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Erris Eye issue 40

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Erris Eye issue 40 the free magazine for all the news and views from around the Barony of Erris Co Mayo Ireland

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Page 1: Erris Eye issue 40

Ná habair ach beagán, ach abair go m aith é!

Apr i l 2015 Issue 40


View online www.erriseye.com Enjoying the St Patrick's Day Parade in Belmullet, Photo by Karla Shevlin Photography

Page 2: Erris Eye issue 40

Keep an Eye on Erris

Erris Eye Team

Editor's NoteKilm ore Our Lady of Lourdes church Aughleam ; Sunday 9.45am /weekdays 10.00amSt. Joseph's Church Bingham stown ; Sunday 11.00am /weekdays 10.00amSt. Brendan's Church Tir r ane; Saturday Vigi l 6.30pm /weekdays 10.00amChurch of the H oly Fam ily Carne; Sunday 12.00noon/weekdays 10.00amOur Lady of Dolours church Shanahee; Saturday Vigi l 8.00pm . Par ish Office 097 82350. Fr John Loftus 097 82350. Fr Kevin H egar ty 097 81011

Belm ul let Church of the Sacred H ear t, Belm ul let Sunday 10.30am , M onday 8.00pm , Tuesday to Fr iday 9.30am , Saturday Vigi l 8.00pm Church of Our Lady of Lourdes, Glencast le Sunday 12.00 noon, W ednesday and Saturday 10.15am Fr. M ichael Rei l ly P.P. 097-81426 or 086-0847179 Par ish Office, Chapel Street, Belm ul let, Co. M ayo 097-20777 e-m ai l belm ul letpar ish@gm ai l .com

Ki lcom m on Aughoose Sunday M ass 12noonInver Saturday Vigi l 8pmCornboy Sunday M ass 10.30amCar rowtigue Saturday Vigi l 6.30pmPar ish off ice Aughoose 097 87701. Fr Joseph H ogan 086 734860.k i lcom m onpar ish@eir com .net

Bal lycroy Bal lycroy Sunday 11am Saturday 8pm In isbiggle Island 2pm Saturday weather perm itt ing, r equested by fam i l i les (every 2 ? 3 weeks) Fr. Chr is Ginnel ly, Parochial H ouse 098 49134 Ki l tane Geesala & Doohom a al ternates Sunday 11am & Saturday 7pm W inter, 8pm Sum m er Bangor 12.15pm Sunday

Call &

Collectyour order

097 82889

Fái l te r oim h go dtí an Er r is Eye. W elcom e to th is, our 40th issue of the Er r is Eye.  W e have al l the usual updates and som e extras for you to en joy th is m onth.  Our cover th is issue is com pl im ents of Kar la Shevl in Photography and was taken on Saint Patr ick 's Day in Belm ul let. W e would l ike to thank Kar la for her contr ibut ion and also wish her the best of luck in her new venture.  Kar la has opened a new photography studio on Bar rack Street, Belm ul let. and wi l l be avai lable to take photos in her studio for al l your special occasions l ike Fir st H oly Com m unions and Confi rm ations.  See inside for contact detai ls.  Inside th is edi t ion you can read al l about the Er r is Com m unity day M arch 28th at Aras In is Gluaire, updates fr om local secondary schools, detai ls on Er r is fundraising events and m uch m ore. Read about the Belm ul let based National Learn ing Network 's 'Spor t ing Chance' Program m e. Also news on local business Sm ar t Lotto and their plans for job creat ion in the town. Keep the com m unity notes com ing - r em em ber the Er r is Eye is your com m unity m agazine so use i t to spread your m essage. The deadl ine for each issue is the 15th of every m onth for distr ibut ion one week later. Contact us on 086 0651704 in fo@er r iseye.com . View onl ine at www.er r iseye.com .

Erris Directory & Diary

on sale now at T&T Clothing, The

Square, Belmullet and other outlets.

All your local residential and

business numbers.Includes diary.

Erris Mass Times

Page 3: Erris Eye issue 40

3- Err i s Eye

Kevin Kennedy Mot or sBelmullet 097 82082 Ballina 096 70777



New & Used Car Sal es - Ser vice - Repair s - Recover y

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Page 4: Erris Eye issue 40

Keep an Eye on Community

4- Err i s Eye

Joseph Nal len, St. Brendan's Col lege, Belm ul let who received a cer t i f icate awarded by The Chief Just ice M rs. Susan Denham for par t icipat ing in the Bar Counci l 's Transi t ion Year Program m e 2015. Joseph is pictured with M r. W alshe (Pr incipal) and M s. O Sul l ivan (Transi t ion Year Co-ordinator ).

