European Literature during the Middle Ages The Hero with a Thousand Faces (Joseph Campbell) “ . . . The hero’s journey underlies the literature of all cultures. “

European Literature during the Middle Ages

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European Literature during the Middle Ages. The Hero with a Thousand Faces (Joseph Campbell) “ . . . The hero’s journey underlies the literature of all cultures. “. “The Romance Where Good Always Triumphs”David Leeming. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: European Literature during the Middle Ages

European Literature during the Middle Ages

The Hero with a Thousand Faces (Joseph Campbell)

“ . . . The hero’s journey underlies the literature of all cultures. “

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“The Romance Where Good Always Triumphs”David Leeming“By the end of a typical romance, the hero

has passed all the tests, suffered losses, gained what he had sought, and earned a measure of wisdom. In its purest form the hero’s quest is a struggle between good and evil.”

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The Magic Happened by John Steinbeck“And in that scene were all the vices that

ever were—and courage and sadness and frustration, but particularly gallantry—perhaps the only single quality of man that the West has invented.”

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Code of Chivalry in Middle AgesThe Code of Chivalry-brave and courteous conduct

for knights Remain faithful to GodRemain loyal to his kingRemain true to his lady loveAid damsels in distressProtect and defend the weak and underprivilegedFight against evil, injustice, and crueltyBe generous to all, courteous when facing enemiesBe prepared to die for country

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The Hero’s JourneyCall to adventure-the hero is chosen to begin

a journeyCrossing the threshold-the hero travels from

the known to the unknownChallenges and tests-the hero faces a series

of tough obstaclesA supreme test-the hero’s challenges climax

in one final testReturn-the hero returns home usually with a

gift or reward

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The Growth of Literacy(500s-1400s)In the early Middle Ages, Latin was used to

transmit knowledge, record informationOnly members of clergy could read and write

Latin giving the Church control and powerLate in Middle Ages growth in literacy among

general populace led to intellectual independence

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Chivalry and Courtly Love(1000 – 1300)Chivalry began as a military code of behavior. Ideals were expressed in medieval romances—

long poems about adventures of knightsCourtly love evolved from these chivalric ideals

and became important element of medieval romance

Code of courtly love called for a knight to dedicate services to beautiful lady of noble birth

The lady served as inspiration and an idealKnight could never hope to marry her; he was not

equal to her in society

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The Song of Roland (1100)Earliest surviving example of Old French

chansons de geste (songs of deeds)Epic poem focuses on heroic deeds of

Charlemagne, King of Franks (AD768-814) and other feudal lords

Shares many characteristics with classical epic poems such as The Iliad, The Aeneid such as long speeches, detailed battle scenes, supernatural events, repetition of memorable phrases

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Chevrefoil by Marie de France(12th Century)Complete work based on legend of Tristan

and IseultAuthor seems to be of noble birth because

she was well educated; was fluent in French, Latin, English; and was familiar with Greek and Roman classics

Wrote three separate works in French(1160-1215): Lais, Fables, St. Patrick’s Purgatory

Lais was often sung by traveling minstrels, may have been performed in the Celtic language

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“The Grail” from PercevalChretien de Troyes (1135-1190)Chretien de Troyes introduced new type of

poetic narrative into Western literature, the Arthurian romance

Developed the legend of the Holy Grail (cup of Christ)

Perceval is a poem in two parts

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Perceval represents a new type of hero—one less interested in worldly glory than in Christian values such as penitence and charity

Quest for the Holy Grail represents a quest for spiritual perfection for the love of God

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The Nibelungenlied “How Sigfried Was Slain”National epic of Germany (AD200)Tale of love, revenge, murderCombined from oral and written historic

events and legendsTitle literally means “songs of the Nibelungs” Nibelungs were an evil family who possessed

a cursed treasure (horde of gold and a magic ring)

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Sigfried, the HeroSiegfried takes the treasure and becomes

cursedAlso possesses a cloak that makes the wearer

invisibleSlays a dragon and bathes in its blood

making him invincible to all woundsLinden leaf falls on his back; blood does not

cover one small spotSpot of vulnerability will bring his demise like

Achilles of Greek myth