Generació Plurilingüe (GEP) – 2018-2021 ESCOLA COLORS MIGUEL ÁNGEL CÁNOVAS GARCÍA Generació Plurilingüe (GEP) Year 2 2018-2019 Adapted from CLIL-SI 2015. More information at: http://grupsderecerca.uab.cat/clilsi/

ESCOLA COLORS MIGUEL ÁNGEL CÁNOVAS GARCÍA Generació ... · The moment that we realized we could insert the eTwinning project into our CLIL-Society for the 3rd Cycle, were

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Page 1: ESCOLA COLORS MIGUEL ÁNGEL CÁNOVAS GARCÍA Generació ... · The moment that we realized we could insert the eTwinning project into our CLIL-Society for the 3rd Cycle, were

Generació Plurilingüe (GEP) – 2018-2021


Generació Plurilingüe (GEP)Year 2


Adapted from CLIL-SI 2015. More information at: http://grupsderecerca.uab.cat/clilsi/

Page 2: ESCOLA COLORS MIGUEL ÁNGEL CÁNOVAS GARCÍA Generació ... · The moment that we realized we could insert the eTwinning project into our CLIL-Society for the 3rd Cycle, were

Generació Plurilingüe (GEP) – 2018-2021

PROJECT PLANNING TEMPLATE for CLIL and Content-Rich Environments

Identification of the GEP project:

Title Together to be friends.

Authorship Miquel Cánovas

School Escola Colors

Students’ CEFR Level (A1, A2...) A1

Grade Primary 6th (Catalan children); Polish children (5th Primary)

Content area(s) Society (Social Science)

Number of sessions(4, 6 or 9)

6 (1 hour each)

Teacher(s) involved Laura Ruíz

Key words Etwinning project, Poland, Europe, exhibition, teamwork, cooperative work, ICT tools.

Adapted from CLIL-SI 2015. More information at: http://grupsderecerca.uab.cat/clilsi/

Page 3: ESCOLA COLORS MIGUEL ÁNGEL CÁNOVAS GARCÍA Generació ... · The moment that we realized we could insert the eTwinning project into our CLIL-Society for the 3rd Cycle, were

Generació Plurilingüe (GEP) – 2018-2021

1. OUR PROJECTIntroduction:The linguistic project of Escola Colors bases its transversal axis in a plurilingual perspective of the language learning-teaching process. The

cultural and linguistic diversity of our community led us to take that kind of language treatment. In order to mix up in a certain harmony our PEC

interests within Departament d’educació ones, we should understand the way that we could follow to introduce curriculary that point and it’ll

be to adopt CLIL methodology. The moment that we realized we could insert the eTwinning project into our CLIL-Society for the 3rd Cycle, were

good news for us: we thought it was a competencial way to work social science and of course, we were increasing the exposition time of

English to our pupils. The following lessons we are showing hereunder are actually a part of a entire year planning for the 6th graders where they

should learn working in group, the incredible enrichment of discovering realities far away from ours.

In the first part and introduction, both the Polish and Catalan children researched some relevant information about the other school’s country.

Following different resources and methodologies, they created some presentations about Polish culture and sent them to Poland. So that, both

could learnt a little bit more about our friends’ country. Having received the works, it’s time to share them with the children and see which idea

our Polish friends have about our country. Our children will see the need to explain their friends more concrete aspects about our ways of living.

It’s the right moment then, to do so.

Driving question:How can you tell Polish friends about your country?Final product:Recorded videos to send to our Polish friends presenting an oral exhibition about typical ways of living in our country.

Adapted from CLIL-SI 2015. More information at: http://grupsderecerca.uab.cat/clilsi/

Page 4: ESCOLA COLORS MIGUEL ÁNGEL CÁNOVAS GARCÍA Generació ... · The moment that we realized we could insert the eTwinning project into our CLIL-Society for the 3rd Cycle, were

Generació Plurilingüe (GEP) – 2018-2021


MAKING PROGRESS? (assessment criteria)

1. To raise awareness of the similarities and differences between

people from different countries.

1.1..They can use different sources of information to obtain significant

aspects of our society.

1.2. They can recognise, identify and describe technological, social,

economic and cultural aspects of our near context.

2. To develop ICT skills by using them in real life.

2.1. They can recognise and use different apps to communicate.

2.2. They can use digital apps to collect relevant information adding

different formats (visual, audio…)

3. To integrate linguistic skills to communicate our ways of living.

3.1. They can write simple texts following a given scaffolding, focusing on

the communicative intention.

