1 Evaluation Report Request for Expression of Interest (EOI) Country: Pakistan Province: Punjab Project Name: Punjab Tourism for Economic Growth Project (PTEGP) Implementing Authority: Office of the Project Director, Punjab Tourism for Economic Growth Project, Planning & Development Board. Assignment Title: Supervision and Quality Assurance Firm Civil Works Consultant Firm-Project Implementation Support Consultant Project

Evaluation Report Request for Expression of Interest …...Pakistan Code of Practice for Highway Bridges (WPCHB). Report on requirement of construction machinery. 5 Environment Impact

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Evaluation Report Request for Expression of Interest (EOI)

Country: Pakistan

Province: Punjab

Project Name: Punjab Tourism for Economic Growth Project (PTEGP)

Implementing Authority: Office of the Project Director, Punjab Tourism for Economic Growth Project, Planning & Development Board.

Assignment Title: Supervision and Quality Assurance Firm Civil Works Consultant Firm-Project Implementation Support Consultant Project


Table of Contents


INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................. ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.

PROJECT BACKGROUND............................................................................ ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.

DESCRIPTION OF THE ASSIGNMENT ....................................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.

SCOPE OF WORK .......................................................................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.

COMPLETION PERIOD ................................................................................. ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.

ADVERTISEMENT .......................................................................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.

SHORTLISTING CRITERIA ............................................................................................................................. 15

EVALUATION REPORT .......................................................................................................................................... 16

NOTE .................................................................................................................................................................. 21

PART-II ............................................................................................................................................................... 22

ANNEXURE I ............................................................................................................................................................ 22 ANNEXURE II ............................................................................................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.




Part-1 Evaluation of EOIs of Consultants/JVs/Associates/Consortium


Government of Punjab (Planning & Development Department) has received financing from World Bank towards cost of Punjab Tourism for Economic Growth Project (PTEGP). The project aims to promote tourism sector by strengthening the institutional capacity through better skills development along with boosting economic growth, job creation, and regional co-operation in addition to bolstering the country’s image abroad. The project has become effective from 13th October, 2017.

The Project Development Objective (PDO) of PTEGP is to strengthen institutional capacity, increase private sector participation and improve infrastructure services in support of the tourism sector in the province of Punjab. In order to improve infrastructure services, the PTEG Project aims to improve, restructure and up-grade existing institutes related to tourism and economic growth under this project.


One of the Project Development Objectives (PDO) is to improve Public Investment Facility (Roads, Infrastructure, Public Convenience Facilities including parking, washrooms, rest areas, lighting , information counters etc.). In this context, initially the government of Punjab aims at improvement and up-gradation of several secondary and tertiary roads, including ancillary footpaths etc. around key tourist sites, details given as follows:


No. Sites Roads




Rs. in



Width Remarks



Museum /

Stupa at



i. 2-Km of the

G.T. Road-To

Mankila Road.

ii. 8-Km of the



Mohra Muradu


iii. 2-Km of the











24’ ---



Rori Sahib,



1-Km of the

Eminabad - Rori

Sahib Road. 46.8 66’ ---






3-Km of the

Darbar Sahib road

at Kartarpur.

62.000 40’



of Govt. of the

Punjab, Road may

be replaced or

altered during


consultancy period

4 Gurdwara


1-Km of the

Gurdwara Sucha 13.816 28’ ---




Sauda Sahib road

at Farooqabad.






23-Km of Nankana

– Farooqabad


546.854 44’ ---





4.71 km of Ghulam

Farid, Mithan Kot

road Rajanpur

98.91 38' ---

7 Uch Sharif

Rehabilitation of

the 5-7-Km link

road off the main

road leading to

Uch Sharif.

145.673 32’ ---

Total 1,066.541




The consultant shall perform task to the satisfaction of Client and Standard Engineering Practices as summarized below:

Inception Report

Preliminary Report

Traffic Study

Topographic Survey Report / Maps

Geo-Technical Investigation Report

R.O.W and Utility Folders

Preliminary Design Report (Pavement)

Preliminary Design Report (Geometric)

Preliminary Design Report (Structures)

Environmental Impact Report

Cost Estimate (preferably on MRS), BOQs & Tender Documents

Based upon the Traffic count and O/D survey, traffic projections, Consultant shall submit preliminary report for the approval by the client by suggesting various proposals / alternates without compromising on economy, safety and serviceability. The approval of preliminary report shall form the basis for detailed engineering and other studies.

Detailed soil investigations along the road alignment, at least one hole per km up to 2.5 meters depth however, where variation of strata is abnormal, consultant will reduce investigation interval as per sound engineering practice.

Submission of feasibility report based upon preliminary design / cost estimate to determine the viability of this project.

Pavement design report

Evaluation of existing Culverts / Bridges (if any) and allied structures to suggest their retention or other remedial measures

Preliminary-Design of drainage structures (if required).

Preparation of detailed specifications for all items of works based upon AASHTO, ASTM, Punjab Highway Code, seismic zoning by Geological Survey of Pakistan and West Pakistan Code of Practice for Highway Bridges (WPCHB).

