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Er,/Ctc0.; -h'n-~lLlll · Jrsl: ... ".Jan Jul·ta

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Er,/Ctc0.;_-h'<-,~~l,/]L•~.cJ0 , ,c.(

~A)~ ~rt-:__.-...-_tF;-v.-. ,_--- _f!-:l:r1ce..


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a•u:tiS.,JiDfl :>i' /.Jl,S :.Jn ..... int.l ii:l .3a.l wu0r.

Tllu 1:on;:£H: ble T~~ ~30r0t~ry ~t ~c~t~


Jir: I h!!Vd t"l-: hon.or (;O r.l:G..lr to the De.i)::.trtra.lnt, 0

S con--· . fi·,•Jntiu.l ci:.:a •. lar a5. ·.c;rc.n utd~t>~ '',;>ri1.20, 7: )5 ).;:,., ·uni4 · ·

. tJ rdp::lrt_ ~;;11.t--'I con:;(JY':'il ~ts·~,>U.tpin•t to thu _,i-,J;vuu£!l'Uil: .-

··ti~~r~zrr~-,~~~:~x;~;::~~~;~~~I~{jg~~~~:~;:~t~~;;~r~~~in;c·~~.·. I huv•.:. _.,.<; rJ·J•ivou i'rou; 7ir •. -.vilu a· 11oisoiliil l~tt.::r,

tlta ->n-~lLlll · Jrsl:J~c o.l.' •,;ll~ch i'' transorl o-.hi · billOI'I:

".Jan Jul·ta<ior, r.;uy 2, 194-4·

·-:~ /Jlii' ~;r·, Thurston: .

. i tukJ pl.Ja~>UN in aJ.vlsin:.; :rou tll!l t HY Govvrn""o···­,,.mt' vLn·:s '' it;h sympt:. thy r..nu in ;Jrinoi..?l.>_ is· ir. aGrS'l-·

•. ~I1J_nt \·.1th thJ suge;astion t0 ~ihich your Jstu.elU<H.ilJttdr . Of ~-.,?r il 25 .r..li'Jrs to tho 3UJ. tllu t .1:1 :;;ul vu<ior \;oul..i -;cr~nt r:lfu~e t6 orphan-Jd or allun;ion<Ju ohilur.m -no\~ tlitllin th.J tdrrltor:r oaaupit~u or oontrollou by the .... >3Il•ltly

1 unJ th11t to this on<l it woulu construct a sultnble

b,,ilu.in'.;; but, buford r·J<lChln;; a i'inul conclusion it VIOUld liJsir.J to "mol-; ;Jhathdr the cost o.t th~ b~lui~:, tho l'dd<lln.~ 31lli uducatlon "to. of th.J ohilur~:~n "\':oulu llu born<l by the ·.lar ,(;;,fue;""' Uos.tru; unu f lnully ull thd ·JXi)"nses Yihloh thut 3oaru \iOUld b., ;dlllni:O to m<~et :tor nore or ldS-3 100 ohil<lr.;n.

I be:; you th·3r.Jforu to .:;i vo Jlld this lnformu tlon if conv.;ni•.mt.

For your <;:indnusd I thank you in a<lVl<nod.

I am, e.a always your aff.Jotionutu l'l•LJn<lo

/s/ ;,. H. ,.vila"/

,/hen I spo;co to Jr. 1vila hu roaue. no m<:~ntlon Ol' tha


DECLASSIFIED State Dept. Lotter, 1-11·72

By R. H. PorkH D~tc,SJP .. 1 8 jC]"7?

'· J

- 2 -

-:~ l -

~~-~~--.~. --· -. fact that his Gov~rn:1Jnt mi;~ht uxpvot-us tO dafi'1l-Y the Oo'lst Of "- uuil:lin" in 1<hioh to loJ.t;;<3 th.:l r-.;i'U$u<ls UfiUdr oon:;i.laration, out ·ilil in:t•.l,lr" \'!h.::thJr th.J .;ru• .(v_l'Ub..J<l 3-Jor·l ~-!o~lt( dJtrb.-;t"" all C.:)sts · oi..' -t~uhS:P-?i·t_lnt~- th0 :·J.\~J.~Ut1d90 to El ... al v '"J. or, ,1f.inta1n:!.n, th..ra h"'r~ l'm:' such t.Lrl" ·as· -rei ::lt. b..; U.<>oLi..J!l u"'on, anu .Jl' tll..;ir -"v"r!tuul ro.l.'lvval .~.·r;)l)l th.;~ country., His 1-.:ttar ~<IHICus ~o r!Jf~r-d!lOU- ~o:·tllu -lHtt·;;;r ·pint <.1!..; intrOclU0~3 tll-' n.;;i ulld r.:llutin,; .to tllJ cost b.i.' th~ builui:tg() -- -- -- -

... 70 tllJ ·Jo:mrt-•Jnt· in-_

,orl_}im.Ol '~!lei hc;cto;;r·'hli:

.;nc l::x~ u.r e-­Co)y o:L: .1'-'t.t."r' to: -

:;;; .ial tvr Thurst;:Jn

.)r, ,,v.:.b .kt.J<l 4/?..5/l,4

'7ll · ·· -- ::·.'r: /t1!..:m

-~~ --- -"_ ~

-- ~ -"':.- :-· -- -.11-

~.,;;iosii:re t .. _ ,!cisl)iltoh no~ . 15:31~ oa~ie.L ~, .o/41.: . tr.a:L tiii:l American Embassy-at san Be.lya.dor, lillSalVai!or• on thli:l eubJeot; .Mmispion oT Je\'ts ~ otb.or· war . .retuge,es -into

!:_~:~~~~:L;. __ ~ ... "--·----~- .. ~~-----.. ----~.:;;._.,;.,~~);; .... _:"'."'"'---


Ky doe.~·· Dr •. Avila,:

In con1'1rinat1on or my statemeri.ts this morni.qg .I take pleasure in aO.vls!A~ you that rni Goverrunent has now- ·_ .. · author bed the Americ!Ul uonsular officers ·.l-n. i:>fl,itzer-:-tand-to issue up to rour tb.ouaand quota irofu1gratiori. visas to refugee children up. to s1.~teen years of ·age Ylitb.out ·regard. to !'eligionj na:tionality or stateless atatus; ·to ol,Qse c

relat1 ves residlug in enemy.; tJ~emy-oooupied -or: con t.rolled terr:l.tory ~-·or to thfil ava.l.labiHty_ or !'l61l.Jls o:r transportation to th~:> United Stntee. ThC:l IJU!'pOae of' this autho~·.tzation !a to i'acilltate tll.e elloe.pe to_ 3\'litze:tland. ot orphaned or abandoned children by giving usaurancas to the. I>'Viias Q.ov.er.a:­ment that thoae chlicrrezl ·will not .l.'emain in -~'VIi tzei'leuiri .. : ~ after the tetinlna.tioil ·o:t lioat11it1es in iJ:ui'ope.; The · · - ··

. S..ll~o:h~at1Qn' q_nptalna -p~Vi:;foi1s tor .the .o:Qntiil!Ae,d re.,, ·, , _ . riewal of'.tha visits .titit.L;J;·ci;:uoh,~r.·wa .11a: ~\d.t)qunte_ t~fisportacl::: :tfon taciU tie a to tll<~i'vni ted. ·states tieoome • avaHa blea. '' ··· · Pl'ivalle sources have 'posted'bond wft;h ·the Attorney General .. or th~ United States· to aaaure~ this Gpvern.ment .that the · J.mni!gra~lAg ilhildren w111 not beoome. piJ~llo oliax-ges~ · ·

SJ1oulo. there be pl'!VClta agencies ill l!ll Sr;lvador wllllng . . a.nd able to undartuka a p:r:ogrruil toi• the oarao ot refugee children, tlie· \1ar Refugee B®rd is. confident t!lut it .oah ' milk!;)· a1·~nger.ten.te to. prov.ide thasB agen.Oif!?S with- adequate tlind:l for- the nu~lntetv.moe,. eduCJ,\t1otLtiJ.l(.l walfa,t>u or ;c:ia many ohildren ~B the Governrnan.t oi: El sa.lv~dO.t.' 1/la,tl(l bt( willing· ta /ldmlt0 Shoul:d .it prove naceat1ru.•yD. funds Y!9U:j.d undoubtedly

-c- bo available to meat trans.Portation ex_p~aes i'rqm switzerla.t!d to th~s oountr,r.. · · ·

·, With respect to th.e f'orego1ng• ·it woUld. be g,ratifying

ware the Government of llll sa.lvo.dol'· to give· neaw:anoes to the Swiss Qovernmant. Of its willing.ae·ua to aooept ·a Certain num .... ber of refugee children 1:0. a s1m!la;r manuerQ It· is oo.nae:i:'• vnt·1Vely estlrnatecl that there At'~ in. Franoa ·aJ,oria ~lght tq ten· thollS)llld abai).donecl or orpllW\ed ,t~!'ugea otJ,i1~l'an •. ·

ShQuld the Govanuuent ot' J!ll Salvadol:; ba vilill.ad to .JilO,lcl!i this hlllnil.nlta:rio.n oi'fer .· it !s eaggested thut the Salva<lorari · repreaoiltativa in Bel'n :lssue the llPJJ.l'Oprlate' number Of lllllli;.. gratloil vi:i~a and mrllntain. their validity· ~mtll tn,lita.ble tr~naportat1on raoillt.ie~ from ~v1tzerland to. El salvador beco~. f.ivs!l.abl'oo;· 'l'.h'll speo1al :rapre:aentatlvo 0£. the War l.lef~~~ l3Q.ax--d ~t·tiio~all to the Alllerioa.:Il ~.e!J11t1on in Bet',n w.ill

be glad.

