Flash Eurobarometer 382b EUROPEANS’ SATISFACTION WITH URBAN TRANSPORT REPORT Fieldwork: September 2013 Publication: June 2014 This survey has been requested by the European Commission, Directorate-General Mobility and Transport and co-ordinated by the Directorate-General for Communication. This document does not represent the point of view of the European Commission. The interpretations and opinions contained in it are solely those of the authors. Flash Eurobarometer 382b - TNS Political & Social

EUROPEANS’ SATISFACTION WITH URBAN TRANSPORTec.europa.eu/commfrontoffice/publicopinion/flash/fl_382b... · 2017-11-30 · FLASH EUROBAROMETER 382b “Europeans’ satisfaction with

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Page 1: EUROPEANS’ SATISFACTION WITH URBAN TRANSPORTec.europa.eu/commfrontoffice/publicopinion/flash/fl_382b... · 2017-11-30 · FLASH EUROBAROMETER 382b “Europeans’ satisfaction with

Flash Eurobarometer 382b




Fieldwork: September 2013

Publication: June 2014

This survey has been requested by the European Commission, Directorate-General Mobility and

Transport and co-ordinated by the Directorate-General for Communication.

This document does not represent the point of view of the European Commission.

The interpretations and opinions contained in it are solely those of the authors.

Flash Eurobarometer 382b - TNS Political & Social

Page 2: EUROPEANS’ SATISFACTION WITH URBAN TRANSPORTec.europa.eu/commfrontoffice/publicopinion/flash/fl_382b... · 2017-11-30 · FLASH EUROBAROMETER 382b “Europeans’ satisfaction with

Flash Eurobarometer 382b

Europeans’ satisfaction with urban transport

Conducted by TNS Political & Social at the request of The European Commission,

Directorate-General Mobility and Transport

Survey co-ordinated by the European Commission, Directorate-General for Communication

(DG COMM “Strategy, Corporate Communication Actions and Eurobarometer” Unit)

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Project number 2014.3815

Project title Flash Eurobarometer 382b “ Europeans’ satisfaction with urban transport”

Linguistic Version EN

Catalogue Number MI-04-14-434-EN-N

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FLASH EUROBAROMETER 382b “Europeans’ satisfaction with urban public transport”



INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................. 2 

MAIN FINDINGS ................................................................................................. 4 

I.  Current use of urban public transport ....................................................... 5 

1.1.  Frequency of use ....................................................................................... 5 

1.2.  Most frequent purpose of journeys by urban public transport ................. 11 

1.3.  Length to get to the nearest station or stop ............................................ 14 

II.  Satisfaction with urban public transport stations .................................... 17 

2.1.  Information on timetables....................................................................... 18 

2.2.  Ease of buying tickets ............................................................................. 21 

2.3.  Amenities for passengers ........................................................................ 24 

2.4.  Cleanliness and maintenance .................................................................. 27 

2.5.  Satisfaction index of urban public transport stations .............................. 30 

III.  Satisfaction of urban public transport travels ......................................... 34 

3.1.  Frequency of service ............................................................................... 35 

3.2.  Punctuality and reliability ....................................................................... 39 

3.3.  Availability of tickets using several modes .............................................. 43 

3.4.  Provision of information .......................................................................... 46 

3.5.  Price of tickets ........................................................................................ 50 

3.6.  Cleanliness and maintenance .................................................................. 53 

3.7.  Routes taken by the different lines.......................................................... 56 

3.8.  Passenger security .................................................................................. 59 

3.9.  Satisfaction index with travels by urban public transport ....................... 62 

IV.  Satisfaction index of urban public transport features and travels ........... 66 

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FLASH EUROBAROMETER 382b “Europeans’ satisfaction with urban public transport”



The flash Eurobarometer survey on "Europeans’ satisfaction with urban transport" (Flash 382b), is conducted to analyse EU citizens satisfaction with a number of features of urban public transport in their country.

The main objective of the survey is to measure satisfaction with the use of urban public transport.

As satisfaction questions were asked to all respondents – even those not using urban public transport– the results of public transport satisfaction questions received high level of “not applicable” or “don’t know” answers in some cases. Therefore, in these cases, it is important to look at difference between satisfaction and dissatisfaction to draw conclusion on the results of the satisfaction questions.

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FLASH EUROBAROMETER 382b “Europeans’ satisfaction with urban public transport”


This survey was carried out by TNS Political & Social network in the 28 Member States of the European Union between 9th and 11th September 2013. 28,036 respondents aged 15 years old or more from different social and demographic groups were interviewed via telephone (landline and mobile phone) in their mother tongue on behalf of the Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport. The methodology used is that of Eurobarometer surveys as carried out by the Directorate-General for Communication (“Strategy, Corporate Communication Actions and Eurobarometer” Unit)1. A technical note on the manner in which interviews were conducted by the Institutes within the TNS Political & Social network is appended as an annex to this report. Also included are the interview methods and confidence intervals2.

Note: In this report, countries are referred to by their official abbreviation. The abbreviations used in this report correspond to:

ABBREVIATIONS BE Belgium LV Latvia BG Bulgaria LU Luxembourg CZ Czech Republic HU Hungary DK Denmark MT Malta DE Germany NL The Netherlands EE Estonia AT Austria EL Greece PL Poland ES Spain PT Portugal FR France RO Romania IE Ireland SI Slovenia IT Italy SK Slovakia CY Republic of Cyprus* FI Finland LT Lithuania SE Sweden HR Croatia UK The United Kingdom EU28 European Union – 28 Member States

* Cyprus as a whole is one of the 27 European Union Member States. However, the ‘acquits communautaire’ has been suspended in the part of the country which is not controlled by the government of the Republic of Cyprus. For practical reasons, only the interviews carried out in the part of the country controlled by the government of the Republic of Cyprus are included in the ‘CY’ category and in the EU28 average.

For Q5b.5, EU refers to the weighted average of the 26 Member States (except Malta and Cyprus where there is only one mode of urban public transport).

* * * * *

The Eurobarometer web site can be consulted at the following address: http://ec.europa.eu/public_opinion/index_en.htm

We would like to take the opportunity to thank all the respondents across the continent who gave their time to take part in this survey.

Without their active participation, this study would not have been possible.

1 http://ec.europa.eu/public_opinion/index_en.htm 2 The results tables are included in the annex. It should be noted that the total of the percentages in the tables of this report may exceed 100% when the respondent has the possibility of giving several answers to the question.

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FLASH EUROBAROMETER 382b “Europeans’ satisfaction with urban public transport”



More than three-quarters of Europeans have used urban public transport at least once in their lives (76%).

Across the EU, slightly less than a third of respondents use public transport at least once a week (32%).

Europeans have good access to urban public transport stations or stops. More than three quarters of Europeans (77%) are under 10 minutes away from their nearest urban public transport station.

Around 9 respondents in ten living in a large town are under 10 minutes away from their nearest urban public transport station (87%).

Europeans are broadly satisfied with all aspects of urban public transport with the exception of the price of tickets.

For urban transport, most Europeans are satisfied with the availability of through-tickets using several modes of transport (61%), provision of information on connecting services (58%), cleanliness and maintenance (64%), routes taken by the different lines (69%) and passenger security on urban public transport (66%), with a relative majority satisfied in every Member State on each issue.

However, there is high dissatisfaction with the price of tickets for urban transport. Fewer than four in ten respondents across the EU are satisfied with the price of urban public transport tickets (39%) and only 12 Member States have relative majorities who are satisfied with the price of tickets in urban transport.

Respondents in Malta are by far the most negative about urban transport. A relative majority of respondents Malta are dissatisfied with timetables (31% satisfied vs. 32% dissatisfied, -1 net satisfaction), amenities at stations (31% satisfied vs. 48% dissatisfied -17), frequency of service (34% satisfied vs. 35% dissatisfied -1) and punctuality and reliability (22% satisfied vs. 49% dissatisfied -27).

Respondents in Luxembourg are consistently very satisfied with the different aspects of urban public transport ranking in the top three Member States for 11 out of 12 aspects surveyed. They rank highly on satisfaction with timetables (85%), amenities (76%), cleanliness (82%), frequency (83%) and price (64%). Other Member States that rank well across the multiple measures are Latvia, Finland and the United Kingdom.

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FLASH EUROBAROMETER 382b “Europeans’ satisfaction with urban public transport”



- Around a third of Europeans (32%) are using urban public transport at least once a week -

This section provides information on which urban public transport options Europeans use and how frequently they use these services. In examining Europeans’ urban public transport use, this report identifies users and non-users within countries, and also provides a general overview of urban public transport use within the EU.

1.1. Frequency of use

Europeans were asked about how often they travel by urban public transport (Bus, metro or tram) in their home country. Across the EU, more than three-quarters of the respondents have travelled by urban public transport (76%) at least once.

Slightly less than a third of respondents use public transport at least once a week (32%), around one in ten use it several times a month (12%), around one in five use it several times a year (19%), slightly more than one in ten use it once a year or less (12%) and nearly a quarter never use public transport (24%).

Base: all respondents (n= 28036)

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FLASH EUROBAROMETER 382b “Europeans’ satisfaction with urban public transport”


The proportion of respondents who have used urban public transport in their country at least once varies between EU Member States. However, except in Cyprus (39%), more than six respondents in ten have used at least once urban public transport in their home country in all EU countries. Respondents are most likely to have used it in Latvia (92%), Romania (86%) and Hungary (86%). They are least likely to have used in Malta (63%), France (62%) and especially Cyprus (39%).

Base: all respondents (n= 28036)

Europeans report using public transport at different frequencies in different EU Member States. In 12 Member States, half of the respondents or more say that they use urban public transport regularly (i.e. at least several times per month): Latvia (64%), Romania (63%), Hungary (62%), Czech Republic (60%), Bulgaria (58%), Lithuania (53%), Estonia (52%), Greece (52%), Sweden (51%), Austria (51%), Poland (50%) and Luxembourg (50%). These 12 countries represent the Member States with the highest proportion of regular users of urban public transport.

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FLASH EUROBAROMETER 382b “Europeans’ satisfaction with urban public transport”


Respondents are most likely to use public transport at least once a week in Hungary (47%), the Czech Republic (46%), Romania (44%) and Latvia (44%). Respondents are least likely to use public transport at least once a week in Cyprus (14%), the Netherlands (20%) and Denmark (22%).

Respondents most often report that they use public transport several times per month in Latvia (20%), Romania (19%), and Bulgaria (18%). At the other end of the spectrum, respondents are least likely to use public transport at this frequency in Cyprus (6%), Finland (8%) and France (9%).

Respondents are most likely to use public transport several times per year in Ireland (27%), the Netherlands (27%) and Luxembourg (24%). Respondents are least likely to use public transport this frequently in Cyprus (8%) and Bulgaria (11%) but for different reasons: in Cyprus because they are more likely to never use public transport and in Bulgaria because they are among the most likely to use public transport regularly (at least once a week or several times per month).

Respondents are less likely to use public transport once a year or less in the Czech Republic (5%), Hungary (6%), Romania (6%), Luxembourg (6%) and Slovakia (6%). Respondents are most likely to use public transport at this interval, in Finland (22%), Germany (19%) and Portugal (19%).

Cyprus stands out, in that six in ten respondents in Cyprus never use public transport (60%). In fact, in seven Member States, at least three respondents out of ten never use public transport: Cyprus (60%), France (38%), Malta (37%), Slovenia (33%), Slovakia (31%), Denmark (31%) and Belgium (30%).

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FLASH EUROBAROMETER 382b “Europeans’ satisfaction with urban public transport”


Base: all respondents (n= 28036)

Socio-Demographic Analysis

There are several notable differences between socio-demographic groups in terms of urban public transport use.

Notably, younger Europeans are more likely to use at least urban public transport frequently. More than six in ten respondents aged 15-24 use public transport once per week (60%). This is double the proportion of respondents aged 25-39 (28%), aged 40-54 (24%) or aged 55+ (29%) who use urban public transport weekly.

Europeans who are still studying (67%) are also more likely than Europeans in other education groups (ranging from 27% to 29%) to use urban public transport weekly.

As would be expected, respondents in large towns (51%) are almost twice as likely to use urban public transport weekly as those in small to mid-sized towns (27%) or in rural villages (20%).

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FLASH EUROBAROMETER 382b “Europeans’ satisfaction with urban public transport”


The distance that respondents live from a bus, metro or tram station also affects whether they have used urban public transport. Nearly eight respondents out of ten who live less than 10 minutes from an urban public transport station have used urban public transport at least once (78%) compared with around half of the respondents who live more than 1 hour from a station or stop (51%).

Among respondents who report that they or someone in their household has accessibility issues, respondents who report disability issues are less likely to have used urban public transport (66%) than those who report accessibility issues due to temporary impairment (79%) or due to the ageing process (80%).

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Base: all respondents (n= 28036)

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FLASH EUROBAROMETER 382b “Europeans’ satisfaction with urban public transport”


1.2. Most frequent purpose of journeys by urban public transport

- More Europeans use urban public transport primarily for leisure activities than for work -

Respondents were also asked what the primary reason for which they use urban public transport is. Slightly more Europeans use public transport for leisure than for work (38% to 32%).

Roughly one third of Europeans (32%) use public transport in cities mainly to travel to work, school or university. Respondents are most likely to use urban transport mainly for this reason in Bulgaria (45%), Slovenia (42%) and Greece (41%). Respondents are least likely to use urban public transport mainly for this reason in Malta (22%) and Ireland (25%).

Base: those who travel by urban public transport (n= 21207)

In 15 Member States, respondents are more likely to say that they use urban public transport primarily for leisure activities while in only seven Member States, respondents are more likely to use urban public transport primarily for travelling to work/school/university: Bulgaria (45%), Czech Republic (38%), Slovakia (40%), Portugal (37%), Greece (41%), Slovenia (42%) and Sweden (40%).

Respondents are most likely to use urban transport primarily for leisure in the Netherlands (59%), Ireland (58%) and Belgium (54%).

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FLASH EUROBAROMETER 382b “Europeans’ satisfaction with urban public transport”


It is important to underline that in five Member States, respondents mention “other” reasons as most frequent motivation for their trips by urban public transport: Latvia (39%), Lithuania (39%), Poland (41%), Hungary (43%) and Romania (44%). It is worth noting that those countries report a high use of public transport.

