Ethical Philosophy Thinking Clearly in a World of Nonsense Topic for Examination on August 3, 2014 (July 22, 2014) Six Steps To Moral Perfection The Ultimate Ethical Code…the Real Morality that explains everything that goes on in the world. Summary Having read and pondered the questions of ethics (what is good and therefore, what should we do) for many years. Now let’s consider a question from Plato’s Republic. Is it best to be thought of as “just”, but in fact be “unjust?” The unjust man fools everyone and gets every benefit while the just man is exploited. Odysseus, Jesus, Darwin, St. Augustine, Kant, Bentham, Freud, Hitler, etc. have since added their insights and experiences to that question. Let’s run a little thought experiment. Let’s imagine what the Unjust man would look like in modern America. Then let’s look around to see if we find evidence of him in our midst? What if the ultimate ethical code, what is right for YOU to do, is to: 1. enjoy the support and protection of groups; nations, religions, political parties, corporations, etc. by pretending loyalty to them, using word and symbolic deed, 1

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Ethical Philosophy

Thinking Clearly in a World of Nonsense

Topic for Examination on August 3, 2014 (July 22, 2014)

Six Steps To Moral Perfection The Ultimate Ethical Code…the Real Morality

that explains everything that goes on in the world.

Summary Having read and

pondered the questions of ethics (what is good and therefore, what should we do) for many years. Now let’s consider a question from Plato’s Republic. Is it best to be thought of as “just”, but in fact be “unjust?” The unjust man fools everyone and gets every benefit while the just man is exploited. Odysseus, Jesus, Darwin, St. Augustine, Kant, Bentham, Freud, Hitler, etc. have since added their insights and experiences to that question. Let’s run a little thought experiment. Let’s imagine what the Unjust man would look like in modern America. Then let’s look around to see if we find evidence of him in our midst? What if the ultimate ethical code, what is right for YOU to do, is to:1. enjoy the support and protection of groups; nations, religions, political parties, corporations, etc. by pretending loyalty to them, using word and symbolic deed,

2. betray them as quietly as possible when to your advantage, 3. advertise loyalty loudly and often to maintain their good will,

4. be really loyal to nothing, no group, ideal, nation, employer, religion, etc., 5. Never admit any of this!6. Rinse and Repeat!

The Outer Limits of Ethics Nobody lives forever. Nations, religions, civilizations come and go. The Earth, our galaxy, the entire cosmos has a shelf life. John Maynard Keynes reminded


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the egotists of his day that ”in the long run, we’re all dead.” On a cosmological level, when the cosmos goes black or blank or whatever it does, we never even were.

Sir Thomas More may have died for his faith in God or that the pope speaks for Him, but that don’t mean squat today.

He, the pope and Henry VIII are now completely alike… they’re all dead.

No one was right or wrong or saintly or in error, the whole issue was simple nonsense.

To worry about the effect you have on the world or even your own descendents is megalomania. There is plenty of it, but we don’t have play the fool.

Mother Nature’s EthicsEvolutionary biologists tell us it’s all a matter of what works best (or better than our closest competitors) in a particular environment. We humans don’t compete with bigger claws, better camouflage or faster legs, we use our cunning to exploit other humans. For example, young men love to compete. They struggle with each other in sports and battlegrounds because they are programmed to. In all other animals, the purpose for this urge is to win food and mates. The fact that young men can be killed and there are no females on battlegrounds and that the females don’t even care …is lost on them. Countless generations have not learned from the past or figure it out for themselves. Meanwhile their smarter brothers stay at home, are not killed and…find lots of mates. This simple flaw in human nature is easily be exploited by their evolutionary betters. Let’s call them the predator class or the elite. If Nature has any ethics, it is to

stay alive, make babies, keep them alive until they can do the same.

The Nature of Homo SapiensHomo sapiens in large numbers are nasty. They are psychological rather than rational, excitable over deliberative. They choose immediate, personal self-gratification over long-term group welfare. Their sadistic tendencies toward cruelty and violence are easily stoked. Very few actually think, most simply adopt the


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beliefs and even emotions of their clan. They are superstitious and can be easily sold the most ridiculous poppycock. Many gleefully sell nonsense to the gullible, for profit. They can then rationalize any behavior.

