Equilibrium Magazine Issue 46-Autumn 2012

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  • 7/30/2019 Equilibrium Magazine Issue 46-Autumn 2012






    Autumn 2012 / ISSUE 46

    >> Hooked into Consmption

    >> Urban Harvest

    >> Confned Spaces

    >> Claralympics!!

    >> The Most Savage Insult

  • 7/30/2019 Equilibrium Magazine Issue 46-Autumn 2012


    Equilibrium is produced by service users. Reproduction in

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    Equilibrium PatronDr Liz Miller

    Mind Champion 2008

    Photo copyright remains with all individual artists andEquilibrium. All rights reserved. 2011

    Equilibrium is devised, created, and produced entirely by team

    members with experience of the mental health system.

    If you know anyone who would like to be on our

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    Design: www.parkegraphics.co.uk

    Front cover image ofwww.photos-public-domain.com

    the team

    Facilitator: Kate Chase. Editorial team: Dev Chatterjea, Angela,

    Pumla Kisosonkole, Ian Stewart, Meg Kelly.

    Graphic designer: Anthony Park.

  • 7/30/2019 Equilibrium Magazine Issue 46-Autumn 2012


    After 7 years as facilitator of Equilibrium I

    am moving on in a few weeks. As a team

    we have managed to move Equilibrium

    from a 4 page newssheet to a longer

    paper based version and then (as now)

    to a limitless electronic space corralled

    into online magazine format as well as

    being on our blog: www.equilriummag.

    blogspot.co.uk. We have embraced Twit-

    ter too and tried to broaden our reader-


    What will I miss? Countless things the

    chat, the winter sing-alongs (Mamma

    Mia Mamma Mia) with Marcias fab

    harmonies uh huh, the mice in St Anns,

    countless cakes (latest being a fab

    eggless confection with fruit and akes

    thanks Gavin!) , picnics in the park and

    the Claralympics (qv), Marco Lanzarote,

    Nigel Prestatyn and Olive, Ants super

    skills in all things designy and his absolutefaith in organic management,

    the indoor sparkler event, sitting

    on important chairs in the train-

    ing room, chats about everything

    from vitamin D to the Ugandan

    royal family, Gavins total faith in

    our abilities, and the collective

    effort to try and make a


    I slope off now down the road in

    N8 and hand over to Kate who

    Im sure will bring Equi out of the

    digital shadows. I will continue to try and

    keep wellbeing on the map and keep up

    my obsession with trying to improve the

    lives of those with some form of distress.

    As recovery is more prevalent in the

    developing world than in the UK, and in

    lots of ways the treatments on offer vary

    little from how they were 60 years ago

    (ECT, strong drugs etc), theres so much

    room for change. I will still contribute and

    really look forward to each fresh issue of




    Article on Stuart Low Trust Philosophy Group in issue 44 of Equilibrium

    was written by Rachel Paine and Harry Adamson.

  • 7/30/2019 Equilibrium Magazine Issue 46-Autumn 2012

    4/25Summer/ Issue 38EQUILIBRIUM EQUILIBRIUM 4

    The Fix: How Addiction is Invading Our Lives

    and Taking Over Your World, Damian Thomp-

    son (Collins, 2012, 18.99 hardback)

    The idea that products from cakes to inter-

    net sites are increasingly designed to beas addictive as possible is both chilling and

    entirely unsurprising. After all, there seems to

    be no limit to how low multinationals will stoop

    to mould us into ideal consumers, cut off from

    anything (social bonds, knowledge of the

    conditions in which these items are produced,

    a capacity both to fully inhabit the present

    moment and to see beyond it) which might

    hinder an unbridled gobbling of so-calledgoods and services. Any effort to make the

    inhabitants of economically rich countries

    more aware of this is to be applauded, even

    if, as in this case, the attempt borders on the


    Thompson has some interesting points to

    make. His principal concern seems to be to

    highlight how many more people than we

    might imagine in fact, almost anyone who

    regularly uses the internet are ensnared in

    powerful patterns of addiction which can

    come to govern our daily lives. He convinc-

    ingly argues, for example, that it is no coin-

    cidence that iphone users are forced into

    OCD-type behaviour in order to keep their

    mobiles charged and updated with the latest

    software, nor that sugary cupcakes trigger

    similar biochemical responses to heroin.

    Unfortunately, Thompsons writing style is at

    times irritatingly repetitive, as is his occasional

    tendency to make assertions rather than

    fully develop arguments backed up with

    evidence. To give one example, the state-

    ment that through our addictions to technol-

    ogy we are increasingly replacing peoplewith things is repeatedly made, but not devel-

    oped. This is a pity.

    Nevertheless, anyone reading this book may

    nd themselves more aware and wary - of

    the ways in which we risk losing ourselves in a

    torrent of short-term desires, each demanding

    its own x as soon as possible, or sooner. And

    this awareness might just result in our having

    more of a chance to pause before we reach

    for just one more piece of chocolate, or look

    at just one more website before we return to

    the non-virtual world. So its interesting how

    the insubstantial, slightly tantalising writing

    style of this book had me drawn hurriedly from

    one chapter to the next, barely leaving time

    for the arguments to be digested. After alll,

    publishers want us to consume, too.


