Work Experience at 5DN Ethan Qin

Ethan Quin Work Experience

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Examples of work: Design, Print and Packaging.

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Work Experience at 5DNEthan Qin

Experimentation with TypefacesFirst of all, many typefaces were experimented with, along withuppercase and lowercase letters. This was to see which onewould suit the product best as a logo.

Logo DesignA font was chosen, and an uppercase ‘E’ in the selected font was reflected to form part of the logo. Done in Illustrator.

Poster DesignThe can was put together in Photoshop with a glow effect put on it, with the background text(s) and silhouetted figures made and traced in Illustrator.

6-pack DesignThe sides were put together in Illustrator. The faces were skewed to form a box shape, shadow/gradient effect was put on the faces and a reflection was put in in Photoshop.

About the BrandThe brand was created with a target demographic of 15-25 males; i.e. young and athletic. The typefaces, colour schemes and patterns were all made with the intention to be consistent.