Bar Counci l 's Transi t ion Year Program m e

An evening of celebrat ions took place at Áras In is Gluaire recently wi th a group of local students gather ing

to r eceive their awards. The recent adul t Graduates of Ath lone Inst i tute of Technology were awarded their H ETAC Level 6 H igher Cer t i f icate in W orkplace & Com m unity Studies. They were joined by a very special guest; M in ister of State at Depar tm ent of Ar ts, H er i tage and Gael tacht Affair s, M r Joe M cH ugh who congratulated them al l on their achievem ent. Also present at the awards cerem ony were representat ives fr om the funding bodies who contr ibuted to the costs of providing th is th ir d level education here in the Er r is Com m unity and the Academ ics and representat ives fr om Equal I r eland who faci l i tated the course alongside the AIT Lecturers. As m any of these graduates are now progressing on to the B. A. Level 7 Business Enterpr ise & Com m unity Developm ent, we wish them luck with their future studies. Congratulat ions!

Presentat ion Evening at Áras In is Gluaire

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Keep an Eye on Community

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Bangor Er r is NS Cúi l l í team who won the Er r is f inal on W ednesday 25th of February with their tr ainer M r. Liam Lavel le. From Left to r ight El la Doher ty, Er in O Boyle, Rachel Cuffe, Chloe W inter s, Lauren Doran , Kat ie M onaghan and Katie Carey. KNEELING ...Ai l ish Sweeney, Aoi fe H egar ty .

W ell Done Bangor Er r is N.S !

Kilcom m on Er r is Par ish Congratulat ions and wel l done to al l those who took par t in the offer ing of '40 H ours Euchar ist ic Adorat ion ' for Lent at 'Our Lady Star of the Sea' church Cur ran Buí. Go raibh an Tiarna l ibh agus gur r aibh m i l le m aith agat.

Page 6: Erris Eye issue 40

Keep an Eye on Business

%6- Err i s Eye

The Wedding Band SpecialistsVisi t Us Onl ine www.err i seye.com

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A Big Thank You!The com m ittee of Daoine Le Chei le would l ike to thank again al l who helped and donated in any way to the fund. As of M arch 1st the account wi l l be closed and any fur ther donations should be given dir ect ly to the fam i ly.

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Keep an Eye on Community

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Young Entrepreneurs Aoi fe Ki lker and Ei l ís Leneghan fr om Our Lady's Secondary School , Belm ul let who won Best Overal l Stal l in M ayo at the Student Enterpr ise Awards for their m in i-com pany Crafty Bi tz 4 U.



Produced by GM arsh TV, SPIORAD IORRAIS is an insightfu l look at the social fabr ic of the Er r is Gael tacht in County M ayo. This six-par t ser ies tel ls the stor ies of the people who l ive and work in stunning natural beauty. For the f i r st t im e f i lm ed in nor th M ayo, a weal th of very di fferent individuals are fol lowed and one gets a rare gl im pse in to what l i fe is l ike in th is par t of the wor ld. Now hal f way through the ser ies, tune in to TG4 on Sunday n ights at 9.30pm for the rem ain ing 3 episodes. You can view previous episodes on the TG4 player.

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Keep an Eye on BusinessEir com Com m itted to Fibre Connect ion for Er r is by June 2016

The Erris Chamber met with Paul Bradley, Director of Corporate Affairs at Eircom last Monday the 16th in Belmullet. Eircom is in the middle of a signif icant investment program (?1.5bn over f ive years) and as part of that investment programme the company is spending ?400m to provide f ibre broadband to 1.6m homes and businesses across Ireland.The rough outline of the area to be covered can be found on the Department?s website www.broadband.gov.ie .Belmullet is now on the f ibre roadmap and planning has commenced. Eircom will install a f ibre backhaul cable from Belmullet to the rest of the network

by June 2016. Eircom may use any infrastructure already in place if it makes commercial sense and is suitable to reduce the cost of delivering f ibre broadband to Belmullet. ? The Chamber is delighted with the commitment from Eircom and will continue to work with them and other relevant bodies to deliver this vital piece of infrastructure on or ahead of schedule.Dara Calleary TD, and Fianna Fáil Spokesperson on Enterprise, Jobs & Innovation, said ?I welcome the news that Eircom will provide high speed broadband to Belmullet town in 2016, this will complement the existing services in the town and I will continue to work to ensure that this necessary service is available across Erris as soon as is possible. ? Photo, Left to Right: Mary Hegarty, Padraic Cosgrove, Damien Langan, Paul Bradley (Eircom), Tom Talbot, Dara Calleary TD and Cill ian O?Mongain.?


is C



Transi t ion Year students fr om Our Lady's Secondary School who per form ed last week in the very successful school m usical Rock of Ages. W e would l ike to sincerely thank al l those attended the shows or helped us out.

