European provenance of the Numidian Flysch in northern Tunisia Christine Fildes, 1 Dorrik Stow, 2 Sami Riahi, 3 Mohamed Soussi, 3 Urval Patel, 4 J. Andy Milton 5 and Stuart Marsh 6 1 School of Environment, The University of Auckland, Private Bag 92019 Auckland, New Zealand; 2 Institute of Petroleum Engineering, Heriot- Watt University, Edinburgh EH14 4AS, UK; 3 Geology Department, Faculty of Science, University of Tunis, CP 2092 Tunis, Tunisia; 4 Core Laboratories, Redhill, Surrey RH1 2LW, UK; 5 National Oceanography Centre, Southampton SO14 3ZH, UK; 6 Anadarko (Algeria) Company LLC, 1 Harefield Road, Uxbridge UB8 1YH, UK Introduction The Numidian Flysch sedimentary succession comprises part of a com- plex late Cenozoic orogenic belt that stretches more than 2000 km from mainland Italy, through northern Sic- ily, across northern Africa and into southern Spain (Fig. 1) (Wezel, 1970; Dewey et al., 1989; Hoyez, 1989; Guerrera et al., 1993). This wide- spread turbidite series was deposited in one or several deepwater basins that existed between Europe and Africa during final closure of the Tethys Ocean, between the early Oli- gocene and the early Miocene (Rup- elian to Burdigalian stages). It is generally recognised that in Tunisia, as in most of the orogenic belt, the Numidian Flysch is allochthonous or partially allochthonous and is in thrust contact with the adjacent for- mations (Rouvier, 1977; El Euchi et al., 2004; Riahi et al., 2007). Lying south and east of the thrust front, the autochthonous Bejaoua Group, including the Fortuna Sandstone For- mation, is coeval in age and comprises shallow marine to fluvial sediments (Yaich et al., 2000). The Numidian system represents a promising petroleum exploration tar- get and is a proven play in Sicily. Excellent exposures of turbidite and related deepwater massive sands (Stow and Johansson, 2000) occur along the northern coast of Tunisia, as well as in stream sections inland, although there is still considerable debate about their ultimate provenance. The Fortuna sandstones, of the autochthonous Be- jaoua Group, are considered by some as a potential source for the Numidian Flysch. The Numidian basin and its relationship to the potential source regions are shown in Fig. 2. There are three principal theories: 1 The depositional basin lay to the south of the Alboran microconti- nent and north of a calcareous platform region that fringed North Africa. Its wholly terrigenous sup- ply was from the north. Remnants of the Alboran source region re- main as the crystalline basement rocks in the Grand Kabylie nappes of northern Algeria, and in parts of Corsica and Sardinia (El Kha- nchoulfi and Beaudoin, 1990; El Maherssi, 1992; Yaich, 1997). 2 The depositional basin lay to the south of the calcareous platform region, and was supplied from the south, with the Nubian Sandstone of Saharan Africa as the source area and the Fortuna palaeo-delta as the principal supply route (Wezel, 1970; Rouvier, 1977; Hoyez, 1989; Jo- hansson et al., 1998; M. Thomas, personal communication 2009). 3 There were two or more principal basins (internal and external flysch), in which case, the direction of sediment supply may have varied between the two (Caire and Coif- fait, 1970; Broquet, 1970). Aim and methods The principal aim of this study was to address the much-debated question of sediment provenance for the Numi- dian Flysch and hence to constrain palaeogeography of the west Tethyan regional jigsaw better. Four principal sections along the north coast of Tunisia were logged in detail (Fig. 1B). Over 100 samples of Numidian Flysch sandstones were collected, of which we have processed 66 for petrography, 30 for heavy mineral analysis and three samples for zircon geochronol- ogy (Table 1). For comparison, two additional samples were analysed from the Numidian Flysch in Sicily and 12 from the Fortuna sandstones of northern Tunisia (potential prove- nance). Further details of methods used are provided together with the results. ABSTRACT The ultimate source of the deepwater Numidian Flysch sedi- ments has long been a matter of controversy. Did the sediments of this late Cenozoic orogenic belt in the western Mediterra- nean derive from a European or African source, or from a combination of the two? New data presented here strongly favour a European provenance. Zircon ages of 514 ± 19 Ma from Tunisia and 550 ± 28 Ma from Sicily can only have derived from rocks of European affinity. These zircons have been separated from quartz-rich sandstones with a distinctive, highly mature heavy mineral assemblage that is different from those of North African autochthonous formations. The mature petrography and dominance of euhedral prismatic zircon grains indicate a medium to high-grade metamorphic source. Most palaeocurrent data are indicative of flow from the N and NW. The original European provenance is most likely now rep- resented by predominantly metamorphic rocks of the Kabylie belt in northern Algeria, as a result of microplate movement and thrust emplacement. Terra Nova, 22, 94–102, 2010 Correspondence: Professor Dorrik Stow, Institute of Petroleum Engineering, Heriot- Watt University, Edinburgh EH14 4AS, UK. Tel.: +44 (0)7887 870309; fax: +44 (0)131 451 3123; e-mail: dorrik.stow@ pet.hw.ac.uk 94 Ó 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd doi: 10.1111/j.1365-3121.2009.00921.x

