Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Europe for GEOSS A glance to EU activities supporting the GEOSS AGRICAB Closing Meeting Antwerp, 24 th March 2015 Jane SHIEL José Miguel RUBIO IGLESIAS Climate Actions and Earth Observation Unit Directorate I – Climate Action and Resource Efficiency Directorate General Research & Innovation EUROPEAN COMMISSION

Europe for GEOSS - Agricab for GEOSS A glance to EU ... Improving observing systems for water resource management CEOP AEGIS ENV.2007. ... ENV.2008.

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Research and Innovation Research and Innovation

Europe for GEOSS A glance to EU activities supporting the GEOSS

AGRICAB Closing Meeting

Antwerp, 24th March 2015



Climate Actions and Earth Observation Unit

Directorate I – Climate Action and Resource Efficiency

Directorate General Research & Innovation


Policy Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation

What is GEOSS ?


3. An information system providing Full & open access to EO datasets

2. A response to EO needs in 9 Societal Challenges

1. A global Earth Observation platform for coordination

Policy Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation

• Intergovernmental

partnership set by

international agreement since 2005

• Legally non-binding Voluntary contributions

• 10 year GEO mandates - Current (2005-2015) - Renewed (2016-2025)

• 97 Nations, plus EC 87 Participating Org. 5 Caucuses




…and GEO?

Policy Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation

Achievements to date

• Improved collaboration and coordination in Earth observation

• Full and open sharing of Earth observations

• Discovery of and access to a wide portfolio of EO datasets

• Capacity building including in developing countries












1st GEO Mandate 2nd GEO Mandate Ad hoc GEO

Policy Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation

Towards a renewed GEO

• Geneva Ministerial Declaration (Jan 2014) • Draft Strategic Plan prepared by IPWG (2014-2015)

• Highlights capacity building and developing countries engagement

• GEO XII and Ministerial in Mexico City (Nov 2015)

• Excellent timing for GEO – UN Post 2015 Development Agenda

Policy Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation

- Key instrument to deliver data and information to inform EU policy objectives (e.g. Development, Humanitarian policies)

- Also to support EU in negotiations and international agreements (e.g. Agenda post-2015 for SD, CBD, UNFCCC).

- New opportunities to stimulate a global EO market, with untapped business out of a wealth of free, full and open EO data.

- There is also an untapped potential for intensifying EO innovation and support science diplomacy, increasing synergies with Copernicus.


Europe and GEO/GEOSS

Policy Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation

EU contributions to GEOSS


Tokyo Bay - Sentinel-1A radar-11 July (Copyright ESA)

EU and associated countries


Contribution of EU research programmes* to GEOSS Capacity Building

*Only projects funded under the Environment Theme are considered

ENV.2007. Georesource information system for Africa AEGOS

ENV.2007. Improving observing systems for water resource management CEOP AEGIS

ENV.2007. GEONETCast applications for developing countries DEVCOCAST

ENV.2008. Developing necessary research activities for capacity building relevant to Earth Observation and GEO in the Black Sea basin ENVIROGRIDS

ENV.2009. Action in the domain of EO to support capacity building in GEO GEONETCAB, SEOCA

ENV.2010.4.1.4-1 Identification and Networking of EO activities in the Balkan area OBSERVE, BALKANGEONET

ENV.2011.4.1.4-1 Developing increased EO capacity for better agriculture and forestry management in Africa AGRICAB ENV.2011.4.1.4-2 Assessing the ecosystem status, including fisheries, within the Mediterranean marine coastal areas of North African countries MEDINA

Topic Projects funded

ENV.2010.4.1.1-1 Supporting the integration of European and international R&D programmes in GEO EGIDA

ENV.2013.6.5-2 Mobilising environmental knowledge for policy, industry and society EOPOWER ENV.2013.6.5-4 Knowledge platforms, networking and uptake of research results for more strategic international R&I cooperation IASON

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- GEO facilitates the development of enhanced capacities for the use of EO datasets in developing countries (e.g.: AfriGEOSS in Africa)

- EU well positioned to develop further capacity building initiatives focused on Africa and Mediterranean region within the GEO context.

- Huge potential for European programmes to contribute to AfriGEOSS

- African organisations automatically eligible for funding in Horizon 2020

- Roadmap for 2014-2017 of the EU-Africa partnership stressing the need for coherent framework for EO activities for development.

- Alignment with AfriGEOSS initiative to deliver services for priority domains such as food security or health.

- Strengthen African capacity through the implementation of the GMES & Africa Action Plan.

- Important contribution from MESA programme, building on Africa Monitoring of the Environment for Sustainable Development (AMESD) achievements


EU, Africa and AfriGEOSS

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Horizon 2020 – Priority 3: Societal Challenges

SC 5: Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials

1. Fighting and adapting to climate change

2. Sustainably managing natural resources and ecosystems

3. Ensuring the sustainable supply of non-energy and non-agricultural raw materials

4. Enabling the transition towards a green economy through eco-innovation

5. Developing comprehensive and sustained global environmental observation and information systems

6. Cultural heritage


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Overall goal: Comprehensive environmental observation and information

systems to ensure the delivery of the long-term data and information.

Support to policies: to assess and predict the condition, status and

trends of the climate, natural resources including raw materials, biodiversity and ecosystem services, as well as to evaluate low-carbon and climate mitigation and adaptation policies

Incentive for business: to stimulate the smart use of strategic resources;

to support the development of evidence-based policies; to foster new environmental and climate services; and to develop new opportunities in global markets.

