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E U R O P E A N S O L A R P R I Z E 2 0 1 5


Award Ceremony of the European Solar Prize 2015

November 23rd in Prague


09.30 arrival, registration

10.00 Introduction

Miloš Vystrčil – Chairperson, Committee on Public Administration,Regional Development and the Environment, Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic

Jitka Seitlová – Vice-Chairperson, Committee on Public Administration, Regional Development and the Environment, Senateof the Parliament of the Czech Republic

10:15 Welcoming participants on behalf of co-organizers:Peter Droege, EUROSOLAR president

10:30 European Energy Future (lectures include Q&A)

Peter Droege, EUROSOLAR PresidentMilan Smrž, EUROSOLAR Czech RepublicJosep Puig, EUROSOLAR SpainWolfgang Hein, EUROSOLAR AustriaHarry Lehmann, WCRE executive chairmanEliana Cangelli, EUROSOLAR Italy

11:40 Czech Solar Prize

12:00 break, refreshment

13:00 European Solar Prizes

15:00 discussion, final Communiqué

15:30 press conference

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This year’s European Solar Prize goes to the following laureates:

Towns, municipalities, council districts, public utilitiesEnergy self-sufficient community Kněžice, Czech RepublicSUNSTORE 3, Dronninglund Fjernvarme, Denmark

Solar architecture and urban planningAktiv-Stadthaus, ABG Frankfurt Holding, Germany238% Plus-Energy-Building, Cavigelli Engineers, SwitzerlandGhella Office, Alberto Raimondi, RicciSpaini Architetti Associati, Italy

Industrial and commercial companies or farmersSOLARier - Gesellschaft für erneuerbare Energie, Austria

Local or regional associations/organizationsPro Guben - Verein für Energie und Umwelt, Germany

Owners and operators of renewable energy installations131% Plus-Energy-Buildung refurbishment, Hardegger Immobilien, Switzerland

Transport and MobilityElectriCity, City of Gothenburg, SwedenSolar Excavator, Affentranger Bau, Switzerland

Education and vocational trainingGeothermal system in the Egyptian Museum of Turin, PROECO e Onleco, Italy

Special prize for personal achievementKent Skaanning, Denmark

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Award Winner Solar Prize 2015

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The community of Kněžice is located in theCentral Bohemian Region, about 20 kilometresnortheast from the town of Nymburk and hasabout 400 inhabitants. In 2006 Kněžice wassubsidized from European funds through theCzech Ministry of Environment to realize theirproject “Energy self-sufficient community ofKněžice”. The project consists of the distribu-tion of hot water from the biomass boiler andbiogas plants with cogeneration to the centralheating system for the whole community. Thebiogas plant is based on waste from agricul-

ture, food and other sources. In terms of elec-tricity and heating Kněžice is currently a self-sufficient community - the first in the CzechRepublic. The useful heat consumption of con-nected houses is about 2.100 MWh. Local en-ergy sources cover 100 % of the electric con-sumption and 96 % of heat consumption whichleads to a CO2-reduction of more than 2.500tons per year. All energy facilities are owned bythe municipality. The construction of new low-energy residential buildings with integratedphotovoltaic and a local community electricalgrid is planned for the future.

Contact:Kněžice 37289 02 Kněžicewww.obec-knezice.cz

Energy sel f -suf f ic ient community KněžiceTowns, municipalities, council districts, public utilities

Ou t s t and i ng commi tmen t and ro le mode l f unc t i on fo r renewab le deve lopmen t i n t he C ze ch Repub l i c

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From 2006 it became feasible to combine nat-ural gas fired combined heat and powerplants in Denmark with solar heating. Districtheating utilities started to calculate plantswith 10 to 20% solar fraction. But the con-sumer owned district heating utility in Dron-ninglund decided to go further and cover upto 50% of the consumption from solar. Toreach this goal the board of Dronninglund dis-trict-heating decided to be the first to imple-ment a full scale seasonal pit heat storage

and a large scale solar thermal plant with upto 50% solar fraction. Feasibility studiesshowed that heat production prices would notbe higher and the Danish state supported theproject from the EUDP program. The planningprocess, which started in 2008, took 5 yearsand the implementation 1 year. In 2014 theproject - including a plant with 60,000 m3 ofpit heat water storage, 37,500 m2 of solar col-lectors and a 3 MW cooling absorption heatpump - was put into operation.

