Equity Asian Dragon Credit Suisse SICAV One (Lux) Equity Asian Dragon Investment universe Asia ex Japan Markets Benchmark MSCI AC Asia ex Japan (NR) Investment Advisor Credit Suisse AG, Singapore Branch Fund domicile Luxembourg Fund currency USD Issue price USD unit class B: USD 10 USD unit class I: USD 1,000 Launch date 29.01.2010 Share classes B, I Minimum investment USD unit class B: n/a USD unit class I: 3,000,000 Single Swinging Pricing (SSP)* Yes Management fee p.a. USD unit class B: 1.92% USD unit class I: 0.90% Swiss security number USD unit class B: 10627684 USD unit class I: 10627690 ISIN USD unit class B: LU0456267094 USD unit class I: LU0456267250 *SSP is a method used to calculate the net asset value (NAV) of a fund, which aims to protect existing investors from bearing indirect transaction costs triggered by in- and outgoing investors. The NAV is adjusted up in case of net inflows and down in case of net outflows on the respective valuation date. The adjustment in NAV might be subject to a net flow threshold. For further information, please consult the Sales Prospectus. Investment Opportunities Why Asia ex Japan? In 2010 Asia ex Japan is again set to be the growth engine of the world economy. GDP forecasts for the region of 8% and 7.6% for 2010 and 2011 are significantly higher than the global average, with China and India leading the way due to structural changes and a rapidly expanding middle class population. Growth in domestic consumption in these countries will also increasingly benefit other Asian economies through intra-Asian trade. With stronger economic growth tending to translate into stronger market returns, this bodes well for investors in this region. At the same time, given the region’s competitive advantages such as labour, infrastructure and policies, Asia is expected to remain the main factory of the world. As global growth continues to pick up, Asia will be a huge beneficiary. We have already seen new orders and exports recovering strongly in Asian economies. Unlike most Western countries, Asian economies haven’t suffered structural damage in their banking system. While they have been hit by the financial crisis, it is nowhere nearly as severely as Europe or the United States. Asian banks’ balance sheets are healthy and consumers are underleveraged, meaning that the region will be able to recover much faster than the Western world. Risk appetite has returned in recent months and emerging markets in general, and Asian markets in particular, have seen strong gains. Upward earnings revisions have contributed to the strong performance and, with the expected up-tick in economic activity, we expect this trend to continue and become more broader based. Fund Profile 1/3

Equity Asian Dragon - Credit Suisse · Equity Asian Dragon Date and information ... continues to pick up, Asia will be a huge beneficiary. ... through equity and equity related investments

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Equity Asian Dragon

Date and information

Credit Suisse SICAV One (Lux) Equity Asian Dragon Investment universe Asia ex Japan Markets

Benchmark MSCI AC Asia ex Japan (NR)

Investment Advisor Credit Suisse AG, Singapore Branch

Fund domicile Luxembourg

Fund currency USD

Issue price USD unit class B: USD 10

USD unit class I: USD 1,000

Launch date 29.01.2010

Share classes B, I

Minimum investment USD unit class B: n/a

USD unit class I: 3,000,000

Single Swinging Pricing (SSP)* Yes

Management fee p.a. USD unit class B: 1.92%

USD unit class I: 0.90%

Swiss security number USD unit class B: 10627684

USD unit class I: 10627690

ISIN USD unit class B: LU0456267094

USD unit class I: LU0456267250

*SSP is a method used to calculate the net asset value (NAV) of a fund,which aims to protect existing investors from bearing indirect transactioncosts triggered by in- and outgoing investors. The NAV is adjusted up incase of net inflows and down in case of net outflows on the respectivevaluation date. The adjustment in NAV might be subject to a net flowthreshold. For further information, please consult the Sales Prospectus.

Investment OpportunitiesWhy Asia ex Japan?In 2010 Asia ex Japan is again set to be the growth engine ofthe world economy. GDP forecasts for the region of 8% and7.6% for 2010 and 2011 are significantly higher than theglobal average, with China and India leading the way due tostructural changes and a rapidly expanding middle classpopulation. Growth in domestic consumption in these countrieswill also increasingly benefit other Asian economies throughintra-Asian trade. With stronger economic growth tending totranslate into stronger market returns, this bodes well forinvestors in this region.

At the same time, given the region’s competitive advantagessuch as labour, infrastructure and policies, Asia is expected toremain the main factory of the world. As global growthcontinues to pick up, Asia will be a huge beneficiary. We havealready seen new orders and exports recovering strongly inAsian economies.

Unlike most Western countries, Asian economies haven’tsuffered structural damage in their banking system. While theyhave been hit by the financial crisis, it is nowhere nearly asseverely as Europe or the United States. Asian banks’ balancesheets are healthy and consumers are underleveraged,meaning that the region will be able to recover much faster thanthe Western world.

Risk appetite has returned in recent months and emergingmarkets in general, and Asian markets in particular, have seenstrong gains. Upward earnings revisions have contributed to thestrong performance and, with the expected up-tick in economicactivity, we expect this trend to continue and become morebroader based.

Fund Profile


Why Credit Suisse?Credit Suisse has a long history of investment in emergingmarkets. The firm has been actively investing in developingcountries across the globe since the 1980s.

Our “on the ground” presence in Asia allows us to combineregional capability with global reach and enables our fundmanagers to quickly develop a close network of contacts andkeep in constant touch with companies, leaving us well placedto make investment decisions.