European provenance of the Numidian Flysch in northern Tunisia

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Page 1: European provenance of the Numidian Flysch in northern Tunisia

European provenance of the Numidian Flysch in northern Tunisia

Christine Fildes,1 Dorrik Stow,2 Sami Riahi,3 Mohamed Soussi,3 Urval Patel,4 J. Andy Milton5 andStuart Marsh6

1School of Environment, The University of Auckland, Private Bag 92019 Auckland, New Zealand; 2Institute of Petroleum Engineering, Heriot-

Watt University, Edinburgh EH14 4AS, UK; 3Geology Department, Faculty of Science, University of Tunis, CP 2092 Tunis, Tunisia; 4Core

Laboratories, Redhill, Surrey RH1 2LW, UK; 5National Oceanography Centre, Southampton SO14 3ZH, UK; 6Anadarko (Algeria)

Company LLC, 1 Harefield Road, Uxbridge UB8 1YH, UK


The Numidian Flysch sedimentarysuccession comprises part of a com-plex late Cenozoic orogenic belt thatstretches more than 2000 km frommainland Italy, through northern Sic-ily, across northern Africa and intosouthern Spain (Fig. 1) (Wezel, 1970;Dewey et al., 1989; Hoyez, 1989;Guerrera et al., 1993). This wide-spread turbidite series was depositedin one or several deepwater basinsthat existed between Europe andAfrica during final closure of theTethys Ocean, between the early Oli-gocene and the early Miocene (Rup-elian to Burdigalian stages). It isgenerally recognised that in Tunisia,as in most of the orogenic belt, theNumidian Flysch is allochthonous orpartially allochthonous and is inthrust contact with the adjacent for-mations (Rouvier, 1977; El Euchiet al., 2004; Riahi et al., 2007). Lyingsouth and east of the thrust front, theautochthonous Bejaoua Group,including the Fortuna Sandstone For-mation, is coeval in age and comprises

shallow marine to fluvial sediments(Yaich et al., 2000).The Numidian system represents a

promising petroleum exploration tar-get and is a proven play in Sicily.Excellent exposures of turbidite andrelated deepwater massive sands (Stowand Johansson, 2000) occur along thenorthern coast of Tunisia, as well as instream sections inland, although thereis still considerable debate about theirultimate provenance. The Fortunasandstones, of the autochthonous Be-jaoua Group, are considered by someas a potential source for the NumidianFlysch. The Numidian basin and itsrelationship to the potential sourceregions are shown in Fig. 2. There arethree principal theories:

1 The depositional basin lay to thesouth of the Alboran microconti-nent and north of a calcareousplatform region that fringed NorthAfrica. Its wholly terrigenous sup-ply was from the north. Remnantsof the Alboran source region re-main as the crystalline basementrocks in the Grand Kabylie nappesof northern Algeria, and in parts ofCorsica and Sardinia (El Kha-nchoulfi and Beaudoin, 1990; ElMaherssi, 1992; Yaich, 1997).

