n Evening Bulletin "Witti which is Incorporated the Independent," VOL. 1. NO. 72. HONOLULU, H. I., FRIDAY, AUGUST 9, 1895. PRICE 5 CENTS. TI-I- E uepii) Bulletin With wulcli Is incorporated the Imjepend. ENT. Hawaiian Copyright by A. V. Geak, Juno 22, 1805. Published every day except Snndny nt 609 King Street, Honolulu, H. I. SUHSCKIl'TION HAI'ia. Per Month, nnywhoro in tho Ha- waiian Islands $ 70 Per Year. 8 00 For Year, postpaid to America, Canada, or Moxico 1000 Per Year, postpaid, othor Foreign Countries 13 00 Tayablo Invnrlnblv In Advance Advortisomontu unaccompanied by specific instructions inaorlcd till ordered out AdvortlsemontH discontinued beforo expiration of specified period will bo cbarped as it continued foi full torm. Liberal allowanco on yearly and half yearly contracts. Address all communications to tho edi- torial department to "Editor Bulletin." Business letters should bo addressed to "Manager Evening Bulletin." Telephono 250. P. O. Box 89. B. L. FINNEY, Manager. AYER'S Hair Vigor RESTORES COLOR pK-- 3 AND PBOMOTEB Abundant Growth of inn It cures Itching hu- mors, ami keeps tho scalp oool, moist, healthy, and Irce from damlrufl. A lady writes t "I (oel compelled to state, for tho benefit ot sw&ftt' -- mS others, that six veari neo I Imt nearly half of my hair, anil what was left turned gray. After using Aycr's Hair Vigor several months, my hair began to grow again, and with tho natural color restored." Ayer's Hair Vigor l'ltsrAiitn nv DR. J. C. AYER & CO., LOWELL, MASS., U .S. A. rof ct"P tnlttlini. Tlie name Ajrr 1 vro'nlnnni n the wnipper.sml 1 blown In the rUm ol cidi o( our I'ottlu. HolliBter Drug Co., JLVd, Solo Agents for tho Republic ol Hawaii. .Pacific trading Co. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Japanese Goods I SOS Fort Stsoot. ROBERT GRIEVE, Book and Job Printer Merchant Stroot, Honolulu, H. I. Over Hawaiian News Company's Book Storo. tny 13. GtTY DRAYAQE Co. TV. P. SHARRA.TT, Managor Stand adjoining H. Hackfold & Co., Fort street. Gonorul Cart- ing and Drayngo Business done. in 7 tf EDMUND P- - DOLE, v ATTORNEY AT LAW. 318 Fort St. Telepbono 91. 27-3m- s ILANjWAI BATHS. Tho popular Soasido Itesort for ladioB and childron. Good ac- commodation. W. i S. BARTLETT. 41 td. THE LEGISLATURE. mOItE CONFKHENCE COMMITTEES ATI lib nK NEEDED. A Debute In tho Sennto on the Pur- - dinning of the Illaliop Prctnl- - oh for Sclioal Purpoaea, Forty-Eight- h Day, Auqubt 8th. THE SENATE. Prosidont Wildor called tbo Senato to order at tho regular hour and tho usuil preliminaries wero had Ministor King reported that tho prosidont hud approved tho joint resolutions on general regis- tration and tho pa 5 mont of tho Labor Commissioners. Sonator Lyman from the Com-mitto- o on Public Lands and In- ternal Improvements reported adversely on tho two aots appro- priating $32,0U0 for tho purchaso of tho Bishop premises on Emmu stroot. Tho committoo roport that from information obtained from officio 1 quarters tho present school houses are unablu to ac- commodate demands on school space, room for 500 more children being required than can now attend. Thut there aro are no facilities for educating childron in primary studies, and that accommodations aro noodod for sovoral hundred of theso. The School Board has nstrednt this sossion for $20,000 for school bouses and repairs and have been voted $13,600 for immediate use. Tho committee furthor say that but slight expenditure would bo needod on the Bishop promises, but that tho expense of keeping up such an elaborate building and oxtensivo grounds would bo an important and constantly increas- ing item of expense, The com- mittoo think that tho location is too close to tho business part of tho town and say that in a short timo tho site will bo surrounilod by business houses. They recom- mend Anally thut a plan bo c involving an entirely new and cheaper building on .a. differ- ent site to bo selected from land owned by the government, so that local mechanics andbusinessfirmB may reap some bonefit from the money expended. Tho roport was accepted to be considered with tho bill. Tho three repealing notii pre- sented by Ministor Hatch which passod tho second reading yoster-da- y wore takon up on tho third roading and passed unanimously. Tho House amondmont to the Tramways Company bill shorten ing tho time in which oleotrioity can bo used to September 1st, 189G, wns taken up and on motion tho Senato refused to concur, and a conference was asked for. The request of the House for a conforonco on tho alcohol bill wns granted and the standing com- mittoo on commerce- - was appoint- ed to act on behalf of tho Sonata. Bills 18 and 19, uppropriuting $32,000 for tho purchaso of tho Bishop premises, wero then taken up, on a motion to adopt tho re- port of tho Committee, a synop- sis of whoso report appoars above. Ministor Damon in opposition to tho roport of tho oommittee said that tho education of tho ris- ing generation was tho most im- portant muttor now confronting tho people of Hawaii. In a fow years tho children now attending sohool would become voters un-d- or the prosont republican form of government, and upon what im- pressions thoy rocoiv d at school wmld largoly depend the futuro of tho islands. Tho prosont school boys woro tho ones who would huvo to largoly dotormino futuro local issues. Tho quostton of ed- ucation was most important taken in conjunction with tho annexation proposition, for tho very first in quirios of,tho"Onited States Senato would be directed to our educa- tional system and facilities. If wo failed in annexation, thon it behooved tho independent Bopublic of Hawaii moro than ovor to institute a pormanent and porfect school system, and tho work should bo commenced at once so as to be in roadinoes for either contingency. With regard to tho matter immodiatoly beforo tho Sonuto ho dosircd to stuto that it was originally designed to simply lease tho promises, but owing to tho liboral offer made by tho Bishop Trustees the plan was ohangod. Ho wished it distinctly understood that Mr. Bishop bad no personal interest in the pro- mises other than as ono of tho trustoos of tho estate. Tho speaker thought tho property was virtually a gift at $30,000. It contained four and a quartor aoros in tho heart of tbo city and is a most advantageous locality. It wns equidistant from all the out- lying districts and convenient to tho street oar and proposed cablo linos. He did not believe that business housos vould roach the property for yoara to come. Whethor tho ncoo9sity for a high sohool existed now or not was a question for tho Sohool Board to detormino. He himself was in favor of using tho lower part of the building for preparatory or nrimarv,grfldoB- - wnrl. Ihn. upper story for the nucleus of a high school. Ho did not believe in starting off with a full fledged high school under present conditions but thought a shirt should bo made und that it should bo enlargodand improved as future requirements should mako nocessary. He maintained that the purchaso of the promises would relieve tho present pressure on all tho schools in the city. Tho lower lloor would accommouato thoso of school age who at present were dobarred from attending school for want of room, while the druft.ng of tho beat scholars ot all the schools into tho high sohool would rolieve tho over- crowding now existing thoro. With regard to tho financial pro position tho iJisuop premises were most advantageous. To build olsowhore would take money di- rectly from tho treasury at a time whon it could illy bo sparod. Tho Bishop purchaso'did not take a oont except tho annual interest of G per cent on the bonds. He would state also that now that tho stato of tho Hawaiian treasury was mado known poopln woro in- vesting moro and moro frooly in bonds. Sonator McCandless said ho had looked into the mattor of grounds and had found that tho old rooreation grounds belonging to tho government would be just the place for a high school. Tho Bishop plnco was good onough for a residence and cheap enough at tho prico for thut purpose, but in his opinion unsuitod for n high school, more especially when the two new contemplated streets on either side of tho property woro put through and it would cost about $2000 a year to keep the place iu order. That money would pay tho interest on a brick or stone high school building cost- ing $50,000 or moro. Ho thought tho intorosts of tho majority of tho sohool childron should bo lookod to before thoso of tho few who would attend tho high sohool and to whom similar advantages woro now open in othor institu- tions. Mr. Dnraon said tho pasango of tbos) bills would relievo all tho fc.iv, '...5.V Jtr &&tt. Ilk. X. J . I. - I t,&a&u.'U - "-- - M. ,i4tw. v presont necessities cf Honolulu and leave tho government froo to oxpond tho money which would othorwiso havo to bo usod hero on sohoolB for tho other islands where ovororowding existed overy-whor- o. Mr Hatch argued in favorof tho Bishop location and of the pas- sage of tho bills. Sonator Waterhouso was sur- prised that tho committoo after reciting tho foots it had obtained should havo roachod the conclu- sion it had. Ho thought it was a good invostmont for tho govern ment, ovon if thoy sold the pro- - mises ten years later. Any roal estate man would jump at such a ohanco. Senator Lyman said tbo com-mitt- eo bad not considered tho prico of the premises. Thoy admitted al that but thought that tho interests of tho sohool children would bo bettor subserved by oreoting more suitable buildings olsowhore. Sonator Bice said ho would call attontion to tho report which stated thoro aro aotually 500 children in Honolulu who are without any educational facilities whatever. Tho present state of affairs could bo romedied by tak- ing the Bishop place, which could bo put in readiness for school pur- poses by Soptembor 1st. While Sonator McCandless' project was a good one, ho thought that many of tho presont school children would bo gray-hoad- ed beforo it Was oonsummatod. Tbo motion to adopt tho report was lost by tho following vote: Ayes Horner, McCandless, Northrop, Wright, Notloy 5. " ' Noet Kauhano, Bice," Wilcox, Lyman, Schmidt, Hocking and WatorhouBo 7. The bills thon passed the second reading. Minister Hatch presented a bill from the Star office of $47.85 for printing the military bill which waB referrod to tho Committee on Accounts. Tho president announced tho following appointments: On the Joint Resolution to in- vestigate tho liquor traffic Sen- ators Watorhouse and Lyman. On tho Great Seal and seals fo tho departments Senators Mc- Candless and Schmidt. Cu tho registration of male citizens Senators Brown, Bald- win and Wilcox. At 11:25 the Senato adjourned. THE REPRESENTATIVES. Ministor King and Damon woro in attendance when the Houso opened utlO a.m. Minister King announced that tho Prosidont had signod tho joint resolutions for it commission on tho registration of malo rosidonts and appropriating $1000 for ox-pen- ses of tho Lubor Commission. Rop. Bobortson presented a ro- port from tho Judiciary Com- mittoo on the bill relating to tho giving of bonds in appeal cases It recommondod certain amend- ments. It wns signod by him-so- lf alono as yot, tho other mom-bo- ra of committoo being absont Laid on table to ho considered with tho bill. Ministor King road tho follow- ing answers to Bep. Bobortuou's questions regarding Chineso build- ings: "I hove tho honor to acknowl- edge rooeipt, under dato of tho 7th inst., of throo questions re-lati- to a building now in oourso of erection at Loloo, to bo called a Chinese thoator, und would reply as follows: "1st. Tho Sui erintendent of Public Works appiovod tho speci- fications for tho building in ques- tion July 29 ult. "2nd. I rocoived nt d:30 p.m. on tho 7th inst., and aftor tho reooipt of thoso questions, a poti- - tion (not dated) from residents stating that it is thoir bolief thai anothor Chineso theater is to be built in thoir vicinity, and asking, if an application should be for-ward- od mo for that purposo, that I would refuse tho same. I do not think that I would bo authorized to stop tho work upon a building that is boing orected upon private property, bo long ns it is constructed after plans and specifications that have boon duly approvod in accordance with law. "3rd. It is customary to submit the application for a license for a public Bhow (whore tho ' perform ance or tho surroundings aro of t. questionable charaotor) to tho Marshal, and, without his ap- proval ondorBed upon the same, license is refusod." Tho bill rotating to appeal bonds was takon up for second reading with roport of the Judi- ciary Committoo. Thn amend- ments woro adopted and tho bill passed, to bo read a third time tomorrow. A message from the Senate transmitted three bills that had passod third reading in that cham- ber. On motion of Rep. Robert- son thoy were read n first timo by titlo. The first was to repeal pre- vious legislation rogarding ocean oables. Beferred to Judiciary Committee. Tho second was to repot 1 the law rotating to thepossaga of agri- cultural railways ovor the lands of others. Bep. Hnnuna moved the ruled bo suspended and tho bill be put on socond reading. Bep. Robertson wanted to-- be sure tho bill was correct before passing it. Bep. Winston movod it be re- ferred to the Judiciary Committee. Carried. Tho third was a bill relating to watorways over tho lunds ol others. On motion of Bop. Bon the bill was referred to tho Judi- ciary Committee. Speaker Naone said tho Presi- dent had rcceivod somo joint resolutions which had not yet boon translated. Interpreter Wilcox said they could he tianslated in five minuted. Rop. Robortson, at lOi-lS- . moved tho House to adjourn till 10 o'clock tomorrow. Carried. A lady's broad gold hair comb is udvortised for. Brirg to the busiuoss office on King street and got rownrid Customs officors found sevonty-fiv- e half-poun- ds tins of opium and two larger tins holding about four pounds oach iu tho forward hold of tho bark Velocity yesterday. The Cable poposition was not rendy to be introduced in the Sen- ato, Ministor Hatch stating that tho dolay was now cnusod by the copyists who would furnish type written copies for oach member. Thore will be a French dinner nnd danco nt tho Hawuiian hotel on Saturday ovening. The entertainment will be in the nature of a welcomo to incoming visitors by tho Australia, and outgoing friends by the Belgic. On Monday morning noxt at 10 o' dock auotioneor Morgan will soil without roscrvo at the store on O. E. Williams &. Son Stoin-w- ay grand piano, ono Fisltor upright piano, Bhowcases.furniture, pictures and otho articles des- cribed in our advertising columns. The farewell social given to Messrs Ziogormoier nnd McVny on board tno Bennington was a very ploasant affair. Somo fifty vipitors spent tho even'n? in boat riding, inspooting tbo ship and dancing to tho music of tholviwai-ha- u Club. Bofroshmcnts were sorvod, m S3 ; j :

Evening Bulletin - University of Hawaiʻi1 no & & H. every I-H in-& CO., i tho is-Co. & &-& Co., &)-&: &---.-&. ' at & &-: &:: :-

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Evening Bulletin"Witti which is Incorporated the Independent,"



uepii) BulletinWith wulcli Is incorporated the Imjepend.