3.2.They can do oral exhibitions in groups or individually (taking into

account the intonation, rhythm and basic linguistic structures) to transmit

different information according to a communicative goal.

3.3. They can value the foreign language as a communicative tool

among other people and cultures.

Adapted from CLIL-SI 2015. More information at: http://grupsderecerca.uab.cat/clilsi/

Page 5: ESCOLA COLORS MIGUEL ÁNGEL CÁNOVAS GARCÍA Generació ... · The moment that we realized we could insert the eTwinning project into our CLIL-Society for the 3rd Cycle, were

Generació Plurilingüe (GEP) – 2018-2021


Subject-matter curriculum Foreign language curriculum

Specific Competences Key Contents Specific Competences Key Contents1. Món actual.

Competència 1. Plantejar-se

preguntes sobre el medi,

utilitzar estratègies de cerca

de dades i analitzar resultats

per trobar respostes

Competència 2. Interpretar el

present a partir de l’anàlisi dels

canvis i continuïtats al llarg del

temps, per comprendre la

societat en què vivim

Competència 3. Interpretar

l’espai a partir dels elements

del territori.

Competència 5. Valorar

problemes socials rellevants

interpretant-ne les causes i les

conseqüències per plantejar

propostes de futur.

2. Tecnologia i vida


Competència 9. Utilitzar

3. Comunicació i globalització: 3,


10. Espai geogràfic: 3

11. Fases d’una investigació: 1, 9

12. Globalització, diferenciació i

alteritat: 2, 5

13. Organització política: 3

14. Organització social: 2, 3, 5

1. Dimensió comunicació


Competència 1. Obtenir

informació bàsica i

comprendre textos orals,

senzills o adaptats, de la vida

quotidiana, dels mitjans de

comunicació i de l’àmbit


Competència 2. Planificar i

produir textos orals breus i

senzills adequats a la situació


Competència 3. Emprar

estratègies d’interacció oral

d’acord amb la situació

comunicativa per iniciar,

mantenir i acabar el discurs.

2. Dimensió comprensió


Competència 4. Aplicar

estratègies per obtenir

1. Tipus de comprensió: global,

literal i interpretativa: 1

2. Estratègies de comprensió oral:


3. Estratègies de producció oral: 2,

3, 11

4. Estratègies d’interacció oral: 3

5. Elements no verbals de la

comunicació: 2, 3, 11, 12

6. Elements de la situació

comunicativa: finalitat, destinatari,

context: 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9

7. Lectura silenciosa: 4

8. Lectura en veu alta: 2, 11

9. Elements fonètics i prosòdics: 1,

2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

10. Tipologia textual:1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8,

9, 10, 11,

11. Tema, idea principal i idea

secundària en un text: 1, 4, 10

Adapted from CLIL-SI 2015. More information at: http://grupsderecerca.uab.cat/clilsi/

Page 6: ESCOLA COLORS MIGUEL ÁNGEL CÁNOVAS GARCÍA Generació ... · The moment that we realized we could insert the eTwinning project into our CLIL-Society for the 3rd Cycle, were

Generació Plurilingüe (GEP) – 2018-2021materials de manera eficient

amb coneixements científics i

criteris tecnològics, per

resoldre situacions quotidianes

informació bàsica i

comprendre textos escrits

senzills o adaptats de la vida

quotidiana, dels mitjans de

comunicació i de l’àmbit


Competència 5. Interpretar

els trets visuals, discursius i

lingüístics bàsics d’un text

d’estructura clara per


Competència 6. Utilitzar eines

de consulta per accedir a la

comprensió de textos

3. Dimensió expressió


Competència 7. Planificar

textos senzills a partir de la

identificació dels elements

més rellevants de la situació


Competència 8. Produir

textos senzills amb

adequació a la situació

comunicativa i amb l’ajut de


Competència 9. Revisar el

12. Lèxic i semàntica: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,

6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

13. Elements morfosintàctics

bàsics: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,


14. Estratègies de comprensió

escrita: 4, 5

15. Característiques dels textos

segons el format i el suport: 1, 2, 4,

5, 7, 8, 9, 10

16. Estratègies per a l’expressió

escrita: planificació, producció i

revisió: 7, 8, 9

17. Ortografia de paraules

conegudes i d’ús freqüent 18.

