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Making eye contact with the reader so it directly addresses the audience.

Clear colour that links with the colours of the school badge.

Wearing uniform which shows that is realistic and relevant to students that will read the magazine.


Bold cover lines to make it stand out to the reader and they know what they are going to be reading.

The use of punctuation attracts the reader as it emphasis the point and article.

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In my magazine I used a layout that you would usually see in a magazine and used puns and big bold and I have used the left to right layout that is used in the majority of magazines to attract the reader. I have used a medium close up shot on the front cover. I have developed previous magazines by using the idea of school information but also having articles about what they want to know like celebrities and music.

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My magazine represents particular social groups as the colours are unisex so for boys and girl and they show that the magazine is for children but not of an extremely young age. Also the colours are based round the school badge so that it is aimed at that specific school. By providing articles about music and celebrities shows that my magazine is aimed at younger people as these topics appeal to the audience and they are most likely to read.

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The type of media institutions that might distribute my magazine are schools that are interested in selling or giving their students an option to buy or read a magazine on a regular basis to inform them what is going on and to get involved in school life more and to make a positive contribution to school by knowing what is going on and giving advice to their students. Music companies may want to be involved in my magazine to as I have a section for latest music and concerts so I would look at music institutions and get them involved to make my information accurate and get the best information.

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The audience for my magazine would be school pupils aged 11-16 that attend full time education that want to know more about what is going in school and also out of school too. And that are interested in music and the celebrity gossip and how they can control the stress etc.

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I attracted my audience by using bright colours and a clear colour scheme and bold titles for the articled that are going to be in the magazine too. I also used a relevant picture for the cover and the person in the picture is looking directly at the reader making eye contact which address the reader. I used a pun to attract the audience too.

I also used ‘you’ on the cover so it directly addresses the reader and makes them want to read more.

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Designing my magazine I have learnt that Microsoft Publisher is very limited when it comes to designing the magazine and I was very restricted in what I could and couldn’t do with my cover.

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For the research and planning part of the preliminary task I would give myself a mark of 13 level 3.

I give myself because I have clearly gained an idea of the type of audience that I am targeting with my magazine and I have explored different articles other than based on school life to show a clear understanding of what the audience expects and have got opinions of the target audience. I have also explored existing products that could help me to make and design my magazine. I completed my work on time too. But I could have maybe explored more existing magazines and gone into a lot more detail on the existing products and maybe I could have done more research into school magazines.

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For the production of my magazine I would give myself 37 marks a level 3.

This is because I think that I have made my magazine appropriate for my target audience and used the correct language for the audience. I have used a range in different fonts and text sizes on my cover and contents page. I have used a medium close up picture on the cover and it is relevant to the magazine. The tops I’ve used in my magazine are relevant and appeal to the audience. I’ve used a clear layout and colour scheme that isn’t too over crowded or busy.

I think I could higher my mark and grade by using a wider range of ICT in producing the magazine and use more appropriate language for the audience.

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For the Evaluation I give myself a mark of 13 marks level 3.

I give myself this because I have shown proficient understanding of what I have done well in my production stage and used powerpoint to shown my evaluation. I think I have shown understanding how to make my main task better than the preliminary.

To improve this mark I could communicate my findings better and maybe use a better ICT programme than powerpoint and show more understanding of areas that I need to cover in the production.