EPSF Student Exchange Information Pack (2009-2010)

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  • 8/7/2019 EPSF Student Exchange Information Pack (2009-2010)


  • 8/7/2019 EPSF Student Exchange Information Pack (2009-2010)


    Student Exchange information Pack

    The Egyptian Pharmaceutical Students` Federation welcomes you in Egypt and hopes you spend a

    wonderful time that youll remember for the rest of your life.Of course you have read about Egypt, surfed the internet to find as much data as possible, but this

    information pack gives you the most important and the to the point data you will need during your


    Its important to read it carefully as it includes very useful information youll need to know about


    Weather:Throughout Egypt, days are commonly worm or hot, and nights are chilly and cool.Egypt has only 2 seasons: a mild winter from November to April and a hot summer from May to

    October. Humidity tends to be very low.

    Here is some major cities' average temperature:

    Cairo Alexandria Luxor & Aswan Sharm El Sheikh The Oasis

    Summer 35 C 32 C 40 C 37 C 45 C

    Winter 20 C 19 C 25 C 24 C 22 C

    General Information

    Geography:North east of Africa. The joint of 2continents; Africa and Asia. There are 2 deserts:

    the Eastern Desert from the Nile to the Red Sea

    and the Western Desert, separated from the

    Sahara by sandstone and limestone highlands. The

    Sinai Peninsula separates Africa and Asia and is

    bordered by the Gulf of Aqaba on the east and the

    Gulf of Suez on the west.

    Local Time : +2 GMT in winter, +3 GMT in summerInternational Dialing code : 00202Egyptian weekend :Friday and SaturdayElectric current : 220 voltEmergency Numbers :

    oPolice 122oAmbulance 123oTourist Police 126oTelephone Directory 140Average currency Exchange rate : oEuro = 8 L.E. "Egyptian Pound"oDollar = 5.5 L.E.

    Country language : Arabic

  • 8/7/2019 EPSF Student Exchange Information Pack (2009-2010)


    Population:Egypt population is about 72.6million (2006 census) living mostly along the

    River Nile banks.

    About 23 million of them live in Cairo, the capital,

    and this makes it the biggest city in the Middle

    East and Africa.

    Language:the main language of Egypt is Arabic,but you will find multi-lingual services in hotels,

    tour leaders and tour guides. English and French

    are widely understood by the educated classes.

    oNumbers:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    Wahed Etnin Talata Arba'a Khamsa Sitta Saba'a Tamania Tesa'a A'ashra

    oUseful Arabic phrases:Hello / Welcome :AhlanGood bye :SalamGood morning :Sabah El Kheir

    Good Evening :Misaa El Kheir

    How are you? :EzayakHow can I go to ? :Ezay arooh le ?How much does it coast? :Bekam da?Egyptian Pound :GeneihI'm sorry :Ana assefPlease / Excuse me :Law samaht Thank you :ShokranMy name is :Ana ismi Number :RaqamOk :MashyStreet :Shara`What time is it? :El Sa`a kam?Where is ? :Fein el ?What is this? :Eih da?

  • 8/7/2019 EPSF Student Exchange Information Pack (2009-2010)


    Transportation:8 ways oftransportation are available in Egypt Airplanes, Trains, Nile Boats& Crossers, Buses, Minibuses, Microbuses, Taxis and Underground.

    Public buses are not recommended because they are so crowded. Air-conditioned buses tickets

    cost about 2.5 EGB. Taxi may cost you 5 EGB average distances, it may be as expensive as 30

    EGB when moving across Cairo between 2 far places.

    Underground ticket costs 1 EGB from any place to any place in Cairo. Underground stations are

    present almost in all big cities and streets in Cairo.

    Cairo central railway station (Mahattet Masr) Cairo Underground

    History:to talk about the history of Egypt, I need tons of books and no enough space here toeven summarize it.So I'll make it your homework until you come to Egypt.

    General safety

    Egypt is generally safe and locals are extremely friendly and accommodating, but as one would any

    where take simple precautions, don`t draw too much attention to jewellery, your wallet or camera


    Keep your important travel documents safe and keep emergency, tourist police, SEO and coordinators

    numbers handy.

    Egyptians are generally helpful people and will always stop to help or answer questions should you

    encounter a problem.

    Dealing with cultural customs

    Depending of what type of people you are around, the situation between man and women in Egypt

    can be somewhat delicate.

    When unsure of situation, opt for a more reserved introduction when greeting the opposite sex, like a

    simple Ahlan. Be friendly, but aware that in some more traditional surroundings some families canconsider friendliness to or from a woman to be breach etiquette. Greeting some one of the same

    gender however does allow for a kiss on each cheek.

    Offer this greeting to the opposite gender only if it is a relative or some one you know well.

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    Students in Mohammed Ali's Mosque and the Citadel


    In Arabic, Tipping called Baksheesh and although not obligatory, it is expected in most of situations.

    There is no standard amount one should tip, however baggage handlers, taxi drivers, waiters or

    packing attendants can be tipped anywhere between 5 L.E. and 10 L.E. depending on the quality of

    service and location. When in restaurant, tipping 10% should be sufficient.

