MYANMAR CAMBODIA THAILAND LAOS VIETNAM MALAYSIA INDONESIA PHILIPPINES TABLE OF CONTENT Editorial Upcoming Events EU-ASEAN Business Networks (continues p.2) This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of this document are the sole responsibility of the EIBN, SEBSEAM-M, EABC, EVBN, EPBN, EuroCham Cambodia and ECCIL, and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union. Edition 8 / Octobre 2016 Edition 8 / October 2016 Feature Article Interview with former Thai Deputy Prime Minister Mom Rajawongse Pridiyathorn Devakula on the role of FDI in frontier markets For Europe Thailand is viewed as one of the most experienced investors in Myanmar given the tradition and the position of being next to Myanmar. So, based on your experience, especially as the former deputy prime minister of Thailand, how important has foreign direct investment (FDI) been in the economic development of Thailand, in making the transition from a frontier market to a very mature ASEAN economy? We started to industrialise our nation in the early 1960s. Before 1960, the government at that time tried to industrialise the nation by setting up state enterprises, to do a lot of manufacturing – things like clothing, textiles, and sugar. But state enterprises never work. They are not efficient, they are not productive. So finally, it failed. At that time in Thailand, we did not have enough private equity. The economy was still very young, mainly agricultural. So when there was the new government coming up in the early 1960s, they decided we must industrialise our nation in the right way. We have to bring in private equity, private capital. So that’s why we feel that FDI is very important. It was FDI that brought not only the private equity required, but also the technology and the market – and marketing-know-how. That is another thing that we can depend on a lot from foreign entrepreneurs, because they have been in the world market for quite some time. The domestic entrepreneur, or trader, did not have the market connections, so FDI has proved to be very important, and because of that our economy was able to take off at a very high rate. For the first 10 years, the growth rate on average was over 7 percent. The EU-ASEAN Business Networks are pleased to present the 8th edition of the EU-ASEAN Business Update. This quarterly newsletter covers the work and market updates from European consortiums in eight ASEAN countries created under the European Union’s SEBSEAM (Support for European Business in South East Asian Markets) programme: Indonesia (EIBN), Malaysia (SEBSEAM-M), Thailand (EABC), Vietnam (EVBN), Philippines (EPBN), Cambodia (EuroCham Cambodia), Laos (ECCIL) and Myanmar (EuroCham Myanmar). Since their creation, these Networks have been working to ensure that EU companies are able to do business in ASEAN markets as efficiently and openly as possible so as to boost the EU’s trade and investment in region. Where possible and beneficial, these Networks cooperate with each other to broaden the exposure of EU companies and to collaborate on conferences, exhibitions and promotions in the ASEAN region and Europe, bringing together business matches and export/distribution activities. The EU-ASEAN Business Network will continue to work collaboratively to support EU businesses and SMEs interested in entering this market of 625 million people. - Feature Article - EU-Indonesia Business Network - SEBSEAM Malaysia - European Association for Business and Commerce - EU-Vietnam Business Network - EU-Philippines Business Network - Eurocham Cambodia - European Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Lao PDR - EuroCham Myanmar Prospect of Cold Chain Industry in Indonesia European Smart Cities Exchange Forum EABC The Trade Competition Act EuroSphere EU-PH Business Matching Program EuroCham’s Advocacy program reached... ASEAN-BIS Energy Group presents working paper

EU-ASEAN MYANMAR Business Networks · EU-ASEAN Business Networks (continues p.2) ... European Smart Cities Exchange Forum EABC The Trade Competition Act ... with SIAL InterFood 2016

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Upcoming Events


(continues p.2)

This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of this document are the sole responsibility of the EIBN, SEBSEAM-M, EABC, EVBN, EPBN, EuroCham Cambodia and ECCIL, and can under no circumstances be regarded as

reflecting the position of the European Union.

Edition 8 / Octobre 2016Edition 8 / October 2016

Feature ArticleInterview with former Thai Deputy Prime Minister Mom Rajawongse Pridiyathorn Devakula on the role of FDI in frontier markets

For Europe Thailand is viewed as one of the most experienced investors in Myanmar given the tradition and the position of being next to Myanmar. So, based on your experience, especially

as the former deputy prime minister of Thailand, how important has foreign direct investment (FDI) been in the economic development of Thailand, in making the transition from a frontier market to a very mature ASEAN economy?

We started to industrialise our nation in the early 1960s. Before 1960, the government at that time tried to industrialise the nation by setting up state enterprises, to do a lot of manufacturing – things like clothing, textiles, and sugar. But state enterprises never work. They are not efficient, they are not productive. So finally, it failed.