Cerca i gestió de la consulta

lingüística: 8, 9

18. Cerca i gestió de la consulta

lingüística: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,

19. Organització del text:

adequació, coherència i cohesió:

2, 8, 9

20. Funcions del llenguatge: 1, 3

21. Planificació, cerca i gestió

d’informació: 2, 6, 7

Adapted from CLIL-SI 2015. More information at: http://grupsderecerca.uab.cat/clilsi/

Page 7: ESCOLA COLORS MIGUEL ÁNGEL CÁNOVAS GARCÍA Generació ... · The moment that we realized we could insert the eTwinning project into our CLIL-Society for the 3rd Cycle, were

Generació Plurilingüe (GEP) – 2018-2021text per millorar-lo en funció

de la situació comunicativa

amb l’ajut de suports


4. Dimensió plurilingüe i


Competència 12. Utilitzar

estratègies plurilingües per a

la comunicació

24. Estratègies plurilingües: 12

25. Ús de les TAC: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,

8, 9, 10, 11, 12

26. Aspectes sociolingüístics i

culturals bàsics: 1, 2, 7, 8, 9

27. Famílies de llengües: 12

Subject-matter curriculum

Specific Competences Key Contents4. dimensió ciutadania

Competència 11: Adoptar hàbits

sobre l’adquisició i ús de béns i

serveis, amb coneixements

científics i socials per esdevenir

un consumidor responsable.

Competència 12: Participar en la

vida col·lectiva a partir de

valors democràtics, per

millorar la convivència i per

afavorir un entorn més just i


Els trets demogràfics, econòmics,

socials, polítics i culturals de la

societat catalana, espanyola,

europea i del món. 11

La diferenciació (diversitat i

desigualtat), identitat i alteritat. 12

Adapted from CLIL-SI 2015. More information at: http://grupsderecerca.uab.cat/clilsi/

Page 8: ESCOLA COLORS MIGUEL ÁNGEL CÁNOVAS GARCÍA Generació ... · The moment that we realized we could insert the eTwinning project into our CLIL-Society for the 3rd Cycle, were

Generació Plurilingüe (GEP) – 2018-2021

4. 21st CENTURY COMPETENCESCollaboration V Information, media and technology V

Communication V Leadership & Responsibility V

Critical Thinking and Problem Solving V Initiative & Self-direction V

Creativity & Innovation V Social & Cross-cultural V


5. KEY COMPETENCESCommunicative, linguistic and audiovisual

competenceV Digital competence V

Mathematical competence Social and civic competence VInteraction with the physical world competence Learning to learn competence V

Cultural & artistic competence VPersonal initiative and entrepreneurship



- Social, people & culture

-Location research from a set of questions using different sources of

information and digital technology.

- Recognition and valuation of the cultural diversity.

- Respect for opinions diversity.

-Writing production about short texts based on daily life situations.

- Comprehension of working and action instructions in the class.

- Comprehension of diverse information related to intercurricular


- Identification of the vocabulary related to a topic.

Adapted from CLIL-SI 2015. More information at: http://grupsderecerca.uab.cat/clilsi/

Page 9: ESCOLA COLORS MIGUEL ÁNGEL CÁNOVAS GARCÍA Generació ... · The moment that we realized we could insert the eTwinning project into our CLIL-Society for the 3rd Cycle, were

Generació Plurilingüe (GEP) – 2018-2021- Development of oral communication, self-management and

leadership skills.

- Teamwork skills development by working in a common project.

- Ways of living

- Preparation for real life and social situations.

- Increase in student retention, self-esteem and responsibility.

- Awareness of the role of the school in students’ lives.

- Territorial organization of our country

- Identification of territorial and political organization of Europe.

- Use of the basic linguistic structures in the oral and written


- Reading different texts, presented with digital or paper support,

to get the general meaning and extract specific information

- Writing production of short texts related to everyday life

- Presenting individual/group oral exhibition about worked items

using visual & digital support.

- Pronunciation and intonation in oral interactions.

- Rules which take oral communication and interaction: taking

turns, respect, voice…

- Use of digital tools to research information to carry out specific


- Preparation and reproduction of oral texts, using a verbal and

non verbal language.

- To show interest in oral exhibitions.

- Use of expressions and phrases worked in the class when writing

texts, using technological aid when needed.

- Oral group exhibition production about worked items using visual

and digital support.

