Eureka Forbes Limited – End User Help Guide for Portal Help Guide for Portal EuroNet Portal is an organisation wide employee Portal which would be accessible from Intranet as well as Internet. With the help of EuroNet Portal you can get in touch with the organizational activities happening around you. Here you will get to !now the "op News # $torie s %pcomi ng Eve nts Hol ida y &ist Employee 'irthdays and man y more. (ou will be able to access )ompany Profiles )ompany 'rochures and *nnual +eports. EuroNet faci li ta tes to vi ew the important ,anual s - Pol ici es downlo ad %se ful orms $al ary $li ps and /0&ine Euro )ha mp +eports. *n Employee $elf $ervice  lin! is also available which gives access to the modules such as Employee Information $ystem  where you can view and upd ate your own details and get to !now you r collea gue s1 Performance ,anag ement $ystem  where you can get your appraisal done online - appraise # review your appraisee2s performance. Version 2 Page 1 of 19

Euronet Portal Enduser Help Guide-V2

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Eureka Forbes Limited – End User Help Guide forPortal

Help Guide for PortalEuroNet Portal is an organisation wide employee Portal which would beaccessible from Intranet as well as Internet.

With the help of EuroNet Portal you can get in touch with the organizationalactivities happening around you. Here you will get to !now the "op News #$tories %pcoming Events Holiday &ist Employee 'irthdays and manymore. (ou will be able to access )ompany Profiles )ompany 'rochures and*nnual +eports. EuroNet facilitates to view the important ,anuals -Policies download %seful orms $alary $lips and /0&ine Euro )hamp+eports.

*n ‘ Employee $elf $ervice ’ lin! is also available which gives access to themodules such as ‘ Employee Information $ystem ’ where you can view andupdate your own details and get to !now your colleagues1 ‘ Performance,anagement $ystem ’ where you can get your appraisal done online -appraise # review your appraisee2s performance.

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*ccessing the Portal

1. Enter t e Euro!et U"L in t e #eb bro$ser. Euro!et Portal U"L ishttps://eurochamp.eurekaforbes.co.in/ess/

2. % e Login Screen $ill appear.

a. &our ' User Name ( is )our employee code . *f )our Emplo)ee +odeis 9,11-- / t en t)pe in )our Emplo)ee +ode in t e User !amefield $it a , pre0eding. E.g. ,9,11-- .

b. &our first time pass$ord $ill be )our Date of Birth in &&&& 33format. For e.g. 19 2 ,4 11 for 11 a) 19 2.

0. 5fter entering User !ame and Pass$ord/ 0li0k on ' Login ( button.d. 5fter )ou login for t e first time t e s)stem $ill prompt )ou to

0 ange )our pass$ord. 5fter 0 anging t e pass$ord )ou need tologin again $it t e ne$ pass$ord.

e. Note 6 % e minimum lengt of t e '!e$ Pass$ord( and '+onfirmPass$ord( s ould be 8 0 ara0ters.

7. 8n logging again $it t e ne$ pass$ord/ )ou $ill get to see t e landingpage of t e uroNet !ortal .

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. 5fter logging in t e Portal for first time/ t e 1 st a0tion is to 0li0k on t e ' Salary Slips ( link under ' ) 3etails( se0tion. % is $ill open a popup$indo$ $it a Login :0reen. Enter )our Pass$ord $ i0 is )our Date ofBirth in &&&& 33 format for t e first time. % e s)stem $ill prompt)ou to 0 ange t e pass$ord in t e same $a) as at t e time of login.

4. 5fter 0 anging t e pass$ord su00essfull) )ou 0an a00ess )our :alar) :lipsfor t e last 7 mont s.

. Note: For better se0urit) reasons/ please ensure t at )our :alar) :lippass$ord must be different from )our Portal Login pass$ord.

