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One of the very first things we realised needed to change was to remove the ‘Working Titles’ logo at the very beginning of the film. After producing our first cut it was clearly evident that

‘Working Titles’ would be highly unlikely to produce a feature such as ours as they aim to create films suitable for an American audience as well as a British. Our ‘nitty gritty’ Social Realism

feature, unfortunately, didn’t fit the bill. However, we thought it best to keep the BBC films logo as they would be likely to produce a film like ours.

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One of the things I personally loved about our production was the track we chose to play at the beginning and end. I think it added to the melancholy vibe of the storyline, telling audiences a

little about the central character and of her emotions at the time. I also really liked how we tried to show the music as playing on the protagonists iPod. However, the transition between the clear sound of the music to the windy, less clear sound of the footage was not as crisp and professional

as we hoped and we looked into how we could change this or to scrap the idea altogether.

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From our audience feedback we found that biggest problem with our feature was the cuts between shots that looked unprofessional and slightly carless. Many said that they felt if we

executed this smoothly then our video would flow much better. To solve this we decided to use less shots from fewer angles that wouldn’t appear so crammed together to achieve that

professional looked which we desperately desired.

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Also from our audience feedback, we found that our production did not efficiently express the necessary emotions that felt were needed to be shown (such as sadness, anger, confusion etc. ) It

was said this was because there was not many close ups of the protagonists face where she showed any specific emotion. There was one exception to this: near the end, there is a close up of

the girls face where she stares at her home before walking in. It was said that in this shot the audience really felt a sense of fear and sadness as the girl was about to leave home.