Hawaiian Copyright by A. V. Geak,Juno 22, 1805.

Published every day except Snndny nt609 King Street, Honolulu, H. I.

SUHSCKIl'TION HAI'ia.Per Month, nnywhoro in tho Ha-

waiian Islands $ 70

Per Year. 8 00For Year, postpaid to America,

Canada, or Moxico 1000Per Year, postpaid, othor Foreign

Countries 13 00Tayablo Invnrlnblv In Advance

Advortisomontu unaccompanied byspecific instructions inaorlcd till orderedout

AdvortlsemontH discontinued beforoexpiration of specified period will bocbarped as it continued foi full torm.

Liberal allowanco on yearly and halfyearly contracts.

Address all communications to tho edi-

torial department to "Editor Bulletin."Business letters should bo addressed to"Manager Evening Bulletin."

Telephono 250. P. O. Box 89.

B. L. FINNEY, Manager.

AYER'SHair Vigor




Abundant Growth

of inn

It cures Itching hu-mors, ami keeps thoscalp oool, moist,healthy, and Irce fromdamlrufl.

A ladywrites t

"I (oelcompelledto state,for thobenefit ot

sw&ftt' --mS others,that six veari neo I Imt nearly half of myhair, anil what was left turned gray. Afterusing Aycr's Hair Vigor several months,my hair began to grow again, and with thonatural color restored."

Ayer's Hair Vigorl'ltsrAiitn nv


rof ct"P tnlttlini. Tlie nameAjrr 1 vro'nlnnni n the wnipper.sml 1

blown In the rUm ol cidi o( our I'ottlu.

HolliBter Drug Co., JLVd,

Solo Agents for tho Republic ol Hawaii.

.Pacific trading Co.


Japanese Goods I


Book and Job PrinterMerchant Stroot, Honolulu, H. I.

Over Hawaiian News Company'sBook Storo. tny 13.


Stand adjoining H. Hackfold &Co., Fort street. Gonorul Cart-ing and Drayngo Business done.

in 7 tf


318 Fort St. Telepbono 91.27-3m- s


Tho popular Soasido Itesort forladioB and childron. Good ac-


W. iS. BARTLETT.41 td.



A Debute In tho Sennto on the Pur- -

dinning of the Illaliop Prctnl- -

oh for Sclioal Purpoaea,

Forty-Eight- h Day, Auqubt 8th.


Prosidont Wildor called tboSenato to order at tho regularhour and tho usuil preliminarieswero had

Ministor King reported thattho prosidont hud approved thojoint resolutions on general regis-

tration and tho pa 5 mont of thoLabor Commissioners.

Sonator Lyman from the Com-mitto- o

on Public Lands and In-

ternal Improvements reportedadversely on tho two aots appro-priating $32,0U0 for tho purchasoof tho Bishop premises on Emmustroot. Tho committoo roportthat from information obtainedfrom officio 1 quarters tho presentschool houses are unablu to ac-

commodate demands on schoolspace, room for 500 morechildren being required thancan now attend. Thut there aroare no facilities for educatingchildron in primary studies, andthat accommodations aro noododfor sovoral hundred of theso. TheSchool Board has nstrednt thissossion for $20,000 for schoolbouses and repairs and have beenvoted $13,600 for immediate use.Tho committee furthor say thatbut slight expenditure would boneedod on the Bishop promises,but that tho expense of keepingup such an elaborate building andoxtensivo grounds would bo animportant and constantly increas-ing item of expense, The com-mittoo think that tho location istoo close to tho business part oftho town and say that in a shorttimo tho site will bo surrounilodby business houses. They recom-mend Anally thut a plan bo c

involving an entirely newand cheaper building on .a. differ-ent site to bo selected from landowned by the government, so thatlocal mechanics andbusinessfirmBmay reap some bonefit from themoney expended.

Tho roport was accepted to beconsidered with tho bill.

Tho three repealing notii pre-sented by Ministor Hatch whichpassod tho second reading yoster-da- y

wore takon up on tho thirdroading and passed unanimously.

Tho House amondmont to theTramways Company bill shortening tho time in which oleotrioitycan bo used to September 1st,189G, wns taken up and on motiontho Senato refused to concur, anda conference was asked for.

The request of the House for aconforonco on tho alcohol bill wnsgranted and the standing com-mittoo on commerce-- was appoint-ed to act on behalf of tho Sonata.

Bills 18 and 19, uppropriuting$32,000 for tho purchaso of thoBishop premises, wero then takenup, on a motion to adopt tho re-port of tho Committee, a synop-sis of whoso report appoars above.

Ministor Damon in oppositionto tho roport of tho oommitteesaid that tho education of tho ris-ing generation was tho most im-

portant muttor now confrontingtho people of Hawaii. In a fowyears tho children now attendingsohool would become voters un-d- or

the prosont republican form ofgovernment, and upon what im-

pressions thoy rocoiv d at schoolwmld largoly depend the futuro

of tho islands. Tho prosont schoolboys woro tho ones who wouldhuvo to largoly dotormino futurolocal issues. Tho quostton of ed-

ucation was most important takenin conjunction with tho annexationproposition, for tho very first inquirios of,tho"Onited States Senatowould be directed to our educa-tional system and facilities. Ifwo failed in annexation, thonit behooved tho independentBopublic of Hawaii moro thanovor to institute a pormanentand porfect school system, andtho work should bo commencedat once so as to be in roadinoes foreither contingency. With regardto tho matter immodiatoly beforotho Sonuto ho dosircd to stuto thatit was originally designed tosimply lease tho promises, butowing to tho liboral offer made bytho Bishop Trustees the plan wasohangod. Ho wished it distinctlyunderstood that Mr. Bishop badno personal interest in the pro-mises other than as ono of thotrustoos of tho estate. Thospeaker thought tho property wasvirtually a gift at $30,000. Itcontained four and a quartor aorosin tho heart of tbo city and is amost advantageous locality. Itwns equidistant from all the out-

lying districts and convenient totho street oar and proposed cablolinos. He did not believe thatbusiness housos vould roach theproperty for yoara to come.Whethor tho ncoo9sity for a highsohool existed now or not was aquestion for tho Sohool Board todetormino. He himself was infavor of using tho lower part ofthe building for preparatory ornrimarv,grfldoB- - wnrl. Ihn. upperstory for the nucleus of ahigh school. Ho did notbelieve in starting off witha full fledged high school underpresent conditions but thought ashirt should bo made und that itshould bo enlargodand improved asfuture requirements should makonocessary. He maintained thatthe purchaso of the promiseswould relieve tho present pressureon all tho schools in the city. Tholower lloor would accommouatothoso of school age who at presentwere dobarred from attendingschool for want of room, whilethe druft.ng of tho beat scholarsot all the schools into tho highsohool would rolieve tho over-crowding now existing thoro.With regard to tho financial proposition tho iJisuop premises weremost advantageous. To buildolsowhore would take money di-

rectly from tho treasury at a timewhon it could illy bo sparod. ThoBishop purchaso'did not take a oontexcept tho annual interest of G

per cent on the bonds. Hewould state also that now thattho stato of tho Hawaiian treasurywas mado known poopln woro in-

vesting moro and moro frooly inbonds.

Sonator McCandless said hohad looked into the mattor ofgrounds and had found that thoold rooreation grounds belongingto tho government would be justthe place for a high school. ThoBishop plnco was good onoughfor a residence and cheap enoughat tho prico for thut purpose, butin his opinion unsuitod for n highschool, more especially when thetwo new contemplated streets oneither side of tho property woroput through and it would costabout $2000 a year to keep theplace iu order. That moneywould pay tho interest on a brickor stone high school building cost-ing $50,000 or moro. Ho thoughttho intorosts of tho majority oftho sohool childron should bolookod to before thoso of tho fewwho would attend tho high sohooland to whom similar advantagesworo now open in othor institu-tions.

Mr. Dnraon said tho pasango oftbos) bills would relievo all tho

fc.iv, '...5.V Jtr &&tt. Ilk. X. J . I. - I t,&a&u.'U - "-- - M. ,i4tw. v

presont necessities cf Honoluluand leave tho government froo tooxpond tho money which wouldothorwiso havo to bo usod hero onsohoolB for tho other islandswhere ovororowding existed overy-whor- o.

Mr Hatch argued in favorof thoBishop location and of the pas-sage of tho bills.

Sonator Waterhouso was sur-prised that tho committoo afterreciting tho foots it had obtainedshould havo roachod the conclu-sion it had. Ho thought it was agood invostmont for tho government, ovon if thoy sold the pro--mises ten years later. Any roalestate man would jump at such aohanco.

Senator Lyman said tbo com-mitt- eo

bad not considered thoprico of the premises.Thoy admitted al thatbut thought that tho interestsof tho sohool children would bo

bettor subserved by oreoting moresuitable buildings olsowhore.

Sonator Bice said ho would callattontion to tho report whichstated thoro aro aotually 500children in Honolulu who arewithout any educational facilitieswhatever. Tho present state ofaffairs could bo romedied by tak-ing the Bishop place, which couldbo put in readiness for school pur-poses by Soptembor 1st. WhileSonator McCandless' project wasa good one, ho thought that manyof tho presont school childrenwould bo gray-hoad- ed beforo itWas oonsummatod.

Tbo motion to adopt tho reportwas lost by tho following vote:

Ayes Horner, McCandless,Northrop, Wright, Notloy 5. " '

Noet Kauhano, Bice," Wilcox,Lyman, Schmidt, Hocking andWatorhouBo 7.

The bills thon passed thesecond reading.

Minister Hatch presented a billfrom the Star office of $47.85 forprinting the military bill whichwaB referrod to tho Committee onAccounts.

Tho president announced thofollowing appointments:

On the Joint Resolution to in-

vestigate tho liquor traffic Sen-ators Watorhouse and Lyman.

On tho Great Seal and seals fotho departments Senators Mc-Candless and Schmidt.

Cu tho registration of malecitizens Senators Brown, Bald-win and Wilcox.

At 11:25 the Senato adjourned.


Ministor King and Damon woroin attendance when the Housoopened utlO a.m.

Minister King announced thattho Prosidont had signod tho jointresolutions for it commission ontho registration of malo rosidontsand appropriating $1000 for ox-pen- ses

of tho Lubor Commission.Rop. Bobortson presented a ro-

port from tho Judiciary Com-mittoo on the bill relating to thogiving of bonds in appeal casesIt recommondod certain amend-ments. It wns signod by him-so- lf

alono as yot, tho other mom-bo- ra

of committoo being absontLaid on table to ho consideredwith tho bill.

Ministor King road tho follow-ing answers to Bep. Bobortuou'squestions regarding Chineso build-ings:

"I hove tho honor to acknowl-edge rooeipt, under dato of tho7th inst., of throo questions re-lati-

to a building now in ooursoof erection at Loloo, to bo calleda Chinese thoator, und would

reply as follows:"1st. Tho Sui erintendent of

Public Works appiovod tho speci-fications for tho building in ques-tion July 29 ult.

"2nd. I rocoived nt d:30 p.m.on tho 7th inst., and aftor thoreooipt of thoso questions, a poti- -

tion (not dated) from residentsstating that it is thoir bolief thaianothor Chineso theater is to bebuilt in thoir vicinity, and asking,if an application should be for-ward- od

mo for that purposo,that I would refuse tho same. Ido not think that I would boauthorized to stop tho work upona building that is boing orectedupon private property, bo long nsit is constructed after plans andspecifications that have boon dulyapprovod in accordance with law.

"3rd. It is customary to submitthe application for a license for apublic Bhow (whore tho ' performance or tho surroundings aro of t.questionable charaotor) to thoMarshal, and, without his ap-proval ondorBed upon the same,license is refusod."

Tho bill rotating to appealbonds was takon up for secondreading with roport of the Judi-ciary Committoo. Thn amend-ments woro adopted and tho billpassed, to bo read a third timetomorrow.

A message from the Senatetransmitted three bills that hadpassod third reading in that cham-ber. On motion of Rep. Robert-son thoy were read n first timo bytitlo. The first was to repeal pre-vious legislation rogarding oceanoables. Beferred to JudiciaryCommittee.

Tho second was to repot 1 thelaw rotating to thepossaga of agri-cultural railways ovor the landsof others.

Bep. Hnnuna moved the ruledbo suspended and tho bill be puton socond reading.

Bep. Robertson wanted to--be

sure tho bill was correct beforepassing it.

Bep. Winston movod it be re-

ferred to the Judiciary Committee.Carried.

Tho third was a bill relating towatorways over tho lunds olothers. On motion of Bop. Bonthe bill was referred to tho Judi-ciary Committee.

Speaker Naone said tho Presi-dent had rcceivod somo jointresolutions which had not yetboon translated.

Interpreter Wilcox said theycould he tianslated in fiveminuted.

Rop. Robortson, at lOi-lS- .

moved tho House to adjourn till10 o'clock tomorrow. Carried.

A lady's broad gold hair combis udvortised for. Brirg to thebusiuoss office on King street andgot rownrid

Customs officors found sevonty-fiv- ehalf-poun-ds tins of opium and

two larger tins holding about fourpounds oach iu tho forward holdof tho bark Velocity yesterday.

The Cable poposition was notrendy to be introduced in the Sen-ato, Ministor Hatch stating thattho dolay was now cnusod by thecopyists who would furnish typewritten copies for oach member.

Thore will be a French dinnernnd danco nt tho Hawuiianhotel on Saturday ovening. Theentertainment will be in thenature of a welcomo to incomingvisitors by tho Australia, andoutgoing friends by the Belgic.

On Monday morning noxt at 10o' dock auotioneor Morgan willsoil without roscrvo at the storeon O. E. Williams &. Son Stoin-w- ay

grand piano, ono Fisltorupright piano, Bhowcases.furniture,pictures and otho articles des-cribed in our advertising columns.