Base: those who travel by urban public transport (n= 21207)

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FLASH EUROBAROMETER 382b “Europeans’ satisfaction with urban public transport”


Socio-demographic analysis

Europeans in different socio-demographic groups use urban public transport for slightly different purposes

Travelling to Work, School or University

Younger Europeans are more likely to use urban public transport most often to travel to work, school or university. Roughly six in ten Europeans aged 15-24 (63%) use urban public transport mainly for this reason, compared with less than four in ten of those aged 25-39 (38%), under one third of those aged 40-54 (32%), and one in ten of those aged 55+ (10%).

Respondents who are still studying are over twice as likely to mainly use urban public transport for this reason (70%) compared with those who have finished education (ranging from 13% to 32% for other education groups).

In terms of occupation, respondents who are employees (42%) are more likely than those who are manual workers (36%), self-employed (31%) or not working (24%) to use public transport mainly for this reason.

Regular urban public transport users are particularly likely to use urban public transport mainly for travelling to work. More than half of the respondents who use urban public transport at least once a week (53%) use urban public transport mainly for this reason, compared with 10% of those who use it once a year.

Leisure Activities

Older Europeans are more likely to use urban public transport most often for leisure activities. Respondents aged 55+ (44%) use urban public mostly for this purpose followed by Europeans aged 40-54 (38%), 25-39 (38%) and aged 15-24 (28%).

Nearly half of the respondents who use urban public transport several times per month/year (47%) or once a year or less (49%) use these transports primarily for leisure activities.

Base: those who travel by urban public transport (n= 21207)

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FLASH EUROBAROMETER 382b “Europeans’ satisfaction with urban public transport”


1.3. Length to get to the nearest station or stop

- More than three-quarters of Europeans live less than 10 minutes away from an urban public transport station or stop -

Respondents were also asked how long it takes them to get to the nearest urban public transport station from their house. Over three quarters of Europeans (77%) are less than 10 minutes away from a stop, and more than six in ten respondents in every EU Member State live this distance from a stop.

Base: all respondents (n= 28036)

Respondents are most likely to be under 10 minutes away from a stop in Luxembourg (90%), the Netherlands (89%) and Sweden (86%). Respondents are least likely to live this distance away from a stop in Ireland (62%), Croatia (62%) and France (65%).

Respondents are most likely to live between 10 and 30 minutes from a stop in Ireland (31%), Croatia (31%) or Lithuania (28%). Respondents are least likely to live this distance way from a stop in Luxembourg (9%), the Netherlands (10%) and Denmark (12%).

Of all EU Countries, in the Czech Republic, the largest proportion of respondents live between 30 minutes to 1 hour away from a stop (6%), and the largest proportion of respondents live at least one hour (5%) away from a stop.

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Base: all respondents (n= 28036)

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FLASH EUROBAROMETER 382b “Europeans’ satisfaction with urban public transport”


Socio-demographic analysis

Respondents in large urban areas are much more likely to live less than 10 minutes to a bus, metro or tram station. Indeed, nearly nine in ten respondents living in a large town live less than 10 minutes to an urban public transport station (87%) whereas it is the case of 78% of those living in small/mid-size towns and only 65% of those living in rural areas.

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FLASH EUROBAROMETER 382b “Europeans’ satisfaction with urban public transport”



This section examines Europeans’ satisfaction with various aspects of urban public transport services available in stations or stops.

Overall, Europeans are most satisfied with the ease of buying tickets with nearly three-quarters of respondents very or fairly satisfied with this feature of urban public transport (73%). Respondents are also generally satisfied with the provision of information about timetables (71%).

Europeans are slightly less satisfied with the cleanliness and good maintenance of stops and stations with just over two-thirds reporting that they are satisfied (64%). Finally, respondents are least satisfied with amenities for passengers at stops and stations, with just over six out of ten reporting that they are satisfied with this feature of urban public transport (61%).

Base: all respondents (n= 28036)

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FLASH EUROBAROMETER 382b “Europeans’ satisfaction with urban public transport”


2.1. Information on timetables

- More than seven respondents in ten are satisfied with the provision of information about timetables -

Respondents were asked if they are satisfied with the provision of information about timetables on urban public transport in their country. Across the EU, over seven in ten Europeans (71%) are satisfied with this information.

Base: all respondents (n= 28036)

The level of satisfaction with the provision of information on timetables ranges from 85% in Luxembourg to 31% in Malta.

Respondents are most satisfied in Luxembourg (85%), Latvia (84%), Czech Republic (79%) and Finland (79%). Respondents are least satisfied with the provision of information about timetables in Malta (31%), Cyprus (51%) and Bulgaria (52%).

Only one Member State, Malta (31% versus 32%; -1), has a relative majority who are dissatisfied with the provision of information about timetables for urban public transport.

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Base: all respondents (n= 28036)

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FLASH EUROBAROMETER 382b “Europeans’ satisfaction with urban public transport”


Socio-Demographic Analysis

There is very limited variation in opinion among respondents from different socio-demographic groups in terms of satisfaction with the information on timetables on urban public transport (ranging from 66% to 78% for all socio-demographic categories). Older Europeans are less likely to be satisfied with the provision of information about timetables at urban public transport stations, when comparing with the younger age groups. The level of satisfaction with this feature of urban public transport stations among Europeans aged 55 or older is at 69%, whereas 78% of those aged 15-24 are satisfied.

Experience of using urban public transport

Three quarter of the respondents who use urban public transport are satisfied with the provision of information about timetables (75%). In general, regular urban public transport users (those who use urban public transport at least once a week) are slightly more satisfied than occasional users. Indeed, 78% of the respondents who use urban public transport at least once a week and 75% of those using it several times per month/year are satisfied with it compared with 69% of those using it once a year or less.

Base: all respondents (n= 28036)

Europeans with accessibility issues are less likely to say that they are satisfied with the provision of information about timetables than those without these issues (65% vs. 71%).

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FLASH EUROBAROMETER 382b “Europeans’ satisfaction with urban public transport”


Relationship to Other Satisfaction Variables

Respondents who are satisfied with the other aspects of urban public transport are also more likely to be satisfied about the information on timetables available for public transport. Respondents who are satisfied with buying tickets or with amenities at stops are all much more likely to be satisfied with the information on timetables.

2.2. Ease of buying tickets

- More than seven respondents in ten are satisfied with the ease of buying tickets -

Respondents were also asked if they are satisfied with the ease of buying tickets on urban public transport. 73% of Europeans say that they are satisfied with the ease of buying tickets in urban public transport stations or stops in their country. However, 15% of Europeans are dissatisfied with it.

Base: all respondents (n= 28036)

The level of satisfaction with the easiness of buying tickets ranges from 86% in Latvia to 50% in the Netherlands.

At least half of respondents in all European countries are satisfied with the ease of buying tickets and a large majority of respondents in every Member State are satisfied. Respondents are most satisfied in Latvia (86%), Finland (84%) and Spain (83%).

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FLASH EUROBAROMETER 382b “Europeans’ satisfaction with urban public transport”


Respondents are least satisfied with these services in the Netherlands (50%), Cyprus (55%) and Sweden (59%).

Base: all respondents (n= 28036)

Socio-demographic Analysis

Again, there are not very large differences between socio-demographic groups in terms of respondents’ satisfaction with the ease of buying tickets on urban public transport.

However, older Europeans are less likely to be satisfied. Europeans aged 40-54 and 55 or older are the least likely to be satisfied with ease of buying tickets (72% and 68%, respectively), followed by those aged 15-24 and 25-39 (87% and 76%, respectively).

Initially, there does not appear to be a large difference in satisfaction across occupations. Respondents who are self-employed or are employees are the least likely to be satisfied with ease of buying tickets (71% and 74%, respectively), followed by those who are manual workers or are not working (74% and 75%, respectively).

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FLASH EUROBAROMETER 382b “Europeans’ satisfaction with urban public transport”


However, these differences are much larger when we look at the net satisfaction (satisfaction minus dissatisfaction) with net satisfaction 10 percentage points lower among the self-employed compared with those who are not working (+53 versus +63).

Respondents from rural villages are the least likely to be satisfied with ease of buying tickets (70%) followed by those from small/mid-size towns (74%) and large towns (77%).

Experience of using urban public transport

Nearly eight respondents in ten who use urban public transport are satisfied with the ease of buying tickets (79%). Once again, regular users of urban public transport show higher satisfaction with the ease of buying tickets. Around eight out of ten of those who use urban public transport at least once a week (82%) or several times a month/year (79%) are satisfied with the ease of buying tickets. Those who use urban public transport once a year or less are somewhat less satisfied (74%) and those who never use it are by far the least satisfied with the ease of buying tickets (57%).

Base: all respondents (n= 28036)

There are few differences between respondents who report accessibility issues and those who do not. Respondents who say that they or someone in their household have accessibility issues are slightly less satisfied than those who do not with the ease of buying tickets (71% vs. 74%).

Relationship with Other Satisfaction Variables

Again, respondents who are satisfied with the other aspects of urban public transport are also more likely to be satisfied with the ease of buying tickets. Respondents who are satisfied with the information on timetables, the amenities at stop or the cleanliness of stations are all more likely to be satisfied with the ease of buying tickets.

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FLASH EUROBAROMETER 382b “Europeans’ satisfaction with urban public transport”


2.3. Amenities for passengers

- More than six respondents in ten are satisfied with the amenities for passengers at stops and stations -

The survey also explored whether respondents are satisfied with the amenities for passengers at stops and stations on urban public transport. Across the EU, over six in ten Europeans (61%) are satisfied with these amenities. It is worth noting that 32% of the respondents are dissatisfied with it.

Base: all respondents (n= 28036)

The level of satisfaction with the amenities for passengers ranges from 76% in Luxembourg to 31% in Malta.

Respondents are most satisfied in Luxembourg (76%), Finland (74%), Lithuania (73%) and the United Kingdom (73%). Respondents are least satisfied with these amenities in Malta (31%), Italy (42%) and Romania (50%).

Two Member States have relative majorities who are dissatisfied with amenities for passengers in urban public transport: Malta (31% versus 48%; -17) and Italy (42% versus 52%; -10). In every other Member State more respondents are satisfied than dissatisfied with these amenities.

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Base: all respondents (n= 28036)

Socio-Demographic Analysis

Again, there are only minimal socio-demographic differences that relate to respondents’ satisfaction with the amenities available at urban public transport stations. However, net satisfaction rates (satisfaction minus dissatisfaction) do differ across sociodemographic groups. Interestingly, older respondents (55+) have much higher net satisfaction than respondents aged 25-39 or respondents aged 40-54 (+35 vs. +22 and +26 respectively).

Respondents who left education aged 15 or younger have much higher net satisfaction than those who left education aged 20 or older (+39 vs. +26, respectively).

Similarly, when looking at occupation, respondents who are self-employed or who are employees have considerably lower net satisfaction (+24 and +26) than respondents who are manual workers or not working (+36 and +33).

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Experience of using urban public transport

65% of respondents using urban public transport are satisfied with the amenities available at urban public transport stations in their country. Again, respondents who use more often urban public transport are more likely to be satisfied than those who use it less often. Slightly fewer than two-thirds of respondents who use urban public transport several times a year or more often are satisfied with amenities for passengers at stops and stations (both 66%). This compares with fewer than six out of ten of those who use urban public transport once a year or less (59%) and just over half of those who never use urban public transport (51%). The differences are even more pronounced when net satisfaction is considered.

Base: all respondents (n= 28036)

There are high differences between respondents who have accessibility issues and those who do not. Respondents who say that they or someone in their household have accessibility issues have a much lower satisfaction about amenities available at urban public transport stations than those who do not (+20 vs. +32).

Relationship to Other Variables

As for the other aspects of urban public transport discussed, respondents satisfied with the other aspects of urban public transport are also satisfied with the amenities available at stations. The relationship is strongest for satisfaction with the cleanliness of stations.

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2.4. Cleanliness and maintenance

- More than six respondents in ten are satisfied with the cleanliness and maintenance of stops and stations -

The survey also explored whether respondents are satisfied with the cleanliness and maintenance of stops and stations on urban public transport. Across the EU, over six in ten Europeans (64%) are satisfied with these amenities. It is worth noting that 30% of the respondents are dissatisfied with it.

Base: all respondents (n= 28036)

The level of satisfaction with cleanliness and maintenance ranges from 82% in Luxembourg to 47% in Italy.

With the two exceptions of Italy and Slovakia, respondents in the majority of all European countries are satisfied with the cleanliness and maintenance of urban public transport in their country. Respondents are most satisfied with the cleanliness of urban public transport in Luxembourg (82%), the United Kingdom (80%) and Ireland (76%). Respondents are least satisfied with the cleanliness of urban public transport in Italy (47%), Slovakia (49%) and Romania (52%).

Even in Italy (47% versus 46%; +1), Slovakia (49% versus 39%; +10), a relative majority of respondents are satisfied with the cleanliness and maintenance of urban public transport.

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Base: all respondents (n= 28036)

Socio-Demographic Analysis

There are only moderate differences between socio-demographic groups in terms of satisfaction with the cleanliness and maintenance of vehicles.

Experience of using urban public transport

Around two-thirds of the respondents who use urban public transport are satisfied with the cleanliness and good maintenance of stops and stations (67%).

Respondents' perceptions of the cleanliness and good maintenance of stops and stations are not as strongly related to usage of urban public transport as with other measures of satisfaction. Respondents who never use urban public transport are the least satisfied with the cleanliness and good maintenance of stops and stations (54%).

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However, those who use urban public transport at least once a week (67%), several times a month or year (68%) and once a year or less (64%) all have similar levels of satisfaction with the cleanliness and good maintenance of stops and stations.

Base: all respondents (n= 28036)

There are only few differences between respondents who have accessibility issues and those who do not. Respondents who do not report accessibility issues are slightly more satisfied than those who do with cleanliness and good maintenance of stops and stations (65% vs. 61%).

