EVALUATION OF THE EFFECTIVITY AND TOXICITY · practical laboratory skills of Mr. Luis Rodriguez Siclari, Laboratory Assistant. The specimens were captured and acclimated to laboratory

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Page 1: EVALUATION OF THE EFFECTIVITY AND TOXICITY · practical laboratory skills of Mr. Luis Rodriguez Siclari, Laboratory Assistant. The specimens were captured and acclimated to laboratory
Page 2: EVALUATION OF THE EFFECTIVITY AND TOXICITY · practical laboratory skills of Mr. Luis Rodriguez Siclari, Laboratory Assistant. The specimens were captured and acclimated to laboratory



BACKGROUND The detergent MPCD is a non flamable dispersant based on a dilution of surfactants in water, sodium bicarbonate and sodium metasilicate. The solution is provided in 55 gallon drums in a concentrate form. MPCD is an acqueous solution, pink, presenting a density slightly heavier than water. This characteristic requires an inicial agitation of the product to dissolve in water. The oil spill dispersant is applied in the field by means of a strong spraying apparatus, using a standard automatic dosing machine to disperse the adequate ratio water/dispersant. The dispersant can be dissolved and used indistinctly in fresh and sea water. According to the instruction provided by the supplier (Annex 1) the Dispersant MPCD is environmentally safe for its application in presence of field crews. It is also safe for aquatic fowl, marine mammals and subaquatic species in general. The product can be disolved in water in a ratio of one part of chemical in 64 parts of water (1,5 % solution). The field application may require pressure sprayers and nozzles, directly over the oil spills, in fresh and sea water. METHODS AND RESULTS Efficiency Test: A 5% solution of the dispersant MPCD was used to test the stability of the emulsion formed by mixing the dispersant with a sample of Kuwait light crude oil. The mix was swirled in a 500 ml Erlenmeyer flask applying smooth circular movements to form a distinct emulsion. The emulsion was left standing for 10 minutes observing the capacity of the oil dropplets to be dispersed again after a gentle swirling. The dispersing effect was judged as adequate and satisfactory. Toxicity Test The biological toxicity of the dispersant was evaluated following the protocols established at the IX Session of the Marine Environment Protection Commitee of IMCO (IMCO/MEPC) (Annex 2). The mortalities were graphically plotted against discreet concentrations. The LC 50 after 96 hours was determined by a projection of the 50% survival against the concentration gradient.

Page 3: EVALUATION OF THE EFFECTIVITY AND TOXICITY · practical laboratory skills of Mr. Luis Rodriguez Siclari, Laboratory Assistant. The specimens were captured and acclimated to laboratory

BEHAVIOR OF THE DISPERSANT IN AQUEOUS SOLUTION A master solution of the dispersant was prepared (1 part dispersant in 20 parts of sea water). This dilution is slightly higher than that suggested by the supplier, but it was recommended for the bioassay procedures after preliminary trials that indicated that at 1,5 % solution the curve was not resulting in a practical endpoint. The solution is slightly pink, translucent and giving off a slight ammonia odour. The solution is clear, homogeneous and does not show any precipitates. EVALUATION OF THE TOXICITY OF THE DISPERSANT MPCD ]Specimens of the fish Girella laevifrons (juveniles of 60 to 80 mm) and adults of the rock shrimp Rhynchocinetes typus (50 y 80 mm) were acclimated in 20 liter glass aquaria. The specimens were obtained from the intertidal pools at the Marine Station of the Facultad de Ciencias del Mar , Universidad de Valparaíso. The shrimp were captured using traps in the sublittoral areas of Caleta Higuerillas. Both species were adapted to laboratory conditions during one week prior to the bioassays. A series of assays were conducted in a concentration range between 250 and 1.750 parts per million for both species. The glass aquaria were kept aerated by means of air pumps. The physical conditions and behavior of the specimens were observed during 96 hours in all concentrations, observing the opercular movements, the swimming movements and the branchial chamber movements and general attitude for the fish and shrimp. The mortality criteria was based on the cesation of all vital movements. The results of the exposure of the specimens to the test dispersant after 96 hours is given in the following table.

