Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Evaluation - Question 7

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Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product? 

Page 2: Evaluation - Question 7

The Preliminary TaskThis was the first time I had used Photoshop and as you can see, I was very inexperienced and not very good. I had no idea how to cut out properly and how to make it look professional like a real magazine. I used Adobe Photoshop Elements 11 and used the ‘quick’ programme which only had basic tools so there wasn’t

much I could do to the photo. The very basic mock up of a contents page also shows how I didn’t know what to do or how to layout out a real magazine contents page. I learnt a lot of skills from this task and thought it was very useful for when I actually

did construct my actual magazine.

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Existing Product ResearchFor my research I chose 4 magazines; Q, Billboard, We Love Pop and Just Pop. I chose these magazines because the included the two genres of music that I wanted in my magazine, Pop and Alternative. I didn’t know who my target audience was going to be yet but there was a big difference between the magazines because some were for an older audience. From my research I became aware of the conventions for a magazine and what some magazines use more than others. I found that for magazines with a younger audience, there was much more on the cover to attract their attention.

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Target Audience ResearchAfter my similar product research I went on to research a target audience. Once I had looked at existing magazines I realised I wanted to target an older teen audience. Being in that age category I already knew some things to include what they would like but I created a magazine and distributed it to males and females aged 16+. I was surprised with some of the answers but I learnt what most people wanted was the same thing such as to see updates about gigs and festivals.

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Mock Ups, Plans and Photographs

Before I started to take photographs I did a mock up of a front cover, contents page and double page spread. I drew out where I wanted things to

go and added some text. I found that when I actually constructed my magazine I didn’t stick entirely to the plans but it allowed me to have a

basic layout and style. I also planned things for my photo shoots. I planned who was going to do it, what time, the location, what hair/make up things I would need and outfits. When I had taken my photographs and looked at

them, I was happy. I had plenty to chose from and most of them were sharp and the lighting was good. I was also happy that I didn’t have to reshoot. I

used these photos for all of my pages and included other photos I have previously taken at concerts and premieres. I think that if I was to take

these pictures again I would put more make up on my model and add a prop so that you can clearly see from just the picture it is a music magazine.

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Constructing my magazine

Because of the preliminary task I found constructing my magazine fairly easy. I did have many attempts at rearranging my pages to make them

look the best they could but it was just trial and error. It was easier to use Adobe because by this point I was really familiar with it and I knew what

tool did what but I did have to ask about some things I wasn’t sure of. I do regret not having so many extra lessons but I don’t think it really stopped me from what I wanted to do. I have learnt a lot from using a Photoshop programme and creating a magazine good enough to go on a shop shelf. When I started the media course, I really didn’t know much at all about

magazines and what you needed to do to create one so I think I’ve come far. My first preliminary magazine is shocking compared to my final

magazine so it shows how I have improved.