EQC : Ensembled Quantum Computing for Variational Quantum Algorithms Samuel Stein * , Yufei Ding , Nathan Wiebe *,, Bo Peng * , Karol Kowalski * , Nathan Baker * , James Ang * , and Ang Li * * Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA, USA University of California Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, USA University of Toronto, Ontario, ON, Canada Abstract—Variational quantum algorithm (VQA), which is comprised of a classical optimizer and a parameterized quantum circuit, emerges as one of the most promising approaches for harvesting the power of quantum computers in the noisy inter- mediate scale quantum (NISQ) era. However, the deployment of VQAs on contemporary NISQ devices often faces considerable system and time-dependant noise and prohibitively slow training speeds. On the other hand, the expensive supporting resources and infrastructure make quantum computers extremely keen on high utilization. In this paper, we propose a virtualized way of building up a quantum backend for variational quantum algorithms: rather than relying on a single physical device which tends to introduce temporal-dependant device-specific noise with worsening perfor- mance as time-since-calibration grows, we propose to constitute a quantum ensemble, which dynamically distributes quantum tasks asynchronously across a set of physical devices, and adjusting the ensemble configuration with respect to machine status. In addition to reduced machine-dependant noise, the ensemble can provide significant speedups for VQA training. With this idea, we build a novel VQA training framework called EQC that comprises: (i) a system architecture for asynchronous parallel VQA cooperative training; (ii) an analytic model for assessing the quality of the returned VQA gradient over a particular device concerning its architecture, transpilation, and runtime conditions; (iii) a weighting mechanism to adjust the quantum ensemble’s computational contribution according to the systems’ current performance. Evaluations comprising 500K times’ circuit evaluations across 10 IBMQ NISQ devices using a VQE and a QAOA applications demonstrate that EQC can attain error rates very close to the most performant device of the ensemble, while boosting the training speed by 10.5× on average (up to 86× and at least 5.2×). We will release EQC on GitHub. I. I NTRODUCTION Quantum computing (QC) is poised to offer substantial computational capabilities that classical computing could never feasibly reach in many critical domains, such as database search [19], graph combinatorial optimization [15], quantum chemistry [7], machine learning [4], etc. Recently, Google has showcased quantum supremacy on their 53 qubits Sycamore Quantum Processing Units (QPU), where a quantum sampling problem, which would take an estimate of 10,000 years (rectified to 2.5 days by IBM) running on the ORNL Summit supercomputer now can be finished in 200 seconds [1]. Although many algorithms that could provide quantum supremacy have been theorised [19], [38], QPUs in the con- IBMQ Casablanca IBMQ Bogota IBMQ x2 Fig. 1. VQE error rate, running time and QPU topology on IBMQ. temporary NISQ era are susceptible to noise in a multitude of ways. These include (i) Coherence Error, which describes the natural decay of qubit states to their ground states, analogous to retention error in classical devices. Coherence error includes noise-induced state decay (i.e., T1 decay) and spin-spin relaxation (i.e., T2 decay); (ii) Gate Error, which refers to imperfect gate operations. Such gate error is relatively small for 1-qubit gates (e.g., 0.1% for IBMQ), but can be significant for 2-qubit gates (e.g., nearly 4% for IBMQ [43]); (iii) SPAM Error, short for state preparation and measurement error, is introduced due to unsatisfactory state initialization and measurement sensing. Additionally, non-coherent interference such as cross-talk [29], [37] can also impose computational error, acting as device-specific latent noise. Due to the high error rate and insufficient qubits in sup- porting full-scale quantum error correction (QEC), people are searching for quantum algorithms that can harvest the quantum advantages of NISQ devices but are more robust to the errors. The Variational Quantum Algorithm [7], [9], [14], stands out as one of the most promising NISQ algorithms, which employs a classical optimizer to train a parameterized quantum circuit. VQAs have been applied for several key applications. These include (i) the Variational Quantum Eigensolver (VQE) for investigating molecular & nuclear structures/dynamics in quantum chemistry [2], [44] and nuclear physics [25], [35]; (ii) Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm (QAOA) for optimizations such as MaxCut [10] in graph analytics; and (iii) Quantum Neural Networks (QNNs) for quantum machine learning [15], [21], [34], [39]. Although VQAs have been extensively evaluated on plat- forms such as IBMQ [8], the deployment of VQAs for practical domain utilization (e.g., estimating the ground energy for molecules) on the NISQ platforms is still hampered by three challenges: (i) The training is susceptible to device- 1 arXiv:2111.14940v1 [quant-ph] 29 Nov 2021

EQC : Ensembled Quantum Computing for Variational Quantum

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Page 1: EQC : Ensembled Quantum Computing for Variational Quantum

EQC : Ensembled Quantum Computing forVariational Quantum Algorithms

Samuel Stein*, Yufei Ding†, Nathan Wiebe*,‡, Bo Peng*, Karol Kowalski*, Nathan Baker*, James Ang*, and Ang Li*

*Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA, USA†University of California Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, USA

‡University of Toronto, Ontario, ON, Canada

Abstract—Variational quantum algorithm (VQA), which iscomprised of a classical optimizer and a parameterized quantumcircuit, emerges as one of the most promising approaches forharvesting the power of quantum computers in the noisy inter-mediate scale quantum (NISQ) era. However, the deployment ofVQAs on contemporary NISQ devices often faces considerablesystem and time-dependant noise and prohibitively slow trainingspeeds. On the other hand, the expensive supporting resourcesand infrastructure make quantum computers extremely keen onhigh utilization.

In this paper, we propose a virtualized way of building upa quantum backend for variational quantum algorithms: ratherthan relying on a single physical device which tends to introducetemporal-dependant device-specific noise with worsening perfor-mance as time-since-calibration grows, we propose to constitute aquantum ensemble, which dynamically distributes quantum tasksasynchronously across a set of physical devices, and adjustingthe ensemble configuration with respect to machine status. Inaddition to reduced machine-dependant noise, the ensemble canprovide significant speedups for VQA training. With this idea,we build a novel VQA training framework called EQC thatcomprises: (i) a system architecture for asynchronous parallelVQA cooperative training; (ii) an analytic model for assessingthe quality of the returned VQA gradient over a particulardevice concerning its architecture, transpilation, and runtimeconditions; (iii) a weighting mechanism to adjust the quantumensemble’s computational contribution according to the systems’current performance. Evaluations comprising 500K times’ circuitevaluations across 10 IBMQ NISQ devices using a VQE and aQAOA applications demonstrate that EQC can attain error ratesvery close to the most performant device of the ensemble, whileboosting the training speed by 10.5× on average (up to 86× andat least 5.2×). We will release EQC on GitHub.


Quantum computing (QC) is poised to offer substantialcomputational capabilities that classical computing couldnever feasibly reach in many critical domains, such as databasesearch [19], graph combinatorial optimization [15], quantumchemistry [7], machine learning [4], etc. Recently, Google hasshowcased quantum supremacy on their 53 qubits SycamoreQuantum Processing Units (QPU), where a quantum samplingproblem, which would take an estimate of 10,000 years(rectified to 2.5 days by IBM) running on the ORNL Summitsupercomputer now can be finished in ∼200 seconds [1].

