EVALUATION OF ACQUISITION PRACTICES IN POLYTECHNIC ... of acqusition... · studies and research (Rajendran and Rathinasabapathy, 2005). The library caters for the information needs

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Page 1: EVALUATION OF ACQUISITION PRACTICES IN POLYTECHNIC ... of acqusition... · studies and research (Rajendran and Rathinasabapathy, 2005). The library caters for the information needs








MAY, 2011

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MAY, 2011

Page 3: EVALUATION OF ACQUISITION PRACTICES IN POLYTECHNIC ... of acqusition... · studies and research (Rajendran and Rathinasabapathy, 2005). The library caters for the information needs


This work has been approved for the Department of Library and Information

Science, Faculty of Education, University of Nigeria, Nsukka.

------------------------------ ---------------------------------

Dr. (Mrs.) C.N. Ezeani Prof. (Mrs.) V.W.Dike

Supervisor Head of Department

------------------------------------- ----------------------------------

Internal Examiner External Examiner


Prof. S.A. Ezeudu

Dean of Faculty

Page 4: EVALUATION OF ACQUISITION PRACTICES IN POLYTECHNIC ... of acqusition... · studies and research (Rajendran and Rathinasabapathy, 2005). The library caters for the information needs


Chinwendu.C. Diogu, a post graduate student in the Department of

Library and Information Science with Registration number

PG/MLS/07/43374 has satisfactorily completed research requirements for

the award of Masters Degree (MLS) in Library and information Science.

The work embodied in this thesis is original and has not been submitted in

part or in full for another degree of this or any other university.

-------------------------------------- ------------------------------ ------------------

Project Supervisor Signature Date

Dr. (Mrs.) C.N.Ezeani

--------------------------------------- ---------------------- -------------------------

Student’s Name Signature Date

Page 5: EVALUATION OF ACQUISITION PRACTICES IN POLYTECHNIC ... of acqusition... · studies and research (Rajendran and Rathinasabapathy, 2005). The library caters for the information needs


This work is dedicated to GOD Almighty for his faithfulness, mercy and favour.

The researcher also dedicates this work to her beloved husband and children for their

love, care and understanding during the period of her post graduate programme.

Page 6: EVALUATION OF ACQUISITION PRACTICES IN POLYTECHNIC ... of acqusition... · studies and research (Rajendran and Rathinasabapathy, 2005). The library caters for the information needs


Every academic work is a culmination of efforts of academics over the years. The

researcher is greatly indebted to the great men and women, some of whom I have referred

to their works in this research, who have contributed to human enlightenment, intellectual

progress and academic achievements in the area of the researcher’s field of study.

My thanks go to my supervisor Dr (Mrs.) C.N.Ezeani. Her encouragement, input

and critical appraisal were extremely helpful. The researcher is indebted to her Lecturers:

Dr. F.C. Ekere, Dr Ozioko, Dr. E.Omeje and Dr. V. Nwachukwu for their assistance,

corrections and suggestions towards the success of this work.

The researcher is very grateful to her Parents, Dr and Mrs. G.O.Diogu for their

love, support, encouragement and financial assisitance.They are one in a million.

Her special thanks goes to her colleagues in the office and management of Main

Library, University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus for their permission given to me to carry

out this study.

The researcher is very much indebted to her husband for his love and financial

support in the cause of this work.

To God be the glory.

Diogu, Chinwendu. C.

Department of Library and Information Science


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Title Page ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------i

Approval page----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ii




Table of Contents------------------------------------------------------------------------------------vi

List of Tables---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------viii



Background of the Study----------------------------------------------------------------------------1

Statement of the Problem--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9

Purpose of the Study------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10

Research Question----------------------------------------------------------------------------------11

Significance of the Study--------------------------------------------------------------------------11

Scope of the Study----------------------------------------------------------------------------------12


Conceptual Framework----------------------------------------------------------------------------13

Acquisition and Collection Development in Libraries-----------------------------------------13

Roles of gifts, donations and exchanges in collection development-------------------------20

Collection evaluations in libraries----------------------------------------------------------------22

Collection Evaluation methods-------------------------------------------------------------------27

Problems affecting acquisition and collection building in Academic libraries-------------30

Strategies for enhancing acquisition practices in Academic libraries-----------------------32

Review of empirical Studies----------------------------------------------------------------------33

Summary of reviewed literature------------------------------------------------------------------36


Research Design------------------------------------------------------------------------------------38

Area of Study----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------38

Population of Study---------------------------------------------------------------------------------38

Sample and Sampling Technique-----------------------------------------------------------------39

Instrument for data collection---------------------------------------------------------------------39

Validation of the Instrument----------------------------------------------------------------------40

Method of Data Collection------------------------------------------------------------------------41

Methods of Data Analysis-------------------------------------------------------------------------41

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Research Question One----------------------------------------------------------------------------44

Research Question Two---------------------------------------------------------------------------45

Research Question Three--------------------------------------------------------------------------46

Research Question Four---------------------------------------------------------------------------47

Research Question Five---------------------------------------------------------------------------47

Research Question six-----------------------------------------------------------------------------49

Summary of Findings------------------------------------------------------------------------------50


Discussion of findings-----------------------------------------------------------------------------52

Implications of Study------------------------------------------------------------------------------55


Limitations of the Study---------------------------------------------------------------------------57

Suggestions for further Study---------------------------------------------------------------------57

Conclusion ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 58

REFERENCES------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 59

APPENDICES------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 65

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Table 1: Adequacy of library collections--------------------------------------------------------44

Table 2: Methods of acquisition of information resources------------------------------------45

Table 3: Currency of library materials-----------------------------------------------------------46

Table 4: Availability of collection development policies-------------------------------------47

Table 5: Problems affecting collection building------------------------------------------------47

Table 6: Strategies for effective acquisition practices-----------------------------------------49

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This study evaluated the acquisition practices in Polytechnic Libraries in South Eastern

zone of Nigeria. Six research questions guided the study. An evaluative survey design

was adopted in carrying out the study. The total population for this study was three

hundred and thirty (330) lecturers and thirty seven librarians (37), but two hundred and

ninety eight (298) lecturers and all the librarians were sampled. The major instrument for

data collection was questionnaire. A total of three hundred and thirty (330) copies of

questionnaires were distributed to lecturers, 298 copies were returned, representing

90.3%. On the other hand, 37 copies of questionnaires were distributed to the librarians

and all were returned. Data was analyzed using frequency tables, simple percentages and

means scores. From the analysis, the findings revealed that the most adequate information

resources in the libraries under study are books (textbooks). The result also shows that

information materials are acquired mainly by gifts and purchase. The study revealed that

information materials such as books, journals, and reference materials are more current

than other information materials in the library and that collection development policy is

available but encompasses only the area of acquisition. Out dated materials, resistance to

change, worn out materials, inadequate professionals/Librarians, lack of cooperation from

parent organization, problem of storage facilities, lack of funds, lack of collection

development policy and duplication of titles are some of the major problems encountered

in developing library collections. Based on the research findings, it was recommended

that libraries should have a written collection development policy that will embrace

acquisition,selection,weeding,gifts and exchanges, there should be constant staff

training/orientation, librarians should consult with lecturers in order to get information on

the institutions curriculum thus acquiring materials that will suit the curriculum,

employment of qualified librarians, provision of space for Polytechnic libraries to enable

them have archives where they can deposit outdated materials. The study concluded that

adequate and efficient evaluation of acquisition practices and collection development in

Polytechnic and academic libraries at large would effectively support librarians, lecturers

and students research output.

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Background of Study

An academic library is a library that is attached to an institution of learning, a

major function of which is research and the advancement of knowledge in a wide variety

of subjects. It is a central service or unit of operation set up to provide location ,materials

and facilities for study, teaching and research carried out in the institution. The main

function of an academic library is to serve as an auxiliary to the parent institution in

carrying out its objectives. The Library is an important intellectual resource of the

academic community, and helps them fulfill the curriculum requirements and to promote

studies and research (Rajendran and Rathinasabapathy, 2005). The library caters for the

information needs of the community, through the provision of reading materials for the

various programmes of the institution (Igbinosa and Idiodi, 2002).

According to Danton (1963), the major obligation of the academic library with

respect to its book selection and book collection is to provide the materials which will

now and in the future best contribute to the fulfillment of these closely related functions

of teaching, conservation and research. Ajibero (1995) opined that the academic library is

the“heart”of the institution. He contends that what all academic libraries have in

common, virtually regardless of country or history is their basic position, roles, aims and

objectives. The reputation of these libraries depends highly on the library facilities it

offers its clientele in terms of information resources. As information and research

resources become more varied, it places a challenge on academic libraries. Hazen (2000)

argued that the changes in the nature of information, in research strategies, and in the

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structure of higher education are affecting academic libraries. These changes define much

of the shifting context within which academic libraries must operate.

It is absolutely essential for a library to possess the resources that will enable it

meet its goals. Beautiful buildings, well trained staff and modern information storage and

retrieval system can only be appreciated if excellent services are given to users. These

services cannot be given without a collection of information materials.

The objective of any academic library is to support the teaching, learning and

research activities of the parent institution. It is an objective which is achieved through a

systematic acquisition and organization of all forms of recorded and undocumented

information in all fields pertinent to the goals of the institution. This can be realized by

making such information available to the members of the academic community and other

scholars engaged in research and study (Ekere, 1992).

Collection development is one of the fundamental functions of the library and

information profession. Magrill (1989) described it to include all planning for the

systematic and rational building of a collection. In one sense, collection development

includes assessing user needs, evaluating the present collection, determining selection

policy, coordinating selection of items, re-evaluating and storing parts of the collection

and planning for resources sharing. However, in a broader sense, collection development

is not a single activity, or a group of activities; it is a planning and decision-making

process. In order to play these vital roles effectively, academic libraries are supposed to

be adequately funded by their parent institutions to procure adequate information

resources. A library’s collection development efforts cannot be effective unless its

acquisition efforts are efficient. This practice that is responsible for selecting and

Page 13: EVALUATION OF ACQUISITION PRACTICES IN POLYTECHNIC ... of acqusition... · studies and research (Rajendran and Rathinasabapathy, 2005). The library caters for the information needs

acquiring information specialist to perform their myriad function to the users effectively

(Aina, 2004). Academic librarians must strive to remain competent navigators of

acquisition and collection building in order to assist library users’ .In addition, acquisition

practices includes a policy on the conservation and preservation of information materials

as well as the weeding of information materials. The policy is to provide guidance to staff

when selecting and deselecting resources for the local collection.

Futhermore, collection evaluation is concerned with how good a collection is in

terms of kinds of materials in it and value of each item in relation to the community being

served, and to the library potential users. The complexities of operating effective and

efficient libraries require greater knowledge about measuring the processes and

evaluating how they influence library’s decision making and planning. Collection

evaluation is a broadly encompassing activity. It can be as simple as the assessment of

size of dollar worth of a collection and it can be as complex as measuring its value to a

given community. The process is an excellent situation for communication among units

in the library.