Contact: Dronninglund FjernvarmeTidselbak Alle 189330 DronninglundDenmarkwww.dronninglundfjernvarme.dk

SUNSTORE 3, Dronninglund FjernwarmeTowns, municipalities, council districts, public utilities

F i rs t d emons t ra t i on o f a f u l ls ca le renewab le hea t i ng concep t w i t h s o l a r and

s easona l s t o rage i n Denmark

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The “Aktiv-Stadthaus” by ABG Frankfurt Hold-ing is the first and largest inner city multiplehome residual building to receive the federalenergy-efficiency-plus certificate. This meansthat the building, which contains 74 apart-ments, generates more energy than its resi-dents consume. More than 1000 façade androoftop mounted solar modules generate300,000 kWh/a of green electricity, while asewage heat pump generates hot water andpowers the floor heating. Latest energy effi-ciency structures minimize energy losses. Ex-cess energy is stored in a large 250 kWh battery

and is used to charge a fleet of shared electricvehicles. Being developed in cooperation withthe federal research initiative “Zukunft-Bau”(Construction Future), the building also servesas a proof of concept – for the first time, find-ings and practices from single-family energy-plus homes have been successfully applied toa large scale residential apartment complex.The design by HHS Planer+Architekten demon-strates that the future of housing can beecofriendly, economical and aesthetic.

Contact:ABG Frankfurt Holding Wohnungsbau- und Beteiligungs-gesellschaft mbHNiddastraße 10760329 Frankfurt am MainGermanywww.abg-fh.com

Aktiv-Stadthaus, ABG Frankfurt HoldingSolar architecture and urban planning

Larges t i nne r - c i t y re s i den t i a lbu i l d i ng t o mee t t he

ene rgy -e f f i c i en c y -p l us hous i ngs t andard

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In Ilanz, the first town at the river Rhine, the so-called “monolith” presents itself in a modernlook and with perfect technology. The PV instal-lation with its optimum East-West orientationhas been carefully integrated and producesabout 30,000 kWh/a. During winter time, larchblades allow for the use of passive solar energywhile preventing the rooms from overheating in

summer. Thanks to a good heat insulation, ageothermal heat pump, comfort ventilation,A++ household devices, 91% of LED lights anda pleasant solar architecture, the new PEB ad-ministration building of the engineering officeCavigelli with space for 24 employees has atotal energy consumption of only 12,600 kWh/aand an energy self-supply of 238%.

Contact:Cavigelli Engineers AGVia Sorts 277130 IlanzSwitzerlandwww.cavigelli.ch

238 % Plus-Energy-Building, Cavigel l i Engineers AG Solar architecture and urban planning

I nnova t i ve t e chno log i ca l concep t w i t h a s e l f - su f f i c i en c y

o f 2 83%

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The project aims to preserve the existing archi-tectural character of the building, improve thequality of the working environment and complywith the principle of reducing CO2 emissions.

The building is listed in the Quality Chart of theCity of Rome, whose target is to address andcontrol transformations of Roman architecturalheritage. Therefore, the intervention maintainsthe building’s original design, in particular theexposed concrete façade. The improvements inthe glass facades are given by the use of highperformance glazing with micro-perforated ve-

netian blinds in the double-glazing. The activefacade shields the sunrays only when neces-sary, freeing up the exterior view and maximiz-ing the passage of natural light. The energyretrofitting of the building, involves passive andactive devices, the use of PV and solar panelsto produce heat, and solar tubes to increasenatural light in the interior. The rooms areplaced all along the facades, and relate to thecentral space through floor-to-ceiling glasswalls.

Contact:RicciSpaini Architetti AssociatiArch. PhD. Alberto Raimondibioclimatic strategies and building TechnologiesVia Sora 3300186 RomeItaly

Ghella Off ice, RicciSpaini Archi te t t i Associat i ,Arch. PhD Alberto RaimondiSolar architecture and urban planning

Energe t i c t r ans fo rma t i on o f a h e r i t age -p ro te c t ed bu i l d i ng

w i t h keep i ng t he o r i g i na l d e s i gn

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The SOLARier Inc. for Renewable Energy with itsheadquarters in Austria, Engerwitzdorf, evolvedfrom a purchasing cooperative (1987) into an inno-vative company. SOLARier are nationwide known asa pioneer in the solar plant production and installa-tion. The European sales network is in expansionand currently covers Spain, France, Germany andSweden. SOLARier stands as a full-service providerin consulting, planning, installation and service forsolar thermal, photovoltaic, heating systems withbiomass boilers and heat pumps as well as buildingservices (plumbing, ventilation, electrical) for sus-

tainability and longevity of its products. Privatehouseholds as well as small and medium enter-prises use this for the production of heat and elec-tricity. The collectors produced by SOLARier placedin the European comparison among the best. Themultiple award-winning environmental caring com-pany employs 62 employees. The company is com-mitted to the participatory leadership style. Withfurther training in the company's own academy, thecompany underlines its strong commitment to re-newable energy.

