Evangelizing and Catechizing the 'Net' Generation -Notes (November 2014)

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  • 8/10/2019 Evangelizing and Catechizing the 'Net' Generation -Notes (November 2014)


    Evangelizing and Catechizing the Net GenerationIndiana Conference for Catechetical LeadershipNovember 3, 201

    I! "#pening $ra%er

    Lord,po&r o&t on &s the spirit of &nderstanding, tr&th, and

    peace'(elp &s to strive )ith all o&r heartsto *no) )hat is pleasing to %o&,and )hen )e *no) %o&r )ill

    ma*e &s determined to do it'+hro&gh o&r Lord es&s Christ, %o&r -on,)ho lives and reigns )ith %o& in the &nit% of the

    (ol% -pirit,one God for ever and ever'.men'

    II! "Introd&ction

    a. onathan /' -&llivani' irector of Catechetical inistries

    ii' $ast Chair NCCL +echnolog% Committeeiii' #ver ten %ears of eperience in internet

    b. "#vervie) of #&tlinei' efine )hat )e mean b% the Net Generation4

    ii' ispel a fe) m%ths abo&t online %o&thiii' (o) do the% learn5

    iv' . fe) s&ggestions for &sing ne) media inevangelization and catechesis

    c.. 6&ic* )ordi' /oc&s of toda% )ill be on principles

    1' +here is no proven strateg%4 for digitaled&cation or catechesis

    November 3, 201 7 Indiana Conference for Catechetical Leadershiponathan /' -&llivan

  • 8/10/2019 Evangelizing and Catechizing the 'Net' Generation -Notes (November 2014)


    2' 8e9re all ma*ing this &p as )e go along:3' +hat having been said I )ill offer some

    concrete s&ggestions based on the principleso&tlined toda%

    ii' 8ill be an opport&nit% to as* 6&estionsiii' /ootnotes and s&ggestions for additional reading

    are available on m% )eb siteIII! "-etting the -tage; Confraternit% G&ide

  • 8/10/2019 Evangelizing and Catechizing the 'Net' Generation -Notes (November 2014)


    ii' @0B sa% the% often &se different technologies atthe same time

    iii' ?FB sa% the% love ho) technolog% connects themto other people

    d. Contrast ) older ad&ltsi' oesn9t mean technologicall% illiterate e'g' fatherH

    inHla)!ii' oes mean that it isn9t their defa&lt setting4

    iii' Not ingrained in their conscio&sness in the same)a% it is for net generation

    =! "Common %ths ohn $alfre% and rs Gasser!a.Jo&th are )asting time online'

    i' Common complaint; spending too m&ch time infront of a screen:4ii' A&t not all screens are created e6&al

    1' boo* is a t%pe of screen42' television K ver% passive3' comp&ter K interactivit%, creativit%

    iii' Jo&ng people are1' learning2' gaining s*ills

    a' designb' comm&nication technologies

    3' collaboratingiv' -ocial Net)or*ing has opened &p ne) aven&es for

    establishing friendship, collaboration on a globalscale

    v' econstr&ction of the t%rann% of geograph%4-herr% +&r*el!

    b. "#nline %o&th are a homogeno&s bod%'i' igital ivide is still ver% real

    ii' Even )ithin Net Generation there is a )ide variet%of interests, access to technolog%'

    iii' No #ne size fits all4 approach

    November 3, 201 7 Indiana Conference for Catechetical Leadershiponathan /' -&llivan

  • 8/10/2019 Evangelizing and Catechizing the 'Net' Generation -Notes (November 2014)


    1' Can9t bring in one approach and ass&me it)ill appl% to all st&dents in %o&r class

    2' -till need to ma*e room for individ&al needsand s*ills:

    c.Jo&th don9t care abo&t privac%'i' $rivac% concerns var% largel% among %o&ng people

    based on1' age2' ed&cation3' past eperience

    ii' $revailing 6&estion; $rivac% from )hom5iii' ifferent standards in regards to

    1' friends2' famil%3' service providers' government

    =I! (o) does the Net Generation learn5a. "on +apscott oe #9-he4 s-tor% 3;1!

    b. **Use the internet and other digitaltechnologies as tools for communication andinteraction among peers

    i' ifferent from ad&lts 7 tend to &se internet tocons&me content

    ii' In fact, this is the )hat )e mean )hen )e tal*abo&t 8eb 2'04

    1' +he ne) )eb4 is abo&t facilitatingconversation, interaction and connections

    iii' asters at ma*ing connections thro&ghtechnolog%

    iv' .s a res&lt, epect interaction 7 it is theenvironment the% are most comfortable in'

    c. *When DNs do consume information, they tendto do so in a non-linear fashion

    i' ead differentl%

    November 3, 201 7 Indiana Conference for Catechetical Leadershiponathan /' -&llivan

  • 8/10/2019 Evangelizing and Catechizing the 'Net' Generation -Notes (November 2014)


    1' &e to the )a% their brains have beentrained4

    2' on9t9 read left to right, top to bottom3' -can tet to get pertinent information

    ii' &mp from page to page1' on9t m&ltitas* per se2' =er% good at s)itching tas*s 6&ic*l%

    =II! "-trategies; $&tting It into $racticea. General strategies

    i' ost Important; +r% &sing the tools %o&rself1' If %o& don9t have the tools, get them

    a' a% be a laptop, a digital recorder'

    b' a*e a )ish list 7 *no) )hat %o& )antto do'c' +al* to parentsd' +al* to diocesan officee' $&t it in %o&r b&dget:

    i' +he )orst %o&r pastor can do is sa%no:

    ii' Need to be )here %o&r st&dents are 7 become aconnection:

    1' If st&dents are going to be interacting in thesevirt&al spaces )e need to have a presence

    2' Not beca&se it is the Cool thing to do4 b&tbeca&se )e are called to spread the Gospel toall corners of the earth 7 even the virt&alcorners'

    3' espect diocesanparish g&idelines for socialmedia

    iii' Ae open to 6&estions, clarifications, comments inthe classroom 7 especiall% )ith older st&dents'

    1' Net Generation is &sed to 2H)a%conversation, not 1H)a% lect&re'

    2' $art of ho) the% learn is thro&gh interHpersonal comm&nication

    November 3, 201 7 Indiana Conference for Catechetical Leadershiponathan /' -&llivan

  • 8/10/2019 Evangelizing and Catechizing the 'Net' Generation -Notes (November 2014)


    3' Learning is a comm&nit% activit%'iv' Enco&rage sharingv' /ollo) diocesanparish social media policies

    1' If %o& don9t have an% 7 get them:

    b. ". 8ord on Internet -afet%i' (o) old is old eno&gh4 for the )eb5

    1' General r 13 %ears2' 8h%5 Children9s #nline $rivac% $rotection

    .ct C#$$., 1@@?!ii' 8hat abo&t posting pict&resvideo of %o&th5

    1' 3H$iece &lec. "Comm&nication -trategies

    i' $hoto sharing1' (ighl% vis&al2' +&mblrInstagram

    a' emesii' /aceboo*

    1' Not a maMor destination for teens2' ecrease in %o&th activit% s&spected for some

    time, verified a %ear agoa' .ll the parents got on board:

    3' on9t9 co&nt on /aceboo* to reach NetGeneration

    iii' Jo&+&be1' sed to listen to m&sic2' $ost ne)s4 items

    a' -hort 30HF0 second! bites of interestingne)s, anno&ncements for %o&th gro&ps,etc'

    iv' -tart a blog for %o&r class:1' $lent% of free tools 8ordpress!2' $ost additional lin*s and reso&rces for

    st&dents3' eep parents &p to date on )hat9s going on in

    %o&r class

    November 3, 201 7 Indiana Conference for Catechetical Leadershiponathan /' -&llivan

  • 8/10/2019 Evangelizing and Catechizing the 'Net' Generation -Notes (November 2014)


    ' 8eb Eample; -t' +homas .6&inas $arishEast Lansing, I!

    ' /or older st&dents, have them start a classblog to tal* abo&t )hat the% are

    doinglearningv' +eting

    1' /loc*notea' .llo)s &sers to receive messages %o&

    send via email, tet, /aceboo*, etc'b' Great for %o&th gro&ps, comm&nicating

    )ith parentsd. Catechetical -trategies

    i' ecommend Great eso&rces1' Incl&desa' Lists of lin*s on a )eb pageb' Lin*s )e send o&t via social media /A,

    +)itter!2' C&ration implies some tho&ght and editing4

    behind choicesa' &st as a m&se&m c&rator decides )hat

    to displa%, )e need to be tho&ghtf&l

    abo&t )hat reso&rces to share3' Eval&ating online reso&rces

    a' Is it official54b' o the% have a trac* record54c' Is it faithf&l to the f&llness of the

    Ch&rch9s teaching54d' oes it pass the Osmell test954

    ' on9t over)helm )ith sheer n&mbers

    a' ecision paral%sis' pdate eg&larl%

    a' Chec* lin*s ever% F monthsb' Chec* that information is still relevant,


    November 3, 201 7 Indiana Conference for Catechetical Leadershiponathan /' -&llivan

  • 8/10/2019 Evangelizing and Catechizing the 'Net' Generation -Notes (November 2014)


    F' $&blish lin*s on %o&r establishedcomm&nication channels

    a' on9t ass&me people )ill find %o&:ii' obile in the catechetical session

    1' (ave st&dents loo* &p ans)ers to 6&estionscatechists don9t *no)

    a' #nline Catechism&sccb'org!iii' se =ideo blogs to find short videos on s&bMects

    %o& are st&d%ing1' E'g', +hat Catholic -ho), Life+een videos2' Enco&rage st&dents to )atch them at home

    iv' Aetter %et, get %o&r st&dents to create their o)n

    media and post them online1' sed to recommend pointHandHclic* videocameras

    2' +oda% mobile phones have decent videocapabilit%

    a' .nd st&dents are &sed to &sing themb' =ine and InstaGram =ideo increasingl%

    pop&lar3' (ave them ma*e a video

    a' a*e a commercial abo&t )h% comingto ass is important

    b' Intervie) the pastorc' a*e &p a short s*it abo&t the life of a

    saintd' .nimoto 7 animated slide sho)s4 )

    m&sice. $ra%ing 8ith Ne) edia

    i' edia ivina4ii' $ra%er .pps

    1' La&date2' osar% apps

    iii' $ra%er )ith #thers via -*%pef. Aottom Line; Enco&rage Creativit%

    November 3, 201 7 Indiana Conference for Catechetical Leadershiponathan /' -&llivan

  • 8/10/2019 Evangelizing and Catechizing the 'Net' Generation -Notes (November 2014)


    i' -t&dents sho&ld be enco&raged to &se the toolsthe% are familiar )ith to enhance their learning'

    ii' $oint is to engage st&dents in )a%s that tap intotheir abilities to collaborate )ith others, p&t

    together lots of information in creative )a%s andshare )ith others )hat the% are doing'