There are two axioms about the best foundation for good selection in collection

development: know the collection and know the community. Osborne (1992) pointed out

that evaluation possesses the potentials to make known the strengths, limitations, needs

and possibilities of the library. It can project the image of responsible management

thereby garnering support for improvement, nuturing hope for the future. The library’s

aim is said to have been achieved if its objectives is not just towards mere warehousing of

materials that come within its reach or become a mere dumping room for gifts, but an

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evaluative system where the best is acquired and organized for easy identification of

resources within a given period.

The goal of those who are charged with acquisition responsibilities is to build the

best collection possible that will be relevant to the curriculum but this singular goal is far

fetched in our academic libraries today. This is why Osborne (1992) in his study of

relationship between trends in research and in the way in which academic research

collections had been built lamented that research libraries are unable to meet the needs of

their users, not so much because of lack of money as lack of awareness in the academic

research environment.

The main reason for the existence of libraries and indeed librarians is providing

the information materials that a person wants regardless of its format or location. Central

to the ability of the polytechnic librarian to do this is the collection of materials upon

which the students and staff alike will draw. He is expected to continuously acquire,

assemble and develop a collection bearing the unique characteristics of the polytechnic.

Conclusively, whether the collection of a library is large or small, the weaknesses must

be determined, rated as to their importance for users and accepted or alleviated.

The establishment of the polytechnic system in Nigeria in the late 1970’s came

with the idea of providing Nigerians with another level of tertiary institutions besides the

university system. The main purpose of the Polytechnic education is to produce the

middle –level manpower for the nation’s economy. According to Owolabi and Attama,

(2009), these institutions are engaged in research suitable for the development for both

human and material resources needed by the nation’s industry and economy. The training

of competent personnel that would fit into these positions requires adequate and free

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access to well organized sources of information Adegboro (2000). The curriculum of

polytechnics in Nigeria is structured to provide both theoretical and practical training for

students in an atmosphere that is academically enriching. Ekere (1992) further highlights

that a polytechnic’s prime function is the education and training of students to be able to

contribute effectively to the nation’s economy and technological advancement. The

Polytechnic describes the program mix and focus of a special purpose. This mix typically

includes business, arts and science, design, health, engineering, journalism, education,

media studies, health, visual and performing arts. Some distinguishing features of a

polytechnic are learn-by-doing environment, application of theory to practice, students’

diversely widening participation in higher education, multi-disciplinary programe,

flexible learning environments/approaches and work placement/co-op education.

The polytechnic library is an academic library which supports learning, teaching

and research programs in the institution. In addition to providing an atmosphere

conducive to reading and consultation of relevant facts and data, the library also offers a

variety of facilities and services to enable readers to make optimal use of library

resources. Aboyode (1979) summed up these services as follows: answering reader’s

questions, instruction in the use of library materials, readers’ advisory services, inter-

library loan services, photocopying facilities, library publications, exhibition and

displays. In addition to this, the library also organizes an orientation program for new

students at the beginning of each session.

It will be appropriate to give a brief history of the polytechnics under this study.

The Akanu Ibiam Federal Polytechnic was established in 1981 as the first Federal

Polytechnic in Southeast Nigeria. It was first located in a temporary site at the federal

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Government College, Okposi in Ohozara Local Government area, Ebonyi State. In the

same year, the first class of students was admitted to pursue various programs leading to

the award of National Diploma (ND) and Higher National Diploma (HND) in science,

engineering, and humanities. The polytechnic administers five schools or faculties in

eighteen departments where the mission and vision of the institution are vigorously


The polytechnic library, which was established at the same time, has been playing

supportive roles in the actualization of the mission and vision of the institution. The

collections of the library are made up of fifteen thousand books in different fields, and

two hundred and fifty serial titles (Owolabi and Attama, 2009). The library is not

computerized .Hence; it is not connected to the internet. However, the institution has an

information and telecommunication centre that is internet-driven with a staff of six

information technology (IT) professionals and four non-professonals.The library is well

positioned to carry out its mandate to the entire staff and students of the polytechnic.

The Federal Polytechnic, Oko is a research –led polytechnic, recognized for

excellence in teaching, learning, research, creative work and administration for the

significance of its contribution to the advancement of knowledge and its commitment to

serve its local, national and international communities. The institution which has today

metamorphosed into the Federal polytechnic, Oko was founded in 1979 and approved by

the then Anambra State government as a College of Arts and science. In 1992, the

Federal Government of Nigeria with Prof.Ben Nwabueze as secretary for Education took

over the polytechnic and redesigned it as Federal polytechnic, Oko with campuses at

Atani and Ufuma.Over the years, the polytechnic was saddled with several anti-

Page 17: EVALUATION OF ACQUISITION PRACTICES IN POLYTECHNIC ... of acqusition... · studies and research (Rajendran and Rathinasabapathy, 2005). The library caters for the information needs

development factors which were associated with its birth and growth especially in the

area of physical infrastructural development. In order to move the institution forward, the

mission of the polytechnic is to enable learners develop individual potentials and to

acquire the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed and public services for the

technological advancement of the country. Students pursue various programs leading to

the award of National Diploma (ND) and Higher National Diploma in Business,

engineering, Technology and Art. The institution administers ten Schools and they all

work together in pursuing the vision of the institution. (www.Okofederalpoly.com).The

collections of Oko polytechnic library are made up of twenty seven thousand books in

different fields and three thousand five hundred and fifty serial titles. The library is not

computerized but also has an IT centre. (Okoye, 2010)

Abia State Polytechnic, Aba was established by edict no 8 of 1994, which has a

retrospective effect from 2nd

October 1992. Its location is the former Girls’ Technical

College (GTC) Aba, along Aba Owerri Road. The initial intake comprised students

taking various Certificate Programmes.The National Diploma programmes commenced

in the 1994/1995 academic year. The Higher Diploma programmes were introduced in

the 1999/2000 session. The institution is made up of six Schools and twenty five

departments. (www.abiapolyportal.org/pages.php?page_id=30).

The library collection is made up of eighteen thousand five hundred and ten books in

different fields and four thousand seven hundred and fifteen serial titles and has seven

librarians. (Uhiara, 2010) The library is not computerized. The library remains open

between 8.00am and 9.00pm from Monday through Friday and opens 8.00am to 3.00pm

on Saturdays.

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Federal Polytechnic Nekede, Owerri was established in 1978.The polytechnic

pursues programs that lead to the award of National Diploma (ND) and Higher National

Diploma (HND).The Polytechnic administers five schools. The library was established to

provide information resources in support of teaching, learning and research. In doing so,

it has the following objectives: To collect and preserve the most up to date materials for

teaching, research and consultation services of the Polytechnic, to collect and preserve

information resources in books and non-book formats, to give user-oriented services to

the polytechnic community through Current Awareness Services(CAS), to provide

reading environment in a useful variety of locations

etc.(www.federalpolynekede.net/site/about.htm).The volume of books are twenty seven

thousand and sixty in different fields and three thousand and fifty serial

titles.(Nwiwu,2010). The library is not yet computerized.

Institute of Management and Technology, Enugu is located in the heart of Enugu

and was established in the year 1973.It is the oldest polytechnic in southeastern part of

Nigeria. Beyond academics and professional competence, the institution strives to

produce graduates who will never be found wanting in character and who have a burning

zeal to serve their fatherland with their skills. They run both National Diploma

programme and Higher National Diploma programme in Science, Technology,

Engineering, Arts, and Humanities. The institution administers ten Schools all in the bid

to produce well baked graduates.(www.imteduportal.com). The library has been

providing supportive roles. The library houses fifty thousand five hundred and sixty five

books and three thousand five hundred and fifty serial titles. The sections in the library

Page 19: EVALUATION OF ACQUISITION PRACTICES IN POLYTECHNIC ... of acqusition... · studies and research (Rajendran and Rathinasabapathy, 2005). The library caters for the information needs

include: Readers services, collection development department, serials section, reference

and reprography sections. (Eze, 2010)

Generally speaking, all the Libraries under study are involved with collection

development and evaluation. In one sense, the issue of policies guiding the process and

constant evaluation of collection is yet to be fully actualized. Adequate information

resources that meet the needs of users are slightly above minimal level. This situation

might be as a result of some problems such as insufficient staff/manpower to carry out

the practice, inadequate funds to acquire relevant materials and then the issue of non

existent or minimal demand from students,academics,departments and faculties for up to

date or topical materials relating to current curriculum.

Statement of the Problem

Over the years, libraries have been faced with the problem of inadequate and

outdated collections. Providing the information materials a user wants regardless of its

format or location is the main reason for the existence of libraries and librarians. Various

efforts are being made by Polytechnic libraries in Nigeria to acquire information

materials that will meet the desired needs of users in terms of adequacy, currency and

availability. The consistent review of library materials is necessary for maintaining an

active library collection of current interest to users. Evaluation will be made to determine

whether the collection is meeting its objectives, how well it is serving its users, in which

way it is deficient and what remains to be done to develop the collection. This is why the

acquisitions department of any library is essentially a service unit for the public service

department and staff as customers to be satisfied. Unfortunately, most Polytechnics are

Page 20: EVALUATION OF ACQUISITION PRACTICES IN POLYTECHNIC ... of acqusition... · studies and research (Rajendran and Rathinasabapathy, 2005). The library caters for the information needs

facing some challenges in providing, preserving and replacing damaged and worn out


However, some studies have been carried out on related areas such as book

acquisition, collection development in university libraries but none have covered the

present status of acquisition and collection development in Polytechnic libraries in South

east zone of Nigeria. Notwithstanding all the efforts being made by Polytechnic libraries

towards acquiring information materials that is adequate, current and fully meets the

institutions curricular, it appears they face a number of problems. Knowledge of these

challenges is essential for any Polytechnic library whether federal, State or private. This

shows that there is still gap which needs to be filled in order to have a balanced

collection. Hence, the need for this study which is designed to evaluate the acquisition

practices in Polytechnic libraries in south eastern zone of Nigeria.

Purpose of the Study

The general purpose of the study is to evaluate the acquisition practices in

Polytechnic libraries in South-East Nigeria. The specific objectives are as follows:

1. To examine the adequacy of the collection of the Polytechnic libraries under study.

2. To evaluate the methods of acquisition of the information resources by the

Polytechnic libraries.

3. To evaluate the currency of their information resources.

4. To examine the collection development policies available in the polytechnic libraries.

5. To evaluate those problems encountered in the development of their


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6. To examine the strategies that could enhance the acquisition practices in the

Libraries under study.

Research Questions

The study will be guided by the following research questions:

1. How adequate are the collections of the polytechnic Libraries in South-East Nigeria?

2. What are the methods of acquisition of their information resources?

3. How current are the collections of the Polytechnic Libraries?

4. What are the Collection development policies available in these Libraries?

5. What are those problems encountered in developing collections of these Libraries?

6. What are the strategies that could enhance the acquisition practices of the libraries

under study?