    Hooked into ConsumptionMeg Kelly

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    On a sunny Saturday

    afternoon in Septem-

    ber, I biked down to

    Ally Pally to join Urban Harvestsannual Red Berry Walk. With

    blackberry season almost over,

    you might have thought there

    would be little to pick unless

    (unlike me) you knew about

    hawthorns (native and exotic),

    sloe, crab apples, rosehips and


    Before this walk, I would have

    been hard pressed to identify all

    of these, let alone know what

    to do with them. But during the

    hour or so I spent strolling round

    the park with a large and friendly

    group of foragers, I learnt

    enough to feel condent about

    foraging on my own afterwards. I

    learnt that whilst native hawthorn

    berries are small and mostly

    seed, their exotic cousins can be

    the size of small cherries and

    many grow as ornamental street

    trees. Sloe (which, confusingly, is

    the fruit of the blackthorn) turned

    out to resemble tiny purple

    plums though eating them raw

    is not recommended. They can

    be used to avour vodka, or

    possibly salted like olives.

    My favourite nd was the crab

    apples. It was a triumphant

    moment when, a few weeks

    later, I found myself at the

    bottom of Muswell Hill and peck-

    ish. Should I pop into the newsa-

    gents and buy a chocolate

    bar? But hadnt we found a crabapple tree round here during

    the foraging walk? I found the

    tree again, and its small sweet

    and sharp red fruit on their long

    stalks free, and healthy - kept

    me going until I arrived home for

    lunch. And I never even knew

    that crab apples were edible

    Urban Harvest is an informal

    group based in North London,

    holding regular foraging walks

    and foraging-themed meetings.

    For information about foraging,

    details of future events or to join

    the email list, visit www.urban-


    Fruit for free:Urban Harvest Foraging WalkMeg Kelly

  • 7/30/2019 Equilibrium Magazine Issue 46-Autumn 2012

    6/25Summer/ Issue 38EQUILIBRIUM EQUILIBRIUM 6

    at Mind


    in Haringey

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    ind in Haringey have been running

    a gardening group at Station

    House on Stapleton Hall Road forthe past two years. The purpose of the group

    is to improve the well-being of people living

    with mental ill-health by being out in the

    garden growing fruit and vegetables.

    It has proven to be a very successful group

    and many of the members feel that it has

    had a positive impact on their mental healththrough the social interaction, feeling of

    ownership and sense of belonging. Mind in

    Haringey has created an educational, socia-

    ble and fun environment which has reduced

    the feeling of isolation that many of the serv-

    ice users experience.

    One of the regular participants joined the

    group following severe bouts of depression

    and has stated that the gardening group

    has helped him cope with his mental illness.

    More recently, he has graduated from being

    a service user to becoming a volunteer and

    now assists with running the group and has

    been leading the planning process for the

    coming years project.

    The gardening group has given me ground-

    ing and a reason to be. I have regained my

    condence and self-esteem with Mind in

    Haringeys help and could not hold them in

    higher regard.

    The group have transformed the land to the

    rear of Mind in Haringey to include a seat-

    ing area where people can meet for coffee,have lunch and meet friends, creating a

    very sociable and welcoming environment.

    They have also created a sensory garden

    which is full of herbs and lavender which

    are regularly used by some of our therapy

    groups. Beyond this is a large area of work-

    ing allotments which involved landscaping,

    planting of a variety of seasonal fruits and

    vegetables, herbs and owers. The fruit and

    vegetables are dug up and used to provide

    a meal to the participants of the gardening


    The group is currently preparing the allot-

    ments for winter and have been planning on

    further developments to the garden. These

    include creating a natural meadow on the

    third tier of land which will include bird and

    bat boxes, bee hives and a pond. The group

    feels that this will maintain a natural balance

    with nature and attract wildlife into the area.

    The real success has come from providing

    the participants with a sense of achievement

    and ownership of something that they have

    helped to create. Our participants regularly

    express how much they enjoy attending the

    gardening group and how much better they

    have felt since being a part of it. To see a

    persons condence grow through a sense

    of achievement really claries the impor-

    tance of the project.

    If you would like further information about Mind in Haringey and the other activities we provide or would like to support the

    work we do, you can visit our website at www.mindinharingey.org.uk, or our blog at www.mindinharingey.blogspot.com

  • 7/30/2019 Equilibrium Magazine Issue 46-Autumn 2012

    8/25Summer/ Issue 38EQUILIBRIUMEQUILIBRIUM 8

    This was a day of contrasts from the old fashioned

    retro medical model keynote speech from Kay

    Redeld Jamison (USA) to a one person installation

    come play come medical note that was Dylan Tighe

    (Antic imposition: Acting Mad(ness).