At that time in Thailand, we did not have enough private equity. The economy was still very young, mainly agricultural. So when there was the new government coming up in the early 1960s, they decided we must industrialise our nation in the right way. We have to bring in private equity, private capital. So that’s why we feel that FDI is very important.

It was FDI that brought not only the private equity required, but also the technology and the market – and marketing-know-how. That is another thing that we can depend on a lot from foreign entrepreneurs, because they have been in the world market for quite some time. The domestic entrepreneur, or trader, did not have the market connections, so FDI has proved to be very important, and because of that our economy was able to take off at a very high rate. For the first 10 years, the growth rate on average was over 7 percent.

The EU-ASEAN Business Networks are pleased to present the 8th edition of the EU-ASEAN Business Update. This quarterly newsletter covers the work and market updates from European consortiums in eight ASEAN countries created under the European Union’s SEBSEAM (Support for European Business in South East Asian Markets) programme: Indonesia (EIBN), Malaysia (SEBSEAM-M), Thailand (EABC), Vietnam (EVBN), Philippines (EPBN), Cambodia (EuroCham Cambodia), Laos (ECCIL) and Myanmar (EuroCham Myanmar).

Since their creation, these Networks have been working to ensure that EU companies are able to do business in ASEAN markets as efficiently and openly as possible so as to boost the EU’s trade and investment in region.

Where possible and beneficial, these Networks cooperate with each other to broaden the exposure of EU companies and to collaborate on conferences, exhibitions and promotions in the ASEAN region and Europe, bringing together business matches and export/distribution activities.

The EU-ASEAN Business Network will continue to work collaboratively to support EU businesses and SMEs interested in entering this market of 625 million people.

- Feature Article - EU-Indonesia Business Network - SEBSEAM Malaysia - European Association for

Business and Commerce - EU-Vietnam Business Network - EU-Philippines Business

Network - Eurocham Cambodia - European Chamber of

Commerce and Industry in Lao PDR

- EuroCham Myanmar

Prospect of Cold Chain Industry in Indonesia

European Smart Cities Exchange Forum

EABC The Trade Competition Act


EU-PH Business Matching Program

EuroCham’s Advocacy program reached...


Energy Group presents working paper

Page 2: EU-ASEAN MYANMAR Business Networks · EU-ASEAN Business Networks (continues p.2) ... European Smart Cities Exchange Forum EABC The Trade Competition Act ... with SIAL InterFood 2016

Edition 8 / Octobre 2016

Union. The contents of this document are the sole responsibility of the EIBN SEBSEAM-M, EABC, EVBN, EPBN, EuroCham Cambodia and ECCIL, and can under

This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of this document are the sole responsibility of the EIBN, SEBSEAM-M, EABC, EVBN, EPBN, EuroCham Cambodia and ECCIL, and can under no circumstances be regarded as

reflecting the position of the European Union.

Edition 8 / Octobre 2016Edition 8 / October 2016

After that, we had another wave of industrialisation where we moved from labour intensive industries to capital intensive industries. And in capital intensive industries, we need even more FDI, because of the technology. With FDI coming in, our economy in the next decade grew as fast as 9 percent per year on average.

Some conservative people were afraid of foreign domination, or domination by the foreign investors, but experience has told us that this didn’t happen. The foreign investors come in with a sincere intention: they want to make money, they want to expand their production base and expand their market. You cannot blame them. But by having them expand their production base on our soil, we learned the technology and we learned the market network as well, and finally the Thai traders became Thai entrepreneurs who benefited from dealing with those foreign direct investors. So finally, they formed their own ventures, and up to now there are many more Thai companies than foreign investors in Thailand.

What kind of incentives did Thailand use to attract FDI to Thailand and prevent it going to other countries?

I am not ashamed to say that at that time we copied from all our friends, like Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore. They were the four tigers at that time, in the early 60s, and we became the fifth tiger later on.

We had the tax privilege law, where there was no income tax for FDI companies for five or eight years depending on the situation. We created good logistics by having good industrial estates, whereby the majority of industries were put on the estate and the logistics were very convenient for them.

Another thing that I would say attracted foreigners was Thai labour. No matter how much we complain about our education system, Thai labourers themselves are

very good at learning, they are very quick at working out the kind of technology and the kind of talent that the foreigners want transferred. Also, the discipline of Thai labour was admired by our foreign investors as well. They have good discipline, and they are willing to learn. Some companies, like Japanese companies, sent a

Thai team to train at their HQ in Japan for a number of months, and they came back perfect, so this is another factor.

