eScience – Grid Computing Graduate Lecture 5 th November 2012 Robin Middleton – PPD/RAL/STFC ([email protected]) 1 m indebted to the EGEE, EGI, LCG and GridPP rojects and to colleagues therein for much of the material presented here.

EScience – Grid Computing Graduate Lecture 5 th November 2012 Robin Middleton – PPD/RAL/STFC ([email protected]) 1 I am indebted to the EGEE,

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Page 1: EScience – Grid Computing Graduate Lecture 5 th November 2012 Robin Middleton – PPD/RAL/STFC (Robin.Middleton@stfc.ac.uk) 1 I am indebted to the EGEE,

eScience – Grid Computing

Graduate Lecture

5th November 2012

Robin Middleton – PPD/RAL/STFC([email protected])

1I am indebted to the EGEE, EGI, LCG and GridPP

projects and to colleagues therein for muchof the material presented here.

Page 2: EScience – Grid Computing Graduate Lecture 5 th November 2012 Robin Middleton – PPD/RAL/STFC (Robin.Middleton@stfc.ac.uk) 1 I am indebted to the EGEE,

eScience Graduate Lecture

What is eScience, what is the Grid ? Essential grid components Grids in HEP The wider picture Summary


A high-level look at some aspects of computing for particle physics today

Page 3: EScience – Grid Computing Graduate Lecture 5 th November 2012 Robin Middleton – PPD/RAL/STFC (Robin.Middleton@stfc.ac.uk) 1 I am indebted to the EGEE,

What is eScience ?• …also : e-Infrastructure, cyberinfrastructure, e-Research, …• Includes

– grid computing (e.g. WLCG, EGEE, EGI, OSG, TeraGrid, NGS…)• computationally and/or data intensive; highly distributed over wide area

– digital curation– digital libraries– collaborative tools (e.g. Access Grid)– …other areas

• Most UK Research Councils active in e-Science– BBSRC– NERC (e.g. climate studies, NERC DataGrid - http://ndg.nerc.ac.uk/ )– ESRC (e.g. NCeSS - http://www.merc.ac.uk/ )– AHRC (e.g. studies in collaborative performing arts)– EPSRC (e.g. MyGrid - http://www.mygrid.org.uk/ )– STFC (e.g. GridPP - http://www.gridpp.ac.uk/ )


Page 4: EScience – Grid Computing Graduate Lecture 5 th November 2012 Robin Middleton – PPD/RAL/STFC (Robin.Middleton@stfc.ac.uk) 1 I am indebted to the EGEE,

eScience – year ~2000

• Professor Sir John Taylor, former (1999-2003) Director General of the UK Research Councils, defined eScience thus: – science increasingly done through distributed global collaborations

enabled by the internet, using very large data collections, terascale computing resources and high performance visualisation’.

• Also quotes from Professor Taylor…– ‘e-Science is about global collaboration in key areas of science, and the

next generation of infrastructure that will enable it.’– ‘e-Science will change the dynamic of the way science is undertaken.’


Page 5: EScience – Grid Computing Graduate Lecture 5 th November 2012 Robin Middleton – PPD/RAL/STFC (Robin.Middleton@stfc.ac.uk) 1 I am indebted to the EGEE,

What is Grid Computing ?• Grid Computing

– term invented in 1990s as metaphor for making computer power as easy to access as the electric power grid(Foster & Kesselman - "The Grid: Blueprint for a new computing infrastructure“)

– combines computing resources from multiple administrative domains• CPU and storage…loosely coupled

– serves the needs of one or more virtual organisations (e.g. LHC experiments)

– different from• Cloud Computing (e.g. Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud -

http://aws.amazon.com/ec2/ )• Volunteer Computing (SETI@home, LHC@home -

http://boinc.berkeley.edu/projects.php )5

Page 6: EScience – Grid Computing Graduate Lecture 5 th November 2012 Robin Middleton – PPD/RAL/STFC (Robin.Middleton@stfc.ac.uk) 1 I am indebted to the EGEE,

Essential Grid Components Middleware

Information System Workload Management; Portals Data Management File transfer File catalogue

Security Virtual Organisations

Authentication Authorisation Accounting


Page 7: EScience – Grid Computing Graduate Lecture 5 th November 2012 Robin Middleton – PPD/RAL/STFC (Robin.Middleton@stfc.ac.uk) 1 I am indebted to the EGEE,