Significance of the Study

The findings of this study would be useful to Librarians, students, lecturers,

researchers and the Government in the following ways: As libraries deteriorate in terms

of collection evaluation, users suffer. Hence, the study of this nature is needed to

determine the magnitude of the problems affecting collection development/evaluation

and strategies adopted in handling them. For Librarians, the result of the findings will

assist librarians to create avenues of contending with the problems in the area of

collection development evaluation. This study is also aimed at alerting librarians on the

need for proper collection development, policies and constant evaluation of collection in

order to frequently satisfy the needs of users, of polytechnic Libraries and other academic

libraries. The recommendations will help in giving the librarians an insight of

information on evaluation of materials so as to adopt better ones.

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For students, lecturers and researchers, the findings will provide them with basic

and factual information at their disposal. It will help to determine the extent to which the

aims and objectives of libraries in terms of evaluation of collection has helped students

and researchers and organizational bodies of institutions.

Likewise the Government will benefit from the study as they will realize their

budgeting inadequacies for library collection development. This will enable them counter

these inadequacies.

Finally, the study will be useful for other academic purposes by providing the data

base from which information could be obtained for future research in related areas of


Scope of the Study

This research is limited to the collections of Akanu Ibiam Federal Polytechnic

Library, Uwana, Federal Polytechnic Library, Oko, Federal Polytechnic Library, Nekede,

Institute of Management Technology Library, Enugu, and Abia Polytechnic Library, Aba.

The study will involve all librarians and lecturers of the institutions.

Furthermore, the study will be delimited to: adequacy of collections, methods of

acquisition, currency of collections, availability of collection development policies,

problems and strategies for enhancing acquisition practices.

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The review of related literature to this study was done under the

following headings to enhance our understanding of the inherent issues.

Conceptual Framework

Acquisition and Collection Development in Libraries

Roles of gifts, Donations and exchanges in Collection


Collection evaluation in Libraries

Collection evaluation Methods

Problems affecting acquisition and collection building in Academic Libraries

Strategies for enhancing acquisition practices in Academic Libraries

Review of Empirical Studies

Summary of Literature Review


Acquisition and Collection Development in libraries

Acquiring information resources is an important exercise for libraries. despite the

prophesies of vanishing print collections and emergence of the digital paradigm, printed

materials still have a central role in library collection and publishing

industry(Carr,2007).Acquisition is the process of securing materials for the library

collection whether by purchase, as gifts or through exchange

programmes(Evans,2000).Once materials have been selected by staff or requested by

users, the acquisition process begins- that is locating the right item, ordering it and

processing the item and paperwork once they arrive. Although acquisition procedures

may vary depending on the library’s mission and resources, all libraries have some goals

Page 24: EVALUATION OF ACQUISITION PRACTICES IN POLYTECHNIC ... of acqusition... · studies and research (Rajendran and Rathinasabapathy, 2005). The library caters for the information needs

in common. According to the Arizona State library (2011), these goals include acquiring

materials as quickly and economically as possible and minimizing the amount of

paperwork, filling and follow up needed. Effective working relationships with vendors

are very important as well.

The nitty-gritty of an effective acquisition include collection orders, searching and

verifying bibliographic information, choosing an option for placing orders, assigning a

purchase order, placing an order,bookkeeping,receiving materials, returning

books/materials if necessary, processing the books and making payments. Some of these

acquisition processes might not apply to all information materials. The slow rate of book

production in the country has also created a problem in acquiring quality materials for the

library. Haider(1995) as cited by Ameen(2008) addresses the issue of insufficient

collections in University libraries and suggest ways of improving cooperation. He found

out that acquisition of materials is largely based on imports (either directly of through

local seller).Acquisition through this method is almost totally directed and controlled by

availability of materials in the market, leaving only a limited systematic collection


Collection development has recently become a very popular term in library and

information centres as a need for an efficient and balance collection. It includes

everything that goes into acquiring materials, including selection, ordering and payment.

It is a chain of events that includes planning, administration and control. Collection

development serves as a foundation, upon which other library services are built.

According to Eguavon and Ochai (2002), collection development is a planned, systematic

development of a collection based on the objectives of the library. The progress in

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achieving development in a library’s collection as long as the concept is insufficiently

operationalized is very difficult to measure. Library collection development has been

defined as the process of planning and acquiring a balanced collection of library materials

in many formats including books, periodicals, online resources and other media

(Wikipedia, 2007). Magrill and Corbin (1989) see library collection development as the

process of assessing user needs, evaluating the present collection, determining selection

policy, coordinating selection of items, re-evaluating and storing parts of the collection,

and planning for resource sharing

Collection development is defined by Evans (1979) as the process of identifying

the strengths and weaknesses of library collections in terms of patrons’ needs and

community resources and attempting to correct the weaknesses if any. This requires the

constant examination of the library’s resources and the constant study of both needs and

changes in the community to be served. Futhermore, Elaturoti (1995) sees collection

development as the process of assessing the strengths and weaknesses in a collection and

then creating a plan to correct the weakness and maintain the strengths. According to

Ogbonna (2000), collection development involves planned and systematic building of

library collection. He further explains that through collection development, the

weaknesses of a library collection are identified and then strengthened. Librarians and

library staff develop library collection by acquiring materials over a period of time based

on assessment of the information needs of the library users. Library collection

development includes: the creation of policies to guide the selection, replacement of lost

or worn out materials, weeding of materials no longer needed in the collection, planning

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for new collection areas and cooperative decision-making with other library or within

library consortia.

Futhermore, Magrill (1989) emphasized that there is however, more to the growth

of a collection than simply acquiring materials; someone must decide which materials

will be acquired and through which methods. This implies that selection decisions must

be made, perhaps in accordance with an overall plan for the development of the

collection. Prytherch (1995) also emphasized that the process of planning a stock

acquisition programme is not simply to cater for immediate needs but to build a coherent

and reliable collection over a number of years to meet the objectives of the service.

The library’s main objective is to select, maintain and provide access to relevant

and representative information sources. In order to facilitate this, many authors agree on

the need for every library to have a written collection development policy. Buckland’s

(1963) argues that all library operations that primarily facilitate the exploitation of the

collections and those directly consumed by the end users of the library have their roots in

the collection development policy. Ifidon (1997) perceives that this policy is a sine qua

non for any library that wants to build a functional collection whether by traditional

methods or in an information age. Therefore, a collection development policy is to

provide guidance to staff when selecting and deselecting resources for the local

collection. In this case, it serves as a guideline for each of the stages of material handling

such as selection, acquisition, processing, housing, weeding, retention, preservation,

relegation and discarding of all types of library materials. This reduces personal bias by

setting individual selection decisions in the context of the aims of collection building

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practice. It also clarifies the purpose and scope of local collections and allows selection

decisions to be evaluated.

However, Aina (2004), opined that collection development policy would ensure

that all information materials acquired are relevant to the the users of the library; thus

ensuring that the materials acquired are effectively used. Eguavoen (2002) put it in his

write up that collection development policy in any Library should be reviewed after five

years, because things and people do change. Ikem (1995) explains that collection

development policy is the vehicle through which the library achieves the goals of its

readers’ services.

On the operational level, information selection and acquisition are determined

first by the official policy statement, which explains the manner in which the library is to

go about the business of collection development. It addresses questions such as what

should be the policy of the institution regarding the foreign books, purchase of rare

books, research materials and use of information techniques in accessing information?

The policy should ensure that library collection consists of well balanced stock among

other general materials: books, journals, newspapers, government publications, pamplets

and suitably selected reference works. It should address the application of modern

catalogue and internet to satisfy the information needs of the institution.Secondly, it also

depends upon the type and of teaching or research that the institution wishes to provide.

The collection development policy establishes ground rules for planning and

budgeting, selection and acquisition of library materials. This is in agreement with Poole

as reported by Cutter (1978) that it is important to remember when one is trying to select

the best that there are as many kinds of best as there are kinds of readers.

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A policy must reflect the vision and mission of the parent institution. For an

effective collection development policy, there must be a document that clearly states the

mission and vision of the library (Aina 2004). A policy document provides a sound

foundation for future planning thereby assisting in determining priorities especially when

financial resources are limited. This provides a basis for the fair allocation of resources

and in accounting for library fund by explaining the rationale behind acquisition

activities. Having a formal publication to refer to ensures continuity and avoids

confusion. The stated aims also help other collection related activities such as

cataloguing, preservation and storage to form a coherent strategy, for example by

identifying areas in need of de-selection or more suitable for inter-library loan.

In general, a collection development policy can help the library make the best use

of its limited resources by indicating who will be served, for what purpose and with what

type of materials. Those who participate in the exercise gain knowledge of the existing

collection and become able to make appropriate reference referrals (Magrill and Corbin

1989). According to the American Library Association (ALA) standard as discussed by

Carter (1974), three elements are very important in a collection development policy .They

are general overview, which is the introduction and general collection; detailed analysis

of subject collections; and a miscellaneous section. Formal policy statement can be useful

in making the case for the library when dealing with its users, administrators and donor

agencies. They support the stated objectives of organization demonstrating accountability

and commitment to agreed goals. Its compilation involves the participation of both users

and administration hence improving communication between the library and its clientele.

It serves as a contract with users, which demonstrate the individual within what they can

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expect of the library both in terms of collections and of the service (Hazen, 1995).

Collection development is a planned, continious and cost effective acquisition of quality,

relevant materials to meet the needs of users and the objectives of the library. Collection

development is not only growth in volumes and titles but in quality of acquired materials

in enhancing effective information delivery. It is only from this perspective that the word

“development” could be meaningful in relation to collective development. (Olaojo and

Akewukereke, 2006).

Therefore, the collection development policy acts as a public relation tool for the

library to its sponsors and other stakeholders. Ogbonna (2000) opined that the collection

development policy guides the library and provides direction and guidance on selection

and acquisition of library materials. Collection development policy remains a framework

and set of parameter within which the staff and users work, according to Biblarz (2001).

It serves as a communication channel, prevents censorship and a guide to weeding. The

policy acts as a guide for future planning in the library. Therefore, a written collection

development policy is a sine qua non for any library that wants to build a functional

collection by traditional methods or in an information age (Ifidon 1997).

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Roles of Gifts, Donations and Exchanges in Collection Development

Donated materials are expected to meet the same standards of quality and

relevance to the collection as new titles are purchased. They should support the

curriculum and mission of the library as well as the collection guidelines and policies

with regards to the physical conditions, format, language and cultural relevance


According to Hite (2006), external provision of information resources to support

collection development is a major need and potential focus of cooperation programmes.

Magrill and Corbin (1989) report that for many libraries, gift materials and funds have

been very important in building their collections. The library collection may be enhanced

by solicited and unsolicited gifts and gift of Money. He further stated that solicited gifts

range from free vertical file materials routinely requested by clerks in various public or

technical services departments to the rare books, manuscript and other important

collections that come to a library only after sustained and tactful solicitation by high level

staff members.

The exchange of materials between and among libraries has a long history and in

some libraries, has contributed significantly to the development of valuable collection.

(Magrill and Corbin, 1989).He stated that materials sent out on exchange may have

originally been gifts or have been purchased at a special discount, but in return they bring

libraries items of greater value. Exchanges are a useful way to dispose of duplicates,

discards, or other items of potential use that are not appropriate for the library’s


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The library is supposed to be adequately funded to procure the necessary

information resources to perform the varied functions. Lack of fund from various

governments has been noted as one of the causes for poor performance of these libraries.