Although many algorithms that could provide quantumsupremacy have been theorised [19], [38], QPUs in the con-

0.0 1.5 3.0 4.5Error Rate (%)





0 8 16 24 32 40Run Time (hours)

IBMQ Casablanca

IBMQ Bogota


Fig. 1. VQE error rate, running time and QPU topology on IBMQ.

temporary NISQ era are susceptible to noise in a multitudeof ways. These include (i) Coherence Error, which describesthe natural decay of qubit states to their ground states,analogous to retention error in classical devices. Coherenceerror includes noise-induced state decay (i.e., T1 decay) andspin-spin relaxation (i.e., T2 decay); (ii) Gate Error, whichrefers to imperfect gate operations. Such gate error is relativelysmall for 1-qubit gates (e.g., ∼0.1% for IBMQ), but can besignificant for 2-qubit gates (e.g., nearly 4% for IBMQ [43]);(iii) SPAM Error, short for state preparation and measurementerror, is introduced due to unsatisfactory state initialization andmeasurement sensing. Additionally, non-coherent interferencesuch as cross-talk [29], [37] can also impose computationalerror, acting as device-specific latent noise.

Due to the high error rate and insufficient qubits in sup-porting full-scale quantum error correction (QEC), people aresearching for quantum algorithms that can harvest the quantumadvantages of NISQ devices but are more robust to the errors.The Variational Quantum Algorithm [7], [9], [14], stands outas one of the most promising NISQ algorithms, which employsa classical optimizer to train a parameterized quantum circuit.

VQAs have been applied for several key applications.These include (i) the Variational Quantum Eigensolver (VQE)for investigating molecular & nuclear structures/dynamics inquantum chemistry [2], [44] and nuclear physics [25], [35];(ii) Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm (QAOA)for optimizations such as MaxCut [10] in graph analytics; and(iii) Quantum Neural Networks (QNNs) for quantum machinelearning [15], [21], [34], [39].

Although VQAs have been extensively evaluated on plat-forms such as IBMQ [8], the deployment of VQAs forpractical domain utilization (e.g., estimating the ground energyfor molecules) on the NISQ platforms is still hampered bythree challenges: (i) The training is susceptible to device-














Page 2: EQC : Ensembled Quantum Computing for Variational Quantum

specific bias and noise. Similar to the correlated error causedby mapping a circuit to the same qubits and links repeatedlyfollowing a fixed pattern [43], we have observed that QC isalso subject to device-specific bias originating from topology,SPAM [40], calibration and running conditions. Figure 1-leftshows the error rates of training a VQE circuit on threeIBMQ devices (Bogota, x2, and Casablanca) individ-ually with respect to ideal simulation, as well as the errorreduction that can be achieved through our EQC framework;(ii) Prohibitively long execution time. Due to the significantdeployment, maintenance, and operating costs, most QC plat-forms are provided as a cloud service and shared by manyusers. Given that VQA needs to repeatedly test & adjust theparameterized circuit, iterate over enormous input data, trainover numerous epochs, and wait for each trial going throughthe waiting queue, this leads to extremely long executiontime. For example, it takes us about 4,623 hours to train aVQE circuit on Manhattan. The congestion, calibration andmaintenance can further exacerbate the delay. Figure 1-middleshows the running time for our VQE circuit on the three IBMQdevices, compared to our ensemble approach; (iii) Largeutilization variance due to unbalanced workloads. Despitethe sharing nature, quantum computers can be underutilized.This is largely due to workload imbalance across multipledevices given user-preference and congestion. As users tendto select the best performing quantum computer, the overallprovider processor utilisation can be quite unbalanced. TheVQA jobs significantly amplify such imbalance due to iterativetesting and long execution time. Considering the expensivecost from the supporting infrastructure and sources such ascryogenic coolers, superconducting wires, microwave devices,and sophisticated control circuitry [13], the under-utilizationcan be a considerable burden to the QC service providers. Stateof the art technologies such as Qiskit Runtime improve VQAperformance through minimizing classical-quantum communi-cation costs. However, these vertical approaches do not helpwith machine-specific bias, and may further exacerbate theunbalanced utilization problem.

In this paper, we propose EQC – an Ensembled QuantumComputing framework for Variational Quantum Algorithms.EQC can bring considerable stability, noise-reductions andspeed-ups in VQA training over alternative approaches. Beingthe primary effort in system-managed QPU-aware parallelVQA training, EQC employs a master node to asynchronouslymanage a set of client nodes paired with backend devicescomprising the quantum ensemble. To dampen the QPU boundnoise and minimize time-dependent machine drift, EQC fur-ther adopts an analytic model to assess the quality of thereturned gradient, and builds a management module to allowonline adjustment of the quantum ensemble based on theruntime condition of the backend devices. Evaluations on 10IBMQ devices show that EQC can mitigate system-dependantbias while boosting the speed by over 10× (up to 86×). Thispaper thus makes the following contributions:

• The Concept and Design of Quantum Ensemble: we

propose a novel way of thinking about a quantumbackend: rather than using a single physical deviceincorporating device-specific bias and slow executiontime, a quantum ensemble can serve as a virtualizedbackend for offering adaptive bias and noise mitigationthrough calibration-aware device mixtures, improved de-vice choice relating to circuit design, and faster executionthrough parallelization.

• The EQC Framework: we develop a system architecturefor asynchronous VQA optimization that can bring overan order of speedups over single QPU-based optimiza-tion, whilst simultaneously reducing error. We providetheoretic proof on the convergence of the approach.

• The Adaptive Weighting System: we propose a weightingapproach considering noise level, topological constraint,transpiled circuit structure, calibration time, etc. It thus al-lows adaptive and dynamic weighting of the gradient withrespect to the device condition, mitigating time-dependentdrift and overwhelming time-dependant machine bias.


A. Quantum Gates and Devices

QC exploits the quantum phenomena such as superposi-tion and entanglement for computing, and manipulates theprobabilistic state-vector to accomplish tasks. State-vectors,which represent the quantum states, are linear combinations oforthonormal eigenvectors with normalized square sum coeffi-cients. Quantum computers make use of gates to perform statetransformations, represented as unitary matrices relative tosome basis, which operate on the state vector. Gate operationsare performed in a physical quantum processing unit (i.e.,QPU). There are two main features for QPUs:

(i) Basis gates. Basis gates describe the native hardwareoperations; all quantum circuits need to be transpiled to basisgates eventually in order to be executed by a QPU. Forexample, most IBMQ devices use the same basis gate set:CNOT, ID, RZ, SX, X [12].

(ii) Topology. Applying two-qubit gates such as CNOT in theo-retical development usually assumes fully connected systems.However, on real superconducting quantum processors, dueto limitations on the physical designs, inter-qubit connectivityconstraints exist.

As shown in Figure 3, the three devices (IBMQ Belem,x2and Manila) all have 5 physical qubits. However, due tothe variance of inter-qubit connectivity, the circuit structuresfor the same function can be different after transpilation. Thisis because the two-qubit gates such as CNOT, can only beperformed on connected qubits; otherwise, the qubits must bemoved next to each other using SWAP-gates. The swap gateis composed of three CNOT gates, a costly operation. TheSWAP-gates allow any two qubits that are connected to swappositions, thus can hide the topology constraint, however at asubstantial time and compounding error cost.