Action 5.5 Developing comprehensive and sustained global environmental observation and information systems


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SC5-18a-2014: Coordinating European Observation Networks to reinforce the knowledge base for climate, natural resources and raw materials – Coordination and Support Action

Project started on 1st February: ConnectinGEO

SC5-16-2014: Making Earth Observation and Monitoring Data usable for ecosystem modelling and services - Research and Innovation Actions

Selected projects (grant not yet signed!): ECOPOTENTIAL and SWOS

BG-8-2014: Developing in-situ Atlantic Ocean Observations for a better management and exploitation of the maritime resources– Research and

Innovation Actions:

Project due to start in April: AtlantOS

Action 5.5: Developing comprehensive and sustained global environmental observation and information systems

Areas covered in 2014

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MyGEOSS (EC in house project 2015-2016)

Developing GEOSS-based smart internet applications to inform European citizens on the changes affecting their local environment

- To develop smart and easy internet/mobile applications that non-experts could customise and execute on-demand using the GEOSS Data-Core and FP7 GEO project data resources.

- A first call has been launched on 18th March with a focus on applications of European relevance that provide citizens with qualitative information on their changing environment.

Examples: change detection in climate, biodiversity, water bodies, coastal areas, green areas, forestry, agricultural land and crops….

Deadline for submitting application concept, prototype, or user story 30 April.

The 10 best applicants will be awarded contracts by the JRC for a maximum of € 14.000 to develop the applications further (and present in GEO-XII)

Bases of the call on: http://digitalearthlab.jrc.ec.europa.eu/mygeoss/call.cfm

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-SC5-18b-2015: Integrating North African, Middle East and Balkan Earth Observation capacities in GEOSS (Coordination and

Supporting Action, One-stage approach – Up to one project)

-SC5-17-2015: Demonstrating the concept of 'Citizens‘ Observatories' (Innovation Actions, Two-stage approach, One or more


-SC5-15-2015: Strengthening the European Research Area in the domain of Earth Observation (ERA-NET Cofund – Up to one


Indicative budget for 2015 ~ 34 M €

Deadlines: 21/04/15 (First stage and one stage) and 08/09/15 (second stage).

Areas covered in 2015 (SC5 WP)


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Some thoughts for H2020 WP 2016-2017

- Filling gaps in observing systems to support the Cold Regions, GEO-GLAM and AfriGEOSS initiatives.

- - Support the development of innovative technologies for in-situ Earth observation and coordination of existing initiatives

- - Support the development of a European knowledge hub ensuring full interoperability with GEOSS and Copernicus

- - Continue supporting the development of marketable web based applications integrating Earth Observation data (including SME specific actions)

N.B.: These ideas are now under discussion with Member States and Associated Countries

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• - Through a public consultation launched in January, the European Commission is actively seeking contributions by all those in Europe interested in the global context of EO in order to help:

• - Estimate general awareness of and stance on Earth observations, GEO and GEOSS;

• - Appreciate how to maximize EU benefits from an increased Earth observation coordination through GEO;

• - Collect views on a set of possible actions at EU level in the field of global Earth observation and GEO.

- - You all are invited to participate. We look for feedback from a wide range of European stakeholders, including private sector!

- Contributions are expected until 20th April 2015


EU survey on Earth observation in a global context

Policy Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation

• - Through a public consultation launched in January, the European Commission is actively seeking contributions by all those in Europe interested in the global context of EO in order to help:

• - Estimate general awareness of and stance on Earth observations, GEO and GEOSS;

• - Appreciate how to maximize EU benefits from an increased Earth observation coordination through GEO;

• - Collect views on a set of possible actions at EU level in the field of global Earth observation and GEO.

- - You all are invited to participate. We look for feedback from a wide range of European stakeholders, including private sector!

- Contributions are expected until 20th April 2015


EU survey on Earth observation in a global context


Policy Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation

- When? 15th and 16th June. Where? Copenhagen (DK)

- As in previous occasions, GEPW will bring together European players interested in and contributing to the GEOSS.

- Timing to maximise insight and awareness of the new GEO Strategic Plan and the next H2020 work programme

- Specific sessions on connecting different EU initiatives in EO and in a greater involvement of the European private sector in GEO.

- Splinter sessions around different topics: Capacity Building and SD, Marine Ecosystems, Food security and Agriculture, Citizens Observatories, GEO Infrastructures and Data, Copernicus…


Policy Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation

- When? 15th and 16th June. Where? Copenhagen (DK)

- As in previous occasions, GEPW will bring together European players interested in and contributing to the GEOSS.

- Timing to maximise insight and awareness of the new GEO Strategic Plan and the next H2020 work programme

- Specific sessions on connecting different EU initiatives in EO and in a greater involvement of the European private sector in GEO.

- Splinter sessions around different topics: Capacity Building and SD, Marine Ecosystems, Food security and Agriculture, Citizens Observatories, GEO Infrastructures and Data, Copernicus…


Please register your attendance/talk on:


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GEO Ministerial Summit 13th November 2015 Mexico City

2015 GEO Ministerial Summit and Plenary XII

• GEO Week 9- 13th November

• Summit Host is the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

• Plenary venue is the nearby Hilton Hotel

• Side-events, Implementation Boards, Working Groups and exhibition

• 'UNGGIM for the Americas' and 'Latin- American Geospatial Forum' (early that week)

Research and Innovation Research and Innovation

Thank you!