will be held atthe clubhouse THIS (Wednesday) EVbN-IN-

February 21st, 1900, at 7:30 o'clock.All members are requested to be present.

T. H. PETRIE.idGi-i- t Sec. Myrtle Boat Club.

Notice.The Hawaiian-Chines- e News will not

be responslbl-fo- r any debts contracted Inits name without the authority of theManager or Reporters.

(Signed), CHANG KIM, Manager.CHANG CHOW andJOSEPH GOO KIM, Repoiters.

Honolulu, H. I Feb. 19, 1900, 145QWI

An officer in tho Ladysmlth relictforco writes: "I wish I bad a betterpair of glasses. Mlno are not goodenough for pcoplo who flro at you from2,00u yards. Smokeless powder Is awonderful thing. When they fired atus In tho armored train tho other day,although it was only from about COO

yards, wo could not tell from what di-

rection It came for somo time. Glassesaro particularly Important when onoutpost duty, ns when In command of apost tho men depend upon you for In-

formation of tho enemy's movements;and ns It Is generally at a distance ofabout fivo miles, you depend entirelyupon your glasses."


nal ip i;Nrw te s venth paf;e.


xft iiSf


DAY. rl 3d

p m. a.m. p.m. a. m,

Monday .$o fi.n "14 0.51

Tuesday .... 8.55 6.50, I. II 9 o)

Wednesday . 10.04 M JOJ M

Thursday... u 09 9 00 ioj 5)'Friday a.m. 10.4? 4.18 641

p. mSaturday.. . ool is.ot 5.10 8

Sunday 0.58 .07 6.1S 80s

Monday ... I 4 150 T.l 8.13

Last quarter of tho Moon on tho 22dat 6:14 a. m.

Tides from tho United States Coaatand Geodetic Survey Tables.

Tho tides at Kahulul and HUo occurabout an hour earlier than at Honolu-lu.

Hawaiian Standard Tlmo Is luh, 30mslower than Greenwich tlmo, beingthat of the mcr .Ian of 1G7 30. Thotlmo whlstlo t-- ws at 1:30 p. m.,which Is the mo as Greenwich Oh.Om.

Weather Dureau, Punahou, Feb. 22.Tcmperaturo . Morning minimum,

64; Midday maximum, 81.Daromcter at 9 n. m. 30.12. Irregular.Rainfall 0.00.Dew Point CI F.Humidity at 9 a. ni. CI per cent.Diamond Head Signal Station, Feb.

22. Weather clear; wind NNE.

ARRIVALS.Wednesday, Feb. 21.

Dr. bk. Last African, Decent, fromnnchorago outside.

Schr. Ulancho & Ella, from Hawaii.Schr. Lady, from Oahu ports.

Thursday, Fob. 22.Stmr. Claudlne, from Maul ports.

DEPARTURES.Wednesday, Feb. 21.

Am. sp. John McDonald, Storcr, forllllo.

Haw. bk. Nuuanu, Jossclyn, for Kahulul.

Stmr. Upolu, Hcnnlngscn, for Hawaii.

Am. schr. Henry Wilson, Johnson,lor uio Sound.

R. M. S. Aorangl, Hay, for Victoria.

Band Concert.Tho band will glvo a concert on tho

grounds of tho Exccutlvo building thisevening at tho usual time, In honor ofWashington's birthday. Tho followingselections will be played:


Overture "Washington Birthday"Clans

Selection "Popular Airs".. ContcrnoVocal Selection "II Trovatoro". Verdil'our new Hawaiian Songs Dcrger

(n) "Ko Leo" "Mlllhal Pua."...Miss J. Kclllaa.

(b) "Ka Inuwal," "KuwlllwlllIho Au."

Mrs. N. Alnpal.PART II.

Selection "American Melodies". .Uoycr

Intermezzo "Cavallcrla Rustlcana"Mascagnl

Finale "Lucia do Lammcrmoor".Donizetti

Two Mnrchcs "Olympla and Balti-more" Dcrger"Tho Star Spangled Danner."