The Culling of the Human HerdThere are more humans than the planet can ecologically sustain. On a finer point, there are more of THEM…than US. We are more important than they are because WE ARE US, and they are not. If you doubt that logic, test it. Kill yourself to save the environment. Not only will you not do it, if you do, society will call you crazy. The Real Moral Code tells us what is right and what is wrong.

Imagine a man floating in the sea after a shipwreck. The sea is humanity. He’s mandate is not to help the sea, only to get what he needs and avoid the dangers. This is the elite’s view of themselves. It always has been and always will be. Therefore, do not be distracted by humanitarian philosophies, they were only designed to distract. Never admit this of course. In our society, always claim high Christian concerns for those less fortunate, then buy defense stock and support foreign wars, national defense, border security, tax breaks for yourself, etc. If accused of hypocrisy, simply say “I must provide for my family.”

The Ethics of the GodsIf this is just too unsettling, you can always embrace the gods, it’s

often done.There was a day not long ago when Jupiter was the God. Each year 50,000 young people were scarified to appease the great Huitzilopochtli. Men labored for generations to build the temple at Ephesus, and where is it now? Armies took to the field, villages were burned; women and children were slaughtered to defend the good name of AbliAddu. Countless babies were consumed by fire to appease Moloch.

But where are those gods today? If they have somehow died, who places flowers on their sacred graves today?

The same is true for Resheph, Anath, Ashtoreth, Nergal, Nebo, Nimib, Melek, Ahijay, Isis, Ptah, Anubis, Astarte, Hadad, Addu, Shalem, Dagon, Shaarrab, Yau, Amone-Re, Osiris, Sebek, Zeus, Dea Dia, Vesta, Nin, Tammuz, Enki, Vaticanus, Gunfled, Ops, Istar, Pwyll, Enki, Ceros, U-ki and on and on. My favorite is Ops! An itinerant preacher named Jesus was crucified in order to come back to life and rule the entire world before this generation passes. That was 2,000 years ago.

It’s all a scam.


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These and thousands more were believed to be wholly or partially omnipotent, omni-scient and immortal, worth dying for and

where are they today?

Pretending to believe is an excellent tactic, however, inevitably,

Success is ALWAYS Based on the Protection of the Group

and then its betrayal for private gain!No infant can survive without the protection of someone, the smallest unit being a parent, usually a mother. Without fangs, claws and fast working instincts, humans must rely on help from others. Still better than a mother, a nuclear family protects the infant. The family is then dependent upon the clan, the tribe, city, state, nation, whatever level its technology can maintain. It is society’s sophistication, division of labor, production of food, clothing, transportation, shelter etc. that makes simple survival possible. As an adult, the person continues to rely upon the good will of the larger society. If interconnectedness doesn’t sit well with libertarians, let them test it by living in the woods without manufactured goods.

“What is “success?” It is having more of something than others. It’s just a matter of the definitions of words. Let’s look around, do we see any evidence of these 7 steps at work in our society today?

All Americans understand that a corporation’s legal obligation is to internalize income and externalized expenses, to privatize profits and socialize costs. Following this model, a company dumps its manufacturing wastes into the rivers, skies, etc. It pays its employees as little as possible, often less that subsistence. (Walmart, McDonald’s etc. employees have to take food stamps in order to live.) Society makes those low wages possible. Then the corporation minimizes its taxes. If that is not betraying that society that provides it with streets, police protection, currency, food stamps to its employees, etc., I don’t know what you would call it.

On the other hand, if it were widely known, society might refuse to provide all those free services. That is why the corporation


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tries to stay on society’s good side by public relations advertising, bribes to politicians called “campaign contributions,” etc.

Note how the PR image of the employee (left) and the actual employee (upper right) appear…

not much alike.