Ajibero(2004) and Sawyerr(2005), concur that the problem of funding for academic

libraries in the third world countries has made donor support to stand out as one of the

major sources of sustenance and even survival. Garbers(1998) has emphasized that the

increasing cost of books and journals with decreasing government support has reduced

many libraries to museum-like repositories of outdated books. Journals are no longer

received regularly. Hence, most academic libraries are no longer capable of supporting

research, learning and teaching. While government is cutting down the support and

imposing various economic stabilization policies, at the same time, they are equally

pressured by the increased enrolment and to maintain quality levels without

commensurate increase in resources. This makes the need for donor support quite

attractive and at times compelling.

The specific problems of higher education have begun to engage serious attention

both within Africa and donor community (World Bank, 1995).Several African

Government and institutions have undertaken major reviews and strategic planning and

the leading donors to African education which have for a decade turned away from higher

education support, have started new ways of helping to support the revitalization of

African education. Almost without exception, resources have failed to match the rate of

increase in enrolment and demands. Libraries as a consequence are not only

overcrowded, but books are out of date, whilst journal holdings lag years behind.

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Academic libraries are called upon to do more with less in terms of information resources

and infrastructure.

Collection Evaluation in Libraries

Collection analysis and evaluation are crucial to ensuring efficient, effective and

usable collections. Collection effectiveness is measured, according to Lumande and

Ojedokun (2005), by the extent to which a library collection can facilitate research

activities and how much student can rely on it for projects and assignments. Slote (1997)

discusses collection evaluation in academic libraries and asserts that this is where some

of the most serious problems exist, due to critical space shortages and rapid growth of

universities, polytechnics etc. Pauch and Popp (1997) maintain that accountability,

outcome measurement, and assessment are the subject of discussion in higher education,

and coupled with the fact that libraries collections consume a large proportion of the

budget; libraries must ensure that what is collected matches or meets the expressed needs

and information expectation of the academic community.

One of the ways of ensuring that such needs are met is through collection

evaluation within the framework of the curriculum. (Osagie, 2008) Collection evaluation

is the process of assessing the effectiveness of a collection to meet the identified

information need of the instituton.It is a continuous process which reflects change in

teaching/learning programmes and user needs(NSW Department of School

Education,1996).The organized process of systematically analyzing and describing a

library collection, and thus assessing the quality of a library’s collection, may be

variously referred to as collection evaluation, collection assessment or collection

analysis(Mount Saint Vincent University,1998,Perrttt,1993 and Middle Tennessee State

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Unversity,1996). However, Dillon (1996) notes that these terms may be used


Collection assessment may be time consuming and thus an expensive operation

(Gaskal 1995). Cerny, 1991 and Peters, 1998 are of the view that as events in

contemporary society have produced changes in formerly static data such as political

boundaries and curriculums are revised, there is a continual need to ensure that the library

collection is current, relevant and accessible. A proactive role in all aspects of

librarianship is required with collection assessment identifying strengths and weaknesses

in the collection (Saskatchewan school/library assessment.1989).

Furthermore, the analysis produces results that are appropriate for use in future

planning and development. Tanner (1995) states that collection evaluation may be client-

oriented, based on usage or collection-centered based on the actual resources. User-

oriented methods include circulation studies, citation studies, in-house use studies and

survey of opinion studies which will be looked into subsequently. Collection centered

methods include the use of standards, direct exam (by an “expert”), and statistical

analysis (Dillon1998).The methods employed may result in either qualitative or

quantitative data (Dillon 1998).

The ongoing evaluation of collection is an important component of a

comprehensive collection management program. Collection must grow and change to

effect evolution in both the scholarship of each discipline and the curricular needs of the

institution. Likewise serial subscription must regularly be reviewed. According to the

Norfolk public library collection management policy (Oct, 1999), the library collection is

continuously evolving. In order to maintain a strong, vital, relevant, useful, up-to-date

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collection, the collection development librarian will work with library managers to

evaluate collections in addition to the overall collection. The publication further explains

that evaluation techniques will include but not be limited to the following: circulation use

data, collection holding data, evaluation of standard bibliographic catalogues, online

database use of statistics, patrons and staff recommendations, patron survey, list of “best

materials” published by library organizations, library and professional review resources,

formal evaluation of library collections.

Studies have shown that careful evaluation increases book use and user

satisfaction to locate up to date, accurate information that relates to the academic needs.

The publication of Shippensburg University (2008) is of the opinion that` the increased

book usage and increased user satisfaction are some of the advantages of evaluation. Ross

Shimon (1976) notes that libraries are always seeking better ways to evaluate

performance and always running into difficulties. Most of the present evaluation

techniques do not seem to be sufficiently sensitive to both quantitative and qualitative

factors of library services and are not completely acceptable to either librarians or non

librarians. According to her, accessibility of materials, cost and user satisfaction are some

of the important concepts in evaluating library effectiveness.

Evaluation is an integral part of collection development process. In fact,

evaluation is a cardinal principle of collection building (Eze and Eze, 2006).

Cleaver (1980) observed this and a lot more when he opined that the final criterion of a

library is not how many books it has, or how nice it looks, or how big the room is created,

for if the books are going to be read, students must like to read and the library must be a

place which they like to be in, for reading is the cornerstone of our aim.

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However, Ifidon (1997) explains that collection evaluation is the assessment of

the extent to which a collection meets the library’s objectives. The aims of the exercise

are to determine the scope/depth and usefulness of the collection, test the effectiveness,

utility and practical applicability of the collection development policy, assess the

adequacy of the collection and thereby highlighting the inadequacies and suggest ways

of rectifying them, reallocate resources so that the areas that really need them can receive

greater attention; convince the library’s authorities that the allocated resources are also

inadequate; and to identify areas where weeding is required for an evaluation to be

properly done. It is necessary to map out the criteria against which the assessment is

being done. According to him, there are two sets of criteria. The first is the objectives of

the library. The starting point of any organization and especially service oriented

organizations such as the library is to establish the objectives at various levels. Unless

this is done, it will be difficult, if not impossible to know whether the organization’s goal

has been reached or not. This applies to all types of libraries. There is no exception. The

second is the written collection development policy. If the document is properly applied

at the stage the collection is being developed, it can serve as a measuring instrument

when the evaluation of the collection is done. Conversely, if the library staff simply keep

the document in the file for cosmetic reasons and mechanically selects the titles in

addition to the collection, the result will also show when collection assessment is carried

out. Most of the titles will be out of tune with the library’s objectives and the argument

that quantity does not always mean quality will be upheld.

Futhermore, Ifidon (1997) pointed out three commonest evaluators which include

external consultants, accrediting bodies and librarians. An external consultant can be

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appointed with a brief to determine the adequacy of the collection. He develops a

collection policy where there is none, evolves policies and procedures for appropriate

funding of the various areas of the collection, develops the appropriate division of

responsibility to form the selection of library materials between the library/teaching staff

and the discarding and re-allocation of library materials. The second being that the

accrediting body is appointed by the library’s superior agency such as the Ministry of

Education or Commission for higher Education, Nigerian Universities commission

(NUC), Nigerian Legal Council, Nigerian Medical and Dental Association, and others.

This imposes more responsibilities on the library, which has to ensure that the collection

reflects the requirements for accreditation. Accreditation can be referred to as the vehicle

to monitor the quality of education. The basic job of the report from this type of

evaluation is that, most of the members are not librarians and therefore their report should

be taken with a grain of salt. The third type is the one done by the librarians themselves.

Although the librarians have all necessary information to do the assignment, there may be

an element of subjectivity on their part especially if there are in the report some negative

aspects that are likely to be to their disadvantage.

There are many benefits derivable from collection evaluation. Lamb (2004)

submits that collection evaluation helps librarians to review the strengths and weaknesses

of the entire collection through graphic representation and that the idea is to look at the

quality, quantity and condition of the collection. According to Franklin, Essex, and

Hamilton (1999), collection evaluation can be used in budgeting, by comparing the

collection in a given subject area against the curriculum in that area. Supporting this

view, Daingeault (2004:9) states, “I divide the budget by priorities and set aside certain

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amounts for each area of the curriculum. I don’t try balance; instead I try to fill

curriculum needs”. He asserts that when the collection is pertinent to the curriculum, it

will be used. As Pastine (1996) observes that an academic library’s reputation is no

longer primarily based on quantity and number of volumes held but on quality of the

collections along with access capabilities.

Collection Evaluation Methods

Systematic evaluation of the collections by the means which will be discussed

below is imperative to insure that available resources continue to be of maximum benefits

to students and the community. Some methods rely on collecting qualitative or

quantitative statistics (Credaro2001).Quantitative statistics involves variables such as the

current number of items in the collection, number of items added or rate of growth and

items available per students in comparisons to recommended lists or to similar library

collections and the study of the age of the collection. Qualitative approaches include

analysis of circulation and interlibrary lending (ILL) statistics and in- house studies of


A user satisfaction survey which employs a questionnaire or survey is another

technique. This method is sometimes followed up with telephone interviews (Silvera,

1996). They can be conducted in various ways using various tools but have a common

basis in that they rely on the library’s clients, either directly or indirectly, to demonstrate

the strengths and flaws within the collection. This appears to be both the greatest

advantage and disadvantage of this type as there is an element of flexibility and client

focus in measuring the collection’s strengths but user studies also operate on the

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assumption that the value of a collection directly equates with its level of use.Oke and


Studies of the citations and bibliographies of customers’ publication to find out if

items cited are available in the collections is another method of collection evaluation and

assessment of customer satisfaction(Pastine,1996). This relies on the sophistication of the

library’s existing automated circulation system and its ability to put together lists of

information. Automated circulation studies are not difficult at the information gathering

stage due to the ease of collating and producing statistics.

Although planning is required to determine what the object of this kind of study is

and what type of list and statistics will give the most valuable picture of the collection,

the major problem associated with this kind of study is the fact that they show, often

where the collection is strong and not where the user failed to find what they were

looking for. Also not represented are users who use the materials in-house and this is a

big disadvantage.(Oke and Tyrrell 2000)

Three ways of evaluating a library collection have been identified by

Credaro(2001).They include survey of user opinion, which is user centered (through

questionnaire or interview); the conspectus approach which involves the use of subject

descriptors; and the cumulative approach, which combines some of the first two methods

of collection assessment. Conspectus was first used by the Research Libraries

group(RLG) in the USA.It utilizes library classification schemes, gives a collection level

indicator, and a result of a library undertaking conspectus gives an acquisitions

commitment, a collection goal and a preservation commitment.

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The views of Ifidon (1997) are not so different from the above scholars as he also

points out six ways of evaluating library collection which entails compiling statistics on

holdings, use and expenditures; checking list, catalogues and bibliographies; applying

library standards; obtaining opinion from regular users; examining the collection directly;

rating total(internal and external)resources adequacy. According to him, none of the six

collection evaluation techniques is better than the other. Each of them has it own merits

and demerits. For the best result, it is advisable to make use of combination of two or

more of them.