The farewell social given toMessrs Ziogormoier nnd McVnyon board tno Bennington was avery ploasant affair. Somo fiftyvipitors spent tho even'n? in boatriding, inspooting tbo ship anddancing to tho music of tholviwai-ha- u

Club. Bofroshmcnts weresorvod,






Page 2: Evening Bulletin - University of Hawaiʻi1 no & & H. every I-H in-& CO., i tho is-Co. & &-& Co., &)-&: &---.-&. ' at & &-: &:: :-



TV w ,nr 4f"

fflfltar Topics of llio Day.

This filibustering businosa 1b

growing monotonous; tlio ncoplowho a ro cngngod in manufnotur-iu- g

rumors should switch oil' nnddo Homuthing olso or tlio govern-ment will loan confidonco in thorn.Such rooorts do tho country nogood and wo fail to soo whoro therumor makers nro benefited Ha-

waii does not sooiii to mind itmncli for tiling nro as quiet andpeaceful horo ns in a woll con-ducted gmvo-yar- d.

Wo boliovo wo lmvo quite thobest stock of leather in Honoluluand it comprises bosidos solobather tho colcbratod Spoits lightjuid hoavy haruoss lenthor, andleathor forsaddlos. Tho host ofruBSott and rod calf skins.Loathor for carriage makers, calor-a-d

lining skins and soft dashleather. All kinds of loathor iahighor today than it was twomonths ago; in somo instances it5as advancod as much as ton poraont, but ns' we wero woll stocked

'bofore tho riso wo can soil at tholamo old prico and perhaps alittle lower. Wo have a very com-plot- o

stock of Shoo and Harnessandings and tools for all kinds ofleathor work tho prico of whichiB entirely satisfactory to all ofour customers.

Wo havo tho goods and tbopricos will suit you.

E. O. Hall & Son.Fort & Kiiiff Streets.

Aloha Bath House.

Noxt to Marine lliilway. Bathing suits on hand. Patronsbrought froo from tug-bo- at wharfon telephoning No. 585. Furn-ished rooms to let on tho premises.

Mrs. J. H. Eeist.my 15-- 1 m

Cexitoal JVEeat VIaretLovo's Building, Nuunuu St.

A FIRST GLASS Haricot in everyHwrect.

Orders delivered promptly to all parts otha oity.


MT Telephone 164.May 20-t-f.

A New Abstract Office

Asa result of 15 years oxporienccin tho Abstract Business, I amprepurod to mnko Abstracts ofTitlo in n most thorough, occurate, and complete manner and onshort notice.

F. W. Makinney.In W. O. Smith's Office, 318

Tort Street. myl'3.


ICE CREAM.H F. SINGER, for six yonru foreman with

Swain on Suttor street, makes themost delicious Pits ol any baker in Hono-lulu. Mince Pies a specialty. Cakes andSee Cream furnished for bulls or families.


SINGER'S BAKERY, King StrcotJUT Telophone 872. 40-t-f


noxt to Lucas' Mill

Ships' Blacksmithing,Carriage. Building

and Repairing

rays, Carts andWagon Building



Building Lots!At WAIKIK1 on car lino and onPA- -

LAMA HOAD near FertilizingPlant.

These Lots are Very Cheap and Soldon Easy Terms.

Desirable Acre Tracts near tho city andother Properties for sale.


Denlers in bots and Lands.l.tf G03 Fort Btrcot, near King.

Telephone C07. P. 0. Box 321.

,sii&i.W,j,-o- .t4iv4V,i i

nwrsv "r fl(fpifc




i:iMitrt:i:N niosrus' option.

Alan l'llt Tliounand Dnllnrn u Yaarn ml an Exclulve 1'rnncliUo

for Twenty Yearn.

Colonol Z. S. Spalding, who hasbocomo on nbsonteo sugar mng-no- to

of Hawaii, lately droppoddown in tlio midst of his oldfrioudB und noighbors, aftor livingfor soveral yoors in thogront citiesof the world. Ho was not heromany days when it was uunounc-o- d

that ho had a Puoifio oubloEoherao cut and driod in hispockflt, which offered immodiatoif not soonor tolcgraphic commu-

nication not only with Sun Fran-cisco but botwoon tho hnbitod isl-

ands of this group. For soveraldays tho Govornmont doomed thoColonel's proposals of such sub-li- mo

importance to tho publicthat it was afraid to trust thepublic with tho particulars. AtlaBt tho Govornmont recoveredfrom tho shook and yesterday di-

vulged tho portentous mystery.

in all substantial respoots thoproposals of Col. Spalding are asfollows:

Ho has in his possossion fullinformation of the stylo of cablerequired for tho routo to SanFrancisco, also that of one suit-able to connect theso islands.Also full figures from tho Tolo-grap- h

Construction Company,Limited, "tho largest cable con-struction company in oxistence,"of tho cost of laying both lines,and of a cablo ropuir ship. And,withal, ho has "mudo conditionalarrangements for securing allmoney nocessary to construct, layand equip such lines and ship."Tho conditions of tho financial ar-

rangements nro tho securing of acortain amount of subsidies fromtho governments interested, "as,"ho says, "it is manifest that forsome time, at least, tho onterpriBocannot bo

The terras of a contract betweentho Hawaiian Govornmont undhimself aro as follows: Ho willbpar nil the oxponso alroudy in-cur- rod

for getting informationand any further expense neces-sary for the same purpose. Howill couduot all negotiations withother Governments, with cabloengineers and constructors, andwith financial agents. Ho willundortako to provide all thocapital without any assistancefrom this government outsido ofits subsidy. His preliminary ar-rangements are to be complotodwithin eighteen months from Oc-

tober 31, 1895, and both cablosysteuiB will be in operation eigh-teen months thereafter, say Octo-ber 31, 1898. Ho will undor-tako to maintain both systems ingood working ordor, withput ex-

pense to this Governmoni, for20 years. And if there should boany suspension in tho forking oftbo cables tor more than ninetydays, tho subsidy is to bo sus-pended at the rate of $10,000 ayoar for the inter-islan- d systomand $40,000 a year for the line toSan Francisco. If the interrup-tion sh ill continue for ono yearufter such niuoty days, tho Gov-ernment tdiall have power to can-o- el

tho contract.Tho Government will huve its

messneos transmitted free, atregular rates, up to $50,000 porannum, A maximum scalo ofcharges for the intor-isluu- d systom is to bo agroed upon and in-

serted in the contract. Tho souloof charges over tho Sun Franciscolino will bo fixed in his contract"with any foreign govornmontcontributing a subsidy to suchcable, with the usual conditionsregarding reduoed ratos for pressmessages, etc" Col. Spalding willdeposit soourity in $25,000 of Ha-waiian Government bonds, whichis to bo roturned to him if withinoighteon months ho notify thoGovornmont that he declines toproceed with the enterprise, or iftheroufter by mutual ogroomonttho contruot bo either canceled orextended, ilo will make a freegift of the intor-islan- d cablo tothe Government, within ono yearaftor completion, upon tho pay- -

DecorativeArt Work,

Tho exhibition by thoMom-bor- a

of tho Kilohana ArtLeague has given docorativoart an impetus such as has notboon folt for years. Tho Chinapainting fad has reached usand somo handsome specimenswcro shown in tlio art rooms.Tho material for doing thowork came from us and wenow havo in stock an elegantassortment of Lacroix lubeColors and Brushes, BurnishersStipplers used in this class ofwork. Our ctock is completewith the finest assortment ofcolors, brushes, canvas andframes for art work.

Elegant show rooms andgoods new. Prices about ascheap as you over Heard ot.

The Pacific Hardware Co.

Cummin's Block.

C. B. DWIGHT,Doea all kinds ot Work in

Cement & Stono Sidewalks & Curbing

Ilo has on hand a largo Bupply ofChinese Grnnito Curb nnd nlwayskeepsHawaiian Curbing Stone. Estimatesgiven nnd lowes1, prices assured. Tele-phone 833.


Repair Garden Hose, Sprinklers, Wa-

ter Taps, Etc., Etc.

Saw Filing nnd nil kinds ot Tools Shnrp-ene- d,

including Carving Knives and Scis-Bor- s.

Lawn Mowers a specialty. Also,Setting Glass in foot nil kinds ot Job-bing. Work called for nnd roturned.King up Tolcphono 852. tf


Carriage Manufactory128 & 130 FORT STREET.


Carriage BuilderAND REPAIRER.

Blacksmithing in All Its Branches.

Orders from tbo otbor Islands in Build-ing, Trimming, Painting, eta, etc.,

Promptly attended to.

W. IV. WIIIGUT, Proprietor.(Snoccssor to G. West)


Horizontal Slido Valvo En-

gine mndo by Honolulu IronWorks Co. in 1885. Boro of.

Cylinder 13": Lenth of Stroke40': Crank Shaft pn loft ofCylinder: Hand Reversing Gear.Diameter of Fly-whe- el 14ft.: Sizoof Engine Bed 3 foet wide x 20ft.long.

For further particulars apply to

Theo. H. Davies & Co., Ltd.49 tf.

JaMan is gonorally an vain as a Svomftn,

but it i almost an impossibility to got himto admit it. Somo uro particular about theBlmpo ot theirhnts, others aro daft on Bhoes;but the last mothor's son of thorn will insiston a

GOODFit when it comes to clothos.They go on

tho old adage that "fine foathont mako finebirds;" and as far as tho artistio eye is con-

cerned they aro about light and that is thoreason that most tnou drive their tailor al-

most mad by Insisting on a perfect

Jm jl jlThoro aro soveral kinds of fits, however,

some are hereditary, some are brought onby boat, etc., but tho fit thatis brought aboutby us Is not affected by theheat or cold, but is nevertheless heredi-tary with us.

JOHNSTON & STOREY.44 td 413 FortSt.

)'.t ' J nriifi.iiitmii'-v.ii.iriiiiiTliti- i - iVitfuriiMhfia itfii. j a r

H. HACKELD & CO.Elavo just rocoivod n now Supply of Ilia

Celebrated "Danish Beer"Of tho following Brands :

"Gold Label,""Mimic" and

"Export."Also, Just to hand a largo consignment of

Genuine Bavarian Hops!TpjbBPHOMB V. Q. BOX l.H..E. MoINTYRE & BRO.,


Groceries, - Provisions - and - Feed.Nsw Sooi Received by Jfrery Ptoket from the Eastern BUtei nnd Ivor.

NUMB - OALIFOBNIA PRODUCE . BY EVERY - STEAMKX.Ail Ordtn faithfully attended to and Goods JDolIvtrtd to ny

Ulu Omni flouomm. Hatwaohou SuajuktfcW OOSHBK OKl AJtD JUKQ BTBMBW,





Rooms 12 SPREOKELS BLOCK Honolulu, H. I.

P. O. Box480. POUND







Buy New Second-Han- dFURNITURE.


King Nuuanu Sts.




IXLRibbons and Laces,

Ladies Corsets and Hosiery,Childrens Lace and

Silk Caps.Theso Goods aro newly imported and tho Prico is reasonable- -

M. S. LEVY,Fort Street.


n. l


To Whom it May Concern.C. E. Williams and son, GU King St. near Fort, havo

no branch houso and no connection whatever with any

other undertaking establishment or Furniture Store in

tho City. Embalming under the personal supervision

of Mr. Ed. A. Williams, a Graduate from tho Clark

School of Embalming of 1894.

Mr. Williams employs the latest ana best metnouv

known to science, no mutilotion of tho body and no par-

tial Embalming, and remember that wo havo but one

store and that is Located at Gil King St., tho members

of tho firm aro C. E. Williams, who established tho

business in 1859, and his oldest son Ed. A. Williams.

C. E.Tel. 179. :

&: : : -

..f'JM-t- ''


ni J





Page 3: Evening Bulletin - University of Hawaiʻi1 no & & H. every I-H in-& CO., i tho is-Co. & &-& Co., &)-&: &---.-&. ' at & &-: &:: :-


rpjilC MOT WICATlilill HASJ no elloot upon our trade, tin-Ioh-

It bo to liolp It tiloiiK. Why?buciiUHO om'Hlook in iniulo up of

goodHforutl tlioHcivHioiH in thoycnrwo am no vi' r ouuglit nnpping

Whito iniiHlitiH, fur hihtunco, tirosonsonnhlo at any timo and so nro

Sergos and Indies' clotliH. For a"Btuh"'' dress llicro can bo nothingbottor; and wo hnvo ovory iinugiii-nbl- o

shmlo to Bolnct from. Batwo uro not unking your nttontionto dress goods, wo want you toknow that wo nro soiling Lndios'Chomisos throo for a dollnrYou've paid fifty and Bovouty-fiv- o

conts oach for thcso samo goodsmany a timo. You may hnvo todo it nguin tuny aro a drivo withub and wo want you to got thobonofit of it..

Every ono woara sailor hats bo-cau-

thoy nro cool, comfortabloand stylish wo havo thorn inondlcss vnrioty, high or lowcrown. In whito, black or creamcolor.

Do ribbons havo much of yourthought ? Como to ub and wo willshow .you tho largest assortmentevor shown in Honolulu.


Cli) Fort Street.

To the Public and Tourists.

Any party wishing to tako arido around tho Island, or to thoPali, can be accomomdatod at asmall cost by F. Smith, tho Bubman. At Smith's Stublos can bofound nt a moment's notice Buss-es, Wag'inottos, Buggieb, SaddleHorsos, etc , for hiro.

Special uttontion paid to Tour-ists wishing to take in tho sightsat u small faro. This is tho cheap-est place in town.

Horsos broke, double or singlo;also horfces bought, sold or

For furthor particularsapply to

P. SMITH,Bus and Livery Stablos.

King St, botweou JTort and Bethel.Telephone 408. June 18, ao.

The SINGER Received

54 First Awards for Sewtno Ma-

chines and Embroidery "Workat tho World's Fair, Chicago, 111.,boing tho largest numbor of award,obtained by any Exhibitor, andmora thun donblo tho numborgiven to all other Sewing Ma-ohiu- os

B. Beroeiison,Agent.

my31 tf Bothol st., Honolulu.

J3ost unlaundried ahirts oqunl toany $2 mado up shirt in town on-

ly $1 at Mclnerny's.