Report on requirement of construction machinery.


Environment Impact Assessment with clearance from EPD.

Preparation of unit rate analysis for PC-I / cost estimates including framing of cost estimate of project.

Production and printing in required number of Pre-qualification documents, tender documents and contract / agreements for projects.

Right of Way folders including utility folders.

Submission of Preliminary-Design documents for comments of the client (PRMP through PTEG) and obtaining approval etc.

Preliminary design of service areas.



50' to110’-feet wide strip of land (as per site report duly approved by client) with the cross section of carriageway will be according to the Design Requirement of the structures/Facilities, area required for these will be precisely indicated by the Consultant on the Plans.


Survey of Pakistan (SOP) datum shall be adopted as reference datum for this project.


Permanent concrete Monuments shall be established at beginning and end point of site and at an interval of each 5 km (if required). Sub monuments will be at every 01 km. detailed description shall be prepared in respect of each permanent survey control station. It shall contain station location including final adjusted levels and coordinates,


This shall be through leveling and check leveling method with a minimum acceptable accuracy of ±10(K)0.5 mm where K is distance in Kilometers.


This shall be established thorough EDM traversing in close loop.


Establish permanent control points at safe places at interval of 5 kms (if required) and sub monuments at interval of 1 km as detailed above.

Establish horizontal control though EDM traverses and check leveling with control points and benchmarks.

Topography survey of minimum 50' to 110’-feet wide strip, i.e. 25' to 55’-feet on either side of the center line shall be carried out. Centre line of carriageway will be marked on Topo-Sheets. These Topo Sheets will contain location of all buildings, Irrigation-channels, drains, underground cables, gas, water and drainage pipes.

Width of corridor shall be adjusted keeping in view the site conditions and design requirement.

Survey shall include establishment of R.O.W with concrete pegs, listing of random spot levels and details of all man-made and natural physical features above or underground.

Transmission lines crossing Carriageway shall be surveyed up to nearest Pole location and clearance of the lowest conductor with reference to ground should be measured and listed on the survey sheet.

In built-up areas survey shall extend up to property line on both sides of the center line irrespective of R.O.W. limits

At drains, canals or nullah crossings, minimum 5 cross-sections shall be surveyed in upstream & downstream. The interval between two consecutive cross-sections shall be 100 meters.

Cross-sections at interval of 25 meters in all the reaches shall be taken for calculation of earthwork volume.

The topographic survey data should be plotted at 1:2000 scales. This data should be Auto CAD compatible for use on Road Calc and MOSS program.

Survey shall be carried out through EDM tachy method using Total Station. The field data shall be computer processed and computer aided mapping be carried out. Final contour map shall be made available in soft copy and hard copy format. The DTM (Digital Terrain Model) thus produced should be available for computer-aided designs.

Consultant may use Satellite Imageries for general use or for specific locations.


Geo-technical investigations will be carried out for preparation of the subsurface profile all along the alignment of the Carriageway by assessing the engineering properties of the


underlying soil strata for the Preliminary engineering design. On the basis of sub surface profile, Consultant should clearly comment on the sustainability of, underlying strata, under combined effect of tyre pressures and over burden of the embankment. The Consultant shall perform the following minimum tasks to achieve these objectives. He will carry out essential soil /Geo-technical investigations along the project alignment by Test pits at least 2.5 meter deep below Natural Ground Level at an interval of 1 km for obtaining disturbed sample of the sub surface material. The said interval, in case of abnormal variation in strata shall be reduced to half.

Auger hole boring logs will be drawn to show the various types of soils encountered and natural moisture contents will be determined up to 2.5 meters depth to delineate water Logged stretch if any.

Adequate Soil Testing shall be carried out as required for the pavement design. Soil sample will be collected and tested as per ASTM / AASHTO procedures. Following tests should be necessarily performed beside others for assessing the soils strata:

i. Visual Description ii. Grain size analysis iii. Atterberg's Limits iv. Moisture-density relationship (modified) v. Three point CBR (soaked) @ 100%, 95%, 90% of MDD of embankment sub grade

material vi. In-situ density and compaction characteristics of natural ground

Based upon the above results Consultant shall determine the qualitative and quantitative suitability of material encountered along the alignment of the project.

Geo-technical investigations for minor bridges, intersections and retaining structures will include at least two field bores up to 30 meters depth in addition to shallow pit 2.5 meters deep test pits for each bridge site (if such condition encountered at site).

For determining bearing capacity and other information like consolidation, soil types etc. 4 to 6 inches diameter boring will be done and soil samples will be collected as per ASTM/AASHTO/USBR procedure. Standard Penetration Test (SPT) will be performed at intervals of 1.5 meters besides the collection of the disturbed soil samples by split barrel sampling method.

Undisturbed soils samples shall be obtained in accordance with the ASTM / AASHTO / USBR methods of sampling of soil. The samples shall be obtained at every change of strata. Following tests shall be performed on the above-mentioned samples:

i. Unconfined Compression Test (on cohesive soils) and Direct Shear tests on cohesion less / cohesive soils.

ii. Consolidation tests (for clays) if deep deposits of soft clay are encountered.