What is your feeling on the role Myanmar currently plays, and will play in the

future, in ASEAN?

I haven’t yet seen the clear economic policy from this government yet but what’s left from the last government is quite encouraging, because compared with former governments, the most recent previous government introduced a sort of industrialisation. It was the first phase, the Thilawa real estate, even the new real estate being constructed in phase 1 of the Dawei deep sea port. The intention is there to industrialise the nation.

Of course they have yet to prepare other things, but the intention is there. I believe this government will continue this. What they need to complement this intention is a few things, like power supply. To industrialise a nation, you must have a stronger power supply which is also more stable than it is now. So power is the first key thing.

Secondly, Myanmar has to think about FDI, because Myanmar right now is similar to Thailand in the early 1960s. It has this shortage of private equity. And when you have this shortage, why not bring in private equity from overseas? And by bringing that, you bring in the technology and the market network. If Myanmar

can agree on this and set the right direction on this, I think many industries here will take off within not many years. Because Myanmar also has inexpensive and literate labour.

What industries do you think will see growth?

Mainly labour intensive industries, because labour intensive industries have been left out by countries like Thailand and many other countries, so there is room for Myanmar to take advantage of this. Also, in these industries, marketing is easier. I would not suggest Myanmar leapfrog into higher technologies, because if you leapfrog into higher technologies, you are fighting in the world market with more fierce competition. But in the labour intensive industries, competition is not that strong. So this could be the first phase.

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations

is a political and economic organisation of

ten countries of Southeast Asia, which was

formed on 8 August 1967 by Indonesia,

Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and

Thailand. Since then, membership has

expanded to include Brunei, Cambodia,

Laos, Myanmar (Burma) and Vietnam. Its

aims include accelerating economic growth,

social progress, socio-cultural evolution

among its members, protection of regional

peace and stability, and opportunities for

member countries to discuss diferences

peacefully. In 2015, the ASEAN Economic

Community integrated it into a single

market of 600 million consumers, with freer

movement of capital, goods and services. In

2014, its combined nominal GDP had grown

to more than US$2.57 trillion. If ASEAN were

a single entity, it would rank as the seventh

largest economy in the world, behind the

US, China, Japan, the United Kingdom,

Germany and France.


“Some conservative people were afraid of foreign domination […], but

experience has told us that this didn’t happen.”

“Power supply is the first key thing.”

Page 3: EU-ASEAN MYANMAR Business Networks · EU-ASEAN Business Networks (continues p.2) ... European Smart Cities Exchange Forum EABC The Trade Competition Act ... with SIAL InterFood 2016

Edition 8 / October 2016 E - N E W S L E T T E R

This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of this document are the sole responsibility of the EIBN, SEBSEAM-M, EABC, EVBN, EPBN, EuroCham Cambodia and ECCIL, and can under no circumstances be regarded as

reflecting the position of the European Union.


8 November 2016

The 6th EU-Indonesia Business Dialogue The 6th EU-Indonesia Business Dialogue (EIBD) will take place in Jakarta on November 8th, 2016. In light of the recent launch of CEPA negotiations between EU and Indonesia, the next EIBD’s central theme will be “CEPA: Enhancing the EU – Indonesia Partnership: A New Framework for Bilateral Trade and Investment”. The event will be held in parallel with SIAL InterFood 2016 where EIBN will be hosting a European Pavilion. Read more


Capital Jakarta

Area 1.904.569 km2

Distance East - West 5.120 km

Population 254 million


Growth 5.18% (Q2-2016)

Infllation rate 3.21% (July)

Balance of Trade +598.3 m$ (July)

Budget Balance -253 y-o-y

Composition of Indonesian GDP (% of total share), 2015





Source: Statistics Indonesia 2015



Balikpapan Jayapura




Indian Ocean
















August 2016

Prospect of Cold Chain Industry in Indonesia As a part of EIBN’s focus on Cold Chain Industry, the EU-Indonesia Business Network organised an info session on “Prospect of Cold Chain Industry in Indonesia”, on Thursday, 4th of August 2016. The info session was supported by the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries and the Indonesia Cold Chain Association. The info session provided further knowledge of cold chain industry in Indonesia to the participants, as well as the prospects for EU investment ahead in this sector. Read more here

July 2016

New EIBN Sector Reports EIBN has released its Medical Devices, Bakery Ingredients, Packaging Machinery, Cold Storage and Chemical Industry reports. These studies provide an overview of each sector’s potential in Indonesia, highlights the opportunities for European companies, and discusses each industry’s characteristics. Know more about EIBN Sector Report here