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Keep an Eye on Your Money

%9- Err i s Eye

Up p er Ba r r a c k S t r ee t , Be lmulle t , Co Mayo.


Te l: 0 9 7 8 2 38 8

- Terms & conditions apply to all loans

Er r i s Cr edi t Union gave an i n ter est r ebate of 10% for the year ended 30 .09.2013 Am ounts shown inclusi ve of i n ter est Lending ter m s and condi t i ons apply Er r i s Cr edi t Union i s r egulated by the Financial Regulator

?Flexible repayment terms ?Free loan protection ?No up-front charges ?No document fees

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Jobs created and m ore pledged by Sm ar t Lotto in Belm ul let M D Noel Rowland m ade

th is com m itm ent in conjunct ion with Udaras at the launch of the Sm ar t Lotto Service in Belm ul let. In the presence of M in ister for Spor t, M ichael Ring, guest speaker who attended the event. The launch was attended by m any representat ives of I r eland?s leading char i t ies and spor ts bodies, r epresentat ion of local M ayo Co Counci l and Enterpr ise Boards who suppor ted th is new venture and is to be based in the town of Belm ul let. This exci t ing new innovative Sm ar t Lotto App provides char i t ies and clubs with a 24/7 l ink to the m em bers and suppor ter s wor ldwide whi le al lowing them the oppor tun i ty to par t icipate and suppor t local lot ter ies and pr izes draws by the touch of a button using any sm ar t phone device. The new app was the brainchi ld of founding Director Padraig Cosgrove who was sim ply look ing to develop a service to assist h im to fundraise on behal f of h is son?s local soccer club. Padraig par tnered with fel low M ayo nat ive Noel Rowland to develop th is new service over the past two and a hal f years and ?now are both extrem ely exci t ing about the potent ial of the new service to great ly enhance the fundraising abi l i t ies of m any clubs and char i t ies up and down the countr y

in the years ahead. ? Sm ar t Lotto was honoured by M in ister for Spor t M ichael Ring?s attendance and his speech congratulat ing Noel and Padraig. ?Today is a good news day, I am del ighted for Noel and Padraig and I know th is is going to work , I am del ighted to see TG4 cover ing th is event today and ? Cl l r Ger r y Coyle spoke of Thursday?s Service launch in Dubl in where An Taoiseach Enda Kenny was guest of honour ?M ayo took over the M ansion H ouse yesterday, i t was a wonder fu l day and today is a wonder fu l day also? Sm ar t Lotto cur rent ly em ploy 6 people in Belm ul let and have plans to increase that num ber to 20 in the com ing 12-24m onths. M .D. Noel Rowland went on to say that Sm ar t Lotto plans to par tner wi th over 1000 sm al l to m edium sized clubs and char i t ies over the com ing 12 m onths with a target of generat ion an addi t ional ? 10,000 through their lot ter y act ivi t ies and another ? 5,000 through their pr ize draw act ivi t ies through their fu l ly suppor ted Executive Sm ar t Lotto Accounts. In addi t ion Sm ar t Lotto plans to par tner wi th between 50-70 larger clubs and char i ty organisat ions over the com ing 12m onths with a target of generat ion an addi t ional 100,000euro through their lot ter y act ivi t ies and another ? 50,000 through their pr ize draw act ivi t ies through their fu l ly m anaged Prem ium Sm ar t Lotto Accounts. H e concluded his speech with a very sim ple m essage to clubs and char i t ies across the countr y that ?Sm ar t Lotto is a very sim ple service that wi l l dram atical ly enhance the fundraising capabi l i t ies of m any clubs and char i t ies around the countr y, Sm ar t Lotto is Fundraising M ade Easy?


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St udent s f r om St . Br endan's Col l ege, Bel mul l et enjoy i ng a Fr ench Food Tast i ng Day r ecent l y .

