Etwinning Emigrations PDF

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  • 8/9/2019 Etwinning Emigrations PDF




    by swedish painter Knut Ekwall (1843-1012)

    E . T W I N N I N GIn Varietate Concordia

    L co l e H o r s l e s M u r s / S c h o o l B e y o n d t h e Wa l l s - 2 8 1 , R u e d u M o u l i n S a i n t - M a r t i n 0 4 1 0 0 M a n o s q u e , F R A N C E

    P h o n e : + 3 3 ( 0 ) 6 7 5 1 1 6 7 5 0 e m a i l : h l m b o a r d @ l a p o s t e . n e t h t t p : / / h o r s l e s m u r s . n i n g . c o m

    mailto:[email protected]://[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 8/9/2019 Etwinning Emigrations PDF


    Project Details

    Short Description

    Europe has not always been as now a land of immigration. As Africans and Asians today, millions of Europeans were left

    on boats to escape poverty or war. This etwinning intends to study their history.

    L'Europe n'a pas toujours t comme aujourd'hui une terre d'immigration. Comme les Africains et les Asiatiques aujour-

    d'hui, des millions d'Europens se sont retrouvs sur des bateaux pour fuir la misre ou la guerre. Ce etwinning se pro-

    pose d'tudier leur histoire.

    Subject Areas

    Art - Citizenship - European Studies - Informatics/ICT - Design and Technology - Foreign Languages - History - Social


    Screenshot of the workgroup Screenshot of our main page logo Screenshot of one of our etwinning awards


    Every school involved in this etwinning will develop a case study about an history of emigration inside Europe or out-

    side Europe. Teachers and students can choose to describe the history of a small group of emigrants leaving the town or

    the region where students work today.

    For example, in France, we will study the case of people from a village in Alps mountains, Barcelonnette: many people of

    this village have emigrated in Mexico from 1820 to 1950...

    S c h o o l B e y o n d th e W a l l s ! e tw i n n i n g 2 0 1 0 / 2 0 1 1


  • 8/9/2019 Etwinning Emigrations PDF


    Work Process

    how to proceed ?

    1. Sign Up on our educational network "School Beyond the Walls" . We have a video tuto-

    rial to help you to register if you don't understand french.

    2. Join the workgroup "European Emigrations": . All the

    details and work in progress for this etwinning will be published inside this workgroup.

    3. Work language: english but we encourage teachers to use also with students their mother language with english trans-

    lation. Our diversity is our wealth !

    4. Schedule:

    - registration : from September 1st to November 30 th... setting up the etwinning with preparatory meetings, ict trai-


    - activities: from December 1st to April 30 th

    - Final Publishing: from May 1st to june 30 th

    - collaborative work

    Expected Results

    1. This global project can be a good opportunity for teachers to learn how to use many ict tools with their students. We

    can give free training for any kind of tools. We will use for example our virtual classroom on Elluminate. We will help

    students and teachers to develop activities with web publishing as podcast or videocast...

    2. If we gather many case studies, we will offer a wonderful data base for teachers about history of emigration. We plan

    to create an with all these case studies.

    3. We will present this work as a virtual museum with a community partnership with "La Cit nationale de lhistoire de

    limmigration" (National Palace for history of immigration)

    S c h o o l B e y o n d th e W a l l s ! e tw i n n i n g 2 0 1 0 / 2 0 1 1