Adapted from CLIL-SI 2015. More information at: http://grupsderecerca.uab.cat/clilsi/

Page 10: ESCOLA COLORS MIGUEL ÁNGEL CÁNOVAS GARCÍA Generació ... · The moment that we realized we could insert the eTwinning project into our CLIL-Society for the 3rd Cycle, were

Generació Plurilingüe (GEP) – 2018-2021

7. REFERENCES mendeley.com/guides/apa-citation-guide

- Larner, J. & Mergendoller, J.R., march, 2012, 8 Essentials for PBL, the Buck Institute for Education, 18 Commercial Blvd., Novato,CA

- Steinberg, A. THE 6 A’S: DESIGN PRINCIPLES FOR PBL, Extracted from Work that matters. The teacher’s guide to project basedlearning by Patton, A. and Robin, J.

- Decret 119/2015, de 23 de juny, d’ordenació dels ensenyaments de l’educació primària.- Ordre ens/164/2016, de 14 de juny, per la qual es determinen el procediment i els documents i requisits formals del procés

d’avaluació en l’educació primària.- Sanmartí, N., november 2010, AVALUAR PER APRENDRE: l’avaluació per millorar els aprenentatges de l’alumnat en el marc del

currículum, Generalitat de Catalunya. Departament d’educació. Direcció General de l’Educació Bàsica i el Batxillerat.

8. COMMENTS (optional)

General objectives of the eTwinning project:

● To raise awareness of the importance of human values especially partnership and friendship in people’s lives.

● To improve the knowledge about other European countries and their culture.

● To show the role of English language and modern technologies in communication between people from different countries living far from

each other.

● To develop English and ICT skills by using them in a real life.

● To notice the similarities and differences between people from different countries and to start the friendship despite the differences.

● To make school life and learning more interesting and attractive.

● To integrate classes and develop teamwork skills by working in the common project.

Adapted from CLIL-SI 2015. More information at: http://grupsderecerca.uab.cat/clilsi/

Page 11: ESCOLA COLORS MIGUEL ÁNGEL CÁNOVAS GARCÍA Generació ... · The moment that we realized we could insert the eTwinning project into our CLIL-Society for the 3rd Cycle, were

Generació Plurilingüe (GEP) – 2018-2021

9. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thank deeply how our teaching staff and ED have been understand our planning needs, to our CLIL teachers to leadus in the GEP path and of course to LR to be patient and for her amazing capacity of work. Thanks to all of you.

Adapted from CLIL-SI 2015. More information at: http://grupsderecerca.uab.cat/clilsi/

Page 12: ESCOLA COLORS MIGUEL ÁNGEL CÁNOVAS GARCÍA Generació ... · The moment that we realized we could insert the eTwinning project into our CLIL-Society for the 3rd Cycle, were

Generació Plurilingüe (GEP) – 2018-2021

10. UNIT OVERVIEWSession Activities Timing Skills Interaction ICT Assessment


Guided conversation introducing

teachers’ likes and dislikes20’ S, L


WGMaking hypothesis about the new


Formulating the driving question

20’ S ,LT-S


Planning presentation. 20’ R, WT-S



Pre-reading: answer true/false

statements before watching the


20’ R, ST-S


while-reading: sequencing activity,

comprehension questionnaire.20’



Post-reading: oral summaries 20’ S,L SS Peer assessment3

General brainstorming. 20’S, L, R,



Language support. 10’ L, R WG

Adapted from CLIL-SI 2015. More information at: http://grupsderecerca.uab.cat/clilsi/

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Generació Plurilingüe (GEP) – 2018-2021

Writing first draft. 30’R,W SG TA


Oral exhibition requirements


L,R WG Self-assessment

Final writing and checklist.


R,W SG Self-assessment & teacher


6&7Oral exhibitions. 50’ S, L SG-WGRubrics. 10’ R, W WG Self-assessment


Watch the videos from Poland. 30’ WGListening comprehension.


L, R,



My reflections about the project 20’ W, S IW- WG Self-assessment


Uploading videos on the school


A survey to close the project.

Adapted from CLIL-SI 2015. More information at: http://grupsderecerca.uab.cat/clilsi/

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Generació Plurilingüe (GEP) – 2018-2021



Objectives of the session:

1. To know their prior knowledge about the topic.

2. To raise children’s curiosity to get the driving question meaning.

3. To engage them to the final aim of the project.

4. To get familiar with the vocabulary related to new topic.

Content-obligatory language for the session:

-Personal likes: My favourite.., I like.., I don’t like..