Contact:SOLARier - Gesellschaft für erneuerbare Energie mbHBach 84209 Engerwitzdorf/ KatsdorfAustriawww.solarier.at

SOLARier - Gesel lschaf t für erneuerbare Energie mbHIndustrial and commercial companies or farmers

Longs t and i ng commi tmen t fo r t he u se o f e co f r i end ly

ene rgy s y s t ems on p r i va t e bu i l d i ngs

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The local association “Pro Guben” representsthe interests of the city council of Guben andGubin and the community of Gubin with theirinhabitants and Agenda 21 partners. The asso-ciation was founded in 1994 to start the com-mon fight against the destruction of the land-scape through the Lausitz brown coal mine.The common goal was - and still is - to careabout the basis of existence and the contempo-rary development of the German-Polish bor-derland. The Agenda 21 was also decisive for

the regional efforts to climate, economic andsocial stability and furthermore to political in-terest in 100% renewable energy supply acrossborders. With the construction of several solarplants, the use of water power and the focus onenergy efficiency in buildings, Guben and itspartners reached a reduction of CO2-emissionsof 42% in 2014 compared to 1990. The commit-ment of the twin cities of Guben-Gubin showsan exemplary cooperation and a role model fora common European Energy Future.

Contact:Pro Guben - Verein für Energie und Umwelt e.V.Gasstraße. 803172 GubenGermanywww.proguben.de

Pro Guben - Verein für Energie und Umwelt e.V.Local or regional associations/organizations

Ou t s t and i ng e f fo r t f o r t he u seo f renewab le ene rgy a c ross

bo rde rs and t he i r f i gh t a ga i n s tt he Laus i t z coa l m ine

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The four-family-house Hardegger was built inthe 1950s. Before its refurbishment, it had anenergy consumption of 66,800 kWh/a. Thanksto a good heat insulation, energy-efficienthousehold devices and LED lights, its total con-sumption was reduced by 72% to 18,800 kWh/a.Its PV installation of 31.3 kWp produces 24,500kWh/a, leading to an energy self-supply of

131%. The Plus-Energy-Building refurbish-ment in the old town of Oberengstringen ac-cords with the Minergie-P-Eco standard and isexemplary. It blends in very well with the his-toric townscape and even adds additional valueto it. With its reduction of energy losses and itsexemplary energy production, the Hardeggerbuilding refurbishment meets the prerequisitefor an energy revolution. With its annual solarenergy excess of 5‘750 kWh an electric carcould drive around the world.

Contact:Hardegger Immobilien AGLeehaldenweg 22b8153 RümlangSwitzerland

131% Plus-Energy-Building refurbishment , Hardegger Immobil ien AG

Owners and operators of renewable energy installation

P lus -Energy -Bu i l d i ng re f u rb i shmen t wh i ch i n se r t ss t ru c t ua l ly i n t o t he h i s t o r i ct ownscape and i t s exemp la r yenergy p roduc t i on f u l f i l l i n gt he requ i remen t s fo r an

energy revo l u t i on

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ElectriCity is a collaborative project betweenacademia, industry and the public sector and isaimed at developing, demonstrating and eval-uating new sustainable public transport sys-tems for the future. Testing and evaluation ofelectric bus transport is a central part of Elec-triCity. Silent, emission-free public transportcan operate in places where traffic is currentlybanned. This opens up new possibilities forurban planning in towns and cities. The threeelectric buses on route 55 in Gothenburg run

on renewable electricity and are energy-effi-cient, silent and completely emission-free. Thebuses’ batteries are quickly recharged at theterminal bus stops. The bus stop on Lindhol-men has an indoor terminal. Besides the threecompletely electric buses, the route has a num-ber of electric hybrid buses. In addition to theactual buses, ElectriCity develops and testsnew bus stop systems, transport managementsystems, safety concepts and energy supplysystems.