3nclosure t.o de~atoh nDo; 1521, 5'/_4?44 :. .Puga 2


b~ glad· -to aoop·Gf~-~~ -w~toh -th~-_-:.-~i~~~p-~~,-;·~~aa~~t-~tive--;-In.~--- ----- -this us \'fell e.s·in all other refugee lllllttor~,; ·

I shall be giatei'ul. if Your ~xoel:l.,My will 1ntorm ma as qulol'.:ly na llll.ly be poasibll) of t.he' ltit1tude· of .. the Govern­ment or El salvador towiU'd-thia question andQ i:t tht: suggea= tion above presented ls ta.vprably received, what number o:r children it 1s prepued to a®11t ~into thla aountr<J;; ·•

Cordially lllld ainoerely,

/s/ ;·/altar Tht.irston -

f-\ /,




l/2/l Copy and tun~1: i \0,-, td For"ign Ofi:i,oc, 1\D!,., "'"· 6l;JO, M1;y J.J., 19!,!,,

%8 ~iCA/Ja

!lisa Chaunc-.y (for· ~ha Soc 1y), Abrllhi\!MOn, Al<ziE, ])ct'het~itlj Cohn,, n,:,P,ob, l''t•i"cit~y,,-,, l}o,gton, Hcdd; Laughl:ln, Lt.ias.,r, !J.l:Xfo!'d, MQnr;, l!;auwn, . .ll<i\ .. ka,, McCr.lrtuc!L '~"·,;:oy, S;rJ.th~ St-llzldish;; fH:.rJtvk:r~,, Wfd_n!.,lt.yJ,n, fC D.c t~ild.t~ .. Pt.~t~Jt:o r~t1~~~

i h,t;·.~ ..;>_ ••

; ~·-.;~-r. t,h'-" s~~(1 1 v t ~hartt:JOH "'. 'J_)-..ftt!$16-t.]_~.)rtJ

Ai:d" .§}i;'RfiAliL. '!' FOR fGlEI•W AfF'AIES B~1·n~t~iro llliPllllLW \lF GH/,1'El.!A.LA Cohn DIPLGJ.!f.TIC Sl'.CT!ON -DuB<>id No"_ &l}.'J Guatemi!.l.!i<, M».y 11; 1911l.,. Fried.r?L'Hl

I hav_a_ had -~l~~-- ht)iH:~r of- roe~ tYing --Y~u:r ~Xciil:i~tuii.t~. <:ouri.0ous n<>t~ No 1.51+ of .April. 25, 191,4, in· which you informed mo or tile -..:Lllii~gneaa of the tlovarrunent or the Unlt.,d Statns to l'<JMive in Ha ·territot•y foHr thoui<atid refugee chil<h·on,_-f.rolll thostl who &>.'e nol'f ll.bandone<for · orphl>ncd in Eut'9f•"' ilfi ,._ co·nsequciie~t of,the hru:d&hips __ o.f l'lar•


GastDh HG--del, Laughlin Lesser, l;J.xfcrd, Munn M~.nnon

lda?k3 !kCormack S~tL'Z,C:y

S:ni th ·. s---- ;i.nd3 .. ~i) ~ st~w;n--+.: ~-

. I_ hriV-~: ta1;en~_~:lu_~-.-i\t-.~a--~-f: __ _-th~- cp.q-d~~t~;Ot-~2 :--~.f. th}.-s -.

, _e •• :~~~~~~r~c:in~j!~;,;~;t;~;~t~~~f;;; :P,Jiur~.c~J· ,_ · --i~-~~ --~ :ii-:~fr~iT;tiit~1}.--- ·.

, . IL D-.- v;:;~tB.-:­hhl<

. _ Fil "~

-~- ~ · ~~~u~ ~_;eel.~:~n~~~~-~:i-.~~: io?d -en~~gt, __ t.~:(~ra!l~mlt- -~ ~~~jita~ ·--t.ioiLf~&il ,the.Un:tt:cd St:tt,,s C<>voorn~nt_ t.i;o tbe Guatemalan·.

Governriu1it to collubor·a te in -this 1'elief work and to Bc,.t-..e, in_ •· zJmJ.lar n•~'lner, << api'Jdfihd numb"r of the~e chil~ren1 victims of war; r:nd 1 t?-- _ti-l~~ end, __ o.f!_~r~--the­.;;<mtribution and mic.,ssQ.ry help or the. War ReliefBoir·:l.

r ~ake ph[<SUre in informing ;~:I'• ]!:xeellcncy that-t<;-. Gcverflll\ent of G•iat.onidu gladly l\<'_cepb par.Udpation in· the huJnaniti>.rian .. >~ork of aidirig the sf: :holpli>ss childr.,n, a:od ia willing to receive in U.s terrU\iry §. num.l:ier pl."Cpor·: tlonat~ to that •. ccepted by the United States.. · ··

In consequence I umpleased to beg;Your E.wcellency's 'laluable cooper.ation ao t.hli.t arrang~.ll,..nts necaaali.ry.may be made for tt.e Snias O•.·Vernment to give provisional refuge to one hundred childron, who ld.ll be brought to Guatemalan territory a& aeon np poaaible.

I courteously beg Your Exoelleno,y to note that, even though in this p9rticipation the Government of Guatemala does not 1dnh t. ... make nationality distinctions, or any or race or religi.on, it would appreciate it it the hundred cr.ild.ren to be given :·efuge in thiG Republic might b.e oeleoted, preferably, from French or Belgim children.

In due time this Secretariat will give appropriate inBtructione to'the Guatemalan reprooontative at tlie place indicated for.the issuance or the necessary visag on the documents ot these children.

I avail mrselr ot this opportunity,'~. ~aseador, to renew the ·aesuranoea. of IV¥ highest and most I.Ustinguished oonBideru.tion'.

CARLOS SALAZAR His Excellency Boaz Long Arnbasso\•.!N' E• r.r1d l', of the United ~tat_e!J, Gtiahmala; niie.



·hli :...:·-ls;f ol' ,,pfn undtH' sixteen years ~of

FRUij: .. Teg'-\C igalpa. ·Honduras, Ni;;:; "~165 i.lAr.:D: April 2?, 1944-; ;; p.m.-

~~;/-- ' - . - -_-.

25,. 5::50 poLl,_ Concerllilll; .refUgti" Childr''ln age.

The rain1~ster for e'oreign ,;ff<iirs informe:u mo yesterday tl~at President Caritts appears will inK for lj.op.{,lur~s tp ·Teceive a maximum of r ifty (50) children, rmd that inforrr.e:j;ion as· .to the sex t.ni ae;e preferred may ·be supplied l!J.ter. -- 1 gat.hered- tllat. some ·;}ref.er.ence as to racial· origin (which may posslQlY mean· that Polish,. french,,,. or some other class of' children would be • mor!3 . e:·cceptable- than: ;rewa· j micht also be expressed. Mceptance of refugee childr-en would -be ()i_ · -the co!tdition that sll expenses of transportat"ion- ·an 'I _of malntenarice be net by other than Honduran agenc"ies ;.

,:;ince Honduras has no diplomatic or coilsular representatives in .~v:itzerland at the present time, ·perhaps the ;Jepartment can eug~,est some· practicable fol"Jll of yis~ proce<luro.~

i:lnrif lcat ion on the following point woe.};_ be helpful: are the children expected to remain in Hoihluras the rest of their lives, or 1'10111•1 they be returned to their countries of origin after tet'IIlilla.tion of the present war? ·

711 :;J Jllr' :hk

Transmitted via courier pouch closinr~ 1:~0 P··"'-• >•pril. 28, 1944"

. DECLASSIFIED State Difpt; b!tter,cl·ll·72.


·._· B/~ R-P~ks D-ate:S.E£J··9 ·-1972 ~ '.i



I - -::.o'::-=.::----~-

i-'fiEi'~~~r~5~ili ilr sum ; ~.-~ OtV~S!O!'~ C1F -


I . l hlR@.·. &_, COi'liMUN!GAl!dNS !


,3<.C.3TA'rlo - ,; i.Sli-:rifi.-'Tciw·

- ~ -~ .

. ,-, :,J.I."'{o}<A.p~ilZ5, 5~o p.m •.

--FRTib~ .. ---~~----~~-:-____:_____-~

Tague igalpa, Hondilras: NO: Jl=l63 DiLT;;.D; · Apr11·.25, 194_4,,-5:30 porno_

a-_. --ili.U 9 iJ;_ ~"'·~_·;:.__.'~ C..-:!.j,:-

Departm~nt 1 s circular ai~gram of, Ap:J:"il 20~. 1944, 7:35 p oiDo - concerning refugee children under 16-years of age;

The matter was di~cuased with the Minister for Foreign Affairs this niorning._ ll.e ilppeer.ed to be personally sympathetic to the _aug=

. gestion, but stated that ·de~ is ion 'must rest with_Presideht Carias,­whon! Jie • p'rO_lJjl:aed to consult.

_ (M j;l!e Department is aware, all matters of: any iJ1lrtirt$:ce. are refl)rred t.o President Caries.)