Cash is everything in businessnow-a-da- ys. By purchasing withit and selling for it I am enabledto place clothing, lints, shirts,underwear, hosiery, neckwear,trunks, oto., etc., on this markotat Eastorn prices. L. D. Tim-mou- s,

Waring Block.

innnt by tho Qovornuiont of thonotunl cash coat of tho laud linesnnd stations also nllow tho Gov-ernment tho uso of tho repair shipat actual cost whon its servicesnro required.

In return for all these under-takings Col, Spalding wants;

1. ABtibBidy of$G0,000 for 20years.

2. An oxoluuivo privilogo oflauding cublos on tho HawaiianIslands from tho wostorn coast ofNorth Amorica for 20 yenrs, pro-vided that tho first cablo landedshall connoct direotly with SunFrancisco nnd Honolulu; also,thnt the oxolusivo privilogo uhallnot conflict with any rights thoUnited States may possoss by vir-tu- o

of any oxisting treaty.3. Mutorial appertaining to the

cablo to he admitted to this re-

public froo of duty and othor gor-emine- nt

charges.4. Froo ubo of Governmont land

for stations, storage, etc.; also thoright of way for landing of oabloaand for hind lines.

Tho genoral plan of tho sohomois the organization of a companyin the United States to controlnnd manage tho scheme in thatcountry, and a company in Ho-nolulu to control and mamigo thointer-isla- nd system.

The United Stutos Governmentwill be asked for a subsidy or aguarantee, and any arrangementmade will bo with tho full approv-al and sanction of thnt Gov-ernment. 'It will bo timeonough," Ool. Spalding Buys,"to look to other governmontd foraid whon the United States shallhave refused or failed to tako thomatter up, nnd this Governmentshall consent with such othorgovernments.' ("Phis observationis meaningless except fur its refer-ence to tho United States, whichboing left out makes tho authorsay, "It will bo timo enough tolook to othor governments for aidwhon this Governmont shall con-sent with such other govern-ments.'')

In concluding Ool. Spaldingsays, "It is perhaps unnecessaryto eay that no political or extran-eous questions enter into tho pro-ject." He adds that the coat oftho systoms and working capitalwill requiro more than four mil-lion dollars, and: "As a businessproposition it is quito plain thatthe work should bo done and themoney bo raised in tho cheapestmarkets. But I am prepared toaccept offers from any part of theworld based upon conditions ofequnlity. The main point in viewis to establish cable communica-tion between Hawaii and thooutpr world upon favorable tormBwith the least possiblo delay.

m m

For Selling Nwlpaa.Tho raid on tho Stephons'

placo in Kawaiahno lano yostor-dii- y

afternoon brought to lightthroo domijohna of swipes, a bot-

tle of gin and a bottle of wine,togothor with a half pound tin ofopium. Stephens and wife witoarrest( d, as stated in yesterday'sBulletin, and admitted to bail in$350 and $250 rospectivoly. Lu-hop- a,

who resides in tho samolocality, wus arrested later in theevening for tho samo offense.

An exchange says a Chicagoolorgymnn hasbo'como rosponsiblofor tho morality of the bioyole.Ho likes it beoauso it is an enemyof railrcul corporations and liv-ery stab o koopors. As for theb cyclo oostumo, lot ladies wearwhat they please. This Chicagoclergyman ovidontly is not a hardman to got along with.

"290'' is tho number most fio-quen- tly

called over tho telephonewires. It rings up the UnitedCarriage Company's stand, whoroSuperior Hacks with safo andcourteous drivord, aro always tobo found. A complete liveryoutfit, including buggies and wag-gonettes, furnished at tho short-est notice

FITS CUREDFrom U. & Journal ifMedicine)

Prof. W.n.l'kc,who makes Bpeclftlt jot Epl!fpjr,Ins without doubt treated and cured more met timoanyllvlngrhynlclanthlaaucceaalaaitonlihlng. Wobavoheardorcaseaof20ycara'BtaudinKCuredbyhIm.He publiabeaavaluablowork on tint dlaease which boaenda with a large bottlo of hia abaolute cure, free toany auffererwhoroayaend their I'.O.andEiprennd-drei- a.

We advlta anyone wishing a cure to addrtii,ITof. W. U. l'KKE, ir..,i Cedar SU, New York.



eeeeeesseasjIK J2 rJ

"3 S

If8 8ti

E W fill's,fk J o rt --- ) S ffif HHIkw w H rf 5 tV M Ei! Sis "Sift

f C mmI (ft if

IK ' P0g-- m

aP" . 3 i s " W

i lfer(j)


403 Hotel street, Honolulu.47-t- f



C3-t- f 609 King St.



225 Queen streot, Honolulu, H. I.47-t- f


ei 3ECi3a.fr Street.G. J. WAMiEit, -- -. Manager.



Navv Contractors,THE

Hawaiian InVeginjent!

coMPA.isnrReal Estate Agents

Loans NegotiatedRecords Searched

Bills CollectedNotary Public and Accountant

Work promptly attended to.Office 13 and 15 Kaahumanu

streot.Tolophono G39. ju!4 tf

The . . .

Hawaiian ElectricCompany,

Has a largo assortment of

Chandeliers and Elec-trical Goods

Constantly on hand.

Estimates givon for house wir-ing and Electrical plants.

Marino Wiring a spooialty.

THEO. HOFFMANN,32-t- d Manager.

H. MY co.;Wholesale and Retail

GROCERS1)8 Fort Hlrcot, Honolulu

Teloiihonor V& P.O. Box 170iul tf

ED. C. ROWE,Houhc, HIku amiOnmmentiil . .

. . PAINTER . .Paper Hanger and Decorator.


Howe's Liquid Slating,C20 KIdr Street.

California Fruit Market.Corner King and Alnkca Streets.


BY EVERY STEAMERFrom San Francisco with

Fresh Fruits, Oysters, Salmon, Poultry,Etc., Etc., Etc.

Jose Do Espirito Santo,


Taro-Patc- h and Ukulele Guitars

Mado of Hawaiian Woods.


130 Fort Street Oppoiite Club Stables.51-t- f.


(Successor to Olios. JIammer,)

HARNESS MAKERKino and Fokt Stbeets,

Is prepared to manufacture nil kindsand grades of Ilnnd-mod- o Harness ntshort notice.

lOWEST OF PIUCES FOII CAHTI.All work gnnrnnteed to bo satisfactory

before leaving the shop. Mm


Hats., As light no feather and asdurablo

uBiron, mooniy proporiint for this Conn-tr- y

and tho only placo to buy ono is at thoNew lienilblin Rllilflitlrr nn Tf.nr BlMA(Tho price is reasonable, only S2.00. Comoi. uuu irjr ono un. u 11 18 not tllO llgUtCSt liatyou ever had, don't buy.

A. BAKNES.co--tf

Record, 2:15.Champion Hawaiian


aire nf Creole, 'JUAKnide,2:111; Apex, 2:ai; TrmiHlt,

Walker, JtBIUjWales, 2:2714; Clilco, 2.21;nnd of the iIiiiiib of llrllllun-tine- ,

2:17: Vigor, 2:2S





T. ICroxso( aPropt

l'cr l)ny. .8 2.00l'or Week... . lKJt'

Tho Rest of Attcndnnrc, the Rent UltiiavHon nnd the Finest Mcnls in this City

Clung jgpneclrclii' Go.

BA.NiErS.Honolulu, Hawaiian IfilaiwJfl



Principal Parts of the "Worldsand

Transact a Genera Banking,.business.

A K. Medhiuos. S. Dkckbk.

JVIedeiros $ Co,TAILORS',

Hotel Street, ArllngtoRBlock.

Tho cry of hard has reached ns al)fand realizing that man must Ira clothed, w

havo decided to

Reduce Dun pricey Foi The

Jlefc 3D Db

and wo oner suits trousers at prices thatwill bo within tho reach of evey body.' Wcarry a select stock of goods, and Kuarantaa perfect lit and Hrst class work. Thow whoreally desire to be dressed neatly and natty,and cannot afford to spend much money ontheir clothes will do well In calling oarstore before going elsewhere.

S. DEOKEE,Manager.

Beaver Saloon,J. NOLTE, Proprietor.

The Best Lunch in Towia

Tea and CoffeeAT ALIi nODRS.


Cigars and TobaccoALWAYS ON IIAND.


Record, 2:21 1-- 2.

rilLUKlluu. (Prudcn'i).


'FUXTAll.Hlruof2 In lUt nnd dams

of il trottens and 2 puetrs

, Fashion ....Dam l'rairlu nlrfl,"''ii

Iowa cmcr sis- - -Iro otjnwij-ellu-t


Tinblky Maid

Flaxtail Sij- - .Klro of Dan, iijv; Km-pe-

i t'Vi; damn ol C


I Da valuta- -


CREOLEIltUK llui.L 7S.

H rei)f lii'or(!i'towii,2:ir.' ,;Kcoll,2-17U- ; a:17;mid M otlu-r- Ijcxldes. Tl

aires of fio anil is dunia of 702:.'W ierforniera

U'jtAiitir. Ilinn, 2:2S (. . . ..Iluin of Klltslit, 2:2U; ilnni

of Fleet, dtUii; Bid Fleet,2:iCj;

fniru oi nuiwer, 2:2ii'Jj

Hiaht, 2:a'.l; Hliammelc fa,aul; and dams of MonroeI'rliieo. a:'J; Kalroic, a: 19;l'nmFroiill, a:j U; Itosc- -

Hit) hi, a:ali: tanta Hltn,Hid Fleet, jiao'f

Fleet a:lMi

- -- ....Dam of Entile,










linni i.is)Para of Awex, nj6i Hter-lin-

ulre of s In i;jo; ,

ilaiu pf s ." "jo; Oraee,d.ini of Cri'ole, i:is


Creole In tho earnest, fuBtost nnd best bred stallion that lias ever betin imiHirt-e- dinto tho Hawaiian Inlands Ho reduced his record of 2:20 tol!:18 in PctalumCnl., Augimt 24, 1891, distancing hit) whole Held in tho Hrst heat; then Benin to2:15 in Stockton, Cal., .September 2:1, 18'J4, winniiiL' the ilrst heat in 2:15, fourthheat in2:15, nnd ilfth heat in 21UJ, proving that ho is n romnrkably game as wellns a speedy race horso. ("Creolo by l'nmiptcr out of Graco by Buccaneer showsthat ho is capable a mark of 2:10 and In ono of tho gament itallions neonthis year, and besides being game, is ono of tho best formed, and remarkably

'Jlrteder and Sportsman, Sept. 25, J894 .) Ho is 1DJ lunula high and ofpowerful build throughout. His color is glossy black with ono whito hind foot.His disposition is all that could bo desired, nnd his action superb. Ho is a surefoal getter.

Terms $50, with usual return privilege. Will mnkc tho season nt the


fa,iZklJ.u.uLjL. . .,- -, L,i.A.mJWtMj()jg





Page 4: Evening Bulletin - University of Hawaiʻi1 no & & H. every I-H in-& CO., i tho is-Co. & &-& Co., &)-&: &---.-&. ' at & &-: &:: :-

I ; -






5 Eusplf BulletinWilli ulilcli I liMoriMii'iilcit Ihr



KUIDAY, - AUG. 1), 1805.


Elsowhcro uppoutH a compro-hoiiBi- vo

ubfltrnot of Colonel Spal-

ding's cablo proposals, wliioliwrro hcraldod as "tlio first prac-tical Bohemo" proscntcd to tlioGoTcrnmont. Tlio Govornmonthad bolter wait for n second, oravon a tonth "prnctical" Hohcmobeforo closing with this ono. itis without doubt tlio moat

of nny proposition Hinthas ovor boon proposed, in tlionature of public works, to anyGovernment of tlieso islands.There is not n pruatical proposi-tion in it, excopting conditionsfavoring tho acquisition of froshwealth to tho promotor from fran-chise jobbing. He has obtainedpraotical information, indeed, forwhich he will charge nothing. Ithas probably cost him little ornothing beyond cur faro from hishotel in London to tho oflico oftho greatest cable constructioncompany in tho world.

Colonel Spalding does not, oven

according to his own showing,roDrosent any company in exist-

ence which is prepared to con-

struct and oporato tho cable. Homerely says he has made condi-tional arrangements for gettingthe money, and hints that thomonoy is to bo had in England.At tho sumo time ho intends toorganize a company in tho UnitedStates to "control" tho cablobetween San Francisco and 'Ho-

nolulu, and a o inpany in Hono-

lulu to "control" tho inter-islan- d

cable. How can these companiesoxoroiso control unless thoy fur-

nish the money thomsolvos ? Thentho financial arrangements areconditional at best. And condi-

tional upon what? Anybodycould lay a cablo if ho woro to ro-coi-

a gift of the Pacific Ocoan,with all that floats on its surfacoand swims in its depths, and aJones lockod wiro fonco niouudtho whole pond. Colonel Spald-

ing wants $50,000, tho interest atfive peroont on ono-quurt- er of thewhole cost of tho cables and thowording capital added. Thatfrom this littlo country and anexclusive privilege of landingcables horo for twenty years bo-ido- s.

Then ho is going to gotall ho can from tho Unitod Statesin addition, but, although littloHawaii is to make infinitely thogreater sacrifices for tho enter-prise, in proportion to populutionand interests in tho cable, sho isnot offered evon a consulting voicein the negotiations for ratos ofttufBo. If tho United States con-

tributed a subsidy proportionedto populution with that askedIrom Hawaii, sho would pay notfar from forty million dollars a

year to tho project. This oalou'lulion will staud all allowancesand thon reduce Coloael Spald-

ing's proposition to au absurdity.It may bo admitted that thoUnited States may bo more

to communication withHawaii, than Hawaii can be tocommunication with that groatcountry. Yet tho Unitod States,exorcising as sho does a controlover theso islands, has agreater than a mero oommoroialinterest in tho proposod oablo.Sho possesses an additional in-

terest of no small inomont in thocable from tho fact that sho israpidly assuming tho position of afirutrato naval power. In view ofthese considerations tho United

fsm $ t ". ,,t,r,!,WllHVMNtNCl HUMiHTlN, AUOUBT I), 181)!,

yiitUn choilhl at lim'sl ho propuCti!lo pny a Hithftiily ot 41 76,000 n

yt'itr lo Hit nylMn. This wouldlemvo $2I5,000 to bo oniihibulodby Hawaii, both subsidies amount-

ing to live porcont interest on allthe capital required.