Contact: Lindholmen Science ParkLindholmspiren 3-5402 78 GothenburgSwedenwww.goteborgelectricity.se

Electr iCity, Ci ty of GothenburgTransport and mobility

Exemp la r y supp ly o f pub l i ct ranspor t w i t h renewab le

energy a s p a r t o f a coope ra t i on be tween c i t y ,

i n dus t r y and s c i ence

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In cooperation with the Swiss Federal Instituteof Technology, the Buchs Interstate TechnicalUniversity NTB and the construction machinemanufacturer Huppenkothen, the innovativebuilding contractor Markus Affentranger setthe way for the world’s first 16-t solar excavatorwith an electric motor. The SUNCAR electricexcavator is low-noise, emission-free and verypowerful. With a motor-power of 75-167 kW itdoes not need to avoid the comparison with itsdiesel-powered colleagues of barely 70 kW.

Instead of 150,000 kWh/a, the modified Takeuchiexcavator does only consume 30,000 kWh/a;this is hardly 1% of the total in-house solar pro-duction of 3.2 GWh/a of Markus Affentrangerand Markus Bösiger. The battery has a capacityof 190 kWh, which is enough to use the excava-tor for nine hours a day. Compared to a diesel-powered excavator, the solar excavator’s emis-sions are reduced by 40 t annually, which leadsto a reduction of fuel costs of CHF 21,000 peryear.

Contact:Affentranger Bau AGSchlossweg 46147 AltbüronSwitzerlandwww.affentrangerbauag.ch

Solar excavator, Affentranger Bau AGTransport and mobility

Wor ld ’s f i r s t 1 6 - t ons - so l a r excava t o r w i t h e le c t r i c mo to r

and an ene rgy supp ly f rom a PV - s y s t em on t he ope ra t i ona l bu i l d i ng

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In the Egyptian Museum of Turin, in addition tothe new set designs, the innovative architec-tural solutions, and 3,300 exhibits which makethe museum of Turin the most important in theworld after Cairo, there is another hiddentreasure in the depths of the seventeenth-cen-tury building of the Guarini. It is the geothermalsystem, a treasure unknown to visitors that al-lows year-round conditioning of the 10,000square meters of exhibition space through theuse of clean and renewable energies such as

geothermal. The physical plant serving the mu-seum, design by PROECO and Onleco, and inparticular the energy production, was designedand built according to the most recent criteriaof environmental sustainability. This geother-mal system uses ground water at low temper-ature for maximum energy saving. The systemwas designed in accordance with the criteriafor the preservation of the artwork, the comfortof visitors and the integrity of the building.

Contact:AD PROECO e Onleco Via Pigafetta, 3 10129 Torino Italywww.onleco.com

Geothermal System of the Egyptian Museum of Turin,PROECO e Onleco

Education and vocational training

Conse r va t i on o f t h e h i s t o r i ca r twork t h rough cond i t i on i ngw i t h t he u se o f c le an and

renewab le ene rgy

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Kent Skaannings commitment for renewableenergy in Denmark has arisen in the crossfieldbetween farming and politics. The idea of sol-ving an environmental waste problem combi-ned with the agricultural business’ ability tomake a reasonable economical profit has always made sense to him.

Therefore, his professional heart beats for localand private ownership of biogas plants – andfor that matter other forms of renewableenergy. Today, ComBigaS operates globally andbuilds biogas plants all over the world. But still,

Kent Skaannings philosophy stands: ‘We willachieve the maximum benefit of renewableenergy, if local commitment is present in theownership and operation of the plants.’

Biogas reduces the environmental impact ofthe handling and disposal of waste materialand reduces the CO2-emissions. At the sametime, municipalities or businesses can becomeself-sufficient and make money with sustaina-ble green energy. This is a win-win situationthat global investors should not profit from.

Contact:Kent SkaanningComBigaS - Complete Biogas Solutions Tinghøjvej 136893 Hemmetwww.combigas.dk

Kent SkaanningSpecial prize for personal achievement

Grea t commi tmen t fo r renewab le ene rgy a s a p i onee ro f b i ogas and spokesman i n


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Heliograph is a current term for a device calledsunshine autograph, a meteorological instru-ment that can be used to determine the dura-tion of sunhine of a day. It works on the pricipleof a burning glass when its glass ball is hit bydirect sunlight. Through the changing angle ofthe sunshine in the course of a day the burningpoint moves on. With a special paper stripe youreceive a burned line from which you can easilyconclude the duration of sunshine.

The Solar Prizes sculpture was created by EmilSchult, who had been inspired by this instru-ment.