Aacording to the official census of 1940, some 52 o4 percent of all Hondurans oYer 7 years of age are illiterate; and 54~5 percent , of the total population are :Uleg:lt1mate. These feats, coupled with the gener!ll povm·ty, result in an enormous number of neglected children; in fact, I l•a-ve never seen any country vthere 'children receive less· care and attention. Some years ago a (!,roup of chm•itable women fuunded an orphanage known as the "Case del Nino", where inmates now nw~ber 69, all under 13 years of age" 1'his Institution receives a runal.l subsidy from the Government, but is, of co\ll'se, unaole t_o care for more than--a very small percentage of the needy children.

T..eaders of the Honduran J'ewich residents (thore are approximately 185 J'ewish refugees in Honduras) state that they are withou·t _financial resouroee to care for addl.tional children, but that they could- possibly undertake ·to do so (perhaps in an orphanage which might be established) at a cost of S!Jproximately 20 to 25 U.S. clollars per child per month, They state thAt there would be little future for refugee children in Honduras, ainaa eduaational faailHiee are very limited and economic opportunit iee 1'or parsons without o_apital m•e said to be lacking,


DECLASSIFIED State Dept. Letter, 1·11·72 -c-

By R: liParks'n~tSEP 19 1972'


• Page 2 ~ k-•163, .april25, 1.944;-5!36 -IJ;ni,, ,llrerioan i:.mllassy, ~'egucigalpa.

I am :l.nclined to believe that the Honduran Government miellt­possibly be persuaded to accept a few refugee children, provided there were an adequate aclvance financial- guurantee. ;athout such guarantee, the pro&jlscts a:re,not ~ood.

.. --.nl_g_c __ ~F:hk ---

d- __


·Transmitted via airlriail pouch closing 1:30 pom., April 26, 1944.

-. --'-"---


April 2!), l9l...lt. (.~ ..

• ·:r iif~.ve. t~·-';~Ir~~.f1\ide: th$receipt··o.t"'-~the·:o~£ix'tn1ilnt'9~: c:o_nf'i<J.ential.oircule.r. ail•g:re.nr of Aprll·l5 1 . 7. p~m., witli _ f.urthor refer.eno:il to the Dapartmcm t • a; oi:roular air gram ot · · January· 26; 7 p;m., and-to subsequent ·o·olf.munioatioris on· rcfllgae matters. The D:ilpartment. :requa_sta the Embassy to r~ppl'oaoh tha Mo:dcen G\OVIlX'!lm!lnt. · emd · inform ··it of tho sub~ -:'l'ttinoe of the airgram under re:f'erenoe and to endeavor to samwo itlll aotlon via:.a-vis the Sv1iss Govel:'Illllent along pr~liminaey lines or oUl';ovm aot!ori with raspeot to a. apao1f'io number of vie!:l9 wb.io~l the Mexioah Goverrummt . . .. may bo propared to Jluthorizo •ita representatives :to grant t.o :refugm<~ ohildrl9n, Tho Department requestf.l a report by . toleg!'BJ?h as to Vlha·th~r th.1o aum;astion 11!1 baing favorably :t'I'JOGived by tho Mox:!.oan Government, and if sci ini'omation as to the nurnbo r of oh1ldran 1 t · 1a · prepared to, admit.

Although the attitude of' tho Mex1can"Govarnment with reapaot to the :.•ooe])tion of ref'uge!llB ba~;~ been. fairly l,iberlil 1 it is my baHof that th0 Me:doan Government 18 not particularly intarl9sted in receiving any oonsiderablo number or reruaoos from Europo either during or attar the war. Thin impreaa1on 1 have gathered through confidential oonverae.tlons from ti.mo to timo ·with high oftioialo of the \ Mexican Government when :r have difilcroetly~txplored thill fJituation. 'l'ha probabilities are that thf.l :Me:doan Government · wi+l. be rather loath to ooi\nni t itsolf imd probably rather o].!ov1. to commit itaelt. ·· · ··

In order to a®oura anything like a favorablo reooption ·towards the suggootion contained in the Department •s aire;ram under reteronoo, it will be necessary to prepare tho sround carefully in the ~exioan Government and among the highest offioialll, I am taking thfil appropriate steps to this end and I pel;'sonally shall not fail to discuss this matter.

!2!: rea11o111J

· ~ DECLASSIFIED __ . · State Dept. Letter, 1·11'72

. ~Y n: H: ~~ka -D~~ i972 .

1 .• -



.. -·

~-- --\-~ -~

• For reasons which a:re ~too-nUiilorous to enter into in thiiJ airgram, no 1mmediat0 reaotiori from the Mexioan Govornmont may bl!l expected ori this mattar, ~ :r shall, hoWever, -DOt tail to tak~ lt up and endeavor to- ~ Btllouro as receptivG and as favorable an at.titude -as~ poaa1b1c, ~ -

I shall giv0 this mattm1.' my p0raonal attantion and shall not fail to koep tha Departmimt j_nformed

_ of any clevalopmentli.l. ~






HI.S-706 This t ElE[;rrun must bE parnphrnsEd bEfcrE bEinG CO'C1ElUl1iC~~tEc1 tr. c.nyonE ethEr thnn n GnvErnmEnt O.[;El1CY• uc--ljJiQw.-jW)


<FCr Eicn-,~ Of'tic~-.--in n ct·E: -d~tEcf_ .:tJ.usUs_t __ 25-j .. ~-rg-Lf4~,- . -~":_­

stc~tEs tlK-t it h.~cs nc. objEcticn tt· thE 100 .visas

~,uthcrizEc1 fc·r rEfUGEE childrEn (sEE my 271, li'Iny 5$

4 l)•"() bEinG issuEd tc EithEr Hun<;nric.n r·r FrEnch

chilclrEn. l1EfErEncE DEp2rtr.tEnt r s circulnr tElEGram

cf :.u'.:ust 12, 8 p.m.




Secretary of State, l1ashington

American Embassy, Managua.!

May 17, 1944


I c__, /'-' ~ . -···.

\· /··/

fo ,/ ~Please express this Government's sincere appreciation Nicaraguan -~

actior. reported your 271, May 5.



::ay 16, 1941. 2:55 p.m.

:/iss Chauncey (for the 3ec 'y) Abrahamson, Cohn, DuBois, Friedrr.an, :-iode1, T.augh;in, lesser, :ann, Stewart, Central Files, Gable­Control Files


FH01.a A>JlmBA8SY t !MNMlUJ\ v

roa SECHEtf.HY OF STAT!·:, WASUIHGTON /~7,~~.,.·) J Mil.! $, 1944


Heferenee is WJ.de horewith to the Dejinrtro~>n~•s· a11'gr~

';::of ·7,j p.m., A,,dl '20; 1944. _"'j, "-.c.:...? ~0 ~-- __ - ~ • • ·.------. --

. ~i ~ Nianrngu~n ciontnil. in Bern has been;·,~uthQrtlwiby :~~:!;. . 01 , . . . . . . . . > ~~ Government to visa/ the passports or one hundred children 7~~ ~ . ~~out~ist1net1on of nationality or rol!gion in agreement

0 . -40 w@'H repj.esentat1ve of war Refugee Boal'd there and to keep

tllese visas valid Wltil transports_tion beeorJOs available to



DECLASSIFIED Stnte Dept. L.:.ttcr, 1-ll·r/2·

By n; K I'u;J(n ri.;to s EP 1 n· 1972 .

--~-~ -_


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I //' tJ t-'L-" ~~ ~ )t~~,/ ,L£.JE!:JhS.ilX ~ .- ) ,

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.;;SUN liON C!'l~':t•UltiAX) ~4 1/ r~ r, 29'' .:{[;;-;;;.,r ~ J?l,~·-1, \ :! ,~ / v' . .r<.::X j) . /~ ~ 1

The follo~IHl(; from ~il'.r Hefugee ilolf.X'do . t.?- : .. CP\. .. ktc_// " Reference ~·.s !;!n:le to.youJ' ll03 of Slilptemlier e. Jlhlaee

/' ~ '~ .. ,rion•·q,:y _.Bo!l~E· a w.Pr<llf:lint:ton- to .Pn1>agua.;ynn ot"1'191~u.. . _ ,

:·J:I.tlT !'~lgal''\ to theii' I.'IU~gei!Uon reported 1n your ~~ble. ~ ' . .c . ,.... -

you llay o.dvi!!a thl!lm that in v1w ot l1ber£t1on of Fra.noe,

nil { r•epeat no) r.-hipment of French children to l'aragua;v 1a

liMr.Mli\VgOI!iH 9/Ui/44

HULL (!.'!o!V)




l~efe.·er~ce it .. ;!~.df; tv :ioUT ~~j of 30i-.-t.e:J;her ?• l;,:..e<:~ae C•.; ,vt,. De.t:r:ortmt:.-_t 1 ..-; .~. nD Do.'~ TV t_e.. 8.1.:-;-l·t--c:v ti~ln ~:.%., Pt',rn_;.;,Ut-tJU:!.U

eft. ~-.:::if~.Lt: ..

a With ::r. .. ega..rO. c,o t;;, . .:..r· 3r.lgt;t-:t~l:..~ .. u !.~~~-·tH'"tHJ in.~ 1W'

c.).>Lt 1

. yw .. ::..ay ~ .. t.U_vi;;& ·r •. 2c~ _thl .. t in- ¥ie·~.: vf -l.ibe~ati':'"n -Jf P'ra_nce-1 .