Did you know that the average cost to society of food stamps, medical care, etc. for the employees of a single McDonalds is something like 1 ½ million dollars a year?

It’s easy for them to get away with it because most people are naive. Corporations tell them that immigrants are happy working at Wal-Mart because Wal-Mart is great (not that they have no jobs back home because their elite exploits them).

Wal-Mart employees and products are sexy, soldiers suffer more than civilians, so


They buy it because they are ignorant of how the system works and the real inequal-ities in place. They are vulnerable to propaganda, in this case, false choices. Therefore, we all pay taxes so that McDonald’s franchise owners can be millionaires. We pay taxes so General Dynamics can make fighter bombers to consume petroleum, raise gas prices and pollute the air, not to mention make people around the world hate us. We pay taxes so that Intel can get huge tax breaks to make gadgets that poison Chinese children. And who benefits from all this? Corporate owners!

If you’re thinking “But I have Wal-mart shares in my IRA.” How many shares? 100? In 2013, the number of outstanding shares of Wal-Mart was 3.2 billion. Some people own millions of shares. (Interestingly, outstanding shares have declined from 4.2 billion in the past ten years. Presumably, they are being concentrated in fewer and fewer hands and therefore “reverse stock splits” make them easier to manage.)

So, protected and promoted by the laws, courts, street-lights, military defenses, financial institutions, transport-


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ation systems, etc. the owners and CEOs of corporations use them FOR THEIR PRIVATE PROFIT,

And laugh at the rest of us for being suckers…which we are.

Since the vast majority of people are too poorly educated by design, to understand this, revolutions rarely occur. When they do, the predators hide for a while, then come out again. The prey is always there, ready to be exploited. It is Darwin’s Natural Selection process at work. The next generation quickly forgets what was done and ration-alizes everything for its ease.

They are grateful for a job, feel a little better off and therefore entitled, foolishly identify with the elite, buy another “trickle down” theory, go to war for Wall Street yelling Remember the Alamo or 911. That is how the people are distracted into loosing the hard earned gains of revolutions and functioning democracy.

Rights embedded in constitutions are whittled away by lawyers and judges, for their profit. Politicians make promises but once elected, forget them for their profits. Priests claiming to speak for gods always line up with the rich, for their profit. Judges wear priest-like garb and pretend to speak for a different higher power “the law,” as if it were anything more than the writings of other men for their profit.

The rich send their kids to good schools where they learn how to “play the game.” The poor go to poor schools where they are taught patriotism and self sacrifice. The rich try to make the poor schools even poorer, limiting competition. In this way, wealth and the benefits of status are passed from generation to generation. Like- wise, the poor pass on the traditions of gullibility and self sacrifice, as if it were something more than stupidity enhanced by ignorance.

Thus the world has always been and will always be.

<<< This is a soldier saluting a box containing bones of another soldier (one of millions) so disposable that he was literally disintegrated. The living soldier sees that is praise-worthy. It never occurs to him that he is equally disposable. Natural Selection

Ultimately, societies move in cycles, wealth and power have their ups and downs. Societies which reach the pinnacle, will ultimately do the same old self-


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destructive things1 that brought previous empires down. So it’s only a matter of time, and for the individual, timing.

The ethical thing is to be in a good place at the right time,

and not in a bad place at any time.

Six Practical Steps to Moral Perfection

# 1 Pretend Loyalty to Large Groups All claims of loyalty to groups, nations, ideas, religions, principles, values, beliefs etc. are only stratagems to mislead others into sacrificing themselves. This is completely understood by the predator class which uses it relentlessly. Mitt Romney plundered the American economy and its workers, hid his money offshore to avoid taxes, then comically asked for their votes as a “job creator.” (He got 47 % of the votes.)

# 2- Then Pretend Loyalty to Many Smaller GroupsPublically claim solidarity with the larger society and less publically with many smaller groups (even if their goals totally differ.) This is what it meant by “all politics is local.”) The smaller groups will not notice your duplicity and never object to hypocrisy.


