How does your Media Product represent particular social groups? Models & photographs: The genre that I chose for my magazine was Pop. Therefore I have chosen models for my magazine that reflect the ‘pop’ genre and my target audience as they all fall into my target audiences age range (oldest model 17 youngest 16). I have represented teenagers in a stereotypical manner, as my magazine is mainstream and targets a mass audience as opposed to a niche audience. From my research I found out that my target audience are loyal to brands such as Primark, H&M and TopShop. Therefore I have chosen my models to wear casual ‘pop’ style clothing to display and reflect my target audience of teenagers aged 15-18 years old. My models are used to represent ‘pop’ artists therefore they are smiling to connote happiness and fun, as from my research ‘pop’ bands and artists were portrayed as happy. For my front cover I have used a serious pose to create a striking image which would then grab the buyer’s attention. Shot types: For my front cover I have chosen a medium close-up as this was a typical convention of a pop magazine, this shot type also allows me to exhibit what the artist is wearing which would interest loyal fans. For photographs of bands I have used a long shot again to show their fashion style and body language which connotes laidback and fun relating to teenagers. Colour Scheme: As I am targeting teenage females who are aged 15- 18years old. My target audience is stereotypical

Evaluation question 2

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How does your Media Product represent particular social groups?

Models & photographs:

The genre that I chose for my magazine was Pop. Therefore I have chosen models for my magazine that reflect the ‘pop’ genre and my target audience as they all fall into my target audiences age range (oldest model 17 youngest 16). I have represented teenagers in a stereotypical manner, as my magazine is mainstream and targets a mass audience as opposed to a niche audience. From my research I found out that my target audience are loyal to brands such as Primark, H&M and TopShop. Therefore I have chosen my models to wear casual ‘pop’ style clothing to display and reflect my target audience of teenagers aged 15-18 years old. My models are used to represent ‘pop’ artists therefore they are smiling to connote happiness and fun, as from my research ‘pop’ bands and artists were portrayed as happy. For my front cover I have used a serious pose to create a striking image which would then grab the buyer’s attention.

Shot types:

For my front cover I have chosen a medium close-up as this was a typical convention of a pop magazine, this shot type also allows me to exhibit what the artist is wearing which would interest loyal fans. For photographs of bands I have used a long shot again to show their fashion style and body language which connotes laidback and fun relating to teenagers.

Colour Scheme:

As I am targeting teenage females who are aged 15-18years old. My target audience is stereotypical therefore I fabricated a stereotypical colour palette of pink, black, blue and black. By using these colours I am connoting fun, style and giving my magazine femininity.

Mode of address:

I have used a informal, laidback language, I did not used high register or formal language as it would have not been suitable for my target audience of female teenagers. I have used abbreviations such as ‘fab’ and ‘celebs’ to connote laidback and friendly

Price of magazine:

I have valued my magazine at £2.50 so that students would be able to pay for the magazine or their parents would be able to supply money for them to purchase the magazine. I have reflected my social group through the pricing of my magazine. The demographics for my magazine are in the C-D section which will create a wider market at affordable pricing.