Elements of the Portal

1. % e Portal landing page is mainl) di;ided into 4 parts/ t e eader portion/t e ti0ker tape/ t e left panel links/ t e stor) se0tion in middle and t erig t panel links.

2. % e eader portion 0omprises of t e mast ead $it EFL logo/ t e menubar $it links like 'Home(/ 'Portal(/ '+ ange Pass$ord( and 'Logout(.

7. % e ti0ker tape portion 0onsists of s0rolling message $it 0ontrol buttons.. % e left panel is di;ided into 2 se0tions6 'Euro *nfo( and 'Euro Links(.

4. % e middle se0tion 0omprises of top ne$s < stories and t e 5r0 i;edstories.

. % e rig t panel is di;ided into 7 se0tions6 '3o$nloads(/ ' ) 3etails( and '5ppli0ation Links(.

=. Let us see ea0 se0tion and its links in detail.

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Header Portion

1. 'Eureka Forbes( logo is present on t e top left 0orner of t e mast ead.

2. >elo$ t e mast ead t ere is a 0ommon menu bar $ i0 runs a0ross t eentire emplo)ee self ser;i0e modules of Euro!et Portal.

7. % e ' "ome ( link on t e menu bar $ill displa) t e roles page to t eemplo)ee. Here/ t e emplo)ee is able to sele0t t e assigned role for t emodule and perform t e rele;ant a0tion.

. % e ' !ortal ( link $ill dire0t t e emplo)ee to t e Portal landing page.

4. '#el0ome to Euro!et( is a 0aption gi;en to t e Portal.

. #it t e elp of ' #hange !ass$ord ( link/ emplo)ee $ill be able to0 ange is< er pass$ord at an) point of time. 8n t e '+ ange Pass$ord(page/ t e emplo)ee $ill need to enter t e 8ld Pass$ord and t en entert e !e$ Pass$ord t$i0e for 0onfirmation. % e minimum lengt of t epass$ord field s ould be 8 0 ara0ters.

Note 6 % e date of birt in %%%%&''&DD format 0an ne;er be t epass$ord e;er again after t e 1 st login b) t e user.

=. 8n 0li0k of t e ' Logout ( link/ emplo)ee $ill be able to logout from Portal.

"ic!er "ape1. 5 scrolling ti0ker tape is used for displa)ing important information <

announ0ements. 5t a time/ t e s0rolling ti0ker tape ma) a;e multiplemessages separated b) some spa0e.

2. *t also as control buttons like 'Fast(/ ':top(/ 'Pla)( ? ':lo$( $ i0 t eemplo)ee 0an use to 0ontrol t e speed of its mo;ement.

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Euro Info

1. ' uro (nfo ( is a se0tion on left panel $ ere generi0 information pertainingto Eureka Forbes is displa)ed.

2. % e follo$ing )perlinks are a;ailable in 'Euro *nfo( se0tion@ '+ompan)Profile(/ '+ompan) >ro0 ure(/ '5nnual "eports(/ and 'P oto Galler)(.

)ompany Profile

1. 8n 0li0k of t e ' #ompany !rofile ( )perlink/ a pop up $indo$ $ill open/$ i0 displa)s t e list of profiles uploaded for ;arious 0ompanies in EFL as$ell as details on Vision/ ission and Values $ill be a;ailable.

2. % e emplo)ee $ill be able to read t e profile of t e 0ompan) b) 0li0kingon t e ' )itle ( )perlink a;ailable for 0ompan)(s profile.

7. 8n 0li0king t e 0ompan) profile %itle )perlink/ file open < sa;e dialog boA$ill appear/ $ ere t e emplo)ee 0an 0 oose to open and read t e profile <sa;e t e 0ompan) profile.

. +ompan) Profile list popup $indo$ 0an be 0losed b) 0li0king on t e '+lose(button.

