ERGONOMICS. Definition of Ergonomics …. The science of fitting the job to the worker

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Definition of Ergonomics

• …. The science of fitting the job to the worker.

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Definition of RSI

• RSI - Repetitive Strain Injuries occur from repeated physical movements doing damage to tendons, nerves, muscles, and other soft body tissues.

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Computer Related Injuries

• Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

• Eye Strain

• Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

• Tendinitis

• Tenosynovitis

• DeQuervain’s Syndrome

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Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

• This computer problem deals with the narrow veins in the wrist called the carpal tunnel are injured due to excessive use. – Injuries that occur with the

computer include use of the keyboard (incorrect posture or key entry) and mouse (grabbing and dragging either too long or too tight).

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SYMPTOMS of Carpal Tunnel

Tightness, discomfort, stiffness or pain in the hands, wrists, fingers, forearms, or elbows.

Tingling, coldness or numbness in the hands

Pain that wakes you up at night

Clumsiness or loss of strength and coordination in the hands

Feeling a need to massage your hands, wrists and arms

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How do I prevent Carpal Tunnel?

• Correct typing technique and posture,

the right equipment setup and good work

habits are the important characteristics of preventing carpal


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Set the keyboard where the arms are level DO NOT rest your wrists on anything DO NOT pound on the keys - use a light touch Use two hands to perform double key operations (Control C) instead of using one hand to

press the two key combination

POSTURE - some basic guidelines!

Let your shoulders relax

Let your elbows swing free

Keep your wrists straight

Don’t slump or slouch in your chair

Feet should be flat on the floor

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MORE TIPS Take a break from your computer every one to two

hours - and stretch your neck and shoulders as well as shake your hands for relaxation.

Hold the mouse lightly - don’t grip it hard or squeeze it. Keep it close to the keyboard so you don’t have to stretch.

Keep your arms and hands warm - cold muscles are at greater risk for injuries.

Pay attention to your body - pain is your body yelling that something is wrong.

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Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

• This problem deals with the back and shoulder stress from tense muscles overworked by tedious and repetitive computer work.

– Often caused by incorrect posture while working at the computer and lack of relaxation due to stress.

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Treatment Options for TOS

• Splints

• Anti-inflammatory drugs

• Physical therapy

• Cold packs

• Exercise program

• Rest and Relaxation