    Madness and theatre are high on my list of preoc-

    cupations and I was chuffed to see a whole two

    day conference jointly organized by lecturers fromCambridge and Exeter Unis

    First up the famous KRJamison who wrote The Unquiet

    Mind and grabbed a slice of public attention. As time

    has passed I have realized how faulty her thoughts

    on mental distress are she has had severe bipolar

    disorder for a long time and ascribes to the lithium/ECT

    school of treatment . Admittedly the fact that she has

    been suicidal and has been a counselor to the suicidal

    too may inform her affection for pharms, but her pres-

    entation stuck very closely to a very neuroscienticand non holistic script.

    CONFINED SPACESConsidering performance,

    madness and psychiatryCambridge Sept 2012

    Image of Dylan Tighe

  • 7/30/2019 Equilibrium Magazine Issue 46-Autumn 2012


    She is literary and artistic and speckledher talk with quotes from Robert Lowell

    Where youre going, Professor you

    wont need your Dante. (ie the nearest

    asylum). She also speckled it with words

    such as disease, biological, genetic, clini-

    cal, etc setting out her stall as a pretty

    medical one. She talked of heredity (the

    gene has never been found, and intergen-

    erational heredity apart from new work

    on epigenetics is unproven. She brushedover the fact that a lot of her literary and

    artistic subjects may have been syphilitic

    (van Gogh etc) and was very keen to

    prove their bloodlines were full of inherited


    She claimed that each psychotic episode

    would take a chink of the brain hmmm

    what about the harm done by drugs to

    the brain? She glossed over any evidencethat suicidal ideation may be increased by

    some drug treatments and was hugely keen

    on the illness of the brain model.

    Other presentations included a look at

    drama within old asylums, annual shows,

    etc all seen by the presenter in a slightly

    distant and anthropological way. And a

    dramaturg from the Young Vic produc-

    tion of the Changeling spoke of how they

    rendered Middleton/Rowley for the 21st

    c. A woman from the US spoke of working

    within the Clubhouse system and running

    movement classes. They subverted (in a

    way) their drug regime by putting on a

    pageant wearing sashes marked Thorazine

    and Lithium

    Dylan Tighe a theatre practitioner in his 30s

    from Dublin presented a one man medley

    of his medical notes, his theatre reviews, aYoutube vid of his play and his next album.

    Brave and very affecting.

    The best bits of any conference are the 0-60

    conversations had in lobbies and on the

    way to meals. I bonded in seconds with a

    historian of the emotions (speciality: PTSD,

    inching and mimicry) and a Professor of

    Medical Ethics with a love of theatre.

    The afternoon brought smaller groupsessions great work being done in York

    with performers with distress and those

    without and audience assumptions. Two

    speech therapists working with children

    with a diagnosis of AHDD spoke of a drama

    intervention improving the kids lives, and

    a bunch of anthropologists explained how

    they had become healthcare assistants

    on a ward with Alzheimer patients and

    created a drama. I was not so sure of theethics of this if the patients had not had

    Alzheimers and been able to express them-

    selves more lucidly how would they feel?

    Felt knackered at the end and slipped

    back home but it had been a fabulous mix

    of angles, thoughts, emphases and ideas

    for the future. I now hope to be part of a

    special interest group on healthcare and


    As the conference organisers said:

    As the old asylums are being demolished,

    left derelict, or transformed into ats, and

    the survivors of the system pass away, it is

    vital that we document this vanishing theat-

    rical past and chart its development in the

    contemporary psychiatric landscape.

    Polly Mortimer

  • 7/30/2019 Equilibrium Magazine Issue 46-Autumn 2012

    10/25Summer/ Issue 38EQUILIBRIUM

    Poem of the Issue:

    Dylan Thomas

    A stranger has come

    To share my room in the house not right in the head,

    A girl as mad as birds

    Bolting the night of the door with her arm the plume.Strait in the mazed bed

    She deludes the heaven-proof house with entering clouds

    Yet she deludes with walking the nightmarish room,

    At large as the dead,

    Or rides the imagined oceans of the male wards.

    She has come possessed

    Who admits the delusive light through the bouncing wall,Possessed by the skies

    She sleeps in the narrow trough yet she walks in the dust

    Yet raves at her will

    On the madhouse boards worn thin by my walking tears.

    And taken by light in her arms at long and dear last

    I may without fail

    Suffer the rst vision that set re to the stars.






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    2 Notes fromMarco Lanzarote

    1) If you have ever been a smoker and

    wondered after you stopped how, or if, your

    lungs could return to normal function then the

    answer could be eat plenty of broccoli.

    Researchers at John Hopkins University in Balti-

    more, Maryland have found that apart from

    helping to prevent cancer, broccoli may also

    have benecial effects on the lungs.

    The article in New Scientist (23.04.11) states that

    white blood cells called macrophages help

    clean the lungs and guard against infection.

