Essay Writing - my future.docx

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  • 8/9/2019 Essay Writing - my future.docx


    Essay Writing ; My Future letter to future self

    Warm-up questions

    1. What age would you like to leave home and why

    !. Would you like to go to university "f so what would you like to study#. "deally$ where will you %e living in & years time

    '. Would you like to get married When

    &. (ow many )hildren will you have$ if any

    *. What +o% will you %e doing when you,re !&

    . Whi)h )ountries will you have visited %y the time you are !'

    Ask the students to get into pairs and discuss the things they would like to achieve in the future. Tell them that

    they should focus on the next 10 years of their lives.

    When Ive done this, Ive encouraged them to mind map their ideas. After theyve considered their answers

    together, model an example of a timeline on the board starting at your current age and stretching 10 years into

    the future.

    Get your students to do the same theyll come up with something like this:

    My Future Self

    Take my endof schoolexams

    Graduate andleave home

    Travel aroundthe world

    Age 16 Age 21 Age 23

    Age 18 Age 22 Age 25

    Start my degreein mathematics

    Save up somemoney

    Buy my owncastle

    Created on teach-nology
  • 8/9/2019 Essay Writing - my future.docx


    Stage three guided production

    Now youre going to be focusing on the future continuous. I find it best not to introduce the grammar yet, but

    rather to elicit the correct form orally. Use the timeline you made on the board to model an answer:

    When Im 16 I will be taking my final exams.

    when Im 18 Ill be starting university.

    When Im 23 Ill be travelling around the word.

    Example student teacher conversation -

    T: What will you be doing when youre 18 years old?

    S: I am start my degree

    T: Am is for the present, what do we add to BE to show we mean in the future

    S: Will.

    T: What will you be doing when you are 18?

    S: I will be start my degree.

    T: How do we show something is continuous or a process?

    S: Verb + ing

    T: So whats the answer: What will you be doing when you are 18?

    T: I will be starting my maths degree.

    Go around the group and put students on the spot. Encourage them to self-correct and write their correct answers

    on the board. For this section I like to pick weaker students in order to iron out their mistakes. Get your students

    to ask each other the question -

    What will you be doing when you are x years old?

    Get them to do this in pairs. Monitor and write down any mistakes. Correct on the spot if its repeated.

    Write their errors on the board and ask the classes to correct the sentences.

    Now elicit the structure of the future continuous -


    Subject + will + be + verb + ing


  • 8/9/2019 Essay Writing - my future.docx


    Subject + will + not + be + verb + ing

    + when / while / in / at + clause.

    hey should pra)ti)e %y writing some e/amples senten)es of the future )ontinuous you )an

    get the )lass to working in small groups 0up to & and write what ea)h of their )lassmateswill %e doing at various ages. Monitor and offer on the spot )orre)tion.

    For e/ample$ in this rather mi/ed-nationality )lass2

    Maribel Eduardo will be travelling when he is 19.

    Eduardo Maribel will be studying medicine when she is 21

    Bea yun !u will be leaving high school when she is 1"

    etc.Part two

    Stage four, Future Perfect Letter to future self.

    his )ould %e done as part of a homework$ on a %log or in the )lass. (owever you do it$ it

    needs to %e set up in the )lassroom.

    3oint the students in the dire)tion of your e/ample timeline. 4sk the following question2What will " have )ompleted %y the time " am !& years old

    5ive them some e/amples orally

    # will have ta$en my high school e%ams.

    # will have &inished my university degree.

    # will have le&t home.

    Write the following on the %oard2Subject + will + have + past participle +clause+ by the time + clause

    4sk your students to write down the stru)ture and write e/amples using your e/ample

    timeline shown on the %oard.

    Eli)it the purpose of the tense 0to show a )omplete a)tion %efore a point in the future

    4re the a)tions )ompleted now 4t what point will " have )ompleted my university degree4t what age will " have travelled around the world

    (ave the students write a letter to their future selves 16 years in the future -

    7es)ri%ing themselves now

    heir am%itions for the future

    E/plaining what they hope to have a)hieved

    'ear an (u)

    # am 1* years old+etc # would li$e to study maths at university and by the time # am 2* # will

    have graduated &rom university with a mathematics degree. # want to travel around theworld) by the time # am 2, # will have done this.

  • 8/9/2019 Essay Writing - my future.docx
