Erosional control of the kinematics and geometry of foldandthrust belts imaged in a physical and numerical sandbox L. Cruz, 1 J. Malinski, 1 A. Wilson, 1 W. A. Take, 2 and G. Hilley 1 Received 17 February 2010; revised 30 April 2010; accepted 14 May 2010; published 15 September 2010. [1] We investigate the effect of systematically varying erosion intensity (K) on the geometry and kinematics of foldandthrust belts modeled using equivalent conditions in physical and numerical experiments. Similar material properties and boundary conditions were used to compare numerical experiments to those modeled in the sandbox using an erosion rule that removes mass from the scaled sand wedges according to rates expected from bedrock fluvial incision. The geometry of both modeling approaches is quantitatively compared with that expected from analytical theory. The foldandthrust belt growth rate is inversely proportional to K and is well predicted by theory, except for the high erosion case, in which both the numerical and the experimental sandbox grows supercritically. A direct relationship exists between the erosion intensity and the number of foreshear bands and shear strain magnitude. The number of foreshear bands decreases, and their strain increases with erosion intensity. The results indicate that realistic and mechanistic erosion rules can be applied to physical experiments to model mass removal, and this approach opens up the possibility of calibrating strain history to erosion intensities for predictions in natural settings. Quantitative comparisons between the physical and numerical sandbox experiments indicate that deformation style and geometry of the thrustandfold belts are similar when identical rheologies and boundary conditions are used. This benchmarking suggests that numerical experiments realistically model conditions observed in the simple, cohesionless rheologies commonly employed in sandbox experiments. This suggests that numerical simulation may reliably model experimental deformation in geological situations that are difficult to represent in scaled experiments because of the different scales and rheologies of natural orogenic wedges. Citation: Cruz, L., J. Malinski, A. Wilson, W. A. Take, and G. Hilley (2010), Erosional control of the kinematics and geometry of foldandthrust belts imaged in a physical and numerical sandbox, J. Geophys. Res., 115, B09404, doi:10.1029/2010JB007472. 1. Introduction [2] Geologic evidence and modeling studies indicate that erosion exerts a primary control on the evolution of orogenic wedges [e.g., Beaumont et al., 1992; Willett, 1999; Willett and Brandon, 2002; Davis et al. , 1983; Dahlen et al. , 1984; Dahlen, 1984; Mulugeta and Koyi, 1987; Dahlen and Suppe , 1988; Dahlen and Barr , 1989; Barr and Dahlen, 1989; Hilley et al. , 2004; Hilley and Strecker, 2004; Grujic et al., 2006]. This occurs because erosion redistributes mass across Earths surface, which modifies the nearsurface lithostatic stresses. Changes in the stress state may alter stable structural geometries (i.e., critical wedge geometry [Davis et al., 1983; Dahlen et al., 1984; Dahlen, 1984]), which affects the lateral growth and internal defor- mation of orogenic wedges. [3] Sandbox models that have been scaled to natural oro- gens have also been used to study the interactions between erosion and deformation in sand wedges, although simplistic rules are often used to simulate erosion [e.g., Cobbold et al., 1993; Persson and Sokoutis, 2002; McClay and Whitehouse, 2004; Konstantinovskaia and Malavieille, 2005; Hoth et al., 2006; Cruz et al., 2008; Hoth et al., 2008]. However, more mechanistic and realistic erosion rules have recently been developed to model mass removal from orogens [Hilley et al., 2004; Whipple and Meade, 2004]. The application of these types of erosion rules in experimental models has been prevented in part by physical limitations associated with human intervention and accuracy. More importantly, no study to our knowledge has used these types of rules to systematically explore the effect of changing erosion inten- sity on the geometry and kinematics of experimental fold1 Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences, Stanford University, Stanford, California, USA. 2 Department of Civil Engineering, Queens University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada. Copyright 2010 by the American Geophysical Union. 01480227/10/2010JB007472 JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 115, B09404, doi:10.1029/2010JB007472, 2010 B09404 1 of 15

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Erosional control of the kinematics and geometryof fold‐and‐thrust belts imaged in a physicaland numerical sandbox

L. Cruz,1 J. Malinski,1 A. Wilson,1 W. A. Take,2 and G. Hilley1

Received 17 February 2010; revised 30 April 2010; accepted 14 May 2010; published 15 September 2010.

[1] We investigate the effect of systematically varying erosion intensity (K) on thegeometry and kinematics of fold‐and‐thrust belts modeled using equivalent conditions inphysical and numerical experiments. Similar material properties and boundaryconditions were used to compare numerical experiments to those modeled in thesandbox using an erosion rule that removes mass from the scaled sand wedgesaccording to rates expected from bedrock fluvial incision. The geometry of bothmodeling approaches is quantitatively compared with that expected from analyticaltheory. The fold‐and‐thrust belt growth rate is inversely proportional to K and is wellpredicted by theory, except for the high erosion case, in which both the numerical andthe experimental sandbox grows supercritically. A direct relationship exists between theerosion intensity and the number of fore‐shear bands and shear strain magnitude. Thenumber of fore‐shear bands decreases, and their strain increases with erosion intensity. Theresults indicate that realistic and mechanistic erosion rules can be applied to physicalexperiments to model mass removal, and this approach opens up the possibility ofcalibrating strain history to erosion intensities for predictions in natural settings.Quantitative comparisons between the physical and numerical sandbox experimentsindicate that deformation style and geometry of the thrust‐and‐fold belts are similar whenidentical rheologies and boundary conditions are used. This benchmarking suggests thatnumerical experiments realistically model conditions observed in the simple, cohesionlessrheologies commonly employed in sandbox experiments. This suggests that numericalsimulation may reliably model experimental deformation in geological situations that aredifficult to represent in scaled experiments because of the different scales and rheologies ofnatural orogenic wedges.

Citation: Cruz, L., J. Malinski, A. Wilson, W. A. Take, and G. Hilley (2010), Erosional control of the kinematics and geometry offold‐and‐thrust belts imaged in a physical and numerical sandbox, J. Geophys. Res., 115, B09404, doi:10.1029/2010JB007472.