    The chemical pathway that performs this task is

    wiped out by smoking.

    Sulphoraphane, a plant chemi-

    cal that is made by broc-

    coli and other cruciferous

    vegetables- can restore

    this pathway. So, give

    up smoking and eat

    plenty of broccoli.

    2) A news article in Asylum magazine (autumn

    2012) reports briey on research published by

    the LSE on the millions of pounds wasted in the

    NHS due to the lack of proper mental health

    treatment, and suggests the appointment of aspecial cabinet minister to deal with the issue.

    The article estimates that of the 6.1 million

    people with treatable anxiety or depression in

    England, only 131000(or 2.1%) received talking


    The coalition, whose Care Services Minister Paul

    Burstow is advising that 400 ,million is being

    invested to make sure that talking therapies

    are available to all people of all ages who

    need them

    Mental ill health costs society

    105 billion per yearI have

    always been clear that it

    should be treated as seri-

    ously as physical health

    problems. (Asylun News


  • 7/30/2019 Equilibrium Magazine Issue 46-Autumn 2012


    Hats off to the late

    Princess Alice,

    mother of Prince

    Philip. She managed

    to recover from

    harrowing war work

    in World War 1 on

    the front line, a

    diagnosis of para-

    noid schizophrenia, 2.5 yrs in an isolated

    German clinic, separation from her children

    and bravely she harboured an escaping

    Greek Jewish family in WW2 .

    And more hats off to

    Patrick Stewartthe

    actor who fronted

    an extraordinary

    episode of Who do

    you think you are?

    He had suffered

    extremely as a child

    and adult from

    witnessing extreme

    domestic violence meted out on his motherby his father, returned from WW2. He pieced

    together his fathers war, spent at places

    where extreme events happened such as

    Arnhem. He then visited Combat Stress, the

    brilliant charity for those who declare with

    war trauma ( PTSD ) - thousands more never

    reach CS. Finally he could start to under-

    stand, but never condone, the rage and

    intolerable behavior of his father as rooted

    in his horric experiences.


    On a routine journey back from the south

    Bank one night I found myself comparing

    myself to Mayhew the great documenter

    and interviewer of 19 c Londoners. I satmute, but with my eyes and ears the Friday

    night became more and more psych-

    edelic. From girls spewing into binliners on

    the Embankment, I found myself next to a

    pinktrousered neer-do-well trying to inter-

    est mild Italian tourists in going to Camden

    to score some weed he was far from his

    missus and baby.

    Then when I reunited with my bike I

    passed some stranger sights too a man

    on a quad bike leering at schoolgirls at a

    busstop, a small woman scuttling into the

    bushes of a dark park and nally out of a

    side turning came a young woman wear-

    ing nothing but a hoodie, bra and thong

    nonchalantly and undistressed crossing the

    road to her ats.

    What we notice in the city 1Polly Mortimer

    Hats OffPolly Mortimer


  • 7/30/2019 Equilibrium Magazine Issue 46-Autumn 2012



    Tree Fall3 images of left-hand column: courtesy of Lucy Fisher

  • 7/30/2019 Equilibrium Magazine Issue 46-Autumn 2012


    Paralympics - A Personal Experience


    By Dev Chatterjea


    s everyone knows, the Paralympics

    was an major success, and the high

    achievement of the athletes and

    people involved in the event i.e. all staff and

    volunteers (games makers and ceremony

    volunteers) is well known. To stage an event

    in such epic proportions was a major task. As

    you probably have guessed I participated

    as a volunteer in the opening ceremony and

    as a Games Maker. To participate in such an

    event was a major and enjoyable moment.

    Before I start talking about my experiencethere is one point that should mention. All

    these athletes are the best in their elds.

    It would not be logical to assume that all

    people with various disabilities should be able

    to do such feats, and so should be judged by

    their own capabilities.

    As a lead up to the games we had a series

    of training events. Some of the training would

    last 9 hours or more. This is especially for the

    ceremony where we had to train for eight or

    nine hours straight for four days in a row.

    As a Games Maker an average day there

    would be two shifts in the morning, 6 am to

    3.30pm and the evening shift would be from

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    4pm to 12pm each day. I used to do the

    morning shift which meant leaving home

    at 4.45 am and reaching there by 6am,

    followed by a group meeting next to the

    Aquatics Centre at 6.30. During one of

    these meetings we would get to know

    whats going on for the day and end with

    doing the hoke cokey and the Mexican

    wave including an annual wave to the

    CCTV cameras. This may seem a strangething to do but it was a way of getting us

    in the mood for the day.

    There was one occasion where I was

    asked to work at the world square. This

    area was known as the rush hour zone

    and aptly named the congestion zone.

    This is where all outdoor entertainment

    would occur. A standard morning wouldstart with us in our allocated areas ready

    to start, some lively music. At this point

    we would have to direct large crowds,

    well over 30 people, to their destinations.

