One is defined as “child” or an “adult” not by age, but the state of his mind. In the eyes of a child, there is joy, there is laughter. But as we bloom the child inside us fades that we forget that once we were a child.The Little Prince is a children’s book but can be analyzed by different levels and not specifically for them alone. The mystical adventure begins with the childhood story of the author that grown-ups never understand his drawings of boa constrictor from inside and boa constrictor from outside. But still hoping that someday he’ll find someone who looks beneath the surface of things. Until he made a forced landing in the desert of Sahara and met a strange Little Prince, a traveler from his home of Asteroid B-612. The Little Prince describes his journey on six different planets before coming to Earth and his experiences here. The narrator pilot and the Little Prince share a rewarding relationship on the desert. And when the prince departs, the narrator misses his company. So he writes the novel in memory of the Little Prince. This story of the Little Prince reflect the course of our life. From the very first page, Exupery shows how adults do not look beneath the surface to find what is underneath. On that page, he shows his illustration of a boa constrictor swallowing an elephant. He asks the grown-ups if they are frightened of his drawing. To this, the grown-ups respond by asking why one should be frightened by a hat. He made another drawing so that the grown-ups could see it clearly. But grown- ups advice him to devote himself to geography, history, arithmetic and grammar and lay aside his drawings. Because of this situation, he gave up his magnificent career as a painter and learned to pilot airplanes. Grown-ups never try to understand anything. Like us, it’s hard to recognize the special little things done by others for us. When we learn, it’s already too late. And also true to some parents, there are times they don’t have interest of knowing others or even

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One is defined as child or an adult not by age, but the state of his mind.In the eyes of a child, there is joy, there is laughter. But as we bloom the child inside us fades that we forget that once we were a child.The Little Prince is a childrens book but can be analyzed by different levels and not specifically for them alone.

The mystical adventure begins with the childhood story of the author that grown-ups never understand his drawings of boa constrictor from inside and boa constrictor from outside. But still hoping that someday hell find someone who looks beneath the surface of things. Until he made a forced landing in the desert of Sahara and met a strange Little Prince, a traveler from his home of Asteroid B-612. The Little Prince describes his journey on six different planets before coming to Earth and his experiences here. The narrator pilot and the Little Prince share a rewarding relationship on the desert. And when the prince departs, the narrator misses his company. So he writes the novel in memory of the Little Prince.

This story of the Little Prince reflect the course of our life. From the very first page, Exupery shows how adults do not look beneath the surface to find what is underneath. On that page, he shows his illustration of a boa constrictor swallowing an elephant. He asks the grown-ups if they are frightened of his drawing. To this, the grown-ups respond by asking why one should be frightened by a hat. He made another drawing so that the grown-ups could see it clearly. But grown-ups advice him to devote himself to geography, history, arithmetic and grammar and lay aside his drawings. Because of this situation, he gave up his magnificent career as a painter and learned to pilot airplanes. Grown-ups never try to understand anything. Like us, its hard to recognize the special little things done by others for us. When we learn, its already too late. And also true to some parents, there are times they dont have interest of knowing others or even theirselves. Lets take this instance, they want to follow their footsteps of being a doctor, a soldier and others without giving time to know what their child want. They are being blind to hidden potential of their child.

So all his life, he lived alone without anyone that he could really talk to. Until his plane crashed in the middle of Sahara Desert. There he met the Little Prince, who instructed him to draw a sheep. The grown-ups discouraged him in his painters career so he never learned to draw anything, except boas from the outside and boas from the inside. Learning pieces about the strange prince through their conversations, he believed his little friend where came from an Asteroid known as B-612. The Little Prince took great care to this Asteroid, preventing baobabs to grow- destructive plants, and cleaning his active volcanoes. One day, a rosew appears on his asteroid, and as he cares for it most deeply, thinking she is the most wonderful, special creature ever- he is depressed to assume that his rose does not love him back. So he leaves his asteroid and his rose in perfect order to learn about life. He visited his neighborhood in order to add to his knowledge. As he lands on many asteroid, each one is occupied by a different adult. First he meets the King, a man attempting to rule over the universe and the stars. Just as the first planet he visit in the movie of The Little Prince. To them, all men are subject. The King puts a great deal of importance into being obeyed, even though he orders only what would happen anyway. The monarch, however, does not realize this, that they are being ruled over because of natural forces. He covers up his lack of understanding those things by saying Accepted authority rests first of all on reason. If you ordered your people to go and throw themselves into the sea, they would rise up in revolution. I have the right to require obedience because my orders are reasonable. Just when the Little Prince asked a favor to the king to order the sun to set. And according to his almanac he will be obeyed by the evening about twenty minutes to eight. Since the Little Prince beginning to be bored, he decided to set out on his way again. He was asked by the King to be his Minister of Judge or the Ambassador but the Little Prince refused. On the whole happenings to these, it contrasts in the movie. It shown only that the King has borders in his planet. Asking the Little Prince to present his VISA and transport before he can land on it. So he immediately leaves.

The second planet was inhabited by a conceited man who believes the Little Prince is only an admirer. For, to conceited men, all other men are admirers. The Little Prince joined the conceited man in his modest salute. After five minutes, the Little Prince grew tired. He asked but the conceited man did not hear him. Because conceited man never hear anything but praise. So after telling that he admires the conceited man, he continued his journey. The next planet was inhabited by a tripper who is attempting to drink to throw his problems away. This was a very short visit. However the conceited man and the tippler were not spotted in the movie. It was immediately followed by the businessman.

A businessman was too busy counting the stars and didnt even stop or raise his head for anything. He takes great pride in owning all the stars. Its the third time, he has been disturbed because of the Little Prince who never in his life had let go of a question once he had asked it that makes his character very engrossing. The Little Prince tries to show the pointlessness of his property by explaining that it does the stars no good to be owned. Because like him, he owns a flower and three volcanoes the fact that he owns and takes care of them does them some good. But the businessman has nothing to say in answer. And the Little Prince went away. It brings to light how we sometimes become obsess over materials things that are in the financial analysis. We forget to value our things and other people because we worry too much about how rich we are and also forget to spend our time doing a more important and useful tasks.

The fifth planet was very queer. It was the smallest of all. There were just enough room for a street lamp and a lamplighter, who does nothing but light his lamp. It is the only man whom the Little Prince could made his friend but his planet is too small and no room for two people. While the sixth planet was ten times larger than the last one. It was inhabited by a geographer who cannot complete his work because there is no explorer. He asked the geographer for advice to the next place to visit and it was Earth. On the contrary it was the soldier who gave an advice based on the movie and the Little Prince has visited only four planets, the King, the businessman, the geographer and lastly the soldier which is not mentioned in the book. It flashes changed events. But still both posses the same line of the story and captivates the heart of the reader.

So then the seventh planet was the Earth, where the Little Prince meets a snake, who is very much pleased in the princes company because of his innocence and honesty in all matters and says his bite can send him back to their homes, where they truly belong. He then