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2.5. Satisfaction index of urban public transport stations

In addition to surveying Europeans on their satisfaction levels of various aspects of urban public transport stations, an index was created based on all four satisfaction questions to get an overall understanding of Europeans’ satisfaction with urban public transport stations. The index ranks Europeans’ according to four satisfaction levels:

Respondents who are ranked as having “high” satisfaction answered that they are satisfied with all four elements of urban public transport stations.

Respondents who are ranked as having “good” satisfaction with urban public transport stations answered that they were satisfied with three elements of urban public transport stations.

Respondents are ranked as “median” if they were satisfied with two elements of urban public transport stations.

Respondents are ranked as having “low” satisfaction if they were satisfied with only one or zero elements of urban public transport stations.

Overall, more than half of Europeans have either a “high” satisfaction (36%) or a “good” satisfaction (26%) with urban public transport stations or stops. Then, 19% have a “median” satisfaction and 19% a “low” satisfaction.

Base: all respondents (n= 28036)

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Across the EU, respondents are most likely to fall into the category of having high satisfaction. Respondents are most likely to have high satisfaction with urban public transport in Luxembourg (52%), the United Kingdom (49%) and Latvia (49%). Respondents are least likely to have high satisfaction with this transport in Malta (10%), Italy (23%) and Bulgaria (25%).

Roughly one quarter of respondents in the EU fall under the category ‘good satisfaction’ with urban public transport (26%). Respondents are most likely to fall into the good satisfaction index category in Sweden (34%) and Belgium (30%). Respondents are least likely to fall into this category in Italy (21%) and Malta (21%).

Respondents are most likely to be in the median satisfaction category in Malta (29%), the Netherlands (24%) and Germany (24%). Respondents are least likely to be in this category in Luxembourg (13%), the United Kingdom (13%), Austria (14%) and Finland (14%).

In Malta, respondents are most likely to fall into the low satisfaction category on the satisfaction index (40%). There are also high percentages of respondents with low satisfaction ratings in Italy (32%), Bulgaria (29%) and Cyprus (29%).Respondents are least likely to have low satisfaction ratings in Luxembourg (7%) and Latvia (9%).

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Base: all respondents (n= 28036)

Focussing on the big EU Member States, it is worth mentioning that3 Germany and Italy are classified among the seven lowest ranked while the United Kingdom, Spain and France are among the seven highest ranked.

Looking at the medium-sized Member States, Austria, Finland and Latvia are classified among the seven highest ranked whereas Bulgaria, Romania and Greece are among the seven lowest ranked.

Finally, turning to the small Member States, Luxembourg ranked first among all Member States while Malta and Cyprus are classified among the seven lowest ranked Member States.

3  For  the  purpose  of  this  analysis,  EU Member  States  have  been  classified  as  big, medium‐sized  and  small Member States according  to  the  size of  their population. Big Member States are DE,  IT, UK,  FR, ES and PL. Medium‐sized Member States are: RO, NL, CZ, BE, EL, HU, PT, SE, AT, BG, DK, SK, FI, HR,  IE, LT, SI, LV. Small Member States are: EE, CY, LU and MT 

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Level of urbanisation

As shown in the table below, the level of urbanisation does not seem to affect the satisfaction with urban public transport. Indeed, respondents living in large town are only slightly more likely to have a “high” or “good” satisfaction than those who live in a rural village or small/ Mid-size towns.

Base: all respondents (n= 28036)

Experience of using urban public transport

Around two-thirds of respondents who use urban public transport have either a “high” or “good” satisfaction index with urban public transport stations (66%). Respondents who use urban public transport at least once a week or several times per month/year are slightly more likely to have a “high” satisfaction index than those who do so only once a year or less (40% and 39% vs. 34%).

Base: all respondents (n= 28036)

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In addition, this report examines Europeans’ views on various aspect of travel on urban public transport.

On average, Europeans are most satisfied with the punctuality and reliability of urban public transport (70%), the frequency of service (69%), the routes taken by different lines (69%) and the cleanliness and good maintenance of vehicles and carriages (69%). They are somewhat less satisfied with passenger security (66%), the availability of tickets for a journey using several modes (61%) and the provision of information on connecting services (58%).

Europeans are by far the least satisfied about the price of tickets on urban public transport (39%), the only feature where a majority of respondents report being dissatisfied.

Base: all respondents (n= 28036)

Except for “Availability of tickets for a journey using several modes” for which the base is all respondents except MT and CY (n= 26034)

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3.1. Frequency of service

- Nearly seven in ten respondents are satisfied with the frequency of service of urban public transport -

Across the EU, almost seven in ten respondents (69%) are satisfied with the frequency of urban public transport in their country. More than two in ten respondents are dissatisfied with it (21%).

Base: all respondents (n= 28036)

However, satisfaction levels vary among individual EU Member States. Respondents are most satisfied in Luxembourg (83%), the United Kingdom (79%) and France (77%). Respondents are least likely to be satisfied with the frequency of service in Malta (34%), Cyprus (49%) and Slovenia (55%).

More respondents are satisfied than dissatisfied in every Member State with the frequency of service of urban public transport. The one exception is Malta (34% versus 35%; -1).

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Base: all respondents (n= 28036)

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Socio-demographic Analysis

There are only limited differences in opinion between socio-demographic groups in terms of satisfaction with the frequency of urban public transport service.

Men are more likely than women to be satisfied with frequency of urban public transport service (72% vs. 67%).

Younger respondents (15-24) have a much higher net satisfaction (satisfaction minus dissatisfaction) than respondents aged 25-39 or aged 40-54 (+56 vs. +46 and +44).

Respondents who are still studying are the most likely to be satisfied with frequency of service (75%), followed by those who left education aged 16-19 (70%) and 15 or younger (70%). Finally, respondents who left education aged 20 or older are the least likely to be satisfied with the frequency of service (68%).

Urbanization is also related to satisfaction with frequency of service. Respondents from large towns are the most satisfied (74%), followed by those from small/mid-sized towns (69%) and rural villages (65%).

Experience of using urban public transport

Nearly three-quarters of the respondents who use urban public transport are satisfied with the frequency of service. Around three-quarters of respondents who use urban public transport more than once a year are satisfied with the frequency of service (76%). However, respondents who use it several times per month/year have a higher net satisfaction than those who use it more regularly (+56 vs. +53).

By contrast, only around two-thirds of respondents who use urban public transport once a year or less are satisfied with the frequency of service (65%) and only slightly more than half of respondents who never use urban public transport are satisfied with this feature of urban public transport (54%).

Base: all respondents (n= 28036)

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Respondents with accessibility issues are less satisfied with the frequency of service than those who do not (63% vs. 70%). This difference is even higher when looking at the net satisfaction between the two categories (+36 vs. +49).

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3.2. Punctuality and reliability

- Seven in ten respondents are satisfied with the punctuality and reliability of urban public transport -

Across the EU, seven in ten respondents (70%) are satisfied with the punctuality and reliability of urban public transport in their country. More than two in ten respondents are dissatisfied with it (21%).

Base: all respondents (n= 28036)

With the exception of Malta, the majority of respondents in all EU Member States are satisfied with the punctuality and reliability of urban public transport services. Respondents are most satisfied with this aspect of urban public transport in Finland (84%), the Czech Republic (83%) and Luxembourg (82%). Respondents are least likely to be satisfied with these services in Malta (22%), Cyprus (54%) and Italy (58%).

The gap between the proportion of those who are satisfied and dissatisfied is far larger in Malta (22% versus 49%; -27) than in the other Member States. This is 51 percentage points worse than the next least satisfied Member State Italy: (58% versus 34%; +24).

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Base: all respondents (n= 28036)

Socio-demographic Analysis

There is not a large difference in satisfaction according to the level of urbanization. However, there are significant differences in net satisfaction between respondents in rural villages and small/mid-size town (+52 and +51) versus those living in large towns (+43).

There is a similar split with education levels, with similar proportions of respondents satisfied across different education groups. However, there is a substantial split when we look at net satisfaction.

Respondents who left education aged 15 or younger have the highest net satisfaction (+54) compared with those who left education aged 16-19 (+48), aged 20 or older (+47) or who are still studying (+45).

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There is also a relationship between satisfaction and the occupation of a respondent. Respondents who are self-employed are the least satisfied with the punctuality and reliability of urban public transport (66%), followed by those who are employees (69%). Manual workers and those who are not working are the most satisfied with the punctuality and reliability of urban public transport (72% and 70%, respectively).

Experience of using urban public transport

Nearly three-quarters of respondents using urban public transport are satisfied with punctuality and reliability of urban public transport (74%).

However, the relationship between satisfaction with punctuality and reliability of urban public transport and a respondent's usage of this form of transport is more complicated than for other features of urban public transport.

Respondents who use public transport at least once a week or several times a month/year have the highest satisfaction (74% and 76%, respectively), with those who use it once a year or less (71%) or never (56%) having lower satisfaction. However, the picture is different when we consider the levels of net satisfaction (satisfied minus dissatisfied) in the different groups. Respondents who use urban public transport several times a month/year have the highest net satisfaction (+55), followed by those who use urban public transport once a year or less (+50). Those who use urban transport at least once a week have slightly lower net satisfaction (+49) and those who never use it have the lowest net satisfaction (+40).

Base: all respondents (n= 28036)

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There are again differences between respondents with accessibility issues and those who do not have those issues. Respondents with accessibility issues are less likely to be satisfied with punctuality and reliability of urban public transport than those who do not (66% vs. 70%). This difference is even higher when looking at the net satisfaction (+41 vs. +49).

Relationship with Other Satisfaction Variables

Respondents satisfied with the other aspects of urban public transport are more likely to also be satisfied with the punctuality of urban public transport compared with respondents dissatisfied with each of the other individual aspects of urban public transport. The relationship is strongest for satisfaction with the frequency of service.

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3.3. Availability of tickets using several modes

- More than six in ten respondents are satisfied with the availability of tickets for a journey using several modes –

Overall, approximately six in ten Europeans (61%) are satisfied with the availability of tickets using several modes of urban public transport (tram, bus, local trains, metro) in their country. Only 14% of the respondents are dissatisfied with it.

Base: all respondents except MT and CY (n= 26034)

Respondents are most satisfied with this aspect of urban public transport in Luxembourg (70%), Finland (69%) and the United Kingdom (68%). Respondents are least satisfied with this aspect of urban public transport in Estonia (29%), Slovenia (33%) and Bulgaria (44%).

It should be noted that this question was not asked in Malta and Cyprus as buses are the only public transport available in these two countries. All 26 Member States surveyed have majorities – relative or absolute – who are satisfied with the availability of tickets using several modes in urban public transport.

In some countries, high levels of “don’t know” are recorded. This is the case in Estonia (48%), Slovenia (36%), Portugal (24%), Denmark (24%), Croatia (23%), Sweden (23%) and Finland (21%) where more than two respondents out of ten answered that they do not know. This may be due to the fact that in those countries, a large proportion of respondents do not use such tickets.

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Base: all respondents except MT and CY (n= 26034)

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Socio-demographic results

Younger respondents are much more likely to be satisfied with the availability of tickets for a journey using several modes. Those aged 15-24 are by far the most positive with nearly eight out of ten saying that they are satisfied (77%). This compares with around six in ten of those aged 25-39 or 40-54 (62% and 61%, respectively) and slightly over half of those aged 55 or older (53%).

Respondents who are still studying are by far the most satisfied with the availability of tickets for a journey using several modes (74%). By contrast, only around six in ten of those have left education aged 15 or younger, aged 16-19 or aged 20 years or older are satisfied (57%, 60% and 59%, respectively).

Experience of using urban public transport

65% of the respondents who use urban public transport are satisfied with the availability of tickets for a journey using several modes. Satisfaction with the availability of tickets for a journey using several modes is strongly related to a respondent's frequency of use of urban public transport. Those who use urban public transport at least once a week are the most satisfied (71%) followed by those who use it several times a year (63%). Those who use it once a year or less (57%) or never use it all (46%) have the lowest levels of satisfaction with the availability of tickets for a journey using several modes.

Relationship with Other Satisfaction Variables

As with the other satisfaction variables discussed, respondents who are satisfied with the other urban public transport variables are more likely than those who are dissatisfied with these variables to also be satisfied with the availability of tickets. This relationship is strongest for satisfaction with the information available during transport.

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3.4. Provision of information

- Nearly six in ten respondents are satisfied with the provision of information on urban public transport–

Almost six in ten Europeans (58%) are satisfied with the provision of information (in particular on connecting services) for urban public transport in their country. Nearly a quarter of the respondents are dissatisfied with this.

Base: all respondents (n= 28036)

Respondents are most satisfied with the provision of this information in Spain (71%), France (69%) and Luxembourg (69%). Respondents are least satisfied with the provision of this information in Estonia (31%), Malta (35%) and Bulgaria (39%).

More respondents are satisfied with the provision of information on connecting services for urban public transport than are dissatisfied in every Member State. The worst relative performances are in Bulgaria (39% versus 29%; +10), Malta (35% versus 22%; +13) and Italy (48% versus 34%; +14).

One must note that there is also a high level of “don’t know” answers for this feature in some countries such as Estonia (48%) or Cyprus (40%). This may be due to the fact that they are not familiar with connecting services.

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Base: all respondents (n= 28036)

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Socio-demographic Analysis

There are a few notable socio-demographic variables that are related to satisfaction with the provision of information on urban public transport.

Younger respondents are much more likely to be satisfied with the provision of information on urban public transport (73%) compared with those aged 25-39 (59%), 40-54 (56%) or older than 55 (52%).

There are not large differences in satisfaction among different educational groups with the exception of those who are still studying (70% satisfied). However, there is substantial variation in the net satisfaction (satisfaction minus dissatisfaction) across these groups. Those respondents who are still studying have the highest net satisfaction (+45), followed by those who left education aged 15 or younger (+40). Those who left education aged 16-19 or aged 20 or older have lower net satisfaction (+35 and +29, respectively).

Experience of using urban public transport

More than six in ten respondents who use urban public transport are satisfied with the provision of information on urban public transport. Europeans who use urban public transport more often are also more likely to be satisfied with the provision of information in particular on connecting services. More than two-thirds of those who use urban public transport at least once a week are satisfied with the provision of information in particular on connecting services (67%). This compares with around six in ten of those who use urban public transport several times a month/year (61%) and slightly more than half of those who use urban public transport once a year or less (54%). Finally, fewer than half of those who never use urban public transport are satisfied with the provision of information in particular on connecting services (44%).

