Eskrima Video Outlines

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OUTLINESThomas Sipin DOCE PARES Basic Single Stick


a) grip full hand grip; closed but not squeezing

b) strikes: horizontal (plansa) cutting motion, delivered high or low

diagonal cutting motion, backhand and forehand, upwards and

downwards; upward and downward figure 8

media retracting horizontal backhand strike

thrusts: open (palm up) or closed (palm down)

punyo horizontal to ribs or head; central downward; forehand horizontal to the head

tip of the stick straight; closed; open

songkiti hooking forehand thrust


a) circles upward and downward (hulog)

b) arko forehand or backhand double circles, starting on one side of the body, ending on the other side; vertical or horizontal

c) amarra (patuyok) combinations/sets:

4 count: forehand arko + backhand arko

6 count: 4 count + two upward circles on the open side of the body

13 count: 6 count + forehand arko, backhand arko, songkiti, backhand arko

19 count: first ten strikes of 13 count + two upwards figure eights, forehand horizontal slash, two downward circles on the closed side, backhand arko


a) 12 striking angles of attack

1) forehand horizontal to the head

2) backhand horizontal to the head

3) forehand horizontal to the ribs/elbow

4) backhand horizontal to the ribs/elbow

5) closed thrust to the abdomen

6) open thrust to the abdomen

7) forehand diagonal to the knee

8) backhand diagonal to the knee

9) closed thrust to the chest

10) open thrust to the head

11) forehand diagonal to the head

12) backhand diagonal to the head

b) 12 blocks (done with live hand checking); in place, female triangle, going backwards and forwards, with ilustrisimo stepping

1) vertical forehand

2) vertical backhand

3) vertical forehand

4) vertical backhand

5) wing block on the closed side

6) wing, or vertical block on the open side

7) force on force block turning into wing block, check under

8) force on force block (for both 7&8, same as the strike)

9) vertical forehand

10) vertical backhand

11) roof block (payong)

12) diagonal backhand block

4. BASIC ABECEDARIO (counter sets)

a) punyo counters single technique counters after blocking the attack

on closed side under or over horizontal; on open side downward central strikes

attacker checking the counter with his live hand

b) counter striking in medio range/shaft of the stick, after basic blocks

no1 low backhand horizontal, high forehand horizontal, low backhand horizontal, thrust

no2 low, high, thrust

no3 high, high, low, thrust

no4 high, low, thrust

no5 down, up, low, thrust

no6 high, low, thrust (low, low, thrust after wing block)

no7 down, up, high, thrust

no8 high, high, thrust

no9 low, high, low, thrust

no10 high, low, thrust

no11 down, up, low, thrust

no12 high, low, high (he blocks) into downward, thrust

5. TAPI-TAPI (checking hand drills)

a) basic drills on angle 1 attack

4 count simultaneous block and check; backhand strike to the head with simultaneous check; block and check again ( 2 beats)

5 count block/check; backhand strike with check; forehand check with check maintained; block and check (2 beats)

6 count 4 count + horizontal backhand to the ribs (armpit) with check maintained; return the stick to block, while still checking

b) passing between angles 1 and 2

on angle 1 block/check; low backhand horizontal; high forehand

from previous drill, pass his hand from under (using punyo) to angle 2 position, while doing female triangle stepping; check with palm up; high forehand horizontal; low backhand horizontal with check switching to palm down

on angle 2 block/check; high, low

pass from angle 2 to angle 1 position after the counter, using back of the live hand forearm; switch from side with checking and counter striking

add various counters downward figure eight, downward circles (hulog), vertical plansa, upward figure eight, mixing those

Thomas Sipin DOCE PARES Basic Double Stick & Advanced Single Stick



a) both hands doing the same, at the same time

up & down cutting down; then bring the sticks back up, over the shoulder

up & under bring the stick under the armpits; back over the shoulder

upward circles

downward circles

combination up on top of the shoulders; downward circles

combination up on top of the shoulders; down and under the armpits

b) alternating hands

downward circle on the closed side of the body, the other hand under the opposite armpit

helicopter horizontal circles over the head, other hand under the armpit

downward figure eight with the leading hand; switch hand with steppingc) both hands at the same time

double figure eight, always the same hand on top

double upward figure eight, always the same hand on top

d) preparation for siniwali patterns

4 count hand on the same side of the body, upper hand leads with the horizontal slash, always staying on top; lower hand follows with a horizontal slash

4 count with diagonal slashes

4 count, upward diagonals, bottom hand leading

6 count heaven six

6 count upward from the closed position on the left side: right upward circle; left forehand; right backhand; repeat on the other side

frontal plane circles (clockwise and counter-clockwise)

alternating circles 3 for 3

alternating circles 1 for 1

double arko starting on the same side of the body, one hand does the forehand arko and the other does backhand

double arko with stepping previous exercise with ilustrisimo footwork

2. ABECEDARIO (blocking the 12 attacks with the lead hand, checking with the rear, changing stances for every attack)

a) defense only:

no1 right vertical block, left check

no2 left vertical block, right check

no3 see no1

no4 see no2

no5 right wing block, left check

no6 left wing block, right check

no7 right force on force block turning into wing, left check with tip of the stick down

no8 left force on force block turning into wing, right tip down check

no9 see no1

no10 see no2

no11 right roof block, left check

no12 left roof block, right check

b) with full 6 count first two beats are the block and check, and from the third on counter strikes

c) always blocking with the same lead, follow with the 6 count

d) always blocking with the same lead, but attacker uses two sticks to attack

3. SINIWALI DRILLS (with a partner)

a) stationary:

4 count, all high from open position: right forehand; left forehand; right backhand; left backhand 4 count, all low same as the previous 4 count, high-low forehands are high; backhands are low 6 count heaven-earth siniwali 6 count, all high heaven six siniwali 6 count , all lowb) with footwork add any type of footwork (linear, circular, triangular)


4. SAKA-HULOG (saka is an upward forehand diagonal)

The form from the left lead, stick in the right hand: step back to the right stance with saka; step back to X stance with hulog; media strike in place; step forward to the right stance with hulog; step forward to the left stance with the backhand arko. Repeat the same form, only with the forehand diagonal slash on the first step, instead of saka.

a) perform in one direction

b) with 180 or 90 turns after each setc) with abecedario block; counters from the tape 1; saka-hulog as

amarra, while the attacker is going around before the next attack


a) with abecedario

on all odd numbers block/check; backhand slash; downward vertical slash; upward vertical slash; step through with payong; step back with forehand horizontal slash on all even numbers block/check; figure eight; downward vertical slash; upward vertical slash; payong in place; step back with horizontal forehand slash