2 The depositional basin lay to thesouth of the calcareous platformregion, and was supplied from thesouth, with the Nubian Sandstone

of Saharan Africa as the source areaand the Fortuna palaeo-delta as theprincipal supply route (Wezel, 1970;Rouvier, 1977; Hoyez, 1989; Jo-hansson et al., 1998; M. Thomas,personal communication 2009).

3 There were two or more principalbasins (internal and external flysch),in which case, the direction ofsediment supply may have variedbetween the two (Caire and Coif-fait, 1970; Broquet, 1970).

Aim and methods

The principal aim of this study was toaddress the much-debated question ofsediment provenance for the Numi-dian Flysch and hence to constrainpalaeogeography of the west Tethyanregional jigsaw better. Four principalsections along the north coast ofTunisia were logged in detail (Fig. 1B).Over 100 samples of Numidian Flyschsandstones were collected, of whichwe have processed 66 for petrography,30 for heavy mineral analysis andthree samples for zircon geochronol-ogy (Table 1). For comparison, twoadditional samples were analysedfrom the Numidian Flysch in Sicilyand 12 from the Fortuna sandstonesof northern Tunisia (potential prove-nance). Further details of methodsused are provided together with theresults.


The ultimate source of the deepwater Numidian Flysch sedi-ments has long been a matter of controversy. Did the sedimentsof this late Cenozoic orogenic belt in the western Mediterra-nean derive from a European or African source, or from acombination of the two? New data presented here stronglyfavour a European provenance. Zircon ages of 514 ± 19 Mafrom Tunisia and 550 ± 28 Ma from Sicily can only have derivedfrom rocks of European affinity. These zircons have beenseparated from quartz-rich sandstones with a distinctive, highlymature heavy mineral assemblage that is different from those

of North African autochthonous formations. The maturepetrography and dominance of euhedral prismatic zircon grainsindicate a medium to high-grade metamorphic source. Mostpalaeocurrent data are indicative of flow from the N and NW.The original European provenance is most likely now rep-resented by predominantly metamorphic rocks of the Kabyliebelt in northern Algeria, as a result of microplate movementand thrust emplacement.

Terra Nova, 22, 94–102, 2010

Correspondence: Professor Dorrik Stow,

Institute of Petroleum Engineering, Heriot-

Watt University, Edinburgh EH14 4AS,

UK. Tel.: +44 (0)7887 870309; fax:

+44 (0)131 451 3123; e-mail: dorrik.stow@


94 � 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

doi: 10.1111/j.1365-3121.2009.00921.x

Page 2: European provenance of the Numidian Flysch in northern Tunisia


Facies and palaeocurrents

For the Numidian Flysch as a whole,we recognise 15 distinct facies (FaciesGroups I–V; Table 2, Fig. 3). At eachlocality studied, three broad faciesassociations have been identified. The

deepwater massive sandstone faciesassociation comprises medium to verythick-bedded massive sandstones,with minor conglomerates, debritesand structured sandstone turbidites.These are commonly associated withinjectionite sandstones and occur inblocky sequences, 10–35 m thick, witha sand : shale ratio >9 : 1. The mud-

stone–sandstone facies association ismudstone-dominant, with thin tothick-bedded sandstone turbidites,rare debrites and isolated very thick-bedded lenticular sandstones. Slump-slide units and injectionite sandstonesoccur locally. There are symmetrical,coarsening-up and fining-up and alsorandom non-sequences, 1–10 m thickat outcrop. The sand : shale ratio isbetween 1 : 9 and 1 : 4. Still moremud-rich (sand : shale ratio <1 : 9) isthe mudstone facies association, com-prising mud-rich facies of hemipelag-ites and fine-grained turbidites, withrare thin-bedded sandstones. Theseare also commonly associated withslump-slide units and more rarely withinjectionite sandstones. Random ornon-sequences are common, with pos-sible small-scale compensation cycles.Field measurements yielding palaeo-

current data were gathered from allNumidian Flysch localities studied(Fig. 4). The mean of flute and ripplemeasurements gives dip-corrected flowtowards E or SE, which concurs withnumerous groove measurements (ori-entation but not sense), but there issignificant variation around this meanin some areas.