Information System• At the heart of the Grid• Hierarchy of BDII (LDAP) servers• GLUE information schema

• (http://www.ogf.org/documents/GFD.147.pdf)

• LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)– tree structure– DN: Distinguished Name


o = grid (root of the DIT)

st = Chilton

or = STFC

ou = PPD ou = ESC

c= US c=UK c=Spain

Page 8: EScience – Grid Computing Graduate Lecture 5 th November 2012 Robin Middleton – PPD/RAL/STFC (Robin.Middleton@stfc.ac.uk) 1 I am indebted to the EGEE,

Workload Management System (WMS)

• For example - composed of the following parts:1. User Interface (UI) : access point for the user to the WMS 2. Resource Broker (RB) : the broker of GRID resources, responsible to find the

“best” resources where to submit jobs3. Job Submission Service (JSS) : provides a reliable submission system4. Information Index (BDII) : a server (based on LDAP) which collects information

about Grid resources – used by the Resource Broker to rank and select resources5. Logging and Bookkeeping services (LB) : store Job Info available for users to


• However, you are much more likely to use a portal to submit work…


Executable = “gridTest”;

StdError = “stderr.log”;

StdOutput = “stdout.log”;

InputSandbox = {“/home/robin/test/gridTest”};

OutputSandbox = {“stderr.log”, “stdout.log”};

InputData = “lfn:testbed0-00019”;

DataAccessProtocol = “gridftp”;

Requirements = other.Architecture==“INTEL” && \ other.OpSys==“LINUX” && other.FreeCpus >=4;

Rank = “other.GlueHostBenchmarkSF00”;

Example JDL

Page 9: EScience – Grid Computing Graduate Lecture 5 th November 2012 Robin Middleton – PPD/RAL/STFC (Robin.Middleton@stfc.ac.uk) 1 I am indebted to the EGEE,


Portals - Ganga

• Job Definition & Management

• Implemented in Python• Extensible – plug-ins• Used ATLAS, LHCb & non-


Page 10: EScience – Grid Computing Graduate Lecture 5 th November 2012 Robin Middleton – PPD/RAL/STFC (Robin.Middleton@stfc.ac.uk) 1 I am indebted to the EGEE,

Data Management

• Storage Element (SE)– >1 implementation– all are accessed through SRM (Storage Resource Manager) interface

– DPM – Disk Pool Manager (disk only)o secure: authentication via GSI, authorisation via VOMSo full POSIX ACL support with DN (userid) and VOMS groupso disk pool management (direct socket interface)o storage name space (aka. storage file catalog)o DPM can act as a site local replica catalogo SRMv1, SRMv2.1 and SRMv2.2o gridFTP, rfio

– dCache (disk & tape) – developed at DESY– ENSTORE – developed at Fermilab– CASTOR – devloped at CERN

o Cern Advanced STORage managero HSM – Hierarchical Storage Manager

disk cache & tape10

Page 11: EScience – Grid Computing Graduate Lecture 5 th November 2012 Robin Middleton – PPD/RAL/STFC (Robin.Middleton@stfc.ac.uk) 1 I am indebted to the EGEE,

File Transfer Service• File Transfer Service is a data movement fabric service

– multi-VO service, balance usage of site resources according to VO and site policies

– uses SRM and gridFTP services of an Storage Element (SE)

• Why is it needed ?– For the user, the service it provides is the reliable point to point movement

of Storage URLs (SURLs) among Storage Elements– For the site manager, it provides a reliable and manageable way of serving

file movement requests from their VOs– For the VO manager, it provides ability to control requests coming from

users(re-ordering, prioritization,...)