June 2016

EIBN at IFAMA Matchmaking 2016EIBN was present at IFAMA Matchmaking 2016, taking place in Scandic Salen (Expo area), Denmark between 21-22 June. The EIBN team participated at the IFAMA Matchmaking 2016 in order to connect with the European SMEs interested in expanding their markets towards Indonesia’s food and agribusiness sectors. Read more here

August 18, 2016 ADBI : Five priority sector set in RI’s state budget drafts… read more August 9, 2016RI one of the strongest emerging markets… read more July 19, 2016EU and Indonesia officially start CEPA negotiations… read more



For more news and information, check

www.eibn.organd contact us through


online messaging system


EIBN Trade Missions EIBN is organizing two pan-European Trade Missions to Indonesia this year, on Maritime and Food and Beverages. The missions are open to EU companies from all 28 EU Members States. Know more here

19-22 October

EIBN at Hospital Expo Hospital Expo 2016 is the largest hospital, medical, pharmaceutical, exhibition in the country. EIBN invites all related EU companies to be present and visit the Hospital Expo. Read more



Page 4: EU-ASEAN MYANMAR Business Networks · EU-ASEAN Business Networks (continues p.2) ... European Smart Cities Exchange Forum EABC The Trade Competition Act ... with SIAL InterFood 2016

Edition 8 / October 2016 E - N E W S L E T T E R

This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of this document are the sole responsibility of the EIBN, SEBSEAM-M, EABC, EVBN, EPBN, EuroCham Cambodia and ECCIL, and can under no circumstances be regarded as

reflecting the position of the European Union.


October 2016

European Smart Cities Exchange Forum

Malaysia has the intention and full potential to develop itself as a Smart country. This is an opportunity to showcase your company’s innovation and capabilities in the field of Smart Cities to the Malaysian government and municipalities. Connect and contribute with Malaysian stakeholders

and explore the initiatives taken in the development of Malaysian Smart Cities.

Read more and register for the Forum here.

October 2016

EU-Trade Mission to MalaysiaEuropean companies specialising in applications and services in the field of Green Technologies & Smart Cities Solutions are urged to join this Trade Mission to Malaysia to:

• Identify their potential in Malaysia and ASEAN

• Exchange experiences with Malaysian public and private sector

• Initiate potential business relations


Capital Kuala Lumpur

Area 329,847 km2

Distance East - West 450 km

Population 30.3 million


GDP Growth 4.0%

Inflation rate 2.1%

Balance of Trade RM 32.9 /USD 8.03 billion

Budget Balance -3.1 % (2016)











Source: Bank Negara Malaysia

Composition of Malaysia Economy 2016(% of GDP per Sector | Second Q 2016)

George Town/Penang


South China Ocean






Kota Kinabalu


Read more19-20 October

Symposium & Business Matching SessionThe symposium and business matching brings together Malaysian bakery, confectionary and, snacks’ industry players to gain valuable insight from respected European experts as well as exploring opportunities and potential of cooperation with our European counterparts.

SEATS ARE LIMITED. Click here to register.

Technical Seminar on Marine Renewable Energy (MRE) in Malaysia

Collaborate with Malaysian stakeholders & regulators to explore market possibilities, available technologies, potential MRE sources and initiatives in the Marine Renewable Energy sector. Read more


ASEAN Solutions for Investments, Service and Trade (ASSIST). Read about it here.

Copyright in Malaysia. Get the news here.

IPR for the Chemical industry in Malaysia. Read more here.



A must attend event for key food industry leaders & groups in EU and ASEAN. The Forum aims to promote the standardizing of ASEAN food safety standards, removing trade barriers and facilitating fair and open dialogues between governments and thought leaders. Read more


Page 5: EU-ASEAN MYANMAR Business Networks · EU-ASEAN Business Networks (continues p.2) ... European Smart Cities Exchange Forum EABC The Trade Competition Act ... with SIAL InterFood 2016

Edition 8 / October 2016 E - N E W S L E T T E R

This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of this document are the sole responsibility of the EIBN, SEBSEAM-M, EABC, EVBN, EPBN, EuroCham Cambodia and ECCIL, and can under no circumstances be regarded as

reflecting the position of the European Union.


25 July 2016

EABC The Trade Competition Act

EABC hosted a discussion seminar on a new draft of the Trade Competition Act at the EABC office. The seminar highlighted changes to the Act and best practices from ASEAN. The speakers were Ms. Wipanan Prasompluem from Allen & Overy and Dr. Robert Ian McEwin, Australian National University.