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Relationships with other satisfaction variables

Respondents’ who are satisfied with the other aspects of urban transport use are also more likely to also be satisfied with the provision of information on public transport. This relationship is strongest for satisfaction with the availability of tickets using different modes.

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3.5. Price of tickets

- A relative majority of Europeans are dissatisfied with the price of the tickets of urban public transport –

Respondents were also asked if they are satisfied with the price of tickets on urban public transport in their country. This issue elicits negative responses in many Member States. Fewer than four in ten respondents across the EU are satisfied with the price of urban public transport tickets (39%). Nearly half of the respondents are dissatisfied with it (49%).

Base: all respondents (n= 28036)

Respondents are most satisfied with these services in Luxembourg (64%), Malta (61%) and Austria (52%). Respondents are least satisfied about the price of urban public transport tickets in Hungary (27%), Portugal (31%) and the Netherlands (32%).

Interestingly, respondents in Italy who show in general lower satisfaction with public transport than respondents from other EU countries are this time close to the EU average (40% satisfied vs. 51% dissatisfied).

Only 12 Member States have relative majorities who are satisfied with the price of tickets in urban public transport. Respondents are most positive in Malta (61% versus 13%; +48), Luxembourg (64% versus 24%; +40) and Cyprus (48% versus 16%; +32). By contrast, the most negative responses came from Hungary (27% versus 54%; -27), Portugal (31% versus 57%; -26) and Spain (34% versus 58%; -24). These results show that the price of tickets is a concern for many Europeans.

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It is notable that Malta shows a different pattern from other Member States with low concern about price of urban transport but very negative assessments of amenities, frequency and punctuality.

Base: all respondents (n= 28036)

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Socio-demographic Analysis

There are only a few socio-demographic variables that are relevant to satisfaction with the price of urban public transport.

On average, men are more satisfied with the price of tickets in urban public transport than women (41% and 36%, respectively).

In terms of urbanization, respondents do not differ highly on their satisfaction with the price of tickets in urban public transport. However, net satisfaction is considerably worse among respondents from large towns (-15) than those from small/mid-size towns (-9) and rural villages (-7).

It initially appears that respondents from different education levels have similar levels of satisfaction with the price of tickets. However, the net satisfaction levels do vary substantially across education levels. Among respondents who left education aged 15 or younger, net satisfaction is zero with the same proportion satisfied and dissatisfied with the price of the tickets. However, respondents who left education aged 16-19, aged 20 years or older or are still studying, all have negative levels of net satisfaction with ticket prices (-10, -14 and -10, respectively).

Experience of using urban public transport

Unlike the other features of urban public transport, frequent users report lower levels of satisfaction with the price of the tickets. This is particularly clear in terms of net satisfaction. Respondents who use urban public transport once a week and those who use it several times a month/year have the most negative net satisfaction (-11 and -12, respectively). However, those who only use urban public transport once a year or less or never use it have less negative levels of net satisfaction (-9 and -7, respectively). Price may therefore not be the main barriers for using urban public transport.

Base: all respondents (n= 28036)

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FLASH EUROBAROMETER 382b “Europeans’ satisfaction with urban public transport”


Relationships with other satisfaction variables

Satisfaction with other aspects of urban public transport is also related to satisfaction with the price of urban public transport. The relationship is strongest for satisfaction with routes taken.

3.6. Cleanliness and maintenance

- Nearly seven in ten respondents are satisfied with cleanliness and maintenance of vehicles/carriages of urban public transport -

Europeans are generally satisfied with the cleanliness and maintenance of vehicles and carriages on urban public transport. Almost seven in ten Europeans (69%) are satisfied with the cleanliness and maintenance of the vehicles and carriages on urban public transport in their country. Still 22% are dissatisfied with it.

Base: all respondents (n= 28036)

Respondents are most satisfied with this aspect of urban public transport in Luxembourg (87%), Latvia (81%) and Ireland (80%). Respondents are least satisfied with the cleanliness and maintenance of the vehicles and carriages of urban public transport in Italy (48%), Bulgaria (55%), and Malta (55%).

A relative majority of respondents in all Member States are satisfied with the cleanliness and maintenance of vehicles in urban public transport. However, the division is close for Italy (48% versus 44%; +4) where nearly as many respondents are dissatisfied as satisfied.

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FLASH EUROBAROMETER 382b “Europeans’ satisfaction with urban public transport”


Base: all respondents (n= 28036)

Socio-demographic Analysis

Respondents who are self-employed are the least satisfied with the cleanliness and good maintenance of vehicles and carriages (64%), followed by employees (68%) and those who are not working (69%). Respondents who are manual workers have the highest levels of satisfaction (71%). These patterns are also reflected when we look at net satisfaction although the differences become more pronounced.

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FLASH EUROBAROMETER 382b “Europeans’ satisfaction with urban public transport”


Experience of using urban public transport

More than seven in ten Europeans using urban public transport are satisfied with the cleanliness and good maintenance of vehicles/carriages of urban public transport (73%). Europeans' satisfaction with the cleanliness and good maintenance of urban public transport is related to their frequency of usage of urban public transport. Nearly three-quarters of those who use urban public transport at least once a week or who use it several times a month/year are satisfied with the cleanliness and good maintenance of vehicles/carriages (both 74%). Those who use it once a year or less or never use urban public transport are less satisfied with the cleanliness and good maintenance of vehicles/carriages (68% and 53%, respectively).

Base: all respondents (n= 28036)

Respondents who have accessibility issues are again less satisfied than those who have no accessibility issues. Indeed the net satisfaction with cleanliness and good maintenance of vehicles of the respondents who have accessibility issues is lower than of those who do not have those issues (+41 vs. +47).

Relationships with other satisfaction variables

Again, respondents who are satisfied with the other aspects of urban public transport discussed in this section are more likely to be satisfied with the cleanliness of urban transport vehicles. This relationship is strongest for satisfaction with the punctuality of urban public transport.

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FLASH EUROBAROMETER 382b “Europeans’ satisfaction with urban public transport”


3.7. Routes taken by the different lines

- Nearly seven in ten respondents are satisfied with the routes taken by the different urban lines -

Respondents were also asked if they are satisfied with the routes taken by various urban public transport lines in their country. Overall, approximately seven in ten Europeans (69%) are satisfied with these services. Only 16% of them are dissatisfied with it.

Base: all respondents (n= 28036)

Respondents are most satisfied with the available routes in Luxembourg (80%), Latvia (80%) and the United Kingdom (77%). Respondents are least satisfied with the available public transport routes in Malta (35%), Cyprus (45%) and Estonia (54%). It is important to note, though, that four in ten respondents in Cyprus (40%) did not know how to answer this question, as well as over one quarter of respondents in Estonia (29%) and Malta (25%).

More respondents are satisfied than dissatisfied with routes taken by different line in urban public transport in all 28 Member States surveyed here. The closest divide is in Malta where only 6 percentage points more respondents are satisfied than dissatisfied (35% versus 29%).

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FLASH EUROBAROMETER 382b “Europeans’ satisfaction with urban public transport”


Base: all respondents (n= 28036)

Sociodemographic Analysis

Again, there are generally only small differences in satisfaction with urban public transport routes taken among respondents in different socio-demographic groups.

Europeans aged 40-54 and 55 or older are the least likely to be satisfied with the routes taken by the different urban lines (66% and 65%, respectively), followed by those aged 25-39 and 15-24 (70% and 83%, respectively).

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FLASH EUROBAROMETER 382b “Europeans’ satisfaction with urban public transport”


Experience of using urban public transport

Nearly three-quarter of urban public transport users are satisfied with the routes taken by the different urban lines in their country (74%). Once again, satisfaction with the routes taken by the different urban lines is positively related to a respondent's frequency of urban public transport use. Eight out of ten respondents who use urban public transport at least once a week are satisfied with the routes taken by different urban lines (80%). This compares to slightly fewer than three quarters of respondents who use urban public transport several times a month or year (74%) and just over two-thirds of those who use urban public transport once a year or less (64%). Respondents who never use public transport are the least satisfied with the routes taken by the different urban lines (52%).

Relationships with other satisfaction variables

As with the other satisfaction variables discussed in the report, there is a strong relationship between respondent satisfaction with each individual element of urban public transport and satisfaction with the urban public transport route availabilities. This relationship was strongest for satisfaction versus dissatisfaction with the frequency of public transport.

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FLASH EUROBAROMETER 382b “Europeans’ satisfaction with urban public transport”


3.8. Passenger security

- Two thirds of the respondents are satisfied with the passenger security on urban public transport –

Respondents were also asked if they are satisfied with the passenger security on urban public transport. Two thirds of Europeans (66%) are satisfied with the passenger security on urban public transport in their country. Still, nearly a quarter of Europeans are dissatisfied with it (24%).

Base: all respondents (n= 28036)

Respondents are most satisfied with this aspect of urban public transport in Finland (83%), Luxembourg (77%) and Austria (76%). Respondents are least satisfied with the passenger security on urban public transport in Malta (42%), Bulgaria (55%) and Italy (56%). In Malta, roughly one in five respondents (18%) does not know if they are satisfied or unsatisfied with the passenger security on urban public transport.

Relative majorities are satisfied with passenger security in all EU Member States. Once again, Malta has the closest divide (42% versus 31%; +11).

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FLASH EUROBAROMETER 382b “Europeans’ satisfaction with urban public transport”


Base: all respondents (n= 28036)

Socio-Demographic Analysis

There are only limited differences among socio-demographic groups in terms of opinion on passenger security.

Respondents who left education at different ages all have similar levels of satisfaction with passenger security on urban public transport (all between 63% and 65%). However, those who are still in education are considerably more satisfied with this aspect of urban transport (76%).

A similar pattern holds with age groups. More than three-quarters of 15-24 year olds are satisfied with passenger security (76%), compared with only around two-thirds of those aged 25-39 (65%), 40-54 (63%) and 55 years or older (65%).

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FLASH EUROBAROMETER 382b “Europeans’ satisfaction with urban public transport”


Experience of using urban public transport

More than seven in ten respondents who use urban public transport are satisfied with the passenger security (71%). Regular users of urban public transport tend to be more satisfied with passenger security on this transport than those who do not use this transport often. Those use urban public transport at least once a week are the most satisfied with passenger security (74%), followed by those who use it several times a month/year (71%). Those who use this form of transport once a year or less (64%) or never (50%) are the least satisfied with passenger security.

Base: all respondents (n= 28036)

Respondents who report accessibility issues are less satisfied than those who do not with this aspect. Indeed, they have a lower net satisfaction than those who do not report accessibility issues (+34 vs. +44).

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3.9. Satisfaction index with travels by urban public transport

A satisfaction index was also created to rank Europeans’ satisfaction4 with all eight aspects of urban public transport travels.

The index ranks Europeans’ according to four satisfaction levels:

Respondents who are ranked as having “high” satisfaction answered those they are satisfied with seven to eight elements of travels by urban public transport5.

Respondents who are ranked as having “good” satisfaction with urban public transport stations answered that they were satisfied with five to six elements of travels by urban public transport.

Respondents are ranked as “median” if they were satisfied with three to four elements of travels by urban public transport.

Respondents are ranked as having “low” satisfaction if they were satisfied with only two, one or zero elements of travels by urban public transport.

More than half of Europeans have either a “high” satisfaction or a “good” satisfaction with travels by urban public transport (54%). A significant proportion of respondents, however, have either a “median” (26%) or a “low” (20%) satisfaction with it.

4 Since one of eight elements were not tested in Cyprus and Malta (satisfaction with the availability of tickets for a journey using several modes), those two countries were not included in this graph. 5 For Malta and Cyprus, the index is built on seven elements only since the item “Availability of through-tickets (i.e. one ticket for several segments of one whole journey)” was not asked. Consequently, in these two

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Europeans are most likely to have high satisfaction levels in Luxembourg (29%), the United Kingdom (21%), Austria (21%) and Romania (21%). Respondents are least likely to have high satisfaction with urban public transport travel in Estonia (7%). Respondents are most likely to rank as good on the satisfaction index in Luxembourg (47%) and the Czech Republic (47%), and least likely to fall into this category in Malta (17%), Estonia (29%), Slovenia (30%) and Bulgaria (30%).

Across the EU, over one quarter of respondents fall into the median category on the satisfaction index (26%). Respondents are most likely to be in this category in Estonia (33%) and Germany (31%). Respondents are least likely to be in this category in Luxembourg (18%).

countries, respondents who are ranked as having “high” satisfaction are those who are satisfied with seven elements of travels by urban public transport.  

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Looking at the big EU Member States, it is worth mentioning that6 Italy is again classified among the seven lowest ranked while the United Kingdom and France are among the seven highest ranked.

Turning to the medium-sized Member States, Austria, Finland and Latvia are again classified among the seven highest ranked whereas Bulgaria, Slovenia and Slovakia are among the seven lowest ranked.

Finally looking at small Member States, Estonia, Cyprus and Malta are classified among the seven lowest Member States.

Level of urbanisation

Respondents living in urban area are slightly more likely to be satisfied with urban public transport than those living in rural areas. Indeed, 56% of the respondents who live in large towns have either a “high” satisfaction or a “good” satisfaction with travels by urban public transport whereas it is the case of 52% of those living in rural areas.

6  For  the  purpose  of  this  analysis,  EU Member  States  have  been  classified  as  big, medium‐sized  and  small Member States according  to  the  size of  their population. Big Member States are DE,  IT, UK,  FR, ES and PL. Medium‐sized Member States are: RO, NL, CZ, BE, EL, HU, PT, SE, AT, BG, DK, SK, FI, HR,  IE, LT, SI, LV. Small Member States are: EE, CY, LU and MT 

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Experience of using urban public transport

Around six respondents in ten who use urban public transport have either a “high” or “good” satisfaction index with urban public transport stations (59%). The more frequent the respondents use urban public transport the more they are satisfied with travels by urban public transport.

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FLASH EUROBAROMETER 382b “Europeans’ satisfaction with urban public transport”



In addition to the individual questions on satisfaction in this report, respondents can also be categorised in their overall satisfaction with urban public transport features and travel.