Gaeilge in St. Brendan's College, Belmullet

Imeachtaí Scoile Choláiste Bhreandáin 2014-2015 ?Beatha Teanga í a labhairt? mar a dúirt Pádraig Mac Piarais. Well in May, the students of St. Brendan?s College brought their native tongue to Rath Cairn Gaeltacht in Co. Meath as their ?sinsir? had done 7 decades previous. They enjoyed an overnight trip to Bláthnaid Ní Chofaigh?s maiden land and took part in various activit ies ?as Gaeilge?. We are looking forward to our Gaeltacht to Gaeltacht trip this ?samhradh?. Last term the students ?went wild? f inding treasure on The Kilmore peninsula as they did their named Saint proud as they travelled many a mile in search of hidden clues on their ?Toraiocht Taisce?. As the October sun lay low i n the Erris sky, the Transition year students boarded their maiden voyage , thinking sharply, looking deeply and searching widely for their hidden clues. All of this carried out ?trí Ghaeilge? . Both teams thoroughly enjoyed their Treasure Hunt and look forward to organising one for the First year students in and around the school for Seachtain na Gaeilge. Other events for Seachtain na Gaeilge include ?Seisiún Ceoil?, ?Drámaí?, ?Tráth na gCeist?, and ?Sár Seanfhocail?. The Irish language is ?beo and bríomhar? i gColáiste Bhreandáin Naofa bringing students ?le chéile? to educate them and steep them in their culture, heritage, customs, values, traditions and language. ?Ní neart go cur le chéile?.

Keep an Eye on HealthLaunch of I ta lian Ar tist Photogr aphic Exhibit ion in Ar as I nis Glua ir e On Monday 16th march a photographic exhibit ion was launched in Aras Inis Gluaire. Aras Inis Gluaire together with Mayo Women?s Support Service and Iorras Le Chéile brought the exhibit ion to Belmullet. The photographic exhibit ion displays beautiful images showing the ordinary everyday acts of encouragement, kindness and support that men show towards the women and children in their l ives. Andrea Zipoli is an Italian artist l iving in Galway who has worked alongside Safe Ireland on the images as part of raising awareness through the Man Up campaign.

The aim of the Man Up campaign is to highlight the positive role that men play in women and children lives and that these men can show pride and leadership in challenging abuse. There are those men that are abusive but there are many more who are not, the campaign asks those men and us all collectively to step up, not to stay silent when we see or hear behaviour that is

controll ing or abusive. Perhaps we can voice our disapproval at the inappropriate jokes or challenge some of the myths surrounding abuse. Andrea Zipoli created beautiful images, the message and essence of which is to celebrate all the good men in our lives and community who can help speak out against Domestic Violence. If you would like more information you can log on to www.manup.ie , www.safeireland.ie or www.mwss.ie

Der vi l la Cul lot ty, Kather i ne Car ey, Rose Conway W alsh, M ajel la Lavel le, Br eege Coyle, Sean H ar r i ngton, Roseleen Lal ly. at the exhibi t i on launch.

The total am ount r aised fr om the Belm ul let Quay dip 2015 was ? 5,770 which was shared between Cancer Care W est (In is Aoibheann) & Cara Iorrais (Belmullet/Erris cancer support services). We would like to thank all the traders who allowed us to display

our sponsorship cards in their premises, and all those who donated towards this cause. We would also like to thank all those who helped out on the day and the days leading up to it, especially the local services such as the R.N.L.I., The Order of Malta and The Coast Guard.

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Keep an Eye on Health

%11- Err i s Eye

W ith sum m er just around the corner now is the t im e to get work ing on a sl im m er, f i t ter you. The UniSl im plan is heal thy and sim ple to fol low. W hat you learn wi l l not on ly help you get to target weight but wi l l keep you there! Next m onth sees a new event tak ing place for un isl im with the f i r st ever H eal th and W el lness show which wi l l incorporate the sl im m er of the year com peti t ion! This is a fu l l day event fr om 10am t i l 4pm and takes place in Croke Park . Guest speakers on the day include Bressie, Clodagh M cKenna and Dearval O'Rourke. Anyone can attend so i f anyone is in terested in going then contact m e for detai ls. W e have an entrant in th is years Sl im m er of the year com peti t ion! M ary M ur ray who has lost 5st 6lb. On behal f of the class I would l ike to wish M ary the best of luck and just to say regardless of the resul t she's a winner anyhow! Belm ul let class W ednesday 645 over the co op. Crossm ol ina class Thursday 8pm at the GAA grounds Contact M aureen 0863132340 for detai ls

2 30g Wholemeal rolls (sliced in half)2 Chicken breasts, skinless2 tsp Olive oil2 tsp Jerk seasoning1 Lime juice1/2 Small mango, stoned, peeled and sliced1 Tomato, sliced1 Lettuce heart, shreddedForever Free ketchup or Extra light mayonnaiseA few Thyme springs, leaves picked

