Essay on: The Stories of Ibis This book on the stories about human-machine interaction is really fascinating, mind-capturing and morally-shaking one to read. The stories cover a wide range of aspects some of which pertain to human dreams and ideals in terms of their technological advancements they would like to envisage in the future. Some others are related to the evils, injustices and ill behaviors that are inextricably attached within ourselves. And most of the stories here, discuss the ideal and utopian sorts of living which humans perceive in the future machine or robotic world which in theory is the wish of the author as a human being to have them inculcated and adopted by humans instead. The stories are narrated to a man by robotic machine called Ibis in a hospital or treatment center. The man is subdued by the Ibis in a physical confrontation and he finds to this disliking that robots, although being the brain-child of humans, have surpassed the mankind in almost all aspects one could think about. Basically, through stories, Ibis is trying to make him realize that many of the ideas and concepts which humans carry in their minds especially about the superiority of humans over all others creations are fallacious and baseless. Furthermore, the time of mankind is over and machines have taken rein of the world. Personally, I reckon all seven stories in the book are full of fabulous thoughts and insights in general. But I would like to accentuate on three stories in particular. The first one is “The Universe on My Hands”. I believe that it is a beautiful story about how fictional space ships exist with each having either a goodness or evil to contribute the others. This story also describes that the choices which we make in our lives are also affected by our past feedback. For instance, the author has suggested that Shawn might have murdered his class mate due to constant fear, aggression, revenge and hatred built within him due to him being bullied. But he doesn’t want to escape the reality and in the end makes an intelligent turn in the story which his team is jointly writing about space world. He through his actions tries to show that our decisions at the end decide who we are and not our genetics and architecture. The emphasis in this story is that intelligence should have morality, friendship and compassion within its ingredients and that everyone should have a second chance to being a different and improved entity. And intelligent being would, obviously, be eager to reform itself for the better, no matter how the events unfold for it. The second story which captured my interest is “Mirror Girl”. I think it is a marvelous story about girl who tries to alleviate her loneliness through a “machine girl”. She finds in her a friend and companion who

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  • Essay on: The Stories of Ibis

    This book on the stories about human-machine interaction is really fascinating,

    mind-capturing and morally-shaking one to read. The stories cover a wide range of

    aspects some of which pertain to human dreams and ideals in terms of their

    technological advancements they would like to envisage in the future. Some others

    are related to the evils, injustices and ill behaviors that are inextricably attached

    within ourselves. And most of the stories here, discuss the ideal and utopian sorts

    of living which humans perceive in the future machine or robotic world which in

    theory is the wish of the author as a human being to have them inculcated and

    adopted by humans instead. The stories are narrated to a man by robotic machine

    called Ibis in a hospital or treatment center. The man is subdued by the Ibis in a

    physical confrontation and he finds to this disliking that robots, although being the

    brain-child of humans, have surpassed the mankind in almost all aspects one could

    think about. Basically, through stories, Ibis is trying to make him realize that many

    of the ideas and concepts which humans carry in their minds especially about the

    superiority of humans over all others creations are fallacious and baseless.

    Furthermore, the time of mankind is over and machines have taken rein of the


    Personally, I reckon all seven stories in the book are full of fabulous thoughts and

    insights in general. But I would like to accentuate on three stories in particular. The

    first one is The Universe on My Hands. I believe that it is a beautiful story about

    how fictional space ships exist with each having either a goodness or evil to

    contribute the others. This story also describes that the choices which we make in

    our lives are also affected by our past feedback. For instance, the author has

    suggested that Shawn might have murdered his class mate due to constant fear,

    aggression, revenge and hatred built within him due to him being bullied. But he

    doesnt want to escape the reality and in the end makes an intelligent turn in the

    story which his team is jointly writing about space world. He through his actions

    tries to show that our decisions at the end decide who we are and not our genetics

    and architecture. The emphasis in this story is that intelligence should have

    morality, friendship and compassion within its ingredients and that everyone

    should have a second chance to being a different and improved entity. And

    intelligent being would, obviously, be eager to reform itself for the better, no

    matter how the events unfold for it. The second story which captured my interest is

    Mirror Girl. I think it is a marvelous story about girl who tries to alleviate her

    loneliness through a machine girl. She finds in her a friend and companion who

  • she could trust and with whom she could speak about her feelings and problems.