Concentration / Mortality (10 specimens)

Species (10 individuals) control 750 1000 1.250 1.500 1.750

Rhynchocinetes typus 0/10 1/10 0/10 5/10 10/10 10/10

Doydixodon laevifrons 0/10 0/10 0/10 0/10 4/10 10/10

The graphic determination of the Lethal Concentration for 50% of the specimens of rock shrimp Rhynchocinetes typus is 1.250 mg/L . For the specimens of the fish Girella (Doydixodon) laevifrons, the graphic reading of the CL50 96 hours is 1.450 mg/L.

Page 4: EVALUATION OF THE EFFECTIVITY AND TOXICITY · practical laboratory skills of Mr. Luis Rodriguez Siclari, Laboratory Assistant. The specimens were captured and acclimated to laboratory

The IX the Sesion of the MEPC classifies as innocuous any solution that causes a CL 50 96 hours above 1.000 mg/l, therefore environmental applications of dilutions of 5% or lower of the dispersant MPCD can be proven as innocuous for the test species and can be considered innocuous for other species in field applications. TESTING REPONSIBILITIES The bioassays and toxicity test were performed in the laboratories of the Facultad de Ciencias del Mar, Universidad de Valparaiso, Chile, between April 20 and June 10, 2003, under the supervision of Prof. Fernando Alcazar Gonzalez (Lic. Marine Biology) and the practical laboratory skills of Mr. Luis Rodriguez Siclari, Laboratory Assistant. The specimens were captured and acclimated to laboratory conductions in the aquaria of the Marine facility by Mr. Juan Soto Cepeda, artisan fisherman. The logistics and administration of the assays was provided by Mr. Julio Jara, Administrative Officer at the Marine Station.

Fernando Alcazar Gonzalez Licenciado en Biologia marina Viña del Mar, June 12, 2003

Page 5: EVALUATION OF THE EFFECTIVITY AND TOXICITY · practical laboratory skills of Mr. Luis Rodriguez Siclari, Laboratory Assistant. The specimens were captured and acclimated to laboratory

Girella laevifrons CL 50 96 horas



250 750 1250 1750

Concentración Dispersante




Rhynchocinetes typus CL 50 96 horas



250 750 1250 1750Concentración




Page 6: EVALUATION OF THE EFFECTIVITY AND TOXICITY · practical laboratory skills of Mr. Luis Rodriguez Siclari, Laboratory Assistant. The specimens were captured and acclimated to laboratory
Page 7: EVALUATION OF THE EFFECTIVITY AND TOXICITY · practical laboratory skills of Mr. Luis Rodriguez Siclari, Laboratory Assistant. The specimens were captured and acclimated to laboratory
Page 8: EVALUATION OF THE EFFECTIVITY AND TOXICITY · practical laboratory skills of Mr. Luis Rodriguez Siclari, Laboratory Assistant. The specimens were captured and acclimated to laboratory
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El MPCD es un detergente, desgrasador multiuso, de alta calidad. No es tóxico, ni oxidante, no contiene alcohol y no es peligroso. El cliente final se beneficiará con este producto: En la industria petrolera, como plataforma de perforación, refinería, acerías, industrias automovilística y naval.

Todas las compañías que tienen problemas de contaminación o impacto ambiental y derrames de petróleo y sus derivados.

MPCD es el resultado de años de análisis y pruebas con fórmulas para poder resolver todos los problemas causados por los derrames de Hidrocarburo y ocasionados accidentalmente por el hombre en el área petrolera.

El alto grado de eficacia del MPCD es su exclusiva fórmula a base de agua, la cual es usada para la limpieza. El MPCD encapsula los productos derivados del petróleo y los gases inflamables y automáticamente los recicla, permitiendo un procedimiento natural que es BIODEGRADABLE para combatir la fuga de los accidentes de petróleo.

El método de uso del MPCD permite atacar las fugas de hidrocarburos, así como también las fuentes de millones de incendios, que contienen millones de moléculas. El MPCD emulsiona velozmente las moléculas de hidrocarburos en una reacción a cadena, con una matriz soluble en agua, compuesta de partículas microscópicas de combustible, neutralizándolo para evitar incendios.