-~ ·r$-v ( r-.:- 4'te.- t_ nO-.-) Qiugruttn_t .. vf -~~&-ot;h c·t!ildrt:n t.c tlal~t:->.gt.tt.;.y i:::· ex.~ ect...a;

9,00 a.m. September 15, 1944

l1iiss Chauncey (for the Sec•y) Abrahamson, Cohn, fu Bois, Friedman, ~odel, Lau&hlin, Lesser, Mannon, McCormack, Cable Control Files

AJI, -/

BAkzin/ag 9/12/44





I r






This tElEgram must bE paraphrasEd bEforE bEing communicatEd to anyonE othEr than a GovErnmEnt Agmcy, (l'tP'SfRIG~)

DatEd 0 Ept EmbEr :fr, 1944

REc 1d 7:35 p,m.~

SEcrEtary of StatE,

vlashington. rv

5·oz;, SEptEmbE-r 5,- 3 ·p.m,_---

Fffi>ogpayo:n. GovErnmEnt i-s wi 11 ing to Ext End its

accEptancE in principlE and with thE samE conditions

to childrEn from Hungary (rEfErEncE DEpartmEnt's

·circular tElEgram August 12, 8 p.m.) but sug0Ests thE

con'lEniEI1cE of lEaving an intErval aftEr thE shipmEnt

of FrEnch childrEn in ord[r to ascErtain what addition-

al numbEr can USEfully bE accEptEd,



-_ -~- -·~-:

__ \ -


The Following Pages Are the Best Available

.• ',._, t;:. d.

~ '-.


,, ;_,

.. 1' l-J_·_/!'" 8

Tr-.;.~~::·1-.: t. i.e f; -.. ~·

tLZtla.:.saa• ·

- ~. :-. ..;.··r


.·. . . nE:cr..AssWIE? 11

.72 State Depl. Letlor, • S E p 1 () 1972

BY R. H. Parks Date -'-- ..


-L ~-



Enclosure N:o, 1 t61c8if.t:_. Desratoli No, 2198 _dated :.rU.~e 17,\1944; A!:".Emliassy, A·Slup.C_:L6nJ. Para-guay ·.- .. ··~. -


D.P, y D;­No, 516.-


Asuncion, 15CAe junio de 1944.~·-

Sefior- Ericnrgado de Negocios; -- -

Con. referencie a la not_a· D~I' ;- y D. No, 402, de

10 de Mayo· uftimo ,- _ tehgo el :agrado de transcribir. a- Vuestra

Sefigrfa,:ia slguie'nte CSJmuni_caci6n reclbida' del Mini:sterio---· - -

de Interior y Ju«t1cia, que dice: -·-~. ---

··, ",t,,,,~~s···"', . ·~f~f~;~~Ji~~~i~i,iif~!rZ~~;ii~~i~~t!!{~i~~~~~r~:-" ·-1Uneii6ana·<icredit;ada <;erca de nuestm G6oierno. ctiyo conteni-

do h'l tenido e- r,Hn ·sonieter a -consi deracion de- este·fHni ste-• r:lo. Al r6specto del mismo. c~beme -expre,sarle,q•ie este Depar­tan:etto ·de Estado, cone or de con los_ deberes de humanidfld •que ·

- - : e!ltiende son los de todo puebloei vi)izado, esti••ta q•~e el p~·ra-· ~-' · giJ_ay debe tainbfen :coorei'ar en la labor de dar asil):J,,~ac Fos

.,.nio_os desamparados como c">nsecuenQiu···le' la act·,lal g\(erra; mas· - .:;.;i'·' ;i;l:omo sea. ::pie.no exi~ten -er1 eJ; pal3~i'nsbit•lc1_one_s_.a.proP'6sito.;·.

·· locales suficientel!lente' vastos y _comaA.,tdades· hecesaria-s, ..• posi bilidades de aloergar i.Jn erupd irfi0}-.ttant.e de niffos .­

rGenester es •crear_ los n;edios r)Ea·Ei-'tan·noi)J:~e.~):'ropof3_ito,para lo c!.taL- 3eran necesarios l.a coristrucc:i.ori cie ·locales ridscuados con el necesariocoiifai·t., y _eCJ.uipamiei1t'o ,•La c0laboruci6ri eco­noraica,que se ofrece podr:La .encarar el icosto de todas ·estas eroeaciones, asi 'como los me-dios para sol ventar .la mantenciou y ve:Stuario cl.e los nifios a asilarse. F-or su parte el Gobl.erno Nacional podrfa> coadyuvar costeando el personal.ciocente y ad--­ministrative del internado a crearse,a 1os efeotos de dar u-na educacion· esmerada y la a.tencion requerida;a los precita­dos men ores .-Aprovecho est a oportunidad oara,· saludar. u: V, E,, con mi consideracion m•\:o distinguide,-Fdo ,-Arnancio Pampliega."' Ministro-,--..n

Aproi.recho lA. oportunidad para saludar a

Vuestra Senorf.a e6n ml m4s ·.alta. y disti~guida ~-onsicl.eracion,-

A Su Senorfa .

Firmad6: Mario Ferrario, Sub-secretario de_Estado de Relaciones Exteriores,

El Senor Encargado de_ Negocios de ios Estados Unidos de America, Doctor Leslte Reed,


'I I . l



:,Jr, Charge d'Af'faires:

J.i, -Enclosu.r"eN;;~2·-to Conf,:...Desi:Jatch ___ . No. 2198 dated\ June 17;1944: A.!lli~m.bassy, Asuncion', Pai·aguay,

--With ref;;rence to NotE! D,p,,a.nd DJ 402 of May 10. l;:{~t,

I have pleasure in quoting to ,.-ou the ,following comJ:nu.liioation received f-rom the Ministry of · Interio:r;~j3-_n:l.Just ice; whiiSK says:

- - --- : - - - - ; -- ~ _- --- ___ , ~-{;"'- ~--- -"126, Asunciqn, June 9_, 194/•:)virc. MtiJ}ster: I have pleasure in cadgressi_ngYour E;ccelleJICj' ,wittil'~f(>J.'ence t<;i YOW'jfio-, .·_.· .

. J97 dat;ed!Aay Blast,·_withwhich theraWastr.aEsmitted·a duly authe!lticeted oory of Note No, 260 £eceivedfr6I:'.the Ameri­can E:nbaesy accredited near c011l'. Government i. tte. Qont. ents:,of wh1 ch _you were. t:•?Od enough tosubmij; for .the cons~d erat.t2~n" ... of thiB Liinistry ;- With respect ther'eto; -I .haye to ini'of.Iif<you-;. that this Government Department, in accord!irioe. with the ·hu- · · manitar·i S!l rltrti es W)1iu.h it ·,md.ei,struids 'are tii:o1)e o:(i eve_ry . . c i v_tl i_~_eQ. =·:!J e£! PJ-¢:(---~:~on-;;1-d:~;r:-p_ ~- :th~-~-- .E~r-~g-\J.ay- ~ 6~~h~~ :.81-~_p-; ~-_t_~: " - 9:~~:_·; ·

·· ~~11!f·tf~!~~~f~l~fq~!!~~~~!~~~;r?¥~~~1~i,c · .. ~ti.e<J,.with'JioS, dbilit~es of'_ housing 9.: considerable •group of

chHdren, it ·1s· necessary to create the eq,ulpment .for such a: noble pu_rJose, for v1hich there would be neoes~ary the·· . constructLJn6f adequate buildings with the necessary comfort· .

• aild.eqUiprc.-onto· The economic collaborat:Lon:\which i,s offered ·might coyer theeost ()f all such ite=,Z!ol.i~o/!lll as 'the means: to payf<)r: the maintenance and> clothing·~Of'•":trie children· to .. ·.

· ·.~~l!~I;r~1-~f~~;is1~ih!:~~~~H~tl~1i1ii~Ei:t~~J~ri1!rKtght .. c

U · thorout:-;h ec 'lC ati 6n and \the ll eces!Jfii'f'attentiOnS'to the minoi·s referred too I tiike this ::';O:pJ)or'tunity o:t:csaLuti ng Your .t<;xcellency ,.:Jth my ~1os.t- d+strnt,uished ccnsiderationo S~gned: i:~~anc~-0 _F_an1pl-i8eS:; ~rlrUstere.:..rr ~'-

I take this opportunit0; tci salute you Vlith my highest and most diiltinf'uishe(t consideration ..

The Honora bl8

l .-· -

Si~'ned: MArio Ferr!lri.o. Unn or Socre·tary of' Foreign Ilela ticns,

Charge d 'Af'faires of ,the UnHed States of F . .rnerJ.Ca,

Dr.· ·Leslie Reed.

. J . ________ .:_ ____ _.=;'

-.. ~_,-

~-\-.· '.-' I ~ • r- '

t ·-d~ f:L_~TJ.-_' -·.-..:; ~8-·?•-::._i ·v:::"


The- H-:-:•_!l0~~8.6le J.'he-

_ _ .. __ 1~r.e r.,_e __ --cu~, ~ •• _~o: ... 5.-StJ··\·-_ :;~~

''!.-G -:tid.:~ rl ~l !,~ ~- UftS

.3\7r J8 ·[i ~.· -y V-'li

ll t --,il·l { ~~t:: i (',


j~5 ..l'E:~~r-::·.t::~S th-6 :."Cti1'1c:--t."L.::J i · !h~~ '-F~: · · ~r G-:;·ve.ri~;::er.~.t tG L:e ·.~;.-i;-;s- UC'\i(_:..:·::~!:'er.::t:-~:· ·.r··-·IE -·~-;··\·f·:;~t: n..JthiJ.i[~ iS r3H_;_d.· i:1 the- ib'!·n~·'.l.'.~ytn} fc.te. :;~·_,_,·,;_~<!. r0 rt~e.:1:w.iv1:e1 ·u-..u.t the Fl..::l~-Lr~·"b_~:~:;-: :;f.n:r,::-~.:·.c·~·,~. ,. 1~ain F -:-~if;lJ,OZJ'Jttc ~rdssi.(;r, ~n ,·..J-'.;.I,:,Zf·~·.!~·::;<]

HeBj:;Eictf'u~.l·y _yl-,_urs ~

\ r , .