Page 12: EScience – Grid Computing Graduate Lecture 5 th November 2012 Robin Middleton – PPD/RAL/STFC (Robin.Middleton@stfc.ac.uk) 1 I am indebted to the EGEE,

File Catalogue

• LFC – LHC File Catalogue - a file location service• Glossary

o LFN = Logical File Name; GUID = Global Unique ID; SURL = Storage URL

– Provides a mapping from one or more LFN to the physical location of file– Authentication & authorisation is via a grid certificate– Provides very limited metadata – size, checksum

• Experiments usually have a metadata catalogue layered above LFC– e.g. AMI – ATLAS Metadata Interface


Page 13: EScience – Grid Computing Graduate Lecture 5 th November 2012 Robin Middleton – PPD/RAL/STFC (Robin.Middleton@stfc.ac.uk) 1 I am indebted to the EGEE,

Grid Security• Based around X.509 certificates – Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)

– issued by Certificate Authorities– forms a hierarchy of trust

• Glossary– CA – Certificate Authority– RA – Registration Authority– VA – Validation Authority

• How it Works…– User applies for certificate with public key at a RA– RA confirms user's identity to CA which in turn issues the certificate– User can then digitally sign a contract using the new certificate– User identity is checked by the contracting party with VA– VA receives information about issued certificates by CA


Page 14: EScience – Grid Computing Graduate Lecture 5 th November 2012 Robin Middleton – PPD/RAL/STFC (Robin.Middleton@stfc.ac.uk) 1 I am indebted to the EGEE,

Virtual Organisations• Aggregation of groups (& individuals) sharing use of (distributed)

resources to a common end under an agreed set of policies– a semi-informal structure orthogonal to normal institutional allegiances– e.g. A HEP Experiment

• Grid Policies– Acceptable use; Grid Security; New VO registration; – http://proj-lcg-security.web.cern.ch/proj-lcg-security/security_policy.html

• VO specific environment– experiment libraries, databases,…– resource sites declare which VOs

it will support


Page 15: EScience – Grid Computing Graduate Lecture 5 th November 2012 Robin Middleton – PPD/RAL/STFC (Robin.Middleton@stfc.ac.uk) 1 I am indebted to the EGEE,

Security - The Three As• Authentication

– verifying that you are who you say you are– your Grid Certificate is your “passport”

• Authorisation– knowing who you are, validating what you are permitted to do– e.g. submit analysis jobs as a member of LHCb– e.g. VO capability to manage production software

• Accounting (auditing)– local logging what you have done – your jobs !– aggregated into grid-wide respository– provides

• usage statistics• information source in event of security incident


Page 16: EScience – Grid Computing Graduate Lecture 5 th November 2012 Robin Middleton – PPD/RAL/STFC (Robin.Middleton@stfc.ac.uk) 1 I am indebted to the EGEE,

Grids in HEP

LCG; EGEE & EGI Projects GridPP The LHC Computing Grid

Tiers 0,1,2 The LHC OPN Experiment Computing Models Typical data access patterns

Monitoring Resource providers view VO view End-user view


Page 17: EScience – Grid Computing Graduate Lecture 5 th November 2012 Robin Middleton – PPD/RAL/STFC (Robin.Middleton@stfc.ac.uk) 1 I am indebted to the EGEE,



LCG LHC Computing GridDistributed Production Environment for Physics Data Processing

World’s largest production computing grid

In 2011 : >250,000 CPU cores, 15PB/Yr, 8000 physicist, ~500 institutes

EGEE Enabling Grids for E-sciencEStarts from LCG infrastructure

Production Grid in 27 countries

HEP, BioMed, CompChem,

Earth Science, …

EU Support

Page 18: EScience – Grid Computing Graduate Lecture 5 th November 2012 Robin Middleton – PPD/RAL/STFC (Robin.Middleton@stfc.ac.uk) 1 I am indebted to the EGEE,



•Integrated within the LCG/EGI framework•UK Service Operations (LCG/EGI)

– Tier-1 & Tier-2s•HEP Experiments


•Working with NGS informing the UK NGI for EGI

• Phase 1 : 2001-2004– Prototype (Tier-1)

• Phase 2 : 2004-2008– “From Prototype to Production”– Production (Tier-1&2)

• Phase 3 : 2008-2011– “From Production to Exploitation”– Reconstruction, Monte Carlo, Analysis

• Phase 4 : 2011-2014…• routine operation during LHC running

Tier-1 Farm Usage

Page 19: EScience – Grid Computing Graduate Lecture 5 th November 2012 Robin Middleton – PPD/RAL/STFC (Robin.Middleton@stfc.ac.uk) 1 I am indebted to the EGEE,

LCG – The LHC Computing Grid• Worldwide LHC Computing Grid - http://lcg.web.cern.ch/lcg/

