Q6) What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Evaluation Question 6

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Q6) What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

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I have developed and learnt a number of valuable and useful information about different technologies of constructing this particular media product. For example, I have used a digital camera to film ‘Thief’ and have learnt about the importance of using a tripod to make sure that the picture isn’t unsteady as it would be if it was handheld. However, during the subway scene I have used a handheld camera to create a sense of motion and build up to the mugging. It also demonstrates the confusion of the character Eve White as the shakiness is a reflection of her terrified state.

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Other aspects of camerawork I have mastered are modes of use, replaying footage, using the tape and capturing film onto the computer. Also, I have been taught the basics of dolly use and how it is especially convenient for shots of characters’ legs as they are walking as it creates a sense of motion. I have also learnt a variety of camera angles that I have used in my product such as high or low angled shots and over the shoulder shots in this case to create the sense of someone being watched at the ATM machine scene and the importance of close ups to illustrate the character’s emotion.

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Before this project I didn’t have any experience at editing films. However, I have now edited using the Adobe Premiere Elements 1.0 editing program which was quite simple to capture the footage we had shot and create a storyboard. I was able to select shots using the ‘in’ and ‘out’ cutting technique to put them in a sequence of events for my film. The most valuable thing that I have learnt with regards to editing is the importance of sequencing shots to creative the narrative structure, otherwise the whole film clip would have events happening in different orders and would therefore become confusing to the audience. I have used different effects whilst editing such as using smooth transitions to make sure the clips are pieced together fluently without any jumpiness or distortion.

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Adding titles and a soundtrack gives the film finishing touches that are vital to making ‘Thief’ appear to be an authentic thriller opening by creating a professional touch. I have discovered how to reduce the sound for a particular clip and raise it again when required. For example, during the subway scene it was important to reduce the soundtrack in order to hear the diegetic noise of the skateboard coming towards Eve White. This intensified the suspense of the scene, making her terror more realistic. Also, during this scene, we had very little ambient light to film in, so I adjusted the lighting effect on the editing suite to create a clearer image which gave the appearance I wanted.