
ESFC Functional Training Program 2 - Total Surfing Fitness

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Page 2: ESFC Functional Training Program 2 - Total Surfing Fitness


Instructions Functional Strength Workouts Do workouts 2 – 3 times per week alternating between Workout A and

Workout B. For example, if you are working out 3 times per week, in week 1 you will do A,B,A, then in week 2 you will do B,A,B.

Ideally you will have a rest day between each functional strength workout

(however you can perform cardio workouts on these days). Never skip the Dynamic Warm-up or Recovery / Stretches, as this will

increase the likelihood of injury. If you are pressed for time, cut down on the strength exercises in the middle part of the workout instead/

Workouts are based on time. Complete as many circuits as you can in the

given time period. Rest between exercises only as long as you need.

Perform all strength exercises in a controlled manner (1-2 seconds each

movement of the exercise), eg TRX Push-ups – 2 seconds to lower your body and 1 second to push back up.

Choose a weight that is challenging. You shouldn’t be able to do more than

one or two more repetitions at the end of a set. Concentrate on perfect technique – 6 reps with perfect form are better than 8

sloppy reps.

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Cardio Workouts Do cardio workouts 2 – 3 times per week. Cardio workouts can be completed on the same day as Functional Strength

workouts or on the off days. For cardio workouts you can do either an interval workout, play a sport

(extreme sport or other), or do a cardiovascular activity of your own choice for 30 – 60 mins.

Try and do at least one interval workout each week.

There are two interval workouts to choose from – Workout 1 and Workout 2.

The interval workouts are a mix of high, medium and low intensity intervals.

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Weekly Training Schedule Your weekly training schedule should include:

2 – 3 Functional Strength workouts 2 – 3 Cardio workouts (Interval training, cardiovascular activities or sports)

Your weekly training schedule will look something like this:

Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun

Functional Strength

Workout A

Interval Training

Functional Strength

Workout B


45 mins

Functional Strength

Workout A




Please feel free to be flexible with your training schedule depending on your current exercise levels and time spent enjoying your extreme sport and/or other sports. The last thing you want to do is overtrain and injure yourself. Please print out the training calendar on the following page and once you have filled it in; simply stick it to your refrigerator (or somewhere you will see it).

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Training Schedule

Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun

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Functional Strength Workout A Dynamic Warm-up Exercise Sets Reps

Push-ups 1 10

Stability Ball Knee Balance 1 30 secs

Single Leg Glute Bridge 1 8 / side

Bodyweight Squats 1 12

Stability Ball Rollercoaster 1 10

Stability Ball Bridge 1 30 secs

Backward Lunge & Twist 1 8 / side

Lateral Squats 1 8 / side

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Functional Strength Do the following exercises as a circuit. The exercises in brackets are alternative exercises if you don’t have the required equipment (for example in the first exercise if you don’t have a TRX, do Band Rows instead). Option 1: Complete as many circuits as you can in 20 minutes. Option 2: Complete as many circuits as you can in 30 minutes. Take short rest breaks as you need them between exercises. Exercise Reps

TRX Rows (Band Rows) 12

TRX Dumbbell Split Squats (One Leg Dumbbell Split Squats) 10 / leg

TRX Push-ups (Alternate Dumbbell Chest Press) 10

BOSU Reverse Woodchop (Single Leg Reverse Woodchop)

10 / side

Stability Ball Leg Curls 15

Stability Ball Front Bridge Rollout 10

Balance Board Squats (Single Leg Stability Ball Squats)


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Recovery / Stretches

Perform each of the stretches shown below. Hold stretches for 20-30 seconds. Hold stretches only to the point of tension (you should not feel pain). Repeat stretches on muscle groups which are especially tight.