. L-OSl.Le :..J. I~ f. c:d -Ghi.tr22:C ';.l'_.': __ "f:1'Dl.:'Ot5 arJ int_eT~i-:n

~~n cl osu J~t:Hl ;


l) ?~I'Y e.l·~·"l tr&~.'l!it_iJ.(l :.d'· ~~1t~ns.~ .. :'. ,-),'""' No. 260 -_,r J,~ay ~ ,- l 91,4,

·2 ~ Cnr ~' ar;d tr~Dn.:-:1 at--ion o_f'i ::ot.e N0. iJ~\I 1

i~:~j'~1 ~i~~,n;~1"4! fr."Jm !i.J .. 'r:ift-:-·;: r)f !i'o·,,_,~.i.~:!::~ DECLASSIFIED

St•to Dopt, Lcttor, 1-11~72

LER/lJ..J ~ . ..• •. .­Ot·.t~-~fdil_I ·wi tfr -~..:,~~}~er·8c .. Ch.1·

Jll•n~~~~ !,;:k,;"n?'te~~EP TD to t :i'o De J£tr-t!,:er1t 0


___ ___y


."'•~. ·-- :_ - . '.

- · .. -; .. '·. -~----.--.··.·. \\_ -~~ -:.

Enc:J,o!Jure···No. I to De!Jpatoh No~·· 2148 American.- Embassy; Asuncion; Paraguay

-June 3, 1944 · · · _ --\--c--

Note.No~ 260



_\~ Asuncion, May\5, 1944

With ref'erence to previous c'onversations with~iYour

. \

~Excellency and with your _distinguished predece~;~8o4~Eegard~. lngthepossibility that. Paraguay may.partici:Pa:te< in_ the . _ h\lmanitarian work or giving asyllllll- to soine of't'~9-.e unfortunate refugees from Europe •• I have the honor _to inq\(i~e concerning tlie a·tti tude of your Government with respect' to:creoei ving some reftigee·chi1Cirim. · i

~~l~i~!::~~~i!~1,;i~~:~~i~~H~;~!~!~l~f~~;gr ··. ·.y ;;·'.-_-:f_:_.~ .. :._; __ ·;.~_I_~_~. __ :i.-_.·=-·._-·--~.i_r._--.-.~._~ .. ·_·~.-·_.-_·_.·,':.-. __ L.~.~-.-•--~---···-;.-.~.-- ._

-: 1_ ~-

their oare_.-:in tl).eduture, My Gov~rnmen;t:Chas deoid!'~>:t;9·-per;.;; . _ . ~ _- ~C"--.· " ' · .. •. ~~~fi~~:~;it~~ia£!%-i~!~l~f~~~;t·f~r!!~~~t~~{~·~{ ~t~{~Rg~: .. -•. -. _ •...

-_ .--"~:~'c-fc':;;•,•:cy"!; _ , . ·.:~ .. riationali ty;>X-e.llgion•or stateles~.-st.atus !l.nd hifa a\}thcirized · · the.·. g.ran1;il1g of the necessary visas by American consulu · of'fioerii, The$eyfsas wil-l remain valid or may be renewed until such time as transportation facilities to the United States may'be 'available, . t

. · .. , It' ctbfll'e are private{ organiza}io,ns or agencies ·in _ . Paraguay which are wHlizig and able to care for a_groupof'

· l'efugee children, i tis believed -tliat .·the. War Refligee Board can provide silch~gencies withadequa~e:t'unds~tortJ1e main

7 tenance, educat1on, and welfare of': as'many-~ohildren as your country would be willing to-admit.. Sh-oilld~cit, be necessary, funds would also be available to cover their transportation expenses,from Europe.to Para:guar., ·

If your .Government is willing·to parUcipate in this work, and a suitable agency in Paraguay is disposed-to as­sume the care of such chLldren,. your Gove.rnment may desire to so inform the Swiss Government. ; Upori:").':!;!oeiving inform­ation of the attitude of' Your Excellency' i:f Government in this matter, I shall be glad to furnish f'lirther details of the arrangements which are being made, if euoh information is desired; ·

Please a·ooept, Exoellenoy, the. renewed assurance of' my most distinguished consideration.

His Excellency Dr, Horaoio Chiriani,

848 -LER:pa·

· Miniatel' of Foreign Affairs and Worship, Aaunoion,

... ·~

Ji~~~~fit~c ·, _ _;_. --£-f_''_o ~ ---

-~-- ;,__ --,.-~ _,.·:,-o:-- -t~:~.~-~f" '--·:---~-:t:=; ~_.r. - -

.. '

(TraducCi6ri ·_no~ofiCial)

-- --.-· lisun~l6n; i.!ayo 4 de '1.944~


Con referencia a conversaciohes ·anteriores~mtmtenicta·s con V o Eo

y su distinguido .·predecesor. so bre la posibilidad de que el Paraguay­

-~p'-;l_~da~-,parti,¢ip~~ Fj~ ~?.-_-_hu:,llari.it&.ri_a~_ta-r~a- -de,_r:rar; as!lo a algunO$ de-·,

_ lose infort~nados refi1giados de Europa;· -tehgo eJ:' honor de a:veriguar

sobre la'actitud del· Gobiern:o de ·v. E; con respectu a reeibir a,lgtmos

nii\os refug{ados 0

<:e calc'ula que solg.nwvte eJ1f'ran~:i.a hay de B,ooo 8, 10;009 .riinos

ref:£tgl_a_ct.(,i;, <ib~l'liionaJi~s:·Q.: oU:~r'(anOs-, y la Junta: de I,ieiugiados .r!e ··

-· ·· .GueZ:r{:~stl!:-t;)'&tanctt> __ de -,;~~~:gt<iFJ.f 'i~iCi:ia-: ci~ e~lo~ • '!n &J.-~~t;ur6~---

- !!f:t9_biernol~~-Id~~idig6_'ge~ftl:f'l~; inndgr.ici6n ~a; los ~s;t\d_os' Uriidcs

de liasta 4,000 nii\os ~enores de 16anos; prescindlendode-su religion,

naci'onalidad o carencia de esta_; y __ ha alitorizado, -la_ enusion.de las

\r~~~g-~_Cci~re~po~dierl£e~~ P~·~ _tos _fu~ciqna,;~QS- .CQ_~-{ti~area~~j~eric~i·oa_ ~ .~-:-_: ~ .

. _ ,·.:,;_ ~t.it;a't ~sas•seriln.validaa b podr4tl' ser·renov~das)ui,sta_.que nayafi dis-~ ~ ~

... .'ponibles facilidades ·de transporte para 'Ips Estados Unir!os"


Si hay-en el Paruguay_organizaciones o agencias. pr:Lvadas dis ..

puest&s y capa·ces de hacerse. carg9 de· un grupo ·de ni.flos refugi.ados ,.·

se cree que la Junta de Refugiados d.i! Guerra. podrfa proveer a

t~les agencias los fondos adccuados pB.ra la. manute':loi~n,. E!d~caci6n,

y bieneotar de to.htos niijos- como- el· Paraguay qui~ies·e·. admitir; Si

·-luer{t ne-cesari-o:; se~proporcionar~a- tambien fonda$ para los- gastos

El. Sei~r Miriistro.de Helaciones Exteriores,

Dr. n. Horacia Chirianl.,

Present e.


de trapsrorte desde Eurol'~'-elc Par&guay, _j(_-__ .

tfntrajo ;~- -y _una -ag~ncto.- ~I~~op~B:d.~ o-~~~---~~~-o~a_~~'g~?-Y "-~~_fa B{!~u6rlte para­\~.'

hacerse c<trgo <Je;lales nifi6s~ el Gobierno_ileL Parar;uay puede de sear

a.visar -al -Gohierno cte- SUiza- ,en- _este sentido_,- y· s-:1_- deSep. _nias _de--.;

-tailes'acetca -.de l(l; Qlanes que -se eshn hacienda," -YO- •los propor-

-CiOiini.!~_~_g .. i~\o,sMie-1}.~-~·-;_desp~_e_? cfe -estar ·enter~d0--der· r"~untq_ de vista

del Gobiei~nc; d8--V:~ --E~ en ·este UsuntOc-

Dignaos :ac<lptar, Excelimcia, liis renoviidas seguridades de mi

/ .

