EVALUATION 1.IN WHAT WAYS DOES YOUR MEDIA PRODUCT USE, DEVELOP OR CHALLENGE FORMS AND CONVENTONS OF REAL MEDIA PRODUCTS? In consideration of the recent ascent in the popularity of indie pop as a music genre, I have constructed a magazine based on this genre. It has a more melodic, light-hearted sound to it. Incorporating the conventions of indie pop magazines(discussed in research and planning),I have used subtle colours and bright lighting to give it a mellow look. Adding a spark of red, the text is highlighted against the subtle background while encapsulating the gest of its fusion of alternative rock developing the conventions of an indie pop magazine. The sans-serif font and soft image provides a light-hearted mood. My music magazine presents a conventional yet innovational aspect of the indie pop genre. The contents sheet of my music magazine challenges the conventional format as it is more eclectic in its design with a vibrant colour scheme and a combination of the poster style format with the traditional contents sheet style.

Evaluation (foundation Portfolio)

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Page 1: Evaluation (foundation Portfolio)

EVALUATION1.IN WHAT WAYS DOES YOUR MEDIA PRODUCT USE, DEVELOP OR CHALLENGE FORMS AND CONVENTONS OF REAL MEDIA PRODUCTS?In consideration of the recent ascent in the popularity of indie pop as a music genre, I have constructed a magazine based on this genre. It has a more melodic, light-hearted sound to it. Incorporating the conventions of indie pop magazines(discussed in research and planning),I have used subtle colours and bright lighting to give it a mellow look. Adding a spark of red, the text is highlighted against the subtle background while encapsulating the gest of its fusion of alternative rock developing the conventions of an indie pop magazine. The sans-serif font and soft image provides a light-hearted mood. My music magazine presents a conventional yet innovational aspect of the indie pop genre. The contents sheet of my music magazine challenges the conventional format as it is more eclectic in its design with a vibrant colour scheme and a combination of the poster style format with the traditional contents sheet style.

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Subtle colors are used adhering to the indie pop genre.

The taglines are written in red to attract the audience attention.

A young female model is photographed as the young audience is targeted.

Free give-away to attract the audience.

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2.HOW DOES YOUR MEDIA PRODUCT REPRESENT PARTICULAR SOCIAL GROUPS?Indie pop in its essence is associated with youth. With a target audience of fourteen to twenty-five, elements of youth are incorporated in the magazine. The spark of red along with the soft yet engaging image, is used to highlight the youthful aspect. The catchy taglines and short phrases along with the orange turned corner on the magazine cover gives an attractive and youthful feel to it. The masthead and the other text is highlighted against the subtle background by adding using bright colours. Serif fonts are used to make their heading bolder and more appealing to the fleeting eye. Youthful elements are instilled in the magazine to highlight the essence of the indie pop genre.

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3. WHO WOULD BE THE AUDIENCE FOR YOUR MEDIA PRODUCT?The target audience considering the genre and content of the magazine is the youth. People from the age of fourteen to twenty-five are targeted by the magazine as the surveys (shown in the research) show that music magazines are usually bought and liked by this age group. It appeals to the mass audience due to its genre.




Liking of the music magazine by dif-ferent age groups

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1.The Bauer Media Group, the distributors of ‘Kerrang’ magazine are well know for their promotion of new talent so I presume them to be the potential distributors for my magazine. Being a well established media house , they will have the required resources and thus willingness to publish my magazine.2. The Glitch Mag is a digital music magazine based on the indie pop genre so it is likely to distribute and promote my magazine digitally. The genre and the target audience of my magazine and the Glitch Mag being the same makes it possible for my magazine to be distributed by the Glitch Mag.

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5. HOW DID YOU ATTRACT/ADDRESS YOUR AUDIENCE?My media product attracts the audience by using the following:1.a young female model 2.a colourful theme

3.eye-catching fonts and text 4.a free give-away

5.interesting contents

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In designing my AS media coursework, I learnt a lot about the technologies which I was not familiar with earlier. The cropping, editing, designing and organization of information I learnt from this coursework is valuable to me in consideration to my A-levels media studies course. It helped me portray my imaginations and ideas to create my media product.

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Working the course of the media coursework, I saw my media skills develop at every step of the preliminary task. A better understanding of the camera work and light angles enabled me to improve the fundamental part of a magazine, the image. I learned that the right combination of fonts and a suitable colour scheme is essential for the magazine to become eye-catching and from text being submerged by the photo in the school magazine, I developed my skill to highlight the text against the image by using a contrasting font colour and adding drop shadow to the text.

In a nutshell, from working on the school magazine to working on the music magazine, I was able to learn a lot of media technicalities and sharpen my editing and designing skills.

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Above is the timeline of my progression from the ancillary task to the final music magazine which clearly shows the development of my editing techniques and media sensibilities. From the basic photo cropping to the experimentation with media techniques like editing in Adobe Photoshop (turning the corner of my final music magazine), I grew as a media student. In constructing my final music magazine, I made a music magazine cover based on the jazz genre but shifted my focus to an entirely new genre, the Indie Pop as I felt I knew more about the genre and would be able to contribute more to my magazine and would use the experience gained from making one magazine to produce the final one with even better editing and presentation.