Ethnographic Research in Marketing Amalia E. Maulana, Ph.D. Brand Consultant & Ethnographer

Ethnographic Research in Marketing

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Ethnographic Research in Marketing

Amalia E. Maulana, Ph.D.Brand Consultant & Ethnographer

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•  Brand Consultant and Ethnographer

•  Lektor Kepala, BINUS University

•  Director, ETNOMARK Consulting – ethnography marketing solutions

•  PhD in Marketing, School of Marketing, UNSW, Sydney, Australia

•  12 years working experience in multinational companies, such as:

PT Unilever Indonesia and PT Frisian Flag Indonesia.

•  17 years teaching/consulting experience

•  Columnist in various business magazines and newspapers

•  Books Author

•  Best Speaker: StandUpMarketing, MarketingClub Event (2014)

•  Branding Consultant for SMART-Fish, UNIDO International

•  Follow: IG & LinkedIn amalia.e.maulana

Speaker: Amalia E. Maulana, Ph.D.

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Amalia E. Maulana, Ph.D. •  Ph.D. - School of Marketing, UNSW, Sydney Australia (2006) •  MM, MBA. - IPMI/Monash Mt.Eliza Business School (1995) •  Ir. Food Technology & Nutrition, IPB, Bogor (1985)

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Pionir di bidang Ethnography Marketing di Indonesia. Dirintis sejak dua belas tahun lalu

•  Amalia E. Maulana mengenalkan pendekatan riset kontemporer yaitu Ethnography in Marketing di Indonesia pada tahun 2006.

•  Saat itu industri masih lebih

mempercayai riset konvensional seperti Survey dan Focus Group Discussion. Karena insights nya permukaan, maka persoalan Brand belum terungkap

•  Ethnography study mencari insights sampai ke akar-akarnya di real setting habitat customernya. Persoalan Brand terdeteksi dengan baik.

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ETNOMARK CONSULTING Ethnography Marketing Solutions Brand Consulting “BRAND RESEARCH and BEYOND”

•  ETNOMARK Consulting didirikan tahun 2009. Tujuannya untuk membantu pelaku bisnis agar bisa memanfaatkan Etnografi Marketing memecahkan PERSOALAN BRAND nya.

•  Mendidik Tim Etnografer ahli riset kualitatif secara khusus dan terarah

•  Jumlah project yang sudah ditangani sejak ETNOMARK berdiri sudah mencapai lebih dari 50 projects terdiri dari berbagai konteks: baik itu produk hingga jasa, B2C hingga B2B, domestic maupun export

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1.  Consumer Insights via ETHNOGRAPHY 2.  BRANDMATE : Mengubah Just Friends Menjadi Soulmates 3.  PERSONAL BRANDING : Membangun Citra Diri yang Cemerlang


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Academic Publications

•  Maulana, A.E. and Aryanti, N. (2018), “The Challenge of e-Money Adoption for Transportation in Indonesia”, International Journal of Services Technology and Management, Vol 24 (5/6)

•  Maulana, A.E. and Pradana, H.G. (2018), “Regular Medical Checkup Behaviour: Preventing is Better than Curing”, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 30 (2): 478-494.

•  Maulana, A.E and Pradana, H.G. (2017), “Perceived Risk Dimension in Online Shopping Behavior: Fashionable VS

Unfashionable Consumers”. Presented at ICMABE 2017 Conference, IPMI International Business School, Jakarta, October 2017.

•  Maulana, A.E. (2016),"Bank Mandiri Journey in Creating Competitive Strategy through Service Delivery, Process, People and Physical Evidence Improvement”. IPMI Case Study and Teaching Note for Mandiri University.

•  Maulana, A.E, and Pradana, H.G. (2016), “E-money Penetration in Indonesia: the Chalenge of Consumer Behavior and Missconception”. Binus Business School Case Study Jakarta, Indonesia

•  Maulana, A.E. and Arli, D. (2015), “Exploring the Impact of Social Media Marketing on Consumers’ Intention to Purchase and Their Brand Loyalty: Cross National Study” Presented at the ANZMAC 2015 Conference, Sydney Australia

•  Maulana, A.E. and Nurulfirdausi, K. (2015), "Permissive, Aggressive or Apathetic? Indonesian Telemarketing Customer', Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences pp. 69-74 DOI information: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2015.01.287

•  Maulana, A. E. and Husnayain, I. (2014), “The Smartphone Addiction and FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) Behaviour in Brand Community Social Engagement,” Proceedings, ANZMAC 2014, Brisbane, Australia


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•  Maulana, A.E. and Kuncoro, P.J. (2014), 'The Gap Between Brand Communication and Consumer Perceptions of

Electronic Money Services.'The International Conference on Management, Hospitality & Tourism, and Accounting (IMHA), Grand Royal Panghegar Bandung, July 2014

•  Maulana, A.E. and Hikmah, L.Z. (2014), "Kick Andy, The Oprah Winfrey TV Show of Indonesia", Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies Collection.