1. Introduction

[2] Geologic evidence and modeling studies indicate thaterosion exerts a primary control on the evolution of orogenicwedges [e.g., Beaumont et al., 1992; Willett, 1999; Willettand Brandon, 2002; Davis et al., 1983; Dahlen et al.,1984; Dahlen, 1984; Mulugeta and Koyi, 1987; Dahlenand Suppe, 1988; Dahlen and Barr, 1989; Barr andDahlen, 1989; Hilley et al., 2004; Hilley and Strecker,2004; Grujic et al., 2006]. This occurs because erosionredistributes mass across Earth’s surface, which modifies thenear‐surface lithostatic stresses. Changes in the stress statemay alter stable structural geometries (i.e., critical wedge

geometry [Davis et al., 1983; Dahlen et al., 1984; Dahlen,1984]), which affects the lateral growth and internal defor-mation of orogenic wedges.[3] Sandbox models that have been scaled to natural oro-

gens have also been used to study the interactions betweenerosion and deformation in sand wedges, although simplisticrules are often used to simulate erosion [e.g., Cobbold et al.,1993; Persson and Sokoutis, 2002;McClay and Whitehouse,2004; Konstantinovskaia and Malavieille, 2005; Hoth et al.,2006; Cruz et al., 2008; Hoth et al., 2008]. However, moremechanistic and realistic erosion rules have recently beendeveloped to model mass removal from orogens [Hilley etal., 2004; Whipple and Meade, 2004]. The application ofthese types of erosion rules in experimental models has beenprevented in part by physical limitations associated withhuman intervention and accuracy. More importantly, nostudy to our knowledge has used these types of rules tosystematically explore the effect of changing erosion inten-sity on the geometry and kinematics of experimental fold‐

1Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences, StanfordUniversity, Stanford, California, USA.

2Department of Civil Engineering, Queen’s University, Kingston,Ontario, Canada.

Copyright 2010 by the American Geophysical Union.0148‐0227/10/2010JB007472

JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 115, B09404, doi:10.1029/2010JB007472, 2010

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and‐thrust belts modeled in the sandbox. Furthermore, thegeometric evolution of such models has not been quantita-tively compared with that expected from theory [e.g., Hilleyet al., 2004] or numerical simulations.[4] Here, we present results from theoretical, experimen-

tal, and numerical frontally accreting orogenic wedgeswhose surfaces are eroded synkinematically according to anorogen‐scale rule, in which mass is primarily exported fromthe orogen by bedrock fluvial incision [Hilley et al., 2004].In this study, deformation within the sand wedge is drivenby constant displacement rate boundary conditions appliedto a moving backstop. In each set of experiments, we sys-tematically varied the bedrock incision coefficient, K, whichsubsumes the effects of the intensity of erosional propertiesas well as the properties of the substrate (hereafter, we referto this as erosional intensity), to compare the geometricevolution of the experimental and numerical simulationswith that predicted theoretically [Hilley et al., 2004]. Fur-thermore, we applied recent advances in non‐invasive par-ticle‐monitoring techniques (particle image velocimetry,PIV [Raffel et al., 1998]) to quantify the response of thephysical sandbox experiments’ two‐dimensional kinematicsto changing erosional efficiency acting over the surface ofthe simulated orogen for comparison with the kinematicsproduced in the numerical simulations.

2. Experimental Models of Fold‐and‐Thrust Belts

2.1. Materials, Design, and Scaling

[5] Deformable materials consisted of a 2‐mm layer ofglass beads placed at the base of a Teflon‐coated box. This

layer served as a scaled detachment horizon or weak layer atthe base of the wedge [Chapple, 1978]. Next, a 28‐mm layerof quartz sand, whose failure envelope is independent ofstrain rate [e.g., Davis et al., 1983; Sonder and England,1986], was placed on top of the detachment horizon(Figure 1). Approximately 10% of the sand was coloredblack to increase visual contrast and enhance PIV results.Filling was consistent with standards employed in recentexperiments (S. Buiter and G. Schreurs, Geomod2008 Website, Analogue‐numerical comparisons, Setup and modelingprocedure for experiments, 2008, http://www.geodynamics.no/benchmarks/benchmark‐annum2008.html). Glass beadsand sand mix were sieved homogenously with a filing rate of250ml/min into the sandbox from a height of ∼20 cm using a40‐mm‐diameter cylindrical device that has 24 holes at thebottom plate: each hole is 2 mm in diameter. Glass beads andsand particles were ∼200 mm and ∼300 mm in diameter(Figure 1a), respectively. The grain size distribution analysisof the sand mix shows a peak in the range of 224 to 355 mm,and grain shapes (Figure 1a) range from angular to wellrounded [Klinkmueller et al., 2008]. The material propertiesof the granular materials used in this experiments are sum-marized in Table 1. The internal friction angle of the sandmix (F) is ∼33° [Klinkmueller et al., 2008], while theinterface friction angle of the glass beads against Plexiglas(Fb) is ∼25°. The sand internal friction angle was calculatedusing statistical linear regression of the normal and shearstress data points measured with a ring shear tester over anormal stresses range of ∼400 to 2150 Pa. The glass beads‐Plexiglas interface friction angle was calculated using criticalCoulomb theory [Dahlen, 1984] and the measured topo-graphic slope. The densities of the sand mix and the glassbeads are 1538 and 1407 kg/m3, respectively.[6] The total thickness of deformable materials was

designed to represent ∼15 km of brittle upper crust [Byerlee,1978]. Using this length, the model was scaled to a naturalorogenic wedge using scaling rules utilized in previousanalog models [e.g., Hubbert, 1937; Ramberg, 1967;Cobbold et al., 1993; Koyi, 1997; Schellart, 2000; Perssonand Sokoutis, 2002; Lohrmann et al., 2003; Persson et al.,2004], in which the vertical stress and cohesion of themodel and nature have the same units and are scaled simi-larly. In our experiments, the model/nature vertical stress

Figure 1. (a) SEM image of the sand mix used to repre-sent upper crustal material. Grain size distributions analysisof the sand mix indicates a peak in the range of 224 to355 mm, and grain shapes range from angular to well rounded[Klinkmueller et al., 2008]. (b) Photograph of a portion of theinitial stage prior to deformation showing the configuration ofthe glass beads and sand mix layers. (c and d) Initial, beforedeformation, and final stages, after total deformation, of thephysical experiments showing the total extent of displace-ment imposed during the experiment.