Consultant shall discuss safety, serviceability and financial aspects of various types of designs or pavement and sub structures and super structures with clear recommendations for the option to be approved by the Client's Representative.


Consultant shall carry out material survey and perform necessary testing of various construction materials for embankment fill (potential borrow materials), as well as other pavement and concrete constituent materials. Consultant' recommendations should include exact location of the selected borrow areas which should be most suitable, economical and easily available for construction. The test Results of standard material sources, studied earlier by the Consultant, may be utilized to save time.

Location of the quarries pertaining to aggregates and borrow material shall be properly documented. Distances of the quarries from the start and end point of the project shall also be provided.

Consultant shall also prepare a list of materials (Imported/ Local) indicating their source, lead and names of manufacturers for the approval by the Client /Client’s representative.

Consultant shall carry out rock and soil classifications to determine suitability for all components of construction work.

Consultant shall carryout trial testing on blended/stabilized soil.

Water sources for use in construction shall be tested at a suitable interval along the alignment of the Carriageway. These sources shall be properly indicated in the report by performing the following chemical tests:

i. Sulphate contents ii. Chloride contents iii. PH value iv. TDS (total dissolved solids)


Standard Environmental Impact Assessment of project will be carried out by the consultant in the light of guidelines / rules / regulations issued by the Govt. of Pakistan Environmental


protection Act.1997. The consultant shall discharge the following obligations (but not limited to) meet with statutory requirements of EIA.

Consultant shall examine essential baseline conditions, foreseeable or impact to the prevailing conditions for suggesting mitigation measures.

All the data collection / surveys / questionnaires / interviews / should be well coordinated for the proper assessment of baseline conditions and providing the foundation for further studies and recommendations.

All the project activities during the construction phase to keep the pollutants within National Environment Quality standards (NEQS)

Examine all the project activity and list the detail of activities likely to cause the negative Impact during and after the construction phase. Consultant shall suggest mitigation measures for all such activities during construction and post construction periods.

Prepare a Balance Sheet of some total of all possible / likely Environmental Impact of the project for its further analysis to establish viability of the project.

Identify / investigate and prepare comprehensive profile of the likely project Impacts on the physical (water, soil, air, noise etc), Biological (Flora and Fauna) and socio-Economic (likelihood of effected out of R.O.W and accessibility constraints for the local people conditions}.

Preparation of detailed management for enhancing Environmental conditions such as plantation, stability of slopes, leveling of borrows areas. Management of surface runoff / waste water during construction and operational periods besides preparations of budget estimates and implementation arrangement.

Consultant shall submit Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) reports according to the requirements of Environmental Protection Department (EPD) with soft copy. The Consultant shall remain under obligation to comply with the observations / objections till the final clearance of EIA and issuance of NOC.


At each location where Streams, Nullahs, Canals etc. cross the proposed alignment of the project road, Consultant shall carry out the complete hydrological studies. The design return period for major bridges shall be 100 years and 25 years for the minor bridges and culverts respectively (if required). Hydraulic report will be prepared by consultant with the following information marked on the cross sections / sketches along with the technical justifications.

i. Waterway: its description, location supported with sketches. ii. Locations and the extents of the catchments area marked on SOP sheets for major

cross-drainage structures. iii. Determination of Design Discharge (Formula used for the estimation of discharge shall

be got approved before detailed calculations). iv. Maximum Flood levels. v. Protection works- Guide banks, spurs and Bank protection works.


The Alignment of Project crosses inter- town roads, accelerating and decelerating lanes .

keeping in view the traffic count on the above mentioned places, Consultant will prepare a comprehensive traffic management plan for the construction phase

The Consultant will assess capital and operational cost of these diversions for incorporation in the PC-Is / cost Estimates of each junction

Traffic count at all the important points will be carried out to assess the volume and the composition of traffic loads on the proposed Carriageway besides the future projection of these counts for 25 years.

Traffic count should be taken at all important STATIONS thrice at the interval of one week for each peak period. It should represent peak and off-peak days of week.

Traffic counts at the appropriate nodes shall be corroborated with P&D Directorate, C&W Department by applying seasonal factors recommended by the NTRC/P&D-Directorate for the development of Traffic Volume Map.

Confirm the representative growth rates both for freight and passenger traffic by using results of (National Transport studies 1995) as a guideline, Historical data of traffic count published by the Punjab highway Department shall also be used to supplement at spot counting and deviations, if any, shall be reported to the Client/Client’s representative.

With a projected traffic volume map, Traffic count may be broken down in different categories such as cars / jeeps, pickups buses, mini buses, tractors, trucks, (two axles, three axles) and large trucks / trailers for determining diverted / generated traffic. The Consultant will work out Average daily traffic (ADT) and Average annual daily traffic (AADT)



This Project may be required of acquisition of additional land based on approved design, same shall be assessed and marked on the linear Plan to work out the total area of land acquisition, meeting the requirement to accommodate the design-cross-section.

The Consultant shall:

Establish the center line on the basis of existing alignment and demarcate additional requirement of land on the Plans.

