Evaluation of an undergraduate Student Mentorship Programme (SMP) within a national specialist centre 1. Nicola Mault, Senior Physiotherapist 2. Sarah O’Brien, Student Physiotherapist 3. Graham Nelson, Student Physiotherapist 4. Emmie Peck, Student physiotherapist 5. Claire Fieldus, Physiotherapist 6. Anthony Gilbert, Research Physiotherapist 7. Jennifer Fulton, Clinical Specialist Physiotherapist

Evaluation of an undergraduate Student Mentorship ... · Student Mentorship Programme (SMP) within a national specialist centre 1. Nicola Mault, Senior Physiotherapist 2. Sarah O’Brien,

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Page 1: Evaluation of an undergraduate Student Mentorship ... · Student Mentorship Programme (SMP) within a national specialist centre 1. Nicola Mault, Senior Physiotherapist 2. Sarah O’Brien,

Evaluation of an undergraduateStudent Mentorship Programme(SMP) within a national specialist

centre1. Nicola Mault, Senior Physiotherapist2. Sarah O’Brien, Student Physiotherapist3. Graham Nelson, Student Physiotherapist4. Emmie Peck, Student physiotherapist5. Claire Fieldus, Physiotherapist6. Anthony Gilbert, Research Physiotherapist7. Jennifer Fulton, Clinical Specialist Physiotherapist

Page 2: Evaluation of an undergraduate Student Mentorship ... · Student Mentorship Programme (SMP) within a national specialist centre 1. Nicola Mault, Senior Physiotherapist 2. Sarah O’Brien,

1. Background

• Anecdotal evidence initially.

• Review of student feedbackquestionnaires

• Verbal feedback from myown students

• Verbal feedback fromclinical educators

Page 3: Evaluation of an undergraduate Student Mentorship ... · Student Mentorship Programme (SMP) within a national specialist centre 1. Nicola Mault, Senior Physiotherapist 2. Sarah O’Brien,

1. Background

Differences in expectation

Page 4: Evaluation of an undergraduate Student Mentorship ... · Student Mentorship Programme (SMP) within a national specialist centre 1. Nicola Mault, Senior Physiotherapist 2. Sarah O’Brien,

1. BackgroundOur Vision:

‘To provide the best undergraduate student experience inthe NHS’

To support our staff to allow the supervision ofstudents, allow teams to take more students and

respond to the changes in the funding of pre –graduate course

Page 5: Evaluation of an undergraduate Student Mentorship ... · Student Mentorship Programme (SMP) within a national specialist centre 1. Nicola Mault, Senior Physiotherapist 2. Sarah O’Brien,

1. Background

• There does not appear to be a mentor supportprogramme for physiotherapy undergraduatestudents on placement in the UK.

•Evidence from universities and overseas show thatit is beneficial

Page 6: Evaluation of an undergraduate Student Mentorship ... · Student Mentorship Programme (SMP) within a national specialist centre 1. Nicola Mault, Senior Physiotherapist 2. Sarah O’Brien,

1. Background

• Enable physiotherapists to adapt to the changing healthsystem, advance patient care and develop the profession(Ezzart et al, 2012)

• This can have a positive impact on the quality ofphysiotherapy service and our future as a profession (Naidoo,2006).

• Reported benefits applicable to peer mentorship in thecontext of clinical PT education, including enhanced clinicalcompetence and participation satisfaction, improvedknowledge acquisition, higher level reasoning, creativity inproblem solving and social support (Quesnel et al, 2012)

Page 7: Evaluation of an undergraduate Student Mentorship ... · Student Mentorship Programme (SMP) within a national specialist centre 1. Nicola Mault, Senior Physiotherapist 2. Sarah O’Brien,

2. What’s the question?

What is the effectiveness of the physiotherapystudent mentorship programme at the Royal

National Orthopaedic Hospital?

Page 8: Evaluation of an undergraduate Student Mentorship ... · Student Mentorship Programme (SMP) within a national specialist centre 1. Nicola Mault, Senior Physiotherapist 2. Sarah O’Brien,

• Students attending the hospital forundergraduate placements were enrolled inthe SMP.

• The SMP consisted of introduction to theTrust, communication skills, ‘difficult patients’,research physio discussion and interviewquestions.

3. What did we do?

Page 9: Evaluation of an undergraduate Student Mentorship ... · Student Mentorship Programme (SMP) within a national specialist centre 1. Nicola Mault, Senior Physiotherapist 2. Sarah O’Brien,

• Students were invited to explore theirexperiences.

• Students were offered the choice of a face toface, phone or SKYPE discussion.

• Discussions were audio recorded

• Explore commonly occurring themes andperspectives on the SMP.

3. What did we do?

Page 10: Evaluation of an undergraduate Student Mentorship ... · Student Mentorship Programme (SMP) within a national specialist centre 1. Nicola Mault, Senior Physiotherapist 2. Sarah O’Brien,

4. What did we find?

What did students think?

‘I think on some placementwhen you arrive you can feelnervous and a bit apprehensiveabout how its going to go andyou may not feel yourparticularly gelling with the teamor anything so having a meetingthat is dedicated specifically tothe student makes your feelmore welcomed..’ (student one)

‘It was a good opportunity forme to reflect and considerthings that you might not haveconsidered; it’s an eye openingprogramme which gives youthe opportunity to discussanything. ‘ (student three)

Page 11: Evaluation of an undergraduate Student Mentorship ... · Student Mentorship Programme (SMP) within a national specialist centre 1. Nicola Mault, Senior Physiotherapist 2. Sarah O’Brien,

4. What did we find?

What did students think?