Table 1. Summary of Material Properties and Parameters Used inPhysical and Numerical Experiments



Quartz sandDensity (kg/m3) 1538 1538Internal friction angle (F) 33° 33°Cohesion (Pa) 57 57

Glass beads (detachment)Density (kg/m3) 1407 1407Internal friction angle (F) NM 30°Interface friction angle (Fb) 25°b 25°Cohesion (Pa) NM 50

Gravitational acceleration (m/s2) 9.81 9.81Background viscosity (Pa s) 1012

Time step (years) continuous 31,524

aNM, not measuredbCalculated using critical Coulomb theory and the measured topographic

slope [Dahlen, 1984].


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ratio is ∼1.3 × 10−6, and the measured model cohesion is ∼57Pa, which implies a value of ∼70 MPa for cohesion of naturalrocks, which is representative of the Earth’s upper crust[Goodman, 1988]. The dimensions of the Plexiglas‐Teflon‐coated experimental box are 130 cm long, 30.5 cm wide and28 cm high (Figure 2). The transparent Teflon coating wasapplied to the Plexiglas walls to reduce sidewall friction. ThePlexiglas walls and bottom plate have a thickness of 2.54 cmto ensure rigidity during the experiments. In addition, wedesigned small metal rollers that were attached to the uppersides of the moving plate to ensure constant width of the boxduring contraction during the experimental runs.

2.2. Procedure

[7] We deformed four experimental models using a servo‐controlled system and a rigid vertical backstop. The back-stop was displaced at a constant velocity of 2 mm/min up to∼60 cm or ∼46% of the total model length. The experimentalapparatus consisted of a high‐resolution load‐and‐positioncontrol electromechanical test system that included an alu-minum load frame, a load cell, and a PC‐controlled servo‐controller (Figure 2). In this experimental setting, the scaledorogenic deformation is driven by forces transmitted later-ally into the modeled crust [Peltzer and Tapponnier, 1988;England and Houseman, 1986].[8] The reference model was deformed but not eroded

(Figure 3a), while the others (Figures 3b–3d) were deformedand eroded using different values for the erodibility factor K(Table 2) at specific time steps after 20 cm of model dis-placement. Using time steps of 2 × 106 years, we calculatedthe mass to be removed according to the surface slopeobserved during the time step and an orogen‐scale erosionrule that regards mass removal rates as limited by fluvialbedrock incision (erosion rule presented by Hilley et al.[2004]). In this formulation [Hilley et al., 2004], thewedge develops and deforms at its Coulomb failure limit[Davis et al., 1983], and so the topographic slope (a) to the

basal fault angle (b) may be related to the material proper-ties of the dry sand wedge [Dahlen, 1984] according to

� ¼ 1=2 arcsin sin’b=sin’ð Þ �1=2 sin’b

� 1=2 arcsin sin�=sin’ð Þ �1=2�� �� �: ð1Þ

Figure 2. Technical sketch of the experimental apparatus, showing the load frame, servo‐controller sys-tem and Teflon coated Plexiglas box with internal dimensions. Not shown in this illustration are the threedigital cameras, the straight‐line‐projecting laser, and the dust vacuum.

Figure 3. Photographs of the physical experiments after500 mm of displacement showing wedge width, topographyand internal deformation for different erosion intensities.(a) K = 2.3 × 10−7 m0.2/yr. (b) K = 2.3 × 10−6 m0.2/yr.(c) K = 1.2 × 10−5 m0.2/yr. (d) K = 2.3 × 10−5 m0.2/yr.


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[9] Material is eroded according to the bedrock incisionrule [Howard and Kerby, 1983] such that the volume, or areain our two‐dimensional modeling approach that assumes noorogen‐parallel transport of material, of eroded material is

Fe ¼ KkamSnWhmþ1

� �= hmþ 1ð Þ; ð2Þ

where Fe is the flux removed, ka is an area‐length coeffi-cient, S is the slope of the sand wedge, W is the width of theorogen, h is an exponent in area‐length relationship, m is anarea exponent, and n is a slope exponent. A summary of theused erosion‐rule model parameters is presented in Table 2.We used values of 4, 1.4, 0.4, and 1 for the parameters ka, h,m, and n, respectively, following Hilley et al. [2004]. We fixthe depth at which the basal décollement flattens (D), and thewedge is assumed to incorporate mass from the foreland at avolumetric flux equal to [DeCelles and DeCelles, 2001]

Fa ¼ vT ; ð3Þ

where Fa is the flux added, n is the convergence velocity ofthe foreland, and T is the thickness of the accreted forelandmaterial. In our case, we assumed a convergence velocity of17 mm/yr and a material thickness of 15,000 m to match thatof Hilley et al. [2004].[10] The wedge changes its cross‐sectional area such that

it maintains a mechanical balance, and hence the rate ofchange of the cross‐sectional area equals the difference inthese volumetric fluxes [Hilley et al., 2004]:

da=dt ¼ Fa� Fe; ð4Þ

where da/dt is the rate of change of the cross‐sectional areaof the wedge. For a given time increment,

da=dt ¼ DA=Dt ¼ vT � KkamSnWhmþ1

� �= hmþ 1ð Þ; ð5Þ

where DA is the area variation and Dt is the time increment;the area variation for a given time increment is also