To analyse this, an index is created of how many of the 12 features of urban public transport surveyed here a respondent is satisfied with. A respondent is categorised as follows:

High: the respondents report that they are satisfied about 10 to 12 of the 12 features surveyed;

Good: the respondents report that they are satisfied with 7 to 9 of the features surveyed;

Average: the respondents report that they are satisfied with 3 to 6 of the features surveyed; and

Low: the respondents report that they are satisfied with 2 or fewer of the features surveyed.

Overall, more than a third of respondents are rated as high on the overall satisfaction index (35%), with a similar number rated as good (34%). Slightly more than one in five respondents are rated as average on the index (22%) and fewer than one in ten are rated as low on the overall satisfaction index (9%).

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FLASH EUROBAROMETER 382b “Europeans’ satisfaction with urban public transport”


There is considerable variation in the satisfaction index across Member States. Respondents rate the highest on the satisfaction index in Luxembourg (88%), Latvia (83%) and Finland (82%) where more than eight out of ten respondents rate as high or good on the overall index. At the other end of the spectrum, respondents are least likely to rate as high or good in Malta (31%), Cyprus (49%)7 and Italy (53%).

7 For Malta and Cyprus, the index is built on eleven elements only since the item “Availability of through-tickets (i.e. one ticket for several segments of one whole journey)” was not asked. Consequently, in these two countries, respondents who are ranked as having “high” satisfaction are those who are satisfied with ten to eleven elements of travels by urban public transport.

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FLASH EUROBAROMETER 382b “Europeans’ satisfaction with urban public transport”


Whilst focussing on the big EU Member States, it is worth mentioning that8 Italy is classified among the seven lowest ranked while the United Kingdom, Spain and France are among the seven highest ranked. Poland is ranked 14th while Germany is ranked 19th.

Looking at the medium-sized Member States, Austria, Finland and Latvia are classified among the 7 highest ranked whereas Bulgaria, Greece and Slovakia are among the seven lowest ranked.

Finally, looking at small Member States, Luxembourg ranked first among all Member States while Malta, Cyprus and Estonia are classified among the seven lowest Member States.

8  For  the  purpose  of  this  analysis,  EU Member  States  have  been  classified  as  big, medium‐sized  and  small Member States according  to  the  size of  their population. Big Member States are DE,  IT, UK,  FR, ES and PL. Medium‐sized Member States are: RO, NL, CZ, BE, EL, HU, PT, SE, AT, BG, DK, SK, FI, HR,  IE, LT, SI, LV. Small Member States are: EE, CY, LU and MT 

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FLASH EUROBAROMETER 382b “Europeans’ satisfaction with urban public transport”



FLASH EUROBAROMETER 382b “Europeans’ satisfaction with urban public transport”

TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Between the 9th and the 11th of September 2013, TNS Political & Social, a consortium created between TNS political & social, TNS UK and TNS opinion, carried out the survey FLASH EUROBAROMETER 382b about “Europeans’ satisfaction with urban public transport”. This survey has been requested by the EUROPEAN COMMISSION, Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport. It is a general public survey co-ordinated by the Directorate-General for Communication (“Strategy, Corporate Communication Actions and Eurobarometer” Unit). The FLASH EUROBAROMETER 382b covers the population of the respective nationalities of the European Union Member States, resident in each of the 28 Member States and aged 15 years and over. The survey covers the national population of citizens as well as the population of citizens of all the European Union Member States that are residents in these countries and have a sufficient command of the national languages to answer the questionnaire. All interviews were carried using the TNS e-Call center (our centralized CATI system). In every country respondents were called both on fixed lines and mobile phones. The basic sample design applied in all states is multi-stage random (probability). In each household, the respondent was drawn at random following the "last birthday rule".

TNS has developed its own RDD sample generation capabilities based on using contact telephone numbers from responders to random probability or random location face to face surveys, such as Eurobarometer, as seed numbers. The approach works because the seed number identifies a working block of telephone numbers and reduces the volume of numbers generated that will be ineffective. The seed numbers are stratified by NUTS2 region and urbanisation to approximate a geographically representative sample. From each seed number the required sample of numbers are generated by randomly replacing the last two digits. The sample is then screened against business databases in order to exclude as many of these numbers as possible before going into field. This approach is consistent across all countries.

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FLASH EUROBAROMETER 382b “Europeans’ satisfaction with urban public transport”



Readers are reminded that survey results are estimations, the accuracy of which, everything being equal, rests upon the sample size and upon the observed percentage. With samples of about 1,000 interviews, the real percentages vary within the following confidence limits:

various sample sizes are in rows various observed results are in columns

5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50%

95% 90% 85% 80% 75% 70% 65% 60% 55% 50%

N=50 6,0 8,3 9,9 11,1 12,0 12,7 13,2 13,6 13,8 13,9 N=50

N=500 1,9 2,6 3,1 3,5 3,8 4,0 4,2 4,3 4,4 4,4 N=500

N=1000 1,4 1,9 2,2 2,5 2,7 2,8 3,0 3,0 3,1 3,1 N=1000

N=1500 1,1 1,5 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,3 2,4 2,5 2,5 2,5 N=1500

N=2000 1,0 1,3 1,6 1,8 1,9 2,0 2,1 2,1 2,2 2,2 N=2000

N=3000 0,8 1,1 1,3 1,4 1,5 1,6 1,7 1,8 1,8 1,8 N=3000

N=4000 0,7 0,9 1,1 1,2 1,3 1,4 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 N=4000

N=5000 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,1 1,2 1,3 1,3 1,4 1,4 1,4 N=5000

N=6000 0,6 0,8 0,9 1,0 1,1 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,3 1,3 N=6000

N=7000 0,5 0,7 0,8 0,9 1,0 1,1 1,1 1,1 1,2 1,2 N=7000

N=7500 0,5 0,7 0,8 0,9 1,0 1,0 1,1 1,1 1,1 1,1 N=7500

N=8000 0,5 0,7 0,8 0,9 0,9 1,0 1,0 1,1 1,1 1,1 N=8000

N=9000 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,9 0,9 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 N=9000

N=10000 0,4 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,8 0,9 0,9 1,0 1,0 1,0 N=10000

N=11000 0,4 0,6 0,7 0,7 0,8 0,9 0,9 0,9 0,9 0,9 N=11000

N=12000 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,8 0,9 0,9 0,9 0,9 N=12000

N=13000 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,7 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,9 0,9 N=13000

N=14000 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,7 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,8 N=14000

N=15000 0,3 0,5 0,6 0,6 0,7 0,7 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,8 N=15000

5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50%

95% 90% 85% 80% 75% 70% 65% 60% 55% 50%

Statistical Margins due to the sampling process

(at the 95% level of confidence)

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FLASH EUROBAROMETER 382b “Europeans’ satisfaction with urban public transport”






BE Belgium TNS Dimarso 1.004 09/09/2013 11/09/2013 8.939.546 BG Bulgaria TNS BBSS 1.002 09/09/2013 11/09/2013 6.537.510 CZ Czech Rep. TNS Aisa s.r.o 1.007 09/09/2013 11/09/2013 9.012.443 DK Denmark TNS Gallup A/S 1.000 09/09/2013 11/09/2013 4.561.264 DE Germany TNS Infratest 1.000 09/09/2013 11/09/2013 64.336.389 EE Estonia TNS Emor 1.000 09/09/2013 11/09/2013 945.733 EL Greece TNS ICAP 1.002 09/09/2013 11/09/2013 8.693.566 ES Spain TNS Demoscopia S.A 1.000 09/09/2013 11/09/2013 39.127.930 FR France TNS Sofres 1.008 09/09/2013 11/09/2013 47.756.439 IE Ireland IMS Millward Brown 980 09/09/2013 11/09/2013 3.522.000 IT Italy TNS ITALIA 1.000 09/09/2013 11/09/2013 51.862.391 CY Rep. of Cyprus CYMAR 1.001 09/09/2013 11/09/2013 660.400 LV Latvia TNS Latvia 1.006 09/09/2013 11/09/2013 1.447.866 LT Lithuania TNS LT 1.000 09/09/2013 11/09/2013 2.829.740 LU Luxembourg TNS Dimarso 1.001 09/09/2013 11/09/2013 434.878 HU Hungary TNS Hoffmann Kft 1.004 09/09/2013 11/09/2013 8.320.614

MT Malta MISCO International Ltd

1.001 09/09/2013 11/09/2013 335.476

NL Netherlands TNS NIPO 1.000 09/09/2013 11/09/2013 13.371.980 AT Austria TNS Austria 1.002 09/09/2013 11/09/2013 7.009.827 PL Poland TNS OBOP 1.000 09/09/2013 11/09/2013 32.413.735 PT Portugal TNS EUROTESTE 1.001 09/09/2013 11/09/2013 8.080.915 RO Romania TNS CSOP 1.013 09/09/2013 11/09/2013 18.246.731 SI Slovenia RM PLUS 1.001 09/09/2013 11/09/2013 1.759.701 SK Slovakia TNS AISA Slovakia 1.000 09/09/2013 11/09/2013 4.549.956 FI Finland TNS Gallup Oy 1.002 09/09/2013 11/09/2013 4.440.004 SE Sweden TNS SIFO 1.000 09/09/2013 11/09/2013 7.791.240 UK United Kingdom TNS UK 1.000 09/09/2013 11/09/2013 51.848.010 HR Croatia Puls 1.001 09/09/2013 11/09/2013 3.749.400




11/09/2013 412.555.713

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Several times per wee


Once a wee


Several times per mont


Several times per year

Once a year or




3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8







Travelling to work/school/universityFor leisure activities


Urban public transport (Bus, metro, tram, etc.) (N)

How often do you travel by … in (OUR COUNTRY)?



How long does or would it take you to get to the nearest bus, metro or tram station or stop from your home?


Less than 10 minutesFrom 10 to 30 minutes

Other DK/NA


What is the most frequent purpose of your trips by urban public transport (bus, metro, tram, etc.) in (OUR COUNTRY)?


From more than 30 minutes to an hourMore than an hourDK/NA



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FLASH EUROBAROMETER 382b “Europeans’ satisfaction with urban public transport”



Very satisfied





Very dissatisfied

Not applicabl





1 1 2 3 4 5 6

2 1 2 3 4 5 63 1 2 3 4 5 6

4 1 2 3 4 5 6


Very satisfied





Very dissatisfied

Not applicabl





1 1 2 3 4 5 62 1 2 3 4 5 63 1 2 3 4 5 6

4 1 2 3 4 5 65 1 2 3 4 5 6

6 1 2 3 4 5 6

7 1 2 3 4 5 6

8 1 2 3 4 5 6

Frequency of service

Price of the ticketsAvailability of tickets for a journey using several modes (i.e. tram, metro, bus, local trains)


Cleanliness and good maintenance of vehicles/carriagesThe routes taken by the different urban lines

Punctuality and reliability The provision of information in particular on connecting services

Are you satisfied or not with the following features of urban public transport (bus, metro, tram, etc.) in (OUR COUNTRY)?


Provision of information about timetables

Ease of buying ticketsAmenities for passengers at stops and stations (e.g. shelter, seats, etc.)



Passenger security



Are you satisfied or not with the following features of travel by urban public transport (bus, metro, tram etc.) in (OUR COUNTRY)? (M)


Cleanliness and good maintenance of stops and stations



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FLASH EUROBAROMETER 382b “Europeans’ satisfaction with urban public transport”



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82 9 1 4

86 3 1 3

91 2 1 2

92 3 1 2

90 3 2 2

91 4 1 2

91 3 1 3

91 5 1 2

90 3 1 3

88 4 1 4

91 2 2 3

88 5 1 2

91 3 0 2

83 9 3 4

76 7 4 10

89 4 0 2

89 5 1 2

94 2 2 2

90 4 0 3

93 4 1 1

88 4 1 2

87 4 3 3

90 4 1 3

87 5 0 4

85 6 2 4

92 2 0 1

90 4 1 2

90 6 0 2

Flash EB382b

Flash EB382b

Flash EB382b

Flash EB382b

89 5 1 3

No Yes, as a result of a disability

Yes, as a result of a temporary impairment

Yes, as a result of the natural ageing


Nein Ja, aufgrund einer Behinderung

Ja, aufgrund einer vorübergehenden Beeinträchtigung

Ja, aufgrund des natürlichen


Non Oui, résultant d’un handicap

Oui, résultant d’une déficience temporaire

Oui, résultant du processus de vieillissement


D21 Avez-vous, ou un membre de votre ménage a-t-il, des problèmes d’accessibilité en utilisant des transports ? (PLUSIEURS REPONSES POSSIBLES)

D21 Do you or someone in your household have any accessibility issues when using transports? (MULTIPLE ANSWERS POSSIBLE)

D21 Haben Sie oder hat jemand in Ihrem Haushalt bei der Nutzung von Verkehrsmitteln Probleme mit der Barrierefreiheit bzw. mit der Zugänglichkeit von Verkehrsmitteln? (MEHRFACHNENNUNGEN MÖGLICH)


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FLASH EUROBAROMETER 382b “Europeans’ satisfaction with urban public transport”



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5 1 0 18

2 4 1 13

3 1 0 9

2 0 0 8

1 2 0 9

2 2 0 9

2 1 0 9

1 1 0 9

3 1 0 10

3 1 0 12

2 1 0 8

3 2 0 11

3 1 0 8

3 1 0 17

6 1 1 23

1 4 1 10

2 1 0 11

1 1 0 6

2 1 0 10

2 1 0 7

4 1 0 12

3 1 0 13

2 1 1 9

3 2 0 13

3 1 0 15

1 2 1 7

2 1 0 10

2 1 0 10

Flash EB382b

Flash EB382b

Flash EB382b

Flash EB382b

2 1 0 11

Yes, as you travel with young children using strollers and buggies

Yes, other (SPONTANEOUS) DK/NA EU 'Yes'

Ja, bei Reisen mit kleinen Kindern mit Kinderwagen

und Buggys

Ja, andere (SPONTAN) WN/KA Gesamt 'Ja'

Oui, car vous voyagez avec de jeunes enfants en utilisant poussettes et


Oui, autre (SPONTANE) NSP/SR EU 'Oui'

D21 Avez-vous, ou un membre de votre ménage a-t-il, des problèmes d’accessibilité en utilisant des transports ? (PLUSIEURS REPONSES POSSIBLES)

D21 Do you or someone in your household have any accessibility issues when using transports? (MULTIPLE ANSWERS POSSIBLE)

D21 Haben Sie oder hat jemand in Ihrem Haushalt bei der Nutzung von Verkehrsmitteln Probleme mit der Barrierefreiheit bzw. mit der Zugänglichkeit von Verkehrsmitteln? (MEHRFACHNENNUNGEN MÖGLICH)


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FLASH EUROBAROMETER 382b “Europeans’ satisfaction with urban public transport”



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Q1.3 A quelle fréquence vous déplacez-vous en … en (NOTRE PAYS) ? Transports publics urbains (Bus, metro, tram, etc.)