Colonol Hp.tldlug'n scheme in

stamped with immaturity amion its face, In that it

is Hubmitlod without ono inU ofintelligence as to what tlio UnitedStates in likely to do in tho matter. His request for n twoutyyears' cxcluslvo privilego for land-

ing cablos on thosn islands is thomost untenable proposition of all.

it ought not to bo entertained for

ono moment. With tho develop-ment of the Oriont and tho ex-

pansion of Australasian com-raorc- o,

it is probablo that half adozon cablos will be demanded toissuo from tho North AmericanCoast, across tho Pacific in differ-ent directions, long beforo ColonolSpalding's monopoly would oxpiro.Tlioso cablos would requiro waystations in this group, whichwould givo tho islands all thobenefit of competition. Bottor dowithout a oablo than pay this partof tho price askod by ColonolSpalding. His companies willhave ndvuntago enough, and timeto got solidly established in alucrative business, by being thofirst in oporation. Evon the sub-

sidy, whatever it might be, shouldnot bo grantod for so long a term.It should bo conditioned to coasowhen tho cables becomo g,

as thoy doubtless wouldin a few years. This Governmentwill hardly have to expond thonearly a thousand dollars a woekfor its own messages which Col-

onol Spalding allows it in returnfor nn equal subsidy. Tho ex-

clusive privilego would seem tobe scarcoly in tho intorost of thecable companies thomsolves. Itmight shut out a oablo from thoAustralasian Colonios whichwould increaso thoir own busi-

ness in a manifold degree nt abound.

Space at this timo will not per-

mit further roview of tho extraor-dinary propositions of ColonelSpalding. But, in case the Gov-

ernment ond Legislature are dis-posed to be procipitate, one moroobjection must bo stuted, and it isnot tho least one. The eighteenmonths' option for concludingtho contract, and tho threeyears' option for completingtho cable, involve tho indefinitepostponomont of cable com-

munication botwoon Hawaii andtho outsido world. Lot ColonolSpalding bring his "conditional"backers into competition with thowhole world of capital, under thenew Cablo Aot, unless the countryis to bo stigmatized as a republicof fools.

Protectionists of Now SouthWulos are using as an argumentagainst free trade the liability ofa dolugo of cheap goods fromJapan by the steamers tho Japan-ese Govornment is about to sub-sidize for the Australian trado.Labor loaders aro crying out inalarm at tho prospoot of hordes ofJapaneso laborers coming by thosamo steamers.

L. B. Kerr will receive by thoAustralia a new lim of Scotchginghams, whito and croamorepons and whito cotton duckfor ladies' and children's dresses.

Tliat Tlrd FeelingIs n dangerous condition directly duo to

depleted or impure blood. It should notbo ullowod to continue, as in its debilitythe system is especially liable to seriousattacks of illness. Hood's Sarsaparilla isthe roinedy for suoh a condition, und also(or that weakness which prevails at thechange ot season, climate or life.

fully prepared from tho best iugredlouts25o. 03-t- i

pmely Jopie5Most people make their wills

before they die, and some ofthem ate great curiosities intheir way. Among the manycurious fegc-ie- s made lately isthat of a Christiana man whodirects that his whole fortuneshall be expended in bicycles.A Norwegian newspaper whichdoes not give itsell up to thecomic element relates that aDutch lawyer, named Nikolson,bequeathed the whole of hisproperty to trustees, to be em-ployed m the purchase of bicy-cles for the use of children at-

tending school, while part ofthe money is to go towardspaying the teacher to train theboys in bicycle riding.

The validity of the will hasbeen disputed by the sons ofthe testator, who refuse to ac-

knowledge it, so that it is still aquestion of doubt whether thechildren will reap the benefitof the strange bequest. Thatthe testator was sincere enough,and that he recognized in thewheel untold blessings whichmight have escaped the ob-

servation of minds of lessacumen, the concluding portionof the will should go to prove.It says :--

I have always found a bi-

cycle capital protection againstthe importunity of thosepeople who persist in stoppingyou in your walk to spin a longvarn in the hot sun or in thebiting east wind. Ay machine,unlike a horse, nevershied once;and in my drives I have had noneed to intrust life and limbto the tender mercies of acoachman."

Now that lawyer had goodhard, solid sense and plenty ofit, in fact, a good deal more ofit than most lawyers are credit-ed with, and yet not more thanmany boys and girls in Hono-lulu have, for are there notmany of the latter who arespending their whole fortunesin purchasing a bicycle and thevare wise in spending theirmoney on something that willgive them their money's worthevery time.

The bicycle of the Khediveof Egypt is a gorgeous ma-chine, almost entirely coveredwith silver plating but if anyonewants a duplicate of it we canfurnish it, or if something"English you know" is wantedwe can supply similiar ma-chines to those used by thePrince of Wales' boys and girls,all of whom are expert riders.

But for common every daypeople like those who reside inParadise, we mean the Hawaii-an Paradise, the Monarch isthe machine to buy. It givesyou better value for the moneythan any other make, and wecan furnish it in any style andprice. We have received bythe Australia the largest con-signment of wheels ever broughtto the islands, and also acomplete line of extra fittings.If any portion of a Monarchwheel gets broken or out oforder we can replace it at amoment's notice at factoryprices.

Mr. T. V. King, who arrivedby the same steamer, will havecharge of the mechanical depart-ment of our bicycle business.His large experience in that lineenables us to guarantee satisfac-tion in all work entrusted tohim.

The Hawaiian Hardware Go. Ltd.

Oppoolt Hproelcels Slock,OO XTOSKV tBTSXIOBTJC.

TO rtffWB- -


?nflrT aPffw fj X w


Train will leave Honolulu nt HilSa.m , mid1:4ft p.m. lleturnlm? will arrive in HonoluluMii.'ii p.m. und A:.V p.m.

ROUND TRIP TICKETS:1st Class $1 752nd Class 1 25

F. C. Smith,58-t- f Gon'l rasa, and Ticket Agent.


""Estimates given on nilkinds of Stono, J3rick and Woodwork. King Btroet. 47-- tf

$5.00 Per Week.

THREE OR FOUR PEOPLE CAN BEwith excellent board In a

private rurally; apply at 84 Bcrctnnla trcct.C'J-t- t

O. R. & L. Co. BONDS.

PEOPLE HAVING O. R. & L. Co. BONDS.JT or shares lor snlo will please address

"CONFIDENTIAL"uu-- ai I'. O. Box. 308.

Notice.All those who hnvo tho privilege of a

lot in tho R . Cntholic graveyard arckindly invited to bo present at saidoraveyard next Tuesday, Aug. 13th, at10 o'clock A.M.C7-l- w F. VALENTIN.

To Let.

HOUSE of ton rooms, bath, eta, situatedPunchbowl street, between Falaco

Walk and Boretania street; also cottage insame blook.

Dn. J. S. McGREW,08-0- t Fort street.


ON ACCOUNT OF DEPAUTUItE, N SSachs requests all outstanding accounts

duo to be paid boloro August 15th. AUdue ami not piiil beforo that time

will handed for collection.N. S. SACHS.

03-l- August 6, 1895.

Money to Loan.

THE UNDERSIGNED 18 MtEPABEDto loan money in sums of ono thousandto flvo thousand dollars, on approved secur-ity at a reasonable rata of interest.

J. O. GARTER,Campbell's Block, 203 Merohant Btroet.M'lw Honolulu. August 1, 1805.


DUniNG MY ABSENCE ON KAUAIthe next two months all orders

for milk or wood from Walanae Ranch willhave the careful attention or Mr. Sculelsserwho will beat the ranch oillco to receivetelephone messages from 0:80 to 8 p. m. Allorders for cither milk or wood will bepromptly filled.

D. P. R. ISENBERG.C9--2w


WHEN you placo a mortgage on youryou want to see some wny of

paying off that inortgago and clearing yourMonthly payments in tho 1 B.

;L. Assu. not only pay your intorost butalso pay off your mortgage.

Oflico Hours: J :8 . m.

Chambor of Commerce Booms,A. V. GEAR,

C3-t- f Secretary,



Honolalu, Hawaiian Islands.

Transact a general Banking andBusiness. Loans mado on approved

soennty. Bdis disciuntod, Commercialoredlts grantod. Deposits received on cur-rent account Bubjoct to oheok.letters of credit issued on tho prinoipalcities of the world.

Agents of Tho Liverpool, London ondQlobo Insurance Company.

05-l- m

Money to Invest.

$20,000 Trust funds to inrestin bonds or stock of the OAHURAILWAY AND LAND CO.,bonds preferred. Purtios mean-ing businoss uddroos, giving low-o- st

cash prioe, J. W., BulletinOffice. G9-3- t

NOTICE.All miWHptioimfor tlio Jndii-Hivnu.- vr

Mill bPoniWml out faith-fully by Ihu atnalmiiiiatcd pnpor,TIioho who hnvo paid for bothpiipois in advance will bo c milt-ed in full according (o tho amount.1). Ii. Finney, buslnofiH Munnor, '




r I



SiC2 0

CD r-- H



CDr-- H









t I am now prepared to Move Faroitmoin bottor enapo than any other expze aconcorn in tho city, as I furro a WAirGliIlargo enough to inovo a whole hoasofqUot Furniture at ono load.

I havo tho latest PIANO MOVINGAPPARATUS and guarantee to movoPianos without soratehing, to nny part ottho city for 82.fO. I am a rustler and wdon t care who known it; om always tobo found at my Stand,

Cor, Nuuanu & King Stroots,Telophono 'JA5. 4

fUtSTl movo my Furnituro SO FASTthat it makes my competitors SWEATto evon look at mo.

Yours (or Business only,


iiMwiraiw - '"i" 4m afaav. vimuiitomwmi wmM'uy r 'n uti

Page 5: Evening Bulletin - University of Hawaiʻi1 no & & H. every I-H in-& CO., i tho is-Co. & &-& Co., &)-&: &---.-&. ' at & &-: &:: :-











B. S. Auftlrnllu n in port.

Many now rosldouoi-- ttro fiolngtip In nil pnrta of llio olty.

A lino two-roo- m cnUngo withImtli for root clicnp nt !2t) JJcrota-ni- rt


GOO Dozen Sockfl, just rcccivodnt Tracy's. $1.50 to $2.10 nordozen.

Tho f.unoim ."& AY7 (Enrl &"Wilson) Collnra uml Oulls in lat-of- lt

shapes nt Tracy's.

P. B. McStockor is roceiviiiRthe congratulations of his friondson tho udvont of n son.

Tlio now "Scientific Suspond-ors.- "

to woar thorn is to liko thorn.Got n pair from Molnerny.

Pacific Mail whnrf has boonfitted up with incandescent lightsand wharfinger Arohio Gil'fillnn ialiuppy.

Miss Helen Dnuvray and horBistor Mrs Keith woro entertainodat dinner last evening on boardtho Bennington.

This is Ladies Day at thoBoretania Street tonnis groundband a goodly numbor of tho fairsox aro taking ndvuntngo of it.

Soda Wator with pnro fruitsyrups drawn tram an Ico Coldfountain at tho Palaco Candyand confoctionory storo on Hotolstreet, tf

Tomorrow will positivoly bo tholust day of tho greatcredit auctionsale at H. Hackfold & Co's and auc-

tioneer Morgan will givo awaygoods at a bargain .

Ex 'Customs Inspector JohnCrowdar paid a visit to tho water-front today and renewod acquaint-ance with old frionds. John isnow an houost granger ovor atKoolau.

Ladies on tho other Islands cando their shopping by post byapplying to L. B. Kerr forsamples. They should embracothiB opportunity, and cot a singloyard nt wholesalo prices.

Tho Merchants' Kxcbango willrecaivo the usual consignment ofEnterpriso beer and Californiaoysters by tho Australia today,Tho boor is to drink you knowwhat tho oysters aro for cock-

tails. If you havo a thiret on,drop in and leave it with us.

Jim Dodd, tho veteran bonifacoand circus manager, will havo anextra supply of EutorpriBO beer onhand today after tho arrival oftho Australia today. It is alwayskept ice cold at tho Pantheon, cor-

ner Hotol and Fort streets, andjrou can get two long drinks for aquartor.

When you get a glass of Enter-prise boer at tho Pantheon yougot, as "tho ohap on the cornor"

it, "plonty of red and veryittlo white, all drink tor mo an'

no profit to dor house." See? Andtbo boor is kept in such excellentcondition that it is always ooldand fresh. Try it.

Charles McCarthy, tho deserved-ly popularmanagor of tho Criterionsaloon on Fort above Hotel street,will havo a fresh consignment,ofWiolnnd beor on draught today.Thero will also bo a supply of lus-

cious Califoania oysters, whiohwill be usod in making oyster30okt-il- s.

A nativo woman in Waipio

fuloh, Hamakua, Hawaii, gavolast week to four children.

oue of whioh diod. Tho womau4,130 died in giving birth to thefourth child. It has occasionedgreat exoitement among thenatives in the vicinity. Tho throechildren living aro healthy andgivo proiniso to bo robust.

m m

Ou the Walklkl Hood.Sovoral now houses are going

up on tho Waikiki road noar tholane running to John Ena's place.This tract of two acres and a halfwas recently purchased and outtip in building lots by Bruce War-ing & Co. This firm has done sowell with theso lots that theyhave been induced to purchaseten ooros adjoining, which willeobn be placod on tho market inthe Bbapo of building lots.


AnroMiNiiut a i.aiuji: Aimir.tui:laat nkiiit,

.MatiireMallnti ol' m Nlraiua Powerl'o.rll l) Dm MltUiMrBrgU

Wonder." A nollirr Performlire Tnuliitil.