To download the presentation, please click here

August 11-14, 2016

Intellectual Property Fair 2016EABC participated with the European pavilion at Thailand Intellectual Property Fair. This event provided a value and promoted business opportunities for European business, Showing innovations at the exhibition under the theme “Innovation for Life and Living” at Queen Sirikit National Convention Center (QSNCC)For more information please click here

June 15, 2016

Courtesy Meeting with The Minister ofCommerceEABC President paid a courtesy visit to the Minister of Commerce, H.E. Mrs. Apiradi Tantraporn. The EABC President expressed gratitude towards the Minister for her efforts to improve ease of doing business in Thailand and presented the 2016 European Business Position Paper.Read more here


Capital Bangkok

Area 513,000 km2

Distance East - West 780 km

Population 68.8 million


Growth 3% (2016)

Infllation rate -0.3% (2016)

Balance of Trade 1970 Million USD (2016)

Unemployment rate 0.97% (2016)

Composition of Thai Economy 2015(% of GDP per Sector)










35%Source: Bank of Thailand




Chiang Mai


Gulf of Thailand

Andaman Sea





South China Sea


For more news and information, check

www.eabc-thailand.euor contact us at

[email protected]

EABC Speech Dinner with the Governor of the Bank of ThailandOctober 17, 2016, Bangkok

European Association for Business and Commerce (EABC) is delighted of having the Governor of the Bank of Thailand Dr. Veerathai santiprabhopb to deliver a dinner speech at Sofitel Bangkok Sukhumvit. EABC would like to invite you to join a Speech Dinner Event with us. For more information about Speech Dinner please Click here

ASEAN Solution for Investment, Services and Trade (ASSIST) SeminarOctober 21, 2016

EABC is organizing on ASEAN Solutions for Investments, services and Trade(ASSIST)seminar with Mr. Paolo R. Vergano. Please come and join us at this exclusive seminar …

more information HERE

Eastern Seaboard Networking October 21, 2016

Please join us for The Eastern Seaboard Networking event hosted by GTCC, AMCHAM, AustCham, BCCT, NZTCC and SATCC. For more information please contact: [email protected] or +66 2 670 0624 Ext. 102


July 18, 2016Thailand keen on tariff- free deal with UK after Brexit vote (Bangkok Post) read moreAugust 7, 2016‘Yes’ camp overwhelms charter referendum (Bangkok Post) read moreAugust 24, 2016Institution urged to plug loopholes in Identification (Bangkok Post) read more


Page 6: EU-ASEAN MYANMAR Business Networks · EU-ASEAN Business Networks (continues p.2) ... European Smart Cities Exchange Forum EABC The Trade Competition Act ... with SIAL InterFood 2016

Edition 8 / October 2016 E - N E W S L E T T E R

This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of this document are the sole responsibility of the EIBN, SEBSEAM-M, EABC, EVBN, EPBN, EuroCham Cambodia and ECCIL, and can under no circumstances be regarded as

reflecting the position of the European Union.


June 2017


EuroSphere is an innovative exhibition dedicated to bring the European Art of Living to the Vietnamese market. The exhibition host s a wide range of sectors in:

- Gourmet food, Wind & Spirits

- Fashion, Fashion Accessories, Jewelry, Horology

- Perfumery, Cosmetics,

- Furniture, Interior Design

- Automotive

which present the elegance, the sophistication and the harmonious living of European culture. The concept of EuroSphere creates a lively flow of interactions among the exhibition companies and visitors.

Website: www.eurosphere.com.vn

September 2016

Dialogue on Climate Change gathered UN Envoy and the Vietnamese GovernmentOn the 5th of September 2016, the European Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam (EuroCham) – in collaboration with the EU-Vietnam Business Network (EVBN) hosted the Global Leaders Dialogue Climate Change and Access to Clean Energy in Vietnam. Read more

September 2016

Vietnam New Tax Law to Harmonise with Free Trade AgreementsOn 1 September 2016, Vietnam’s new Law on Import and Export Tariffs (“New Tax Law”) entered into force. The New Tax Law shows efforts of the Vietnamese law makers towards harmonising the domestic legal framework. Read more here


Capital Hanoi

Largest city Ho Chi Minh City

Area 332.210 km2

Population 93 million


GDP Growth 6.8% (2015)

Inflation rate 0.63% (2015)

FDI $ 7,199 mio USD (2015)

Trade volume $ 264 billion (2013)