DA ¼ A2 � A1 ð6Þ

and the area of the triangular wedge is

A ¼ 1=2ð ÞWH or A ¼ 1=2ð ÞW 2 tan�; ð7Þ

where H is the height of the wedge. After substituting (7) in(6) and (6) in (5), we can solve for the unknown topographicslope a2 at the end of each time increment:

�2 ¼ �1 þ atan 2vT=W 2� �� 2Kka

mSnWhmþ1=hmþ 1� �

Dt� �



where a1 is the initial topographic slope for the given timeincrement. We use this theory to determine the temporalgeometric evolution of the wedge for a prescribed initialgeometry (initial surface slope = 0°) and integration timesteps of 2 × 106 years, which represents 7 cm of modeldisplacement. In order to transfer the calculated slope to thephysical experiment after each time step, a laser line wasprojected into the sandbox sidewall to guide the removal ofsand with a small‐nozzle vacuum cleaner. The experimentswere never stopped during each erosion event, since thebackstop displacement rate was 2 mm/min, which is a ratelow enough to remove mass and assume that the erosionevent is instantaneous. After the last time step calculation,the low erodibility case didn’t yield any mass removal.Therefore, in our results the reference model and the lowesterosion case are the same (Figure 3a).[11] The models were monitored with a system of three

digital cameras, including two on the sides and one on top,which were triggered after every 2 mm of displacement bythe servo‐controlled system. The cameras were calibrated toenhance image contrast for PIV. This PIV technique hasbeen successfully applied to study geodynamics processes inscaled experiments where detail kinematics is necessary[e.g., Adam et al., 2005; Hoth et al., 2006; Cruz et al., 2008;Hoth et al., 2008].[12] We computed four forward models using the same

parameters and material properties utilized in the physicalexperiments to compare these results with theoretical ex-pectations. In order to implement this erosion rule in theforward models, we assumed from the theoretical wedgegeometry [Hilley et al., 2004] that the initial wedge area is

A1 ¼ 1=2ð ÞD2=tan�1 ð9Þ

and the wedge area at the end of the first time increment is

A2 ¼ 1=2ð ÞD2= tan�2 1� tan�2= tan�2½ �: ð10Þ

After substituting (9) and (10) in (6) and (6) in (5) and con-sidering that the slope S is tana1, we obtain the followingexpression:

1=tan�2 1þ tan�2=tan�2ð Þ¼ 2Dt=D2 vT � Kka tan�


hmþ1� �

= hmþ 1ð Þ� �

þ 1=tan�1 1þ tan�1=tan�1ð Þ; ð11Þ

where b1 and b2 are the basal fault angles at the beginning andat the end of the time increment, respectively.We can use (11)to iteratively find the a2 − b2 pair values that satisfy theexpression for each time increment.

3. Numerical Models of Fold‐and‐Thrust Belts

[13] We simulated several frontally accreting fold‐and‐thrust belts using the Gale numerical package [Moresi et al.,

Table 2. Summary of Erosion Rule Model Parameters Used inPhysical and Numerical Experimentsa



v (mm/yr) 17 17T (km) 15 15D (km) 15 15ka (m0.6) 4 4h 1.4 1.4m 0.4 0.4n 1 1Initial erosion time step (×106 year) 5.7 5.7Erosion time step × 106 year) 2.0 2.0K (model 1) (m0.2/yr) 2.3 × 10−7 2.3 × 10−7

K (model 2) (m0.2/yr) 2.3 × 10−6 2.3 × 10−6

K (model 3) (m0.2/yr) 1.2 × 10−5 1.2 × 10−6

K (model 4) (m0.2/yr) 2.3 × 10−5 2.3 × 10−5

aSee Hilley et al. [2004].


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2003]. Gale is a two‐ or three‐dimensional open‐source codethat uses particles to track material properties and a finiteelement mesh, where the Stokes equations are solved,superimposed over the particles to allow for large deforma-tions and complex boundary conditions. We configured theGale numerical sandbox using the same physical geometries,boundary conditions (including constant‐displacement‐rateconditions) and material properties (including basal andinternal friction, density and cohesion, and layer lengths) thatwe used in the experimental sandbox. However, we used 2Dplane‐strain conditions to model the out‐of‐plane dimension,and as a result, our numerical model does not treat the effectof sidewall friction present in the physical sandbox model.We simulated a low‐viscosity (1 Pa · s) air layer on top of thesand layer. We modified the predefined surface processmodule in Gale, to calculate surface lowering that resultedfrom the erosion rule used in the experimental sandbox. Weused a Drucker‐Prager failure criterion that in 2D is equiv-alent to a Mohr‐Coulomb rheology. This failure criterion isdefined in the Gale code as

pJ2 ¼ p* sin’þ C* cos’; ð12Þ

where J2 is the second invariant of the deviatoric stresstensor, p is pressure, ’ is the internal friction angle, and C iscohesion.[14] Similar to our experimental sandbox, the first simu-

lation in the numerical sandbox was deformed but noteroded. This was used as a comparison against its experi-mental counterpart and as a reference for the erosional cases.Four numerical simulations were designed to mimic thosesimulated physically by using the same values for the erod-

ibility factor K and the same time increments (2 × 106 years)between discrete erosion events that were initiated after20 cm (5.7 × 106 years) of model displacement.