. MINI sT !SRI o .. bE ·nEL,\cr ONES EXTERlCP.ES Y CULTo--c


~ .Eficlosifre No;2 tooDespatch No. 214~L · AmE1abassy~ Aimncioh, datec1 June 3,1944,

D"o~--" y~)~~.,---~~?_f_:~-~0~2~ _:d~~--=~--~-0 ----~~1:_-__ \j;e!):J(jfl(~-' te~;gc _e~ -~ep~~b

---ae__-_--t i-:B::it~-~-J·i 01-~-~:_~:~:- -Yu.es_t __ ~& ~-$~~qr~-~-- ~-~ -~~IguJ ~_nt·_ e- -: c vtf-;uni -c~ci 4~~

reclbid<t del ;.tL,Isterio de :O.ctu:cacrori, que dice:

i•Np, 5J6.~Asui-.cion,26 de raf.yode 1941,,,-E-\:crno. 3er..cr. Minis~ ~tio :- ·:•J?~t:lli~--- 81_:-~~sr?P.c.l- _d 6-- -9.i:rl_g~ rui? -_a_-- Y .. ~~ .. -:~J)a~a~ :8Ct~~~r-.--~e·~~--ci bo de lo. nD.tFi de esa C.anciller.ta i~o,)98 ;.~del 8 de mayo·

Jf~!~tlfi~~al~~~t!t:~fiJ~:f~if~f~1~~~~t~' terminfic:oi!de-n:.:esti·S.s )os.~bilidades, .se ieterminare. Pa·" J'a hace·f· p6sfble ttii llODlEi pl:'op6_s~ f.o, este• .1in1is Gerlo se

. penni t e &.delantar la_ necesidad' de Que-la ooltiboraci6h . -- e~<?-1!~ml-C~ orr~cid~-;-9Dn ~ewp~ ~---1~.- -,;~_nS_~~l:~:i~-cipQ.r: ____ d~- _t-lP.-:_ i_il"= - tei'nado ad ecuadoj,l pl'.op_osi1:;·~ .Pri1·seg1ticl6, -y·su: equ.ipa~

;l~~t!~·;~~{i ~:~~~:~r~·~~:r~;-l~~g~i~r·~~!r~~!~;~H~i~t~~iQ= ~ . ·. cente .del. internlido, de modo.de asew;ra:r a 1-os·pupilO:s:;,los

beneficio·s -de una_.ed:.tCact6rr~ -lc--:nB.!i -aCabEJ.·da.:- t:6~.fi bl·e-~----~-~~:Den~· 6. t-~J de_ ~_StaS lii-.ee.·~ c;_en0:ra.l2-sf e_?~e ~~Iir!ls-t_ef.i--O.>f~-~~~~~~-~-~~-~ • l,a- ~_srera de r:ue·.Tc·s --infor_meS y: ~ropoeic.:"..9!:e~.r-:_~o~-::e- la-·--t~a-. ,

~;:~~-t;·~. ;~~j: 1'~,~~~ EDe~{~ ~~f~~6-~t-fJf.i·~~.j ~~}'~~ Q:s-~ecial conside~_·


Ap~ovE>cho la ·oportunidud ;:>9.1'H saludar a

Su:b-Secretul)io de J£stado -c:e Rel&ciones .Ext-eri~res (

A Su "Sefiot·ifl El Sei:or Encargad.o de Negocios de los Estados Unidos de ArGerica, Senol:' rlon Leslie Reed, s;o: ...

\ -~


. I U·


-="5 )6-,-- ~Sun·c_.i-6.n j ~'-:ay ·--26 j- J. 9) ... 4-. ~ ·~s.roS-~ __ Ex_c$i{-en-t_- ~;·!r:"--_ ,;:ini~cter; . l hi,ive plean_ure in addressir~g cYou1': Excellenc~· -~-~r 01·(~~~--: ~p----_8. q~~1ow tt:._~l~:_e:- -r:_eJ~~i-pt_· --~).r ·-}>Io_t~ _- 39~ o:f_~;_I•iay- _ _E?--:.of tne :r:reserit yein>rrc/n :tour Oh:ancellery, as welJ as 'tne ·· autllenticated-ciJpy of dO']uf,IentNo. 260. froqlfl)e'A,.'ne:r:i.can ~:!l?a?~Y_- ~!_!.it:l;~eC·cr"'l<:r_:.-~~i~:~~ i_t;~ ---~Yi~h-_o_~e~f,~.(tnc_~---t-o ~h~~­cuntents or_- tned.:,cc[n,&n t i:er'erred ,to, this' i'tdnistr~' desires to- anrioun9e its-com)"leteconfor~lity. tc collab<lrate•i:J.re~ lieving- thEi fif:flicti:on 9r" 2:u:ropean chilrlhoodde;;i·lov'ed.ot home3 -by_ t~e_ .. 1/tes-ent ·\V~::r~-~-_--a~cqeptip.g -th~ n_tntb.er:.-_~_)1' refuge¢_8

·"~ ' .. ~~i~~~~~~~1(iji~I~~~t~!Jtl~~~JT the &G'clil!i.sti·Htive 1)nd teaching staff of' the f•f1Yltmr, in .. 6rdel·. to a~sure;th"l pof,ils the benefits or the Jilost complete ecluc11tion i>'JBsH>le. Nithiri these e;13ner£!l_ J,ines; this

-[,jfn£stJ_:y"will;l;8)•Jair! i!lthe eifectation,of further .Jnf'Qr~ ":ina:t'fun~bnq 6i·opcis&ls on.ti}e-subject, RE!ceive, Exc:ell'enny,

. _ ., -<~~;~~~-~~:f~ st~~~d~~·.{]' nf~~~;~~ cor,s jd erai; ion. s~_gn ed :


Sl;t:seC:':'"e'tnr·., ·or- ·stat0 c~f' l~'or-e"ign I~~l a t.iJJns"



.; . ~\

!io, 711

"' Subject I

The Honorable

The Secretary of State, co· NTR··o· L.· c o .. PY Washington, D. c. :


I have the honor to refer to the Department's cor£idential circular air gram of April 15, 7 p.m., directing me to 8.pproach the Peruvian gov:ernment with the view to inquiring. as to. the

, acce;Jta.;lce of r~fUgee children below the age· of~ sixt'een~with~_ilt r_ega.rd to religiop.,_ll!'-tionaJ:ity or stateless status, a~d to my ___ ,

· telegram no. 866. ~ - · ·i; _ _ · ....

I have the.li~~~; to ~~cioa·~ h-erewith the ~-;~~slat-ed .. t-~xt· of the note of the Fore-ign Minister expressing willingness to _·. receive u;~- to fif'ty children, under certain specified condi_tiotis-.

In rr.y telegram no. 541, dated A:pril 24, I advised the Depa.rtraent of the 1·eaction of Doctor Solf y Muro, which was to the effect thP.t in the absence of adequaw organizations for taking care of children he would have to depend upon the different foreign colonies. The text of t!::e note leads to tho surroosition tha.t the Belgian and }'rer.ch colonies have expressed willi~\\:ss•_to assi~J iii. this matter, · -

JGW:fw ' 711.6


·Reaps ctfully yours,-


J. c. White

DECLASSIFIED ·:-·StateoDcpt.· Letter; 1-lt:-12--,

. sr.p· 1. () 1i:m Dy H. 1!. l'nrlw Date __ ~_. · ·



'~'-) r-·




-.• -,:;,-.. ;""'

Ri.-787 This telegram must be paraphrased before being communicated to anyone other than a Government agency. ("M:SIH±CIE&)

Secretary of State


86.9, Juno 2.8~ ,4 .p .m ~


Dated -Tune 28, 1944

. k -_ -- --~--·,_-- -"' "- . - - -.

· Re:fcreiwc yqur'confidontial:_circular".-41'f-gram:

I.pril 15, _ 7 · p.m,·, regarding refugee children. · -

The Peruvian Government notwithstanding

aordg{?) adequate organizations or suitable ·es­

tablishments is willing to receive up to 50childron

provided that (one) they arc of. French or Belgian

nationality and (two) :0~1e Government 1 a': res pons ibili ty

should begin at the Port of Callao.




.. ~ . ...:_ .-

~· -· -;I' -~ •

A--.-=320 -r


--"\_-. -- -·--.-~- -- -- ------'----~



t Ii, ~~'vRIL!.'l'lOli

. .-- ._ ·~- : . l[!th .;_:er.:erwe to,you:r Ml <~ :•):n:•il 24, _ '.l.'ne na~j.'9ila;l.:i--'

t1t'ls l'ept>e'1ant<j\l in ·the !J:i'DflneCJti ~~- 1m~JJ!gra.t1b;;· of. ·cnil~l.r~rt / · cnxmot be nta.t<~t! o.enn:ltely uy the Far nerugee · Bo.iril, 'l'lle·

i'fitD: l-i!iV: KG 5/1/M




DECLASSIFIED State Dept-Letter, i-li-11i

By R. H. Parks Date.2ff.1 9 1972


-----._ <-1_


ehildnn but b"loon11 the,- would bEl c.hiefl;r rolieh, etatdeu'of

G":rnBn and .~tmtri11n origin, Fr!lnoh, and llelg!Gn. i'lq,f11!1!> &ive ~m­

pbarle to the hUl!llUii tl.<r1ro~ !!ISJ:ecte or tno f>Cti'on llUfif!"Et~ -to ..

A1ril 29, 1944 1':5<1 p.m.

~-~ :._:/

·.'.. t .. Mtll.hllc;a 4•28-... .t ...

, __ , .. -

-----o _,






' 'I .. · ... • .. .•.. J ~/-c. •. ·.~




American Embe.ssy, Limi

Secretary of State, Washir>.gton

April 2h, 1944

541 CONTROL COPY Reference· is made herewith ·to your. oonlid!,3nt1a1. ·

~;-~ .~-- c.~-- - - -~ - ; __ :- ---- _.._ ·~:: ;'.:: ttir.cui'tlr air gram·' pt · April -15 •. · .. ·

·. S~~ -~note has·~aen requested by the Fbr~i.g~I·uinister. ... ,- -.. ·- ~eaking offhand he thought that no specific prd!vate

agencies ror this purpose in Peru~ a_nd infant mortrill ty ·high,

Foreign colonies L1ight possibly be willing to takt:r certain

number of their own nationals. Please cable, therefpre~; .·

what r,atior,ali ties· in prospective child emiuigrution are.