-Personal objects: music instrument, world globe, books,

-Vocabulary related to ways of living: hobbies, town, cities.

-Prediction: What do you think…? I think… / In my opinion/ In my view

-Polish friends: What do you Know about Poland?

-Driving Question: How can you tell a polish friend about your country?

-Planning info: Types of activities, titles of the sessions, final product.

-Previous assessment: what do you know about Poland? What do they speak? What do we have in common?


Adapted from CLIL-SI 2015. More information at: http://grupsderecerca.uab.cat/clilsi/

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Generació Plurilingüe (GEP) – 2018-2021


Here, we start the 2nd Block. As an Introduction or activating event, we

thought in a first conversation where teachers, through realia (teachers’

personal objects presentation), can lead children to guess which topic is

the block about. It’s very important to follow teachers’ likes and dislikes,

hobbies, favourite food etc.

20’ S, LT-S



Teachers should guide children to arrive at the Driving Question How can

you tell Polish friends about your country?

In small group, 3 or 4, they can use special word cards to arrive to the

driving question.

20’ S ,LT-S


1.3 Prior assessment TA

1.4 Planning presentation of the whole 2nd block, link in Google Classroom. 20’ R, WT-S



Objectives of the session:

1. To discover how a kid from another part of Europe lives.

2. To predict and make hypothesis about a real situation.

3. To understand general and specific information of a text.

4. To express orally a sequence using the linguistic structures worked.

Adapted from CLIL-SI 2015. More information at: http://grupsderecerca.uab.cat/clilsi/

Page 16: ESCOLA COLORS MIGUEL ÁNGEL CÁNOVAS GARCÍA Generació ... · The moment that we realized we could insert the eTwinning project into our CLIL-Society for the 3rd Cycle, were

Generació Plurilingüe (GEP) – 2018-20215. To get ideas about what to tell and get an example of content and language.

Content-obligatory language for the session:

-Frame sentences for argumentation: I think, I believe, according to, for example, in addition to, as well,

-Personal information: name, age, live

-Routines: I...We...They + Present Simple

-Vocabulary related to everyday life: in the morning, I go to school by foot, I wear, I can, I eat, I play...

-Vocabulary related to school: , canteen, playground, ICT, subject

-Vocabulary related to food: lunchtime, salad, sandwiches, packet of crisps.

-Vocabulary related to time: o’clock, half past, quarter past, quarter to, Am, Pm.

-Connectors: First, later on, next, after, finally

-Wh- questions: Where...? Who…? What…? How…?

-European Countries: Poland, Czech Republic, Russia, Germany

-European city names: Warsaw, Cracow, Praga, Berlin, Moscú

-Schools’ names: Escola Colors, Polish school

2.1 To get ideas about what to tell and get an example of content and


Pre-reading activ:

20’ R, S T-S



Adapted from CLIL-SI 2015. More information at: http://grupsderecerca.uab.cat/clilsi/

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Generació Plurilingüe (GEP) – 2018-2021

Pictures from the video will be used to predict with the Prezi pictures

support. Then, T/F statements about it and make hypothesis.

Following, we should watch the video about children experiences from a

different country.


While-reading activ:

After watching the video, a transcription of the text is cut in different parts

and children (in groups of 3 or 4), need to order them following a logical

sense. Check the original text and answer a set of questions to check


20’ R SG Self-assessment


Post-reading activ: oral summaries.

In pairs, they have to explain each other what they’ve learnt (Summarise

the text orally to another couple (keywords, notes…), following key images

of the video with the support of picture cards if it is required and a brief

language support. In order to follow what they are saying and so, what

they know, teachers could use a checklist.