Q1.3 How often do you travel by … in (OUR COUNTRY)? Urban public transport (Bus, metro, tram, etc.)

Q1.3 Wie oft nutzen Sie in (UNSER LAND)...? Städtische Nahverkehrsmittel (Bus, U-Bahn, Straßenbahn etc.)

Plusieurs fois par mois

Several times per month

Mehrmals pro Monat

Flash EB382b

Täglich / Fast täglich

Flash EB382b

Plusieurs fois par semaine

Several times per week

Mehrmals pro Woche

Tous les jours\ presque tous les


Une fois par semaine

Plusieurs fois par an

Daily\ Almost daily Once a week Several times per year

Mehrmals pro Jahr

Flash EB382b

Einmal pro Woche

Flash EB382b

22 12 6 18 11


Flash EB382b

1916 11 5 12

11 4 10 20

9 8 5 12 23

29 13 4 14 15

20 14 5 13 15

11 10 3 10 20

19 12 8 12 18

9 11 6 14 27

12 8 4 9 16

18 11 5 14 19

7 4 3 6 8

12 13 5 14 17

20 12 5 16 16

26 13 6 20 19

28 13 6 15 17

18 12 5 15 24

9 7 5 12 27

9 12 5 10 15

21 10 4 15 21

22 11 6 12 22

25 13 7 19 16

16 6 3 11 19

19 11 4 14 14

11 10 5 13 19

20 11 7 13 16


15 6 10 22

8 6 8 24

17 9 3 16 18



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FLASH EUROBAROMETER 382b “Europeans’ satisfaction with urban public transport”



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Q1.3 A quelle fréquence vous déplacez-vous en … en (NOTRE PAYS) ? Transports publics urbains (Bus, metro, tram, etc.)

Q1.3 How often do you travel by … in (OUR COUNTRY)? Urban public transport (Bus, metro, tram, etc.)

Une fois par an ou moins Jamais NSP/SR EU 'Au moins une

fois par semaine'EU 'Au moins une


Q1.3 Wie oft nutzen Sie in (UNSER LAND)...? Städtische Nahverkehrsmittel (Bus, U-Bahn, Straßenbahn etc.)

Einmal pro Jahr oder seltener Niemals WN/KA Gesamt 'Mindestens

einmal pro Woche’Gesamt 'Mindestens


Once a year or less Never DK/NA EU 'At least once a week' EU 'At least once'

12 24 0 32 76

Flash EB382b

Flash EB382b

Flash EB382b

Flash EB382b

Flash EB382b

9 21 0 40 79

11 30 0 28 69

13 31 0 22 69

5 19 0 46 81

8 24 0 39 76

19 27 0 25 73

13 18 0 40 82

13 19 0 27 81

13 38 0 24 62

12 21 0 34 79

12 60 0 14 39

13 25 0 31 75

9 22 0 37 77

9 8 0 44 92

6 14 0 47 86

6 20 0 35 80

11 29 0 20 71

13 37 0 25 63

9 19 1 35 80

10 17 0 39 83

6 14 0 44 86

19 26 0 25 73

6 31 1 35 68

8 33 0 27 67

15 18 0 38 82

22 20 0 26 80

9 26 0 29 73

10 19 0 39 81


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FLASH EUROBAROMETER 382b “Europeans’ satisfaction with urban public transport”



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Déplacements vers le travail/l’école/l’université

Pour des activités de loisir Pour une autre raison NSP/SR

Q2b Quelle est la raison la plus fréquente pour laquelle vous voyagez en transports publics urbains (bus, métro, tram, etc.) en (NOTRE PAYS) ?

Q2b What is the most frequent purpose of your trips by urban public transport (bus, metro, tram, etc.) in (OUR COUNTRY)?

Q2b Was ist der häufigste Grund, weshalb Sie städtische Nahverkehrsmittel (wie z.B. Bus, U-Bahn, Straßenbahn etc.) in (UNSER LAND) nutzen?

Flash EB382b

Flash EB382b

Flash EB382b

Flash EB382b

32 38 29 1

Travelling to work/school/university For leisure activities Other DK/NA

Um zur Arbeit/Schule/Universität zu fahren Für Freizeitaktivitäten Sonstiges WN/KA

38 26 35 1

28 40 30 2

30 54 15 1

45 25 28 2

25 58 15 2

41 30 29 0

27 42 30 1

38 38 23 1

30 46 22 2

35 44 21 0

31 35 33 1

32 40 28 0

31 41 28 0

36 21 43 0

35 25 39 1

31 28 39 2

34 41 23 2

35 23 41 1

22 42 36 0

28 59 12 1

42 34 23 1

40 27 32 1

37 29 32 2

40 15 44 1

27 46 26 1

31 37 30 2

31 47 20 2

40 35 24 1


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Moins de 10 minutes De 10 à 30 minutes De plus de 30 minutes à une heure Plus d’une heure NSP/SR

Q3b Depuis votre maison, combien de temps vous faut-il ou vous faudrait-il pour vous rendre à la gare ou à l’arrêt de bus, métro ou tram le plus proche ?

Q3b How long does or would it take you to get to the nearest bus, metro or tram station or stop from your home?

Q3b Wie lange brauchen Sie oder würden Sie brauchen, um von Ihrem Zuhause zur nächstgelegenen Bus-, U-Bahn- oder Straßenbahnhaltestelle zu gelangen?

Less than 10 minutes From 10 to 30 minutes

From more than 30 minutes to an hour More than an hour DK/NA

Weniger als 10 Minuten

Zwischen 10 und 30 Minuten

Zwischen mehr als 30 Minuten und einer


Länger als eine Stunde WN/KA

Flash EB382b

Flash EB382b

Flash EB382b

Flash EB382b

Flash EB382b

77 18 2 2 1

81 16 1 1 1

80 16 2 0 2

73 14 6 5 2

85 12 1 1 1

79 17 2 1 1

76 19 2 1 2

62 31 4 2 1

76 19 2 2 1

70 23 4 2 1

65 25 5 3 2

80 16 1 1 2

79 16 1 1 3

75 21 2 1 1

66 28 4 1 1

90 9 1 0 0

71 20 4 3 2

84 13 0 0 3

89 10 0 0 1

83 13 2 1 1

79 17 2 1 1

71 23 3 2 1

72 22 2 2 2

69 22 4 4 1

80 17 1 1 1

75 22 2 0 1

86 13 1 0 0

82 14 2 1 1

62 31 5 2 0


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FLASH EUROBAROMETER 382b “Europeans’ satisfaction with urban public transport”



EU 28





























Elevé Bon Moyen Faible

Q4b.T2I - Indice de satisfaction des transports publics urbains

Q4b.T2I - Satisfaction index of urban public transports

Q4b.T2I - Indice de satisfaction des transports publics urbains

Flash EB382b

Flash EB382b

Flash EB382b

Flash EB382b

36 26 19 19

High Good Median Low

Hoch Bon Moyen Niedrig

40 28 18 14

28 29 20 23

34 30 22 14

25 24 22 29

40 29 16 15

31 22 19 28

29 25 24 22

33 28 15 24

23 21 24 32

26 23 22 29

45 26 16 13

40 29 17 14

52 28 13 7

30 28 21 21

49 26 16 9

41 27 19 13

44 29 14 13

40 25 18 17

10 21 29 40

28 28 24 20

37 23 15 25

29 26 22 23

37 26 17 20

28 25 23 24

49 26 13 12

36 27 19 18

48 28 14 10

33 34 18 15


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FLASH EUROBAROMETER 382b “Europeans’ satisfaction with urban public transport”



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Q4b.1 Etes-vous satisfait(e) ou non des caractéristiques suivantes concernant les transports publics urbains (bus, métro, tram, etc.) en (NOTRE PAYS) ? Mise à disposition d’informations concernant les horaires

Q4b.1 Are you satisfied or not with the following features of urban public transport (bus, metro, tram, etc.) in (OUR COUNTRY)? Provision of information about timetables

Q4b.1 Sind Sie mit den folgenden Eigenschaften des städtischen Nahverkehrs (Bus, U-Bahn, Straßenbahn etc.) in (UNSER LAND) zufrieden oder nicht zufrieden? Bereitstellung von Informationen zu Fahrplänen

Très satisfait(e)

Plutôt satisfait(e)

Plutôt pas satisfait(e)

Très mécontent

Ne s’applique pas



Very satisfied

Fairly satisfied

Fairly dissatisfied

Very dissatisfied

Not applicable (SPONTA-NEOUS)

DK/NA EU 'Satisfied'

EU 'Dissatisfied'

Sehr zufrieden

Eher zufrieden

Eher unzufrieden

Sehr unzufrieden

Nicht zutreffend (SPONTAN)

WN/KA Gesamt 'Zufrieden'

Gesamt 'Unzufrieden'

Flash EB382b

Flash EB382b

23 48 14 6 4 5 71 20

Flash EB382b

Flash EB382b

Flash EB382b

Flash EB382b

Flash EB382b

Flash EB382b

74 16

19 33 21 14 7 6 52 35

19 55 13 3 6 4

79 9

25 42 10 3 8 12 67 13

36 43 8 1 5 7

71 19

34 35 7 1 3 20 69 8

20 51 16 3 4 6

73 17

25 40 15 9 7 4 65 24

32 41 13 4 7 3

74 19

19 57 15 3 4 2 76 18

23 51 13 6 4 3

58 35

23 28 10 8 1 30 51 18

15 43 20 15 3 4

84 13

35 39 10 3 10 3 74 13

38 46 10 3 1 2

85 11

23 49 9 3 10 6 72 12

40 45 8 3 2 2

31 32

16 47 14 4 9 10 63 18

14 17 17 15 11 26

74 13

19 54 12 4 7 4 73 16

30 44 11 2 7 6

70 19

24 45 15 5 4 7 69 20

37 33 9 10 2 9

66 16

29 41 8 3 13 6 70 11

32 34 10 6 6 12

79 14

30 46 11 3 3 7 76 14

26 53 12 2 1 6

76 17

29 41 12 5 5 8 70 17

34 42 13 4 3 4


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FLASH EUROBAROMETER 382b “Europeans’ satisfaction with urban public transport”



EU 28





























Q4b.2 Etes-vous satisfait(e) ou non des caractéristiques suivantes concernant les transports publics urbains (bus, métro, tram, etc.) en (NOTRE PAYS) ? Facilité à acheter des billets

Q4b.2 Are you satisfied or not with the following features of urban public transport (bus, metro, tram, etc.) in (OUR COUNTRY)? Ease of buying tickets

Q4b.2 Sind Sie mit den folgenden Eigenschaften des städtischen Nahverkehrs (Bus, U-Bahn, Straßenbahn etc.) in (UNSER LAND) zufrieden oder nicht zufrieden? Einfachheit, Fahrkarten zu kaufen

Très satisfait(e)

Plutôt satisfait(e)

Plutôt pas satisfait(e)

Très mécontent

Ne s’applique pas



Very satisfied

Fairly satisfied

Fairly dissatisfied

Very dissatisfied

Not applicable (SPONTA-NEOUS)

DK/NA EU 'Satisfied'

EU 'Dissatisfied'

Sehr zufrieden

Eher zufrieden

Eher unzufrieden

Sehr unzufrieden

Nicht zutreffend (SPONTAN)

WN/KA Gesamt 'Zufrieden'

Gesamt 'Unzufrieden'

Flash EB382b

Flash EB382b

29 44 11 4 7 5 73 15

Flash EB382b

Flash EB382b

Flash EB382b

Flash EB382b

Flash EB382b

Flash EB382b

73 13

37 39 8 2 9 5 76 10

25 48 11 2 10 4

74 10

26 34 11 4 12 13 60 15

36 38 8 2 8 8

63 24

34 26 6 2 8 24 60 8

24 39 18 6 6 7

79 10

38 36 11 7 6 2 74 18

41 38 7 3 8 3

83 11

22 57 12 2 5 2 79 14

28 55 7 4 4 2

77 17

32 23 3 3 1 38 55 6

30 47 12 5 3 3

86 7

37 36 9 4 11 3 73 13

35 51 5 2 3 4

79 8

24 45 9 3 15 4 69 12

42 37 6 2 10 3

64 4

17 33 15 9 14 12 50 24

53 11 3 1 11 21

75 13

26 51 8 2 11 2 77 10

41 34 11 2 7 5

78 11

32 43 9 3 6 7 75 12

41 37 6 5 2 9

69 11

37 37 6 2 13 5 74 8

36 33 8 3 7 13

84 6

23 36 19 13 3 6 59 32

35 49 5 1 2 8

79 7

37 40 7 3 5 8 77 10

42 37 5 2 9 5


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FLASH EUROBAROMETER 382b “Europeans’ satisfaction with urban public transport”



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Q4b.3 Etes-vous satisfait(e) ou non des caractéristiques suivantes concernant les transports publics urbains (bus, métro, tram, etc.) en (NOTRE PAYS) ? Les installations pour les passagers aux arrêts et stations (p.ex. les abris, les sièges, etc.)

Q4b.3 Are you satisfied or not with the following features of urban public transport (bus, metro, tram, etc.) in (OUR COUNTRY)? Amenities for passengers at stops and stations (e.g. shelter, seats, etc.)

Q4b.3 Sind Sie mit den folgenden Eigenschaften des städtischen Nahverkehrs (Bus, U-Bahn, Straßenbahn etc.) in (UNSER LAND) zufrieden oder nicht zufrieden? Einrichtungen für Fahrgäste an Haltestellen und Bahnhöfen (z.B. Wartehäuschen, Sitzgelegenheiten etc.)