It is easily done by simply repeating their sacred words and dressing in their tribal costumes. <<<<<<<<<<<

Most won’t notice when you quietly betray them,

They don’t really care,because they are or soon will be doing the


(If confronted, use the time honored trump-card excuses of “business is business” or “my hands are tied.”)1 Forced by hardship, the masses finally catch on and adopt the moral code of the predator class. We see this in the third year of every war. Once the masses give up their illusions, they are no longer easy to exploit, but it erodes the cohesive core of society. At the point, the predator class takes it wealth and moves to more comfortable and secure societies.


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Perhaps Shakespeare said it best.

“Smile and smile and be a villain.”

It always works. >>>>>>>>

# 3 Never Make A Public Spectacle of Your StatusThe big difference between how it traditionally worked and today (America’s contribution to the process) is public relations. In the good old days, the elite would drive their golden chariots over the bodies of starving children and complain about the bumps. America’s elite have learned to mind their public image. They wear the same2 clothing styles and hide their wealth in portfolios and fenced communities. The key is to keep from looking too privileged, while being very privileged. There is no limit to what you can enjoy if you obey The Real Moral Code.

# 4 Misrepresent Everything To Your AdvantageMake up an interpretation of events, current conditions, anything and repeat it over and over. It only takes three times to be believed.

Some Examples

<<<This propaganda piece associates policemen with com-munity virtues, protestors with selfishness, laziness, treason, etc. In reality, the police serve the ruling elite. Here again, special uniformed tribal garb (see page 8) assumes noble and uplifted virtues. Individual clothing

variations represent base and selfish motives. Mind what you wear!

CLOTHING MAGIC – When he looks like X, he becomes X. Having learned this at Yale, John Kerry always dresses for his part. When a lowly soldier in a war for the other people’s profits, he advocated transparency and accountability in government. Once inside government, he is for a secret police state eternally at 2 A personal experience with John F. Kennedy: When he was in the Senate I saw him asked on TV about his beautiful suits. He said “I pay the same as everyone else, 2 and a quarter.” Decades later I met his tailor’s widow. She said that what he meant was that he paid $ 2,250 per suit, in 1960. He wore the same clothing style as white collar workers, which deceived them into assuming he was one of them. Keeping the vast wealth inequality a secret is essential.


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global war. He is now a billionaire, richly rewarded for his obedience to The Real Moral Code.

WORD MAGIC is universal with humans. When you utter a “magic” word, something happens in the real world. For example, giving money to a political candidate (to get something from him, why else?) is not a “bribe,” it is a “campaign contribution.” A “campaign contribution” does not “buy” his “vote”, it only “gains access.” It’s how you convince someone that a “pig” is actually a “cow.” Oddly, the more formally educated a person is, the more likely he is believe in word magic. The more educated can easily convince the less educated that a “pig” is actually a “cow,” that prayer heals or that “bribes” are only “campaign contributions.” (Never say “quid pro quo.”)

The word you use changes the thing itself.

Consumers legal actions against big corporations are now “frivolous law suits.” Injured employees are now “disgruntled employees” etc. (All participants on both sides are lawyers, some betraying the others by trying to outlaw the other’s work. Exactly as described!)

# 5 Never Believe Your Own PropagandaWe humans invent abstractions to justify our own private desires. Philosophies, religions, nations, etc. are just ways to justify what we want for visceral reasons. The Ancient Greeks justified enslaving Europeans with barbarians are born to be slaves; Americans justified enslaving Africans with the Biblical mark of Cain. Wall Street justifies its too-big-to-jail status with free-markets. Wars are justified by defense, even if the enemy is living in a hovel on the other side of the planet. Corporations

justify deregulation by claiming that small businesses (who they prey upon) need help and it will create jobs. It’s all a con game to justify our own personal and private survival. After survival, our interests turn to safety, power, wealth, ego, influence, sexuality, sadism, violence, whatever feels good. To borrow a phrase, we use religion, patriotism, high principles, etc. to

baffle them with bull shit!