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Functional Strength Workout B Dynamic Warm-up Exercise Sets Reps

Aeroplanes 1 8 / side

YTWL 1 8 each

Stability Ball Knee Balance 1 30 secs

Stability Ball Bridge 1 30 secs

Balance Board Squats (Body Weight Squats) 1 15

Stability Ball Rollercoaster 1 10

Backward Lunge & Twist 1 8 / side

T – Push-ups 1 10

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Functional Strength Do the following exercises as a circuit. The exercises in brackets are alternative exercises if you don’t have the required equipment (for example in the first exercise if you don’t have a BOSU, do Single Leg Single Arm Shoulder Press instead). Option 1: Complete as many circuits as you can in 20 minutes. Option 2: Complete as many circuits as you can in 30 minutes. Take short rest breaks as you need them between exercises. Exercise Reps

BOSU Single Arm Shoulder Press (Single Leg Single Arm Shoulder Press)

10 / arm

Dumbbell Squat Jumps 12

Stability Ball Balance Circles 10 each


Chin-ups max

Dumbbell Deadlift 10

BOSU Kneeling Front Raise (Kneeling Front Raise)


Stability Ball Side Bridge 30 seconds /


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Recovery / Stretches

Perform each of the stretches shown below. Hold stretches for 20-30 seconds. Hold stretches only to the point of tension (you should not feel pain). Repeat stretches on muscle groups which are especially tight.

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Cardio Workouts Interval Training Workout 1 Choose one of the following activities to perform the following interval training workout: running, riding, swimming, rowing, skipping, kayaking, boxing. Warm-up – 5 mins

Low intensity

Intervals – 20 mins

30 seconds – medium intensity

30 seconds – high intensity

60 seconds – low intensity

Cool down – 5 mins

Low intensity

Stretch / Recovery

Perform the stretch sequence from the functional strength workouts

Interval Training Workout 2 Choose one of the following activities to perform the following interval training workout: running, riding, swimming, rowing, skipping, kayaking, boxing. Warm-up – 5 mins

Moderate intensity

Intervals – 12 mins

45 seconds – high intensity

45 seconds – low intensity

Intervals – 3 mins

15 seconds – high intensity

15 seconds – low intensity

Recovery – 2 min

2 min – low intensity

Intervals – 3 mins

15 seconds – high intensity

15 seconds – low intensity

Cool down – 5 mins

Low intensity

Stretch / Recovery

Perform the stretch sequence from the functional strength workouts

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Exercise Directory On the following pages is a directory of the exercises used in the workouts. If you are unsure of how to perform any of the exercises correctly, make sure you get instruction from a qualified fitness trainer. When performing exercises it is extremely important to have a good technique. Remember - it is better to perform 6 reps with perfect technique than to perform 10 sloppy reps. Whilst doing the exercises, make sure you adhere to the following principles: Bracing your core When performing all of the exercises you will need to remember to brace your core. This means you are activating the muscles around your abdominals and lower back. It will help prevent lower back injuries, increase core stability & strength and promote good posture. To brace your core simply tense your abdominal muscles as though someone was going to punch you in the stomach. Make sure you maintain a normal breathing pattern. Another good cue is to remember to stay tall through your torso. By “staying tall” you should automatically adopt this position. Good posture For most of exercises (especially those done in a standing position) you will need to maintain good posture. This means bracing your core, keeping your chest up, shoulders back & down and neck straight. Stand up and practice this position so you know how it feels. Do your best to maintain good posture throughout your workout.

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Functional Strength Workout A Dynamic Warm-up Push-Ups

Start with your hands slightly wider than shoulder width apart and in line with the middle of your chest.

Keeping your body straight, lower yourself until your nose is about to touch the ground and then push back up to the start position.

You can perform these on your knees instead if you like.

Stability Ball Balance

Balance on the ball on your knees for the required time. Make sure you are not going to fall onto any objects.

If it is easy to balance like this for the required time, try balancing on one knee and one foot.

Single Leg Glute Bridge

Lie on your back with your knees flexed and feet flat on the ground. Raise your hips off the ground creating a straight bridge between your shoulders and

knees. Keeping your core braced and squeezing your glutes (butt muscles) extend one leg

off the ground. Hold this position for 2 seconds then swap legs for the required number of repetitions

(make sure you keep the bridged position throughout; always keeping your hips up off the ground).