Très satisfait(e)

Plutôt satisfait(e)

Plutôt pas satisfait(e)

Très mécontent

Ne s’applique pas



Very satisfied

Fairly satisfied

Fairly dissatisfied

Very dissatisfied

Not applicable (SPONTA-NEOUS)

DK/NA EU 'Satisfied'

EU 'Dissatisfied'

Sehr zufrieden

Eher zufrieden

Eher unzufrieden

Sehr unzufrieden

Nicht zutreffend (SPONTAN)

WN/KA Gesamt 'Zufrieden'

Gesamt 'Unzufrieden'

Flash EB382b

Flash EB382b

14 47 23 9 3 4 61 32

Flash EB382b

Flash EB382b

Flash EB382b

Flash EB382b

Flash EB382b

Flash EB382b

64 30

15 36 27 13 5 4 51 40

11 53 25 5 4 2

68 26

12 49 18 6 7 8 61 24

14 54 22 4 3 3

58 34

16 45 16 2 3 18 61 18

14 44 27 7 2 6

58 34

15 38 26 13 6 2 53 39

17 41 26 8 5 3

68 27

10 56 24 6 3 1 66 30

19 49 19 8 4 1

42 52

23 36 15 11 1 14 59 26

8 34 33 19 2 4

72 26

27 46 14 3 7 3 73 17

15 57 21 5 0 2

76 20

12 45 25 11 4 3 57 36

21 55 16 4 2 2

31 48

13 55 18 4 5 5 68 22

11 20 21 27 9 12

70 22

10 58 20 4 6 2 68 24

23 47 18 4 4 4

59 35

12 38 28 13 3 6 50 41

29 30 18 17 1 5

59 26

15 39 23 9 10 4 54 32

24 35 18 8 6 9

74 20

16 56 17 3 3 5 72 20

12 62 18 2 1 5

73 22

17 45 19 9 5 5 62 28

22 51 16 6 1 4


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FLASH EUROBAROMETER 382b “Europeans’ satisfaction with urban public transport”



EU 28





























Q4b.4 Etes-vous satisfait(e) ou non des caractéristiques suivantes concernant les transports publics urbains (bus, métro, tram, etc.) en (NOTRE PAYS) ? Propreté et bon entretien des arrêts et stations

Q4b.4 Are you satisfied or not with the following features of urban public transport (bus, metro, tram, etc.) in (OUR COUNTRY)? Cleanliness and good maintenance of stops and stations

Q4b.4 Sind Sie mit den folgenden Eigenschaften des städtischen Nahverkehrs (Bus, U-Bahn, Straßenbahn etc.) in (UNSER LAND) zufrieden oder nicht zufrieden? Sauberkeit und Instandhaltung von Haltestellen und Bahnhöfen

Très satisfait(e)

Plutôt satisfait(e)

Plutôt pas satisfait(e)

Très mécontent

Ne s’applique pas



Very satisfied

Fairly satisfied

Fairly dissatisfied

Very dissatisfied

Not applicable (SPONTA-NEOUS)

DK/NA EU 'Satisfied'

EU 'Dissatisfied'

Sehr zufrieden

Eher zufrieden

Eher unzufrieden

Sehr unzufrieden

Nicht zutreffend (SPONTAN)

WN/KA Gesamt 'Zufrieden'

Gesamt 'Unzufrieden'

Flash EB382b

Flash EB382b

15 49 22 8 3 3 64 30

Flash EB382b

Flash EB382b

Flash EB382b

Flash EB382b

Flash EB382b

Flash EB382b

67 26

13 41 25 13 5 3 54 38

12 55 23 3 4 3

65 29

14 50 16 4 7 9 64 20

14 51 24 5 3 3

59 34

13 50 16 2 3 16 63 18

11 48 28 6 3 4

76 14

19 36 25 13 5 2 55 38

28 48 11 3 6 4

72 23

9 59 23 5 3 1 68 28

21 51 17 6 4 1

47 46

25 42 10 8 0 15 67 18

9 38 30 16 3 4

73 24

23 44 20 4 6 3 67 24

15 58 18 6 1 2

82 15

9 50 25 10 4 2 59 35

25 57 13 2 2 1

52 24

16 59 12 3 5 5 75 15

21 31 16 8 9 15

75 16

8 54 25 6 5 2 62 31

23 52 14 2 5 4

65 28

12 40 26 14 3 5 52 40

35 30 15 13 1 6

61 23

12 37 30 9 9 3 49 39

23 38 17 6 6 10

71 22

12 59 16 2 4 7 71 18

10 61 20 2 1 6

80 14

19 44 19 7 5 6 63 26

25 55 10 4 2 4


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FLASH EUROBAROMETER 382b “Europeans’ satisfaction with urban public transport”



EU 28






























Flash EB382b



Q5b.T2I - Indice de satisfaction des voyages en transports

Q5b.T2I - Satisfaction index of travels by urban public transport

Q5b.T2I - Indice de satisfaction des voyages en transports

19 40 25 16




Flash EB382b




Flash EB382b

15 39 26 20




Flash EB382b

8 39 28 25

15 47 25 13

10 30 28 32

19 41 22 18

7 29 33 31

11 38 31 20

19 43 25 13

18 42 24 16

13 34 29 24

18 47 25 10

0 32 26 42

9 31 29 31

12 41 28 19

29 47 18 6

13 35 29 23

21 45 21 13

12 41 24 23

0 17 30 53

21 37 20 22

17 38 20 25

13 38 26 23

19 44 24 13

13 33 25 29

15 30 25 30

14 39 27 20

21 42 21 16

15 43 24 18


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FLASH EUROBAROMETER 382b “Europeans’ satisfaction with urban public transport”



EU 28





























Q5b.1 Etes-vous satisfait(e) ou non des caractéristiques suivantes concernant les voyages en transports publics urbains (bus, métro, tram, etc.) en (NOTRE PAYS) ? La fréquence des transports

Q5b.1 Are you satisfied or not with the following features of travel by urban public transport (bus, metro, tram etc.) in (OUR COUNTRY)? Frequency of service

Sehr zufrieden

Flash EB382b

Plutôt satisfait(e)

Fairly satisfied

Eher zufrieden

Flash EB382b

Eher unzufrieden

Flash EB382b

Très mécontent

Très satisfait(e)

Plutôt pas satisfait(e)

Ne s’applique pas

(SPONTANE)EU 'Satisfait'

Very satisfied

Fairly dissatisfied

Not applicable (SPONTA-NEOUS)

EU 'Satisfied'

Very dissatisfied

Q5b.1 Sind Sie mit den folgenden Eigenschaften des städtischen Nahverkehrs (Bus, U-Bahn, Straßenbahn etc.) in (UNSER LAND) zufrieden oder nicht? Häufigkeit der Verkehrsdienste

EU 'Insatisfait'

EU 'Dissatisfied'

Gesamt 'Unzufrieden'

Flash EB382b

Sehr unzufrieden

Flash EB382b

Nicht zutreffend (SPONTAN)

Flash EB382b




Flash EB382b

4 6 69 2120 49 15 6

Gesamt 'Zufrieden'

Flash EB382b

8 7 60 2516 44 19 6

7 3 74 1616 58 13 3

7 9 62 2226 36 14 8

4 6 76 1427 49 11 3

4 21 59 1617 42 14 2

6 9 65 2017 48 16 4

6 2 61 3121 40 21 10

5 4 74 1730 44 11 6

3 2 77 1814 63 14 4

5 2 72 2120 52 13 8

0 29 49 2221 28 15 7

2 5 57 3614 43 22 14

12 4 63 2122 41 17 4

2 3 76 1924 52 15 4

6 4 70 2022 48 15 5

2 2 83 1335 48 10 3

7 9 71 1323 48 10 3

10 21 34 3511 23 19 16

8 3 67 2214 53 18 4

5 5 73 1732 41 13 4

3 7 71 1920 51 15 4

1 12 67 2034 33 11 9

14 7 59 2018 41 16 4

7 13 55 2522 33 16 9

3 9 74 1427 47 11 3

1 8 72 1923 49 15 4

5 7 68 2026 42 13 7

2 5 79 1430 49 10 4


Page 94: EUROPEANS’ SATISFACTION WITH URBAN TRANSPORTec.europa.eu/commfrontoffice/publicopinion/flash/fl_382b... · 2017-11-30 · FLASH EUROBAROMETER 382b “Europeans’ satisfaction with

FLASH EUROBAROMETER 382b “Europeans’ satisfaction with urban public transport”



EU 28





























Q5b.2 Etes-vous satisfait(e) ou non des caractéristiques suivantes concernant les voyages en transports publics urbains (bus, métro, tram, etc.) en (NOTRE PAYS) ? La ponctualité et la fiabilité

Q5b.2 Are you satisfied or not with the following features of travel by urban public transport (bus, metro, tram etc.) in (OUR COUNTRY)? Punctuality and reliability

Sehr zufrieden

Flash EB382b

Plutôt satisfait(e)

Fairly satisfied

Eher zufrieden

Flash EB382b

Eher unzufrieden

Flash EB382b

Très mécontent

Très satisfait(e)

Plutôt pas satisfait(e)

Ne s’applique pas

(SPONTANE)EU 'Satisfait'

Very satisfied

Fairly dissatisfied

Not applicable (SPONTA-NEOUS)

EU 'Satisfied'

Very dissatisfied

Q5b.2 Sind Sie mit den folgenden Eigenschaften des städtischen Nahverkehrs (Bus, U-Bahn, Straßenbahn etc.) in (UNSER LAND) zufrieden oder nicht? Pünktlichkeit und Zuverlässigkeit

EU 'Insatisfait'

EU 'Dissatisfied'

Gesamt 'Unzufrieden'

Flash EB382b

Sehr unzufrieden

Flash EB382b

Nicht zutreffend (SPONTAN)

Flash EB382b




Flash EB382b

4 5 70 2119 51 15 6

Gesamt 'Zufrieden'

Flash EB382b

7 7 59 2713 46 19 8

6 3 70 2112 58 18 3

8 11 69 1222 47 10 2

3 6 83 828 55 7 1

2 19 69 1020 49 8 2

3 6 70 2118 52 17 4

6 3 58 3318 40 23 10

5 4 76 1530 46 11 4

3 2 74 2112 62 17 4

5 1 73 2120 53 14 7

1 31 54 1422 32 9 5

3 5 58 3413 45 18 16

11 3 73 1325 48 11 2

1 3 80 1622 58 12 4

5 3 74 1819 55 15 3

2 2 82 1429 53 12 2

7 9 72 1220 52 9 3

9 20 22 497 15 23 26

7 3 70 2013 57 17 3

5 4 81 1033 48 8 2

3 6 63 2820 43 22 6

1 11 68 2034 34 10 10

12 6 65 1719 46 13 4

7 13 66 1428 38 9 5

3 8 73 1619 54 13 3

1 8 84 723 61 7 0

5 8 69 1824 45 13 5

3 6 73 1825 48 14 4


Page 95: EUROPEANS’ SATISFACTION WITH URBAN TRANSPORTec.europa.eu/commfrontoffice/publicopinion/flash/fl_382b... · 2017-11-30 · FLASH EUROBAROMETER 382b “Europeans’ satisfaction with

FLASH EUROBAROMETER 382b “Europeans’ satisfaction with urban public transport”



EU 28





























Q5b.3 Etes-vous satisfait(e) ou non des caractéristiques suivantes concernant les voyages en transports publics urbains (bus, métro, tram, etc.) en (NOTRE PAYS) ? La mise à disposition d’informations en particulier s’agissant des correspondances

Q5b.3 Are you satisfied or not with the following features of travel by urban public transport (bus, metro, tram etc.) in (OUR COUNTRY)? The provision of information in particular on connecting services

Sehr zufrieden

Flash EB382b

Plutôt satisfait(e)

Fairly satisfied

Eher zufrieden

Flash EB382b

Eher unzufrieden

Flash EB382b

Très mécontent

Très satisfait(e)

Plutôt pas satisfait(e)

Ne s’applique pas

(SPONTANE)EU 'Satisfait'

Very satisfied

Fairly dissatisfied

Not applicable (SPONTA-NEOUS)

EU 'Satisfied'

Very dissatisfied

Q5b.3 Sind Sie mit den folgenden Eigenschaften des städtischen Nahverkehrs (Bus, U-Bahn, Straßenbahn etc.) in (UNSER LAND) zufrieden oder nicht? Bereitstellung von Informationen, insbesondere zu Anschlussverbindungen

EU 'Insatisfait'

EU 'Dissatisfied'

Gesamt 'Unzufrieden'

Flash EB382b

Sehr unzufrieden

Flash EB382b

Nicht zutreffend (SPONTAN)

Flash EB382b




Flash EB382b

8 10 58 2414 44 18 6

Gesamt 'Zufrieden'

Flash EB382b

14 18 39 2910 29 19 10

10 5 62 2310 52 19 4

12 20 47 2114 33 17 4

5 15 59 2118 41 18 3

8 48 31 1310 21 10 3

6 11 54 2913 41 24 5

9 8 57 2617 40 18 8

9 7 62 2219 43 18 4

5 3 69 239 60 19 4

7 6 71 1618 53 10 6

1 40 43 1616 27 8 8

5 13 48 349 39 22 12

25 8 48 1920 28 15 4

8 13 58 2111 47 16 5

9 8 63 2016 47 15 5

8 7 69 1618 51 14 2

12 15 48 2512 36 20 5

12 31 35 2212 23 14 8

14 9 46 316 40 25 6

9 8 67 1626 41 13 3

5 9 62 2420 42 17 7

3 16 61 2031 30 9 11

19 13 49 1916 33 15 4

10 21 49 2018 31 13 7

6 17 56 2113 43 18 3

3 20 56 2111 45 19 2

6 14 61 1919 42 13 6

8 11 64 1721 43 13 4


Page 96: EUROPEANS’ SATISFACTION WITH URBAN TRANSPORTec.europa.eu/commfrontoffice/publicopinion/flash/fl_382b... · 2017-11-30 · FLASH EUROBAROMETER 382b “Europeans’ satisfaction with