Prepare the acquisition plan on 1:2000 scale, plotting land structures in coordinate system.

Consultant shall prepare the list of structures required to be demolished by indicating land area and plinth areas of the structures with the help of Land-Acquisition-Collector/Revenue Department Staff.

Consultant shall indicate minimum ROW requirement at each and every intersection.

Consultant shall prepare Department/Agency -wise utility folders on a uniform format approved by the Client/Client’s Representative. This will include the name of concerned-agencies/Department, for re-aligning within the ROW.


After approval of Report / Conceptual parameters and go-ahead signed by the Client/Client’s Representative, the Consultant shall proceed with preliminary engineering design with the following objectives.

i. To provide road users with a comfortable stress-free driving environment. ii. To accommodate existing and future traffic needs. iii. To accommodate local weather, terrain and soil conditions. iv. To meet international design standards. v. To minimize future maintenance requirements; and vi. To minimize adverse community and environmental impacts.


The design life to be adopted for various elements for Dual Carriageway are given below, which are governed be AASHTO criteria for Highway design

Sr.No Name of Element Design Life (Years)

1 Buildings and major structures (if any) 100

2 Minor bridges and culverts (if any) 25

3 Communicational & Electric cabling 40

4 Electric & Electronic system 15

5 Carriageway pavement (minimum) 15


The Geometric design of highway facility shall generally be in accordance with the requirement and recommendations given in “A policy of Geometric design of Highways and streets 2001” AASHTO Guidelines 2003.


Design speed to be adopted for main carriageway in flat terrains shall 100 km per hour in open areas and 70-km in built-up areas or duly agreed by client and consultant.


This Road carriageway with proper X-section may be provided. The Consultant shall develop the cross-sections of road, slip roads, junctions etc. with following minimum details for approval of Client/Client’s representative:

i. Number of lanes and lane widths ii. Shoulder widths and slopes iii. Median width and slopes iv. Pavement Cross-fall and Super-elevation and super-elevation and

embankment/cut slopes.


The Consultant shall consult / use AASHTO-93 guide, British Road Note No. 31 and latest SHRP recommendations with load factor from NTRC for Design of pavement structures to meet safety and serviceability requirement to avoid any distress during design life of


pavement. The pavement design will be based on the existing and projected traffic keeping in view the overload factors including the soil investigation report. Consultant shall finalize the pavement design and prepare number of typical pavement cross sections for the approval by the Client/Client’s Representative which shall be included in final report.


The Consultant shall conduct detailed traffic count at all the important junctions including O/D surveys. A comparison of the traffic growth, traffic trends, projections and O/D studies will be drawn vis-à-vis historical data of Highway department. All the discrepancies should be properly commented highlighting the possible reasons for these variations. The traffic distribution at intersections will be carefully analyzed by determining the portion of traffic likely to use the road.


In general, drainage provision of the highway shall be in accordance with the requirements of AASHTO Highway Drainage Guidelines 1989.

All drainage systems shall be self-cleansing, in terms of design velocity and design gradients.


The Consultant shall design lighting to provide illumination for an orderly flow of traffic and improved road safety at intersections and signs at intersections (urban area approaches) as required for the safety of the traffic. This will include determining values of average luminance and uniformity of illumination, cables, poles, lights, distribution systems generators etc.


General Consultant will develop Traffic Control Plan (TCP) based on MUTCD and other approved standards. The TCP shall contain contractual requirements for type, size, color and location of highway signs, traffic markings and markers, delineators, kilometer posts Lind traffic signals (on major intersecting roads/Intersections). The TCP shall consort of:

i. Layout Plan sheets ii. Special drawings iii. Summary Sheets iv. Standard Drawings

Development of the TCP shall be Co-ordinate with the horizontal and vertical alignment, Intersections, design speed, and shall adhere to Control of Traffic through Construction Plan (CTCP). Consultant for each site shall develop plans for the safe and expeditious movement of traffic through or around construction and to the safety of, the work force performing these operations.

Materials All road signs shall be faced with retro-reflective material. Before incorporating details in Specifications, specific approval of the Client's representative shall be obtained by, the Consultant.

Construction The constructional elements of road signs shall conform to the requirements of Brutish Standard 873 or similarly approved International Standard.


The road marking generally shall include Lane Marking, Pavement Edge Marking; and special road markings.

All road markings shall be formed using thermoplastic paint conforming to AASHTO M249-77 or Equivalent International Standard and shall be set out' to accord with the Standard Manual for Highway Signs (National Transport Research Centre, Pakistan) and generally meet the requirements of the United Kingdom Traffic Signs Manual or other approved International Standard.


Consultant shall design road safety fences/ barriers as per AASHTO guidelines and


approved by Client/Client's Representative (wherever deemed essential).


The following will also be designed and specified by the Consultant using AASHTO / ASTM or equivalent standards:

i. Road furniture in accordance with the unified traffic code. The Consultant shall issue necessary drawings and specifications for the road furniture.

ii. Landscaping within ROW (at designated places if required). iii. Police lay-byes and control facilities

Volume-I General Specifications

Volume-II Particular Specifications and Special Provisions

Volume-III Bills of Quantities

Volume-IV Drawings as per following details such that tenders can successfully be called without any hassle:

Location plan

Structural plans and Preliminary drawings for structures.