Page 3: EQC : Ensembled Quantum Computing for Variational Quantum

EQC – Ensembled Quantum Computing

Variational Quantum Circuit Design




















EQC-Optimizer System

Master Node Client Node

Assigns Jobs

Manages Weights

Manages Backend

Differentiates Target

Handles Topology

Quantum Processor (QPU)

























Ψ , 𝑃

Child NodeChild NodeClient Node

Calculates Error Model

Managed by Ray.io

Fig. 2. Overview of EQC framework.

IBMQ Topologies

1 2 3



IBMQ Belem IBMQ x2





1 2



IBMQ Manila

















𝑄 𝑈(𝜃) X 𝑄 𝑈(𝜃) X









𝑄 𝑈(𝜃) X

Fig. 3. Topology illustration of 3 IBM Quantum Machines. Bi-directionalconnections indicate physical connections between qubits. Circuits illustratedperform the same computation transpiled to the respective topological con-straints.

B. QPU Noise

QPU Noise: NISQ QPUs are highly diverse in their abilityto run quantum routines without compounding a multitudeof random errors due to low-level qubit stability and high-level QPU topological constraints. As discussed, there arethree types of errors: (i) Coherence Error due to the non-ideal energy exchange between the outside system and theideal system, which is characterized by exponential decayfactors T1 and T2, and known as thermal dephasing anddecoherance [16]; (ii) Gate Error due to depolarization, whichis characterized by undesired Pauli-X/Y/Z operations repre-senting bit-flips or phase-flips. (iii) SPAM Error due to statepreparation and measurement noise, which is associated withthe anharmonicity between the states |0〉 and |1〉, and theerroneous process of distinctively and properly distinguishingbetween the two states correctly.

Additionally, each QPU has its own unique noise profilethat changes with frequent calibration. These volatile systemsvary in spatial and temporal noise due to the imperfect man-ufacturing process [29], imperfections of gate implementationand control, and specific external interference [28], [31].These noise compound with each other, increasing the overallprobability of obtaining an erroneous outcome.

C. Variational Quantum Algorithm

VQAs are characterized by a group of parameterized quan-tum operations, with parameters [~θ], θ ⊆ R. The quantumalgorithms goal is to optimize [~θ] to [ ~θ∗], where [ ~θ∗] isthe optimal learned parameters, such that the trial wavefunction of |ψ〉 is transformed closer to some target wavefunction according to an optimization function. The optimiza-tion function represents for example the ground state of aquantum system, and is expressed as parameterized unitariesU(θi)U(θi−1)...U(θ1)|ψ〉. For Variational Quantum Eigen-solvers (VQE) [34] or Quantum Approximate OptimizationAlgorithm (QAOA) [15], the objective is to optimize towardssome Hamiltonian H describing the total energy of the system,or representing some objective cost function, as shown inEquation 1:

argmin([~θ]) 〈ψ([~θ])|H |ψ([~θ])〉 (1)

This optimization process is tailored for alternative use casestypically in quantum machine learning [21], [36], [39].

The present VQA optimization process, however, encoun-ters two key issues: (i) There is a substantial computationalcost in inducing circuits and optimizing each individual pa-rameter; (ii) Machine noise leads to a bias being learnt bya machine during training, where the parameters will deviatecompensating for a machines noise. However, when a machineis re-calibrated or the backend device is changed, the learnedparameters are no longer appropriate. Furthermore, if thenoise is overwhelmingly high on a machine, the gradientcomputation will be erroneous and the algorithm will not learn.

D. Distributed Optimization

Distributed optimization of classical deep neural networks(DNNs) has been motivated by the need to train large neuralnetworks [6], [23] for exceedingly large datasets [26] throughparallel processing. Asynchronous stochastic gradient descent(ASGD) has been shown to provide substantial speedups forDNN training with little accuracy loss [45]. However, theproblem of distributing optimization across multiple classicalprocessing units changes substantially when looking at aquantum distributed system. Classical systems primarily deal


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with latency, whereas quantum processors deal with bothlatency and individual noise characterization of each QPUs[20]. The problem is exacerbated when multiple backenddevice architectures and/or providers are presented. In additionto the different runtimes of the service, the distinct periods ofcalibration, the diverse range of speed, as well as the noisecan make the coordination of the training process significantlymore complicated than classical distributive DNN training.


In this section we describe the EQC architecture, structureand discuss its implementation.

A. VQA Task Decomposition

VQA optimization typically adopts stochastic gradient de-scent to perform step by step parameter differentiation, whereconcurrent tasks can be extracted from multiple hierarchies ofthe algorithm for (asynchronously) parallel execution.

Regarding VQE, these problems are commonly related toquantum chemistry, involving a Fermionic Hamiltonian thatis decomposed via processes such as Jordan-Wigner decom-position. As a decomposed Hamiltonian is a linear sum ofPauli strings generated by transforming spin operators into aseries of quantum computing supported Pauli operators. In thiscase, we perform the system parallelization at the Pauli stringlevel. To compute the derivative of each respective parameter,the system collects parallelized computation, to perform onegradient descent step on one parameter. This is repeated foreach parameter within the VQE ansatz.

Regarding QAOA, comprising of optimization problemssuch as MaxCut, the learning process aims to optimize overa target Hamiltonian objective. In the case of a single matrixrepresentation of a Hamiltonian, the system aims to minimizeor maximise 〈ψ|H|ψ〉. In doing so, we parallelize at theparameter level, where the derivative for each parameter is par-allelized. This results in each parameter being asynchronouslyoptimized, and is repeated over all parameters. Each paralleltask is responsible for computing one gradient descent stepover one parameter.

Regarding QNN, the learning process involves optimizingover δf(x,θ)

δθ = 1n


δf(xi,θ)dθ , where the average cost over

a dataset is to be minimized. To parallelize the QNN training,we distribute at the dataset level for parameter optimization.Given a data set, as the parameter gradient is the average ofall the data points’ derivative for a parameter, the gradientcan be parallelized for each parameter at each data point.Each parallel job is responsible for computing the gradientwith respect to its assigned data point for a target parameter.One complete gradient descent step on one parameter iscomprised of the average returned gradient for the targetparameter over all data points, despite the gradients are appliedasynchronously.

B. EQC System Architecture

As shown in Figure 3, EQC is built as a single-master node,multi-client nodes architecture. It is designed for managing

and optimizing the training of a VQA circuit with a set of pa-rameters to optimize using a set of NISQ QPUs with differentnoise profiles, different topology’s and different induced circuitarchitectures that may vary with time and transpilation. EQCconsists of the master node, the client nodes, and the QPUs:the master node distributes workloads to client nodes, whichperform target derivative calculation with their paired QPUsfor their assigned task. With the computation of a derivativeon a NISQ-term QPU comes a degree of confidence in saidcomputation due to unavoidable noise. Therefore, the clientnode also computers a weight based on the transpiled circuitand reported system noise statistics at circuit induction timeas well. The utilization of asynchronous stochastic gradientdescent across a set of NISQ QPU’s, whilst also incorporat-ing a topology-aware low-level-performance-aware weightingsystem ensures the system attains a computational speedup,whilst improving system optimization performance.