    The social program

    Extensive social program is organized by the exchange team inside and outside Cairo.

    General clothing

    Breathing ability is the key to successful travel clothing. With casual, comfortable and loose-fitting

    garments you will be able to manage your hot days.

    Modest clothing, for both men and women, are generally recommended. Comfortable walking shoes

    are essential. The general clothing instructions are meant to render you comfortable wandering in


    Clothing in the hospital

    You should wear your white coat. Necklaces and earrings for boys are not preferred. Modest

    conservative attitude is highly appreciated as a thing of respect to the Egyptian culture.

    Dress code for sightseeing

    When sightseeing in Egypt, one should dress appropriately in

    more conservative surroundings.

    Whilst visiting religious sites such as churches and mosques,

    it is recommended that your attire be respectful of the

    situation, appropriate clothing involves little skin showing,

    legs and shoulders in particular.

    Outside of religious setting however locals are used to

    tourists and have no problem with different types of


    Don`t forget to wear comfortable shoes that can be easily


  • 8/7/2019 EPSF Student Exchange Information Pack (2009-2010)


    What to bring?

    These things are important to bring to make the trip a great one and to avoid any small details that

    may bug you...

    oWhite coat.oYour student ID.oYour swimming suit.oPocket money.oA sport shoe suitable for climbing a mountain & comfortable sandals.o

    Lip palm, an umbrella and a hat are important in summer as the Egyptian sun may be


    Student Identification Card:

    Don't forget your Student Identification Card or the ISIC card with you and the card should be valid for

    the current year to get the huge discounts for the tickets in entering most of the historical places.

    How much money to bring with you?

    It is recommended that you bring 400 Euros for the trips

    and another 400 for all of your expenses in this month. You

    can bring all of your money in cash or part of it in cash andpart in your visa card. It is recommended that you should

    bring a visa card with you to keep money for emergent

    situations and also if you needed your family to send you

    more money.

    Egyptian Banknotes:

  • 8/7/2019 EPSF Student Exchange Information Pack (2009-2010)


    How will be the accommodation?In a 3 Stars hotel located in the heart of CairoDowntown, Directly in front of the Egyptian Museum

    & about 15 minute by taxi to the hospital (along the Nile

    river), with an amazing panoramic view of the Nile.

    Students will stay in double, triple or quadruple air-

    conditioned rooms with private bathrooms.

    Hostel Facilities:

    Free Towels, Linen, Luggage Storage, Internet access,

    safety deposit box & free kitchen facilities, Restaurant,

    Laundry, Telephone/ Fax Facilities, 24 Hour Reception,

    Travel Desk/Travel Info.

    Your accommodation in Cairo is provided by the EPSF.

    The food:

    You will be served breakfast by the hostel during the

    training & social program all the days of your stay in


    The Desert trip Oasis for 3 days & cruise in the Nile for

    4 days are full board; Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner, for

    Hurgada breakfast and dinner are served, and for the

    hotel in Dahab breakfast is served.

    Common questions

    Are the internship and Hostel paid by the organization?Yes, EPSF covers the accommodation in Cairo and transportation from and to the airport and

    also from and to the training places.

    Will there be any other students in a period that I`m?There will be about 10 non Egyptian pharmacy students and many Egyptian pharmacy students

    and most probably you will meet with medical exchange students.

    Will there be any tours organized in July?Of course, the tours are the most interesting of the program; we arrange two trips, the mega

    trip which covers the Pyramids, Alexandria, the Oasis, Luxor & Aswan and Hurgada. There is

    another trip also to Dahab. You can have a look on the cities from Wikipedia:






    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dakhla_Oasis http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luxor






  • 8/7/2019 EPSF Student Exchange Information Pack (2009-2010)


    Designed by:

    Khaled MostafaEPSF Chairperson of Publications 2009-10

    For any comments about the design [email protected]

    Where will my internship take place?You will have training for a week in Children Cancer Hospital; you can know more about it from

    the following linkhttp://www.57357.com/Default.aspx?tabid=138&language=en

    Also two visits to multinational factories & one visit to community pharmacy to touch the

    differences in the pharmacy practice between Egypt and other countries.

    Outings cost?

    It will vary according to the outing and according to your expenditure but mostly it's been

    between 2 Euros and 7 Euros.

    You can also see this promotional file for more information



    Who will pick me up from the airport?One of the coordination team will be responsible to

    pick you up from the air port and ensure your check

    in the hotel, in the air port you will find him standing

    with a paper in which you will see EPSF logo, Student

    Exchange Program logo & your name, Please fill inthis table:



    And ensure the right information and dates, times of

    arrival so that we will be able to contact you and pick

    you from the airport.

    Finally, don`t hesitate to ask about any thing, Here is the EPSF SEO`s contacts...Email: [email protected]

    MSN Messenger:[email protected]

    Mob Phone no. : (002) 011 95 111 80

    EPSF Website: http://www.e-psf.org

    and remember in EPSF SEP, you`re always welcome.

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