Sandstone petrography

The Numidian Flysch sandstone min-eralogy is based on petrographic studyof 66 samples, point-counting 200–400grains per thin section. Most fall in thepure quartzarenite field (>90%quartz) of Stow (2005, modified afterPettijohn et al., 1987), with a fewsamples of feldspathic arenites (80–90% quartz, 3–7% feldspar, 1–5%mica). The heavy mineral fraction isnotably high – from 2% to 7%.Calcite and authigenic dolomite areonly present locally in samples fromSicily. Although the sandstones showhigh mineralogical maturity, they aretexturally mature to sub-mature incharacter.Whereas unicrystalline quartz is the

dominant form (46–83%), poly-crystalline quartz is common incoarse-grained sandstones and sandyconglomerates, as it generally has alarger grain size (�2 mm). Theseinclude grains with sub-equantintergrowths and moderate latticestrain, as well as those with moreattenuated, gneissose fabrics or inwhich sub-crystals have been partially

Fig. 1 (A) Location map of Numidian Flysch orogenic belt, western Mediterraneanregion. (B) Geological summary map of northern Tunisia showing the Oligo-MioceneNumidian Flysch and coeval Bejaoua Group and Fortuna Formation. Sample andsection localities named; for sample numbers, see Table 1.

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re-assimilated at elevated tempera-tures. Some quartz grains show inclu-sions of rutile needles and zircons. Thefeldspars are all alkali feldspars,including both orthoclase and albite,and the mica fraction is wholly musco-vite. Rock fragments are very rare.

Heavy mineral data

Heavy mineral separates for 30 repre-sentative samples were prepared asgrain mounts (63- to 250-micron sizefraction) and studied using a ribbon-counting method of 200–400 grainsper sample. Typically, the heavy min-eral fraction of the Tunisian Numi-dian Flysch comprises approximatelyequal proportions of non-opaque andopaque minerals (mainly iron oxides)(Fig. 5). The non-opaques are domi-nated by tourmaline and zircon, witha lesser proportion of rutile. Acces-sory heavy minerals include rare gar-net and anatase (generally present),and very rare piemontite, monazite,titanite, apatite, staurolite, glauconiteand chlorite (present only in somesamples).Zircons are the most common non-

opaques. They are colourless withextremely high relief and present as amixture of two different types. In the

Fig. 2 Plate tectonic reconstruction for part of the western Mediterranean region modified after Lonergan and White (1997). TheOligocene reconstruction shows the location of the Numidian Flysch basin between the Alboran microcontinent (AlKaPeCa) andNorth Africa. Sediment was supplied to this basin either from the north (this article) or from the south, or from a combination ofthe two. The Late Burdigalian (early Miocene) reconstruction and schematic cross-section show thrust emplacement of theAlboran microplate (as the Kabylie Range) and associated Numidian Flysch onto the North African margin.

Table 1 Samples used for analytical programme, indicating location, facies group (see

Table 2) and analytical methods used (P, petrography; HM, heavy mineral analysis;

Z, zircon geochronology).