FLASH EUROBAROMETER 382b “Europeans’ satisfaction with urban public transport”



EU 28





























Q5b.4 Etes-vous satisfait(e) ou non des caractéristiques suivantes concernant les voyages en transports publics urbains (bus, métro, tram, etc.) en (NOTRE PAYS) ? Le prix des billets

Q5b.4 Are you satisfied or not with the following features of travel by urban public transport (bus, metro, tram etc.) in (OUR COUNTRY)? Price of the tickets

Sehr zufrieden

Flash EB382b

Plutôt satisfait(e)

Fairly satisfied

Eher zufrieden

Flash EB382b

Eher unzufrieden

Flash EB382b

Très mécontent

Très satisfait(e)

Plutôt pas satisfait(e)

Ne s’applique pas

(SPONTANE)EU 'Satisfait'

Very satisfied

Fairly dissatisfied

Not applicable (SPONTA-NEOUS)

EU 'Satisfied'

Very dissatisfied

Q5b.4 Sind Sie mit den folgenden Eigenschaften des städtischen Nahverkehrs (Bus, U-Bahn, Straßenbahn etc.) in (UNSER LAND) zufrieden oder nicht? Fahrkartenpreise

EU 'Insatisfait'

EU 'Dissatisfied'

Gesamt 'Unzufrieden'

Flash EB382b

Sehr unzufrieden

Flash EB382b

Nicht zutreffend (SPONTAN)

Flash EB382b




Flash EB382b

6 6 39 498 31 32 17

Gesamt 'Zufrieden'

Flash EB382b

7 7 47 399 38 26 13

12 4 47 379 38 27 10

6 10 32 526 26 29 23

5 7 35 538 27 36 17

8 25 44 2317 27 16 7

5 8 32 554 28 40 15

6 2 38 5412 26 29 25

10 6 40 449 31 27 17

3 3 46 486 40 36 12

5 3 34 5810 24 30 28

0 36 48 1620 28 11 5

3 6 40 516 34 32 19

9 3 43 4513 30 32 13

2 4 49 4510 39 31 14

14 5 27 544 23 32 22

8 4 64 2422 42 18 6

7 10 32 514 28 29 22

9 17 61 1344 17 9 4

11 4 37 484 33 35 13

6 5 52 3713 39 27 10

5 8 50 3713 37 26 11

1 11 31 5715 16 26 31

14 6 40 4012 28 27 13

7 16 46 3114 32 23 8

3 8 46 439 37 30 13

1 9 51 3910 41 32 7

5 8 34 5310 24 27 26

11 7 39 4311 28 26 17


Page 97: EUROPEANS’ SATISFACTION WITH URBAN TRANSPORTec.europa.eu/commfrontoffice/publicopinion/flash/fl_382b... · 2017-11-30 · FLASH EUROBAROMETER 382b “Europeans’ satisfaction with

FLASH EUROBAROMETER 382b “Europeans’ satisfaction with urban public transport”






























Q5b.5 Etes-vous satisfait(e) ou non des caractéristiques suivantes concernant les voyages en transports publics urbains (bus, métro, tram, etc.) en (NOTRE PAYS) ?

La disponibilité de billets pour un voyage utilisant plusieurs modes de transport (c’est-à-dire tram, métro, bus, trains locaux)

Q5b.5 Are you satisfied or not with the following features of travel by urban public transport (bus, metro, tram etc.) in (OUR COUNTRY)? Availability of tickets for a journey using several modes (i.e. tram, metro, bus, local trains)

Sehr zufrieden

Flash EB382b

Plutôt satisfait(e)

Fairly satisfied

Eher zufrieden

Flash EB382b

Eher unzufrieden

Flash EB382b

Très mécontent

Très satisfait(e)

Plutôt pas satisfait(e)

Ne s’applique pas

(SPONTANE)EU 'Satisfait'

Very satisfied

Fairly dissatisfied

Not applicable (SPONTA-NEOUS)

EU 'Satisfied'

Very dissatisfied

Q5b.5 Sind Sie mit den folgenden Eigenschaften des städtischen Nahverkehrs (Bus, U-Bahn, Straßenbahn etc.) in (UNSER LAND) zufrieden oder nicht? Verfügbarkeit von Fahrkarten für eine Reise, bei der verschiedene Verkehrsmittel genutzt werden (d.h. Straßenbahn, U-Bahn, Bus, Nahverkehrszüge)

EU 'Insatisfait'

EU 'Dissatisfied'

Gesamt 'Unzufrieden'

Flash EB382b

Sehr unzufrieden

Flash EB382b

Nicht zutreffend (SPONTAN)

Flash EB382b




Flash EB382b

12 13 61 1419 42 10 4

Gesamt 'Zufrieden'

Flash EB382b

24 19 44 1312 32 9 4

18 7 63 1215 48 10 2

18 24 48 1022 26 7 3

8 17 64 1122 42 9 2

20 48 29 316 13 2 1

10 14 60 1618 42 13 3

12 8 65 1522 43 11 4

15 10 56 1923 33 14 5

9 8 67 1614 53 12 4

11 12 63 1423 40 9 5

13 15 65 727 38 5 2

10 19 55 1617 38 9 7

16 8 70 634 36 5 1

28 8 54 1022 32 8 2

13 17 50 2013 37 15 5

21 10 56 1312 44 10 3

18 7 59 1612 47 13 3

15 11 61 1329 32 10 3

10 12 65 1320 45 9 4

6 24 57 1330 27 5 8

21 15 53 1118 35 9 2

17 36 33 1412 21 7 7

9 23 51 1715 36 11 6

3 21 69 722 47 7 0

9 23 52 1616 36 10 6

12 11 68 927 41 7 2


Page 98: EUROPEANS’ SATISFACTION WITH URBAN TRANSPORTec.europa.eu/commfrontoffice/publicopinion/flash/fl_382b... · 2017-11-30 · FLASH EUROBAROMETER 382b “Europeans’ satisfaction with

FLASH EUROBAROMETER 382b “Europeans’ satisfaction with urban public transport”



EU 28





























Q5b.6 Etes-vous satisfait(e) ou non des caractéristiques suivantes concernant les voyages en transports publics urbains (bus, métro, tram, etc.) en (NOTRE PAYS) ? La propreté et bon entretien des véhicules et des rames

Q5b.6 Are you satisfied or not with the following features of travel by urban public transport (bus, metro, tram etc.) in (OUR COUNTRY)? Cleanliness and good maintenance of vehicles/carriages

Sehr zufrieden

Flash EB382b

Plutôt satisfait(e)

Fairly satisfied

Eher zufrieden

Flash EB382b

Eher unzufrieden

Flash EB382b

Très mécontent

Très satisfait(e)

Plutôt pas satisfait(e)

Ne s’applique pas

(SPONTANE)EU 'Satisfait'

Very satisfied

Fairly dissatisfied

Not applicable (SPONTA-NEOUS)

EU 'Satisfied'

Very dissatisfied

Q5b.6 Sind Sie mit den folgenden Eigenschaften des städtischen Nahverkehrs (Bus, U-Bahn, Straßenbahn etc.) in (UNSER LAND) zufrieden oder nicht? Sauberkeit und Instandhaltung von Fahrzeugen/Waggons

EU 'Insatisfait'

EU 'Dissatisfied'

Gesamt 'Unzufrieden'

Flash EB382b

Sehr unzufrieden

Flash EB382b

Nicht zutreffend (SPONTAN)

Flash EB382b




Flash EB382b

4 5 69 2217 52 17 5

Gesamt 'Zufrieden'

Flash EB382b

7 4 55 3413 42 23 11

6 4 70 2012 58 17 3

8 12 71 920 51 8 1

2 6 76 1622 54 14 2

3 19 63 1516 47 12 3

4 7 68 2113 55 18 3

6 2 62 3019 43 21 9

5 4 80 1130 50 9 2

3 2 70 259 61 20 5

4 2 77 1722 55 13 4

0 25 68 730 38 4 3

3 5 48 4410 38 28 16

10 2 70 1823 47 15 3

2 2 81 1521 60 12 3

5 2 62 3114 48 23 8

3 2 87 829 58 8 0

6 8 76 1017 59 9 1

10 17 55 1827 28 13 5

7 4 70 1912 58 16 3

5 4 76 1528 48 13 2

3 5 60 3219 41 23 9

1 11 73 1538 35 7 8

12 5 64 1917 47 16 3

7 13 68 1228 40 9 3

4 9 73 1417 56 12 2

1 8 77 1414 63 14 0

4 7 69 2022 47 13 7

3 6 78 1325 53 11 2


Page 99: EUROPEANS’ SATISFACTION WITH URBAN TRANSPORTec.europa.eu/commfrontoffice/publicopinion/flash/fl_382b... · 2017-11-30 · FLASH EUROBAROMETER 382b “Europeans’ satisfaction with

FLASH EUROBAROMETER 382b “Europeans’ satisfaction with urban public transport”



EU 28





























Q5b.7 Etes-vous satisfait(e) ou non des caractéristiques suivantes concernant les voyages en transports publics urbains (bus, métro, tram, etc.) en (NOTRE PAYS) ? Les différents itinéraires disponibles

Q5b.7 Are you satisfied or not with the following features of travel by urban public transport (bus, metro, tram etc.) in (OUR COUNTRY)? The routes taken by the different urban lines

Sehr zufrieden

Flash EB382b

Plutôt satisfait(e)

Fairly satisfied

Eher zufrieden

Flash EB382b

Eher unzufrieden

Flash EB382b

Très mécontent

Très satisfait(e)

Plutôt pas satisfait(e)

Ne s’applique pas

(SPONTANE)EU 'Satisfait'

Very satisfied

Fairly dissatisfied

Not applicable (SPONTA-NEOUS)

EU 'Satisfied'

Very dissatisfied

Q5b.7 Sind Sie mit den folgenden Eigenschaften des städtischen Nahverkehrs (Bus, U-Bahn, Straßenbahn etc.) in (UNSER LAND) zufrieden oder nicht? Fahrtstrecken/ Routen, die von verschiedenen städtischen Verkehrsmitteln bedient werden

EU 'Insatisfait'

EU 'Dissatisfied'

Gesamt 'Unzufrieden'

Flash EB382b

Sehr unzufrieden

Flash EB382b

Nicht zutreffend (SPONTAN)

Flash EB382b




Flash EB382b

6 9 69 1618 51 12 4

Gesamt 'Zufrieden'

Flash EB382b

10 10 64 1617 47 11 5

8 4 73 1514 59 13 2

8 11 60 2121 39 14 7

5 10 73 1225 48 10 2

3 29 54 1417 37 11 3

10 13 61 1613 48 14 2

8 7 64 2119 45 16 5

6 7 68 1924 44 15 4

3 2 76 1913 63 16 3

6 4 74 1624 50 9 7

1 40 45 1416 29 9 5

4 10 62 2415 47 17 7

21 7 59 1319 40 9 4

2 5 80 1321 59 11 2

8 6 76 1019 57 8 2

4 4 80 1229 51 10 2

8 14 66 1219 47 8 4

11 25 35 2914 21 16 13

11 8 66 158 58 13 2

6 8 76 1033 43 8 2

4 9 70 1721 49 13 4

1 16 70 1335 35 7 6

17 10 58 1519 39 11 4

10 21 55 1422 33 11 3

5 14 72 920 52 7 2

3 16 66 1513 53 12 3

5 9 68 1824 44 13 5

4 9 77 1025 52 8 2


Page 100: EUROPEANS’ SATISFACTION WITH URBAN TRANSPORTec.europa.eu/commfrontoffice/publicopinion/flash/fl_382b... · 2017-11-30 · FLASH EUROBAROMETER 382b “Europeans’ satisfaction with

FLASH EUROBAROMETER 382b “Europeans’ satisfaction with urban public transport”



EU 28





























Q5b.8 Etes-vous satisfait(e) ou non des caractéristiques suivantes concernant les voyages en transports publics urbains (bus, métro, tram, etc.) en (NOTRE PAYS) ? La sécurité des passagers

Q5b.8 Are you satisfied or not with the following features of travel by urban public transport (bus, metro, tram etc.) in (OUR COUNTRY)? Passenger security

Sehr zufrieden

Flash EB382b

Plutôt satisfait(e)

Fairly satisfied

Eher zufrieden

Flash EB382b

Eher unzufrieden

Flash EB382b

Très mécontent

Très satisfait(e)

Plutôt pas satisfait(e)

Ne s’applique pas

(SPONTANE)EU 'Satisfait'

Very satisfied

Fairly dissatisfied

Not applicable (SPONTA-NEOUS)

EU 'Satisfied'

Very dissatisfied

Q5b.8 Sind Sie mit den folgenden Eigenschaften des städtischen Nahverkehrs (Bus, U-Bahn, Straßenbahn etc.) in (UNSER LAND) zufrieden oder nicht? Fahrgastsicherheit

EU 'Insatisfait'

EU 'Dissatisfied'

Gesamt 'Unzufrieden'

Flash EB382b

Sehr unzufrieden

Flash EB382b

Nicht zutreffend (SPONTAN)

Flash EB382b




Flash EB382b

4 6 66 2418 48 18 6

Gesamt 'Zufrieden'

Flash EB382b

7 8 55 3011 44 22 8

5 4 70 2114 56 16 5

8 14 65 1321 44 11 2

3 6 74 1722 52 15 2

3 21 64 1216 48 11 1

4 9 67 2020 47 17 3

6 5 56 3317 39 21 12

5 5 65 2522 43 19 6

2 2 62 349 53 26 8

4 3 69 2419 50 17 7

1 29 61 928 33 6 3

2 7 56 3513 43 22 13

10 4 65 2120 45 17 4

2 3 73 2216 57 16 6

6 3 71 2015 56 15 5

3 2 77 1828 49 13 5

6 9 67 1818 49 14 4

9 18 42 3118 24 20 11

7 4 68 2112 56 17 4

5 6 76 1334 42 11 2

3 7 59 3117 42 23 8

1 10 62 2731 31 12 15

12 7 69 1225 44 9 3

7 13 72 832 40 6 2

4 10 71 1519 52 12 3

1 7 83 927 56 8 1

4 7 69 2023 46 14 6

3 8 74 1523 51 11 4
