Final project Business Ethics

Ethical theories

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Analysis with respect to ethics that Wiki leaks a ethical dilemma

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Business Ethics

Ahmad Zaryab L1f10mbam-2003

Umer Mukhtar Butt L1f10mbam-0002

Wahab Tariq L1f10mbam-2035

Ali Latif L1f10mbam-0020

Ethics, also known as moral philosophy,

is a branch of philosophy

That involves systematizing, 2. defending, 3. And recommending concepts of right and wrong behavior.1.

Purpose of this project is to give you practical

application of Ethics and its analysis by using Fundamental ethical theories.

This case is about Ethical Dilemma on Assanges

exposing and his recent activity regarding Wiki Leaks. Some peoples think its not good and doing wrong in

society But most of peoples say that wiki leaks is a public welfare

company that help to leaks the secrets with means to public

Ethical Dilemma

Ethical Dilemma An ethical dilemma is a debate between two moral

principals, where two sides can argue about what is wrong or what is right.

Case This article focuses on Julian Assange, the creator of Wiki

Leaks, a whistle-blower Wiki Leaks plans to release their most controversial

disclosure yet, which is the posting of 391,832 secret documents on the Iraqi war. John Burns and Ravi Somaiya, wrote very objectively in this


Case Wiki leaks latest venture has been to release sensitive U.S. military documents. A twenty two year old US Army intelligence specialist serving in the Middle East, was arrested and faces court martial. The United States government has expressed alarm over this situation.

Case Wikileaks refused to stop posting sensitive

items. The media pundits have been discussing

what can be legally done. The problem is that Wiki leaks has no

official headquarters.

What the Wiki Leaks is ? Introduction of wiki leaks

WikiLeaks is an international, online, self-described

not-for-profit organization publishing submissions of private, secret, and classified media from anonymous news sources, news leaks, and whistleblowers. Its website launched in 2006 under the Sunshine

Press organization, Sweden.

The WikiLeaks website says their goal is

To bring important news and information to the public. Another of the organization's goals is to ensure

That whistleblowers and journalists are not jailed for emailing sensitive or classified documents.

Julian Assange, an Australian Internet

activist, is generally described as its founder, editor-in-chief. he exposes secrets of the government and military and posts them online.

Release documents about expenditures in

Afghanistan. Documents about corruption in kenya. WikiLeaks published gunsight footage from

the12 July 2007 Baghdad airstrike in which Iraqi journalists were among those killed by an Apache helicopter, known as the Collateral Murder video.

In October 2010, the group released a

package of almost 400,000 documents called the Iraq War Logs. In April 2011, WikiLeaks began publishing 779 secret files relating to prisoners detained in the Guantanamo Bay detention camp.

Moral Reasoning The reasoning process by which human behaviors,

Institutions, or policies are judged to be in accordance with or in violation of moral standards. Moral reasoning can be defined as being the process in

which an individual tries to determine the difference between what is right and what is wrong in a personal situation by using logic

Utilitarianism Approach Utilitarianism is a general term for any view that

holds that actions and polices should be evaluated in the basis of cost and benefit they will impose on society. In any situation the right action or policy is the one that will produce the greatest net benefits or the lowest net costs.

Wiki leaks is non profit making organization that

work for public and inform them about their national and international affairs that hides from them so from Utilitarianism prospective wiki leaks secretes of Govt. departments and organization that are against public so after knowing about those violations peoples can

protest and they can ask for their right and also that information can help peoples for decision making. So costs of these leaks are less in amount (euro 600000) but peoples get most benefits for future decision.

2nd result is negative and that is about whatever wiki

leaks public welfare organization it is helps peoples to know what is right and wrong but I create disputes between nations and international relations that create problems for trade and other economic activities.

Right and Duties Approach Legal right (entitlement may derives from a legal system ) Moral right (Moral right are based on moral standards, normsand principles that specify that all human beings are permitted or empowered to do something )

Negative right (its members can be defined wholly in terms of theduties other have not interfere in certain activities of the person who hold a given right)

Positive rights (that some other persons have the positive duty ofproviding the holder of the right with whatever they need to freely pursue their interests)

every person has Legal right Right to speech and

freedom it is also a moral right of every person of a nation that they know all about their political and economical issues. So we can say that wiki leaks working for Positive Right of peoples that protect them for future lose.