An nudionco of about two hun-dro- d

and fifty pcoplo greeted thofirst npponrnnco in thiB oity of

Miss Anuio May Abbott, whosoontertuinment of Instnight must bo

soon to be fully apprcointod.Tho liltlo lady, who is a pro-

nounced brunotto, was dressed ina yellow gown with a baby waist,the arms boing bnro almost totho shoulders to show that nomechanical contrivances were con-

cealed about hor.Miss Abbott commenced hor

ontertainmont by giving a drumat-i- o

rooitation, aftor which Mr.Abbott told of tho discovery of

hor remarkable powers and thoefiorts mudo by distinguishedphysicians throughout tho worldto detormino thoir true natureHo thon asked the following gen-

tlemen to act as a committeo ofinvestigation and tako Boats ontho platform: Josoph Marsdnn,British Commissioner Hawos, J.B. Atherton, J. M. Oat, S. G.Wilder, W. E. Rowcll, SenatorNotloy, John Cassidy, Bov. SoronoBishop, G. 0. Ballantyno, Bep- -

Byoroft, Drs. Wood,orbort and Bodgors.For tho first tost Mr. Itowoll

was askod to hold a stout chairclose to his breast. MSbs Abbotttouched it and the boldor wasthrown baokwards and forwardsat will. Messrs. Cassidy, Mars-de- n

and Byoroft consecutivolyassisted Mr. Bowell but thoirofibrts woro of no avail. Byplacing tho opon palms of berhands against tho chair all theholders were swayed about invarious dirootions. To show thatno concealed contrivanco waB usedDr. Bodgors and Mr. Marsdonplaced thoir nanus on the chairwhiio Miss Abbott placod onofingpr of oach hand ovor themwith tho sumo lesult, whileneither of tho gentlemen foltany distinct prossuro.

Five members of tho committoocould not forco to tho ground abilliard cue on which Miss Abbottplaced her opon palms, noithorcould they disturb her equilibriumwhen she stood on ono heeland allowed tho same number ofmen to push against the cuo heldhorizontally against her oponpalmB.

The fun of tho ovening com-menced when the members of thocommitteo wero severally invitedto lift the lady from tho floor.She weighs 98 pounds and can belifted easily by anybody when inher normal state. Dr. Rodgertried it first and did so, but whenhe wus invited to make a secondattempt he couldn't make thyoung lady budge nn inoh. Rev.Soreno Bishop tried it noxt buthis exertions only mudo him rodin tho faco. Tho British Com-

missioner had no better bucooss,neithor could Mossrs. Atherton,llyoroft, Oat or Sam Wilder lofttho ludy from tho floor. Tho lat-

ter tried his best and would pro-bably have been trying yet ifsome ono in tho audionoo had notcalled out "Lot go."

After all tun memuors ol tliocommitteo had a chance to lifther separately except the Com-

missioner of Agriculture, who wasbarred in spite of his ovident wil-

lingness to try his host, four andthen six of the committoo woreinvited to lift hor from tho stagobut could not succeed.

Among other tests givon Messrs.Horbort and Ballantyno placedthoir hands against tho wall, MissAbbott thon placed her opon righthand ovor them with arm heldstraight ont. Senator Notloython stood behind the lady withhis hands on her sliouldor and bo-hi-

him wero ranged in singlofilo in a similar position ninemembers of tho committee. Thocombined pushing powor of thoten mon could not bond Mins

Abbott's arm, whilo tho gentle- -


inun wIiom liandh ivumo,, f w wHMl no pttu'iipl.bli prt'Hsiiro,Thioo ultoiiiptH Hern in (1m, thorecoil (if tho third being ho greatus to knock a guutiutuni) olfhischair in tho ntitur udgo of theutidiunco.

Tho young lady then Invitedmembers of tho oommittuo to sitdown whilo aha lifted them fromtho floor by simply touching thechair with hor open hands. Shethon plncod her open handsngiinqt tho hoads of sovoralgontlanion sitting on thochair and raised thorn sovoral in-

dies bodily, although they foltno preBuro. Sam Wildor againdistinguished himself in this por-formau-co

nnd tho British Com-misBio- nor

evidently liked it, al-

though it must havo boon a newHonsatiou for him to bu lifted oil' uchair nguinst his will.

Fivo mon woro pilod on a Btoutchair and Miss Abbott raisedchair and all by plaoiug hor handson it and afterwards ropoatod thetestholdiug an ogg botwoon thochair and each hand.

Sovoral hypnotic tests were thonf;iven and tho magnotic young

closed hor ontortainment bygoing into n cataleptic state andboing placod by Mr. Abbott acrossthe backs of two chairs. Whilolying rigid in this position thoPostmastor-Gener- al mounted nchair and stood on tho lady'sbody, in spite of the warning voicoof some lady in tho audience whocalled out "Oh, don't, Mortl"

Tho abovo and othor tosts willbo given again tonight, tho entor-tainm- ont

commencing at 8 o'olook.


between the rwldcnco of Paul Neumannon King itrvct and J.I. Dowsctt's, l'alatna, alady's broad gold hair comb. Leave at thisolllco and get roward. v


Have received their regular consignment of

ce HouseGood

gJgTVlaca your orders enrly:


Just Received.




Beaver Saloon.H. J. ITolte, Proprietor.

71-t- a

I M. C. i HAIL

Direction of Prank V. IIoc.

Next :-- Tuesday :-- Night,August t3th.

. the :

American ComedienneMISS


( WILL QIYE A )- -


ItEOITAL,assisted by local talout.

Full program will bo announced induo time.

Reserved seats will .bo ou solo atHobron't) Drug Storo on Saturday mora,lug. CO-- 0t

Remnant SaleIV Ow ill Pl'OIMJHH til.

N. S. S.CM Fori Sheet,


llcmnnnts of rlllko, Wiwl . I .

Drew Gooods, Waili Mat- - . .

erinlH, Whilo Own!, ... . .

AT HALFAll remnant marked with number of



-- F0-

Our ontiro stock of fino Miilinory at greatlymod hats at

HpMj r! vwuKtHled if rHS




To remind yon that we havo a 8owlng Machlno In which we place to much confidencethat wo will send It to you on trial freo for a week and If not satisfactory you may return Itat our expense.

We make this offer because we know our goods.Our Machine costs a trlllo Jnore wholesale and sells fora trifle more retail thanany other

Machine In tho world, but It Is worth Listen: It makes llo stllclio to the revolutionwhite others make but three and ono half. In other wordsyou do what Is three days' workson tho old style In two days with the "iitandanr'. If you aro tired or buy that is worthwhile. Paste thin In your bonnet.

The "Standanl" fuu both chain and tock ntltch.The gives a written guaranteo for five years. It doc every thine that can

bo done on a Sewing Machine, what more do you want?Sold on the Installment plan at Eastern prices. $10 discount for cash. For rent by

0. V. STUKDEVANT,Sole .A.g-en.t- .

Tol 991, Waring Blook, P. O. Lox, 462. Cor Fort nnd Por. Ste.

Jas. F. Morgan.



FurnitureWithout neserre.

On Monday, August 12, 1895,

At o'clock x. (.,

at the storo of 0. E. WILLIAMS & SON,on King street, I will sill to tho bighornbiddsr without reserve tho following arti-cles :

I Steinway Grand Piano,

I Fine Fisher Upright Piano,And Fiano Stools.

1 UPRIGHT SHOW CASEElegant Koa Book Case.

1 Sideboard Kefrig-erato- r,

JJed room Sotn, l'arlor Sts,"Wickor Chairs, Tables, HairMattresses, etc., Mirrors, Oilruintings, Water Colors, Up-


4 H.P. Horizontal Engine,ONE HORSE CART.

All to be Mold. No Reserve.

James F. Morgan,72-2- t Auctioneer.


Steam Engines, Sdoaii Millh, Bon,Kitfj,OOOLEIIS, IlION, UlUSS AND LEAD


Mnohinory of Every Description Mrnleto Order. Furtioular attention pnld toShlpR Blncksmitliiupr. Job Work

nt Short Notice.

Honolulu, II, I.





Whilo and llimvn Cottons,Blicotltifri, ThMo Linen, nnd

other odd and end. . . .

PRICE.yard and prico In plain figure.

Odd Week Only;1

reduced pices. Ladies and Children's trinn big sacrifice. 02-t- f




Y. M. C. .A.. Hall.

ANN I EMAY ABBOTTTho Little Klectrlo Magnet.

Th Greatest Phe-nomenon Since theChristian JECra

Two Hours-- OK-

Inexplicablo Mystery. Foodfor Thought.

Thursday and Friday Evenings'AUG. 8th a.nh Urn.


Amusing.What Is this mighty force that overcomes

physical strength and baffle the scientifioworld ?

Ono Prico $1.00; no extra chargo for re-

served scats at L J Levoy's. 67'tf


Baseball Association.ON SATDED AY, AUGUST lOrn,

AT 3:30 P. M.




Admission 25 Cts.7l-3- t




Page 6: Evening Bulletin - University of Hawaiʻi1 no & & H. every I-H in-& CO., i tho is-Co. & &-& Co., &)-&: &---.-&. ' at & &-: &:: :-





Importers of

White Brothers' Gcmont,

Corrugated Iron Hoofing,

Galvanized Water Pipe

Paints and Oils.


G. A C. Fine Flour,

Hay, Grain, and Groceries,

Hardware and Cutlery,

Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc., Eto.


Oldest Furniture and Under-taking Establishment mHonolulu.

Tel. 179.



Smith's Casli Stove.414 4:418 I' rout St.,CMf SAN FRANCISCO. CALthe n. n.

Insect Chaser.To save plants, flowers, treeB, etc, from

tho destruction of insects, you will do wellto communicate with tho undersigned as liomanufactures a Faro Vegetable Compoundfree of any poisonous substances; thorcfore,it doos not kill tho insects, but keeps thosame off tho plants, and will not injure thoplauta or froiU. "Hoses," "Grapes," etc,will not suffer nuy longer but grow healthyand pretty by tho use of tho Compound andto convinco tho public of ita nucevsj, I Bhallperform a trial order or application withoutcharge

Iiillhu street, near School.lG-t- f

J. J. Sullivan, J. Hucklxy,President Seo'v.

Faslion State Co.,!Houolnln, n. I.

BrouvAN & Bcokley, Man'g'rs.

FINEST EQUIPPED CARRIAGESin the City, with Competent and Care-

ful Drivors.

ggpTourists and others desirous of viow-xn- g

tho most ilesirablo p ints of inter-est in and about tho City will do

well to seouro one of ourCarriages.

GENTLE SADDLE HOUSES,For Ladles or Gontloincn, always on


Stand at tho Pantheon Stables,Cornor of Fort and Hotel Streets.

Tclefiionu:Hnw'n Hotel Stablos, 82.Pnnihoon Stables, 84,

Ml Fashion Stables, 118.


. I Iff

WVISKJNG liUM.Tli 0, !B00.

Gil Kino St.

Jewelry !

Our Stock of Spring Goodsis acknowledged by every-

body to be the finest on thoHonolulu market, and con-

sists of everything Usefuland Ornamental. Our pricesare moderate. Jewelry inspecial designs manufactur-ed to order on short notice.

jacobsenTpfeiffer.P. O. Bos 287. Fort Street.

Criterion SaloonFort near Hotel Street.

C. J. MoOArtTnY, -- -- Manager.

Popular Bra of Straight Goods


Try tho Great Appetizer:

Tho Brownie Coclctall!A Specialty with this Resort.

DEPOT op theFamous lVioIand Lugor Boor!

Wm. G. Irwin & Co.(limited).

Wm. G. Irwin, - President and ManagerClaus Spreckels, ... Vice-Preside- nt

W. M. GiJTard, - Secretary and TreasurerThoo. C. Porter, Auditor

Sugar FactorsAND

Commission Agents.AOENT8 OF THE



Nil Mlirri VMli.Two qtmrln of whisky Is n

protly trtir record for ft wonkwoman. Tlmt Ih tlio avorngoanprtaity of Mnrlou M. Dnvlfl, assworn to by nutneroun wIIuohbcb

who apponrod agrtlnst liar in uPhiladelphia pnlico court tliootlior day for Boouring board nndwhisky undor fnlso pretenses.Ono ninn testified that bIio drunktwo pints and a quart in ono nftor-nO'- n

and ovoning nnd maintainedthin avorngo during tho severaldays sho was at his houso,' await-ing remittances Irotn woalthyrolntiYea.

am m m.

llloomer Iliu.Mary had n lit t lo lamb,

It followed hor eaoh day,Till Mary put the bloomers on,

And then it ran away.LouisTlllo Times.

Tho longost unbroken atrotohof tolographio cablo in tho worldis tho ono which connects the Bodsea with India. Tho weight ofiron employed in its constructionwaB not feps than G 1,126,714pounds, whilo tho ooppor weigh-ed 674,704 pounds; 3590 knots wastho totul length of tho cable used.

Tho Entorpriso Dairy will soilmilk at .08o por quart providingyou tako G qts. or more. Uroninwill bo delivered twice each day.Tho Enterprise Dairy has somafine pasturo land for horses at $2.-0- 0

por month. 61 2r.G. R. Harrison, practical piano

and organ mo kor and tunor, canfurnish best factory references.Orders left at Hawaiian News Co.will recoive prompt attention. Allwork guaranteed to bo tho sameas dono in factory.

Notico Brown & Kuboy, whole-sal- o

and rotuil doalors in watohes,Clocks, Jowelry and Plated Goods,formerly of Tho Masonic Block,have takon tho store latoly occu-pied by Soharf's News Stand in thoArlington Block on Hotol St.

J. P. RODRIGUESMerchant Tailor.

Fort Street, old Masonic Building, noit toL. J. Levey's auction room.

Fine Goods and a Good FitGuaranteed.

tJmW Cleaning and Repairing dona infirst class style. 47-t-f

2JC(--- . iFy

dJiaMllttftaflil if

bV j3fc IwSbbbY

Cmrrio Or Xing

Save the ChildrenBy Purifying Their Blood

Hood's Sarsaparllla Make Purs- Blood, Ourea Scrofula, Eto.

"My experience with Hood's 8arsaparltla fcaibeen rery tfftctlv. Mr little girl, fir yearsold, had for tour years a bad skin disease. 11 eiarms and ltmbt would break out In a rests oltores, discharging yellow natter. Bhe wouldcratch the eruptions as thougn It gars relief

and tear open the sores.Two Bottle of Hood's

Ban aparlll caused the eruptions to heal andand the scabs pealed off, after which the sklobecame soft juiu smooth. As a family medietas


CURESwe belleTe Ilood's Sarsaparllla has no equal andI recommend It" W. L. Kino, Bluff Dale, Tex.