Typical cross-sections of Carriageway, Major & Minor structures, slip roads etc.


The Consultant shall provide general and particular specifications for items not covered in general specifications or on the demand of the Client/Client's Representative where required.


The Consultant shall prepare detailed bill of quantities and cost estimate (preferably on MRS) on the standard format calculated to the accuracy of ±10% of all items of work. Backup data will be provided to the Client/Client's Representative in separate folder.


The Consultant and Client's Representative Unit will guarantee the secrecy of the evaluation results for the transparency requirements till the final notification / award by the Client's Representative.


Consultant on approval of Client/Client's Representative shall issue necessary corrigenda to the Project Documents without any extra cost to the Client as per requirement of the Client.


Consultant only on clear instructions of the Client/Client's Representative shall modify / amend or issue fresh drawing to the Contractor without any extra cost to the Client.


Consultant shall prepare the bidding documents i.e Advertisement for call of bids, Bidding Documents including Cost Estimates (preferably on MRS), Agreement b/w parties and bidding drawings complete in all respect for the award of Civil Work and submit to Client/Client's Representative for approval.


The Consultant shall provide due assistance to the Client/Client’s representative in evaluation of bids and submit the report with recommendations for onward consideration.


The Consultant shall provide due assistance/coordination to the Client/Client’s representative for signing-off the agreement by the parties.







1. Project Manager 1 2 M.Sc / B.Sc. Engg: (Civil) & 15-Years experience in road construction.

2. Geo Tech Engineer 1 2 M.Sc / B.Sc. Engg: (Civil) & 10-Years experience in road construction.

3. Environmental Specialist

1 2 M.Sc / B.Sc. Engg: (Civil) & 10-Years experience in road construction.

4. Pavement / Geometric Design Engineer

1 1 M.Sc / B.Sc. Engg: (Civil) & 10-Years experience in road construction.

5. Road Structure Engineer

1 1 M.Sc / B.Sc. Engg: (Civil) & 10-Years experience in road construction.

6. Contract / Tender Specialist

1 1 M.Sc / B.Sc. Engg: (Civil) & 15-Years experience in road construction.

7. Survey Engineer 2 1 B.Sc Engg: 5 Years experience B.Tech (Civil) with 10 Years experience in road construction.




The services to be performed by the consultants during Phase-II shall include but not necessarily limited to following:

1. The consultant shall be responsible for resident supervision of the work through qualified graduate Engineer (s) and other supervisory staff in the respect discipline with the sufficient experience who shall perform their duties with due diligence, efficiency and accordance with the sound Engineering practices and specified standards.

2. The consultant shall submit staffing schedule for construction supervision along with period mentioned against each.

3. Monitor the contractor’s setting out of the works and verifies the accuracy of his work.

4. A consultant shall assure and certify that the construction material brought at site by the contractor and incorporated into the work, are properly tested on daily basis from the recognize laboratory and comply with the specifications.

5. Ensure that works are executed according to the plans and specifications and that all Rules and regulations applicable to the work are followed and issue all necessary instructions to the contractor and ensure to implement under intimation to the employer / Engineer incharge / representative of the client.

6. The consultant shall certify each work / bill of the contractor and shall ensure, that the works have been executed in accordance with established standards, criteria procedures and as per approved design, drawings, standards, specifications, and within the provisions of contract agreement.

7. The consultant shall supervise the contract or in all matters concerning safety and care of work and advise concerned representative of client about any problem arising in the construction work during its execution.

8. The consultant shall monitor progress and maintain up to date progress schedule in the form of bar charts critical path diagrams and other appropriates systems developed during


the project processing indicating the major items of the work being performed according to the work schedule provided with the contract agreement and approved by the client. The consultants shall submit monthly progress report to the concerned representative of the client pointing out the deficiencies in the work besides recommending / suggesting, remedial measures.

9. The consultant shall regularly update a list of contractor’s construction equipment and also to ensure compliance with list of equipment which the contractor submitted with the bill or committed subsequently.

10. The consultant shall be 100% responsible for accuracy of measurement made on the work quantities executed by the contractor and certified for payment and shall maintain permanent record of such measurements for the employer / Engineer incharge / representative of the client.

11. The consultant shall maintain a permanent record of the result of all tests made on materials, items of work involved in the project, utilizing forms and approved by the employer / Engineer incharge / representative of the client.

12. The consultant shall certify and recommended under his seal, the contractor’s running payment and final payment clearly indicating that the quantities of work executed / recommended are according to specifications, design drawings, technically sanctioned estimates and contract agreement.

13. The consultant shall keep the record of daily inspection reports and hand over to the representative of the client on fortnightly basis.

14. The consultant shall inform the employer / Engineer incharge / representative of the client about problems of potential nature which might arise in connection with the construction contract and made recommendations for possible solution.

