European Union Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region Flagship Project 14.3 (EUSBSR FP 14.3) Dr Christer Pursiainen [email protected] Kick off meeting of the selected projects under the DG ECHO Call 49/09 Brussels, 6 February 2012

European Union Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region Flagship Project 14.3 (EUSBSR FP 14.3) Dr Christer Pursiainen [email protected] Kick off meeting

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Page 1: European Union Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region Flagship Project 14.3 (EUSBSR FP 14.3) Dr Christer Pursiainen christer.pursiainen@cbss.org Kick off meeting

European Union Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region

Flagship Project 14.3 (EUSBSR FP 14.3)

Dr Christer [email protected]

Kick off meeting of the selected projects under the DG ECHO Call 49/09 Brussels, 6 February 2012

Page 2: European Union Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region Flagship Project 14.3 (EUSBSR FP 14.3) Dr Christer Pursiainen christer.pursiainen@cbss.org Kick off meeting

Project in a nutshellThe project is the so-called Flagship Project 14.3 of the European

Union Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR)

Embedded in a strong political support framework (EUSBSR, CBSS)

Project’s novelty is that it will map those risks, which have macro-regional and/or cross-border dimensions through geographic proximity, functional interdependencies or through other mechanisms.

10 partners from 9 countries, most of the competent civil protection authorities

Duration 18 months: 1 January 2012 – 30 June 2013

Total budget 660 00 euro, with 75% EC co-financing


Page 3: European Union Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region Flagship Project 14.3 (EUSBSR FP 14.3) Dr Christer Pursiainen christer.pursiainen@cbss.org Kick off meeting

What is EUSBSR and its FP 14.3? European Union Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR) was

endorsed by the European Council in October 2009 as the first “macroregional strategy” of the EU

Includes 15 priority areas and currently over 80 Flagship Projects

Priority Area 14: ”To reinforce protection from major emergencies at sea and on land.” Includes currently 3 Flagship Projects.

EUSBSR Flagship project 14.3, as defined in the December 2010 version of the EUSBSR Action Plan: “14.3. For all main hazards of the Baltic Sea Region, including winter storms and floods, ‘develop scenarios and identify gaps’ in order to anticipate potential disasters, thus enabling a rapid and effective EU response through the

Community Civil Protection Mechanism […].“ 3

Page 4: European Union Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region Flagship Project 14.3 (EUSBSR FP 14.3) Dr Christer Pursiainen christer.pursiainen@cbss.org Kick off meeting

Coordinating Beneficiary: CBSS Secretariat (1/2)

STRONG POLITICAL FRAMEWORKCouncil of the Baltic Sea States (CBSS)

is an intergovernmental organisation established in 1992

Permanent International Secretariat, located in Stockholm, and consisting of around 25 staff members, is established in 1998

12 full members: 8 EU countries, 3 non-EU-countries, EC/EEAS10 observer countries, participating in many expert networks16 strategic organisational partners, including such organisations

as Baltic Sea Parliamentary Conference, HELCOM etc.


Page 5: European Union Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region Flagship Project 14.3 (EUSBSR FP 14.3) Dr Christer Pursiainen christer.pursiainen@cbss.org Kick off meeting

Coordinating Beneficiary: CBSS Secretariat (2/2)

CBSS organises annual or biennial Summits of the Heads of Government;foreign ministerial and line ministerial meetings; as well as competent authorities’ Directors-General meetings in various fields

5 priority areas: Energy, Economy, Education, Environment, Civil security

The priority areas are organised into 25 expert groups, task forces, specialist networks – including Baltic Sea States Civil Protection Network representing competent authorities of the CBSS countries


Page 6: European Union Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region Flagship Project 14.3 (EUSBSR FP 14.3) Dr Christer Pursiainen christer.pursiainen@cbss.org Kick off meeting

10 Partners (1/2)Denmark: Frederikssund-Halsnæs Brand- & Redningsberedskab

(Task D leader)

Estonia: Estonian Rescue Board

Finland: Finnish Nuclear Safety Agency

(Task F leader)

Germany: Hamburg Fire and Rescue Service, Ministry of the Interior and Sports, General Directorate of Civil Protection and Emergency Management, Hamburg

Latvia: State Fire and Rescue Service of Latvia

Lithuania: Fire and Rescue Department under MoI of Lithuania


Page 7: European Union Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region Flagship Project 14.3 (EUSBSR FP 14.3) Dr Christer Pursiainen christer.pursiainen@cbss.org Kick off meeting

10 Partners (2/2)Norway: Norwegian Directorate for Civil Protection and

Emergency Planning (Task C leader)

Poland: The Main School of Fire

Service in Warsaw

Sweden: Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (Task E leader)

Sweden: Swedish International Cooperation Development Agency’s Baltic Sea Unit, since 1 January 2012 under Swedish Institute

To be added with separate funding:

Russia: Sankt-Petersburg’s State Fire Service University under EMERCOM


Page 8: European Union Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region Flagship Project 14.3 (EUSBSR FP 14.3) Dr Christer Pursiainen christer.pursiainen@cbss.org Kick off meeting

Project Tasks


Page 9: European Union Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region Flagship Project 14.3 (EUSBSR FP 14.3) Dr Christer Pursiainen christer.pursiainen@cbss.org Kick off meeting

Main deliverables


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Here we are and you are always welcome to visit us at the CBSS Secretariat at Slussplan 9, Gamla Stan, Stockholm and do not forget to visit

our website www.cbss.org Thank you for your attention!