Hood's Pills are the best family eathartlo,patle and effective. Try box. 23 cent.

Hoforon Drug Co., L'd,Solo Agents for tho Ropublio of HawaiL




337 King St.Telephone GC2. 27-t- f.



Headparters Entemrise Brew cjTin

Largest Consignment of Boortbat ever arrived boro, now

on DraughtJ. DODD. Prop'r





-- A.NII-

. . . emdroioerIeo.

During this of the

Clearance SaleWo will mako a

of ... .



We imen largo assortment In all styles andwill sell the entire stock at a

Big- - ..... - . Sacrifice,

A largo lino of ItKMNANTS ofall Htylosandlongths will

bo disposed of







To any at lowost

A. P. COOKE,32-t- f. Agent.

Wretched !




This is the Medicine MakesPeoDle Well!

MRS. AUG.Monthose, Pa., Sept. 25, 185H.

VeI.L8, & Co.,

I was much ran down, had no appetito at all, was very nonrous, had no sleep night or day: tosum it all up, I was perfectly wretched. thanks to Paino's Celery Compound I can now cat and sloop andwork just as as I could before I was taken sick. When I taking, tho Compound I weighed 138pounds; note ueigh 158 pounds and do all the work for my family offne. I have the Compound to throofamilies nlready and they are very much pleased with it. I am now taking my fifth bottle, and would recommendit to nil who arc with trouble or nervous trouble.

Yours respectfully,MES. AUG.

Painc's -:- - Celery -:- - CompoundFOIt SALE THE

HOLLISTEit DRUGWholesale i;ciits for Islands.






j. j. mm.FQBT

n Co.



analyses, prices.




Gentlemen: voryBut

well commencedrecommended

sulTerlng' stomach



in l Hir milis 'iss-islfil- unit lllil'ffflislilttllllfll MrtrisW after- - I, A .. JLu - g..






Page 7: Evening Bulletin - University of Hawaiʻi1 no & & H. every I-H in-& CO., i tho is-Co. & &-& Co., &)-&: &---.-&. ' at & &-: &:: :-







.g-erLt-s fox


--Horafords AcidJ 0 Ayor Co. Perry Davis Pain KillerPhosphate. Follows Syrup of Hypophosphitcs.---irnmnni- na

Tnafnlfdci find Livor Oil Stearns Wino ot


Cod Liver Oil. Stearns Cascara Aromatic. HimalyaAsthma Remedy. Pink Pills for Palo People.Mothor Seigols Syrup Cummins Cough Cure. Polk-Mill- er

Dog Remedies. Eastman Kodak Co. E. & II.T. Anthony & Co., etc., otc.

We have the besT

FIf you will examine our Btock of


URNISHSING,You agree that for

Style, Quality and. IFxices- -

They Stand UnequalledIn Honolulu

TOur Goods recoivod by vessels just from tho Coast aro artistio

the minutest uetan.



Telephone C45.


New Goods! New Goods! New Goods!


All Delicacies in Our Line.

A complete line of staplo and fauoy groceries, as low as tho lowest.Island orders solioited.

LEWIS & CO.,Tolophono No. 210.


P. O. Box 297

New Furniture!New Furniture... A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF . . .

Top Roll and Other Office DesksWhich we are soiling at prices unheard of

in Honolulu.


WWPP pwwiw'"PUPS



ntomiAiu or niUMriA,

Ollllllirit lif of llm tintttnllan mm lug AmocUUoii.

Thrro wnfl n mooting of tho Ha-

waiian llotvlng Association nt tlioMyrllo Boat Club's Iioiiho lustnight. A. Q. M. Bobortson, president, and Qoorgo Smithies, sco-rota- ry,

woro in tliolr rcspootivoilaces. Tlio presidont, W. 0.?nrl(o and W. "Wright roprosontcd

tho Myrtlo Boat Olub; J. A. Low,S. E. P. Taylor and A. V. Gear,tho Hoalani Yacht and Boat Club,and tho soorotury.U. A. Molnornyand L. do L. "Ward, tho LoilaniBoat Olub.

Tho following skoloton ot aprogram for tho regatta on Sept-ember 21 was prepared. A com-mitt- oo

consisting of "W. 0. Parko,J. A. Low and L. do L. Ward willgo to Poarl City to lay outcourses, mcanuro UiBtanaeB, otc:

1. Four oared sonior cham-pionsli- ip

race. Prize cup by Row-

ing Association, valued at $100.Cup to bo won three times boforobecoming property of olub ororow. Length of courso to bethreo milos stiaightaway if such aoourso can bo laid out at PoarlHarbor.

2. Four-oare- d junior raco, foroup prizo by Rowing Associationwithout conditions. Longth ofcourso undocided.

8. Single scull, one mile, opento mombors of clubs and outsiders.Cash prizo.

4. Six-oare- d bargo, Blidingsoat. Froshman orow. Open


only to olubs in Association. Cashprizo.

5. Six-oar- stationary soat.Froo for all. Cash prizo.

Entrance foes for boats Seniorchampionship raoe, SIC; junior,$10; single scull, $5; six-oar-

bargo, sliding seat, $10; six-oar- ed

barge, stationary soat, $12. En-tri- os

are to be mado with tho secre-

tary on or before Soptembor 19.In view of tho fact that there

are to be fivo raoos, two of whicharo t bo freo for all, the Asso-

ciation untioipatos a largerattendance than over had at anyraces in tbo past.

City Oarriago Co., J. S. And-rad- o,

manager. It you want ahack with good horso and caro-f- ul

drivor ring up 'l'elophono 118,corner of Fort and Merchantstreets. Hack at ull hours.

Blood Diseases,"When tho blood is diseasod and

tho systom Aniomic or Scrofulous,it carries sickness throught thowholo body, for tho current ofhuman life is in tho blood. Thisproves how necessary it is to havopure rich bluod, because an

condition of it bringson Fovers, Malaria, Bhoumatism,Bowol Complaints, Lung Scrofula,Goneral Dobility, etc.


porfooted and tastoloss, of CodLiver Oil with Compound Syrupof Hypophosphitos, Extraots ofMalt and "Wild Cherry Bark,resists tho attacks of all disoasogorms in tho blood, is highlyrocommondod as tho host modorntreatment to oloar your systemand to bring baok robust hoalthand strength, is really a familymodioine ohest.


05-- tf Agents.

r. O. JONES.

The Hawaiian



A Fow Sbarea of

Pala Sutrnr Stock.



Hawaiian Sugur Co. Stock.ALSO

Hawaiian Government and 1stMorternpo Sugar Planta-

tion .Bonds.C3P For particulars apply to

Tho Hawaiian Snfo DopoBit &Investment Company,

iOt ITort Street ... Honolulu







Ckas. Hustace,Lincoln Blook, King stroet. - Tolophono 119.

Don't Make a Mistake!The oldest, best and cheapest furniture store

in the city was established by tho veteran furniture dealer and undertaker, Mr. C. E. Williams,in 1859, and is now conducted by him and hisoldest son Ed. A. Williams nt Gil Kinir St.Wo wish to notify our patrons and tho publicgenerally that wo have no connection whateverwith any other furniture and undertaking estab-lishment in Honolulu.

C. E. WilliamsTel. 179. : :

44toW04&W4W&4444Ed". A. Williams,

Gil Kino St.


Whon poople walk into tho CITY FURNITURESTORE at tho corner of Fort and Beretania streets and askfor Mr. H. H. Williams, they make no mistake.

They know where they can got tho best value fbr theirmoney and a good variety to select from.

C. E. WILLIAMS having sold his entirk interest in thoFurniture and Undertaking Business to Mrs. Ed. A. Williamson the 17th day of June, A. D. 1895, and having left thecountry, his second son, HENRY H WILLIAMS, now bo-com- es

tho oldest experienced FURNITURE DEALERAND UNDERTAKER in Honolulu.

MR. H. H. WILLIAMS entered tho employ of his fatherabout twenty-fiv- e years ago, since which time ho has made acontinuous study of tho Furniture and Undertaking Business.Ho graduated from Dr. S. Rodgers' Perfect EmbalmingSchool in 1890, since which time he has made a success ofthat branch of tho business'.

He does not advertise the oldest nor largest stock of Fur-niture in town, nor does ho covot all tho trado in town.

Ho only asks for his share, and from appearances he isgetting it, consequently he is satisfied.

Ho recoives now goods every month and fills orderpromptly.

EOffioe Telephone 846. Residence and Night Call 849

5G-t- f.

H. H. WILLIAMS, Manager.

Waring Block, Corner Fort and Beretania Streets,


Just Look: at the Mistakes.When people order by telephone of another Furniture Store

and then walk into C. E. WILLIAMS & SONS Store andask why the goods are not dolivered on timo thoy makeamistake. When a lady telephones to tho storo of C. E.Wil-liam-s

& Son to come and tnko back a piano that was sent toher by another furniture man she makes a mistake.

It is a Mistake to think that C. E. WILLIAMS has lofttho country without a return ticket.

It was a Mistake to try to stop him from going.

It is a Mistake to imagine that ho will not return with astock of goods, with prices that will mako tho public happy andparalyze some folks.

It is a Mistake if Clark's school of embalming from whichMr. ED. A. WILLIAMS graduated last year is not the beston Earth,

It is a Mistake if you think we do not covot all tho tradoin town; we do 1 We would hke tho Earth and Neckor Islandthrown in.

It is a Mistake if you think (all insinuations to the contra-

ry) that wo do not still remain, Yours as over,


C. E. Williams : : : : : : : : : Ed. A. Williamb.Gil King St. Tel. 179. Res. and Night Tel. 815. G04tY

No 74 King: Street, Honolulu, II, I.

fcln - jjtar ..uJm. Vti rUtV-4k- ! .Ka. '.! , v i)m mi, ,vukiCli --tv- .vmi ij&i3$U$j1lWiiiUt 4iialEi WMt '(t, ,'y.

Page 8: Evening Bulletin - University of Hawaiʻi1 no & & H. every I-H in-& CO., i tho is-Co. & &-& Co., &)-&: &---.-&. ' at & &-: &:: :-

i- -


1- -





Illdor'8 Steamship Go.


Stmr. KINAU,OLABKB, Osamnltr,

WHJ Imt Honolulu lit a r. k.. toaehlDCttXaImIxm. Uultu Cat - Makeas tht

m 4y ; Mhnkonn, JUwnlhne MidUm following day, arriving at

Mil tk tarn svonlnj.


Krldav. Aug. 10 Tnesuny Auir. 13

Tuesday Anjt. !27 Friday. ...Aug. 23

Friday Sept. 0 Tuw4ny....Eept. 3Tuesday 8ejt. ! ' Kriilny Pept. 13

Fridav Bept.i!7 Tuesday.... Bent. 21Tuesday Oct. H Friday Oo. 4

Friday Oct.iO Tusdav Oct, 15Tues(fay Oct. 'SI 1 Friday Oot.2Friday Nov. t I'luebday ....Nov. 6Tuesday No. II) Friday Nov. ISFriday No, ai ...Nov. 2TaMday Dec, 10 ...Doc. 0Friday Dec. SO ITuKlay

. . Dec. 17. . .Dec. 27

JUtarxUujti will ivu llllo at 1 o'clockr. M., touching at Laupahoehoe, Mhn-fcea- a

and Kawilha someday; Makana,Haalaea Bay and Lahalna the followinglay; arriving at Honolulu the afternoonsa Tuesdays and Friday.

am No Freight will ba rooalved alUrU noon on day of tailing.

Stmr. CLATJDINE,0AMEB0N. Cosmuiox,

Will Uava Honolulu Tuesdays at 6 r. u.,Woohinp at Kahulul. 'Hana, Hamoa andTUpahnlu, Maul. Returning arrive! at

noluln Sunday mornings.Will call at Nuu, Kaupo, on second trip

of each month.am-- No Freight will be received after

i t. k. on day of sailing.

This Company will reserves the right tomake changed in the time of departuie andarrival of its steamers without notice andH will not be retponiible for any oiinse-.uenc- es

arising therefrom.Consignees must be t the Landings to

receive their Freight; this Company willot hold itaftlf responsible fur freight after

it baa beon landed.Live Stock only at owner's risk.This Company will not be responsible for

Money or Valunblcs of passengers unlessplaced in the care of Pursers.

Passengers ara requested to purohatttlaketa btfore embarking. Those failing todo so will be subject to au additionalcharge of twenty-fiv- e per cent.

Oceanic mm Go.


S. S. AUSTRALIA.Arriro Honolulu Lcnvo Honolulu

from S. F. for S. F.Aug. 9 An j. 14Sept. 2 Scpt.7Sept. SO Oct. 2Oct. 21 Oct. 27Nov.15 Nov.20

THROUGH LINEFrom San Francisco From Sydney for

for Sydney. San Francisco.

Arrive Honolulu. Leave Honolulu.

Mariposa. .Aug. 20 J Monowai. ..Aug. 22Monowni. .Sept. 2G I Alnmeda. ..Sopt. 19Alameda. ...Oct. 21 Mariposa. . .Oct. 17

nr iwt mn TiniTV I .111 I' IVita.ru iu imi un,


On about AUGUST 8rn., the AlBtcimbliip

" ASLOUNWill lenvo Honolulu for Yokohnmn. For

possago and freight rates apply to

Theo. H.Davies, & Co. Ltd.CO--tf Agents.

Glow Night Lamp!

It is nn established fnct that tharo hasnovor been a night lamp on the mnrket thatwoj. odorless, and most of the night lampsthat are sold y ulmolutely poison thenlr in a closo room. In plrfinR the GlowLa Mr upon the market wo chiim to havothe night lump thnt positively ouiitH noodor when in operation, and is tlio onlynight lamp that should over be used wbonit is necostmry to burn a light nil night, anfor iustnnco in the nursery or eioU-roo-

It is a miuiature gathoiiMj, gasometer orcombined, automatically mak-

ing and consuming its own gas which, inthe ordinary night lamp, escaped withoutbeing consumed, filling the room with apoisonous vapor, which, to put it mildly, isextremely injurious.