Estas partículas vienen encapsuladas simultáneamente en el procedimiento. Tales partículas crean una descomposición química y bacteriológica, por las bacterias mismas del medio ambiente.

En el proceso de Biodegradabilidad, los hidrocarburos vienen consumidos por el MPCD como fuentes de alimento por las bacterias persistentes.

Desde el momento que las bacterias son organismos vivos piden oxígeno y sustancias nutritivas y humedad para sobrevivir, crecer y funcionar.

El MPCD crea el perfecto hábitat para las bacterias.

El MPCD se puede considerar un agente de limpieza con una alta prestación de dispersación del petróleo en agua dulce y salada para uso de limpieza de petróleo en playas, plataformas y piscinas de contención, etc.

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IIINNNSSSTTTRRRUUUCCCCCCIIIOOONNNEEESSS PPPAAARRRAAA LLLAAA CCCOOONNNSSSEEERRRVVVAAACCCIIIOOONNN La conservación del producto al interior de un galpón o de una área externa de aire libre no tiene que superar los 100’F y una mínima de 35’F para no alterar la fórmula del producto.

La duración del MPCD tiene 2 años; siempre y cuando se mantenga conservado correctamente.

MPCD contribuye a reducir el impacto ambiental

El MPCD fue creado para trabajar diferentemente de otros solventes o detergente cáusticos.

Generalmente se obtiene el mejor resultado de MPCD agitándolo, o con alta presión, o dejando la solución por un determinado tiempo, lo más importante es agitar el producto en el área contaminada, MPCD no contiene productos químicos tóxicos; es BIODEGRADABLE en su totalidad.


Color rosa (rosado) Densidad relativa- H2O .- 1 – 1.056 Se disuelve completamente en agua Se puede utilizar en agua dulce o salada No inflamable No contiene ningún derivado de hidrocarburo

MPCD es un eficiente Coloide a base de agua biodegradable, biocelular dispensador de hidrocarburos, y es un detergente alcalino biodegradable que no es tóxico.

MPCD es un concentrado, viene almacenado en barriles de 55 galones para mezclar con el agua, en los porcentajes indicados.

MPCD presenta las siguientes propiedades físicas: USDA clasifica el producto en la categoría”A” en base a los requisitos expuesto en

la composición química en el programa de inspección con pruebas con animales. MPCD fue elevado a “7” en los test de calidad de producto de limpieza por

CHEMICAL SPECIALITIES MANUFACTURES ASSOCIATION. MPCD pasó los test de calidad, como documentado por G.S.A especificaciones

general PD – 00220

Page 12: EVALUATION OF THE EFFECTIVITY AND TOXICITY · practical laboratory skills of Mr. Luis Rodriguez Siclari, Laboratory Assistant. The specimens were captured and acclimated to laboratory

MPCD no contiene Arsénicos, iodos, compuestos de mercurio, nitrocetato (NTA), alcohol, glicerinas y ningún otro compuesto químico.

El Ph del MPCD entra en la escala de 12,5 a 13 cuando está diluido 1:64 (2 onzas por galón de agua) con un test en base a las normas ASTM. AA 1172-56 (1965).

Las pruebas de MPCD con arcilla y barros activos clasificando los ingredientes orgánicos, como biodegradables por más de 99%

MPCD contiene sólo un 2% de fosfato MPCD le confiere una propiedad antiestática a las superficies plásticas o fibras.

El grado de limpieza de MPCD en la solución de uso, es eficaz con agua dura, blanda, caliente, fría, dulce o salada. No cambia su composición química.

MPCD es un producto sin olor. MPCD es un producto no inflamable. MPCD es un producto completamente biodegradable, que respeta totalmente el

medio ambiente O.E.C.D. 301 – B

Meta silicato de Sodio (C.A.S. # 6834 - 92 - 0)

Bicarbonato de Sodio (C.A.S..# 497 - 19 - 8)

Tensioactivo Noionico (C.A.S. # 9016 - 45 - 9)

Agua (C.A.S. # 7732 -18 - 5)

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Page 16: EVALUATION OF THE EFFECTIVITY AND TOXICITY · practical laboratory skills of Mr. Luis Rodriguez Siclari, Laboratory Assistant. The specimens were captured and acclimated to laboratory