In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?


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In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge

forms and conventions of real media products?

• My media product Steeze is an Urban skate culture and crime drama aimed towards teens and upwards to mid 20’s.

• I have taken inspiration from a popular film Street Dreams with a similar genre of skateboard culture however with very little crime featured.

The first scene with a teenage boy within his home entering the fridge for food shows independence as no mother figure is there to prepare food for him. He is forced to look after himself as he lives within a single parent household with no siblings. This is a common stereotype amongst black childrens lifestyles. This was shot was behind

This scene displays the teenager in the bathroom looking in the mirror. He is fashion conscious like many other teenagers and is self conscious about appearance. He is unhappy with how he looks due to modern media portraying “perfect” people and feels he is not up to their standards. This rear angle was chosen to obscure his face as he is self conscious, a popular issue amongst teenagers.

This shot was taken from the corner of the room to show the viewer his living conditions. It is a fairly large bedroom with studying facilities. This shows he is educated and study orientated. The laundry on his bed shows his independence also and personal hygiene is evident. This is unconventional as many teenagers are portrayed as lazy and untidy. This is not the case with my main character. The posters on the wall are all based on skateboarding and showcase his idols. These teenage role models are obviously a big part of his life.

This shot was taken from the characters POV. It shows him walking and is done to show his first steps to success. This is unconventional and not often seen within films. This has challenged conventions by creating an abstract effect. Also the soundtrack is an upbeat song which features lyrics. A very unconventional feature as many film openings only use songs containing melodies.

This shot features a panorama view of the location which is a popular urban skatepark in London. Black and white was used to show the grittiness of London. The bare trees gives the viewer a sense of the season which is spring.

The shot of a character mid air is a showcase of the skaters talent. The graffiti featured within the skatepark is a common feature amongst urban based films such as Kidulthood. It represnts the rebellion of youth who have appeared to “deface” the skatepark although amongst the teenagers it is shown as an art from in its own right.

This shot shows the main character skating himself. He is a confident rider shown by the tricks he does. It was filmed with a Vortex fisheye lens which gives a slight angle distortion. This is to represent this is how he portrays the world as no other characters scenes are filmed like this. The sticker upon his board displaying #halfpipelondon is the name of his sponsors company. It is a form of product placement deliberately done which is common within many feature films.

The title of the film itself is shown last. It is a simple white text placed behind a black background. The word “steeze” itself means style within skateboarding. This was chosen as style is a huge aspect of skateboarding which my target audience (which many of skateboard themselves) will recognise this and find it relateable.