But on other side in analysis we also notice a point that

wiki leaks violating to Negative right of those govt. and organizations. Some information is not allowed to public for special reasons but wiki leaks violate these rights of them.

Kant categorical imperative Requires that everyone should be treated as a free

person equal to everyone else.

1st formulation of Kants categorical imperative Universalizability refers that an action is

morally right for a person in a certain situation if and only if the persons reason for carrying out the action is a reason that he or she would be willing to have every person act on in a or similar situation.

So if wiki leaks work for peoples welfare it leaks only

those documents that cheat with nations and peoples of nations .so If universalizabitlity apply on everyone in society and everyone work like wiki leaks in similar situation so this world can become a good place where no one can hide or cheat with peoples right.

1st formulation of Kants categorical imperative

Reversibility refers that an action is morally

right for a person in a certain situation if and only if the persons reason for acting must be reason that he or she would be willing to have all other use even as basis of how they treat him.

So if we talk about wiki leaks on the basis of

reversibility so they have no fear that peoples leaks their secrets and if some one will do this with them so they has lawyers and evidence that can protect them from these acts. Also if reversibility applies on Govt. and nations so

that act they doing can come on them so they will lose their ownership and existence in this world.

2nd formulation of Kants categorical imperative This approach says that act in a such way that you

always treat humanity, whether in your own person or in the person of any other, never simply as a means but always at the same time as an end.

So wiki leaks using peoples as ends it public welfare

organization that helps other for their decision making process and for future forecasting. it dont use peoples as end ever.

Libertarianism Philosophy (John Locke) It believe that freedom from human constraint is

necessarily good and that all constraints imposed by others are necessarily evils except when needed to prevent the imposition of greater human constraints.

If we analyze this case with respect to this theory so

everyone has right to freedom and freely live life so wiki leaks has freedom to leaks and publish secrets of defaulter peoples so this act can create positive trend in society.

Justice and fairness (John Rawls) Principle of equal liberty is claim that each

citizens liberties must be protected from invasion by others and must be equal to those of others

So according to constitution of USA and Australia

every nationality holder has right of Equal liberty and freedom to speech so if some one injustice with them so it violates the rights of peoples and that law so wiki leaks work for protection of those liberty right which is basic and legal right of peoples

Justice as Equality (Egalitarianism) According to Egalitarianism every-person should be given

exactly shares of a societys or a groups benefits and burdens. So if we look it on wiki-leaks matter so when govt and

organizations hide from their peoples so they doing injuctice with them so in that matter wiki leaks and wrestle blowers so they have equal right to benefit and burden they pay taxes to govt. but in against they injustice by them so wiki-leaks a platform where peoples can ask for their justice and wiki-leaks disclose where peoples are in attack of injustices.

Justice based on Contribution (Capitalist justice) According to Capitalist justice benefits should be

distributed according to value of contribution the individuals makes to a society Here if we see peoples of wiki leaks work for public welfare they give the nations justice that hide by them and that against to them so about benefit so they face threaten from govt. that is injustice with them On the other hand govt. has right of secrecy so wikileaks dont have to interfere in that matter.

Ethics of Care Vs Ethics of Demand Ethics of care emphasizes on caring for those who near

to us.

when peoples dont care about their-self and about

their families and friends but they care for those who create maximum utility

So in this case wiki leaks work for peoples wiki leaks

owner/founder jailed cause of this organization, his passport canceled for a time but he carry on working on his project and still working for public welfare.

Recommendation & Conclusion

So with the help of a lot knowledge about wikileaks and its

case we all group members conclude and recommend that wiki leaks is working for public welfare and help to those of them with whom govt. and organizations doing injustice. Like employers mistreat in organizations with employees

but peoples cant speak there due to fear of job elimination so wikileaks helps to promote their rights and if govt. and organizations hiding something from peoples and anyone came to know about that which is wrong and not good for civilians so whistle-blower can publish those news with the help of wikileaks. Yes there is some secrests that damage more than utility they create. Wikileaks should have to work on that deficiencies . on the other hand according to our group wiki leaks working good.

Thanks for your Attention