DECJ.JJ\:·3~~Ii7fED. Stnto Dept.---Leltci"t 1~~1~'1~1

. By R. H.P;,rl<r.Dde~~E.f_l9 J97.2

--,.; __ 2/


?X?'. No~ 4?43 i

-~ ---- -· _\~_c____::_ j~_;_

,~.;') - ~ ·-:_/


MonteVideo,: Uruguay ·August 29,-1944

Subject: Uruguay agrees to Admit 500 Refugee ChUdtim-from Europe.

The Honorable The Secret&ry of State,


-.~ c'


In confirmation of the Embassy's. te],eg;am no. 8l)'of Atigust 29, lla .m., 1944, i have the honor to tra·i1smi t liere1vi.t_h- a copy-· of the note of the Minister for Foreign Affairs> in v;hicf\ he states that authorization will be granted for the issuance of visas to 500 refugee chil<':lren from Europe, in acconiance ·w:Lth the conditions set forth in this ~abassy 1 s memorar.dum of May 4, 1944, (copy enclosed), which was based on the Departinent 1s cir-cular airgram of April 15, ? p.m., 1944, - - -


848 EJS:1ed

Reapectfully yours,

For the ~~bassador:

Edward J, Sparks I Secretary of Bmbassy

1, Note from i1linister for Foreign ·Affairs dated August 28, 1944~

2, Embassy's note to Foreign Office dated 1~y 4, 1944.

(To Department in single copy for Ozalid)

D1i:CLA·S~11FIED State Dept._Letter, 1-U·7B

_By R. -~ Plii:li8_D~!<J~~ 9 )9/2-


.-____ ""!



.... _·:;\· Enclosure ho• 2c to· despatch no~ 474}, dated August 29, 194lJ.,,froin American Embnss;~r, Montevideo, ·urug'~ay. _ ·

The Department of State has authorized the consular officers of the United States in Sl'iitzerland to-issue up.· to 41 000 immigration visas to refugee children up.to . sixteen years of age, under exceptionally liberal·eondi­tions. The purpose of this authorization is to fa~ili­tate the escape to Seitzerland of orphaned or abandoned children b;~r giving assurances to the Swiss Government that these children will not remain in Switzerland after .. the termination of hostilities in Europe. The aut!io!';i.za::.C tiqn containsprovisionsfpr the continued renewal of tlie visas· until-sucn 'time: as adequate transportation . facilities to• the· urp.:teci's.tates .. becgme · a·~ai·lable" ,-~:=~

If there are ptivate agencies J.n Uruguay willing and able to ·undertake a program for -the care of ref·ugee children, the ':iar Refugee Board is confident that it can make arrangements to provide those agencies with adequate funds for the maintenance, education and welfare of. as many children as the Government· of Uruguay will be willing to admit. S~1ould it prove necessary,· · funds would undoubtedly be available to Jneet transporta­tion expens0s fro:;, Switz8rland to Uruc;uay.. It is· con­servatively estimated that there are in France, alono eight to ten thousand abandoned or ,orphaned ·rOfl)goe ~­children•

If the Uruguayan Government should pe willing to take similar action it is requested that it give assut-. ances to the Svdss Government, through its diplomatic mission in Bern, that it will accept up to a fixed number of refugee children in a mariner similar to that of the Government of the United States. It is further requested that the Ministry· of Foreign Affairs authorize its Chief of Mission in Born to issue tho appropriate number of immigration visas and to maintain their validit;_; until suitable transportation facilities from S1·dtzorland to' Uruguay become available. The special representative of the Yiar Refugee Board attached to tho American Lega­tion in Bern will be glad to cooperate \'r.i.th tho Uruguayan diploma tic and consular officers in this as well as . in: all. other refugee matters. ·

Montevideo, May 4, 19/,4, EJS:led cca Miss Chauncey (For the Sco•y.), Abrahamson, Akzin, Cohn,

Drury, DuBois, Fricdman,·Gaston, Hodel, 1Laughlin, Lessor, Mannon, Marks, l!cQ.<;>rmaclc, Pohlo, Sargoy, Standish, Weinstein

DECLASSIFIED !lMe Dept. Lettm',cl·11·71 . fg?2 ll~n:H.l'«rkoDoi.I·.SEP 19

""':J. .• ~ --




TO: ~:ecretary of :;.tate, .lashineton


81'7 ;<'

TIL ll.IE!iki € - . ------ - -

·Heference is madG herew:i.~b. to De])artJIJe:nt.'s; •.. ,·pm""''" --... .,. _; . -~ . -

-qf ;.pril :l-5·. and i'.anbas;3·~· e. c:ablF.i, <:)te~M§'y_-Px, :f,!j),.-.4in •. ,;, _ 'The Govern:nent of urugv.ay l1as e,f,r(3ed i'o:rini;ir-iy to, .tlul~:,

/ . -

admittonce of 500 refugee cllildr~n. · Byafrmail ;';e are

sending details.

\ \ DCH;IJAG:'MIJ;l 9/l/44

Dl~0l~\SSIF!ED Stute Dept. L;::ttm·, 1~11-72

- By ll. it. p";;"' JMo S E P 1 9 1972 ... -~-~

- r


c 03\; Ll';; ? :;::~i>l': ;;:L;L 0 i 'l';;;L;oGP..-'Jir' 1QIOE1.-f$tY .

/ - -- ~'·~·~ :~ ,:.;·~~----"({;u{; ~ ~~--,

L.•a-iosL L:~Lasy: _: c,~:\vi:;lln,~E,Y,R f;, Uo. - "'' •C<v,a><J,blf~•,JM 1'! 8{i;

L:,c; l~-, E<,-4


-. . ~ .

:i:t~L :t'.~Hte¢~~::~0~-~~-~Jt~ c~~f:i-.r&rQi~ · ;-.h~h~~U_n_Cq::-~1~~ - -~i'. -~-- ~--:~'··•·:- -

~-::i;, ~ .'~-04~,-:.--r;u .: 1~;.:-7, ~ >; t~rl:l-~S- {,~~-=3_ ~~~<--f1-_Y~- i_·n_~·~)-;;~~~ -~~--

DE6I./'~f~.t:JrFiffii fit•1tn_]),"pt .. 1_(-iter, 1·11-72

Sy R H. l'mb Dat<J __ SJP..) a 1972


TO: ~;ecretnry of ftnte, W~shington


Mny 6, 1944


II- I •••••• L I I _ . . {

CONTROl ~OPY ~ -·,c• -.- -

~n·_ 1Y:i _ 3 we. l'ecli~veii c}rcular"' airgra_w from tj;.e ~- ..

. · ~~par~ent_ dated. Aprii- 15 regarding vi~asvfor Jefugee 0:--~: /""" - "" .

~eTHldr!ffl enteri-zlg Switzerland. The Under-Secretary handles · ~w~ 0 ..

~~ugee questions and the rr,atter was 1mreed1ately presented-;;~\~ ~ ,/ - ·- -- -~81m b¥ Sparks. The Under-Sec:·eturY'If1>erscmal rf)action was

0. - . . • ~n 0 .

- fl@o'rabl~ und he promised to expedt te. the Uruguai•yan Govern-

m_ent 1 s consideration of -the matter.


. DECLASSIFIED-- __ ~tnte lJer.t. L(:{ter, f-11~72 .

'B!v P.. H.~-_.,,,_, :;),.,. S(t) n 1972

Ap~:j~~~-~·?q-~ ?1.'3:Vp~m~-

_ "~ e:zJ:.~;~J:L~. -nwon..~rr-x.rJu 0?- TJDr. ·f:&!.iliSfiAUQl-;3- i-/i' JJ{J:i_= ,f(,~{F.!j-:~B.di'i ~-~·LY.fillOJt,---- Gf~~~~A)'o1tl~~ <fEG~H:."t(~.A!.:J~!=. _:- :?,J:YH~:} lA_: ___ -Q_UI~f ~~: -r~ =1>_ ~ ASgfi~~ot; ~ ~~

~'~. ::i:-nf;:, ;:;~~- "t-i-l~J" D-.::1= !· ~---tii;~nt. !3 ·id..l·c-fd.e!~-~- ~ir-gr.S:tn ;::.n.·i t~' :.:<~fi~~qlt~n~ ~f.lnmiuhJ<::."';J . ~n---9il:-·-l~Bf\lgetr ·d 1.~·;, ~ ;~~h-t· _ D6t"-.&:·(<~i!~:~n+~ !u> r~6~ b.uth,~r~ iGa -

}"ij.~"~~--s~~;·.1~~id .tf~ 13B1i-O -·~-.P ·t;:)_-_:fo).U: _" _. ~- !· J-!"-- "''"':i ;;~:,s. -i;n- r·~i.'tl.~~fr_-: .;h.~~lG_t>en _ 1lj1 'f~~- ::at~~~~:;giti~ ~-~

_ ::-~S~:~E.~-~-----~~i ~7~~}.1.~1Qlli;:l~1-i~:~:011-,.!~JJ,y. ~r:---~~-a};~~H!Jtj ·-- •.--o_-,__. -""'·'

"'. __

~--~ ~:·: -;'"~d:(i -,~:.t•Jf>~{- ;·f!;!:~::>~i -.~~:~ ~;·~~ "'.11tJ::t-C" ~ ~)~~~y~_:::c!;tt6-1ed u; • ~''~ .... _.! -- -,_~ .. -:,-~:·o~~t:- ._: __

·iz~~·;;~t;,~~~~~~ljtil~~~~~a~;~~~~~;;,.· j·gE~-:-9-Ut.}~,y~~tr;~:\i,~-;2.- --·~::-iY::.si fl£. _-TJ~\ .. •7·.fs-"i~ns- !or

J:!.t.~n.::~ ''.IJt.'L~::;_ · ~t'-Gil ~.~:~1f! _E!.:l ~de-q-uj;,tl2_ -..J.-r.:rHlp


·;; ,.

tl\P; t:aJtl:'-:i ~~;~,~:.·G-'!Hi b-&cOtf!a A1t~.110:blfi.,

h~~ ·, .:?;;\:.,/'~ ·.1:t~~~·t.:;~:!~iu~f o~:~jo.i'¢~ .·

-':-D f:t·d {o:!_':- ·i·,I):~ _th~t- i ~~

!~d(·~u~-t::J. i\:~n-:1:~ ;:' ..