15. The consultant shall carry out and required revision in plans and specifications as required by the representative of the client and preparation all variation orders and assist him in the negotiation necessary for the execution of the changes. Revision shall only be encouraged where it improves the project performance.

16. The consultant shall assist employer / Engineer incharge / representative of the client with interpretation of the drawings and contract documents, particularly with respect to any disputes with the contractor or other effected parties.

17. The consultant shall evaluate and make recommendations to the employer / Engineer incharge / representative of the client for action to be taken against all contract or claims, disputes time extensions and other changes outside the scope of work. The consultant shall also provide necessary assistant to the PRMP through PTEG in processing the Contractor’s claim even after the completion of the Consultancy Agreement till the finalization of Contractors accounts.

18. The consultant shall furnish timely assistance and directions to Contractor in all matters relating to ground survey controls, quality control, testing and other matter relating to progress of the project.

19. The consultant shall co-ordinate for inspection of site and ensure that relevant information is available and up-to date progress reports before the inspection are made.

20. The consultant shall maintain permanent record in the shape of copies of all warranties required under terms of contract documents for materials including their source and equipment accepted and incorporated in the project.

21. The Consultant shall carry out detailed final inspection of the work and shall recommend to the employer / Engineer incharge / representative of the client for issuance of completion certificate stating that work has been completed as per design, drawing standard specifications and contract agreement.

22. The Consultant shall carry out the detailed final inspection of work one month prior to expiry of the maintenance period of work and submit a report to the PRMP through PTEG pointing out the defects if any, in the work.

23. The consultant shall prepare and submit list of office equipment, survey equipment, furniture, vehicles, assets inventory and all other items provided by the contractor under the contract and which is the property of the employer.

24. The Consultant shall prepare and submit project completion report giving all details of the project in chronological order.


25. The Consultant shall incorporate all changes that may be required by the client / employer for the economical completion and / or due to technical grounds / site requirements without any additional charges during the execution of project and shall submit the documents accordingly as per requirement of the employer / Engineer incharge / representative of the client.

26. In case of abundance of work by the contractor or any other reason the payment of consultancy charges will not paid for broken period.

27. The consultants shall certify and recommend under his seal the contractor’s price variation adjustment amount for each month supported with details of item of work executed and passed by the consultant with date.

28. The consultants shall assist employer / Engineer incharge / representative of the client in preparation of report documentation if quality of work challenging by any form.

29. If subsequently at any stage after expiry of the maintenance period and during the services of work the quality of any items of works passed by the Consultants is found substandard or defective, the Consultants shall be liable to pay equivalent compensation to the Client for defective work / recoveries pointed out by the Audits or otherwise.


The time duration for the proposed consultancy is estimated to be 06 months. Resident Supervision consultancy will commence from the date of award of contract to the Contractor and subsequently to consultants for Phase-II.






1. Resident Engineer 1 7 B.Sc. Engg: (Civil) & 15-Years experience.

2. Assistant Resident Engineer (ARE)

2 6 B.Sc. Engg: (Civil) / B.Tech & 7-Years experience.

3. Material Engineer 1 6 M.Sc (Geology)/ B.Sc Engineering (Civil) & 7-Years experience in material testing.

4. Quantity Surveyor 1 6 Preferably B.Sc Engg: (Civil) with 5 years or D.A.E (Civil) with 7 years experience.

5. Site Inspector 9 6 D.A.E (Civil) with 5 Years experience.

6. Surveyor 2 6 D.A.E (Civil) with 5 Years experience in road construction.


The client has the right to increase or decrease the input requirement of consultancy staff to keeping in view the pace of work and availability of funds.

Selection Method

A Consultant will be selected in accordance with the Consultant Selection on Quality and Cost Based Selection (QCBS) method set out: Procurement guidelines for Selection and employment of consultants under IBRD loans and IDA credits and grants 2011 revised in 2014 by World Bank Borrowers

In response, the following submitted their EOIs:

Sr. No Name of the Firm

1 National Engineering Services Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd.


2 Osmani & Company Pvt Ltd. Consulting Engineers, Architects and Planners

3 EA Consulting Pvt Ltd.

4 Velosi Integrity & Safety Pakistan Pvt Ltd.

5 ES Consultants Pvt. Ltd.

6 East & Engineers Pvt Ltd. Lahore.

7 Indus Associated Consultants Pvt Ltd. JV JERS Consultancy Pvt Ltd.

8 Designmen Consulting Engineer Pvt Ltd. Islamabad

9 Pakhydero Consulting Engineers

10 Concept Engineering Consultants

11 G3 Engineering Consultant

12 Mascon Associates Pvt Ltd.


Shortlisting Criteria

Sr. No Criteria Max.