DO NOT BELIEVE ANY OF IT YOURSELF! It is only propaganda invented to justify our side. If you fall into the trap of actually believing it, you will violate Rule “4. be actually loyal to nothing…,” If you violate that rule, you will be betrayed by those who don’t. (See Chris McDaniel below.)

Very Recent Examples


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Examples of The Real Moral Code are everywhere, once you focus your mental eyes.

The U.S. Supreme Court recently struck down a law set up to protect black citizens from being denied-the-vote in Southern states. It had been going on for centuries; even described in middle school text books. The judges knew the history, why the laws had been enacted, what would happen if they were struck down. But loyal to their own interests, knowing full well what was already planned and ready, five judges claimed ignorance of what would happen. It immediately happened. Their allies, within hours, began passing laws to exclude black voters. All the while, these judges picked up their paychecks and claimed loyalty to America. When did keeping people from voting become American?

When it started serving their personal interests. The same court recently stuck down safety zones around abortion clinics. Those laws had been enacted to prevent homicide by anti-abortion zealots. The court removed those safety zones claiming they were not necessary, but kept much larger safety zones around themselves for their own personal safety. The rules of The Real Moral Code could not be more clear. Once seen, it’s so obviously common, let’s abbreviate it ICNBMC!

Mississippi Senator Thad Cochran recently faced a challenge in the Republican Party primary from another Republican, Chris McDaniel. McDaniel apparently assumed that all

the talk about con-servatives opposing liberals, the Federal Government and Democrats was true. So when Cochran got black Democrats to vote for him, it seemed like a massive betrayal. McDaniel was as mad as a wet hen. What rankled was that Cochran betrayed him first. (McDaniel had just not figured out how to get black Democrats to vote for him.)

He who betrays first, wins.

Of course it was just The Real Moral Code in operation. Enjoy the benefits of the larger group, and then betray it for your private benefit. The entire Mississippi state government claims to reject Federal aid, then takes more Federal money than any other state. The predator class does it does, it betrays for its advantage.

Other Time-Honored TechniquesAffiliate with high status groups in general, such as…


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Religion, the higher the status the better: When an abused minority, Jewish immigrants changed their names. Now rich and powerful, they proudly claim their heritage, even Christians claim affiliation. Many even enjoy dual citizenship with Israel. If questioned… Assume the moral high ground, use righteous indignation to present yourself as morally outraged, a victim of abuse. Then carry on as before. Associate yourself with popular historic figures. All Democrats and even Republicans, now claim that they would have marched with MLK Jr. In fact, they all would have opposed him. Relocate: Location is very, very important. Live in safe, prosperous places which are ironically, the neighborhoods of criminal families. Unrestrained by law, they keep order. Take bribes! –Wall Street firms today routinely hire the wives and children of

politicians. Ted Cruz’s wife, the mother of two young children, is a Wall Street executive.

How she works from their home in Texas, now Arlington, is a mystery. Could it just be a bribe? If Caught and Moral Outrage Doesn’t Work, Claim Stupidity – It’s no crime to be stupid. It

worked for Reagan in Iran Contra, Bush I in the S & L collapse, Bush II in Iraq, etc. Then think of yourself as simply smarter than everyone else.

The Golden Rule: You do this for me NOW, and I’ll do that for You LATER,

(then I Betray You FIRST, and never, ever admit to my strategy.)

# 6 Never, Ever Admit To Any of This

Deepthroat, a Casebook Example of How To Do ItSenior FBI official Mark Felt secretly leaked information about Watergate to Bernstein and Woodward. Felt maintained his good relationship with the FBI, etc. For unrelated crimes, he was later convicted of violating the Constitution. But not knowing that he was Deepthroat, he was given no prison sentence, was fully pardoned by Reagan and then, had his conviction overturned and all records expunged by a higher court. Never admit anything!

I give The Real Moral Code a grade of…well. Do we see the sorts of things mentioned above actually going on in America? Are these examples of Supreme Court decisions, corporate PR, religious claims, political campaigns, economic theories, etc. real? Did I just make that stuff up? If you think those things are really out there, maybe The Real Moral Code is how it really works.