4. Results

4.1. Temporal Evolution of Orogenic Wedge Geometry

[15] We used values of K = 2.3 × 10−7 m0.2/yr, 2.3 ×10−6 m0.2/yr, 1.2 × 10−5 m0.2/yr, and 2.3 × 10−5 m0.2/yr forthe erosional efficiency in our experiments, which is roughlyconsistent with the naturally observed range in this value[Stock and Montgomery, 1999] that can realistically besimulated, given the limits of human intervention and thecharacteristics of our experimental apparatus. The temporalevolution of the scaled experiments’ geometries is shown inFigure 4.[16] Theoretical simulations show a similar orogen wid-

ening for the first 2 Myr for all cases (Figure 4), after whichwidening rate decreases asymptotically to zero. The ultimatewidth of the wedge varies inversely with K [Hilley et al.,2004] and adjusts over an exponentially growing time thatscales with K [Whipple and Meade, 2004]. Simulations wererunup to 18 Myr of model time, at which point we observeda difference in orogen width of ∼100 km between the highand low erosion cases. Physical experiments also showed arapid wedge widening for the first 2–3 Myr, after which anoverall decrease in widening rate was observed [Koyi, 1995,Mulugeta and Koyi, 1992]. After 18 Myr of model time, thedifference in width between the high and low erosion caseswas ∼100 km (Figure 4). While the consistency betweentheory and experiments indicate that the sand in the appa-ratus generally deforms according to Coulomb wedge theory

Figure 4. Temporal evolution of the orogenic wedge width observed in the scaled physical experiments(circles, diamonds, squares, and crosses correspond to the measurements of experimental geometries for Kvalues of 2.3 × 10−7 m0.2/yr, 2.3 × 10−6 m0.2/yr, 1.2 × 10−5 m0.2/yr, and 2.3 × 10−5 m0.2/yr) and thecorresponding theoretical model results (dotted, dash‐dotted, solid, and dashed lines correspond to thecalculated theoretical simulations with K values of 2.3 × 10−7 m0.2/yr, 2.3 × 10−6 m0.2/yr, and 1.2 ×10−5 m0.2/yr, and 2.3 × 10−5 m0.2/yr, respectively).


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[Dahlen, 1984], physical experiments showed an episodicstep‐like growth associated with the development andreactivation of shear bands (thrust) and the consequentadjustment of the topographic slope [Koyi, 1995, Mulugetaand Koyi, 1992]. The observed pattern of wedge growth isgenerally well predicted by theory, except for the higherosion case, which predicts a wider wedge geometry after18 Myr than that observed in the physical experiments,producing a difference of ∼35 km. This suggests that thishigh‐erosion case grows in a primarily supercritical manner,which means that the wedge is growing steeper than what itshould grow considering its physical properties.[17] The geometric evolution of the orogenic wedges

produced by the Gale numerical simulations showed agood correspondence with their experimental counterparts(Figures 5 and 6). Nonetheless, differences between thephysical and numerical simulations are manifest as varia-tions in the timing and the total number of forward shear‐band‐forming episodes. The numerical models also showeda rapid wedge widening for the first 2–3 Myr, followed bya decrease in the wedge widening rate (Figure 6). As withthe physical experiments, numerical simulations showed awedge width that increased asymptotically toward a steadystate width that varied inversely with K (Figure 6). Thefinal wedge width difference between the high and lowerosion cases in the numerical simulations is ∼130 km.

4.2. Strain Analysis: Experimental Versus NumericalModels

[18] We used PIV to characterize the structural features ofthe experimental wedges and compare these results with thenumerical simulations. In both modeling approaches andduring the early stages of convergence, an initial “pop up”

structure develops that is limited by two conjugate shearbands or thrust faults (auxiliary material).1 This structureconsists of a forward verging shear band (fore‐shear) and abackward verging shear band (back‐shear), both of whichgrow simultaneously and take up the majority of the initialcumulative strain. Next, the wedge grows episodically [e.g.,Mulugeta and Koyi, 1992] by developing new fore‐shearbands that propagate deformation forward, and back‐shearbands that adjust the wedge to its critical taper [Dahlen,1984]. Figure 7 shows the cumulative shear strain for thephysical experiments accommodated between 0 and 200 mmof convergence. In all cases, erosion has not yet been appliedto the wedge, allowing an assessment of the reproducibilityof the models under no‐erosion conditions. These modelsdevelop approximately the same number of fore‐shear bands,ranging from 5 to 6, and the cumulative shear strain duringthis first few interval of growth ranges between 550 and 750%.The width of the experimental orogen up to this interval ofconvergence is similar in all the models, ranging from 22.5to 27.0 cm. (Figure 7).[19] In the following interval, during which erosion was

episodically applied in the physical experiments, the numberof fore‐shear bands on each model decreased as K increased.Models with K values of 2.3 × 10−7 m0.2/yr, 2.3 × 10−6 m0.2/yr, 1.2 × 10−5 m0.2/yr, and 2.3 × 10−5 m0.2/yr producenine, eight, eight, and seven fore‐shear bands, respectively.Figure 8 shows the effects of erosion on the kinematics ofthe sand wedge as differences in the distribution of cumu-lative shear strain accommodated between 300 and 500 mmof convergence. The cumulative shear strain accumulated at

Figure 5. Comparison of simulated orogenic wedge geometry between the no‐erosion cases of theexperimental and numerical simulations. Wedge width, defined as the distance between the rigid backstopand the fore‐most shear band, is plotted versus total displacement of the backstop. The average surfaceslope, defined as the elevation change over the wedge width, is likewise shown as a function of total dis-placement. Note the good correlation between the wedge growth and the topographic evolution of bothmodeling approaches.

1Auxiliary materials are available in the HTML. doi:10.1029/2010JB007472.


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a specific location in the sand wedge increases with Kduring this interval, while the number of shear bands formedduring the experiment decreased. The highest strain value isobserved in the models with relatively high erosion (K = 2.3 ×10−5m0.2/yr and 1.2 × 10−5 m0.2/yr, in Figures 8c and 8d) witha peak cumulative shear strain of ∼1050%, and the loweststrain value is observed in the relatively low erosion models(K = 2.3 × 10−7 m0.2/yr and 2.3 × 10−6 m0.2/yr, in Figures 8aand 8b) with a peak cumulative shear strain of ∼750%.[20] During model deformation and erosion in the physi-

cal experiments,, high erosion cases prevented initiation ofnew fore‐shear bands and instead concentrated strain alongthose previously formed, which increased the duration andmagnitude of slip along individual fore‐shear bands. Con-versely, low erosion cases favored formation of new fore‐shear bands at the wedge’s periphery, which distributed thetotal convergence across many structures that individuallyaccommodated less total shear displacement.[21] Similarly, in the Gale numerical simulations, the