Existence as a legal Entity

(Legal incorporation or

establishment and


Qualifying Criteria

2. Not blacklisted by any public

or private agency/authority Qualifying Criteria


An operational History of at

least 5 years, with

experience in implementing

project activities


5-7 years 5 Marks

6-8 Years 7 Marks

One for each extra year (maximum 10-marks)


Relevant Experience in

Similar Projects completed

during last 5 years


1-2 Completed Projects 25 Marks

3-5 Completed Projects 40 Marks

6 and more Completed Projects 50 Marks

5. Firm’s Management Team 20

Permanent Employees 5-10 10 Marks

Permanent Employees 11 to 15 15 Marks

Permanent Employees more than 15 20 Marks

6. Work Volume in Monetary

Terms. 20

2-3 Projects worth 5-8 Million 10 Marks

2-3 Projects worth 9-10 Million 15 Marks

2-3 Projects worth more than 10 Million

20 Marks

Minimum qualifying marks=65


Evaluation Report

Shortlisting Report of Expression of Interest

Supervision and Quality Assurance Firm Civil Works Consultant Firm-Project Implementation Support



No Name of the



as a





d by any





al History

of at least

5 years





in Similar

Project for

last 5 years

(50 Marks)



(20 Marks)














Pakistan (Pvt)


Provided Provided 10 50 20 20 100 Shortlisted


Osmani &

Company Pvt




Architects and


Provided Provided 10 50 20 20 100 Shortlisted

3 EA Consulting

Pvt Ltd. Provided Provided 10 50 20 20 100 Shortlisted



Integrity &


Pakistan Pvt


Provided Provided 7 50 20 20 97 Shortlisted




Pvt. Ltd.

Provided Provided 10 50 10 20

90 Shortlisted


East &

Engineers Pvt

Ltd. Lahore.

Provided Provided 5 50 15 20 90 Shortlisted





Pvt Ltd. JV



Pvt Ltd.

Provided Provided 10 40 20 20 90 Shortlisted




Engineer Pvt

Ltd. Islamabad

Provided Provided 10 40 15 20 85 Shortlisted





Provided Provided 7 40 15 20 82 Shortlisted





Provided Provided 0 50 20 0 70 Shortlisted





Provided Provided 10 25 20 20 75 Shortlisted



Associates Pvt


Provided Provided 10 25 10 20 65 Shortlisted

Note; The RFPs will be issued to the top 06 firms under

world Bank guidelines for Selection & Employment of

Consultant, 2011 revised in 2014.


Supervision and Quality Assurance Firm-PISC

S.No Name of Firm Qualified/


Strengths Weakness Name of Similar Project Completed during last five (05) Years

PISC (Prior Review)





Pakistan (Pvt)


Qualified The firm has more than 10

years of experience

The firm has 286 professional


The firm has completed more

than 6 similar project during the

last five years.

Nil i) Construction supervision of Khadim e Punjab roads program 2014-15,


ii) Construction supervision of Khadim e Punjab roads program Phase-II,


iii) Construction supervision of Khadim e Punjab roads program Rawalpindi

iv) Construction supervision of Khadim e Punjab roads program 2014-15,


v) Construction supervision of Khadim e Punjab roads program 2014-15,


vi) Feasibility Study, detailed design and construction supervision of Lahore

Ring road project.

vii) Construction Supervision of Lahore Ring Road Southern Loop.


Osmani &

Company Pvt

Ltd. Consulting


Architects and


Qualified The firm has more than 10 year


The firm has 259 professional


The firm has completed more

than 6 similar project during

last five years

Nil i) Malir Express way Karachi 54 KM feasibility study and preliminary design

on NHA specs.

ii) Rehabilitation of Larkana-Naseerabad road 34 KM

iii) Lahore-Sialkot Motorway project independent engineering-review of

detailed design and construction supervision services (91 KM, 7


iv) ABD-Flood Emergency reconstruction project W&S Department Sindh

v) Blue line BRT System Karachi (49 KM) Feasibility study / transactional

advisory services for bus rapid transit system.

vi) Faisalabad Mass Transit system 44 KM Feasibility study, Transaction

advisory, transport modeling, preliminary design, intelligent transport



vii) Integrated buss operation in Lahore, conduct public transportation studies,

transport modelling and feasibility study.

viii) DCK Express ways (633 KM) detailed design, project management and

construction supervision

ix) Express way and road of LDA scheme 42

x) Express way and roads of DHA Phase-VIII Karachi.


EA Consulting

Pvt Ltd.

Qualified The firm has more than 10

years of relevant experience

The firm has 30 professional


The firm has completed 6

similar projects during last five


Nil i) Consultancy Services for feasibility study & detailed design for construction

four 04 lane express way from Chak Dara to kalam 133 KM

ii) Consultancy Services for feasibility study & detailed design for construction

of express way from Khawazekhela to Besham 64 KM

iii) Assistant to employeers representative for Karachi –Lahore motorway,

Lahore-Abdul Hakim Section 230 KM.

iv) Green Line Bus Rapid Transit system from Municipal park, Sadar to KESC

Power house Surjani Karachi.

v) Design review and construction supervision of Peshwar Northern by pass.

vi) Construction of Bridge over chanab at Muhammad e Wala and river training


vii) Transaction / technical advisory services for PPP project i) Dualization of

Faisalabad by pass (98 KM) ii) Dualization of Faisalabad to Chinot Road

(20 KM)

viii) Dualization of Faisalabad to Chinot Road (20 KM) package-II i)

Sheikhupura Gujranwala Road 45 KM ii) Dualization of Bahawalpur –Hasil

Pur-Bahawalnagar road 80 KM

ix) Construction of JHIRK Mollah Katiyar Bridge on PP Basis .

x) Design & Construction supervision of Lyari express way including 4

interchanges, Six plus six overpass


Velosi Integrity

& Safety

Pakistan Pvt Ltd.