    Perhaps, I guess in the future, these types of machine would find their utilization in

    the old-care homes and single people as this machine would give them some

    meaning to live and perhaps some joy. Anyhow, the only thing that mirror girl

    lacked in its design was ability to learn and self-consciousness. The problem this

    flaw caused was that occasionally she hurt the feelings of the young girl quite

    unintentionally. This machine was not an intelligent one. Although, it had immense

    memory and had the capacity to increase its memory further but sometimes, it

    could not drew conclusions and logical implications from simple statements.

    Therefore, later, when the husband of this lady created a new machine which he

    named Strong Eye, it was new development in the world of AI. This new

    machine was on self-conscious artificial intelligence. The maker of this new

    intelligent machine believed that creating a program as complex as human mind

    would not be possible even in a million years but rudimentary human instincts such

    as dislikes, curiosity, and the fear of dying are fairly simple and could be simulated

    by fuzzy logic. In essence, it is similar to how a child develops its personality over

    the period of time. In the similar fashion, the AI machine would be continuously

    rewriting and revising its algorithm based on the new experiences. As a result,

    when the young lady meets Strong Eye or the new mirror girl, she

    immediately gets apologies from the machine for the past behavioral mistakes

    which the machine had committed. The author has suggested that artificial

    intelligent machine has to have self-consciousness in order to be not rude and ill-

    mannered. The last story which I like to mention here is The Day Shion Came. I

    think this is indeed the best episode of this book which beautifully draws a picture

    of the future robots which would serve humans in the hospitals and treatment

    centers. I would like to particularly quote the best line in this episode and that is

    What is hateful to you, do not do that to your fellow I think it is gigantic

    message for all of us if we want to live peacefully and harmoniously in this world.

    The episode is about a female caregiver robot which is programmed to be perfectly

    professional in her task by its designer. She has some flaws, for instance, she takes

    the words of people as it is and she has at times trouble comprehending people who

    have speaking disabilities. But on the whole, this machine named Shion is almost

    perfectly made. The author in this episode has tried to emphasize that making truly

    intelligent machines should be our quest instead of making copies of human beings

    as that is not possible and even not much desirable. Because, human beings are not

    always driven by logic and morality and which leads them to do crimes in the

    society. Rather, our mission has to build intelligent machines which may not

  • understand love or friendship but they should fully realize that hurting or damaging

    another person is undesirable. This episode quite nicely, narrates how a robot won

    the heart of a patient named Isezaki. The patient developed so much attachment

    and feelings for the robot that he was ready to purchase it from the manufacturing

    company at the cost of millions of yen. The central theme for intelligent machine

    portrayed by this episode was that robots have to be good listeners, patient and

    should be non-judgmental if they come in the jobs of direct social interactions with

    humans. Unfortunately, we, human beings, are not well-equipped with these

    qualities which tend to worsen the attitude the people around us.

    As I have mentioned before, author has covered a wide range of human problems

    in the disguise of an extra-terrestrial life. The dominating theme is, of course, that

    machines have the definite potential to overthrow the humans of this world. The

    reason is that human beings are themselves their worst enemies. They are living in

    the hopes to conquer and dominate the world at the cost of other humans. They are

    envisaging machines in the future with perfect characters and ideals which they

    would like to see in their selves but they are not ready to implement that upon

    themselves. Also, author has suggested throughout the episodes that humans are

    very weak, no matter, who developed they become. And that they have to care for

    each other if they want to survive in the world. The machines do not want to hurt

    people but they also cannot guarantee complete safety in the world. Because, doing

    that would take away the free will of the people. The machines are there to serve

    humans and makes things easier for them. Personally, I agree with the dominating

    theme which I mentioned above, and I believe it is a wake-up for us before it gets

    too late. Perhaps, I do not see machines living independently on their own without

    humans but there is a possibility if humans devastate their kind then they would

    only leave behind machines to live.