Sample Location Facies group



1 Tabarka Massive sand P, HM

2 Tabarka Massive sand P

8 Tabarka Massive sand P

20 Tabarka Structured sand P, HM

22 Tabarka Structured sand P

23 Tabarka Structured sand P

29 Tabarka Structured sand P, HM

32 Tabarka Structured sand P, HM

34 Tabarka Structured sand P

36 Tabarka Massive sand P

37 Tabarka Massive sand P, HM

41 Tabarka Structured sand P, HM

42 Tabarka Massive sand P, HM

43b Tabarka Conglomerate P

43 Tabarka Conglomerate P, HM

44 Tabarka Conglomerate P

46 Tabarka Chaotica P

47 Tabarka Chaotica P, HM

50 Tabarka Massive sand P

54 Tabarka Structured sand P, HM

56 Tabarka Structured sand P

58 Tabarka Massive sand P, HM

59 Tabarka Massive sand P

60 Tabarka Massive sand P

63 Tabarka Massive sand P, HM

65 Tabarka Massive sand P, HM

DS1 Testour Fortuna formation P

DS2a Testour Fortuna formation P

Numidian Flysch provenance • C. Fildes et al. Terra Nova, Vol 22, No. 2, 94–102


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Tunisian samples, approximately 20%of the zircons are small (on average0.08 mm) and rounded, whereasapproximately 80% are euhedral, pris-matic and larger in size (maximum of0.18 mm). Tourmalines are the secondmost abundant non-opaque heavymineral observed. These are blue ⁄green, have colour zoning, polarisationbands and typically exhibit pleochro-ism. They are mostly subhedral inshape, some more anhedral, but rarelyeuhedral. Grain size is variable from0.08 to 0.40 mm. Rutile is the thirdmost abundant non-opaque. It occursin shades of red, brownish red andamber, with very high relief and dis-tinctive pleochroism.

The mineralogical maturity of heavymineral assemblages is defined by thezircon–rutile–tourmaline (ZRT) index,which is the ZRT proportion of thenon-opaque heavy fraction. In theTunisian Numidian Flysch, the ZRTindex is very high (between 25 : 1 and30 : 1), whereas in both the SicilyNumidian and the Tunisian Fortunaformations (the latter represents thepotential North African source), theZRT index is lower as a result of arelatively high calcite and ⁄or dolomitefraction. Triangular plots of the ZRTassemblages, recalculated to 100%and compared with published data,are shown in Fig. 6. These emphasisethe differences in average values

between the Numidian Flysch ofTunisia (45 : 15 : 40) and Sicily(47 : 12 : 41), on the one hand, andthe Fortuna of Tunisia (70 : 12 : 18),on the other. The Fortuna samples arealso notably higher in Opaque : ZRTratio and in the ubiquitous presence ofa calcite ⁄dolomite fraction (Fig. 5).

Zircon dating

Some 60 zircon grains were separatedfrom a representative pilot suite ofthree samples from the Fortuna For-mation and from the Numidian Fly-sch in Sicily and Tunisia. The larger,more euhedral grains were selected forU–Pb analysis with a VG ElementalPQ2 + ICP)MS coupled to a 193-nmexcimer laser, using a method adaptedfrom Hirata and Nesbitt (1995) andIizuka and Hirata (2004). The zirconsamples were calibrated against zircon91500 (Wiedenbeck et al., 2004). Cor-rected 206Pb ⁄ 238U and 207Pb ⁄ 235Uratios have been plotted onto U ⁄Pbconcordia diagrams using the pro-gram Isoplot (Ludwig, 2003) and theresults are shown in Fig. 7.The Numidian Flysch zircons from

Tunisia fall on the concordia line,suggesting fresh zircon grains, with ameanage of 514 ± 19 Ma.Those fromSicily also fall on the concordia line,showing comparable freshness and ameanageof 550 ± 28 Ma.The zirconsfrom theFortunaFormation (Tunisia),however, plot below the concordia line,which indicates a loss of lead. Thisgenerally occurs for zircons that areolder, and have likely been subjected todifferent phases of sediment reworkingand weathering. These zircons all givesimilar ages (mean 1698 ± 67 Ma),significantly older than any of theNumidian Flysch zircons.