Another method which can be used to get some judgment of the worth of books

in a collection is demand analysis. If there is a fairly regular stream of request for titles

which the library does not have, the librarian might conclude that there is a lack of

correlation between the books being purchased and the interest of the community as

revealed by Carter (1999).

It must be said that since a large part of collection development is making sure

that the selections continue to be valid, and fulfill the collection development policy, one

must always evaluate the chosen materials (Mason 2004)

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Problems affecting acquisition and collection building in academic Libraries

In the task of developing the collection, academic libraries especially in

developing countries encounter a number of problems thereby making evaluation

processes difficult and stressful. Eze and Eze (2006) pointed out that it is usually

impossible to procure materials published overseas without obtaining the appropriate

foreign currency. Presently, getting foreign exchange in a country poses a lot of problems

and when one succeeds, the rate is often very high. The implication is far –reaching. It

means that libraries that want to acquire foreign books must have to pay at least thrice the

publisher’s price. This is usually detrimental to academic libraries, in developing


In addition, poor management of library votes financial mismanagement by the

academic administrators and library managers pose serious problems in maintaining

adequate collection. Consequently, the library is handicapped when it comes to

improving both the stock and staff strength.

Furthermore, inarticulate collection development and acquisition policies are also a

major problem. Libraries do not have written or articulate acquisition policy. It is

important that libraries should have this policies.Moreover, communication services in

the country are nothing to write home about. Our roads are in deplorable conditions. All

these make the process of procuring library materials very cumbersome and time


Scholars like Ogbonna (2000) pointed out some problems which include

Underdeveloped book industry, Government fiscal measures,censorship,poor

communication infrastructure, publication explosion and literature scatter, preservation

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problems,accommodation,poor funding, lack of collection development policy, lack of

written development policy, lack of equipment and facilities and unavailability of

standard bibliographies. Libraries have certain obligation to fulfill and these obligations

cannot be totally fulfilled unless there is adequate fund for the Library.

The attitudes of potential library users toward the various types of formats used to

package and distribute information and those potential users’ ingrained habits of seeking

information must influence collection development planning and evaluation according to

Magrill and Corbin (1989). Osborne and Atkinson (1991) pointed out a number of

problems affecting collection development which include number of employees to be

served, including full-time consultants and outside users, need for end users to access

information when the library is not present, physical working space and supplementing

the collection with on-line information resources.

Another problem facing collection development are identified by Amudhavalli

(1997) as finding out what is available, evaluating the sources available and acquiring

and servicing the sources required. The attitude of the public towards education generally

and towards libraries specifically can create either opportunities or frustration for those

librarians engaged in collection development evaluation. When the public feels good

about education and is willing to support it financially, library materials budgets usually

benefits; when the public loses confidence in the quality of educational leadership,

librarians may find their collection decisions being questioned.

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Strategies for enhancing acquisition practices in Academic Libraries

Focused, positive, and consistent collection development strategy according to

Ifidon (1996) is a necessity for any meaningful library development. The librarian must

also ensure that no race, nationality, profession, trade, religion, school of thought, or local

customer is overlooked during selection. The collection is built according to the policy,

and patrons’ demands must also be considered.

The policy should specify who is responsible for selection. It could be

combination of users and librarians. Methods of selection, treatment of gifts and

donations, weeding and collection assessment are also included.

According to Olaojo and Akewukereke (2006), materials should meet high

standards of quality in content, expression, and format. On the other hand, the selector

should not hesitate to acquire a mediocre book that will be read in preference to a

superior book that will not be read.

In addition, Norfolk Public Library publication ,1999 explains that in other to

ensure that library collection provides timely services to the public, out-dated materials

no longer of regional interest, and damaged materials, whose physical condition makes

them unsuitable for circulation, will be removed from the collection or preserved for

archival use.

A cooperative approach to collection development is absolutely necessary to

counteract the creation of a cycle of apathy. There is little doubt that academic libraries

have grown; they need to sharpen their responsiveness to changing conditions and

improve their management systems and capacities. This will greatly depend on the

communication links that exist between community and libraries.

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Review of Empirical Studies

This subsection is centered the review of relevant empirical findings on related

topics to this research work. A number of studies have been conducted on collection

evaluation and acquisition in academic libraries especially in the University system.

Among these studies is the work done by Crawley-Low (2002) on Collection analysis

technique used to evaluate graduate-level Toxicology collection. In the study, Materials-

centered and use-centered methods were chosen to evaluate the Toxicology collection of

the University of Saskatchewan Library. Strengths and weaknesses of the techniques

were reviewed, along with examples of their use in evaluating the Toxicology collection.

The monograph portion of the collection was evaluated using list checking, citation

analysis, and classified profile method. He further found out that use centered methods

such as circulation and inter library loan data identified highly used items that should be

added to the collection. He also noted in the study that the material-centered evaluation

techniques were generally the simplest to use and their results the easiest to interpret. For

monographs, list checking and the classification profile methods each reflected the local

needs of the library users.

In addition, Jim Agee (2005), who studied Collection Evaluation: a Foundation

for Collection Development and examined how informed librarians are about the value of

collection evaluation. Three examples of collection evaluation methods (user-centered

evaluation, physical assessment, and specific subject support) were employed. The author

analyzed the data and found out that many strategies such as assessment of specific

subject support and assessing and building specific subject collections were available for

evaluating collections, regardless of the kind of library or size of the collection. He

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recommended that collection evaluation will encourage librarians to recognize their

major and minor collections. He also noted that evaluation allows librarians a more

thorough knowledge of what already exists, which may be needed, and whether

collection goals are being achieved. The findings of this author are relevant to this study.

However, this researcher argued that the size of a library or collection will also determine

to an extent what evaluation method will be applicable.

In a related work, Adedibu (2006) conducted a study on “Collection Development

Policy: The case of University of Ilorin Library” .From the responses, it was obvious that

academic staff in conjunction with the professional staff which is about 15.25% of the

population used were responsible for making selection for the library. The University

Librarian, faculty members, Acquisition and collection development librarian and all

individuals who had relevant subjects background played active roles in making

recommendations to the library. The researcher recommended that there is an urgent need

for a written acquisition and collection development policy and Polytechnic Librarian or

University Librarian as the case may be should have an acquisitions and collection

development committee and this committee will give professional advice on the type of

edition,publication,contents,language on all the recommendations received from all the

faculties, while the faculty representatives and students representatives will give advice

on recommendations received, whether the collection is relevant to the courses.

Moreover, Ajidahun (2008) carried out a study on Book acquisition practices in

Nigerian University Libraries: challenges and prospects. A total of 42 copies of a

questionnaire entitled “collection development in University libraries questionnaire” were

mailed to all the 42 state and federal university libraries in Nigeria excluding the private

Page 45: EVALUATION OF ACQUISITION PRACTICES IN POLYTECHNIC ... of acqusition... · studies and research (Rajendran and Rathinasabapathy, 2005). The library caters for the information needs

university libraries. Only 18 University libraries returned their responses. Results show

that acquisition of books in Nigerian university libraries is done mostly through purchase.

Nigerian University libraries patronize the British based multinational publishers more

than the local booksellers for their acquisition. The study further shows that payment

made to book vendors in Nigeria are taxed by Nigerian Universities.

Furthermore, Oseghale (2008) carried out an investigation on Faculty Opinion as

a Collection Evaluation Method using Redeemer’s University library as a case study. He

discovered that 47% of the population occasionally found the materials relevant, while

17% hardly found them relevant. He further observes that 46% of the population

sufficiently found the collection reflective of the curriculum. He also notes that 43% of

the population found the collection very current. The researcher’s investigation is

relevant to an extent because he tackles extensively, the areas being looked into in this

research because the issues of currency and relevance in the use of library resources are

determined by the user of the library.

In the work of Williamson and Colon-Aguirre (2009) on “Determining the scope

of Collection Development and Research assistance for Cross Disciplinary areas: a study

of two contrasting areas, Nanotechnology and Transportation Engineer”, extent of cross

disciplinary in Nanotechnology and transportation engineering research was examined.

Researchers in these two fields were determined from the web sites of the U.S news and

world report top 100 schools in civil engineering and material science. The study

explores approaches to collection development and research assistance for fields having

different extent of cross-discipline. The findings show that transportation engineering

researchers write fewer articles and span fewer disciplines than nanotechnology

Page 46: EVALUATION OF ACQUISITION PRACTICES IN POLYTECHNIC ... of acqusition... · studies and research (Rajendran and Rathinasabapathy, 2005). The library caters for the information needs

researches. The researchers recommended that collection development will have to be

wide ranging in order to serve nanotechnology researchers. Librarians should plan for

approaches to use in providing collection development and research assistance for vast

disciplines. Librarians should focus on depth: getting to know faculty’s research interests

and thoroughly understanding core disciplinary resources

With regards to effectiveness of library resources, Ezeala (2009) carried out an

investigation on the Effectiveness of Library Resources in the Agricultural Research

Institutes in Nigeria. The population for the study consisted of research officers in the 14

Agricultural research Institutes in Nigeria. The researcher therefore opined that their

collections are unsatisfactory; that the libraries are not meeting user expectations. The

books that are available are not current as reported by the respondents. The researcher

also observed that 76.6% of the respondents indicated that the libraries are ineffective.

The study was found to be relevant because it would widen people’s knowledge and pose

as a challenge to researchers to do more research in that area.

From the above discussion, in as much as there are literature in this area of

knowledge, not much have been done using Polytechnics as case study .This has made a

case for this study on evaluation of acquisition practices in Polytechnic Libraries.

Summary of Reviewed Literature.

The review of the literature was based largely on documentary sources, many of

which consisted of journal articles, textbooks, conference or seminar papers, conference

proceedings, theses and electronic sources such as internet and also other important


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The literature reviewed focused on acquisition and collection development in

libraries, role of gifts, donations and exchanges in collection development, collection

evaluations, collection development methods, factors challenging acquisition and

collection building in libraries. The literature clearly revealed that collection development

is a planned, continuous, and cost effective acquisition of quality, relevant materials to

meet the need of users and objectives of the library. The Library is a gateway to

information resources, and can enhance learning, teaching and research in a prompt, cost-

effective, and painless manner. This can be achieved if the library collection is not at

variance with the curriculum. One of the ways to ensure that the collection is in harmony

with the curriculum is to seek the views of academic staff users’ opinion about the

collection, through regular assessment of their opinion about library collections and

services. Osborne (2001) noted that efficiency and effectiveness is bringing greater

output per unit input, ensuring quality services, and meeting user needs well. If Nigerian

academic libraries are to be seen as relevant to their communities, they must ensure that

their collections are not at variance with the curriculum.

There have been some previous related studies carried out in the area of

acquisition, collection development and evaluation in University Libraries but none of

these studies has x-rayed the current status of the collections of Polytechnic Libraries in

south Eastern zone of Nigeria in terms of adequacy, currency, availability and methods of

acquisition. This is the gap which the present study intends to fill.

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This chapter described the procedure that was adopted in carrying out this study.