    This mad rush as one staff member put

    it would occur many times a day. During

    this time you would get some strange

    questions such as: Can my daughter

    throw fairy dust on the athletes? Which

    way is the main stadium? When they were

    looking straight at it. On a sobering note

    a young family came up to me and said

    they dreamed they would one day see

    something like this and they liked what we

    were doing.

    One day on the Main entrance at Strat-

    ford Gate which was where the mad

    rush would happen. Working at the gates

    would mean standing for long periods

    of time. One morning at the Stratford

    Gate we were as usual scanning tickets,

    a group of ecstatic people all wearing

    clothes with the Union Jack ags, includ-

    ing wigs came through. As normal we

    scanned their tickets. Towards the end a

    couple came in wearing the ag clothes

    but the other way round. The man whowas wearing the dress danced in scream-

    ing I am Miss UK. You could imagine our

    reaction to seeing this!

    A month before the Games Makers

    started work, we started the rehears-

    als for the opening ceremony. This was

    some feat because most of us had not

    performed on stage for years let alone ona global stage of more than a 2.5 billion

    people. The rst two rehearsals started at

    a studio in west London were we got our

    accreditation, our roles in the ceremony

    and numbers. In my case I was a marshal.

    A marshal is one of a group of people

    who dance, guide and keep the athletes

    happy. On the face of it it seems very easy,

    but everything is done to the second and

    highly timed as well as lot of rehearsals.

    I would nd this out when the rehearsals

    moved to a large warehouse in Dagan-

    ham, on the outskirts of London. The day

    would start at 11pm with several bendy

    busses taking over 900 performers to a

    rather remote warehouse. This is where

    the hole rehearsals was done to scale

    and timing. We were put to our paces


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    16/25Summer/ Issue 38EQUILIBRIUM

    such as entering the stadium in order, danc-

    ing on the spot and creating the shaad (the

    Paralympics ag). This was repeated over

    several times and each time faster. The day

    would end at 7pm and we would be sent to

    the stations by busses. This type of rehearsal

    would continue through the weekend

    and on to Monday in rather warm summer


    Around ve days before the start of the

    opening ceremony our rehearsal moved

    to the stadium. It wasnt until then that it

    occurred to myself and other performers

    how immense was the scale of what we

    were going to do. I remember walking on

    to the center of the stadium seeing all the

    props, the globe and the lighting men work-

    ing on the set, and thinking to myself I am

    really doing this!

    On the Sunday, which we called the test

    day, we had our dress rehearsals. This is

    where everyone involved in the show, from

    the performers, camera men, elections, ag

    bearers and us the marshals, came together

    to see how it would pan-out in full show

    mode. This is when we got our uniforms,

    those blue, yellow, orange coloured uniforms

    which was the same colour as the stage

    oor. Doing the full dress rehearsals made it

    more real.

    On the day of the of the Opening Ceremony

    (or aptly named Show day) everyone came

    in a good six hours before the start. As we

    were getting ready and doing a quick

    rehearsal I could sense the excitement of

    what was going to happen. There was also a

    mad rush to get our uniforms ready. Unfortu-

    nately the costume department had got all


    above images: Dev Chatterjea

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    the marshals uniforms, but some were missing.

    Also, some were incredibly small and tight, and

    some were too big.

    Around about 7pm the audience started to

    enter the stadium area. From our vantage

    point we could see a gigantic heard of people

    coming in from Stratford Gate. Rather than

    panic, which is a commonly known reaction,

    there was a rather overwhelming feeling of

    excitement and electricity in our ready area.

    As the show time got closer each group were

    called out one by one, and each time we all

    got even more excited.

    Finally our turn came. One of the staff calledour groups name and the whole room burst

    into deafening scream with everyone including

    me screaming with excitement. Within seconds

    a staff member took us outside to the noisy

    thumping music coming from the stadium. As

    we waited marshals at the front started shout-

    ing this is it guys. And we walked on stage. The

    rest is history.


    Owing to many factors one being that

    none of us are champion sportspeople and

    to the various reasons why that is age,

    ability, being hampered by various condi-

    tions and/or the drugs given for them, etc

    etc we decided to have our own Olympics

    in the park this summer.

    The Claralympics took

    place on an after-

    noon of mixed weather

    - in Priory Park, N8. Sadly

    Clare Balding was other-wise engaged but we

    managed to have a

    smashing picnic of arti-

    choke tartlets, pistachios

    and fruit and started our

    games in earnest with

    no commentator but

    ourselves. For those who

    were happier seated on the ground we

    had Throw the ball into the bag and How

    many pistachios can you peel in 1 minute.

    This last game was judged by our own

    personal Games Maker Lizzy (in uniform)

    who happened to be passing at the time

    and joined us.

    Then we segued onto the more chal-

    lenging part of the games The Richard

    3 Banana Race followed by Anarchist

    Rounders. Dev won the R3 race, and Anar-

    chist Rounders is designed to have no

    winners. Based loosely on Monty Pythons

    Philosophers Football Match, there are no

    rules and everyone wins and loses. Posts

    are marked by apple juice cartons.