Discussion: The Provenance Debate

The principal facies and facies associ-ations of the Numidian Flysch innorthern Tunisia, together with theirpatterns of vertical and horizontaldistribution (Riahi et al., 2007, 2009;Stow et al., 2009) are most compatiblewith a slope-centred depositional sys-tem (mud-dominated), locally cut bydownslope channels (sand-dominated)(Stow et al., 1996). This comparesclosely with earlier interpretation ofthe Numidian Flysch in Sicily (Stowet al., 1999; Stow and Johannson,

Table 1 (Continued)

Sample Location Facies group



DS2b Testour Fortuna formation P

DS3 Testour Fortuna formation P

DS4 Testour Fortuna formation P

DS6 Tabarka Structured sand P, HM

DS7 Tabarka Structured sand P, HM

DS8 Tabarka Massive sand P

DS8a Tabarka Massive sand HM

DS9 Tabarka Chaotica P

DS10a Tabarka Chaotica P, HM

DS10b Tabarka Massive sand P, HM, Z

DS12 Tabarka Massive sand P

DS13 Tabarka Massive sand HM

DS15 Tabarka Massive sand P, HM

DS16 Tabarka Chaotica P

DS17 Tabarka Massive sand P

DS18 Tabarka Massive sand P

DS19 Tabarka Massive sand P

DS20 Tabarka Massive sand P, HM

DS21 Tabarka Massive sand P

DS22 Tabarka Structured sand P

DS23 Tabarka Massive sand P

DS24 Babouche Massive sand P

DS25 Sousa Structured sand P

DS26 Sousa Structured sand P

DS28 Jebel Gassa Structured sand P

DS29 Jebel Gassa Massive sand P

DS31 Cap Serrat Massive sand P, HM

DS32 Cap Serrat Structured sand P

DS33 Cap Serrat Conglomerate P, HM

DS34 Cap Serrat Massive sand P, HM

DS35 Cap Serrat Structured sand P

DS36 Cap Serrat Massive sand P

DS37a Cap Serrat Massive sand P

DS37b Cap Serrat Massive sand P

DS45 Ras el Koran Massive sand P, HM

DS45f Cap Blanc Massive sand P, HM

Pollina Sicily Massive sand P, HM

Romano Sicily Massive sand P, HM, Z

Fortuna Testour Fortuna formation P, HM, Z

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2000). The thick channel sand bodiesare generally associated with sand-stone injection into the surroundinglithologies, as noted also by Parizeand Beaudoin (1986). In other cases,some of the interbedded sandstoneand sandstone–mudstone facies asso-ciations are better interpreted as lobedeposits. This interpretation of depo-sitional setting is fully compatible withmost previous work on the Numidian,and specifically that in Tunisia (ElMaherssi, 1992; Yaich, 1997; Riahiet al., 2007). Furthermore, our dataon palaeocurrent directions are gener-ally in agreement with earlier studiesin suggesting supply from the N orNW directed towards the S or SE.Petrographic data from northern

Tunisia show compositionally maturequartzarenitic sandstones, includingpolycrystalline quartz of probablemedium to high-grade metamorphicorigin. The mineralogical data pointto a provenance comprising sedimen-tary and metamorphic ⁄plutonic rocks.

Although this is of cratonic typeaccording to Dickinson�s (1985) dia-gram for petrographic determination,it is equally compatible with erosionof an orogenic belt. There is a furtherlikelihood of multiple cycles of ero-sion–deposition through sedimentarysuccessions.Heavy Mineral data show a domi-

nant ZRT assemblage, which is wellknown as an ultrastable component ofsedimentary rocks, often indicative ofmultiple cycles of erosion–deposition.Zircon is regarded as one of the moststable minerals and is a widespreadaccessory mineral in rocks of crustalorigin. Tourmaline crystallises ingranites, granite pegmatites and incontact or regionally metamorphosedrocks, and is widespread in all types ofdetrital sediments. Rutile is also com-mon in detrital sediments, and origi-nally derived from high-graderegionally metamorphosed terranes.The rare and very rare heavy min-