• Framework to deliver distributed computing for theLHC experiments– Middleware / Deployment– (Service/Data Challenges)– Security (operations & policy)– Applications (Experiment) Software– Distributed Analysis– Private Optical Network– Experiments Resources MoUs

• Coverage– Europe EGI– USA OSG– Asia Naregi, Taipei,

China…– Other…


Page 20: EScience – Grid Computing Graduate Lecture 5 th November 2012 Robin Middleton – PPD/RAL/STFC (Robin.Middleton@stfc.ac.uk) 1 I am indebted to the EGEE,

LHC Computing Model


physics group

regional group


Lab a

Uni a

Lab c

Uni n

Lab m

Lab b

Uni bUni y

Uni x





Tier 1






CERN Tier 1


The LHC Computing

CentreCERN Tier 0

Page 21: EScience – Grid Computing Graduate Lecture 5 th November 2012 Robin Middleton – PPD/RAL/STFC (Robin.Middleton@stfc.ac.uk) 1 I am indebted to the EGEE,

LHCOPN – Optical Private Network• Principle means to distribute LHC data• Primarily linking Tier-0 and Tier-1s• Some Tier-1 to Tier-1 Traffic• Runs over leased lines• Some resilience• Mostly based on

10 Gigabit technology• Reflects Tier



Page 22: EScience – Grid Computing Graduate Lecture 5 th November 2012 Robin Middleton – PPD/RAL/STFC (Robin.Middleton@stfc.ac.uk) 1 I am indebted to the EGEE,

LHC Experiment Computing Models• General (ignoring experiment specifics)

– Tier-0 (@CERN)• 1st pass reconstruction (including initial calibration)• RAW data storage

– Tier-1• Re-processing; some centrally organised analysis;• Custodial copy of RAW data, some ESD, all AOD, some SIMU

– Tier-2• (chaotic) user analysis; simulation• some AOD (depends on local requirements)

• Event sizes determine disk buffers at experiments & Tier-0• Event datasets

• formats (RAW, ESD, AOD, etc);• (adaptive) placement (near analysis); replicas

• Data streams – physics specific, debug, diagnostic, express, calibration• CPU & storage requirements• Simulation


Page 23: EScience – Grid Computing Graduate Lecture 5 th November 2012 Robin Middleton – PPD/RAL/STFC (Robin.Middleton@stfc.ac.uk) 1 I am indebted to the EGEE,


Typical Data Access Patterns

Raw Data ~1000 Tbytes

AOD ~10 TB

AOD ~10 TB

AOD ~10 TB

AOD ~10 TB

AOD ~10 TB

AOD ~10 TB

AOD ~10 TB

AOD ~10 TB

AOD ~10 TB

Reco-V1 ~1000 Tbytes Reco-V2 ~1000 Tbytes

ESD-V1.1 ~100 Tbytes

ESD-V1.2 ~100 Tbytes

ESD-V2.1 ~100 Tbytes

ESD-V2.2 ~100 Tbytes

Access Rates Access Rates (aggregate, average)(aggregate, average)

100 Mbytes/s (2-5 100 Mbytes/s (2-5 physicists)physicists)

500500 Mbytes/s ( Mbytes/s (55--110 0 physicists)physicists)

11000 Mbytes/s (~000 Mbytes/s (~550 0 physicists)physicists)

22000 Mbytes/s (~000 Mbytes/s (~15150 0 physicists)physicists)

Typical LHC particle physics Typical LHC particle physics experiment One year of acquisition experiment One year of acquisition and analysis of dataand analysis of data

Page 24: EScience – Grid Computing Graduate Lecture 5 th November 2012 Robin Middleton – PPD/RAL/STFC (Robin.Middleton@stfc.ac.uk) 1 I am indebted to the EGEE,


• A resource provider’s view


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• Virtual Organisation specifics


Page 26: EScience – Grid Computing Graduate Lecture 5 th November 2012 Robin Middleton – PPD/RAL/STFC (Robin.Middleton@stfc.ac.uk) 1 I am indebted to the EGEE,

Monitoring - Dashboards

• Virtual Organisation view• e.g. ATLAS dashboard


Page 27: EScience – Grid Computing Graduate Lecture 5 th November 2012 Robin Middleton – PPD/RAL/STFC (Robin.Middleton@stfc.ac.uk) 1 I am indebted to the EGEE,

Monitoring – Dashboards• For the end user

– available through dashboard


Page 28: EScience – Grid Computing Graduate Lecture 5 th November 2012 Robin Middleton – PPD/RAL/STFC (Robin.Middleton@stfc.ac.uk) 1 I am indebted to the EGEE,

The wider Picture

What some other communities do with Grids The ESFRI projects Virtual Instruments Digital Curation Clouds Volunteer Computing Virtualisation


Page 29: EScience – Grid Computing Graduate Lecture 5 th November 2012 Robin Middleton – PPD/RAL/STFC (Robin.Middleton@stfc.ac.uk) 1 I am indebted to the EGEE,

What are other communities doing with grids ?