•  Maulana, A.E., Kuncoro, P.J., and Hikmah, L.Z. (2013), “100% Great Songs, Reverse Positioning of Delta FM Radio”, Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, Vol. 3 No. 6, pp. 1-11.

•  Maulana, A.E. and Hikmah, L.Z. (2013), “On the Go’ vs. ‘On the Spot’: The Segmentation of Digital Natives”. Proceedings of 2013 Academy of Marketing Science, 16th Biennial World Marketing Congress (AMSWMC) 2013, Melbourne Australia.

•  Maulana, A.E. and Hartono, A. E. (2013), “President SBY Personal Brand Dynamic”. Proceedings of 8th International Conference of Business Management Research (ICBMR) 2013, Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, Korea.

•  Craig-Lees, M.A., Harris, J. and Maulana, A.E. (2013), “Website and Revisiting Behavior: an Investigation of the relative role of predictors.” Journal of Marketing Intelligence & Planning, vol. 31 (31), pp. 250-271.

•  Maulana, A.E. and Hikmah, L.Z. (2013), “Mapping the Research Gap: Indonesian Charitable Organizations”. Proceedings of The 5th Indonesia International Conference on Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Small Business (IICIES) 2013, Bandung, Indonesia.

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•  Maulana, A.E. and Nurulfirdausi, K. (2013), “Telemarketing in Indonesia: Permissive, Apathetic and Aggressive Customers”. Proceedings of the 4th International Communication Research Conference (ICRC) 2013, Jakarta, Indonesia

•  Maulana, A. E. and Tjen, S. (2012), “From the Angels to the Screamers: User Segmentation and e-WOM in Social Media”. Proceedings of The 3rd International Conference on Economics, Business and Management (ICEBM) 2012, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

•  Maulana, A. E., Hikmah, L. and Andriyanto, Y. (2012), “Prayer rooms: an augmented or expected benefit? Senayan City Mall Jakarta”, Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, Vol. 2 No. 3, pp. 1-10.

•  Maulana, A.E. and Nurulfirdausi, K. (2013), “Telemarketing in Indonesia: Permissive, Apathetic and Aggressive Customers”. Proceedings of the 4th International Communication Research Conference (ICRC) 2013, Jakarta, Indonesia

•  Maulana, A. E. and Eckhardt, G. M. (2007), “Just Friends, Good Acquaintances or Soulmates? An Exploration of

Website Connectedness”. Journal of Qualitative Market Research, an International Journal, vol. 10 (3), pp. 227 – 242.

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“Not everything that counts can be counted, and not

everything that can be counted counts”

(Albert Einstein)

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Academic qualitative Research Commercial

qualitative Research

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•  Academic qualitative research (usually based in universities) in which researchers

generally define the issues they wish to work on, without the absolute requirement to find a usable solution.

•  Commercial qualitative research (research carried out as a business), in which the research agency works with the client’s problem in order to find a solution

2 Key Differences:

•  Ownership of the problem •  The focus on knowledge versus a solution

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Academic research

•  emphasis on methodology theory informs practice wide range of methods

•  long timescales

•  prioritize validity/reliability cerebral

•  judged by academic rigour

Commercial research

•  emphasis on end benefit

•  practice and theory are an iterative process

qualitative ‘thinking’ privileged over methods


•  intensive, fast turn around

•  prioritize understanding, experience, direction

holistic (mind/body/emotion)

•  judged by usefulness

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•  Studi kualitatif itu mahal, sulit dan lama? •  Hasilnya masih harus dibuktikan lagi dengan kuantitatif?

•  Tidak bisa menghindari bias? •  Hasil tidak bisa digeneralisasi?

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Tujuan Studi Kualitatif•  Memahami isu-isu terbaru dan memperoleh insights yang sebelumnya belum


•  Pemahaman baru tentang berbagai aspek yang mendasari persepsi, motivasi, dan opini seseorang maupun suatu kelompok

•  Memahami berbagai pengalaman dan persepsi konsumen terhadap produk tertentu.

•  Pertanyaan kualitatif dimaksudkan untuk menjawab pertanyaan –  4W 1H - what, why, where, when, and HOW

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Peranannya dalam eksplorasi awal

•  Dalam memecahkan persoalan, studi kualitatif digunakan untuk menjelaskan berbagai fenomena yang muncul dalam perilaku konsumen dan perilaku para pelaku bisnis.

•  Hasil eksplorasi melalui studi ini memberikan insights yang nantinya dapat digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi masalah secara lebih tajam dan mendalam.

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Sebagai komplementer studi kuantitatif

•  Penting untuk memahami apakah sebuah persoalan bisa diterangkan dengan penelitian kualitatif atau kuantitatif.

•  Sebagai komplemen, insights yang terkumpul dalam studi kualitatif akan diresapi dan didalami untuk nantinya dapat dipertegas dengan studi kuantitatif yang sifatnya konfirmatif dan konklusif.