Qualified The firm has 8 year of


The firm has completed more

than 6 similar project during last

five years

The firm has 18 professional


Nil i) Consultancy Services for Construction Supervision of Access road and vell

location Blochistan

ii) Consultancy Services for Construction and Supervision of access road and

well location Nau Sherwani

iii) Hiring of services of Engineering Consultants for Architecture Plan,

construction of building of cotton ginning research & training institute

Multan central cotton research institute, Pakistan Central Cotton committee.


iv) Consultancy Services for resident supervision of schemes of missing

facilitates, reconstruction of dilapidated school and up gradation of school in

left over UCs in District Jhang.

v) Consultancy Services (design and resident supervision) for construction of

Confucius institute of Agricultural Faisalabad

vi) Construction of five buildings at Al Raha Beach sector RBW-II, plot No. 12,

13, 14 15 and 25 Abu Dhabi

vii) Master Planning & Designing and Construction Supervision of residential

building at Al Raha Abu Dhabi UAE

viii) Detail Engineering design and construction supervision of the INAKAYA

Japanese restaurant at RITZ Carlton Grand canal Abu Dhabi

ix) Detailed Engineering Design & Construction Supervision of the Sheikh

Sphere and Co. restaurant YES Mall Abu Dhabi


ES Consultants

Pvt. Ltd.

Qualified The firm has more than 10 years

of experience

The firm has completed 06

similar project during last five


The firm has 07 professional


Nil i) Consultancy services for resident supervision of schemes under ADP-2016-

17 in Provincial Highway Circle in DG Khan

ii) Construction and Supervision & detailed design of Gujrat Road 60 KM

iii) Consultancy Services for Resident Construction Supervision of Road works

in Faisalabad “Link Road Development Programs)

iv) Consultancy Services for Resident Supervision Construction of Roads in

District Nanakana Sahib (Bucheki-Shah Kot Package)

v) Consultancy Services for TPV of Highway/Roads under Chief Minister’s

Special Package Faisalabad

vi) Restoration/construction of washed-away bridges in Khabar Pakhtun Khwa

including Dildar Ghari River


East &

Engineers Pvt

Ltd. Lahore.

Qualified The firm has more than 07 years

of experience

The firm has 15 professional


The firm has more completed

more than 6 similar projects

during last five years.

Nil i) Widening and improvement of road from NDA Chowk to Dera Adda

Chowk Multan

ii) Resident Supervision for provision of additional class room in schools

having highest enrollments in District of Punjab Phase-I, Tehsil Jhang.

iii) Resident Supervision for reconstruction of Dilapidated school building

during 2016-17 in Mianwali

iv) Resident of schemes being executed under provision of missing facilities in

schools, reconstruction of Dilapidated school building, construction of

building for shelterless schools etc. in Sargodha.


v) Design & Construction Supervision of Cantt Board school / college Chanab

Road Gujranwala

vi) Construction of Corporate Center, new Lahore city housing scheme Lahore.

vii) Construction sector Mosque, New city housing scheme Lahore.

viii) Construction of Pearl Monument, new Lahore city housing scheme Lahore.

ix) Infrastructure (Road, Water Supply, network and sewerage network)

Development 2500 kanal new Lahore city housing scheme Lahore.

x) Consultancy Services for establishment of Sixty Bedded Tehsil level hospital

7 Indus Associated

Consultants Pvt


Consultancy Pvt


Qualified The firm has completed the 3

similar projects during last five


The firm has more than 10

years of experience

The firm 16 professional staff

Nil i) Construction / supervision of northern section of ring road Peshawar from

Pajjagi road to Warsak Road Peshwar including 1 interchange and 3 bridges

ii) Flood emergency reconstruction project FERP, NHA

iii) Baluchistan Development Sector Project Design review and construction

supervision of kalat, Quotta, Chaman Section of NHA.



The Expression of Interest (EOI) for hiring the Consulting Services-Firm Selection for Supervision and Quality Assurance Firm Civil Works Consultant Firm-Project Implementation Support Consultant Project was published in leading Newspapers i.e Daily Express and The Nation on Feb 2, 2019 to evaluate the eligibility criteria defined earlier. Twelve (12) of consulting firms have shown interest in the project.

The World Bank drawn attention to paragraph 2.5 of Consultants guidelines which stipulated that REOI should be published in newspapers (Annexure I) as well as be upload on United Nations Development Business (UNDB) website. As the REOI and TORs were published as per guidelines and project has already transferred on Systematic Tracking of Exchanges in Procurement (STEP).

Project Director Punjab Tourism for Economic

Growth Project Planning & Development Board



Annexure I Daily Express and The Nation Newspapers Feb 2, 2019