• Astronomy & Astrophysicso large-scale data acquisition, simulation, data storage/retrieval

• Computational Chemistryo use of software packages (incl. commercial) on EGEE

• Earth Scienceso Seismology, Atmospheric modeling, Meteorology, Flood forecasting, Pollution

• Fusion (build up to ITER)o Ion Kinetic Transport, Massive Ray Tracing, Stellarator Optimization.

• Computer Science– collect data on Grid behaviour (Grid Observatory)

• High Energy Physicso four LHC experiments, BaBar, D0, CDF, Lattice QCD, Geant4, SixTrack, …

• Life Scienceso Medical Imaging, Bioinformatics, Drug discoveryo WISDOM – drug discovery for neglected / emergent diseases

(malaria, H5N1, …)


Page 30: EScience – Grid Computing Graduate Lecture 5 th November 2012 Robin Middleton – PPD/RAL/STFC (Robin.Middleton@stfc.ac.uk) 1 I am indebted to the EGEE,

ESFRI Projects(European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures)

• Many are starting to look at their e-Science needs– some at a similar scale to the LHC (petascale)– project design study stage– http://cordis.europa.eu/esfri/


Cherenkov Telescope Array

Page 31: EScience – Grid Computing Graduate Lecture 5 th November 2012 Robin Middleton – PPD/RAL/STFC (Robin.Middleton@stfc.ac.uk) 1 I am indebted to the EGEE,

Virtual Instruments• Integration of scientific instruments into the Grid

– remote operation, monitoring, scheduling, sharing…

• GridCC - Grid enabled Remote Instrumentation with Distributed Control and Computation

CR: build workflows to monitor & control remote instruments in real-timeCE, SE, ES , IS & SS: as in a “normal” gridMonitoring servicesInstrument Element (IE)

- interfaces for remote control & monitoring– CMS run control includes an IE…but not

really exploited (yet) !

• DORII – Deployment Of Remote Instrumentation Infrastructure

– Consolidation of GridCC with EGEE, g-Eclipse,Open MPI, VLab

• The Liverpool Telescope - robotic – not just remote control, but fully autonomous– scheduler operates on basis of observing

database– (http://telescope.livjm.ac.uk/)


Page 32: EScience – Grid Computing Graduate Lecture 5 th November 2012 Robin Middleton – PPD/RAL/STFC (Robin.Middleton@stfc.ac.uk) 1 I am indebted to the EGEE,

Digital Curation• Preservation of digital research data for future use• Issues

– media; data formats; metadata; data management tools; reading (FORTRAN); ...

– digital curation lifecycle - http://www.dcc.ac.uk/digital-curation/what-digital-curation

• Digital Curation Centre - http://www.dcc.ac.uk/

– NOT a repository !– strategic leadership– influence national (international) policy– expert advice for both users and funders– maintains suite of resources and tools– raise levels of awareness and expertise


Page 33: EScience – Grid Computing Graduate Lecture 5 th November 2012 Robin Middleton – PPD/RAL/STFC (Robin.Middleton@stfc.ac.uk) 1 I am indebted to the EGEE,

JADE (1978-86)• New results from old data

– new & improved theoretical calculations & MC models; optimised observables

– better understanding of Standard Model (top, W, Z)– re-do measurements – better precision, better systematics– new measurements, but at (lower) energies not available today– new phenomena – check at lower energies

• Challenges– rescue data from (very) old media; resurrect old software; data

management; implement modern analysis techniques– but, luminosity files lost – recovered from ASCII printout in an office cleanup

• Since 1996– ~10 publications (as recent as 2009)– ~10 conference contributions– a few PhD Theses

(ack S.Bethke)


