Eu Un Guidelines Recoveries

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  • 8/10/2019 Eu Un Guidelines Recoveries




    A. Guiding principles

    The relevant provisions concerning recovery of funds and offsetting are contained in:

    Articles 71 to 73 of the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the

    European Communities and articles 7 to ! of the detailed rules for the

    implementation of this Financial Regulation"

    Article 7 of the Financial and Administrative Frame#or$ Agreement %&FAFA'("

    Article 1 of )* A+)C,-s *eneral Conditions of the .tandard ContributionAgreement #ith an international organisation%&A*C'("

    Article 1/ of )* EC0,-s *eneral Conditions applicable to EC contribution

    agreements #ith international organisations for humanitarian aid actions %&E*C'(

    B. Procedure for issuing recovery orders

    +n general2 recovery orders are issued by the Commission against a 4 organisation #hen theanalysis of the final report submitted at the end of the implementation period for an operation

    financed by the EC sho#s that the pre5financing paid for that operation e6ceeds the total amount

    of the eligible e6penditure1

    +n such case the procedure for issuing recovery orders is as follo#s:

    The Commission sends a pre5information note %advice of recovery( order to the 4

    organisation concerned %art 718 of the FAFA( #ithin 9 days follo#ing the approval of

    the final report concerning a Commission5funded operation"

    This pre5information note contains the detailed reasons for issuing the recovery order and

    the time limit #ithin #hich the 4 organisation can reply #ith comments or

    observations +t is important that the 4 organisation either submit its comments #ithin

    the deadline or re;uest more time together #ith duly ?9>8??7 1

  • 8/10/2019 Eu Un Guidelines Recoveries


    0aving analysed the comments of the 4 organisation2 or in the absence of a reply

    #ithin the deadline2 the Commission proceeds #ith the recovery of funds A debit note is

    issued and sent to the 4 organisation concerned The debit note must be sent to the

    same contact as the one that received the pre5information and must contain e6haustive

  • 8/10/2019 Eu Un Guidelines Recoveries


  • 8/10/2019 Eu Un Guidelines Recoveries



    Legal EntityKey


    F$ll Na!e

    6000077442 ECLACUnited Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and theCaribbean

    6000100147 ESCAPUnited Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and thePacific

    6000055556 A! ood and A"ric#lt#re !r"anisation

    6000100$70 %CC %nternational Criminal Co#rt

    6000100$2$ %C&' %nternational Criminal &rib#nal for former '#"osla(ia

    60001002)5 %C&* %nternational Criminal &rib#nal for *+anda

    60001671)4 %A, %nternational #nd for A"ric#lt#ral ,e(elo-ment

    600006)462 %L! %nternational Labo#r !r"anisation

    600005700) %.! %nternational .aritime !r"anisation

    600006))17 %&C /&! %nternational &rade Centre Unctad

    6000100214 %&U %nternational &elecomm#nication Union

    6000067546 !CA United Nations !ffice for the Coordination of #manitarian Affairs

    6000031)50!C*/C, !ffice of the United Nations i"h Commissioner for #man *i"hts

    600006752) PA! Pan American ealth !r"anisation

    60000636)) UN Secretariat United Nations !r"anisation Secretariat /2

    6000100$42 UNCC, United Nations Con(ention to Combat ,esertification

    6000063))3UNCS UNabitat United Nations Centre for #man Settlements /abitat

    60000555$7 UNC&A, United Nations Conference on &rade and ,e(elo-ment

    6000055554 UN,P United Nations ,e(elo-ment Pro"ramme

    6000055573 UNEP United Nations En(ironment Pro"ramme

    6000055551 UNESC! United Nations Ed#cational Scientific and C#lt#ral !r"anisation

    60000555$4 UNPA United Nations Po-#lation #nd

    600005552) UNC* United Nations i"h Commissioner for *ef#"ees

    600005564$ UN%CE United Nations Childrens #nd

    6000077611 UN%,%* UN %nstit#te for ,isarmament *esearch

    6000055645 UN%,! United Nations %nd#strial ,e(elo-ment !r"anisation

    600015102$ UN%E. United Nations ,e(elo-ment #nd for omen

    60000555)7 UN!,C United Nations !ffice on ,r#"s and Crime

    600003433$ UN!8 United Nations !ffice in 8ene(a

    600010$3$0 UN!PS United Nations !ffice for Pro9ect Ser(ices

    =ersion date: 1/>?9>8??7 9

  • 8/10/2019 Eu Un Guidelines Recoveries


    60001$21)5 UN*%S, United Nations *esearch %nstit#te for Social ,e(elo-ment

    600006751$ UN*AUnited Nations *elief and or:s A"enc; for Palestine *ef#"ees in theNear East

    6000067537 P orld ood Pro"ramme

    600005$10) ! orld ealth !r"anisation

    /1 UN.AS .!NUC UN.%?

    =ersion date: 1/>?9>8??7