These include: research design, area of the study, population, sample and sampling

technique, instrument for data collection, validity of instrument, procedure for data

collection and method of data analysis.

Research Design

The design for this study is Evaluative Survey. The survey design will be used to

evaluate the acquisition practices of the Polytechnic Libraries in South-eastern Nigeria.

The work seeks to find out the opinions held by the population by collating and analyzing

data from different designation of lecturers and specific librarians in the Polytechnics in

the South-eastern part of Nigeria, who are considered to be representatives of the entire


Area of the Study

The area of study is South-East Nigeria. All the Polytechnics which include Abia

Polytechnic, Aba, Federal Polytechnic, Nekede, Institute of Management Technology,

Enugu, Akanu Ibiam Federal Polytechnic, Uwana, Ebonyi State and Federal Polytechnic,

Oko, Anambra State are all located within the region. This region was chosen because the

researcher is based within south-east Nigeria.


The target population for this study comprises lecturers and Librarians in the

Polytechnics under study with the view of getting adequate information regarding the

evaluation of acquisition practices since they are well informed of the curricular

Page 49: EVALUATION OF ACQUISITION PRACTICES IN POLYTECHNIC ... of acqusition... · studies and research (Rajendran and Rathinasabapathy, 2005). The library caters for the information needs

expectations and framework of the institutions. The population size of lecturers and

Librarians in the Polytechnic libraries under study are 1650 and 37 respectively given a

grand total of 1687. (See Appendix I)

Sample and Sampling Technique

A sample size of 330 lecturers and 37 Librarians was used for the study. Stratified

random sampling was used to select the respondents for the study. Twenty percent of

lecturers were used in each stratum. This is based on the recommendation of Uzoagulu,

(1998) as cited by Ezeah, (2005) that for a population of many hundreds, a sample of

20% should be used .To ensure fairness of the five schools, population proportionate to

size was used to determine 20% sample size for each of the institutions which will give

82, 54,70,64,60 for Abia Polytechnic, IMT, Federal Polytechnic Nekede, Federal

Polytechnic Oko and Federal Polytechnic Uwana respectively.

Instrument for Data Collection

The researcher used structured questionnaires as instruments of data collection.

Two different questionnaires were designed for lecturers and librarians of the institutions

respectively. A self designed questionnaire titled “Evaluation of Acquisition Practices in

Polytechnics Questionnaire (EAPPQ) was developed for the lecturers of the Polytechnics.

The questionnaire item was divided into two parts. Part one was designed to collect

relevant background information about respondents with respect to their designation,

faculty and department whereas part two was used to elicit information on the research

question of the study. Part two was subdivided into (4) sub-sections: A to D. Section A

which contains 10 items sought to inquire into the extent to which the library collection

reflects the curriculum of the Polytechnic. Section B, which contains 10 items sought

Page 50: EVALUATION OF ACQUISITION PRACTICES IN POLYTECHNIC ... of acqusition... · studies and research (Rajendran and Rathinasabapathy, 2005). The library caters for the information needs

information on the the extent of currency of the library collection. Section C sought

information on problems encountered. Section D was dedicated to finding out strategies

for improvement on collection development.

The second questionnaire was designed for Librarians in the Polytechnics. It was

sub-divided into six (7) sections: A to G. Section A which contains 10 items sought to

inquire into the extent of adequacy of the collection in relation to the curricular of the

polytechnic. Section B sought information on how materials are acquired in the library.

Section C sought information on the extent of currency of information resources.

Section D inquired into the Collection Development policies available in the library.

Section E looked into the evaluation processes available. Section F sought information on

problems encountered in collection development practices. Section G was aimed at

finding out strategies for improvement on collection development in the libraries under


Each respondent was required to answer the questions by selecting appropriate

response(s) option from the range of pre-scheduled answers by ranking their choices.

Sometimes, respondents were required to suggest answers by themselves in the column

provided for such.

Validation of the Instrument

To ascertain the validity of the instruments, the researcher subjected the

questionnaires to content and face validity. The researcher gave copies of draft

questionnaires to her supervisor in addition to two experts in the researcher’s field of

study. They were requested to look at the content of the questionnaires, whether it is in

line with the research questions and statement of problem. They were requested to look at

Page 51: EVALUATION OF ACQUISITION PRACTICES IN POLYTECHNIC ... of acqusition... · studies and research (Rajendran and Rathinasabapathy, 2005). The library caters for the information needs

the format of the questionnaire, the appropriateness of the questionnaire title, the clarity

of items contained therein, as well as correcting any grammatical errors in the

questionnaires. Their correction, comments, was reflected in the final copy of the

instrument. (See Appendix II)

Method of Data Collection

The researcher used questionnaires to gather the necessary data for the study. In

order to ensure a high percentage of return, the questionnaires will be personally

distributed to the respondents by the researcher and collected immediately. This is in

order to have a quick return and also minimize loss of the completed questionnaire.

Method of Data Analysis

Research questions formed the basis for data analysis. The researcher used

descriptive and inferential statistical methods to analyze the data.

Frequencies, percentages (%), and mean scores were used to analyze each item in the

questionnaire for the purpose of answering the research questions. For the responses on a

4-point Likert type scale, a mid point mean of 2.5 which is the criterion mean was

accepted as a positive response. This point was chosen because the average of the

individual mean score is 2.5.

i.e 4+3+2+1

4 = 2.5

In otherwards, any mean score that ranged from 2.5 and above was regarded as positive

and accepted while below 2.5 was regarded as negative and rejected.

Furthermore, any percentage that ranged from 50% and above was regarded as

positive and accepted while below 50% was regarded as negative and rejected. The

percentage is analyzed with the formula below

Page 52: EVALUATION OF ACQUISITION PRACTICES IN POLYTECHNIC ... of acqusition... · studies and research (Rajendran and Rathinasabapathy, 2005). The library caters for the information needs

Weight of responses

_______________________ X 100

Number of responses

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In this chapter, the data collected from the questionnaires are presented and

analyzed using frequency tables, simple percentages and means. The presentation and

analysis are done bearing in mind the five research questions guiding the study. A total of

three hundred and thirty (330) questionnaires were distributed to Lecturers of the

institutions but two hundred and ninety eight (298) were returned and correctly filled.

This indicates a percentage of 90.3% which the researcher considered appropriate for use.

On the other hand, thirty-seven (37) questionnaires were distributed to librarians and all

were returned and correctly filled.

Page 54: EVALUATION OF ACQUISITION PRACTICES IN POLYTECHNIC ... of acqusition... · studies and research (Rajendran and Rathinasabapathy, 2005). The library caters for the information needs

Research Question 1: How adequate are the collections of Polytechnic Libraries in

South-east Nigeria?

Table 1: Mean Responses of Lecturers and Librarians on adequacy of the Library

collections = 298, N = 37.

Key A- Accepted R- Rejected


Table 1 shows the adequacy of library collections in the Polytechnic libraries under

study. The results shows that the information resources available are books, reference

materials, journals, computer resources, periodicals, manuscripts, tapes(audio and

video),Government publications, microfilms and magazines. Responses from Lecturers

and librarians respectively indicates that books(3.65,3.03),Reference materials(3.17,2.95)

and periodicals (2.63,2.57) are adequate. The results also show that the most adequate

information materials in the libraries are books. On the other hand, librarians indicate that

journals (2.43) and computer resources (1.92) are not very adequate while the lecturers

indicate they are adequate with mean weights of 3.15 and 2.94 respectively. The two

respondents also have different views about the adequacy of magazines with mean




VA A NA NVA Mean Decision VA A NA NVA Mean Decision

1 Books 220 52 28 - 3.65 A 8 16 6 - 3.03 A

2 Reference


93 171 27 7 3.17 A 5 20 4 1 2.95 A

3 Journals 58 175 38 7 3.15 A 2 11 14 1 2.43 R

4 Computer


76 141 67 14 2.94 A - 6 11 11 1.92 R

5 Periodicals 40 123 119 16 2.63 A 4 23 5 - 2.57 A

6 Manuscripts 31 72 175 20 2.38 R - - 14 13 1.65 R

7 Tapes(audio and


28 107 114 49 2.38 R - 4 12 14 1.35 R

8 Government


40 65 156 37 2.36 R 1 3 23 - 2.14 R

9 Microfilms 33 52 190 16 2.30 R - - 14 15 1.16 R

10 Magazines 7 64 88 139 1.80 R 4 23 5 - 2.57 A

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weights of 1.80 and 2.57 respectively. The result also shows that

manuscripts(2.38,1.65),Tapes(2.38,1.35),government publications(2.36,2.14),microfilms

(2.30,1.16) are not very adequate.

Research Question 2: What are the methods of acquisition of information

resources of the polytechnic libraries?

Table 2: Methods of acquisition of information resources. N = 37

S/n Methods of acquisition of


Frequency Percentage Total no of


1 Gifts 36 97.3% 37

2 Purchase 36 97.3% 37

3 Donation 10 27.0% 37

4 Exchanges - - 37

An analysis of the responses indicates that 97.3% of the respondents acquire information

materials by gifts and purchase. Ten percent (27.0%) of the respondents acquire materials

through donation

Research Question 3: How current are the collections of the Polytechnic Libraries?

Table 3: Currency of library materials

S/N Information


Lecturers= 298 Librarians= 37



% F


% F


% F



1 Ref.Materials 265 88.9% 46 15.4% 22 59.5% 13 35.1%

2 Books 252 84.6% 33 11.1% 19 51.4% 6 16.2%

3 Journals 242 81.2% 56 18.8% 13 35% 14 37.8%

4 Gov’t


198 66.4% 100 33.6% 5 13.5% 11 29.7%

5 Periodicals 186 62.4% 112 37.6% - - 30 81.1%

6 Manuscripts 153 51.3% 145 51.3% 7 18.95 19 51.4%

7 Microfilms 131 44% 167 56% 11 29.7% 10 27.0%

8 Computer


153 51.3% 77 25.8% 4 10.8% 28 75.75

9 Magazines 167 56% 75 25.2% - - 30 81.1%

10 Tapes (audio

and video)

126 42.3% 116 38.9% 3 8.1% 30 81.1%

Key- C- current, NC- not current

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From table 3, it was discovered that Books, Reference materials and Journals are

more current than government publication, periodicals, manuscripts, microfilms,

computer resources, magazines and tapes(audio and video) looking at the responses of

the lecturers and librarians. Their percentages are 88.9%, 84.6%, 81.2% for lecturers and

59.5%, 51.4% and 35% for librarians. From the responses of Librarians, it was

discovered that periodicals and magazines are not current with their percentages as 81.1%

and 81.1% respectively.

Research Question 4: What are the collection development policies available in the


Table 4: Availability of collection development policies. N= 37

S/n Library Practices Frequency


Percentage Frequency



1 Acquisition 15 40.5% 3 8.1%

2 Selection 1 2.7% 1 2.7

3 Gifts and Exchanges 2 5.4% 3 8.1%

4 Weeding 1 2.7% - -

The table 4 indicates that the Libraries under study have collection development

policy in the area of acquisition (40.5%). However, according to the responses from

librarians, selection, gift and exchanges and weeding has 2.7%, 5.4%, and 2.7%

respectively, which shows a low response rate on availability of collection development

policies in those areas.

