Difficult Decission I have been taking a lot of decissions through out my life but the difficult decision that I could think of at this point is coming to the United States of America. A couple of years back, after completion of my bachelors degree I had two options either to stay back in India or to come to the USA for a degree. I knew there would be a bright future if I do masters in the USA. But my parents were not fully convinced to send me because of a decent job offer I had and they didn’t want me to get in to a trouble. Even more I was in dilema whether to come to a different part of the world or to stay back in the place where I grew up all those years. Finally, I came to a decision to come to the USA and clearly explained it to my parents. Then it was very difficult for me to adjust here initially due to the cultural differences, food and many other things. I felt coming to the USA was a mistake. I do believe in karma if you want to gain some thing, you have to scarifice some thing else. Later on I adjusted here, finished my masters degree and eventually landed in a good job.


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Difficult DecissionI have been taking a lot of decissions through out my life but the difficult decision that I could think of at this point is coming to the United States of America. A couple of years back, after completion of my bachelors degree I had two options either to stay back in India or to come to the USA for a degree. I knew there would be a bright future if I do masters in the USA. But my parents were not fully convinced to send me because of a decent job offer I had and they didnt want me to get in to a trouble. Even more I was in dilema whether to come to a different part of the world or to stay back in the place where I grew up all those years. Finally, I came to a decision to come to the USA and clearly explained it to my parents. Then it was very difficult for me to adjust here initially due to the cultural differences, food and many other things. I felt coming to the USA was a mistake. I do believe in karma if you want to gain some thing, you have to scarifice some thing else. Later on I adjusted here, finished my masters degree and eventually landed in a good job.