June 4, 2014 Vol. 1, No. 3 European Primary Aluminum Smelters You spoke! We listened!! In this Carbon Blast© we have provided an illustrative map of the locations of Europe's primary aluminum producers. We have included these countries that are located in both East and Western Europe because CPC, carbon anodes, and CTP are traded similarly within this region. Thirty-eight (38) European countries are included in this map release: Albania, Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Malta, Monaco, Montenegro, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, and Vatican City. According to our Calcined Petroleum Coke Report©, 13 of the 38 above mentioned European countries have aluminum smelters that are currently operating within their borders.These smelters often source the majority of their carbon raw materials from their regional neighbors. The major non regional carbon exporters to this region Blast Tidbits Focus on AL Aluminium Greece AL Greece has a baked carbon anode capacity of 90,000 MT. Aluminum production is 164,000 MT; billet production is 124,000 MT, slabs, 40,000 MT. Plant has been running at maximum capacity since 2009. In 2013, AL Greece signed a contract with Glencore for the sale of 75,000 MT of aluminum for the United States and European markets. AL Greece exports between 80% and 90% of their production volume. Their ship loading capacity is 40,000 MT. Their yearly CPC

European Primary Blast Tidbits Aluminum Smelters...calciner, its low sulfur anode coke is attempted to be sold into the market. Some European refiners have relaxed their sulfur and

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Page 1: European Primary Blast Tidbits Aluminum Smelters...calciner, its low sulfur anode coke is attempted to be sold into the market. Some European refiners have relaxed their sulfur and

June 4, 2014 Vol. 1, No. 3

European PrimaryAluminum Smelters You spoke! We listened!! In this Carbon Blast© we have provided anillustrative map of the locations of Europe'sprimary aluminum producers. We have includedthese countries that are located in both East andWestern Europe because CPC, carbon anodes,and CTP are traded similarly within this region. Thirty-eight (38) European countries are includedin this map release: Albania, Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria,Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark,Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary,Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg,Macedonia, Malta, Monaco, Montenegro, TheNetherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania,San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain,Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, andVatican City. According to our Calcined Petroleum CokeReport©, 13 of the 38 above mentionedEuropean countries have aluminum smelters thatare currently operating within their borders.Thesesmelters often source the majority of their carbonraw materials from their regional neighbors. Themajor non regional carbon exporters to this region

Blast Tidbits Focus on ALAluminium Greece AL Greece has a bakedcarbon anode capacity of90,000 MT. Aluminum production is164,000 MT; billetproduction is 124,000 MT,slabs, 40,000 MT. Plant has been running atmaximum capacity since2009. In 2013, AL Greece signeda contract with Glencorefor the sale of 75,000 MTof aluminum for the UnitedStates and Europeanmarkets. AL Greece exportsbetween 80% and 90% oftheir production volume. Their ship loading capacityis 40,000 MT. Their yearly CPC

Page 2: European Primary Blast Tidbits Aluminum Smelters...calciner, its low sulfur anode coke is attempted to be sold into the market. Some European refiners have relaxed their sulfur and

are North America and China. The next Carbon Blast map release will includeRussia and the former CIS countries. CPC and Carbon Anode Sourcing This region contains twenty-seven (27) operatingsmelters. Alcoa Italia Portovesme Works andAldel Delfzijl have curtailed production completely.Carbon sourcing varies among the smelters.

At least twelve (12) of the smelters receivesome of their CPC supply from the USGC.Nineteen (19) smelters purchase some oftheir CPC supply from European calciners,of whom all except one are integratedrefiner-calciners. It is our understanding that six (6) smelterspurchase carbon anodes from Europeand/or China as their reductant source. At least three (3) smelters relypredominately on China for their CPCcarbon sourcing, whether carbon anodesor CPC.The European CPC market is faced withseveral calciner turnarounds andshutdowns in Q3 and Q4 of 2014. Theseactions will result in less CPC production(30,000-35,000MT).The Croatian INA calciner is still notoperating. Since it is an integrated refiner-calciner, its low sulfur anode coke isattempted to be sold into the market.Some European refiners have relaxed theirsulfur and metal levels within their calcinedcoke specifications in order to increasetheir crude oil purchasing flexibility.

The operational primary aluminumsmelters shown in the map include:

requirement is 75,000MT; solid coal tar pitch(CTP) volumes between12-15,000 MT/year areused. Their CPC specification is:

S: 3.0 wt% maxV: 250 ppmNi: 250 ppmNi+V: 400 ppm

They have one 15,000 MTconcrete silo for storage ofCPC, but have no blendingfacility. Site advantage: they cantake handy size ships forCPC receipts. Meanwhile they arecurrently testing variousCPCs that are beingblended at Belgium Ghent.

About the Carbon Blast©The Carbon Blast© is anexciting new communicativetool that allows subscribers ofthe CPC Report© to receiverelevant and timely informationon the global CPC industry,including market analyses,news, and intelligence.

Page 3: European Primary Blast Tidbits Aluminum Smelters...calciner, its low sulfur anode coke is attempted to be sold into the market. Some European refiners have relaxed their sulfur and

European smelters are expected to produceapproximately 4 million MT of primary aluminumin 2014. We estimate that these smelters willrequire an equivalent of ~1.6 million MT of CPC,and ~42,000 MT of CTP in 2014.

Jacobs Consultancy5995 Rogerdale RoadHouston, TX, Texas [email protected](832) 351-7866

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