Investment Objective The aim of the fund is to seek long-term capital appreciationthrough equity and equity related investments in companiesdomiciled in Asia’s emerging markets. The fund’s benchmark isthe MSCI Asia ex Japan index.

Investment Process

The focus of our investment strategy is on active management,using both top-down and bottom-up analysis. We believe thatcountry specific environments are important drivers of investmentreturns and that stock selection is critical in a constantly changingenvironment. At the same time, we believe in “thinking outside thebox”, looking to actively exploit special situations and offbenchmark positions that represent opportunity. At all times, theportfolio will be well diversified in terms of both stocks and sectors.

During the top-down process, we look at each country on both anindividual basis, assessing macro, technical, political and valuationfactors, as well as a relative basis, taking into consideration globalsector trends and investment themes.

Our bottom-up stock selection process involves a combination ofquantitative screening and qualitative input. During the quantitativestage, the investment universe is screened using both proprietaryand external screening tools. This allows us to bring together the“best in breed” quantitative factors as determined by backtesting.Liquidity is a key factor when investing in emerging markets andstocks with low liquidity are omitted.

At the qualitative step, portfolio managers conduct in depthresearch of screened companies using fundamental analysis.Face to face due diligence with company management isequally important. We use a proprietary company scorecard torank individual companies based on a number of criteria suchas earnings, valuation and financial health. There is a lot ofteam interaction at the final portfolio construction stage.

We adhere to both internal and external guidelines, whilemanaging risk throughout the process.


Top Down Market Outlook

Portfolio Construction

Bottom Up Stock Selection

Country ScorecardGlobal Sector Trends & Invest-ment ThemesRegulatory & Political EnvironmentAggregate Valuation

Risk monitoring vis-à-vis both benchmark and absolute country, sector and stock positions

Proprietary Company Scorecard – Quant RankingLiquidityQualitative ResearchValuation Comparisons

Credit Suisse has a very strong emerging market investment offering,

having been active in these markets since the 1980s.

The opportunity to enter Asia ex Japan markets at a time when

valuations are attractive and offer strong long term potential.

Access to a strong Asia based Credit Suisse team of investment and

research professionals, who have a long and successful performance

track record.

The fund will be managed using a cross-regional and cross-sectoral,

disciplined and highly transparent investment process.

Investing in emerging markets involves a greater degree of risk than an

investment in developed markets. Emerging market risks are among

others: a certain degree of political instability, relatively unpredictable

financial markets and economic growth patterns, a financial market that

is still at the development stage or a weak economy.

As the fund’s investments will be denominated in currencies other

than the fund’s currency, the overall fund value can be impacted by

changing exchange rates.

No capital protection.

Benefits Risks






This document was produced by Credit Suisse AG and/or its affiliates (hereafter “CS”) with the greatest of care and to the best of its knowledge and belief.However, CS provides no guarantee with regard to its content and completeness and does not accept any liability for losses which might arise from makinguse of this information. The opinions expressed in this document are those of CS at the time of writing and are subject to change at any time withoutnotice. If nothing is indicated to the contrary, all figures are not audited. This document is provided for information purposes only and is for the exclusiveuse of the recipient. It does not constitute an offer or a recommendation to buy or sell financial instruments or banking services and does not release therecipient from exercising his/her own judgment. The recipient is in particular recommended to check that the information provided is in line with his/herown circumstances with regard to any legal, regulatory, tax or other consequences, if necessary with the help of a professional advisor. This documentmay not be reproduced either in part or in full without the written permission of CS. It is expressly not intended for persons who, due to their nationality orplace of residence, are not permitted access to such information under local law. Every investment involves risk, especially with regard to fluctuations invalue and return. Investments in foreign currencies involve the additional risk that the foreign currency might lose value against the investor’s referencecurrency. Historical performance indications and financial market scenarios are no guarantee for current or future performance. Performance indicationsdo not consider commissions levied at subscription and/or redemption. Furthermore, no guarantee can be given that the performance of the benchmarkwill be reached or outperformed. This investment product includes investments in Emerging Markets. Emerging Markets are located in countries thatpossess one or more of the following characteristics: A certain degree of political instability, relatively unpredictable financial markets and economic growthpatterns, a financial market that is still at the development stage or a weak economy. Emerging markets investments usually result in higher risks such aspolitical risks, economical risks, credit risks, exchange rate risks, market liquidity risks, legal risks, settlement risks, market risks, shareholder risk andcreditor risk. The investment funds mentioned in this publication are domiciled in Luxembourg and are in conformity with EU Directive 85/611/EEC of 20December 1985, as amended, relating to undertakings for collective investment in transferable securities. Representative in Switzerland is Credit SuisseFunds AG, Zurich. Paying agent in Switzerland is Credit Suisse SA, Zurich. Subscriptions are only valid on the basis of the current sales prospectus andthe most recent annual report (or semi annual report, if the latter is more recent). The prospectus, the simplified prospectus, the management regulationsrespectively the articles of incorporation and the annual and semi annual reports may be obtained free of charge from Credit Suisse Fund Services(Luxembourg) S.A., Luxembourg, from Credit Suisse Funds AG, Zurich, and from any bank in the Credit Suisse AG.

“Asia is once again set to be the engine of

global growth and investors can capitalise on

this with the Asian Dragon fund.”

Ivan Goh, Portfolio Manager