Composition of Vietnam Economy 2014(% of GDP per Sector)



Nha Trang

Ho Chi Minh City

Can Tho

South China Sea





Andaman Sea















Gulf of Thailand

Gulf of Thailand



After the great success of the European Pavilion in November 2015, the EU-Vietnam Business Network (EVBN) is proud to continue organizing the European Pavilion in November 2016 at the Vietwater and RE&EE exhibitions in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. This year, European companies who already settled in the Vietnamese market can join the European Pavilion and be a part of the Delegation with special rates. Read more here

Agrofood Trade MissionFebruary 28 – March 3 2017

Sectors: Food & Beverage, Equipment for HoReCa, Food industry machinery

25 European companies will be selected

Read more


September 3, 2016‘Green’ products to be exempt from export tariffRead moreSeptember 3, 2016Investors remain optimistic about Vietnam’s economy Read moreSeptember 9, 2016Vietnam looks forward to EVFTA benefits Read more

Green Technologies Trade MissionNovember 8 – 11, 2016


Sectors: Energy Efficiency, Water Management, Renewable Energies, Waste Management. Read more


Page 7: EU-ASEAN MYANMAR Business Networks · EU-ASEAN Business Networks (continues p.2) ... European Smart Cities Exchange Forum EABC The Trade Competition Act ... with SIAL InterFood 2016

Edition 8 / October 2016 E - N E W S L E T T E R

This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of this document are the sole responsibility of the EIBN, SEBSEAM-M, EABC, EVBN, EPBN, EuroCham Cambodia and ECCIL, and can under no circumstances be regarded as

reflecting the position of the European Union.


EU-PH Business Matching Program EU Philippines Business Network (EPBN) and The European Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines (ECCP) are organizing the EU-PH BUSINESS MATCHING PROGRAM to promote the creation of more business partnerships between enterprises in Europe and in the Philippines. Special focus is being given to several priority sectors which show high potential for establishing business partnerships between Europe and the Philippines. Read More.

EPBN webinar on Energy Last June 22, 2016, EU-Philippines Business Network (EPBN) conducted a webinar on energy industry in the Philippines. Centered on opportunities available in the said sector, the webinar starts with a market overview and its growth over the years, followed by insights on how to build an renewable energy related business Philippines as shared by two entrepreneurs. Read More.


Capital Manila

Area 343,448 km2

Islands 7,107

Population 100 million


GDP Growth 5.2%

Inflation rate 1.7% (Q2 2015)

Balance of Trade 953.89 million USD (August)

Balance of Payments -24 million USD (Jun 2014)

Composition of Philippine Economy Q1 2015(% of GDP per Sector)





Philippine Sea



South China Sea











2016 marks one of the most exciting years yet for EU business in the Philippines – the beginning of negotiations for an EU-Philippine Free Trade Agreement, a new Administration and Congress, steady economic growth prospects and the run-up to the Philippines’ ASEAN chairmanship in 2017, make it a year full of opportunities. With this in mind, the EU-Philippines Business Network (EPBN) has organized the EU-Philippines Business Summit 2016 with the theme “EU-Philippine Economic Ties: A New Chapter Unfolds” on October 4 2016, at the Makati Shangri-La, Manila. This trade forum was attended by over 300 delegates, with key representatives from both the public sector. Read More


EPBN and ECCP invite EU companies to participate in Energy Smart Philippines 2016, the country’s biggest tradeshow on clean energy & energy efficiency. Explore business opportunities in the energy sector during the four day business mission, subsidized by EPBN, which will include sector expert presentations and tailored B2B meetings. Read More


Join the EPBN business mission to the Philippines and attend the EU-Philippines Business Summit 2016, this year’s most important business forum in the Philippines. The two-day mission, is co-financed by the EPBN, is available to first thirty EU companies to register. Read More


Aug 18, 2016PH GDP grows 7% Q2 2016

Read moreAug 11, 2016Philippines maintains monetary policy; cuts inflation forecastsRead moreAug 03, 2016PH tops global consumer confidence surveyRead more



Page 8: EU-ASEAN MYANMAR Business Networks · EU-ASEAN Business Networks (continues p.2) ... European Smart Cities Exchange Forum EABC The Trade Competition Act ... with SIAL InterFood 2016

Edition 8 / October 2016 E - N E W S L E T T E R

This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of this document are the sole responsibility of the EIBN, SEBSEAM-M, EABC, EVBN, EPBN, EuroCham Cambodia and ECCIL, and can under no circumstances be regarded as

reflecting the position of the European Union.