C. EQC Implementation

We present the design details about the three major compo-nents of EQC: master node, client node, and QPU.

1) Master Node: The master node is provided with threekey pieces of information: (i) the quantum circuit over whichthe system is to be optimized with measurements; (ii) theinitialized parameters [~θ], θ ⊆ R; and (iii) a detailed lossfunction ` describing the optimization problem.

The master node is responsible for keeping track of allparameters at all times, as well as the ideal (i.e. no topologicalconstraints) circuit layout. Once the master node has beeninitialized with all of the pre-requisites in place, the masternode queries the Quantum Computing service provider(s)based on the ensemble configuration. The available QPUs toform the ensemble should have active qubits larger than thenumber of qubits required by the parameterized circuit. Thebackend devices can be homogeneous or heterogeneous. Inother words, although we demonstrate EQC using 10 of IBMQdevices, the framework itself supports an ensemble of QPUsfrom different vendors.

When the master node dictates the formalization of theensemble, it initializes client nodes one per device with the lossfunction and circuit template. The master node then distributesthe VQA task parameters in a cyclic fashion to the clientnodes. The master node adopts a task queue for parallel taskdistribution. The master node iterates the parameter list andasynchronously assigns the next parameter to a client nodethat is available until no parameters left. After that, the nextepoch can start.

The only information the master node receives from theclient nodes are the gradients of the parameters θi, and thecomputed noise model of the QPU associated, which we willdiscuss in the following section. On receipt of a gradient, themaster node applies this gradient using the ASGD rule outlinedin Equation 12, and sends a new parameter to differentiate atan idle client. The whole process is outlined in Algorithm 1.


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Algorithm 1 EQC Master NodeSet εEND, α and `C ← Circuit TemplateParameters ← [~θ]ε, i← 0K ← [QPU ′s]G← [k Client Nodes]for QPU, Client in K,G doClient← QPU,C, and `([~θ])

end forfor Param in Parameters doGi ← Compute δ`

δθii← i+ 1if i > len([~θ]) theni← 0

end ifend forwhile ε < εEND do

for CN in Ready Clients doδ`δθi, PCorrect ← CN

PCorrect ← Bound(PCorrect)θi = θi − PCorrect(α



CN ← [~θ]NEWCN ← Calculate δ`

δθii← i+ 1if i > len([~θ]) theni← 0ε← ε+ 1

end ifend for

end while

2) Client Node: The primary objective for the client nodesis to maximize the usage time of each QPU available. Eachclient node is responsible for managing one QPU’s experi-ments and maximizing its utilization. On initialization, eachclient node is provided with the quantum circuit template, theunique id, and the optimization function `.

The client node then receives a parameter index to differ-entiate and generates the forward and backward pass from theparameter shift rule. The client node has the information aboutthe topological constraints of the resident QPU, as well asall QPU noise factors such as T1, T2 and CNOT error rates.Using the topological constraints, the client node transpilesthe template circuit with respect to the target QPU topology.The client node runs the transpiled forward and backwardcircuit in the QPU, and processes the resultant two probabilitydistributions through the cost function, attaining δ`


Finally, the client node returns the obtained gradient andan associated noise factor back to the master node, and inreturn acquires the next pending job to repeat this process.The procedure of the client node is shown in Algorithm 2.

3) QPUs: Each quantum processor has its own topologicalconstraints, architecture type and noise factors (see Table I).The topology can be represented by a non-directed graph,as shown in Figure 3. To accommodate such topological

Algorithm 2 EQC Client NodeC ← Circuit TemplateQ← Connect to QPUCTranspiled ← Transpile(C,Q)

[~θ]← Parameterswhile Calculate δ`


[~θ] ← [~θ]NEW

[~θ]FWD,BCK ← [~θ], [~θ][~θ]FWD,BCK ← [~θi]± π


Job ← Submit CTranspiled([~θ])FWD,BCKP ← PCorrect(CTranspiled, QPU)if Job is Ready then|Ψ〉FWD,BCK ← Job Resultsδ`δθi

= `(|Ψ〉FWD−`(|Ψ〉BCK2

Ready( δ`δθi , PCorrect)end if

end while

constraints, extra SWAP operations are needed. With respectto noise, each QPU is substantially different. Highly connectedQPU’s suffer from cross-talk, degraded CNOT-gate fidelity andT1/T2 lifespans. As a comparison, newer architectures such asthe IBM Falcon processor are laid out in a honeycomb fashionto mitigate the cross-talk issue and reduce noise at the cost ofa lower connectivity. Nevertheless, noise still applies to eachNISQ system, and is correlated to the topological constraintsconsidering SWAPs and circuit depth.

D. Implementation Details

EQC is implemented based on two packages: Qiskit andRay. Qiskit is responsible for circuit generation, communica-tion management with IBMQ devices, and all other quantumrelated processes. Meanwhile, Ray [27] provides very flexibleand universal APIs for building distributed systems. Ray wasoriginally designed for distributive reinforcement learning.Ray.io creates remote actors generated based on Python’s classstructure, which are responsible for managing the QPU-relatedconfiguration information, and properties mentioned abovewith respect to client node responsibilities. Ray.io allows forasynchronous communication between the master node andclient nodes, through the use of ”ready” calls that indicate theclient node has a pending object to be collected. Each clientnode connects to one running, unreserved QPU by connectingto individual IBMQ backend.


As discussed, NISQ devices are extremely noisy and com-pound computational errors in a multitude of ways. Further-more, their noise models change at every calibration. Certainquantum computers are better at producing more accurateresultant probability distributions than others, due to coherentand latent system noise factors. In order to take these noisefactors into consideration for EQC, we propose to quantifyand weight the gradient based on an analytic model.

A key observation that aligns system noise (measurement,depolarization, and thermal/dephasing decay) here is that they


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0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0Calculated Error





Observed Error

12 hours since calibration

1 min since calibration


Fig. 4. Calculated Vs Observed 5-Qubit GHZ State Error. Observed errorindicates proportion of erroneous outputs, and calculated error indicates thecomputed chance of an error.

can be attributed as probabilistic events. Each quantum com-puter, when calibrated, reports the gate fidelity, measurementfidelity, gate times, state anharmonicity, and T1/T2 decayconstants. The event of the identity gate being applied (i.e. noerror) is 1−p for each gate fidelity reported. For thermal decay,the exponential mode of P (Φx,t = Φ0,t) = e−t/T1 whereΦx,t represents the probability of a decay occurring betweentime 0 and t. The probability of a error-free computationoccurring thus can be expressed as the product of possibleerrors not occurring. Therefore, we propose characterizingan entire systems quality by compounding these calibrationstatistics based probabilistic models with quantum routineproperties described below:

PCorrect = e−CD


T1T2 (1− γ)G1(1− β)G2(1− ω)M

(2)where CD refers to the critical depth of a circuit, µt−G1/2

is the average gate time of a 1 or 2 gate operator, β is theCNOT fidelity, γ is single gate fidelity, G1/2 is the number ofsingle or dual gate operations, ω is the measurement error rateand M is the number of measurements. Since this equationis a probabilistic model, it is bound by 0 ≤ PCorrect ≤ 1.Furthermore, our model benefits from being topology-aware.By incorporating dual gate count G2, topological constraintswill drive this value up due to increased SWAP gates in-creasing probability of error, thereby decreasing weights ofcomputationally consequential topologys.