‘I thought that it was reallyopen and it was a good spaceand that no-on was judginganyone else, and you couldjust talk freely and peoplecould give you advice and

sympathise with you ‘ (studentone)

‘It was an informal discussion aboutwhat was going on, what you learnt,what you could take forwards, what

you could do to continue yourprofessional development, all of

those things and the job thing wasreally good, we had another one at

uni after, but it was amazing!’(student three)

Page 12: Evaluation of an undergraduate Student Mentorship ... · Student Mentorship Programme (SMP) within a national specialist centre 1. Nicola Mault, Senior Physiotherapist 2. Sarah O’Brien,

4. What did we find?

Where could the SMP be improved?

‘All the MDT students are goingthrough that together, they are

going through the sameexperiences so having more

people there sharing andadding to the discussion would

definitely be more helpful’(Student one)

‘Maybe having theeducator there would

have shown them a bitmore about what goes

on’ (Student Three)

‘Definitely having itas close to date asthe person arrives

as possible is agood idea’ (Student

one )

Page 13: Evaluation of an undergraduate Student Mentorship ... · Student Mentorship Programme (SMP) within a national specialist centre 1. Nicola Mault, Senior Physiotherapist 2. Sarah O’Brien,

4. What did we find?

Where could the SMP be improved?

Page 14: Evaluation of an undergraduate Student Mentorship ... · Student Mentorship Programme (SMP) within a national specialist centre 1. Nicola Mault, Senior Physiotherapist 2. Sarah O’Brien,

4. What did we find?

Beneficial in other settings?

‘This was the first time I have experiencedit and I think it would have been reallyuseful on other placements. I had one

really tricky one and I feel like if I had hadthe support of a mentor, who wasn't my

educator, it would have helped me throughthat and help me cope a bit better’

(Student one)

‘I think it would be good it if was in otherplaces, to be honest, because there is

always lots of different students at onetrust and it is nice to feel linked to them

and other people going thought the samething and any advice from the other

students.’ (Student one)

‘It would have been good to have somesort of student mentor programme inother placements, but that's a trust

thing, which I know I can't influence butI thought, yeh, it would have beenuseful for me in other placements.’

(Student three)

Page 15: Evaluation of an undergraduate Student Mentorship ... · Student Mentorship Programme (SMP) within a national specialist centre 1. Nicola Mault, Senior Physiotherapist 2. Sarah O’Brien,

4. What did we find?

Beneficial in other settings?

Page 16: Evaluation of an undergraduate Student Mentorship ... · Student Mentorship Programme (SMP) within a national specialist centre 1. Nicola Mault, Senior Physiotherapist 2. Sarah O’Brien,

5. Limitations

• Small sample size

• Convenience sample of students

• Researcher completed the semi structuredinterviews – bias?

• Snapshot service evaluation

• Not representative ?

Page 17: Evaluation of an undergraduate Student Mentorship ... · Student Mentorship Programme (SMP) within a national specialist centre 1. Nicola Mault, Senior Physiotherapist 2. Sarah O’Brien,

6. Impact

• Rolled out to students of other professions.

• Changed the structure of the sessions.

• The students are asked if they would like to talk tothe research physio at RNOH

• Inform other Trusts with the aim to role theprogramme out to other relevant areas

Page 18: Evaluation of an undergraduate Student Mentorship ... · Student Mentorship Programme (SMP) within a national specialist centre 1. Nicola Mault, Senior Physiotherapist 2. Sarah O’Brien,

6. Impact

‘Its definitely something I think that other Trustshould do even if its not for as long. It wasreally helpful, and like I said a lot of other

students that weren’t at Stanmore were like,its really amazing that they are helping you

with the future rather than just that oneplacement. I copied those notes that you gaveus in the last sessions, like 10 times and gave

people copies so you are helping morestudents than you think!’ (Student Three)

Page 19: Evaluation of an undergraduate Student Mentorship ... · Student Mentorship Programme (SMP) within a national specialist centre 1. Nicola Mault, Senior Physiotherapist 2. Sarah O’Brien,

7. Conclusion

• Students appear to find the programmebeneficial

• Changes have been suggested andimplemented as able

• Share experiences with other Trusts.

Page 20: Evaluation of an undergraduate Student Mentorship ... · Student Mentorship Programme (SMP) within a national specialist centre 1. Nicola Mault, Senior Physiotherapist 2. Sarah O’Brien,

7. Conclusion

Our Vision:

‘To provide the best undergraduate student experience in the NHS’

•‘He didn’t have to help us, tell us how he does things (Research Physio,Anthony), you didn’t have to do the mentorship programme and offer us thatsupport but everything at Stanmore just stands out a little bit in comparisonto other places and every member of staff there was willing to go that littlebit extra, that extra mile when they didn’t have too. And often as studentspeople will just help you with things that you need to learn and they willsupport you but if you ask them something that takes them half an hour or 45mins to do they might not do that for you, whereas everyone at Stanmore,they were willing to inconvenience themselves to help the students to learn,which was refreshing and amazing for us as students to get a placementthere.’ (Student Three)

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• Ezzar and Maly (2011). Building passion develops meaningful mentoringrelationships among Canadian physiotherapist. Physiotherapy Canada.

• Yoon and Campbell (2017). Exploring mentorship from the perspective ofphysiotherapy mentors in Canada. Physiotherapy.

• Quesnel and King et al (2012) The knowledge, attitudes and practices of Canadianmaster of physical therapy students regarding peer mentorship.

• Naidoo (2006). The role and importance of mentoring in physiotherapy. SouthAfrican Journal of Physiotherapy.

• Wibberley and Hamshire (2017) Fitting in with the team. Facilitative mentors inphysiotherapy student placements. Learning Inquiry.

Page 22: Evaluation of an undergraduate Student Mentorship ... · Student Mentorship Programme (SMP) within a national specialist centre 1. Nicola Mault, Senior Physiotherapist 2. Sarah O’Brien,

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