20’ S,L SSTeacher


Adapted from CLIL-SI 2015. More information at: http://grupsderecerca.uab.cat/clilsi/

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Generació Plurilingüe (GEP) – 2018-2021


Objectives of the session:

1. To let children choose on their topic, being accurate with the relevant content-related knowledge.

2. To use the ICT tools required to carry out the work.

3. To be aware of the main characteristics of our culture.

4. To value the fact of being a member of a certain culture.

5. To write a text related to the nearest surrounding, following the language support provided.

Content-obligatory language for the session:

-Main characteristics of our society: national/traditional dishes, (brief) history, flag, anthem, industry, music, physical geography,

landmarks, town/city, political administration: population, surface area, population density



3.1 General Brainstorming of topics : children write individually posts-its and

stick them on the blackboard. Ideas are exposed. With teachers’

guidance, they decide which topics are relevant and which ones are


ICT experts can use a laptop and take notes in Scrumblr. This is a way to

20’ S, L,

R, W


Adapted from CLIL-SI 2015. More information at: http://grupsderecerca.uab.cat/clilsi/

Page 19: ESCOLA COLORS MIGUEL ÁNGEL CÁNOVAS GARCÍA Generació ... · The moment that we realized we could insert the eTwinning project into our CLIL-Society for the 3rd Cycle, were

Generació Plurilingüe (GEP) – 2018-2021attend to diversity respectfully.

3.2Groups organization : groups of 4 members; they will choose the topic

they will talk about. 10’ L, R WG


1st Writing task: Give them the specific linguistic support and talk about it

to start the 1st draft. With all the member’s help, they start creating the 1st

writing (Drive doc).

Previously to the next session, teachers should check/supervise all drafts

uploaded to google drive by each group, in order to make as much

agile as possible the beginning of the session 4.

30’ R,W SG TA


Objectives of the session:

1. To develop English and ICT skills by using them in real life.

2. To know and to value the cultural and linguistic diversity of cat.

3. To recognize the rol of cat as a part of EU.

4. To write a text related to the nearest surrounding, following the language support provided.

Adapted from CLIL-SI 2015. More information at: http://grupsderecerca.uab.cat/clilsi/

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Generació Plurilingüe (GEP) – 2018-2021

Content-obligatory language for the session:

-Vocabulary and structures to create the production: my name is, I’m … years old, I live in…, This is/these are, My favourite: sport, hobbie


-I like, I love

-I don’t like

-What time do you…?(time)

-I sometimes/ often/usually/never

-There is/are

-There isn’t/aren’t


Once they have their writings revised and checked by teachers, they

should start the session checking by themselves what they did, see their

mistakes. and they have to follow a checklist to check by themselves the

order and the requirements to do it correctly as well.




Oral exhibition requirements presentation: Later on and following the

requirements, kids should listen to and read about how they have to

prepare its oral exhibition.

10 L,R WG

Adapted from CLIL-SI 2015. More information at: http://grupsderecerca.uab.cat/clilsi/

Page 21: ESCOLA COLORS MIGUEL ÁNGEL CÁNOVAS GARCÍA Generació ... · The moment that we realized we could insert the eTwinning project into our CLIL-Society for the 3rd Cycle, were

Generació Plurilingüe (GEP) – 2018-2021


Final product preparation: every group start to prepare the final

production bearing in mind the oral exhibition. Groups should be

heterogeneous respecting multiple intelligences and diversity adaptation.

So, they must develope leadership as well as respect for those who need

a much more time or mates’ help. We give them Rolecards in order to

choose one specific role for the teamwork, each member is an expert on


1 Writer

1 Secretary (creates Popplet and types)

1 Atrezzo preparator

1 ICT Expert (can search for ICT resources like reproduction list in Youtube

or Google photos album, popplet, padlet, etc).

So, the teacher will take into account their ability in using ICT tools. They

could create a Poplet or a Padlet to organize information and Youtube or

Google photos as a final digital support.

40’ R,W SG AT


Objectives of the session:

1. To carry out an oral exhibition in which all children offer their best.

2. To listen to others’ exhibitions respectfully.

3. To be aware of the role of English language as a communicative tool, to express a personal experience.

4. To be critical thinkers with their classmates through an assessment tool (rubric)

Adapted from CLIL-SI 2015. More information at: http://grupsderecerca.uab.cat/clilsi/

Page 22: ESCOLA COLORS MIGUEL ÁNGEL CÁNOVAS GARCÍA Generació ... · The moment that we realized we could insert the eTwinning project into our CLIL-Society for the 3rd Cycle, were

Generació Plurilingüe (GEP) – 2018-2021

Content-obligatory language for the session:Rubric: very good, good, average, poor, atrezzo, production, context of the text, explanation, accuracy/accurate, logical order, distributed,

connected, body position, non-eye contact, get stuck.