To validate our analytic model, we apply a 5-qubit GHZstate onto real quantum computers and use our model topredict the probability of error. The GHZ state is characterizedby the state vector |Ψ〉 = ( 1√

2(|00...0〉+ |11....1〉). Therefore,

any results with both a 0 and 1 in the bit string have had acomputational error occur. We compute our expected PCorrectand compare with IBMQ’s QPU’s IBMQ Lima, IBMQ x2,IBMQ Belem, IBMQ Quito, IBMQ Manila and IBMQBogota in Figure 4.

As can be seen in Figure 4, a strong linear positive correla-tion is demonstrated between observed errors and PCorrectwith a R2 value of 0.605. Furthermore, we calculate thePearson correlation between our calculated errors and observed

0 10 20 30 40Hour






QPU Weight


IBMQ BelemIBMQ QuitoIBMQ CasablancaIBMQ TorontoIBMQ ManilaIBMQ BogotaIBMQ Lima

Fig. 5. QPU Weighting: Weighting system applied with weights bound[0.5, 1.5] over 7 QPU’s transpiling and computing Equation 2 over circuitillustrated in 8

errors. A correlation of 0.784 is attained with a two-tailed p-value of 1.28E-7, indicating that our results and actual errorrates are strongly statistically correlated. We observe that ourmodel was substantially better at predicting the chance of anerror closer to calibration times. As observed in Figure 4, for afreshly calibrated system we observed an error rate of 73.5%,alongside a calculated error rate of 74.0%. However, for stalercalibrations we observe an error rate of 69.0% alongside acalculated error rate of 91.9%. This was only observed oncertain machines however, with other machines not sufferingfrom the same problem of stale calibrations. We make use ofour characterizing formula by giving each worker node thejob of calculating its PCorrect at transpilation before eachcircuit induction. We make use of our model by linearlyscaling the distribution of PCorrect values to be bound bya range. This weighting system is real-time adaptive, andincorporates the transpiled cost of a circuit and the QPU’sstability. We demonstrate this in Figure 5 where a group ofIBMQ machines are bound to have weights between [0.5, 1.5].We demonstrate the ability to live adapt to noise changes,and variance in transpilation to backends that might result ininferior performance.




Device Qubits Processor QV TopologyLima 5 Falcon r4T 8 T-shape

x2 5 Falcon r4T 8 Fully-connectedBelem 5 Falcon r4T 16 T-shapeQuito 5 Falcon r4T 16 T-shape

Manila 5 Falcon r5.11L 32 LineSantiago 5 Falcon r4L 16 LineBogota 5 Falcon r4L 32 LineLagos 7 Falcon r5.11H 32 H-shape

Casablanca 7 Falcon r4H 32 H-shapeToronto 27 Falcon r4 32 Honeycomb

Manhattan 65 Falcon r4 32 Honeycomb

A. VQA Problem Settings

We comprehensively evaluate EQC using the VariationalQuantum Eigensolver optimization problem, as well as the


Page 7: EQC : Ensembled Quantum Computing for Variational Quantum

0 50 100 150 200 250Epoch

















Termination (IBMQ Manhattan)Termination (IBMQ Santiago)

Termination (IBMQ Toronto)Ground Energy

Ideal SolutionEQCIBMQx2IBMQ BogotaIBMQ CasablancaIBMQ ManhattanIBMQ SantiagoIBMQ Toronto

0 15 30 45Speed (epoch/hour)

IBMQ ManhattanIBMQ SantiagoIBMQ TorontoIBMQ Bogota

IBMQ CasablancaIBMQx2


Fig. 6. 4-Qubit Heisenberg model on a square lattice. Termination represents an experiment being terminated beyond 2-weeks of running time. Error barsare present for EQC and the Ideal Solution. Independent machine training is represented by a machine name in the legend.

Client NodeIBMQ-Bogota

Transpiles for IBMQ-Bogota

Calculates 𝑃 &ℓ

Master Node

Global Parameters

Ideal Circuit Topology

Client Node IBMQ-Belem


10 Client Nodes IBMQ-Belem

Fig. 7. Experimental Setup

Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm. The exper-imental setup is illustrated in Figure 7. We use up to 10IBMQ machines in deploying and evaluating our system, listedin Table I. In total, our evaluations for this work comprise∼500,000 circuit executions on IBMQ devices.

B. Variational Quantum Eigensolver Evaluation

The target problem is an application to quantum magnetism,whereby we perform the minimization of a 4-qubit Heisenbergmodel Hamiltonian on a square lattice [22]. The Hamiltonianis described by:

H = J∑(i,j)

(XiXj + YiYj + ZiZj) +B∑i

Zi (3)

where J refers to the spin-spin strength and B is the magneticfield along the Z-axis. We evaluate the Hamiltonian that hasJ/B = J = B = 1, the same experiment as alreadydemonstrated in [22], which provides a reliable baseline (i.e.,ground energy) for verifying the convergence. The 4-qubitsquare lattice results can be represented as a graph withV = [1, 2, 3, 4] and edges E = [(1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4), (1, 4)].We make use of a hardware-efficient ansatz comprised of alinearly entangled full-bloch sphere rotation style circuit. Theparameterized circuit is visualized in Figure 8, composed of





𝑅 (𝜃)

𝑅 (𝜃)

𝑅 (𝜃)

𝑅 (𝜃)








4-Qubit Trainable Circuit

𝑅 (𝜃)

𝑅 (𝜃)

𝑅 (𝜃)

𝑅 (𝜃)

𝑅 (𝜃)

𝑅 (𝜃)

𝑅 (𝜃)

𝑅 (𝜃)

𝑅 (𝜃)

𝑅 (𝜃)

𝑅 (𝜃)

𝑅 (𝜃)

Fig. 8. 4-Qubit VQE Circuit. X gates connected to another qubit representCNOT gates. M gates represent measurements.

RY , RZ and CNOT gates. This circuit design exploits a fullbloch-sphere rotation in the initial two gate layers of RY andRZ gates, manipulating both phase and probability amplitudes.This is followed by each qubit being linearly entangled withone and other (i.e. CNOT(1,2), CNOT(2,3), ... (CNOT(n-1,n)),followed by another two layers of gates RY and RZ . This issimilarly motivated to the circuit design used in [22]. We makeuse of parameterized differentiation according to the ASGDupdate rule at a learning rate (α) of 0.1. To incorporate nodeweighting, we make use of Equation 4.

