7/23/2019 Eu 15 Polyakov Cybersecurity for Oil and Gas Industries How Hackers Can Manipulate Oil Stocks http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/eu-15-polyakov-cybersecurity-for-oil-and-gas-industries-how-hackers-can-manipulate 1/95 !"#$%& (" %$)*+(&, &- %$)*+$ ("#$%&.$"&% !"# %&'()*(+,)-.& /0) 1-2 345 63* "2(7345() #02&3809 : %;1< =>#!+34 ?3.@-(, 6(2- : A(35 0/ !"# ;@)(3. B4.(22-C(4+(< =>#!+34

Eu 15 Polyakov Cybersecurity for Oil and Gas Industries How Hackers Can Manipulate Oil Stocks

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7/23/2019 Eu 15 Polyakov Cybersecurity for Oil and Gas Industries How Hackers Can Manipulate Oil Stocks

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