    There were no prizes but everyone had

    a laurel branch to put in their hair (like in

    Ancient Greece) and went home happy.

    Pictured: ofcial adjudicator of the global

    event that is the Claraympics.

  • 7/30/2019 Equilibrium Magazine Issue 46-Autumn 2012

    18/25Summer/ Issue 38EQUILIBRIUM

    Vitamin D Angela


    Irecently had a general health check done

    in my GP surgery. A blood test was done

    and the result showed my vitamin D level to

    be too low. The surgery gave me a prescription

    to take and said that I had to get a vitamin D

    supplement over the counter.

    I bought a supplement which was 1000 iu

    which is 500% RDA ( Recommended Daily

    Allowance ). I was taking it every morning after

    breakfast. Then I noticed that I kept feeling

    hungry, so I cut it down to 2 times a week. I did

    not feel hungry anymore but I started to feel

    depressed with a capital D in the mornings.

    The mornings was like a nightmare . My radio

    clock alarm would go off at 7 oclock andsthen I would keep pressing the snooze button

    until 11 clock. This happened every morning

    for 4 weeks.

    I spoke to a nurse at St Anns Hospital and a

    centre ofcer at the Clarendon Day Centre

    and they both said what happened 4 weeks

    ago ? There was nothing I could think of, and

    then one day I spoke to somebody in the

    church about it and then the penny dropped.

    It was the Vitamin D tablets. I spoke to my GP

    about it and she said it shouldnt do that and

    told me not to take it for the next 3 to 4 weeks.

    I was feeling very bad so I had to book an

    appointment with the Consultant Psychiatrist.

    He said that the vitamin D tablet has reacted

    with one of the medications prescribed for

    mental health problems. So he gave me an

    increased dose of antidepressant to take if I

    feel I need it. While unwell I felt hungry and

    paranoid. For example I was crossing a high

    road and I got into my head that a car was

    going to crash into on purpose. I freaked out,

    ran straight into a young man coming towards

    me and grabbed his hands which were on hischest. I even feel scared when I hear my wash-

    ing machine going into spin.

    This is a very unusual state of affairs. The GPs

    said it shouldnt have happened to me so I

    have stopped taking them so dont worry !

    This has happened to me personally. It does

    not mean you must stop taking vitamin D.


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    As the brother of Edward who is

    too severely ill to be productive

    or constructive, particularly so in

    a mental health day care centre setting,

    Ive often wondered if he might still benet

    on some level from being in a more lively

    setting with other similar individuals - a setting

    beyond the dour connes his care home, andthe same few familiar faces that frequent it.

    Mental health centres of yesteryear throw

    up images of individuals lounging around

    in smoke-thick rooms doing little to simulate

    a productive, worthwhile existence. But this

    image is outdated. Todays day care centres

    are places where individuals are expected

    to be productive and constructive; where

    theyre taught skills, provided with various

    types of training, helped to recover and

    move on, etc. And if they dont meet this

    criteria? well theyre unlikely be allowed to


    From this transition from the old to new ways

    of running a mental health day care centre,

    individuals like Edward have been left out of

    the loop.

    Clearly most day care centres do not have

    the necessary resources to accommodate

    the severely ill like Edward. But Ive often

    wondered whether for one day of the week,

    at least special resources could be provided

    by day care centres which could accommo-

    date such individuals. Where they could listen

    to music, have lunch, tea and coffee, watch

    lms, have entertainment put on, etc. In fact

    be offered some semblance of broader inter-

    action, connection, and quality of life. But

    then would this laying on of special resources,

    (to use council lingo), be cost effective? Thats

    a question for the number crunchers.

    Likely, for the time being at least, Edwards

    daily life will be a little narrower in quality than

    I would like. Im also acutely aware of the

    great care and attention he receives at his

    present home. Those who run it do a tremen-

    dous job with extremely limited resources.

    Perhaps Edwards care home is a scaled-

    down version of a larger day care centre, with

    ve members instead of fty. Perhaps it does

    contain all of Edward needs. Perhaps Im in no

    position to judge And perhaps only Edward

    can know for sure what his needs are... and

    what they arent. But will he tell us...?

    Edward& the Day Care Centre


    Nigel Prestatyn


  • 7/30/2019 Equilibrium Magazine Issue 46-Autumn 2012

    20/25Summer/ Issue 38EQUILIBRIUM


    On Saturday 13th October,

    a beautiful sunny autumn

    day, over 60 CoolTan Arts

    participants, volunteers, support-ers and patrons gathered outside

    Maudsley Hospital to begin a spon-

    sored walk to the Tate Modern. Our

    Largactyl Shufe walk was organ-

    ised to celebrate World Mental

    Health Day and explored the idea of

    BRANDED how labels and brand-

    ing create stigma against those with

    mental distress.