1Ht_~,~ ~~hl1(ln~r~ {.:~a ·-.-~. ~;t-: 11~J~lL \-tl :;..dm.It. ShoU~k~-.

- :!r'i .~-. ;··._,~-,de \1ou !_ii, r~l-:-J•.:.nl.\lt-<;.<11}- !-·.::_. · -··~-~ :l.nbl~ .... il m~.;~t ''!:'- ·r' --~'-~!i r.~···_,E• St-dL~7,:;:r_hJd'~ f,u ·;:iJ!i1i ·' .-

'-· >: ·~ ·d9-[!ll !·}"·:n:.:·<;-p.t·i~l tti r;;·~·.r:.tc).:.\l.i; qf t.C · G.~\·..;r-mn;: .n ~· . . , ~ :..' !. -. ~··.J.tU. t-:.~.~i =- .hu-:-m~~. -.:.~~1.·.~.-~ of t,hn .:·r)i->>c~/~ng :u;c:r n_":(~

:.::.:·-•to 1 • !~ L,·~ -~;·~.,w::ttl. i;o f_,:r.::, Un-l:~!J-(~o:;-·~r.n~3n~ (}f -tho.-l.:.' w.:U_}_-·.t."~,_:.;··?t:

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-:;Jr.t~-J .Y; t n· · i .. fd.t.~ ,;_·.~;V';.?·n_;:;-;t.!l i~ ~ For :,l-~;~ · J. r;_forr.:.'l 1-:!.;:·t• -(1!:' the .0-'ve<l'~:.::'.' :_: ·-~-;-_~ v:rd..-•r; >u :-:~.n: :~.;:;··-~,:;.. :-"'~-·· . " ,L-.. .:·.nn;;:::1'".t''.?.t3:~~-.· ,:);~t.Jl•;.-:-..t"'Bc\ t!·:ni:-thr:;;:·-:;-_,:1.,; }'.-,..·;;~- :£,, :-.:--;: 4 -~·ic:•:;~'}.{;. ··.·.!·,:1,~.-rt~_.(l n<' .-:·-~-rh!::'.'

·,:,,.__ ;,.

h~.W"~l..nJ f(;_-~·5 .. ;::..11 ~-o r;J:1 ~l;)t··LfJ :;.\t::· ~·:· ,y{

'Ltt~.--~ :~·;.,;r: .'":l-.·l.t~H:·.ln .. J.tl '(f, tv~ :.~U!J_irCr;,: L -,

~;;,• ~ l;~' ;'! "'·/>;i~ ... ~;; ,.,'(• ·,·i.\t•_·---h-E\} i..:_l ".L•-·~ 0,;

;..-_. ~ ·~ ·,,:.;, Ll •. :-:~ RJ-:·.t_t ·o fH:ft)fl';il f)_ (i!J vttJJ t-lr~ ·di11Jv .t~.:. al ;~ \JOU!lttlnt·

"~-.I~.~: I!· infnr;:-.'.:d -~k .. ' ·- ;-J: · 1 ;:-:<.~ ~ :_

. DECI,ASSIFIED StaTe_ Ikj)e-r:cttcr; I•li-72 -

-.- ·_.----·.. ··· - -· . SEP 19 1972 lly R. ·H. Parka Date~



With further reference to the Departmentrs circular

nirgram of J2nu~ry 26, 7 p.m,, and to subsequent

communic'ltions on refugee matters, you nrc informed thR_t·

the Department has now authorized tho American co~imlar

officers in Swi tzorland to issue up to ·four thousand quota

immigration visas to refugee children up to sixteen years

of ng0 without regard to religion, nationality or

stateless status, to close relatives residing in enemy,

enemy-controlled or occupied territory, or to the

availability of means of transportation to the United

States, The purpose of this authorization is to

facilitate the escape to switzerland of orphaned or

abandoned children by giving assurances to the Swiss

Government thnt these children will not remain in Switzer- "

land r<fter tho tormlnation of hostilities in Europe.

Tho authorization

- DECLASSlFIED­Sta,te·--nept.: Letter, 1-11· 7~

By R. H. Parks Date S E p 19 1972

=~--.. ill' -


-2- CIRCUL_'.R, ;,pril 15, 7 p;m,

The authorizati0n contcins provisions .for the continued

renewal of tha vis~s lli'til such time as adequate

transportation faclliti&s to tho United States be.;.

come ,availahle. Private sources have. posted ·bond··

vii th .t!J-9 Attorney General of the United 'States -to-

. as sure ·thb . Gove rri~n t _that the t_Jiijn:igra tiiig:: _(rh:i:ldrJll1· V;).l'l


- .;;: --


• -2-GI!WULAR, 1\prll lil, 7 i·J.·.

If: tho:ro mro pri vLte '.Z~llClos in tho coun'~l'Y to Vdlich you:

aro aocrogiterl 1rlllirv. ,JJJLi c,blo to Ull:tm1;~uw :u I.itjlt;r£~_1 .~ol~ _1,11<:~

Ct'.l".l Oi' rcfw:So, cilll;trfJJI> tilo .. OX ocOi'U[;OO JJo;lt'd -~.:1 COJifidont .. :

-th~ .. t :r.t -Oio~.1 ~~-~to·-urr:.m~*lm~to to _prOv.tcl~ thO;~:-:!;:Nn~:iCa~~~-ritt(_=

-~·de<-ru:.to fl.l!tdo for t.ho mc.intent'-!1Co, ad!W;,ttici-1 :.ul,i r,'ltlf'vo ,of _<:fl

:.u.!l},y ch:tldren ,_\0 th.; llov.,rn..Jc;nt or th:.;,t country \<ouJ!l bo tTlllinc

to <~\l.clt. ;;hould it prom nocoasur.r, fwtcl<J vmn.ld tmcl.oubt.edl,y bo·

<'.Vcdlublo to moot, tr::uwporl:.c·.t.ion o:;;<,on:Joa from c,rrltzerl:~ld to

tlwt coWltey.

''\d.c!• you :.ru (locrcd:l.toct, infol'El thea o£' tho foi'030inC :mel :ro-. .,;

:.est t\,o,,l to :::Lvo ru.;ourv.nco to tho :mi<Jo Uovon~tl3llt throu,_~l

thoil• dlJ,lofll:lt:!.c 1.li.ooion in Bern th,·t they wlll uccopt ur- to n

f:lxod _nwn!Jor o.l' rcf'u;-;ao oh:U.dren in a lil<UI/101' o:lmllur to th<\t of

t.i~Lu t1-ovornmont, l•'or tho ini'<>l'l:lc.tion oi' t.ho OovotW.!<mt to Tndob

you r>.ra ,-.cc:rocllto<l, it i:J consorw,tivezy aoti£t•:.t!l'.1 th,·.t thoro

m·o :1..n Prtu1ce :..lone oicllt to ten thouocuu). ul>:.llldonbtl or oxvhaned

refu.;o" chi.J.drou, .:.hould th.-t novol:'n::wnt bo will:l.rt,:; to m.:J;o _ thill

hw.wn:i.turim ofi'or, plo,:.ue l'e<1usot the -:::lniotry of i'oreit:n .t'i'nirs

to !JUthorize its cllifli' of miaaion in 'aam "to issue tho Hppro.!Jriuto nural.xir




• -3-CIRCuLAR, Aprll 1,1;, 7 !"•"'•

sl.lit~'blo tr<•.uaport:->tion f:<clli·ticc fro . .1 --~Tltzorlruvl to ito

COWltr:-; becc<~e avuilc\lll~. The Govvrn1110nt J!U\Y ly.J lnfortlOJ _tl.-ct

tho ,er:<?c:\-:0.. rop~aontatj;Vi -9f, t::,o .& ::cfu(;oo J:Joaru uttm:h<.ld t~

tfl'J. o:<Orii::o.l} j.ew•U:dl; :iil lk:rii ~:i.U t,..J ·:1':.~i to coo[Jor::..to ,-;ttif>:

the cliplom;.,tio -;11'.1 oousv.:t:.U• oi'ficem of the otno:;.• . JilO!"lcan ,•.iO.: .

l'Ublicu in thiu WJ wall •\0 i!l (,).1 ot.hor ro:l.'n,;co mcittore.

i':>.vombl,y rnco.ilre<! l.l<J th" t.lovuzn:.;vnt to <';hich :rou :;.ro ncoro.lited