<<<<< He’s doing just fine. “Smile and smile and be a villain.”

What do you think? We expect to hear your opinion.


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Sebasitan Twit, July 2014

Later ReflectionsThe High Place of Education to the Ruling

EliteThis is not just a cultural western thing. It is practiced in all societies. Ancient Aztec buildings were recently uncovered in Mexico City. The huge temple that Cortes described (where Montezuma scarified thousands) was excavated. Forensic studies found the victim to have come from distant areas. The Aztec ruling class kidnapped hundreds of thousands each year to sacrifice in a reenactment of their creation myth and intimidate the masse. Local Aztecs were ok with it, they weren’t being scarified.They were just like the German Catholics when Nazi’s took away the Jews.

Next to the temple was the college where the children of the elite were educated. It was even larger than the temple itself. Montezuma was a graduate of that how-to-rule-the-mob college. The point is that the ruling elite always place great value in teaching their young the skills of how to rule. That information is carefully kept from the common people.

Modern intimidation techniques are just like the Aztec’s, only less overt. We have been warned of “terrorists,” communists, “The Yellow Peril,” etc. There is always someone threatening us and it is always someone other than the ruling elite. There-fore we are fine with using drones to kill people around the world, as long as it’s not us. The entire 20th century was driven by a fear of communism. Wonder why?

Profits? What Else? Spain bankrupted itself holding onto; for centuries, the protestant Netherlands. The course was justified as…well, credibility with our allies, world stability, defense against terrorism, putting down treason, etc. Beneath it all is a flow of money to someone, not people, an elite. The common people served, paid taxes and died for Spain, Spanish honor, a job, world peace, whatever they could be sold at the time. .


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The French did the same in Vietnam and Algeria, the British in India, America and South Africa, Russia in Eastern Europe and ancient Rome all over their world. Our last venture into Iraq was for oil and to sell their national assets.

As long as you can keep society paying the bills and the benefits coming to yourself, YOU’RE GOOD! That was best articulated by George W. Bush. He never served a minute in Vietnam, nor felt more discomfort than a hangover in Austin. Decades later he explained the lesson he learned from the Vietnam War.

“You don’t loose if you don’t quit.”

Other people suffered, he enjoyed the benefits. Why quit?

Finally all world powers collapse in exhaustion. The rich take their profits, move to nice resorts, “sit on the sidelines” and see themselves as smart. The soldiers and taxpayers are dead or impoverished. Then a less hollowed-out society steps in and takes over, and ultimately does the same.

It’s Natural Selection, human style.

The ultimate question is simply put HOW STUPID ARE YOU?

Will you believe MY interpretation of reality the one I invented for my wealth and your enslavement?

A Few Famous PractitionersJosephus (a Jewish general at war with Rome in 77) deserted his army, joined the Romans, wrote books, lived long and well, is remembered today. ICNBMC!

In Letters From A Birmingham Jail, MLK outlines how all his black friends opposed the movement. It would have upset their finances and/or status. ICNBMC!

Condelizza Rice claimed “who would have known” that bombing Iraq would make them not like us? As a small child in Birmingham, Alabama, she benefited from the civil rights movement, integration, voting rights laws, etc. Then as an adult, she joined conservative Republicans who opposed everything that had made her life possible. Having joined a high status group, she claimed stupidity about Iraq and was rewarded with a professorship. ICNBMC!

John Yoo criminally reinvented torture, with the same results. ICNBMC!


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Hillary Clinton voted for the invasion of Iraq when it was popular. Later she claimed that she was deceived by Bush. (Neither I nor anyone I know was deceived.) She betrayed the people for her personal benefit (to avoid criticism.) Now she claims stupidity and asks for our votes. It will work, because it always does. ICNBMC!

Obama campaigned for government transparency. In office, he wants the power of secrecy for himself. He is the biggest prosecutor of whistle blowers in our history. His behavior is an appalling betrayal of constitutional government and ICNBMC!