September 21

First-ever EuroCham Cambodia Tax Forum 2016 Over 400 people attended EuroCham Cambodia’s most successful event to date: European Cambodia Tax Forum 2016. The inaugural Tax Forum was opened by Cambodia’s Director General of Taxation as well as the EU Ambassador to Cambodia, and was followed by Cambodia’s brightest tax professionals sharing expertise on complex subjects like Cambodia’s transition to a new tax regime, VAT, audits and disputes. Experts from DFDL, Deloitte, Ernst & Young and more helped attendees, particularly SMEs, understand how to be compliant in Cambodia’s changing tax system.Read more

August 9

Major milestone for EuroCham’s advocacy program Meeting with the Senior Minister of Economy and Finance and General Department of TaxEuroCham Cambodia leadership met with the Senior Minister for Economy and Finance and officials from the General Department of Customs and Excise and the General Department of Taxation to strategize future collaboration with EuroCham. The Senior Minister stressed his appreciation of the policies proposed in EuroCham’s White Book 2016, and as a result of the meeting encouraged EuroCham to work directly with the Ministry’s subdivisions in solving issues affecting the private sector.

August 29

EuroCham Cambodia launches new edition of Membership Directory EuroCham launched the 2016-2017 edition of its Membership Directory at a special Networking event attended by a record 400 participants. Each EuroCham member has a dedicated full page in the directory, and so far more than half of the 2,000 copies have been given away to members, partners abroad, institutional stakeholders, and the business community in Cambodia.Read more


Capital Phnom Penh

Area 181.035 km2

Major Cities Siem Reap, Sihanoukville, Battambang

Population 15.7 million


GDP Growth 7% (2014)

Inflation rate 3.9% (2014)

Balance of Trade -3.01 billion USD (2014)

FDI 1.34 bn (current USD 2014)

Composition of Cambodian Economy 2014(% of GDP per Sector)









South China Sea

Andaman Sea



Gulf of Thailand


SihanoukvillePhnom Penh

Siem ReapPoi Pet

Source: World Bank


EuroCham conducts groundbreaking studyOver the coming months EuroCham Cambodia and a research partner will be conducting the first ever study into the European community in Cambodia. The objective is to obtain complete, reliable data about the European community and their contributions to Cambodia’s economic development. The data will help businesses make better informed decisions as well as bring a greater awareness of the European presence in Cambodia to public policymakers. Read More

EuroCham goes to EuropeOctober, 2016

EuroCham’s Outreach division will spend October in Germany, Italy and France stirring up trade and investment interest in Cambodia:

•Conference and panel discussion at Hamburg Chamber of Commerce to generate investment interest in Cambodia and Laos, co-organised with EuroCham Laos and OAV (German Asia-Pacific Business-Association)

• Two days at Global Connect, major exports and internationalisation forum in Stuttgart (Germany)

• “Trading with Cambodia” conference in Treviso (Italy) connecting Italian companies and distributors in Cambodia

•Conferences and B2B meetings in France (Paris, Strasbourg, Grenoble and Marseille)

•Attending SIAL in Paris, the world’s largest food innovation exhibitionRead More


Sep 12, 2016Direct flight service from Tokyo to Phnom PenhRead moreSept 09, 2016Cambuild’16: Growth of property sector in CambodiaRead moreSept 07, 2016EuroCham Cambodia is top contributor to EU-ASEAN Business Sentiment SurveyRead more


For more news and information, check


or contact us at [email protected]

Page 9: EU-ASEAN MYANMAR Business Networks · EU-ASEAN Business Networks (continues p.2) ... European Smart Cities Exchange Forum EABC The Trade Competition Act ... with SIAL InterFood 2016

Edition 8 / October 2016 E - N E W S L E T T E R

This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of this document are the sole responsibility of the EIBN, SEBSEAM-M, EABC, EVBN, EPBN, EuroCham Cambodia and ECCIL, and can under no circumstances be regarded as

reflecting the position of the European Union.


September 5-7, 2016

ASEAN-BIS Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe delivers his keynote address at the Summit




Capital Vientiane

Area 236,800 km2

Religion Buddhism

Population 7.163 million (2016)


GDP 12.5 billion USD (2015)

GDP Growth 7.5% (2015)

Imports 49% of GDP (2014)

FDI net inflow 427 million USD (2013)

Composition of Laos Economy 2012(% of GDP per Sector)










Source: The World Bank



Andaman Sea


South China SeaSavannakhet



Gulf of Thailand

Luang Prabang Xam Nua




ASEAN Business & Investment Summit5-7 September

The single most significant event of the year in Laos brought together many Heads of State from around the world’.