number of fore‐shear bands observed in each modeldecreased as K increased (Figure 9). However, fewer fore‐shear bands were generated in the numerical simulationsrelative to corresponding physical experiments. Models withK values of 2.3 × 10−7 m0.2/yr, 2.3 × 10−6 m0.2/yr, 1.2 ×10−5 m0.2/yr, and 2.3 × 10−5 m0.2/yr produce seven, seven,six, and five fore‐shear bands, respectively. The cumulativestrain accommodated by any one of the shear bands in thesimulations also increased with K, producing the highestcumulative strain values in the models with relatively higherosion (K = 2.3 × 10−5 m0.2/yr and 1.2 × 10−6 m0.2/yr, inFigures 9c and 9d) with strain values close to 300%. The

lowest strain values are observed in the relatively low ero-sion models (K = 2.3 × 10−7 m0.2/yr and 2.3 × 10−6 m0.2/yr,in Figures 9a and 9b) with peak cumulative strain of 150–300% (Figure 9).[22] Although variations between the numbers of shear

bands exist between the numerical and physical experiments,the locus of deformation over time in both simulations issimilar. For example, the high erosion cases show defor-mation largely accommodated along the second to last fore‐shear band in the models with K values of 2.3 × 10−5 m0.2/yrand 1.2 × 10−5 m0.2/yr (Figures 9c, 9d, 8c, and 8d). The widthof shear bands in the numerical simulations is greater thanthat of the physical experiments, and the dip and strainmagnitude of the back‐shear bands in the numerical simu-lations is stepper and greater, respectively, than those in thephysical experiments. The greater width of shear‐bands inthe numerical simulation likely reflects the fact that themodel grid spacing used was 5038 m due to computationalconstraints compared to 2775 m used in the PIV calculations.This broader zone of shear banding observed in the numer-ical model likely is responsible for the lower cumulativeshear strain observed at a point within the shear bands (750%versus 300% for the experimental and numerical simulations,respectively). The overall dip of the fore‐shear bands in bothmodeling approaches is similar (Figures 8 and 9). The thrustspacing in the numerical simulations is more regular than thatobserved in the physical experiment, where the frequency ofthrusting increased in the early stages of deformation. Inaddition, the numerical simulations developed subdued,smooth topography, relative to the more rugged forms pro-duced in the physical experiments (Figures 8 and 9).

Figure 6. Temporal evolution of the scaled orogenic wedge width in the physical experiments (circles,diamonds, squares, and crosses correspond to the measurements of experimental geometries for K valuesof 2.3 × 10−7 m0.2/yr, 2.3 × 10−6 m0.2/yr, 1.2 × 10−5 m0.2/yr, and 2.3 × 10−5 m0.2/yr) and Gale numer-ical simulations (dotted, dash dotted, solid, and dashed lines correspond to the calculated theoreticalsimulations with K values of 2.3 × 10−7 m0.2/yr, 2.3 × 10−6 m0.2/yr, and 1.2 × 10−5 m0.2/yr, and2.3 × 10−5 m0.2/yr, respectively).


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Figure 7. Cumulative shear strain calculated for a model displacement between 0 and 200 mm. Thecalculated strain values of the models ((a) K = 2.3 × 10−7 m0.2/yr, (b) 2.3 × 10−6 m0.2/yr, (c) K = 1.2 ×10−5 m0.2/yr and (d) 2.3 × 10−5 m0.2/yr) during this initial period of displacement during which the surfaceis uneroded range between 550 and 750% and show a similar number and position of fore‐shear bandsamong the simulations.


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[23] In the physical experiments, two or more fore‐shearbands were never active at the same moment in time,although this has been reported to occur in low basal‐frictionexperimental wedges [Koyi et al., 2000]. However, in ourphysical experiments, multiple shear bands may be activeover 1 Myr (scaled time) as shown in Figure 10. Beyondthe initiation of three fore‐thrusts (roughly ∼5 Myr of modeltime) inactive fore‐thrusts in all models are reactivated asout‐of‐sequence thrusts, as the wedge internally thickensto maintain a critical taper. Later, erosion increases theactivity of these out‐of‐sequence thrusts (Figure 10), and

in some cases the reactivation occurs on shear bands locatedthree to four structures in back of the front‐most shear band.For example, models with moderate erosion (K = 2.3 ×10−6 m0.2/yr) showed activity of shear bands eight andfour (numbered from the backstop forward) between 14 and16 Myr of model time while shear bands six and seven wereinactive during that same period of time (Figure 10). Simi-larly, the numerical simulations showed reactivated out‐of‐sequence thrusts that are active after ∼6 Myr of modeltime, and erosion also increases the activity of these thrusts(Figure 11). However, in these simulations, two or more

Figure 8. Cumulative shear strain calculated for interval of model displacement between 300 and500 mm, during which the surface of the sand wedge was episodically eroded. The highest shear strainvalues were observed in the high K models (c) K = 1.2 × 10−5 m0.2/yr and (d) 2.3 × 10−5 m0.2/yr, showinga cumulative shear strain of ∼1050%, while the lowest strain value is observed in the relatively low erosionmodels (a) K = 2.3 × 10−7 m0.2/yr and (b) 2.3 × 10−6 m0.2/yr that produced cumulative shear strain of∼750%.


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fore‐thrusts sometimes are active simultaneously, at leastfor the time increments used in the numerical simulations.

5. Discussion

[24] When studying erosion‐tectonics interactions, severalexperimental studies have used different rules to modelerosion in scaled mountain belts. Some physical experi-ments used rules that enforce spatially and temporallyconstant erosion rates, or others that maintain horizontal[e.g., Cobbold et al., 1993; Persson and Sokoutis, 2002] orinclined erosion surfaces based on reference critical tapers[e.g.,McClay and Whitehouse, 2004; Konstantinovskaia and

Malavieille, 2005]. Other sandbox simulations have suc-cessfully used an elevation‐dependent erosion model [Hothet al., 2006, 2008], and others have used variable erosionrates applied parallel to the developed slope to producesteady state conditions [Cruz et al., 2008]. While these rulesmay provide insight into erosion‐tectonic coupling, moregeomorphically realistic erosion rules, such as the one usedin this work, can relate changes in erosional efficiency due tochanging exposure of different rock types or climate to thedistribution of deformation in a quantitative way. This opensup the potential of examining the manifestations of pastclimate changes in the kinematics of natural fold‐and‐thrustbelts observed at the surface.