Revenge Among Pugn.Chicago, Feb. 6. Jack McCorralck,

tho Philadelphia heavy-weigh- t, In-

tends to tako n novel revengo on JooChoynskl, tho California fighter, whoIs this week meeting nil comers at thoPark Tlicntor. McCormlck announcedtonight thnt from tomorrow eveningon ho will appear on tho stngo of thoStnto street plnyhouso nnd acceptChoynskl's offer just as long as thomanagement cares to produce tho $50that Is ndvcrtlscd ns a reward for allaspiring boxers who enro to test thomerits of tho former Callforulnn's box-ing ability.

Choynskl, according to McCormlck,treated tho latter badly nftcr his fightwith McCoy. McCormlck nnd Choyn-skl were matched to box six rounds InMllwnukco shortly nftcr tho light InNow York, hut Choynskl called this off,and thereby McCormlck lost consider-nbl- o

moucy, tho Mllwnukco club nothaving uny forfeit up for tho match.Now McCormlck Intends to got ovenfor this nffnlr.

"Choynskl novcr saw tho day hocon. a beat mo In four rounds, nnd thatIs tho offer of iho management,"

said this evening, A packedhotiso saw Choynskl spar four roundswith Charley Smith tonight. Smithwould not go on unless tho manage-ment agreed to havo Choynskl lot himstay tho limit, and this was explainedto tho crowd.

Notca of tho War.Colonel Rawson, who Is signalling

officer at Estcourt, has been In com-munication with Ladysmlth, althoughhis Initial difficulties wcro very great.Ho hau to tako tho boiler from tho pub-lic baths at Marltzburg'in order to fixup his searchlight at Estcourt.

The Hon. Douglas Marsham and Cap-tain Pechell, killed In tho brilliant

of Cannon Kopje, could only hoburled at Mafeklng under cover ofdnrkness. Then by tho light of a lan-tern dimly burning tho rector, Mr.Weeks, read tho scrvlco over thograves, nnd tho notes of tho "LastPost" walled sadly and solemnly overtho veldt.

The roll of honor amonc the na.tion's defender? is given in On T.Manila.




BROKER2-- 33 Queen Street






Entire Change of Program, "

The Farce . , .

"HECTOR"A Laugh from Start to Finish. Supported

ny me run oirengin or me company



Honolulu's Favorite Contralto, InBallads.


The Modern Samson, In Sensational Featsof Strength and Balancing.


In a ne Comedy Sketch.


ALLAN DUNN,In a New Dramatic Sketch by the Latter,




Soubrette, Late of the Boston Lyric Opera.Company.

Notice to British Subjects.

The attention of British subjects Is call-

ed to a Proclamation by Her MajestyQueen Victoria, which Is now on exhibitat tnis office and at the Biltlsh Vice Con-sulate at this port, referring to the state ofwar which exists between Her Majestyand the South African Republic and theOrange Free State, and warning HerMajesty's subjects against assisting eitherof the said Republics in the prosecution 0'hostilities or against trading with theenemy.

W. R. HOARE,Her Britannic Majesty's Consul.

H. B. M.'s Consulate, Honolulu, Feb-ruar- y

ith, 1900. 4573t



Is now located with C. Grotte, tailor, tUnion Strppt.

Pacific Import Co.


:f:e3ogke3:e3ss zex-iocii- c.

New Spring Goods!


Large shipment of New Spring Wash Materials, consist-

ing of New Organdies, New Lawns, Cable Cords the verylatest. Elegant line of Batiste, in choice patterns. GalateaCloths. Versailles Stripes, handsome selection of patterns.Choice Percales, endless variety.

Cordillac Lawn, entirely new special price, 10 c.20th Century Lawns, all the newest patterns.

Dimities, in all grades and prices.

Corded TafTitta Wash Materials, entirely new.By last Australia we received large invoices of new goods

in every department, which are now opened up for inspection.

200 Boys' Wash suits, special at $1.50 a suitBoys Waist Pants at 40 centsMother's Friend Shirt Waists for Boys, in the newest

patterns. We have the same from 25c up