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Bodyweight Squats

Stand with your feet shoulder width apart or slightly greater and hands behind your head.

Keep your back flat, bent from your knees and as you squat push your hips back and push your bodyweight through your heels as if you are sitting down onto a chair.

Your knees should go over the top of your feet. Squat down till your thighs are parallel with the ground, then slowly return to the start


Stability Ball Rollercoaster

Squat down on the ground with your chest leaning on the stability ball. Push off with your feet and roll over the top off the ball braking yourself with your

hands before pushing back to the start position. Repeat for the required number of repetitions.

Stability Ball Bridge

Support your weight with your toes on the ground and your forearms on the ball, creating a straight bridge with your body.

Draw in your abdominals toward your spine and hold this throughout the exercise for the required time.

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Backward Lunge & Twist

From a standing position, take a big step backward into a lunge position and simultaneously twist up and away from your back leg.

Push back to a standing position and repeat with your other leg. You should feel a stretch through your hip flexors (front of your hip) when performing

this exercise.

Lateral Squat

Start with your feet as wide apart as comfortable and your hands behind your head or out to the front for balance.

Lunge over to one side by bending your knee and pushing your hips back as though you were sitting onto a bench.

Your bent knee should not extend over the front of your toe. Repeat with the opposite leg. Note: You will feel a stretch in your groin when doing this exercise.

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Functional Strength TRX Rows

Hold onto the TRX handles with your upper body suspended and feet on the floor with knees slightly bent.

Pull your chest towards your hands keeping your core braced and then slowly lower back to the start position.

Band Rows

Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart, knees slightly bent and holding the band at arms length.

Pull the band towards your chest and then slowly return to the start position.

TRX Dumbbell Split Squats

Hold onto a pair of dumbbells with your rear foot elevated and supported in the TRX. Squat down towards the floor keeping your torso upright and core braced. Push back up to the start position.

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One Leg Dumbbell Split Squats

Hold onto a pair of dumbbells with your rear foot elevated on a chair or bench. Squat down towards the floor keeping your torso upright and core braced. Push back up to the start position.

TRX Push-Ups

Start with your upper body suspended in the air and feet on the floor. Keeping your core braced, lower your chest towards our hands and then push back

up to the start position.

Alternate Dumbbell Chest Press

Lie on the ball with your upper back in the middle of the ball. Start with one dumbbell at chest level and the other pressed above your chest. As you press one dumbbell, simultaneously lower the other dumbbell and repeat for

the required repetitions.

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BOSU Reverse Woodchop

Stand on top of the BOSU holding a low cable or resistance band. Starting with the cable / band next to your hip, pull it up across your body finishing

above your opposite shoulder. Slowly return to the start position. Keep your trunk stable and core braced throughout the exercise. Perform a set on each side of your body.

Single Leg Reverse Woodchop

Stand on one leg holding a low cable or resistance band. Starting with the cable / band next to the hip of your elevated leg, pull it up across

your body finishing above your opposite shoulder. Slowly return to the start position. Keep your trunk stable and core braced throughout the exercise. Perform a set on each side of your body.

Stability Ball Leg Curls

Lie with your shoulders on the ground and your heels on the ball. Your hips should be elevated off the ground.

Place your arms out to the side for support. Keeping your body straight from your shoulders to your knees, curl the ball under

using your heels then return to the start position.

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Stability Ball Front Bridge Rollout

Rest your forearms on the stability ball and brace your core keeping your body straight (like a normal stability ball bridge).

Use your forearm / elbows to roll the ball away from you (only a few inches) until you feel your core start to work really hard.

Hold this position for a few seconds then roll the ball back in. Repeat for the required repetitions.

Balance Board Squats

Stand on a balance board and squat pushing your hips back as if you are sitting down onto a chair (keep your core braced and back flat throughout).

Your knees should track in line with your feet. Squat as low as you can and push back up to the start position maintaining your

balance throughout.