ASEAN Business Circle with Investment Conference on LaosOctober 13

in Vienna Austria

HR Training Recruitment and Selection ProcessSeptember 22&23

at ECCIL, Vientiane

Business Delegation to France, visit of SIAL, Investment conference in Paris and LyonOctober 16-22

Geographical Indications (GI) Week in the Lao PDROctober 24-28

Landmark Hotel, Vientiane

May, 2016

ASEAN Business & Investment Summit The most important business event of the year in Laos took place at the brand new Muong Thanh Luxury hotel to a large group of delegates from all over the region. Welcoming Heads of State as well as leading world figures in finance, logistics and trade, the ASEAN Business Advisory Council organised a lively and informative series of discussions with Q&A sessions after each debate bringing vital new information and advice on many subjects. Read more


2016 EU-ASEAN Business Sentiment SurveyThe latest release of information on business sentiment within ASEAN was released by the EU-ASEAN Business Council on 1st September. Responses indicated overwhelmingly that European business in ASEAN is on the rise with additional investment and expansion planned. Strong endorsement of a region to region Free Trade Agreement was also given. Read more

Seminar on Trade within AECImplications of ATIGA (ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement) on cross-border tradeRead more

October 12-16

Lao Techmart & World Science Financial Forum at Lao ITECRead more


Page 10: EU-ASEAN MYANMAR Business Networks · EU-ASEAN Business Networks (continues p.2) ... European Smart Cities Exchange Forum EABC The Trade Competition Act ... with SIAL InterFood 2016

Edition 8 / October 2016 E - N E W S L E T T E R

This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of this document are the sole responsibility of the EIBN, SEBSEAM-M, EABC, EVBN, EPBN, EuroCham Cambodia and ECCIL, and can under no circumstances be regarded as

reflecting the position of the European Union.


September 12

Energy Group presents working paper to Yangon Chief MinisterEuroCham’s Energy Advocacy Group met with Yangon Chief Minister U Phyo Min Thein and other ministers of Yangon Region to present its first working paper.

The Energy Advocacy Group was formed June 2016. It is the first Advocacy Group created by EuroCham Myanmar and is joined by major European companies in the Energy sector. Follow-up meetings will be held in order to foster the collaboration between advocacy group delegates from European companies and members of the Yangon Energy Development Committee.

Further advocacy groups on Construction & Infrastructure and Logistics have been established - Legal & Tax, Agrifood, Health, CSR and others are being formed.

To learn more about EuroCham’s advocacy work, please visit our website.

September 19

Advocating for responsible business in MyanmarEuroCham participated as a Forum Partner in the 15th Asian Forum on Corporate Social Responsibility. EuroCham Executive Director Filip Lauwerysen held a joint session on Public Sector Innovation. In his presentation he shared the European experience in public sector innovation and the potential of public private partnerships... read more


Capital Naypyidaw

Largest City Yangon (Rangoon)

2Religion 676,578 km

Population 53 million


GDP Growth 8.5% (2014-15)

Inflation Rate 8.5% (2016)

FDI USD 8.1bn (2015)

Balance of Trade EUR 103m (2014)

Composition of Myanmar Economy 2014(% of GDP per Sector)

Source: World Bank, ADB, European Commission









Ministry of Industry interested in Joint Venturesread more

YESC targets 1400 megawatts for Yangonread more

Ministry of Commerce Changes Stance on Five Export Itemsread more


Publication Launch, Networking and Breakfast BriefingsEuroCham Myanmar is planning a to launch its first Business Guide and 5 sectoral papers shortly to provide European SMEs with up to date and sector-specific information on the business climate in Myanmar, followed by a networking reception. Moreover we will hold Breakfast Briefings on topics such as Myanmar from a geopolitical and historical perspective and the potential effects of a EU investment protection agreement. Please sign up for our newsletter or see our upcoming events for updates.

September 14

Promoting Myanmar to Hungarian EntrepreneursEuroCham promoted Myanmar as the place for doing business at an event organized by the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Budapest. Hungarian entrepreneurs and government officials including Deputy Secretary of State Szilvester Bus met to discuss business opportunities in the ASEAN countries... read more

August 29

Training on Intellectual PropertyEuroCham helps European companies to protect their IP Rights against the risks of IP theft in Myanmar and the South-East Asia region. To kickstart our cooperation with the IPR SME helpdesk we organized a joint Breakfast Briefing... read more

For more news and information, check


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