    Cllr Abdul Mohamed Deputy Mayor

    of Southwark, Councillor Peter John,

    Leader of Southwark Council, and

    Cllr Veronica Ward joined us to open


    CoolTan Arts is a Southwark based

    charity run by and for people with

    mental distress and exists to inspire

    the wellbeing and creative partici-pation of a diverse range of people

    through the production of quality art.

    On the 4.8 mile journey walkers were

    led on a route through the pretty

    back streets of Southwark, with stops

    on the way for talks and art-making,

    entirely planned by CoolTan Arts


    The walk included a stop to unveil

    a dedicated plaque at the site of

    the CoolTan Arts sculptural bench,

    installed in the north east corner of

    Camberwell Green, SE5. Designed

    and made by Rossen Daskalov and

    CoolTan Arts:Largactyl ShufeCoolTan Arts Celebrates World Mental Health Day and raises more than

    5,000 on a Sponsored Walk for its workshops for people with Mental distress

    Photo credits: Jez C Self, Hannah Maule-nch, Eva Megias and Emma Thatcher

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    CoolTan Arts participants, it is dedi-

    cated to the local community.

    Finishing with a reception at TateModern, walkers had the oppor-

    tunity to see CoolTans rst pop up

    exhibition for A Postcard to the

    World a mail-art project exploring

    feelings about the Olympics and

    Paralympics. The event culminated

    with poetry, music, homemade

    cakes and socialising.

    Present at the reception were Simon

    Hughes MP, Liberal Democrat MP

    for Bermondsey and Old Southwark

    and Cllr Althea Smith, Mayor of

    Southwark, alongside local residents,

    walkers and other guests and visitors.

    Michelle Baharier, CEO of CoolTan

    Arts, said: Im delighted at the

    huge support weve had from Cool-Tan participants, volunteers and

    all who joined us on this important

    walk, in celebration of World Mental

    Health Day and to destigmatise

    mental health we hope the nal

    amount raised will surpass the total

    raised in 2011!

    A total (so far) of 5,130.00 wasraised by charity staff, volunteers,

    participants and supporters which

    will allow creative arts workshops,

    walks and self-advocacy training to


    You can still donate to the CoolTan walkers by visiting: www.justgiving.com/cooltanartssponsoredwalk

  • 7/30/2019 Equilibrium Magazine Issue 46-Autumn 2012

    22/25Summer/ Issue 38EQUILIBRIUM

    What we notice

    in the city 2:


    Slugs are not this colour.

    Slugs are not silver

    but this one is, slithering over the paving

    stones by the sage, as if it had just

    slipped in under the gate

    not just silver, but with black leopard-like


    I am horried, captivated, repulsed.

    Theres a blackbird itting between

    branches in the apple tree. I will him to

    come here, come here and eat this slug

    I put my bike away, go into the house,begin to doubt what my own eyes have

    seen. Go out again

    no sign of the slug. Are those silvery

    trails, left on the stones?



    Photo: AnthonyEQUILIBRIUM 22

    Meg Kelly

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    here is a huge body of clinical literature

    on the description, diagnosis and treat-

    ment of borderline personality disorder

    (BPD). Yet this literature pays scant attention

    to its lived impact. Beyond rightful concerns

    about the labels immense stigma, few exam-

    ine the effect of branding someones person-

    ality the core of their being as disordered.

    It is now 22 years since the current National

    Director for Health and Criminal Justice,Louis Appleby, denounced personality

    disorder (PD) as an enduring pejorative

    judgement.(1) Others have highlighted

    the vulnerability of people with the label to

    severe mistreatment and the smearing of their

    characters across medical and legal settings.

    (2) Still, service user and survivor reports of

    ongoing discrimination and degrading treat-

    ment go unheeded.(3)

    Calls to expand the description and diag-

    nostic criteria have resulted in increases in

    diagnosis rates, with one recent survey claim-

    ing that 72% of the British population had

    personality disturbances(4) [] Clearly, there

    is a desperate need to pay attention to the

    voices of people who are stuck with this label.

    BPD the ofcial explanation:

    The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of

    Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) aligns personal-

    ity disorders with enduring, inexible, socially

    deviant styles of thought and behaviour. For a

    diagnosis of BPD, ve of the following symp-

    toms must be cited:

    lintense interpersonal relationships

    laffective instability lmood reactivity l


    Language within mental health is more than just semantics, and this is most signicant in

    the case of diagnostic categories like borderline personality disorder and its effect on those

    diagnosed. By Clare Shaw and Debra Shulkes. Copyright: Open MInd

    The Most Savage Insult


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    24/25Summer/ Issue 38EQUILIBRIUM


    impulsive behavioursl

    inappropriate intenseangerl frantic efforts to avoid abandonment

    lunstable self-image lsuicidal and self-muti-

    lating behaviours l chronic feelings of empti-

    ness l transient stress-related paranoid ideas

    It is often said that such vague and subjec-

    tive criteria could apply to almost anyone;

    who is to decide when anger is inappropri-

    ate or intense?