Ser ves 2 0.5 Yum s per ser vingPut the chicken breasts in between pieces of cl ing f i lm and bash with a rol l ing pin to f lat ten.M ix together the thym e, oi l , jer k seasoning and hal f the l im e ju ice in a bowl.Add the chicken and leave to m ar inate for 5 m ins.H eat a gr iddle pan unt i l hot and cook the chicken for 4-5 m ins each side or unt i l cooked through.Rem ove fr om the heat. M eanwhi le, toast the cut sides of the buns for 1-2 m ins i f desir ed.Put the chicken on the buns and top with the m ango, tom ato and a handful of let tuce.Squeeze over the rest of the l im e and top with m ayo and Forever Free Ketchup, i f you l ike. (Add 1 Yum per tbsp of l ight m ayo used)

Car ibbean Chicken Bur ger

Come dancing this Easter weekend Saturday 4th April Music by Gerry Carney

Cater ing for al l par t ies

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Keep an Eye on Business

%13- Err i s Eye

Sale of Weanlings every Monday, all other stock on Tuesday

Watch our Sale live on www.mayosligomart.ie


Want to watch the sale live or buy stock online ? see our website  www.mayosligomart.ie for details. 

The I r ish Association for Suppor ted Employment has off icial ly launched the eighth annual National Suppor ted Em ploym ent W eek which wi l l r un fr om M onday 20th ? Sunday 26th Apr i l . Job Shadow Day (W ednesday 22nd Apr i l ) is the h ighl ight of the week and wi l l see hundreds of people with disabi l i t ies take the oppor tun i ty to shadow a workplace m entor as he or she goes about a norm al work ing day.This year, the IASE is ask ing everyone to join the conversat ion on social m edia - by tweeting a w or k place selfie under the hashtag # w or k ie, by tak ing a 60 second video explain ing why you suppor t Job Shadow Day, or by nom inat ing a com pany you know to get involved under the hash tag # JSnom inate (@IASEem ploym ent).Com m enting on her involvem ent, broadcast presenter and publ ish ing entrepreneur Nor ah Caseysaid: ?I would encour age as m any em ployer s as possible to get i nvolved and join us i n pr om ot ing an i nclusi ve wor kplace and equal em ploym ent oppor tun i t i es for those wi th di sabi l i t i es.? Job Shadow Day br ings people with disabi l i t ies and local em ployers together to

Sar ah Layton (shadow ) and Nor ah Casey (br oadcast pr esenter & publishing entr epr eneur ) lead the w ay by snapping a # w or k ie together at the launch. 

Yard opens at 7.30am ? Seller please note - Important that all stock BOOKED is in the yard by  9.30or no guarantee of booking number.  

Foxford Co. Mayo

highl ight the valuable contr ibut ion people with disabi l i t ies can, and do m ake in the workplace. Last year, over 625 individuals with a disabi l i ty shadowed at 501 em ploym ent si tes in I r eland, wi th 34 secur ing a perm anent job placem ent as a dir ect r esul t . 113 jobs have been secured through the in i t iat ive since 2008. I r ishJobs.ie, I r eland?s num ber one recrui tm ent websi te, is the m ain sponsor of National Suppor ted Em ploym ent W eek and the Job Shadow in i t iat ive.Or la M or an, Gener al M anager at I r ishJobs.ie said: ?I n i t i at i ves l i ke Job Shadow Day ar e im por tant , not on ly for those wi th a di sabi l i ty but also as a f i r st step for an em ployer who m ay have a sui table vacancy i n thei r or gani sat i on. W e ur ge em ployer s thr oughout I r eland to joi n us thi s Job Shadow Day and exper ience the posi t i ves f i r sthand.? Gr eg Bar r y, Chair m an, IASE concluded: ?W e want to bui ld on thi s success and cont i nue to br eak down bar r i er s to the wor kplace which, despi te m uch pr ogr ess i n r ecent year s, st i l l r em ains a sign i f i cant i ssue for people wi th di sabi l i t i es.?