θt+1i = θti − PCorrectαg

τ (θτi ) (4)

C. VQE Unweighted Performance Evaluation

We show how EQC can contribute to noise-mitigationand machine-bias mitigation, while gaining significant per-formance improvement over single-machine optimization. Theprimary results are shown in Figure 6. We show the optimiza-tion process of minimizing the system energy as described inEquation 3 for over 250 epochs. The ideal learnt ground stateis illustrated at −4.0 a.u. (as validated in [22]). We furtherillustrate the average single machine speed in comparisonto EQC. We evaluate the optimization of our system on an


Page 8: EQC : Ensembled Quantum Computing for Variational Quantum

ideal quantum simulator using 8192 shots with an averageconvergence point of 80 epochs over 10 experiments. Thisserves as the baseline as plotted in Figure 6. Notably, thestandard deviation is plotted, however the value is negligibleand hence is difficult to see on the plot. We further run theoptimization problem once over 6 single IBMQ machines,each attempting to train the system on their own independentof each other. The optimization task is run once on singlemachines due to severe time costs of single-machine VQEtraining.

Overall, IBMQ x2 is shown to be the slowest at convergingwith an approximate convergence at 175 epochs, a 118.75%increase in the number of epochs to converge. The relativelyslow convergence is attributed to IBMQ x2’s older topologicalarchitecture and high degree of crosstalk, therefore beingsubstantially more error prone. In comparison, for IBMQBogota, we observe convergence substantially quicker atepoch 122, 52.5% slower than an ideal simulator. Certainexperiments were infeasible to complete, where in IBMQManhattans, running a 250-epoch 16-parameter VQE requiresat the order of months to train, with our current expectationbeing 193 days. Similarly, Santiago would be on the order ofweeks, with our approximation being 21 days. These numbersare also susceptible to large time-dependent fluctuations, withToronto fluctuating from 6.553 epochs per hour to 0.033epochs per hour over our entire training period.

Due to these large swings in performance, we terminatecertain experiments which had not finished after 2 weeksof training, as seen in Figure 6. IBMQ Casablanca wassubstantially more performant at an average performance of6.767 epochs per hour, hence only a run time of 36.944 hours,and converging at epoch 130. Although Casablanca was mostperformant initially in the epochs between 0 and 130, weobserve the machine becoming unstable until epoch 215 whereit stabilizes back at the ground energy. This is an exampleof time dependent drift whereby the machine becomes noisierover time, and the learned parameters are biased, compensatingfor this noise, and avoiding the actual optimal solution.

As demonstrated, two key factors that are observed in asingle machine training: machine throughput and machinestability, which are highly variable with time.

We evaluate the same problem on EQC, as represented inFigure 6. We observe an average speed of 46.701 epochsper hour when using our system over 10 IBMQ machines.The fastest IBMQ machine is IBMQ x2, performs at a rateof 9.011 epochs per hour. With EQC providing a worst-case improvement of 518%. We train our system on EQC 3times and illustrate the standard deviation at each epoch onFigure 6. EQC converges at epoch 135, 69% slower than anideal simulator. This is substantially better than the noisiestmachine IBMQ x2, which also is the fastest machine andhence contributed the largest throughput to EQC. One ofour key insights that we demonstrate is the ensemble noisemitigation and machine-bias mitigation of EQC. With EQCbeing an ensemble of QPU’s each with their own machinespecific noise profile the problem of large machine-induced

0 50 100 150 200 250Epochs















gy (


Ground Energy

Ideal SolutionWeights 0.75-1.25Weights 0.50-1.50Weights 0.25-1.75No weighting system

0.0 0.5 1.0Error (%)

Weights 0.75-1.25

Weights 0.50-1.50

Weights 0.25-1.75

No weighting system

Fig. 9. 4-Qubit Heisenberg Weighted QPU Results. Results from EQC areevaluated using the update rule in eqn-4, where no weights equates to w = 1.Error (%) represents average error rate relative to ground energy of -4.0 a.u.

bias is dampened inherently through the mixture, i.e., anensemble of averaged noise.

Quantum processors tend to have time dependent drift fromthe ideal parameters. For example, Casablanca converges thefastest, however drifts from the ideal solution after conver-gence, as shown in Figure 6.This dampening is demonstratedby the final average converged energy of each system. Withan ideal ground energy of −4.0, the error of a system isthe average of the obtained ground energy divided by theideal ground energy. The deviation from ground state error isvisualized in Figure 1-right. As can be seen, EQC attains anerror rate of 0.379%, whereas IBMQ x2 attains an error rateof 1.798%, Bogota 0.865%, and Casablanca 4.6%. We can seethat EQC attains the closest result to the ideal solution whencompared with training on single machines, implying that theensemble can mitigate device-specific noise.

D. VQE Client Node Weighting Evaluation

We evaluate EQC against two different weighting strategies,and compare them to baseline (i.e., no weighting) and the idealsimulation result. As shown in Figure 9, the application of ourweighting model can allow for an improvement in the rateof convergence. The weighting system operates by taking themaximum PCorrect, and the minimum PCorrect and linearlynormalizing the values to the set weight bound. As a concreteexample, to weight a system of values between 0.5 − 1.5,the PCorrect values over all client nodes are normalized andshifted +0.5. In the case of a modest scaling factor between0.5 − 1.5, we observe a convergence at 115 epochs, againstthe regular 140 epochs, resulting in a 17.858% speedup. Inthe case of 0.25−1.75, the speedup is even further improved,converging at the same time as the ideal solution at 80 epochs,a 75% speedup. In evaluating 0.75 − 1.25 we notice animprovement in convergence when comparing with 0.5− 1.5and no weights, with convergence at 105 epochs. With respectto converged error rate, we plot this information within the subfigure of Figure 9. As illustrated, utilizing a weighting systemof 0.25-1.75 increases error by 0.33%. However, utilizing


Page 9: EQC : Ensembled Quantum Computing for Variational Quantum

weights of 0.50 − 1.50 allowed for the system to converge0.49% closer to the ground energy, and 0.37% closer withweights 0.75 − 1.25. Increasing range of weights allows forlarger steps in parameter updates, which can cause problemsof converging on local-minima due to step size being toolarge. Continuing the discussion on machine-bias mitigation,the introduction of weighting further improves the ability ofour system to dampen quantum machine noise at real time.Given that we calculate our weight based on noise statistics,any time dependent drift will lower the impact of the quantummachine. Any machine that tends away from being performantwill be trusted less and less, until it is calibrated back to abetter noise standard. This benefit is very similar to that ofboosting in classical machine learning, where better resultsare amplified and gradually dominate.

E. Quantum Aproximate Optimization Algorithm

In this section, we demonstrate the Quantum ApproximateOptimization Algorithm (QAOA) using a MaxCut problem.QAOA is a quantum algorithm that is used for approximatingsolutions for combinatorial optimization problems, e.g. Max-Cut. In our example, we demonstrate the MaxCut problem overthe same graph structure discussed prior with V = [1, 2, 3, 4]and E = [(1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4), (1, 4)]. Given a graph G(V,E),where |V | = n and with undirected edge weights of wi,j > 0,the MaxCut problem optimizes towards the partitioning nodesinto two sets, such that the number of edges E connecting twonodes Vi and Vj from different subsets is maximized. This isformalized in the characteristic Equation 5.