Page 34: EScience – Grid Computing Graduate Lecture 5 th November 2012 Robin Middleton – PPD/RAL/STFC (Robin.Middleton@stfc.ac.uk) 1 I am indebted to the EGEE,

What is HEP doing about it ?• ICFA Study Group on Data Preservation and Long Term Analysis in

High Energy Physics https://www.dphep.org/ • 5 Workshops so far; intermediate report to ICFA

• Available at arxiv:0912.0255• Initial recommendations

December 2009

• “Blueprint for DataPreservation in HighEnergy Physics” to follow


Page 35: EScience – Grid Computing Graduate Lecture 5 th November 2012 Robin Middleton – PPD/RAL/STFC (Robin.Middleton@stfc.ac.uk) 1 I am indebted to the EGEE,

Grids, Clouds, Supercomputers, …


(Ack: Bob Jones – former EGEE Project Director)

Bob Jones - October 2009 35

Grids• Collaborative environment• Distributed resources (political/sociological)• Commodity hardware (also supercomputers)• (HEP) data management• Complex interfaces (bug not feature)

Supercomputers• Expensive• Low latency interconnects• Applications peer reviewed• Parallel/coupled applications• Traditional interfaces (login)• Also SC grids (DEISA, Teragrid)

Supercomputers• Expensive• Low latency interconnects• Applications peer reviewed• Parallel/coupled applications• Traditional interfaces (login)• Also SC grids (DEISA, Teragrid)

Clouds• Proprietary (implementation)• Economies of scale in management• Commodity hardware• Virtualisation for service provision and encapsulating application environment• Details of physical resources hidden• Simple interfaces (too simple?)

Clouds• Proprietary (implementation)• Economies of scale in management• Commodity hardware• Virtualisation for service provision and encapsulating application environment• Details of physical resources hidden• Simple interfaces (too simple?)

Volunteer computing• Simple mechanism to access millions CPUs• Difficult if (much) data involved• Control of environment check • Community building – people involved in Science• Potential for huge amounts of real work

Volunteer computing• Simple mechanism to access millions CPUs• Difficult if (much) data involved• Control of environment check • Community building – people involved in Science• Potential for huge amounts of real work

Page 36: EScience – Grid Computing Graduate Lecture 5 th November 2012 Robin Middleton – PPD/RAL/STFC (Robin.Middleton@stfc.ac.uk) 1 I am indebted to the EGEE,

Clouds / Volunteer Computing

• Clouds are largely commercial– Pay for use– Interfaces from grids exist

o absorb peak demands(e.g. before a conference !)

o CernVM images exist

• Volunteer Computing– LHC@Home

o SixTrack – study particle orbitstability in accelerators

o Garfield – study behaviour of gas-based detectors


Page 37: EScience – Grid Computing Graduate Lecture 5 th November 2012 Robin Middleton – PPD/RAL/STFC (Robin.Middleton@stfc.ac.uk) 1 I am indebted to the EGEE,


• Virtual implementation of a resource – e.g. a hardware platform– a current buzzword, but not new – IBM launched VM/370 in 1972 !

• Hardware virtualisation– one or more virtual machines running an operating system within a host system– e.g. run Linux (guest) in a virtual machine (VM) with Microsoft Windows (host)– independent of hardware platform; migration between (different) platforms– run multiple instances on one box; provides isolation (e.g. against rogue s/w)

• Hardware-assisted virtualisation– not all machine instructions are “virtualisable” (e.g. some privileged instructions)– h/w-assist traps such instructions and provides hardware emulation of them

• Implementations– Zen, VMware, VirtualBox, Microsoft Virtual PC, …

• Interest to HEP ?– the above + opportunity to tailor to experiment needs (e.g. libraries, environment)– CernVM – CERN specific Linux environment - http://cernvm.cern.ch/portal/

– CernVM-FS – network filesystem to access experiment specific software– Security – certificate to assure origin/validity of VM


Page 38: EScience – Grid Computing Graduate Lecture 5 th November 2012 Robin Middleton – PPD/RAL/STFC (Robin.Middleton@stfc.ac.uk) 1 I am indebted to the EGEE,


What is eScience about and what are Grids Essential components of a Grid

middleware virtual organisations

Grids in HEP LHC Computing GRID

A look outside HEP examples of what others are doing