Evan The Survivor

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this is the first story that I published in grade 5

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THE SURVIVOR !! “Hey Dad! Can we go camp in the jungle?I heard that all my friends are going!” my annoying sister asked. Although I knew Dad didn’t want to go, he still said yes. So we packed and dad drove off.

! Once we got to the Amazon it was dead silence no one was there. Dad twitched and said how about we go fishing for food and let your brother Julian set the tent. So i was left alone to put up the tent.

Once I was done I went to find them. I went further and further .... suddenly I was in a unknown part of the jungle and lost. I was terrified to my bones, my legs were shaking in horror, my heart was pumping faster and faster, I slowly took a step forward .... I heard a growl and I stopped again. Then I started to run and figured three lions were chasing. I screamed: “ahhhhhhhh!” They ran faster and faster and I turned and hid behind a tree until they fled away. !! It was getting dark and I couldn’t find my way back. I started to panic and screamed till my lungs burst. I had no energy and decided to make a shelter using rocks, leaves and grass. That night there was a big rain storm my shelter almost got blown away. It was horrible, it took me a long time to build the shelter. I tried to sleep, I closed my eyes and I tried and tried but I just couldn’t sleep. The wind was too strong and I was shivering because I was so cold...!!

! In the morning, the sun was shining, birds were chirping, it was so peaceful. Hours past and my stomach started to growl. I went to find some berries to eat. I went

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further and further but I didn’t see any berry bushes or anything to eat. I was weak and hungry. I heard noises. Animal noises? I wasn’t sure what it was but I was sure it wasn’t food.!! I made a new shelter to hide from the noises. The shelter was leaning agains a big tree. The noise was probably some big animal. “Bang!” I heard something knock against the tree and I peaked out. It was a cheetah, it was hurt.

! I took some vines to tie it around its mouth so it won’t attack me.

I took some leaves to cover the cheetahs wound and I started to pet it’s head. I was so tired the only thing on my mind was that I won’t need to walk anymore if the cheetah will let me ride it. I decided to find something to make a bow to hunt for some food. If I couldn’t find any I would starve. ! I have to learn how to make a fire first. I got some bark, put them in a pile. I got some small rocks and

scratched them together trying to make a big fire but it didn't work. I was so cold with no heat and no food. I was starving.! I carved a bow and arrow out of some tree branches. I wanted to shoot for some meat. I tried to stay near my shelter. I looked back every 2 steps to see how far I have gone. I pulled back and shot an arrow on to a tree. Not bad for the first time I thought to myself. I walked further and found my dinner, a deer. Some how it just popped 20 steps in front of me I aimed at the deer. then I tried to shoot it, but the wind changed the direction of my the arrow and missed. My arrow hit the tree. My face was red with anger I wanted to kick someone but no one was there. I was starving to death. I had no strength. !! Another day went by, I went to hunt again. I shot and shot at the tree till my aim was perfect. I went hunting.! I craved for food. I see another animal not a deer but a rabbit.! I don’t know if we can eat a rabbit but I thought it was worth a try, so I shot it right in to the stomach. I got a swiss army knife that dad brought me for christmas, I made a fire. ! I cut a piece from the rabbit put it on a stick and cooked it. It didn’t taste good. It tasted horrible but that was my only thing to eat so I gobbled it down and ate some more. I gave apiece of the meat and some bones to the cheetah. Eating a rabbit was a really big feast. I continued to look for food hoping to find some more juicy meat. I walked and walked.

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! I went back to the shelter to see the cheetah, the wound looked better.! I tapped the cheetah lightly on the head so it won’t get angry and I made it stand. I sat on it and it ran so much faster then I expected. I didn’t know how to stop it. I tried everything. I eventually just taped it on the head softly and it stopped!!! At night he slept right next to me. I think the cheetah will not hurt me. ! In the morning. I had to look for more food for the cheetah and me. I found a lake near by and was able to hunt some fish. I was hoping I would actually find my dad and sister there. ! I tried to sleep, but started having nightmares, I dreamed about never going home, and lost all alone in the jungle.! When I woke up, I started to wobble around and I didn't feel well. My face was swelling up and I think i have a fever! “ahhhhhh!. I walked in circles and circles and I fell right on the muddy floor. it seemed like I laid there for days hoping some one would find me.

! My head was killing me, and I thought it would burst. I put my hand on my head. I'm in so much pain I scrunch my hair so hard trying to take away the pain. I roll around like a pig screaming at the top of my lungs. I just cant stop the pain.!! I needed to get better. I needed water. I dragged myself to the cheetah. I tried to get a hold of the cheetah

and I made it drag me to the lake. I drank more water and kept myself in the water to keep cool. I was weak but I had to get help. I scream “help! help!” no one heard me.

! Later in the day, I was slightly better and I walked to find some food again. I found some fruit growing on a tree. It was round and blue. I didn't know what it was so I didn’t try it. I really want to go home. I cried. I curled up into a ball like a porcupine and started crying like a little baby and thought of the first day we came. I sighed and sighed I knew nobody can hear me. I was crying so much I though maybe my tears could fill up the whole Amazon and flush me back home. I really hoped, but i knew that wasn’t happening. ! I was getting cold as it started to get dark. I heard noises again. I had my bow and arrow in my hand. “Swoosh, Buzz, Crack, chop, chop.” what was it? I didn’t know where the sound was coming from. I looked everywhere, in all directions, but didn’t see no animal or anything. I looked up, it was a helicopter.

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! I screamed, and I screamed, but the sound of the propeller was too loud to hear my voice. I shot my arrow up hoping they would see it, but it was just hovering above. I fell back because I was so upset, then something hit my by spine, it was a mini flashlight that I got from Disneyland.

! I quickly turned it on and off flashing it up in the night sky. I prayed that they would see it.... ! The helicopter flew away, and I thought what is going to happen to me. Then I saw a group of men on walkie talkies heading towards me. I started to cry. I yelled hoping they could hear me. It was dad, they came looking for me. I gave him a big hug. They saw the cheetah and the rescuers said “stay back and I’ll shoot it with the tranquilizer gun” I yelled “no” and went over to it. The rescuers were shocked. I told them to let it run in the wild as I would not have survived without it. ! Dad wrapped me up in a blanket and took me home! I told my sister that even though I love you, “you can never make me go back to the jungle”. She laughed.