Tho Oi.ow La Mi1 is constructed onscientific; principles, and is without questionthe simplest, cleanest, neatest, and cheap-est night lamp in tho market; and coinbln-edlwit- h

its hygir.nia cpialilies, should com-mend itself to popular favor at oncu. Onepint of kerosoue, at a cost of about oneoent, will givo a puie, healthy, clcaulightfor two hundred or muro fours; i. e,,twenty ten-hou- r nights.

It will give tho gioatost satisfuotion inthe sick-roo- nursery, bed-roo- darkcornors of closots, und is irnamental aswell as useful.

Tlie NewnCompany.70-t- f


tiiv hti:ami:hs kaiai and wai- -

ai,i:ai.i: in pout.

Tlie VhcIiI Nprn) M) otcrloiinl)- - I.cntclnrtNlrniiicr W. U, Halt Arrive

Oilier Waterfront Item,

Dull day on the wharf front.

The Mcamcr Kauai arrived Irom Makawcllthis inetiiliic with three passengers.

Tho aleamer Jas Makce led last evening forKapas, Knual, to return on Sunday moruliig.

The tern 0 M Kellogg ramo oil the marinerailway, anil thu bark Ceylon took that berththis afternoon.

The strainer V (I Hall arrived In from lee-

ward Hawaii this afternoon. She leaves againon next Tuesday morning.

The steamer J A Cummins brought u loadof rice from Koolau plantation this morningand lea Immediately for Kahulu with a loadofpnddy.

The smoke stack ol thu steam yacht AnnloIs In plllkln, having liccn knocked out ofliapo by a collision llh another vessel thin

morning.There will be no Insects hovering around

tho steamer Iualanl when the repairs alio Is

at present undergoing are completed. It Is

Intended to make her a first class vessel Inevery respect.

Tbeyacht Spray with Captain Taddy Cur-

tis and four men on board sailed out of thuharbor this morning bound for Aole-hl- kl. Asharp watch will doubtless be kept on thisdauntless craft when oho tries to enter thechannel on her return.

The resumption of trade between Honoluluand Portland which the new line Inauguratedby the steamship Asloun may bring, remindsome of the old time merchants and skippersef the days when those fast cllppcrs,tho JaneA Falkenbcrg and Mattle Maclcay used to plyregularly with full cargoes both ways betweenthese ports.


Stmr Walaleale, Gregory, from Honokaa.Stmr J A Cummins, Ncllson, from Koolau.Stmr Kauai, Smythe, from Kauai.Stmr YV Q Hall, Slracrson, from Hawaii

and Maui.0 8 8 Australia, Houdlette, from Ban Fran-

cisco.Stmr Keaubou, Thompson, from Itotin-maul- u,



Stmr J A Cummins, Ncllson, for Kahulu.Yacht Spray, Paddy, for Aole-hl- kl.


Am bk Ceylon, Calhoun, for Pugct SoundSaturday, Aug 10, at noon.

Stmr W. (S. Hall, Slmcrson, for Hawaiiand Maul, Tuesday, Aug 13, at 10 a m.


From Kauai, per stmr Kauai Rev V Boycr,L McCandlcss, T II Gibson.


Ex J A Cummlnt500 bags rice.Ex Walaleale 27 bead cattle, Metropolitan

Meat Co, 33 bdl hides, McChCBnoy & SoIb.



U 8 8 Qenulngton, l'lsmun, Mare Island.MEItClUNTMr.N.

(Coasters not Included In this list.)Schr Olga, Epson, 8 F, (Mahukona)Am schr O M Kellogg, S FAm bk 8 O Allen, Thomp? on, 8 FHaw bk Mauna Ala, Smith, Nun castle.Am bk Ceylon, Calhoun, S FAm bdir Volant, Sherrntt, PtGamble(Hilo)Ilr bark Velocity, Martin, Hongkom;Ucrbk Martha llockhahii, Mclucke.Llvurpool


Am bk Edward May....Uoston : .DueAm bchr Anna 3 F (Kahulul DueAm bktne Archer S F DaeAm bktnSNCastlo .... " Duollr stmr Asloun Portland DueAm bk Annie Johnson.. 8 F (llllo) Aug inAm bktn Retriever..... Pt Gamble.... Aug US

Am sch Transit Pet 8ound(nilo)AugS5llr sh John MeLcod. . . .Newcastlo Bcpt 1Am sch Esther Ruhne.. Eureka Sept 15Am bk Amy Turner... .New York.... Sept 15HrbkSt Jullcn Newcastle.... Sept 25llr bk Onyx Newcastle. ...Sept 30llr bk City of Adelaide. Newcastle 8ept30Gcr bk J C Plluuger Hremen Oct 1

Ilr bk Aldergrove Liverpool Oct 1Gcrshtp Mario llackfeld. Liverpool Oct 2Am shr Klrg Cyrus. ...Newcastle Oct 15fler sh II Harkfeld NY Oct 15


In this city, Aug. 8, 1895, to the wile or CuptJ II Nje, a son.

Miss Abbott's perfortuiinoa atthoY. M. C. A. Hall toniglitcom-muno- es

ttt 8 o'clock.

Low is k Co. have received thoirusual consignment of ico-hou- se

goods by the Australia.

FroBh frozen oystors by theAustralia, sorvod in nny stylout tho Boavur lunch saloon.

J. McDonald, stableman for Wil-dor&O-

hud a ruuuway iicoldeutlast night but escaped with a fewbruieo'.

Tho r W. O. Hull Is oomUK '"t" port.

Tho tiTnT"ori!iiTVooihvnr(l In

still on boforo .luduo Whitingami a nutivo jury. Aflor rccosetho o mpl lining witness was onthu stiiiiil.

UBorvod soittB for the UolonDnuvrny (Irnmatio rocitnl on Tuos-iln- y

ovoning will bo on nlo In thomorning at 9 o'clock at tho Ho-bro- n

Drug Company's storo.

Full assortment of sizes inJnegi-r'- s Sanitary Voolen UntlorWour for Mon nntl Womon at vorylow prices at Tracy's.

HiiviiiR used Chntnborlaiu'sCough lteroedy in my family andfound it tobea first-clas- s articlo, 1

tako plonsuro in rocommondingit to my frif nds. J. T. Fostor,Wcstport. Cnl. For sale by oildealers. Bonbon, Smith & Co.,Agouts Hawaiian Islnnds.

z 111

Yale'sLa Precklais Mine. Yale's infallible euro of Freckles,Tan and Sunburn. It is the only remedyover compounded that will remove frecklescompletely and Burely.

The fairer and more delicate tho Bkin,the nioro likely it is to Jreoklo and thowonio it will look after it is freckled.

Thouaands of women, otherwise beautiful,are disfigured by these unsightly, brownblotcheB. Nothing will hide them. Thoyare a source of misery, but they can bo cured .La Frcckla is the death-warra- to freckles.

The preparation ot Ln Frcckla la onb ofMine. Yulo's greatest achiovomonts.Thero are many imitations, some of themvory dnugorous and hurtful to tho skinjnono of them really effective For safetyand certainty, insist always on getting thegenuine and original La Freckla.

Price SI at drug storeo, or by mall.MME. M. YALE. Health and BeautySpecialist, 140 Stto St., Chicago. BeautyGuide, mailed free.

HOBHON DHDQ CO.,Wholesalo Agents.



In tho matter of the Estato of GustavTurloy, late of Honolulu, Oahu, (locoased.

On Beading and Filing the Petition andnotoants of II. It. Macfarlane. Administra-tor of tho Estato of Gustav Turley, lato ofHonolulu Oahu. deceased, wherein he asksto le allowed SU2.-10- , and charges himselfwith $5-1- 40, and asks that the samo maybo exiimiiifd und approved, and that a finaloidcr may bo mario of distribution of thopro, evty remaining in his hands to the per-sons thereto entitled, and dibchurgiug himnud his hurftics from all further responsi-bility us such Administrator;

II is Ordered, tlint. Wnm tlm "fill,of August A. D. 1805, at ten o'olockA. m.,at Chambers, in tho Court House, at Ho-nolulu, bo and tho same hereby is appoint-ed as tho time aud place for hearing saidPetition uud Accounts, and that all personsinterested may then and thero appear andshow cause, if any they havo, why ihe sameshould not ba granted.

Dated at Honolulu, H. I., this 25th dayof July A. D. 181),--


By tho Court.GEORGE LUCAS.

C0-- lw Clerk.

IHn BUILDING BUBNED RECENTLY" in Jlilwoukeo, without Insurance,becaiibe a clerk FORGOT to rouow certainpolicies promptly as Instructed.

"Ho was discharged.

"A few days lutor, the ownor died withoutinsurance on his lifo, leaving a widow andthreo young children in poverty, becausoho had NEGLECTED to insure. As procrast-ination is more culpablo than forgetfuluessperhaps tho owner is having his punish-ment NOW.

"MORAL 1 Consultation and ofllco treat-ment free. Special attention glvon to


The Equitable Life Assurance Society

of the United States.

Bruce Cartwright,General Manager for tho Hawaiian Islands!

GU-t- f

Canadian-Australia- n

Jdk,Btrnmcra of tho nbovo Lino rmniitig in connection with tho

CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAYBotwccn Vancouver, U. O., nml Sydney, N. H. W., mid cnlling nt Victorln. 1). O

Honolulu and Suva (Fiji),


On or nbout tho dates below stated, viz.:

From Sydney nml Huvn, for Victoria nmlVnne inner. II. Ci

Stmr "Mlo era," August 31Stmr "Wnrrimoo" October 2

Through Tickets Issued from Honolulu to Cuiiudii,United States und Europe.


D. MoNicolij, Montreal, Canadn.Sn Kehii, Winnipeg, Canada.

M. M. Htkhn, San Francisco, Cnl.G. Mali. Hiiown, Vnnconvcr, H. O.

Oceanic SteamsMp Co.

Australian Mail Service.

For San Francisco:The New nnd Fine Al Steol Stcnmship

"Monowai"Of tho Oceanic Steamship Company willbo duo nt Honolulu from Sydney nndAuckland on or about

August 22nd,And will loavo for the nbovo port withMails nnd Passengers on or about that-date- .

For Sydney and Auckland:The Now and Fino Al Steol Steamship

"Mariposa"Of tho Oceanio Steamship Company willbo due at Honolulu from San Franciscoon or about

August 29th,And will have prompt despatoh withMails and Pnssengors for tho abovo ports.

Tho undersigned nro now preparedto issue

Through Tickets to All Pointsin tho United States.

2TFor further particulars regardingFreight or Passago apply to

WM. G. IRWIN & CO., L'd,I'M General Agents.


tW.rvlNG5T.M-t- f.



Tho undurslcned liavhur nurchascd thoManufacture and uso of the PEERLESSmo i.uiiuuuu laiuims, uuiiru id can mesuperiority of this Paint for the purposo ofJtndgei, 1 osls, etc., against rust, corrosion,tho 1 eerless Preserving Taint has been foundany other lillnt. nnd we auaraulet n' in77ed of a body whim annlied in which thnrn

GO-- tf.

H. Malinger.

Steamship Line

Prom Victorln nml Vnneiiuver, II. C toHutn nud Sydney!

Stmr "Wnrrimoo" August 21Stmr "Miowern" Sept. 2--t

t3T For Freight rind Fassago and all.General Information, apply to

THEO. H. DAVIES & CO., L'dAgents for UioHnwniinn Islands.

Facinc Mail Steamship Co.


Occiflental & Oriental Steamship Co..


Steamers of tho nbovo Companies willcall at Honolulu on thoir way to thoabove ports on or about tho following?dates:

Stmr City of Poking. . . Aug. 10, 1895Stmr Coptic Sept. 19, 1895Stmr China Oct. 29, 1895Stmr Coptio Nov. 28, 1895Stmr City of Peking Dec. 28, 1895


Steamers of tho nbovo Companies willcall at Honolulu on their way fromHongkong nnd Yokohama to tho aboveport on or about tho following dates:

Stmr Belgio Aug. 9, 1895Stmr City of Kio do Janeiro

Sept.C, 1895Stmr China. October 0, 1895Stmr Coptio Nov. 0, 1895Stmr City of Peking. . . .Deo. 6, 1895Stmr Coptic Jnn. 15, 1890Stmr China Fob. 21, 1890

Rates of Passage are as follows:TO TOKO-- TO HONCJ-IIAM- A.


Cabin S150.00 317C.0OCabin, round trip, 4.

months 225.00 262.50-Cabin, round trip, 12

months 2C2.50 810.25Europoon Steerage. . . . 85.00 100.00

ESTPassengors paying full faro will boallowed 10 percent off return faro if re-turning 'within twclvo months.

C3fFor Freight and Possago apply to-

H. HACKFELD & CO.,l-- tf . Agents.

CoBSOliiatei Sofia Water Co., L'i

Corner Allen & Fort Sts., Honolulu.




uxcluslvu riirM. Jltln nml ii,irUU( tnr !,

PAINT in and for

nn Ott CnmiTP A-- t?ir Un-- a


oi tlie ....Peepless Preserving; Paint

80S Merchant St.



PRESERVINGHiiciuion or owners ot llutlulngs to thoPreserving Shingles, Metals, Iron, Steel,

decay and leakage, Onu generous cout ofeqnnl if not superior to three coats of

tint si,ih rmol- - ..... It l.oi.... .,., !.

TIVE SUBSTANCE. In using this Paint upon a shinclo ro5f its FIRE-PROOF qualities nro ono of tho chU-- f advantages, as it renders tho roof imper-vious to sparks wh'ch may fall upon it in tho dryest season without tho slightestinjurious effects. Tho main features which tho PEERLESS PRESERVINGPAINT pliers for its use upon roofs aro its thorough resistance to any action ofint or coW, and its wondorful PRESERVING qualities which fully prevent

iuiyt action from either RUST OR DECAYoaro prepared to execute and carry out special contracts for tho applicationof the PEERLESS PRESERVING PAINT on any of tho Islands. All con-tracts undertaken by us will bo fully GUARANTEED Our prices for this classof work nro extremely moderato, nnd roofs to which f'aint is applied by us nroguaranteed against leaks, cracks, scales or runs for a period of years, esttmutcd up-on tho ago of tho roof when tho work is performed.

Examinations made and estimates given in all work free of charge, and refer-ences given by application at our office.