C(x) =∑i,j

wi,jxi(1− xj) (5)

Where, in Equation 5, xi is the group of node i, and xj isthe group of node j. Translating this optimization problemto a diagonal Hamiltonian such that it can be optimized viavariational quantum algorithms, it can be mapped as a sumover the edge set E.

C(x) =∑


(xi(1− xj) + xj(1− xi)) (6)

Equation 6 is mapped to a spin Hamiltonian, where xi =1−Zi

2 , as well as swapped from a maximization to a mini-mization problem, resulting in Equation 7

H = −∑



2(1− ZjZk) (7)

We employ this optimization problem over the graph discussedprior on the IBMQ machines Toronto, Santiago, Quito,Lima, Casablanca, Bogota, Manila and Belem bothindependently and utilizing the EQC framework. The circuittrained is illustrated in Figure 10, and is motivated by thedesign outlined in the original QAOA paper [15]. In thiscircuit, a total of 2 parameters are to be optimized, whilstmaking use of 8 asynchronous systems. In this experiment,we demonstrate the ability of our system to converge withreduced ground state errors at a substantially higher training













4-Qubit Trainable Circuit


𝛽 𝛽


𝑅 (𝛼 )

𝑅 (𝛼 )

𝑅 (𝛼 )

𝑅 (𝛼 )

Fig. 10. 4-Qubit QAOA Circuit. Connected dots represent ZZ gates param-eterized by β. RX represent rotations around the X-axis by parameter α. Hrepresents Hadamard gates. M gates represent measurements.

0 10 20 30 40 50Iteration







MaxCut Cost

IBMQ BelemIBMQ BogotaIBMQ CasablancaIBMQ LimaIBMQ Manila

IBMQ QuitoIBMQ SantiagoIBMQ TorontoEQC Unweighted

Fig. 11. 4-Node Unweighted Graph MaxCut Optimization. Shaded regionsrepresent error over 3 experiment runs. Speed represents system data through-put. Graph illustrates comparison between IBMQ independent machines andan unweighted EQC system

performance over single machines, highlighting our noisedampening and system throughput contribution.

We illustrate the optimization process in Figure 11. EQCconverges under similar iterations when compared with theindependent quantum processors. Due to experiment run times,there is variation in day to day performance, which can leadto difficulty in directly comparing systems. As a concreteexample, Toronto trains over multiple days, with multiplecalibration cycles, whereas Belem can can complete training inone hour. EQC performs at a speed of 135,510.2% faster thanthe slowest IBMQ machine and 322.4% faster than the fastestmachine. With respect to converged performance with systemweighting, we compare the best solutions presented by ourmodels in Figure 12. As can be seen, by applying a weightingsystem based on system quality, the model converges quickerthan without, and to a lower final MaxCut cost. Withoutweighting, EQC attains convergence second to worst, onlybeating out IBMQ Casablanca. However, by applying ourweighting schema, EQC is able to attain solutions close tothat of the top 3 IBMQ machines and outperform manyworse machines. Weighting approaches improved solutionsby 2.863% for a 0.5-1.5 weighting, and 2.343% for a 0.25-1.75 weighting. In comparison, using the best machine ofIBMQ Quito was a 4.786% improvement over unweightedEQC. This evidence acts as a strong support for EQC inbolstering distributed quantum computing performance withsystem-calibration based management.


Page 10: EQC : Ensembled Quantum Computing for Variational Quantum

0 10 20 30 40 50Iteration








tNo weighting systemWeights 0.50-1.50Weights 0.25-1.75

0.740.720.700.680.660.640.620.60MaxCut Cost

IBMQ CasablancaEQC Unweighted

IBMQ LimaIBMQ BogotaIBMQ Belem

IBMQ ManilaWeights 0.25-1.75

Weights 0.5-1.5IBMQ SantiagoIBMQ Toronto

IBMQ Quito

Fig. 12. 4-Node Unweighted Graph MaxCut Optimization. Shaded regions represent error over 3 experiment runs. Minimum MaxCut Cost represents thelowest MaxCut cost attained. Graph illustrates comparison between unweighted EQC and weighted EQC system.


EQC has proven to provide a substantial speedup in trainingvariational quantum routines whilst providing a framework forreal time noise dampening. By viewing multiple QPUs as anensemble, we are able to weight QPUs with lower confidence,when they are trapped in a noisy condition, and increase theconfidence when they are recovered or calibrated. A goodexample is the training of VQE on IBMQ-Casablanca.IBMQ-Casablanca was able to train faster than any otherQPUs on IBMQ, as shown in Figure 6. However, it divergesafter being converged for about 20 epochs due to the increas-ingly deleterious running condition of the machine. For singlemachine execution, such an impact is inevitable. However,in an ensemble situation, the noise would be recognized anddampened, thereby mitigating this problem. This fluctuatingcondition of QPU performance highlights the necessity ofour ensemble-method for today’s erroneous and noisy NISQdevices. Additionally, with our weighting system further ap-plied, it is possible to ensemble many noisy quantum machinesalongside a few well-behaved QPUs to create a virtualizedquantum device with both high-fidelity and high-performance.


Understanding quantum device running behavior and mit-igating the errors through algorithms, compilation and archi-tectural approaches is undoubtedly necessary for the successof QC in the NISQ era.

Regarding the characterization of NISQ devices, Patel et al.[32] profile the error and execution time of the IBMQ NISQdevices through benchmarkings and draw nine interestingobservations. Cross et al. [11] define ”quantum volume”,which quantifies the largest random circuit of equal widthand depth that a NISQ device can successfully implement,concerning both gate and SPAM errors. Murali et al [29]characterize the crosstalk noise of IBMQ devices throughrandom benchmarking, and propose compiler techniques to

mitigate the crosstalk impact. Sun and Geller [40] characterizethe SPAM error of IBMQ and Rigetti platforms.

Regarding the error mitigation techniques, Tannu et al. [43]observe that the same qubit mapping is often reused for allcircuit execution trials, leading to correlated error associatedwith a certain mapping being amplified to give the incorrectresults. Motivated by the concept of diversity, they proposean ensemble of diverse mappings (EDM) for different trialsof QC execution to avoid the dominance of single error type.Our work is analogous in that we also attempt to alleviateNISQ error through mixture. However, we focus on device-specific bias, and leverage multi-devices simultaneously forVQA training, significantly speedup the execution. Patel andTiwari [33] focus on estimating correct output from rawerroneous outputs of the NISQ devices through statisticalmethods. Comparatively, we propose a weighting system toregularize the gradient from the multiple backends based ontheir device properties and runtime conditions.