erals present include garnet, piemon-

tite, chlorite, apatite and staurolite, allof which are most common in avariety of metamorphic rocks, mainlymedium and high grade. Anatase isfound in both igneous and metamor-phic rocks, whereas monazite is anaccessory mineral of granitic rocksand also a rare constituent of meta-morphic schists, gneisses and granu-lites.There is a close correspondence

across the Numidian Flysch of North-ern Tunisia in both ZRT ratios andheavy mineral assemblages, and alsovery similar values obtained from theNumidian Flysch samples from north-ern Sicily. This is strong evidence of asimilar provenance. The Fortuna For-mation, however, has a different ZRTrelationship from that of the Numi-dian Flysch of either Sicily or Tunisia.The Fortuna samples are also notablyhigher than the Numidian Flysch inopaque : ZRT ratio and in the ubiq-uitous presence of a calcite ⁄dolomitefraction. Although this further under-lines the likely difference in provenanceand is in agreement with Yaich (1997),the evidence remains equivocal. This isbecause the opaque minerals appear tobe dominated by iron oxides, many ofwhich are likely to be weatheringproducts formed through oxidationof other Fe-bearing minerals. Further-more, calcite and dolomite may indi-cate either a local additional source, orthe product of weathering, cementa-tion and authigenic formation.Zircon dating has provided very

significant results. The Tunisian andSicilian Numidian Flysch zircons giveages similar to one another: the meanzircon age from Tunisia is514 ± 19 Ma and that from Sicily is550 ± 28 Ma. These ages comparewell with the c. 505 Ma Rb ⁄Sr agereported by Bossiere and Peucat(1986) for basement rocks in theKabylie nappe zone. Zircon ages of500–600 or 200–300 Ma are consid-ered most likely to indicate a Euro-pean provenance, whereas much olderages (around 2000 Ma) indicate deri-vation from the African craton (Lan-celot et al., 1977).The Kabylies is one of the inner

zones of the Maghrebides, which arepart of the peri-Mediterranean belt oflate Tertiary age that delimits theAfrican and European plates. Theywere most likely emplaced during the40–15 Ma time span as a result of the

Table 2 Principal sediment facies and facies groups for the Numidian Flysch

Formation, Northern Tunisia. See text for their occurrence in distinct facies


Group I: Conglomerate facies

F1: Thin to thick-bedded, lenticular-parallel sided, fine-medium conglomerate

Process interpretation: probable high-density turbidites

Group II: Massive sandstone facies

F2: Thick to very thick-bedded, structureless massive sandstone

F3: Thick to very thick-bedded, massive sandstone with water-escape structures

F4: Thick to very thick-bedded, massive sandstone with minor grading ⁄ structures

(All massive sandstone facies are lenticular to parallel-bedded, and with ⁄ without shale clasts,

amalgamation horizons, basal loading and scouring, rare cross-stratification and rare bioturbation)

Process interpretation: mainly high-density turbidites and sandy debrites

Group III: Structured sandstone facies

F5: Thick to very thick-bedded, graded sandstone (Bouma ⁄ Lowe turbidite sequences)

F6: Medium to thick-bedded, graded sandstone (Bouma turbidite sequences)

F7: Thin to very thin-bedded graded sandstone (Stow ⁄ Bouma turbidite sequences)

F8: Thick-to-thin-bedded, cross-stratified sandstone

(All structured sandstone facies are lenticular to parallel-bedded, and with ⁄ without basal loading and

scouring, turbidite structural sequences, water-escape structures and bioturbation)

Process interpretation: mainly medium to low-density turbidites

Group IV: Mudstone & siltstone facies

F9: Mudstone with graded, silt-laminated units (Stow turbidite sequences)

F10: Extensively bioturbated and burrowed mudstone ⁄ calcareous mudstone

(All mudstone ⁄ siltstone facies occur in very thin to very thick units, typically without distinct bed boundaries)