Oral Exhibitions:

In this session they children should start to expose their work to their

classmates. Actually, classmates will be first or immediate audience but, as

you now, real audience will be polish kids.Of course the groups exhibition must

be recorded. Meanwhile each group is doing their exposition teachers should

follow a checklist.

Finally, at the the end, we can enjoy the videos and encourage them to give

us their opinions.







As you know, every group do its oral exhibition about the chosen topic but

meanwhile, classmates have a rubric in which they can value how it works.

That means that, chronologically, the rubric’s explanation could be at the

very beginning of the session in order to start the session with everybody well-

located into its workExplicació peer assessment


Adapted from CLIL-SI 2015. More information at: http://grupsderecerca.uab.cat/clilsi/

Page 23: ESCOLA COLORS MIGUEL ÁNGEL CÁNOVAS GARCÍA Generació ... · The moment that we realized we could insert the eTwinning project into our CLIL-Society for the 3rd Cycle, were

Generació Plurilingüe (GEP) – 2018-2021


Objectives of the session:

1. To use modern technologies in order to communicate with other people from different countries

2. To reflect on children’s teamwork organisation.

3. To be conscious about what they learnt from what they knew.


Content-obligatory language for the session:

-Vocabulary related with Polish kids videos: way of life, likes and dislikes, characteristics of their city.

-Give opinions about what they’d learnt: I learned something about… I want to know something else about… My best work was on… I

didn’t like… In my opinion, I would change...



Watching videos from Poland: it’s time to watch the videos that our polish

friends made to introduce themselves and to make us know where they live

and the way they do it.20’ L WG

8.2Listening comprehension Activity: From the videos we watch about our Polish

friends, answer the following questions carefully: Google Forms (in Google

15’ L, R, W TA

Adapted from CLIL-SI 2015. More information at: http://grupsderecerca.uab.cat/clilsi/

Page 24: ESCOLA COLORS MIGUEL ÁNGEL CÁNOVAS GARCÍA Generació ... · The moment that we realized we could insert the eTwinning project into our CLIL-Society for the 3rd Cycle, were

Generació Plurilingüe (GEP) – 2018-2021



Checking realities. Speaking about what they Have learnt, comparing

catalan and polish similarities and differences from the polish videos using

Venn’s Diagram.

10’ S,L WG


Final Closing Activity Project: Finally, in my reflection about the project,

children cold reflect about what and how they did they work. Here, in that

activity, they will find themselves as the centre of the learning process, with

the whole responsibility in their hands.

15’ W, SIW-




Adapted from CLIL-SI 2015. More information at: http://grupsderecerca.uab.cat/clilsi/

Page 25: ESCOLA COLORS MIGUEL ÁNGEL CÁNOVAS GARCÍA Generació ... · The moment that we realized we could insert the eTwinning project into our CLIL-Society for the 3rd Cycle, were

Generació Plurilingüe (GEP) – 2018-2021


S1 ACT 2 S1 ACT 3

Adapted from CLIL-SI 2015. More information at: http://grupsderecerca.uab.cat/clilsi/

Page 26: ESCOLA COLORS MIGUEL ÁNGEL CÁNOVAS GARCÍA Generació ... · The moment that we realized we could insert the eTwinning project into our CLIL-Society for the 3rd Cycle, were

Generació Plurilingüe (GEP) – 2018-2021 S2 ACT 1 S2 ACT 1 S2 ACT 2

S2 ACT 3

Adapted from CLIL-SI 2015. More information at: http://grupsderecerca.uab.cat/clilsi/

Page 27: ESCOLA COLORS MIGUEL ÁNGEL CÁNOVAS GARCÍA Generació ... · The moment that we realized we could insert the eTwinning project into our CLIL-Society for the 3rd Cycle, were

Generació Plurilingüe (GEP) – 2018-2021S3 ACT 1 S3 ACT 2

S4 ACT 1 S4 ACT 2 S4 ACT 3

Adapted from CLIL-SI 2015. More information at: http://grupsderecerca.uab.cat/clilsi/

Page 28: ESCOLA COLORS MIGUEL ÁNGEL CÁNOVAS GARCÍA Generació ... · The moment that we realized we could insert the eTwinning project into our CLIL-Society for the 3rd Cycle, were

Generació Plurilingüe (GEP) – 2018-2021S6 ACT 1 S8 ACT 1

S8 ACT 3 S8 ACT 4

Adapted from CLIL-SI 2015. More information at: http://grupsderecerca.uab.cat/clilsi/