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Keep an Eye on Education

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Liter acy Week in St. Br endan?s College St. Brendan?s Col lege celebrated Li teracy W eek recently; an annual h ighl ight of the school year. The focus on l i teracy in education and l i fe is so im por tant. Li teracy week was our oppor tun i ty to celebrate al l the good work that is done to prom ote l i teracy

and creat ivi ty throughout the year in our school . Students took par t in a wide var iety of l i teracy-l inked act ivi t ies including creat ive wr i t ing com peti t ions, a Spel l ing Bee and debating com peti t ions. The school was decorated with colour fu l poster s to prom ote reading and l i teracy. The Finals of St. Brendan?s Col lege Fir st and Second Year Debating Com peti t ions took place on Fr iday the 6th Feb. There was huge in terest, enthusiasm , and in tense com peti t ion as students had debated and disputed their

way to the f inals in the preceding weeks. The f inals didn?t disappoint and the standard of debate was excel lent. The topics were diverse and each student brought h is/ her exper t ise and verve to the debate. The si lence was palpable as the winners were announced but we, in St. Brendan?s Col lege, bel ieve that par t icipat ion in the com peti t ion was the m ost im por tant aspect for the students. Fir st Year students also par t icipated in a Spel l ing Bee Com peti t ion. This was a great fun exercise as students worked hard on learn ing their spel l ings. The winners were Patr ick Gal lagher (1A), Ciara Ki lker (1B) and H ol ly M onaghan (1C). Second Year students took par t in a Creat ive W r i t ing Com peti t ion. The standard of com peti t ion was very h igh and the pr ize winners were judged to be Eddie Rei l ly, Ola Roszkowska and Shane Lavel le. Congratulat ions and wel l done to al l our winners. W el l done to al l the students who par t icipated and to the teachers involved in organising and suppor t ing the event.

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Tóg Do Fhón nó Póg M o ??? !Chun Seachtain na Gaei lge 2015 a chei l iúradh tá Coláiste UISCE ag seoladh Dushlán Féin Fís chuig gach duine, chun beaganín gaei lge a úsáid ar bhealach spraoiú i l .Sel f ie Lim er ick atá I gceist. Níl or t ach cei thre l íne a chur le chéi le ag tosnú le ?Is m ise..? m ar sham pla;?Is m ise Áine.Tá m é an-chl isteCaith im an Sam hradhi gColáiste UISCE?Ansin is féidir leat an dushlán a sheoladh ar aghaidh chuig do chairde le na foclaí ?Tóg do fhón nó póg m o? .!? Roinn do féin fís ar do leathanach Facebook , Instagram nó Twit ter le na hashtags# togdofhon, #colaisteuisce, #SnaG2015 Seachtain na Gaei lge 2015 ? Bain tr iai l aist i ? Surpr ise Yoursel f

To celebr ate Seachta in na Gaeilge 2015, we are chal lenging everyone to com pose a Lim er ick Sel f ie, to get people using their cúpla focal in a fun way.Al l you have to do is com pose a four l ine l im er ick star t ing with ?Is m ise..?, r ecord yoursel f saying i t and then send the chal lenge to your fr iends.H ere?s an exam ple?Is m ise Áine.Tá m é an-chl isteCaith im an Sam hradhi gColáiste UISCE? Don?t forget to share on Facebook and tag # togdofhon, #colaisteuisce, #SnaG2015Tá m uid ag tnúth go m ór le bhur féin-físeanna a fheiceái l , go n-éir í l ibh! Seachtain na Gaei lge 2015 ? Bain tr iai l aist i ? Surpr ise Yoursel f.

Keep an eye on Erris

"M em bers fr om Er r is Special Olym pics & Belm ul let I r ish W heelchair Associat ion who played a fr iendly gam e of bocce recently. A special word of thanks to Cuffe's Centra for the donation of the pr izes."

A Fr iendly Game of Bocce

Thank you to everyone who suppor ted the Er r is Agr icul tural Show Card Gam e on Fr iday the 6th M arch. To al l our sponsors a big thank you and the Broadhaven Bay H otel for providing the venue.Congratulat ions to al l the pr ize winners.Join t 1st - Kevin Cleary & M ichael Lal ly, Vincent M cDonnel l & John Bar rett wi th 12 gam es2nd - M ary O'H ora & John Donohue with 11 gam es3rd - John M urphy & JT M cGuire with 9 gam es and won

the play off.

%16- Err i s Eye

Congratulations to Killcommon Erris parish young persons having received the Sacrament of Confirmation recently from Bishop John Fleming in Ceathru Thaidhg at the church of Seipeal Muire gan Smal, (Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception)

Confir med

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Page 18: Erris Eye issue 40

Business Directory

To advert i se here cal l us on 086 065 1704 or emai l us at i nfo@err i seye.com