Regarding the acceleration and scaling of NISQ-based QC,Li et al. [24] focus on VQE, and present an application-compiler-hardware codesign for QC program compressionwith little loss of accuracy. Additionally, they tailor thecompiler and architecture according to the problem’s Paulistrings, greatly reducing the execution overhead. Patel etal. [33] proposes VERITAS, a distributed quantum comput-ing framework for estimating correct outputs of quantumroutines, which can provide substantially useful to single-output-distribution algorithms or tasks on quantum computers.Tang et al. [42] introduce CutQC, which can decomposea large quantum circuit into several pieces which can thenbe evaluated on small-scale NISQ devices. The probabilitydistribution of the subcircuits are collected for reconstructingthe original distribution. Gokhale et al. [18] aim at acceleratingpulse generation for VQA. They propose to pregenerate theoptimal pulses for certain blocks of gate tailored towards VQAcircuits, serving as partial compilation for accelerating the


Page 11: EQC : Ensembled Quantum Computing for Variational Quantum

classical GRAPE [17] based machine control pulse generation.Britt and Humble [5] investigate the potential architecturaldesign choices, such as CPU/QPU interconnection, for QPU-integrated HPC. Finally, Das et al. [13] propose to multi-program the same NISQ devices for enhancing NISQ deviceutilization. In order to mitigate the possible interference, threetechniques are presented: picking up the reliable regions;unifying the circuit length; monitoring the reliability anddisable multi-programming if necessary. All these techniques,however, are perpendicular to EQC and can be integratedto further mitigate NISQ error, promote utilization rate, andaccelerate VQA training speed. For example, if an advanceddevice (e.g. IBMQ Toronto) can sustain more than oneVQA circuit simultaneously, multiple jobs can be distributed tothe same backend device for co-execution, further improvingthe training speed and system utilization.


The field of adaptive ensembled quantum computing hasnot been tackled in literature to the best of our knowledge.We present the first framework for adaptive quantum ensemblefor more accurate and faster VQA training. Our system is byno means the perfect solution, but serves as a promising startto the idea of ensembled quantum computing (EQC) wherevarious homogeneous or heterogeneous quantum devices cancooperate on a single quantum computing application, harvest-ing improved accuracy and superior performance.


To show that EQC can converge, we first make the followingassumptions:

(I): The loss function ` must be a differentiable functionwith ` : Rd 7→ R, based on the expectation values of observ-ables 〈Oi〉 from the quantum routine; (II): The applicationcircuit must be in some part comprised of variational gateswith some measurements performed, which means

`([~θ]) = `(〈ψ(~θ)|O1 |ψ(~θ)〉 , . . . , 〈ψ(~θ)|Om |ψ(~θ)〉)

for quantum states |ψ(~θ)〉 that are produced using the varia-tional circuit for parameters ~θ ∈ Rd is from a fiducial inputstate |0〉; (III): The loss function should be easily computableon a classical computer, and we assume its cost is negligiblecompared to the time required to estimate 〈ψ(~θ)|Oi |ψ(~θ)〉.

Under these assumptions, we show that our asynchronousEQC system can converge. This proof is motivated by existingworks [30], [41]. If the system is parameterized by [~θ], θ ⊆Rd,and some cost function ` :Rd → R, and optimized throughstochastic gradient descent rule:

θt+1i = θti − αgt(θti) (8)

where gt is an unbiased gradient estimator for the vari-able θi, and hence E(gt(θti)) = ∇`(θti). Let’s assume` is based on a classical observable taking the form of:`([~θ], 〈O1〉[~θ], 〈O2〉[~θ], ..., 〈Oi〉[~θ]) where 〈Oi〉[~θ] is the ex-pected value of Oi generated from the circuit parameterized by

[~θ]. Without losing generality, we assume that for all param-eters in [~θ], the unbiased estimator of the partial derivativewith respect to θi is calculated using the parameter shiftrule δ`

δθi= r[`(θi + π

4r − `(θi − π4r )] where for common

operators such as RX , RY , RZ , r = 1/2. We assume that thesystem is measuring in a basis comprised of two orthonormaleigenvectors as required by the parameter shift rule, e.g.,measuring against |0〉 and |1〉.

Since evaluating the exact expectation values from quantumapplications becomes rapidly infeasible, we use the samplingmean estimator 〈oi〉 of the output 〈Oi〉. We assume sufficientsamples are taken such that 〈oi〉 = 〈Oi〉, and can be used asan unbiased estimator.

Given that we will operate on each parameter ε times, andthat the probability that parameter θi fails to be differentiatedat any point is p , the probability for a sequence of successesand failures can be expressed as:

PSetting = (1− p)ε−npn (9)

Based on this, the probability of all possible combinations offailures and successes with a set number of failures is:

Pn−failures =ε!

(ε− n)!n!(1− p)ε−npn (10)

The probability of the parameter failing n times or less is:

P =



(ε− j)!j!(1− p)ε−j(pε) (11)

If p is reasonably small, and ε is sufficiently large as in ourcase, we can see that with p→ 0, ε→∞, P → 0.

We now discuss the asynchronous SGD. In our case, giventhe significant difference in QPU execution time, we need torely on the asynchronous gradient descent update rule:

θt+1i = θti − αgτ (θτi ) (12)

where τ ≤ t and t − τ is equivalent to the time delay of thegradient. We assume the stepsize α is non-increasing, and thetime delay t−τ is bounded by some unknown positive integerD such that the model is only a partially asynchronous method[3]. Consequently, the EQC optimization process follows equaldistribution of parameter optimization, as all of the parametersare optimized an equal number of times by cycling over eachparameter sequentially, where the system operates on eachparameter 1, 2, ...,m and repeats starting from 1 again afteroperating on m. Furthermore, given a sequence obtained bysampling from the cyclic sequence, we denote the sequenceused in calculating the updated parameters as π(t). Therefore,for some positive integer T, we maintain the validity of|π(t) − t| ≤ T for ∀t = 1, 2, ... (i.e. the asynchronous natureof the system.)

Let’s assume the the gradients are bound by a limit of Cwhich means ||g|| ≤ C, ∀g ⊆ δ`

δθ∀θ. Therefore, the expecta-tions of quantum systems are strictly bound by 0 ≤ 〈O〉 ≤ 1and requiring `(〈O〉) to be bound, hence ||g|| is bounded. Wefurther argue that the difference between updated parameterscalculated from time τ on parameters at time t is bounded


Page 12: EQC : Ensembled Quantum Computing for Variational Quantum

by D such that |t − τ | ≤ D, ∀t = 0, 1, 2, ..., etc. Then withrespect to [30], it can be shown that, if `∗ = −∞,


`([~θ]) = −∞ (13)

otherwise, if `∗ is finite:


`([~θ]) = `∗ +mC2(1

2+m+ 2D + T )α (14)

where `∗ is the optimal solution to the objective function,which demonstrates the convergence.


This material is based upon work supported by the U.S.Department of Energy, Office of Science, National QuantumInformation Science Research Centers, Co-design Center forQuantum Advantage (C2QA) under contract number DE-SC0012704. Bo Peng and Karol Kowalski were supportedby the ”Embedding QC into Many-body Frameworks forStrongly Correlated Molecular and Materials Systems” project,which is funded by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office ofScience, Office of Basic Energy Sciences (BES), the Divisionof Chemical Sciences, Geosciences, and Biosciences. Bo Pengalso acknowledged the support by the U.S. Department ofEnergy, Office of Science, National Quantum InformationScience Research Centers. The Pacific Northwest NationalLaboratory is operated by Battelle for the U.S. Departmentof Energy under contract DE-AC05-76RL01830.


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