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Research Question 5: What are the problems encountered in developing the

collections of the polytechnic libraries?

Table 5: Problems affecting collection building. N =298, N= 37

S/N Problems affecting

collection building

SA A D SD Mean Decision

1 Outdated materials 38 92 53 115 2.18 R

2 Problem of storage


24 105 111 58 2.32 R

3 Materials not relevant

to the Polytechnics


18 112 118 50 2.33 R

4 Worn out materials 79 56 87 76 2.46 A

5 Inadequate


94 85 31 88 2.78 A

6 Duplication of titles 130 144 17 7 3.33 A

7 Lack of funds 24 7 - - 3.16 A

8 Lack `of collection

development policy

26 7 - - 3.38 A

9 Lack of cooperation

from parent


17 14 3 - 3.14 A

10 Resistance to change 9 16 6 - 2.59 A

Table 5 depicts a picture of the problems librarians and lecturers encounter in

developing and acquiring information from their libraries. The table revealed in a

descending order that they encountered lack of collection development policy (3.38),

duplication of titles (3.33), lack of funds (3.16), lack of cooperation from parent

organization (3.14), inadequate professional/Librarians (2.78), resistance to change

(2.59), worn out materials (2.46), materials not relevant to the Polytechnics curricular

(2.33), problem of storage facilities (2.32) and out dated materials (2.18). From the table,

it shows that lack of collection development and duplication of titles is a predominant

problem based on the mean score on librarians and lecturers.

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Research Question 6: What are the strategies that could be used to enhance the

acquisition practices of the libraries under study?

Table 6: Strategies for effective acquisition practices. N = 298, N=37.

S/N Strategies for




SA A D SD Mean Decision

1 The collection


policy of the

library should

be followed

265 23 10 - 3.86 A

2 Good record of


available should

be kept

278 10 10 - 3.71 A

3 Staff training 221 67 10 - 3.71 A

4 Provision of

grants and aids

by government

and parent

organization to

the library

199 93 6 - 3.65 A

5 Adequate

feedback should

be rendered to

the library


167 131 - - 3.56 A

6 Effective



librarians and


153 81 64 - 3.30 A

7 Librarians

change of

attitude towards



25 7 - - 3.27 A

8 Provision of

sufficient funds

by government

18 14 2 - 3.19 A

9 Employment of


librarians by


20 12 - 2 3.19 A

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The data analyzed in table 6 indicates that in order to improve acquisition

practices in Polytechnic libraries, the collection development policy should be followed

(3.86), good records of resources available should be kept (3.71), staff training and

orientation should be held (3.71), provision of grants and aids by government and parent

organization to the library(3.65), adequate feedback should be rendered to the library and

authorities (3.56), effective communication between librarians and users (3.30), librarians

change of attitude towards collection development (3.27), provision of sufficient funds by

government (3.19), and employment of qualified librarians by Polytechnics. The table

also indicates that strategies such as the collection development policy should be

followed (3.86) and employment of qualified librarians by Polytechnics (3.19) has the

highest and lowest response respectively.

Summary of findings

The following findings can be deduced from the study. The total number of 298

lecturers and 37 librarians in Polytechnics in South East Nigeria located in Abia, Imo,

Enugu, Anambra and Ebonyi were studied. Out of the population of 330 lecturers, two

hundred and ninety eight (298) respondents were sampled. However, all the 37 librarians

in the institutions were used as sample. The study revealed that books, reference

materials and periodicals are more adequate in relation to the curriculum of the

Polytechnics more than other information materials. The study shows that books are the

most adequate information material. The results showed that collection development

policy is available in these libraries, but the policy embraces only acquisition. The study

also indicated that problem of storage facilities, resistance to change, lack of funds, lack

Page 60: EVALUATION OF ACQUISITION PRACTICES IN POLYTECHNIC ... of acqusition... · studies and research (Rajendran and Rathinasabapathy, 2005). The library caters for the information needs

of collection development policy, outdated materials, lack of cooperation from parent

organization, inadequate professionals/librarians, materials not relevant to the

Polytechnic curricular and duplication of titles constitute major problems of collection

development. The result shows that employment of qualified librarians, provision of

collection development policy, effective communication between librarians and users,

staff training and orientation, provision of grants and aids by the government, individuals

and parent organizations to the library, librarians change of attitude towards collection

development, adequate feedback to the library authorities and keeping good record of

resources available are strategies that could enhance acquisition and collection building.

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This chapter deals with discussion of findings, the implications of the study,

recommendations, limitations of the study and suggestions for further research and


Discussion of Findings

The discussion of the findings of the study is organized under the following headings:

Adequacy of the collections of the Polytechnic Libraries in South-East Nigeria.

The study revealed that the most adequate information resources in these

libraries are books (textbooks). This is quite revealing and the finding shows that

textbooks as a library resource is quite indispensable in any library. These finding seem

to agree with an earlier observation made by Oyegade,(2003) that books are of great

value as well as veritable means of proficiency and excellence in all human endeavours.

Owing to the growing nature of knowledge, Polytechnic libraries especially in the

developing countries should increase the number of other forms of information materials

more especially Government publications, manuscripts, magazines, microfilms,

tapes(audio and video) and journals to meet the standards of the Polytechnic and

satisfaction of users.

Methods of acquisition of Information materials in the Polytechnic Libraries

In finding out the methods of acquisition of information materials, the result

revealed that in the entire Polytechnics studied, information materials are acquired mainly

by gifts and purchase. This concurs with the views of Magril and Corbin (1989) that for

many libraries, gifts materials have been very important in building library collections.

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This also agrees with the findings of Ajidahun (2008) who found that the acquisition of

books in the forty two (42) Universities he studied is mainly through purchase. Hence

adequate care should be taken in selecting and acquiring up to date materials through

these means of acquisition. Majority of the respondents in the Polytechnic libraries do not

indicate that they get donations from individuals, government or international

organizations and when they do; most of them are not very useful. This finding is in line

with the view of Njuguna, 2000 that some of the donations are very useful, while the

majority is not. Therefore, libraries should screen information materials that come in

through donations in other to avoid outdated materials.

Currency of Materials of Polytechnic Libraries in South-East Nigeria

Findings from the study revealed the currency of materials in the Polytechnic

libraries. It was found out that books, reference materials and journals are more current

than other information materials available in the Polytechnic libraries. It is not surprising

to note that most users of the library consult these materials more often because of their

currency. This is in contrast with the views of Garber (1998) who emphasized that the

increasing cost of books and journals with decreasing government support has reduced

many libraries to museum-like repositories of outdated books. In addition, enough

budgets should be mapped out for the purchase of current/up to date materials.

Collection Development Policies

From the results of the study, a collection development policy is available but

encompasses only the area of acquisition. This finding supports the view of Ifidon (1997)

who perceives that a functional collection development policy is to provide guidance to

staff when selecting and deselecting resources for the local collection. He further opines

Page 63: EVALUATION OF ACQUISITION PRACTICES IN POLYTECHNIC ... of acqusition... · studies and research (Rajendran and Rathinasabapathy, 2005). The library caters for the information needs

that it serves as a guideline for acquisition. It was also discovered that collection

development policies are not very effective in these libraries. In other wards, written

acquisition policies should be available in Polytechnic libraries and academic libraries at

large and these policies should strictly be followed when selecting and deselecting library


Problems encountered in developing Library collection.

From the result of the study which invariably were derived from the respondents in

research question 5, the following factors were identified: Lack of funds, Lack of

cooperation from parent organization, problem of storage facilities, duplication of titles,

worn out materials, Inadequate professionals/librarians, lack of collection development

policy, materials not relevant to the polytechnics curricular and resistance to change.

These findings are in consonance with some of the problems pointed out by Ogbonna

(2000) which include: preservation problems, accommodation, poor funding, lack of

collection development policy, lack of written development policy, lack of equipment

and facilities. He further mentions that the obligations of libraries cannot be totally

fulfilled unless there is adequate fund for the library. The problem of funding supports

the view of Ajibero (2004) and Sawyer (2005) who concurs that lack of funds from

various governments has been noted as one of the causes for poor performance of

academic libraries. This finding shows that serious attention should be made in these

libraries to correct these identified problems. These problems can be remedied if

solutions are approached through the above perspective.

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Strategies that can be adopted to improve acquisition practices.

On the issue of strategies that can improve acquisition practices, the respondents

agreed that all the strategies suggested ranging from training and orientation of staff,

provision of grants and aids by government, effective communication between librarians

and users, training of staff, provision of collection development policy, adequate

feedback, librarians’ change of attitude towards collection development are appropriate

for effective collection development. The issue of providing collection development

policy supports Hazen(1995)’s view that a collection development policy serves as a

contract with users which demonstrate the individual within what they can expect of the

library both in terms of collections and of the service. A thorough planning and execution

by librarians in developing current and adequate information resources that will embrace

the curriculum of the Polytechnics is also recommended. The researcher believes that

these mentioned problems are the crux of the matter rather than misplacement of priority

by management.

Implications of the study

Findings from the study show that information materials available in these libraries

are adequate but there is need to increase the number of materials such as Government

publications, microfilms, manuscripts, magazines and tapes (audio and video) and

journals. There is also the possibility that if such materials are not very adequate and

current, students and users of the library may be lagging behind. This will of course

affect the currency and recency of their research output and the speed at which it is

published. The study also reveals that lack of collection development policy in the area of

weeding, gifts and exchanges and selection poses a lot of problems in collection building

Page 65: EVALUATION OF ACQUISITION PRACTICES IN POLYTECHNIC ... of acqusition... · studies and research (Rajendran and Rathinasabapathy, 2005). The library caters for the information needs

and evaluation. The process of collection development will not be fully implemented if

there are no written policies guiding these library practices. It was discovered that

information materials are acquired mainly through gifts and purchase. This implies that

there is the need to embrace other avenues of acquiring information such as donations

and exchanges in order to enhance their collections. The implication is also that the

libraries may be flooded with books and information materials not relevant to the

curriculum of the institutions.

Inadequate professionals/librarians, resisitance to change, out dated materials, lack

of cooperation from parent organizations, worn out materials, duplication of titles and

lack of collection development policy were among the major constraints libraries faced in

developing their collection. The implication is that if library administrators do not

adequately plan for provision of sufficient funds, staff training and orientation, effective

communication between librarians and users, effective documentation of library records,

employment of qualified librarians, this will lead to low quality of lecturers and students

research activities/output.


Based on the findings of this study, the following recommendations are made.

Libraries should have a written collection development policy that will embrace

acquisition, selection, weeding, gifts and exchanges. This will facilitate a

consistent and balanced growth of the library resources.

There should be constant staff training /orientation on the issues of acquisition

practices and evaluation.

Page 66: EVALUATION OF ACQUISITION PRACTICES IN POLYTECHNIC ... of acqusition... · studies and research (Rajendran and Rathinasabapathy, 2005). The library caters for the information needs

Librarians should consult with academic staff in order to get information on the

institutions curriculum thus acquiring materials that will suit the curriculum.

