Eurozone Crisis Effect on Global Economy

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Eurozone crisis effect on global economy. Abstract

To repay or refinance government debt became an arduous task for some of the Euro zone countries because of Euro crisis. The banks in Euro zone economies are undercapitalized and suffered liquidity crunch problems. The focus of this paper is on the genesis of the euro debt crisis and simultaneously analyses the impact of the crisis on European and global economy. It highlights the fact that the crisis in the Euro zone is the resultant of overspending and minimal control by respective central banks. The measures initiated by these economies are inadequate. The affected Euro zone economies, on priority, must tighten their austerity measures and raise their income. The paper concludes that outside help may not bail them out; they should take stringent and unpopular decisions to curtail spending and, thereby, raise income that may bail them out. These decisions certainly need cooperation from public and political support.