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1)ompany 'rochure

1. 8n 0li0k of t e ' #ompany Brochure ( )perlink/ a pop up $indo$ $illopen/ $ i0 displa)s t e list of bro0 ures uploaded for ;arious

0ompanies < produ0ts in EFL.2. % e emplo)ee $ill be able to read t e 0ompan) bro0 ure b) 0li0king on

t e ' )itle ( )perlink a;ailable for 0ompan)(s bro0 ure.

7. 8n 0li0king t e 0ompan) bro0 ure %itle )perlink/ file open < sa;e dialogboA $ill appear/ $ ere t e emplo)ee 0an 0 oose to open and read t ebro0 ure < sa;e t e 0ompan) or produ0t bro0 ure.

. +ompan) >ro0 ure list popup $indo$ 0an be 0losed b) 0li0king on t e '+lose( button.

*nnual +eports

1. 8n 0li0k of t e ' *nnual +eports ( )perlink/ a pop up $indo$ $ill open/

$ i0 displa)s t e list of 5nnual "eports uploaded for ;arious 0ompaniesin EFL.

2. % e emplo)ee $ill be able to read t e 5nnual "eport b) 0li0king on t e ' )itle ( )perlink a;ailable for annual report.

7. 8n 0li0king t e annual report %itle )perlink/ file open < sa;e dialog boA$ill appear/ $ ere t e emplo)ee 0an 0 oose to open and read or sa;e t eannual report.

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. 5nnual "eports list popup $indo$ 0an be 0losed b) 0li0king t e '+lose(button.

4. *n 0ase no 5nnual "eports are uploaded/ t en t e follo$ing message $illappear/ '!o 5nnual "eport EAists.(

Photo Gallery

1. 8n 0li0k of t e ' !hoto ,allery ( )perlink/ a pop up $indo$ $ill open/$ i0 displa)s t e uploaded P otos.

2. % e emplo)ee $ill be able to ;ie$ t e P otos $ i0 keep 0 anging from

one p oto to anot er automati0all) after 7 se0onds.7. % e P oto $ill a;e a caption belo$ it. 5lso/ t e follo$ing na;igation

buttons $ill be a;ailable@ 'Pre;ious(/ 'Pause(/ 'Pla)( and '!eAt( to ;ie$ t eP otos.

. P oto Galler) popup $indo$ 0an be 0losed b) 0li0king t e '+lose( button.

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Euro &in!s

1. ' uro Links ( is a se0tion on left panel $ ere spe0ifi0 links pertaining toEureka Forbes are displa)ed.

2. % e follo$ing )perlinks are a;ailable in 'Euro Links( se0tion@ 'Up0omingE;ents(/ '5ddress >ook(/ 'Holida) List(/ '>irt da)s( and '8pinion Poll(.

%pcoming Events

1. 8n 0li0k of t e ' Upcoming -ents ( )perlink/ a pop up $indo$ $ill open/$ i0 displa)s t e ;ie$ of all t e Up0oming E;ents. % e follo$ing details$ill get displa)ed6 !ame of E;ent/ 3ate of E;ent ? 8t er 3etails.

2. 8n 0li0k of t e )perlink under ' Name of -ent ( t e emplo)ee $ill be ableto ;ie$ t e details of t e sele0ted e;ent.

7. 8n 0li0k of t e '>a0k( button/ t e emplo)ee $ill be able to na;igate ba0k tot e Up0oming E;ents ;ie$ list. 8n 0li0k of t e '+lose( button/ t eemplo)ee $ill be able to 0lose t e Up0oming E;ents popup $indo$.

. *f t ere are no up0oming e;ents t en a blank ;ie$ $ill appear.

4. % e past e;ents $ill not get displa)ed in t e Up0oming E;ents ;ie$.

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*ddress 'oo!