Home Decor

A.J Rei l lyMain St & Barrack St

Belmul let

Hardware, Furni ture, DIY, gi f t s

097 81153

Prendergast Agricul tural Consul tancy

Advice on al l farming mat tersGLAS & AEOS Appl icat ions

M icheal PrendergastChapel St Belmul let

086 811 9256


Lavel les PharmacyBelmul let 097 81053

Ki l lala 096 32465

Bangor Err i s 097 83911

lavel lespharmacy@gmai l .com

"Tullylens Photo"Wedding and Family

PhotographyWedding Video and Photo


087 2079776

Wedding Services

Arts & Entertainment

Aras Ini s Gluai reBelmul let

Exhibi t ions & Entertainment097 81079

www.arasini sgluai re.ie

Home Heating

J&E Hughes Oi lHeat ing oi l , Road & agr i diesel ,

pet rol , lubr icants, tanks

Dai ly Del iver ies

Dennis on 086 264 4600


Doocey Metal Recycl ingWe buy & col lect al l t ypes of

scrap metal , sk ips avai lable.

085 129 3864 087 690 5283

097 86805

Cake Specialists

O'Donoghues BakeryCake & bakery Special i sts

Bridge Rd Belmul let097 81082


Cacai Alainnwww.lovelynaturalcakes.com

Wedding Cakes, Novel ty Cakes, Bi r thday Cakes al l made wi th

natural i ngredientsStephanie Fal lon 086 852 8681

Cakes By AngelaCakes for al l Occasions

Personal i sed Cakes086 402 5521

angelageraghty57@hotmai l .comwww.cakesbyangela.ie

McGrath Skip HI reNeed to clean out that At t i c or

Garage?Skip hi re i s the answer

Turlough Cast lebar094 90 31609

Fusion Insulat ion Stop the cold thi s winter

Mayo's Spray Foam ExpertsErr i s based cal l for quotat ion

1890 818838/ 0872416181 www.fusioninsulat ion.com


Er r is Gr oup Special istsTarmacadam

Driveways, Car Parks, Farm Roads

Block PavingKerbs Suppl ied & LaidNo Job too Big or Smal l

15 Years ExperienceFor Free Quote Cal l

J.P.Caf ferkey & Son097 83028

086 319 4368

Construction & Civil

Print & Embroidery

T&T ClothingPrint & Embroidery Special i sts

The Square Belmul letsales@t tclothing.iewww.t tclothing.ie

086 065 1704


Ardagh Agri ServicesMowing,Tedding, Raking,Bal ing

Agricul tural Machinery

096 72803- 087 626 2727

Crossmol ina Rd, Bal l i na


Mangans Furni ture Carpets, vinyl , wooden f loor ing, bedding, 3 piece sui tes, bedroom

& dining setsBarrack St Belmul let 097 81084

jmancon@hotmai l .com

Accountancy Services

Thomas McHugh & CoChartered & Cert i f ied

AccountantsRegistered Audi tors

Quay St , Belmul let , Co MayoBelmul let 097 81507Bal l i na 096 79780

Fax 097 81744

Cleaning Services


Gerry Rowland Auctioneer & Valuer

Property Valuations - Sales -AuctionsFor all Your Auctioneering Needs

Telephone: Gerry Rowland, AKA The Bumble Bee

086 8459414 or 09670854www.theoptimumgroup.ie

Sharkey & Co AccountantsBookkeeping & Accounts Payrol l

& Vat - Sole Trader Accounts Tax Returns - Farm Accounts Lim ited Com pany Accounts

The Enterprise Centre Main Street Crossmolina Co. Mayo

Tel: (087) 7978643

O'Raghallaigh Agricultural, Construction & Civil

Engineering * Trial Holes * Infrastructure

Development * Drainage Service * Site Remediation Works * Land

Reclamation * Bulk Earthworks * Raft & Strip Foundations *Site

Services & Setting Out * Septic Tank & Eff luent Treatment Systems * All

Ancillary Site Works

+353 (0)87 1035 227 [email protected]

Erris Directory & Diary on sale now

at T&T Clothing, The Square, Belmullet and other outlets.

Visi t Us Onl ine www.err i seye.com

Get your digi tal Version

FREEErris Tour Trip - we are off to Kilkenny on Monday 29th June and returning on Thursday 2nd July. Cost is ?190 per person sharing and ?225 single.  ?50 deposit non-refundable.  Contact Mary 087 9232327, Carmel 086 8488266, Peggy 086 1019169.