Single Leg Stability Ball Squats

Stand on one leg resting the stability ball between your lower back and the wall. Squat down on your support leg and then push back to the start position. To increase the challenge, close your eyes. Perform the required repetitions and repeat on your other leg.

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Functional Strength Workout B Dynamic Warm-up


Stand on one leg with your arms straight out to the side. Keeping your back flat and core braced, bend forward at your hip until your torso is

parallel to the ground. Squeeze your glutes as you extend back up to a standing position. Perform the required number of repetitions on one leg then repeat on the other leg.


This exercise is helping to promote shoulder stability especially around the shoulder blades.

Lie with your stomach on the stability ball and arms hanging down to the ground. Pull your shoulder blades back together and down; then extend your arms into the Y

position. Hold the position for one second before lowering your arms. Repeat for the required number of repetitions and then do the same in each of the

remaining positions – T, W and L.

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Stability Ball Balance

Balance on the ball on your knees for the required time. Make sure you are not going to fall onto any objects.

If it is easy to balance like this for the required time, try balancing on one knee and one foot.

Stability Ball Bridge

Support your weight with your toes on the ground and your forearms on the ball, creating a straight bridge with your body.

Draw in your abdominals toward your spine and hold this throughout the exercise for the required time.

Balance Board Squats*

Stand on a balance board and squat pushing your hips back as if you are sitting down onto a chair (keep your core braced and back flat throughout).

Your knees should track in line with your feet. Squat as low as you can and push back up to the start position maintaining your

balance throughout.

* Alternative

If you do not have a balance board you can perform bodyweight squats on the ground.

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Stability Ball Rollercoaster

Squat down on the ground with your chest leaning on the stability ball. Push off with your feet and roll over the top off the ball braking yourself with your

hands before pushing back to the start position. Repeat for the required number of repetitions.

Backward Lunge & Twist

From a standing position, take a big step backward into a lunge position and simultaneously twist up and away from your back leg.

Push back to a standing position and repeat with your other leg. You should feel a stretch through your hip flexors (front of your hip) when performing

this exercise.

T – Push-ups

Start in a push-up position and push-up and rotate one arm up towards the sky. Return to the start position and repeat on the other arm. Make sure you keep your core braced throughout the exercise.

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Functional Strength BOSU Single Arm Shoulder Press

Stand on top of the BOSU with a dumbbell in one hand. Keeping your core braced, press the dumbbell overhead and slowly lower to the start


Single Leg Single Arm Shoulder Press

Stand on one leg with a dumbbell in your opposite hand. Keeping your core braced, press the dumbbell overhead and slowly lower to the start

position. Perform the required repetitions and repeat with your other leg and arm.

Dumbbell Squat Jumps

Hold a set of light dumbbells and descend into a squat position. Explode up and jump as high as you can. Absorb the landing by bending your knees and descending into the next repetition.

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Stability Ball Balance Circles

Balance on a stability ball on your knees holding a weight plate in your hands. Draw big circles with the weight plate while maintaining your balance. Do the required number of circles in each direction.


Hang from a bar with your palms facing toward you at shoulder width apart. Pull your body up until your chin is above the bar. Lower your body until your arms are fully extended (no cheating).

Dumbbell Deadlift

Start in an upright position with dumbbells hanging in front of your hips. Keeping your core braced, push your hips back and lower the dumbbells down in

front of you. Before the dumbbells reach the floor, slowly pull them back up (focus on squeezing

your glute muscles).

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BOSU Kneeling Front Raise Kneel on top of the BOSU with your feet in the air. Holding a dumbbell with both hands, raise the dumbbell out in front (keep your

elbows slightly bent). Slowly lower back down keeping your core braced throughout.

Kneeling Front Raise Kneeling on the floor and holding a dumbbell with both hands, raise the dumbbell out

in front (keep your elbows slightly bent). Slowly lower back down keeping your core braced throughout.

Stability Ball Side Bridge

Rest your elbow and forearm on the stability ball and adopt a stance with your bottom foot back and your top foot forward.

Brace your core and hold your body as straight as possible for the required time.