1. 8n 0li0k of ' *ddress Book ( )perlink/ a pop up $indo$ $ill open/ $ i0displa)s t e 5ddress >ook 3etails ;ie$/ $ i0 is a list of all t e

Geograp i0al 8ffi0e Lo0ations of EFL.2. Follo$ing details are displa)ed6 +ompan)/ :tate/ "egion/ +it)/ 5ddress

Line 1/ 5ddress Line 2/ 5ddress Line 7/ :>U/ 8ffi0e %)pe/ Verti0al/ 8ffi0e!ame/ %elep one !os./ Pin +ode/ :%3 +ode/ FaA !o./ and obile !o.

7. % e emplo)ee 0an 0li0k on an) of t e 0olumn titles to sort t e re0ordspresent in t e ;ie$.

. % e emplo)ee $ill be able to find spe0ifi0 5ddress b) using ;arious sear0filters like +ompan)/ :tate/ +it)/ 8ffi0e %)pe/ :>U/ Verti0al/ et0. % esesear0 filters $ill fun0tion $it onl) 'and( operator. E.g. an emplo)ee 0ansear0 on t e basis of +ompan) ' and ( 8ffi0e %)pe.

4. Vie$ also as na;igation buttons to na;igate t e re0ords.. 5ddress >ook popup $indo$ 0an be 0losed b) 0li0king t e '+lose( button.

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Holiday &ist

1. 8n 0li0k of t e ' "oliday List ( )perlink/ a pop up $indo$ $ill open/ $ i0displa)s t e list of +ompan) !ame )perlinks.

2. >) 0li0king on t e ' #ompany Name ( )perlink a;ailable/ t e emplo)ee$ill be able to open < sa;e t e olida) list for t at sele0ted 0ompan).

7. % e file open < sa;e dialog boA $ill appear/ $ ere t e emplo)ee 0an0 oose to open and read t e olida) list < sa;e t e olida) list file.

. Holida) List popup $indo$ 0an be 0losed b) 0li0king on t e '+lose( button.

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1. 8n 0 li0k of ' Birthdays ( )perlink/ a pop up $indo$ $ill open/ $ i0displa)s t e list of emplo)ees a0ross EFL/ $ ose birt da)s fall in t e0urrent mont .

2. Follo$ing details $ill get displa)ed6 Emplo)ee !ame/ 3ate of >irt / "egionand >usiness 5rea.

7. % e emplo)ee 0an 0li0k on an) of t e 0olumn titles to sort t e re0ords int e ;ie$. Vie$ also as na;igation buttons to na;igate t e re0ords.

. 8n 0li0k of t e ' port to cel ( button/ t e emplo)ee $ill be able toeAport t e birt da)s for t e 0urrent mont to EA0el/ if reBuired.

4. >irt da)(s popup $indo$ 0an be 0losed b) 0li0king t e '+lose( button.

. 8n last date of e;er) mont / $it t e elp of a s0 eduler/ birt da) detailsfor t e neAt mont get pulled from :5P.

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3pinion Poll

1. 8n 0li0k of ' pinion !oll ( )perlink/ a pop up $indo$ $ill open/ $ i0displa)s one or more Buestions of opinion poll $ i0 t e emplo)ee 0an;ote for. Ea0 Buestion $ill a;e list of 7 0 oi0es from $ i0 t e emplo)ee

0an sele0t one 0 oi0e and 0li0k on ' 0ote ( button.2. 8n 0li0king t e 'Vote( button/ t e emplo)ee $ill be able to see t e poll

result summar) of all t e Buestions e as ;oted for in past.

7. % e emplo)ee 0an also 0li0k on ' 0ie$ !ast pinion !oll +esults ( buttonan) time if e $ants to 0 e0k t e number of ;otes 0ast b) ot eremplo)ees against ea0 0 oi0e of ans$er for t e polls e as attempted.

. +asting of Votes is done anon)mousl).

4. 8pinion Poll popup $indo$ 0an be 0losed b) 0li0king t e '+lose( button.