Process interpretation: low-density turbidites and hemipelagites

Group V: Chaotica facies

F11: Chaotic units with large to small-scale soft-sediment folds

F12: Chaotic sand-rich units with clasts, including soft-sand clasts

F13: Chaotic mud-rich units with clasts, including soft-sediment clasts

F14: Chaotic shale-clast conglomerates

F15: Chaotic injectionite sands – bed-parallel to perpendicular

(Chaotica facies occur in variable bed and unit thicknesses)

Process interpretation: F11 – slump-slide deposits; F12, 13, 14 – debrites; F15 – injected sand bodies

Numidian Flysch provenance • C. Fildes et al. Terra Nova, Vol 22, No. 2, 94–102


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Fig. 3 Sedimentary log through 275 m of section at Tabarka (Citadel section shown in top right image). Photographs show typicalexamples of the principal facies groups recognised. Sample numbers indicate location of samples taken from the Tabarka Section.

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underthrusting of the North Africanmargin beneath the Alboran plate.The Kabylies are now mainly repre-

sented by inliers of crystalline rockssurrounded by Oligo-Miocene andyounger sediments. Pre-Oligocene

reconstructions locate the Kabylies at>700 km NNW from their presentday location (Hammor et al., 2006) –i.e. in southern Europe, probably aspart of the Iberian plate.Prior to this study (to our know-

ledge), there has been only one radio-metric date reported for the NumidianFlysch in Tunisia, giving a zircon ageof 1750 ± 100 Ma (Gaudette et al.,1975; abstract only). This has thenbeen reported in a number of sub-sequent studies as supporting an Africanprovenance. However, with no pub-lished information on the sample typeand location, or on the separation anddating methodology, we believe thatthis age result should be treated withcaution. Lancelot et al. (1977) studiedzircons from the Numidian Flyschand coeval successions from southernItaly and Spain. The zircon dates theyobtained (1350 and 550 Ma) presentsomewhat conflicting evidence, andfrom their study of zircon morphol-ogy, they propose a dual provenance –an African source for the well-rounded zircons and a Europeansource for the euhedral prismatic vari-ety. Interestingly, as indicated above(results), our data from Tunisia show80% well-formed, prismatic zircons,which would support a northerlyprovenance for the Numidian Flyschin this region.Zircon ages (1698 ± 67 Ma) from

the Fortuna Formation differ greatlyfrom those for the Numidian Flysch,and are most compatible with a prov-enance from the African craton in thesouth, followed by recycling throughtheNubian Sandstone and the FortunaDelta. The Fortuna Formation alsoshows petrographic differences fromthe Numidian Flysch in terms of ZRTabundances. There appears to be nodirect link between the two successionsand hence we would conclude that theyhave different provenance.In summary, the weight of evidence

clearly favours a European ratherthan African terrane as the most likelyprovenance for the Numidian Flyschin Tunisia. This evidence includespalaeocurrent data indicative of flowfrom the N and NW, petrographiccharacteristics most compatible with amedium to high-grade metamorphicterrane, a distinctive and highlymature heavy mineral assemblagedifferent from those of the FortunaFormation in Tunisia, a dominance of

Fig. 4 Summary of palaeocurrent data from Numidian Flysch across northernTunisia. Each arrow indicates the mean flow direction from 10 to 30 measurements atthat locality.

Fig. 5 Histogram showing average heavy mineral abundances for all samplesanalysed in this study. Comparison between the Numidian Flysch from northernTunisia and Sicily, and the Fortuna formation of northern Tunisia.

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euhedral prismatic zircon grains andzircon radiometric dates with strongEuropean affinity. However, it is clearthat a more extensive study of zirconmorphology and geochronology isrequired across North Africa to testthese preliminary findings and toreveal any basin compartmentalisa-tion within the Numidian Flysch.


We acknowledge technical support fromour respective institutes, particularly from

the University of Tunis for fieldwork andthe University of Southampton for labora-tory work. Financial support was providedthrough Anadarko (Algeria) Oil Company.Both referees are thanked for their veryhelpful comments on an earlier version ofthis manuscript.


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Received 23 September 2008; revised versionaccepted 16 October 2009

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