Figure 9. Cumulative shear strain calculated for interval of model displacement between 300 and500 mm for the Gale numerical simulation, during which the surface of the sand wedge was episodicallyeroded. The highest shear strain values were observed in the high K models (c) K = 1.2 × 10−5 m0.2/yr and(d) 2.3 × 10−5 m0.2/yr, showing a shear strain of 300%, while the lowest strain value is observed in therelatively low erosion models (a) K = 2.3 × 10−7 m0.2/yr and (b) 2.3 × 10−6 m0.2/yr that produced cumu-lative strain of 150–200%.


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[25] The results obtained in this study indicate thatmechanistic erosion rules [Hilley et al., 2004; Whipple andMeade, 2004] can be applied to physical experiments oforogens to model mass removal. The orogen‐wide erosionrule used in this study [Hilley et al., 2004] is well suited forphysical experiments because it assumes that the wedgegrows regularly by maintaining a triangular cross section.The slope of the experimental sand wedge expected at theend of each time step can be easily achieved with a typicalexperimental setup. This experimental approach avoidsmore complicated mass removal procedures, which mayinclude complex topographic shapes that are difficult tocreate [Persson et al., 2004], and simplistic erosion rulesthat may not accurately represent erosional processes [e.g.,Cobbold et al., 1993; Persson and Sokoutis, 2002; McClayand Whitehouse, 2004; Konstantinovskaia and Malavieille,2005; Hoth et al., 2006; Cruz et al., 2008; Hoth et al.,2008]. The erosion rules used in this study produce realis-tic orogen widths and topographic slopes that are observedin nature e.g., fold‐and‐thrust‐belt widths between 80 and300 km (Aconcagua fold‐and‐thrust belt in Argentina[Ramos et al., 2002], and the Serranía del Interior inVenezuela [Hung, 2005]). Our experiments produce topo-graphic slopes that are also similar to those obtained inprevious non‐erosional physical experiments of frontallyaccreting wedges, e.g., topographic slopes between 6° and15° [e.g., Davis et al., 1983; Koyi, 1995; Nieuwland et al.,2000; Lohrmann et al., 2003], providing further validationto our experimental set‐up.

[26] The observed growth of the eroded sand wedges inthe experimental and numerical models is well predicted bytheory [Hilley et al., 2004], except for the high erosion case(K = 2.3 × 10−5 m0.2/yr). We speculate that this behaviormay be due to two experimental limitations. First, weassume that the wedge structure develops uniformly acrossthe width of the experimental box, allowing measurementsmade at the sidewall to serve as proxies for the deformationsustained throughout the width of the entire apparatus.However, overhead photographs taken during the experi-ment indicate that the wedge width was greater in the centerof the apparatus, as might be expected due to drag associ-ated with sidewall friction. This effect would lead to anoverestimation of basal fault angles and surface slopes whenviewing only the sidewall profile. The incremental additionof this small error on the calculations might have affectedthe final width of that model. Second, previous experimentalmodeling of frontally accreting sand wedges has reporteddissimilar wedge growth, producing progressive variationsin the height/width ratio that is associated with a change inrheology of the sand due to compaction during deformation[Koyi, 1995]. This effect may have also contributed to thewidth difference of ∼35 km after 18 Myr of model timebetween the physical experiment and the theory. However,the numerical simulations that included neither sand com-paction nor sidewall friction showed a similar wedge widthevolution to that observed in the physical experiments.Thus, it seems reasonable to conclude that neither effect can

Figure 10. Time of active displacement along individual experimental fore‐shear bands, showing reac-tivated (out‐of‐sequence) thrusts for the models with K values of 2.3 × 10−7 m0.2/yr, 2.3 × 10−6 m0.2/yr,1.2 × 10−5 m0.2/yr, and 2.3 × 10−5 m0.2/yr. Thrusts are numbered in the order of their appearance, andso larger numbers reflect those thrusts that have been generated farther into the sand box than smallernumbers.


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explain the misestimation of wedge width by the theoreticalmodel.[27] Another explanation or the mismatch between theo-

retical and physical/numerical experimental wedge geome-tries may result from the fact that the sand wedge does notcontinuously adjust to accretion and erosion as is assumedby theory, but instead does so by forming discrete, forward‐propagating shear bands that episodically assimilate massfrom the undeformed areas in front of the wedge into it.During our experiments, we observed that the formation ofthese forward‐propagating shear bands was associated withan abrupt decrease in the load required to maintain constantdisplacement rate of the moving backstop (Figure 12). Thisimplies that work must be performed to facilitate the initi-ation, propagation and linkage of the proto‐fore‐shearstructures into a coherent shear zone. In this view, a shearband forms when the work required to elevate the topog-raphy exceeds that required to form a shear zone [e.g.,Masek and Duncan, 1998; Schott and Koyi, 2001]. In thecase of vigorous erosion, the slope of the topography maybe maintained at sufficiently low values to prevent the for-mation of a new shear zone, forcing the wedge to deform ina supercritical state that is maintained over time. In this case,we might expect both physical and numerical experiments tounder‐predict wedge width relative to the theoretical model,which assumes that the energy associated with the shear‐band formation is negligible.