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"op News # $tories

1. ' )op Ne$s / Stories ( se0tion is t e middle se0tion of Portal. *t displa)s!e$s < :tories < Leaders ip messages to all t e emplo)ees a0ross EFL.

2. % is se0tion $ill displa) t e ne$s of past 12 days at an) point of time.% e latest ne$s $ill appear on t e top of t e list.

7. 8n 0li0king t e !e$s )itle )perlink of a stor)/ t e popup $indo$ $illappear $ ere t e emplo)ee $ill be able to read t e full ne$s < stor). % estor) $ill be a00ompanied $it a p oto as $ell on t e left side. *n 0ase t ep oto rele;ant to stor) is not a;ailable a default p oto $ill appear.

. %op !e$s < :tor) popup $indo$ 0an be 0losed b) 0li0king t e '+lose(button.

4. % e ne$s older t an a mont 0an be ;ie$ed b) 0li0king t e ' 0ie$*rchi-ed Ne$s/Stories3 link at t e bottom 0enter of t e Portal page.% is $ill open a list of all t e ar0 i;ed stories/ $ i0 t e emplo)ee 0anrefer $ ene;er reBuired.

. 5 ;erti0al s0roll bar is pro;ided on t e rig t side of t e middle part of t eportal to ;ie$ t e list of all stories.


1. ' Do$nloads ( is a se0tion on rig t panel $ ere important forms andmanuals pertaining to Eureka Forbes $ill be displa)ed for do$nload <

referen0e purpose.

2. % e follo$ing )perlinks are a;ailable in '3o$nloads( se0tion@ 'UsefulForms( and ' anuals ? Poli0ies(.

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%seful orms

1. 8n 0li0k of t e ' Useful 4orms ( )perlink/ a pop up $indo$ $ill open/$ i0 displa)s t e list of Useful forms $ i0 $ill be do$nloadable onl) b)t e EFL emplo)ees.

2. % e Useful Forms list displa)s t e %itle and t e 3es0ription of t e Form.% e emplo)ee 0an do$nload t e Useful form b) 0li0king on t e ' )itle (

)perlink a;ailable for t e useful form.

7. 8n 0li0king useful form %itle )perlink/ file open < sa;e dialog boA $illappear/ $ ere emplo)ee 0an 0 oose to open/ read < sa;e t e useful form.

. Useful Forms popup $indo$ 0an be 0losed b) 0li0king on '+lose( button.

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,anuals - Policies

1. 8n 0li0k of t e ' 'anuals 5 !olicies ( )perlink/ a pop up $indo$ $illopen/ $ i0 displa)s t e list of anuals ? Poli0ies $ i0 $ill be a;ailable

onl) for reading purpose to all t e EFL emplo)ees.2. % e anuals ? Poli0ies list displa)s t e %itle and t e 3es0ription of t e

manual ? poli0). % e emplo)ee $ill onl) be able to read t ese do0umentsb) 0li0king on t e )itle )perlink.

7. 3o$nloading/ 0utting<0op)ing<pasting of t e 0ontents/ printing of 0ontentsfrom t ese do0uments as been restricted .

. 8n 0li0king t e %itle )perlink/ t e file opens in a ne$ popup $indo$$ i0 is onl) for reading purpose.

4. anuals ? Poli0ies popup $indo$ 0an be 0losed b) 0li0king on '+lose(button.

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4,y /etails

1. ' 'y Details ( is a se0tion on rig t panel $ ere emplo)ee spe0ifi0information $ill be a00essible to t e emplo)ee.

2. % e follo$ing )perlinks are a;ailable in ' ) 3etails( se0tion@ ':alar) :lips(and '3 Line Euro + amp "eports(.

$alary $lips

1. 8n 0li0k of t e ' Salary Slips ( )perlink/ a pop up $indo$ $ill open/ $ i0displa)s t e Login Page to an emplo)ee to aut enti0ate is login 0redentialdetails to a00ess is :alar) slip.