Library collection should be evaluated quarterly instead of annually.

Polytechnic libraries should employ more qualified librarians to meet with the

growing needs of the clients.

There is need to provide adequate space for Polytechnic libraries to enable them

have archives where they can deposit outdated materials.

Emphasis should be made on training of librarians in order to acquire all the skills

on acquisition and collection development. There should be provision of on the

job training for librarians especially acquisitions librarians.

Polytechnic libraries should seek for more financial aid from donor organizations.

Polytechnic administrators should request for education Trust fund to include the

provision of current and adequate collections.

Limitations of the study

The researcher encountered a number of problems in the course of carrying out this

study. The attitude of the respondents towards filling the questionnaire was not

encouraging. The researcher had to travel severally to the Polytechnics for distribution

and subsequent collection of the questionnaire. Some of the questionnaire (but very few)

were not completed, and as such could not be used by the researcher.However, the

researcher was able to collect enough number of completed questionnaires. The number

of questionnaire that was not retrieved was not enough to affect the validity of the study.

Page 67: EVALUATION OF ACQUISITION PRACTICES IN POLYTECHNIC ... of acqusition... · studies and research (Rajendran and Rathinasabapathy, 2005). The library caters for the information needs

Suggestions for further research

This restricted area therefore opens the door for more investigation into this area in

Nigerian context with respect to other academic institutions. The following areas for

further studies are suggested.

Accessing the adequacy of information resources in academic libraries.

The influence of collection evaluation on academic libraries.

Utilization of collection development training of librarians in academic

institutions: implications and challenges.


It should be noted that adequate and effective evaluation of acquisition practices

and collection development in Polytechnic Libraries and academic libraries at large could

effectively support and improve a wide range of librarians, lecturers and students

research output.

This study has attempted to evaluate the adequacy of materials, methods of

acquisition, currency of materials, availability of collection development policies,

challenges and strategies that could enhance the acquisition practices of Polytechnic

libraries in south-east zone of Nigeria. Findings from the study have shown that

information resources in these Polytechnic libraries such as books, reference materials,

journals, computer resources and periodicals are adequate hence there should be an

increased number of materials such as manuscripts, tapes (audio and video), Government

publication, microfilms and magazines. The study revealed that majority of their

materials are current such as books, reference materials, journals and the collection

development policy available encompasses acquisition. The Polytechnic libraries acquire

Page 68: EVALUATION OF ACQUISITION PRACTICES IN POLYTECHNIC ... of acqusition... · studies and research (Rajendran and Rathinasabapathy, 2005). The library caters for the information needs

their materials through purchase and gifts; hence they are advised to consider other

avenues such as donations and exchanges in order to have adequate information


Notwithstanding all the benefits inherent in having a good collection, there are

still a lot of problems militating against developing a good collection in Nigerian

Polytechnic libraries such as duplication of titles, inadequate professionals/librarians,

resistance to change, outdated materials, lack of funds and lack of collection development

policy among others. In order to achieve an effective and efficient library, adequate

attention must be given to the strategies and recommendation given in the study.

Page 69: EVALUATION OF ACQUISITION PRACTICES IN POLYTECHNIC ... of acqusition... · studies and research (Rajendran and Rathinasabapathy, 2005). The library caters for the information needs


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Table 1: Population size of Lecturers and Librarians







1 Abia Polytechnic,Aba 410 7 417

2 Federal


350 9 359

3 Institute of management


300 6 306

4 Akanu Ibiam Federal


270 8 278

5 Federal Polytechnic,Oko 320 7 327

GRAND TOTAL 1650 37 1687

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Department of library and information Science,

University of Nigeria,


Dear Respondents,

I am a masters degree student in Library and Information Science, University of

Nigeria, Nsukka.

This research questionnaire is prepared for collection of data of the study:

Evaluation Acquisition Practices in Polytechnics in South-Eastern Nigeria.

Please kindly provide answers to these questions as truthfully as you can. All

answers provided here will be purely used for research purpose.

Thanks in anticipation for your cooporation and God bless.

Yours sincerely,


Page 77: EVALUATION OF ACQUISITION PRACTICES IN POLYTECHNIC ... of acqusition... · studies and research (Rajendran and Rathinasabapathy, 2005). The library caters for the information needs

Tick (√) in the boxes provided to indicate your opinion and supply answer(s) in the space

provided against suggestions where necessary.

1. What is your designation?

Principal Lecturer ( ) Senior Lecturer ( )

Lecturer 1 ( ) Assistant Lecturer ( )

2. Please indicate your Faculty? ......................................................

3. Please indicate your Department ……………………………………….


1. How adequate are the collections of the Polytechnic Libraries?


1 Books

2 Reference Materials

3 Journals

4 Government publication

5 Manuscripts

6 Microfilms

7 Computer Resources

8 Tapes(audio and video)

9 Periodicals

10 Magazines

KEY: VA-very adequate, A-adequate, NA-not adequate, NVA-not very adequate



2. How current do you find these information materials?


1 Books

2. Reference materials

3 Journals

4 Government publications

5 Periodicals

6 Manuscripts

7 Microfilms

8 Computer Resources

9 Magazines

10 Tapes(Audio and Video)

C-current, NC-not current.

Page 78: EVALUATION OF ACQUISITION PRACTICES IN POLYTECHNIC ... of acqusition... · studies and research (Rajendran and Rathinasabapathy, 2005). The library caters for the information needs

3. How effective is the Library collection?


FE- fairly effective, E- effective, NE-not effective, VE-very effective


4 What problems have you experienced with regards to getting information

from your Library?


1 Out dated materials

2 Worn out materials

3 Problem of storage facilities

4 Materials not relevant to the polytechnic curricular

5 Inadequate Library professionals

6 Duplication of titles

7 Others(Specify)


5 How can these problems be solved?


1 Effective communication between Librarians and


2 The collection development policy of the Library

should be followed

3 Good records of resources available should be kept

4 Staff training and orientation

5 Provision of grants and aids by the government and

parent organization to the library

6 Adequate feedback should be rendered to the

library authorities

7 Other Problem(specify)

Page 79: EVALUATION OF ACQUISITION PRACTICES IN POLYTECHNIC ... of acqusition... · studies and research (Rajendran and Rathinasabapathy, 2005). The library caters for the information needs






Department of Library and Information Science,

University of Nigeria,


Dear Respondents,

I am a Masters Degree student of Library and Information Science, University of

Nigeria, Nsukka.

This research questionnaire is prepared for collection of data of the study:

Evaluation of Acquisition Practices in Polytechnics in South-Eastern Nigeria.

Please kindly provide answers to these questions as truthfully as you can. All

answers provided will be purely used for research purpose.

Thanks for your cooperation.

Yours sincerely,

Diogu, C.C

Page 80: EVALUATION OF ACQUISITION PRACTICES IN POLYTECHNIC ... of acqusition... · studies and research (Rajendran and Rathinasabapathy, 2005). The library caters for the information needs

Tick (√) in boxes provided to indicate your opinions and supply answer(s) in the space

provided against suggestions where necessary.

i What is your designation?

Collection development Librarian [ ] Serials Librarian [ ] Acquisitions Librarian [ ]

Chief Librarian [ ] Circulations Librarian [ ]

ii How long have you worked in the Library?

1-5yrs [ ] 6-10yrs [ ] 10-15yrs [ ] 15-20yrs [ ] 20-25yrs [ ]



1. How adequate are the collections of the Library?


1 Books

2 Reference Materials

3 Journals

4 Government Publications

5 Manuscripts

6 Microfilms

7 Computer Resources

8 Tapes(audio and video)

9 Periodicals

10 Magazines

VA-very adequate, A-adequate, NA-not adequate, NVA-not very adequate


2. Your information materials are acquired in the following ways


1 Gifts

2 Purchase

3 Donations

4 Exchanges

5 Any other(Specify)

Page 81: EVALUATION OF ACQUISITION PRACTICES IN POLYTECHNIC ... of acqusition... · studies and research (Rajendran and Rathinasabapathy, 2005). The library caters for the information needs

3. What type of Information materials do you acquire?


1 Books

2 Reference


3 Journals

4 Government Publication

5 Manuscripts

6 Microfilms

7 Computer Resources

8 Tapes(audio and video)

9 Periodicals

10 Magazines


4. How can you assess the quality of these information resources in terms of currency?


1 Books

2 Reference Materials

3 Journals

4 Government Publication

5 Manuscripts

6 Microfilms

7 Computer Resources

8 Tapes(audio and video)

9 Periodicals

10 Magazines

C- current, NC-not current

Page 82: EVALUATION OF ACQUISITION PRACTICES IN POLYTECHNIC ... of acqusition... · studies and research (Rajendran and Rathinasabapathy, 2005). The library caters for the information needs


4. Does your Library have a collection development policy?

Yes [ ] No [ ]

5. If yes, does the policy cover the following practices?

S/N Collection Development Practices YES NO

1 Acquisition

2 Selection

3 Gift and Exchanges

4 Weeding

5 Others(Specify)

5. Who are the participants in the area of Collection Development?

a Collection Development Librarian [ ]

b. Chief Librarian [ ]

c Acquisitions Librarian [ ]

d Parent Body [ ]

e. Users of the Library [ ]


5. Do you evaluate your collections?

Yes [ ]

No [ ]

Page 83: EVALUATION OF ACQUISITION PRACTICES IN POLYTECHNIC ... of acqusition... · studies and research (Rajendran and Rathinasabapathy, 2005). The library caters for the information needs

6. Which of the following professionals are involved in the evaluation of the Library


Chief Librarian [ ]

Collection Development Librarian [ ]

Serials Librarian [ ]

Circulations Librarian [ ]

Acquisitions Librarian [ ]

Academic Staff [ ]

Parent Organization [ ]

Others (Specify)-----------------------------------------------

7. How often is the evaluation process carried out?

A Q D W Any Other

A-annually, Q- quarterly, D-daily, W-weekly


8. What constraint does your Library face in developing your collection?


1 Inadequate professionals/librarians

2 Resistance to change

3 Problem of storage facilities

4 Out dated materials

5 Lack of cooperation from parent organization

6 Worn out materials

7 Lack of funds

8 Lack of collection development policy

9 Lack of seriousness to work

10 Other problems(specify)

Page 84: EVALUATION OF ACQUISITION PRACTICES IN POLYTECHNIC ... of acqusition... · studies and research (Rajendran and Rathinasabapathy, 2005). The library caters for the information needs


9. Which of the following strategies can be employed in solving the problems

encountered in acquisition?


1 Employment of qualified Librarians by the


2 Librarians change of attitude towards collection


3 Provision of sufficient funds by the Government

4 Staff training and orientation

5 Provision of grants and aids by the Government,

individuals and parent organizations to the Library

6 Adequate feedback should be rendered to the Library

authority by users.

7 Effective communication between Librarians and


8 Provision of collection development policy

9 Other solutions(Specify)

Page 85: EVALUATION OF ACQUISITION PRACTICES IN POLYTECHNIC ... of acqusition... · studies and research (Rajendran and Rathinasabapathy, 2005). The library caters for the information needs