[28] During the evolution of a fold‐and‐thrust belt, dif-ferent lithologies with different resistances to erosion mightbe progressively exposed. Stock and Montgomery [1999]reported variations of several orders of magnitude in Kvalues, depending on the types of rock being incised byrivers. We attempted to model this range in K values in ourexperiments. The large differences in the kinematics andgeometries of our experiments suggests that the progressiveexposure of different rock types in an evolving orogen mayleave a profound imprint on these attributes of fold‐and‐thrust belts. Thus, we might expect that a fold‐and‐thrust beltthat initially exposes low‐resistance lithologies may grow ina supercritical manner within a restricted area, whereas theprogressive exposure of deeper, more resistant lithologiesmight cause periods of rapid expansion of the topography ofthe fold‐and‐thrust belt that is accommodated by a largernumber of structures that individually accommodate lessslip.[29] The use of this type of orogen‐wide erosion rule has

also allowed us to systematically quantify the effect ofchanging erosion intensity (K) on the kinematics of experi-mental and numerical fold‐and‐thrust belts modeled in asandbox. We found a clear relationship between the erosionintensity and the number of fore‐shear bands and strainmagnitude. The number of fore‐shear bands decreases whilestrain along each increases with erosion intensity. Previousexperimental studies, although using different boundaryconditions and less elaborated erosion rules, have also found

Figure 11. Time of active displacement along individual fore‐shear bands modeled with Gale, showingreactivated (out‐of‐sequence) thrusts for the models with K values of 2.3 × 10−7 m0.2/yr, 2.3 × 10−6 m0.2/yr, 1.2 × 10−5 m0.2/yr, and 2.3 × 10−5 m0.2/yr. As in the Figure 10, thrusts are numbered in the order oftheir appearance. In contrast to the physical experiments, these numerical simulations show, after ∼6 Myrof model time, two or more shear bands active simultaneously.


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that erosion prolongs the activity of faults [e.g., Merle andAbidi, 1995; Cobbold et al., 1993; Persson and Sokoutis,2002] and generates out‐of‐sequence thrusting [e.g.,Mugnieret al., 1997; Leturmy et al., 2000; Koyi et al., 2000; Hothet al., 2006]. Our systematic approach to quantifying theeffect of changing erosion intensity on the geometry andkinematics of experimental fold‐and‐thrust belts may allowus to calibrate the strain history in fold‐and‐thrust belts toerosion intensities for a given set of wedge mechanical prop-erties and geometries, and to use them to predict the geometricand kinematic history of a natural fold‐and‐thrust belt fordifferent sets of erosional conditions.[30] Results from our physical experiments and numerical

simulations show that the deformation style and geometry ofthe fold‐and‐thrust belts are remarkably similar between thetwo. Shortening is mainly accommodated by in‐sequenceforward propagation of thrusting accompanied by out‐of‐sequence thrusting at several stages of deformation. Thisout‐of‐sequence thrusting accommodates wedge thickeningin the hinterland over time and also occurs in the absence oferosion as the wedge propagates and adjust itself to reach astate of critical taper. However, increasing K clearlyenhanced out‐of‐sequence thrusting to maintain the criticaltaper of the sand wedge. While wedge growth and topo-graphic evolution are very similar between these modelingapproaches, we observed some variability in the structuralstyle, i.e., frequency of shear bands and enhanced back‐shear strain magnitude, that may be related to node andparticle resolution of the numerical code and/or issues withthe numerical implementation of the selected rheology. Thisvariability between our numerical and physical experimentsis qualitatively similar but significantly less than that re-ported in previous analog‐numerical benchmarking studies[Buiter et al., 2006]. This is not unsurprising, as these

previous comparisons used a variety of physical andnumerical modeling results whose boundary conditions andrheologies were not necessarily consistently maintainedacross all physical and numerical experiments.

6. Conclusions

[31] We successfully applied a mechanistic orogen‐wideerosion rule to physical experiments of fold‐and‐thrust beltsto model mass removal. This erosion law regards erosionrate as limited by the rate at which fluvial systems incisethrough bedrock. This approach proved well suited forphysical experiments because it combined a realistic erosionlaw and a well‐established wedge mechanical theory withsimple experimental implementation. The utilization of suchan erosion law allows the quantitative examination of dif-ferences in the kinematics of fold‐and‐thrust belts that mightbe expected to accompany changes in the exposure of dif-ferent rock types or changes in climate.[32] We systematically explored the effect of changing

erosion intensity on the geometry and kinematics of themodeled fold‐and‐thrust belts and found that the experi-mental and numerical wedge growth is well predicted bytheory. Additionally, we successfully quantified the two‐dimensional kinematic response of these deforming wedgesto changing erosional efficiency in the experimental fold‐and‐thrust belts, using PIV, and compared it with thekinematics calculated using the Gale model with identicalrheologies and similar boundary conditions. We found thatan inverse relationship exists between the erosion intensityand the number of fore‐shear bands formed during theexperiments. Likewise the shear strain magnitude accom-modated by each shear band increased with erosionalintensity. The large differences in kinematics observed for

Figure 12. Load versus lateral displacement of the backstop for the models with K values of 2.3 ×10−7 m0.2/yr and 2.3 × 10−5 m0.2/yr. These experimental runs were performed under constant displace-ment rate boundary conditions. Note the abrupt decrease in the load required to maintain constant dis-placement rate of the moving backstop after the formation of a fore‐shear band and after the removal ofmaterial (erosion).


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different erosional conditions suggest that the kinematics offold‐and‐thrust belts may reveal information about temporalchanges in erosional efficiency in natural systems wherethese kinematics can be constrained.

[33] Acknowledgments. This research was supported by NSF grantEAR‐0711185. We would like to thank Walter Landry at the Computa-tional Infrastructure for Geodynamics (CIG) for his timely feedback andhelp during the modification of the surface process module in the Galecode. We appreciate careful reviews of Hemin Koyi and Wouter Schellart,which improved this manuscript.

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L. Cruz, G. Hilley, J. Malinski, and A. Wilson, Department of Geologicaland Environmental Sciences, Stanford University, 450 Serra Mall, BraunHall, Bldg. 320, Stanford, CA 94305, USA. ([email protected])W. A. Take, Department of Civil Engineering, Queen’s University,

Kingston, ON K7L 3N6, Canada.


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