2. 8n pro;iding proper login 0redentials/ t e links to t e :alar) :lips of t elast 1 mont s $ill be a;ailable. 8n 0li0k of t e 'onth 5 %ear )perlink/

t e respe0ti;e salar) slip $ill be laun0 ed in P3F form and $ill be allo$edto be sa;ed < or printed.

7. *n 0ase t e :alar) :lip is not uploaded for a parti0ular emplo)ee and if e0li0ks on t e mont ? )ear link/ t en t e follo$ing message $ill appear6

'% e :alar) :lip is not )et a;ailable/ please 0onta0t :)stem 5dministrator.(

. #it t e elp of ' #hange Salary Slip *ccess !ass$ord ( link/ user 0an0 ange t e pass$ord needed to a00ess t e :alar) :lips. User needs toenter 8ld Pass$ord and re t)pe t e !e$ Pass$ord t$i0e for 0onfirmation.Note 6 For better se0urit) reasons/ t e pass$ord for salar) slip a00esss ould be different from t e pass$ord for Portal login.

4. :alar) :lips popup $indo$ 0an be 0losed b) 0li0king on '+lose( button.

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5/0&ine Euro )hamp +eports

1. 8n 0li0k of t e ' D&Line uro #hamp +eports ( )perlink/ a pop up$indo$ $ill open/ $ i0 displa)s t e list of 3 Line Euro + amp "eports

pertaining to t e logged in Emplo)ee.2. % e follo$ing list of reports $ill be a;ailable6

7. 8n 0li0k of t e "eport )itle )perlink/ t e respe0ti;e report $ill getlaun0 ed and $ill be allo$ed to be sa;ed < or take a print.

. *n 0ase t e "eport is not uploaded for a parti0ular emplo)ee and if e

0li0ks on t e report title link/ t en t e follo$ing message $ill appear6 '% esele0ted report is not a;ailable/ please 0onta0t t e :)stem 5dministrator.(

4. 3 Line Euro + amp "eports popup $indo$ 0an be 0losed b) 0li0king on '+lose( button.

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*pplication &in!s

1. ' *pplication Links ( is a se0tion on rig t panel $ ere links to eAternalappli0ations and emplo)ee self ser;i0e $ould be a;ailable to t eemplo)ee.

2. % e follo$ing )perlinks are a;ailable in '5ppli0ation Links( se0tion@ 'Cno$ledge anagement(/ 'Emplo)ee :elf :er;i0e(/ DEmplo)ee PF*nformationD and '*nternet >ro$ser(.

6nowledge ,anagement &in!

1. 8n 0li0k of t e ' 6no$ledge 'anagement ( link/ a ne$ $indo$ $ill open/$ i0 $ill displa) t e Cno$ledge anagement appli0ation to t eemplo)ee.

2. Follo$ing is t e C U"L. ttp6<<euros are.eurekaforbes.0o.in<eurekakms<

Employee $elf $ervice &in!

1. 8n 0li0k of t e ' mployee Self Ser-ice ( link/ t e emplo)ee $ill be able toa00ess ;arious modules su0 as Emplo)ee *nformation :)stem/Performan0e anagement :)stem/ Pett) 5sset FF:L<F+HL onl) / et0 b)0li0king on )perlink names of t ese modules.

Employee P Information1. 8n 0li0k of ' mployee !4 (nformation ( link/ a ne$ $indo$ $ill open/

$ i0 $ill displa) t e Emplo)ee PF *nformation appli0ation.

4. Internet 'rowser &in!

7. 8n 0li0k of ' (nternet Bro$ser ( link/ t e emplo)ee $ill be able to open ane$ $indo$ of *nternet EAplorer for bro$sing purpose.

Version 2 Page 1- of 19

Page 19: Euronet Portal Enduser Help Guide-V2

8/12/2019 Euronet Portal Enduser Help Guide-V2

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Eureka Forbes Limited – End User Help Guide forPortal