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Landasan teori dalam studi kualitatif

•  Penelitian kualitatif karena bersifat eksploratif maka mengutamakan data yang didapatnya dengan menggunakan teori sebagai kerangka berpikir, dan akan menghasilkan 'adaptasi teori', jika ada penemuan baru dalam eksplorasinya.

•  Landasan teori dalam studi kualitatif diperlukan agar lingkup penelitian nantinya lebih fokus dan bisa menggiring ke arah fakta data yang dibutuhkan di lapangan.

•  Selain itu pada saat pembahasan hasil temuan, juga membantu sebagai kerangka berpikir yang ilmiah dan bisa dipertanggung jawabkan karena sesuai dengan latarbelakang penelitian.

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  StudiKualita*f StudiKuan*ta*f

Tujuan Analisis Sifat Data Sampling Setting penelitian

Fresh Insights Reasons Why? Proses lebih fleksibel dan tidak terstruktur Jumlah sampel terbatas Manfaatkan dengan baik Indikasi bukan konklusi Dikerjakan di setting asli dimana situasi terjadi atau ingin dipelajari

Checking, Testing Hypothesis Relationship between variable Clear information, Sudah mengerucut, prosesnya sudah sangat formal dan mengikat Jumlah sample banyak dan mewakili populasi. Lalu disimpulkan Bisa dikerjakan di luar setting aslinya

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Characteristics of Qualitative Research

•  Takes place in the natural setting

•  Uses multiple methods that are interpretive

•  Is emergent rather than tightly prefigured

•  Fundamentally interpretive (role of researcher as interpreter)

•  Researcher views social phenomena holistically

•  Researcher systematically reflects on who he or she is in the inquiry and is sensitive to how or her personal biography & how it shapes the study

•  Researcher uses complex reasoning that is multifaceted, iterative, and simultaneous

•  Researcher adopts and uses one or more strategies of inquiry

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Types of qualitative techniques •  Semi structured interviews

•  In-depth interviews

•  Focus Group Discussions

•  Ethnography

•  Participatory Action Research

•  Narrative and Life History

•  Participant observation

•  Subject Diaries

•  Activity Sessions

•  Mystery Shopper

•  Simple observation

•  Document analysis (written records)

•  Audio-visual

•  Text analysis/Discourse analysis

•  Netnography (via Internet)

•  Digital Ethnography

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Data Analysis•  Organize and prepare the data for analysis •  Read all data, get a sense of the whole •  Begin detailed analysis with coding process

•  Generate a description of the setting/people as well as categories or themes for analysis

•  Represent themes (writing, visual, etc.) •  Interpret and make meaning out of data •  Iterative, non-linear process

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Neither valid nor reliable

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Fairly Valid but not very Reliable

Reliable but not Valid

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Valid and Reliable

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•  Descriptive Validity

•  Interpretive Validity

•  Theoretical Validity

•  External Validity (i.e., generalizability)

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An Important Theoretical Validity Check

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•  Reliability concerns the ability of different researchers to make the same observations of a given phenomenon if and when the

observation is conducted using the same method(s) and procedure(s)

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"If you want to understand how a lion hunts, don't go to the zoo. Go to the jungle.“ (Kevin Roberts, Saatchi & Saatchi)‏

Ethnography in Marketing

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Definition of Ethnography Marketing

Ethnography is the study of consumers in their natural or "native” environment, where they live, work, shop, and play. It is a set of complementary techniques developed within the

discipline of anthropology

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Insights into Actions

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Advances in new technology and Shifts in people behaviour

Why Ethnography?

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Ethnography in Marketing examines how consumers actually use and

EXPERIENCE the products and services to determine:

•  Their patterns of usage •  Customer Pain Points

•  Unmet Wants and Needs •  Suggestion for Improvement

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•  to capture the telling moments that reveal what consumers actually do with products, rather than what they say they do.

•  Gain Insightful Consumer Insights

•  Great product always connects with people

Goal of Ethnography in Marketing

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Collection of Human stories, experiences, fears, fantasies, frustrations and future








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Decision Making Process

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Practical, no-hassle Tidy and clean fridge Connected product

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Marketing Communication Model

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•  Observation •  Unstructured Interview

•  Contextual Depth Interview •  Shadowing/Day-in-the life

•  Usability Interview

•  Story telling

Ethnography Techniques

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Ethnography Techniques

•  Netnography •  Subject diaries

•  Photography and Videography •  Creative Focus Group

•  Activity Sessions

•  Mystery Shopper

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Observe reality What people say is not what they do.

Identify barriers Behaviors provide clues to where problem exist.

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Customer’s Shoes

Define Customers the way they think about themselves

Look at the product from their point of view

Think about the best way to bring products and services to consumers

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•  Multiple techniques •  Convergence of data

•  Contextual •  Theme extractions

•  Multi-stages •  Iterative process

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“The secret of success is to know nobody else knows”


Keep in touch!

Amalia E. Maulana, Ph.D.

[email protected] IG and LinkedIn: amalia.e.maulana

Twitter: @etnoamalia

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