    So what is wrong with it?

    Since it was introduced to the DSM in 1980,

    several studies have criticised BPD diagnosis

    for numerous reasons(5): its lack of scientic

    reliability and validity; its biased construction,

    which pathologises the coping strategies

    and options of particular populations such as

    women; its alarmingly unequitable patterns

    of diagnosis 75% of those diagnosed are

    women at least 70% of whom were sexually

    abused as children. Many draw parallels with

    notorious past diagnoses such as hysteria

    its overwhelming stigma BPD is arguably

    one of the labels most feared by staff and

    patients, being associated with phrases like

    manipulative, attention-seeking, untreatable

    and untrustworthy, and a list of assumptions

    so derogatory it has been described as little

    more than a sophisticated insult; its use as a

    punitive dust-bin diagnosis for those judged

    to be bad patients because they are trou-

    blemakers or have failed to respond to



    Diagnosed disordered: our storyA diagnosis of BPD destroys lives. We should

    know. BPD is our primary diagnosis. When we

    listen to the voices of those who have been

    diagnosed with BPD, there is no debate it is

    hurting people. Badly.

    In many ways it is a relief to be diagnosed...

    At last you have it irrefutably conrmed that

    you are wrong and have always been wrong.

    And it makes such sense you have nothing

    else to blame but yourself. (Clare Shaw)

    It became clear to me that th diagnosis

    had caused women more distress that what-

    ever validity had taken them to services in

    the rst place No other diagnosis smears

    the womans character, trustworthiness and

    validity of her distress as much as BPD does.

    (Louise Pembroke)

    Having the diagnosis of BPD has never been

    a positive experience, its always hung over

    my head like a a dark cloud. (Jo)

    The Most Savage Insult cont...



  • 7/30/2019 Equilibrium Magazine Issue 46-Autumn 2012


    Language within mental health is more than

    just semantics. Words like personality disor-

    der can deform thought and practice.

    They position the diagnosed as other in her

    distress. They tell her that her very being is

    disordered. They obstruct recognition of the

    role of context. And they push our voices,

    opinions and experiences to the margins of


    Our diagnosis conrmed and deepened

    the most negative messages we had been

    given throughout our lives. It meant that it

    was our fault that services had not been able

    to help us. It meant that our experiences of

    childhood trauma and violence were over-

    looked as marginal details. It meant that we

    were not going to get better there would

    always be something wrong with who weare. We live with the legacy of that message

    to this day.

    Getting rid of the label

    The diagnosis of BPD is causing extensive

    damage to the people it is supposed to help.

    It is leading to bad practice in services rather

    than meaningful support. It is therefore imper-

    ative that professionals, practitioners, activists

    and academics stop promoting this regressive

    and traumatising label and all others like it.

    Led by service users and survivors we must:

    undertake urgent research and monitoring

    of the human rights situation of people with

    the label; look for alternative ways of fram-

    ing and explaining the distress which often

    leads to a BPD diagnosis, as well as ways of

    assisting those who have been injured by the


    Whether we maintain that all diagnosis is

    awed, or whether we feel that alternative

    diagnoses such as Complex Post-Traumatic

    Stress Disorder offer more helpful, less

    devastating alternatives to BPD, we must

    listen to the voices of those subjected to

    these labels. We must accept the simple,

    incontrovertible reality that the words we use

    to describe ourselves and each other really

    do matter. Language can help. Or it canhurt. It can kill.

    [If ]Id never come into contact with it and

    someone had validated and helped and

    cared and loved instead of immersing me in

    this... I wouldnt have tried to kill myself the

    second time. Because thats what it did. If I

    had died, this would have been the cause as

    it escalated my suicidality into a realm previ-ously unknown to me. It caused me to feel

    sub-human. Its lethal.(6)

    1 Lewis , G and Appleby, L (1988) Personality disorder: the patients psychiatrists dislike, The British Journal of Psychia-

    try, 153:44-49.

    2 Becker, D (1997) Through the Looking Glass: Women and Borderline Personality Disorder, Westview Press; Kirk, S and

    Kutchins, H (1992) The Selling of DSM: The Rhetoric of Science in Psychiatry, Aldine De Gruyter.

    3 Castillo, H (2003) A dangerous diagnosis, Mental Health Today, February.

    4 Yang, M, Coid, J and Tyrer, P (2010) Personality pathology recorded by severity: national survey, The British Journal

    of Psychiatry, 197: 193-199.

    5 See for example: Herman, J.L (1997) Trauma and Recovery: The Aftermath of Violence- from Domestic Abuse toPolitical Terror, Basic Books; Pilgrim, D (2005) Key Concepts in Mental Health, Sage; Wirth-Cauchon, J (2001) Women and

    Borderline Personality Disorder: Symptoms and Stories, Rutgers University Press; Castillo, H (2003).

    6 Personal correspondence with a survivor of psychiatry from Ireland.

    Copyright: Open MInd