Page 19: Erris Eye issue 40

Round Bale Spike For Sale

089 480 8507

To advert i se here cal l us on 086 065 1704 or emai l us at i nfo@err i seye.com

Bourke Carr igg & Lof tus Sol ici tors

Rear of Lavel les PharmacyBelmul let

096 21455/ 086 028 6000 marc@bcl law.ie


Michael G Bohan & Co Sol ici tors

No 6 Church St , Belmul letNo 7 Teel ing St , Bal l i na

096 78000/ 79699emai l bohanlaw@ei rcom.net

Business DirectoryCar Sales & Service

Michael Conroy Motors

New & used car and van sales & service

NCT Prep & Valet ing24hr Recovery Service

085 778 5268

Walshes GarageSales & Servicing of al l makes

Accident & Breakdown Recovery

NCT Prep Body Shop Repai rs24hr Recovery Service

Chapel St reet , Belmul let097 82260 / 087 224 6176

Breaf fy Road Cast lebarCo.Mayo

094 902 3531toghertyres@ei rcom.net




Gi lvarry Sol ici tors & Associates

Employment Law, Li tegt ion Probate, Commercial Law

Uni t 9 Moneen Retai l Park Cast lebar 0949023366

info@gi lvarrysol ici tors.ie


Rory Quinn Jewel lersBridge St , Bal l i na

096 71744Engagement r i ngs

Wedding bands Watches, gi f t s & much more


BelmulletCounty Mayo

Open Mon - Fri 9am - 6pm097 81014 / 086 315 9485

[email protected]


Dr J V Flynn Church Rd, Bangor Erris

097 83486Dr Swanick, Church Road,

Belmullet 097 82434Dr Molloy, Quay Street, Belmullet 097 81156

Dr Hussain, Glenamoy, Ballina 097 87848

WestDoc 1850 365 000

Mayo County Library operates a free service for Children. New Members are always welcome.Opening hours are :Tuesday 12noon til 7pmFriday 11am t il 4pmSaturday 11am t il 4pm (Closed on the Saturday of a Bank holiday weekend)


Take Away

St Vincent de PaulConfidential Helpline

085 1305390

Car wash in aid of Shraigh sports 2015 on Saturday 4th April at Coyles Gala Garage

10am - 6pm!!


Beside Tim Quinn?s off ice American Street, Belmullet

096 21122/21424 [email protected]

Wills, Lit igation, Commercial Law,Title to land, Purchases, Sales

& Farm Settlements.

Im ages of Er r is www.im agesofer r is.com

br ian@im agesofer r is.com 087 2233403


Seanfhocal Is


As part of the Music Generation project Belmullet Library will operate a musical instrument lending service in

2015.There will be a wide range of musical instruments available.

If you are interested in this service please contact Kate on

097 82555 or [email protected] or call into

the library.

IWA Needs Your Support - Become a Friend of IWA!www.iwa.ie/ fundraising/Friends-of-IWA-Draw/ register Be an Angel, Buy an Angel - Text DONATE to 57802Each text cost ?2 with proceeds to IWA.For more information

visit: www.iwa.ie/ fundraising/angelsIWA receives a minimum of ?1.40 from Vodafone, 02 and Meteor texts.

For further information or if you experience any problems please call the Text Donate helpline 0818 217100.

M&C Financial ServicesI nsurance, Pensions, I nvestments

Special of fers on Li fe Cover & al l your insurance needs

094 902 0677

Financial & Insurance

089 480 8507

Chi ldren?s book clubDue to Com m ence in M arch 2015 - i f your chi ld is a keen reader and

would l ike to join a chi ldren?s book club (age 8 to 11) please contact

Kate  in Belm ul let Librar y on 097 82555 or khealy@m ayococo.ie for

m ore detai ls.Belm ul let Librar y is due to launch a

lending system for M usical instrum ents. This is a fantast ic

oppor tun i ty for Chi ldren to have access to a wide range of new

m usical  instrum ents. I f you are in terested in learn ing to play or teaching m usic please contact 

Belm ul let Librar y.  

For m ore detai ls on the M usic Generat ion lending system and a

l ist of instrum ents avai lable contact Kate on 097 82555 or

khealy@m ayococo.ie or cal l in to the Librar y.

Giorraíonn beirt bóthar.

Two people shorten a road.

25 Card DriveGood Friday night in the

Broadhaven Bay at 8.30pm. Light refreshments served, ?10 entry. All proceeds to Belmullet Irish Wheelchair Association. Please


T&T ClothingPrint & Embroidery Special i sts

The Square Belmul letsales@t tclothing.iewww.t tclothing.ie

Kilm ore Easter Fun Cam p - in the Ki lm ore Clubhouse, Drum , Tuesday 31st M arch - Thursday

2nd Apr i l fr om 10.30am - 2.30pm . Indoor and outdoor

act ivi t ies.  Dai ly r ates avai lable. Contact 086 3637548 / 086


Page 20: Erris Eye issue 40